Code Synonym (Source) Canonical String (IPCMR Concept Code) IPCMR Description
RPID1 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3824-0689) ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis angiography wo+w iv (3824-0689)
RPID10 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct le angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lower extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4641-1078)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5230-2732)
ct lower extremity angiography wo+w iv (4641-1078)
ct lower extremity right angiography wo+w iv (5230-2732)
RPID100 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography heart congenital disease without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio heart cong dx wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart congenital disease without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart cong dx wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart congenital disease without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart cong dx wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (2021-7715) ct chest heart angiography wo+w iv disease congenital (2021-7715)
RPID1000 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (4114-4165)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0390-4303)
ct chest 3d angiography w iv (4114-4165)
ct chest 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (0390-4303)
RPID1001 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (1975-0427)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2719-9600)
ct chest 3d angiography wo+w iv (1975-0427)
ct chest 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (2719-9600)
RPID1002 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (6014-7933)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2701-7813)
ct abdomen chest 3d angiography wo+w iv (6014-7933)
ct abdomen chest 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (2701-7813)
RPID1003 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfusion without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (8714-5731) ct head perfusion wo+w iv (8714-5731)
RPID1004 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8509-3667) ct head neck angiography w iv (8509-3667)
RPID1005 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9872-6170) ct head neck angiography wo+w iv (9872-6170)
RPID1006 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4962-4474) ct brain head neck angiography wo+w iv (4962-4474)
RPID1007 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9365-1374) ct brain cspine head angiography w iv (9365-1374)
RPID1008 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck 3d image angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck 3d imaging processing angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck 3d image angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck 3d imaging processing angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck 3d image angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck 3d imaging processing angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (4428-7811)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (4575-9155)
ct brain head neck 3d angiography wo+w iv (4428-7811)
ct brain head neck 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (4575-9155)
RPID1009 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3734-9977)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (3369-1916)
ct brain head 3d angiography wo+w iv (3734-9977)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (3369-1916)
RPID101 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9711-4170) ct chest coronary artery calciumscore wo iv (9711-4170)
RPID1010 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and spine without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd spine trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen spine trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and spine without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd spine trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen spine trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and spine without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd spine trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen spine trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (2372-9694) ct abdomen spine wo iv trauma (2372-9694)
RPID1011 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9219-0846) ct abdomen chest neck pelvis angiography w iv (9219-0846)
RPID1012 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (0681-3526)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0329-6448)
ct neck 3d angiography wo+w iv (0681-3526)
ct neck 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (0329-6448)
RPID1013 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8335-8389) ct abdomen pancreas angiography wo+w iv (8335-8389)
RPID1014 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (4899-4909)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (3949-1609)
ct pelvis 3d angiography w iv (4899-4909)
ct pelvis 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (3949-1609)
RPID1015 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8082-0117) ct abdomen kidney angiography wo+w iv (8082-0117)
RPID1016 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3240-0118) ct lower extremity upper extremity angiography w iv (3240-0118)
RPID1017 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0817-0027) ct lower extremity upper extremity angiography wo+w iv (0817-0027)
RPID1018 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1412-0503) ct upper extremity angiography wo+w iv (1412-0503)
RPID1019 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (9938-9464)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3475-2155)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0077-1521)
ct chest coronary artery 3d arteriography w iv (3475-2155)
ct chest coronary artery 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (9938-9464)
ct chest coronary artery 3d postprocessing arteriography w iv (0077-1521)
RPID102 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of structure and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography heart structure morphology without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio heart struct morph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of structure and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart structure morphology without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart struct morph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of structure and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart structure morphology without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart struct morph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3853-5755)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT struct
ct chest heart angiography wo+w iv (3853-5755)
RPID1020 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (8778-1423) ct abdomen pelvis lowdose w iv (8778-1423)
RPID1021 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4198-3792)
Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6618-9544)
Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0397-4857)
ct pulmonary vein angiography venography w iv (4198-3792)
ct pulmonary vein arteriography venography w iv (6618-9544)
ct pulmonary vein venography w iv (0397-4857)
RPID1022 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5592-8516)
Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0844-6131)
Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0231-5310)
ct angiography venography w iv (5592-8516)
ct arteriography venography w iv (0844-6131)
ct venography w iv (0231-5310)
RPID1023 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine c spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (1757-4546) ct cspine lspine tspine myelography (1757-4546)
RPID1024 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst t spine c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1655-6392) ct chest cspine lspine tspine wo iv (1655-6392)
RPID1025 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine c spine l spine 3d image wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine 3d imaging processing without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine l spine 3d image wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine 3d imaging processing without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine l spine 3d image wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine 3d imaging processing without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (4651-9096)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2616-3214)
ct cspine lspine tspine 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (2616-3214)
ct cspine lspine tspine 3d wo+w iv (4651-9096)
RPID1026 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (6760-1682)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (4122-4761)
ct lspine w ithecal myelography (6760-1682)
ct lspine w iv myelography (4122-4761)
RPID1027 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest upper extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ue veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest upper extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ue veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest upper extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ue veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9965-0457) ct chest upper extremity venography w iv (9965-0457)
RPID1028 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image veno brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing venography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image veno brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing venography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image veno brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing venography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (8095-9468)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (4079-5423)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing venography wo+w iv (4079-5423)
ct brain head 3d venography wo+w iv (8095-9468)
RPID1029 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le veno wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity venography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le veno wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le veno wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6301-9519) ct lower extremity venography wo+w iv (6301-9519)
RPID103 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the bilateral for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct recon bilat preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct reconstruction bilateral pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Preoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the bilateral for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct recon bilat preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction bilateral pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the bilateral for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct recon bilat preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction bilateral pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:Both Context:Preoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (8088-9709)
Context:Preoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0557-5265)
ct both reconstruction retrospective preoperative (8088-9709)
ct reconstruction retrospective preoperative (0557-5265)
RPID1030 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le angio veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5848-0832)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2280-6202)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6620-7196)
ct lower extremity pelvis angiography venography w iv (5848-0832)
ct lower extremity pelvis arteriography venography w iv (2280-6202)
ct lower extremity pelvis venography w iv (6620-7196)
RPID1031 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1199-1889) ct upper extremity venography w iv (1199-1889)
RPID1032 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3054-1003) ct abdomen head pelvis wo iv (3054-1003)
RPID1033 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4271-2845) ct chest head wo iv (4271-2845)
RPID1034 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3525-9968) ct head venography w iv (3525-9968)
RPID1035 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1384-2579) ct abdomen head pelvis w iv (1384-2579)
RPID1036 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4196-2025) ct chest head w iv (4196-2025)
RPID1037 a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head research without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head research wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head research without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head research wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head research without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head research wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1801-7173) ct head research wo iv (1801-7173)
RPID1038 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head abd pelvis veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head abdomen pelvis venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head abd pelvis veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head abdomen pelvis venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head abd pelvis veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head abdomen pelvis venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3792-1814) ct abdomen head pelvis venography w iv (3792-1814)
RPID1039 a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (7528-0249) ct bladder pelvis cystography w ivesical (7528-0249)
RPID104 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the bilateral for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct recon bilat postop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct reconstruction bilateral post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Postoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the bilateral for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct recon bilat postop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction bilateral post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the bilateral for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct recon bilat postop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction bilateral post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:Both Context:Postoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6910-9573)
Context:Postoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0224-2574)
ct both reconstruction retrospective postoperative (6910-9573)
ct reconstruction retrospective postoperative (0224-2574)
RPID1040 a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (6649-6790) ct abdomen bladder pelvis cystography w ivesical (6649-6790)
RPID1041 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0426-5293) ct abdomen chest heart angiography w iv (0426-5293)
RPID1042 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries calcium score without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio cor arts calc score wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries calcium score without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio cor arts calc score wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries calcium score without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio cor arts calc score wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4992-6517)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9534-3824)
ct chest coronary artery calciumscore angiography wo+w iv (4992-6517)
ct chest coronary artery calciumscore arteriography wo+w iv (9534-3824)
RPID1043 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT (3200-4040) ct chest heart (3200-4040)
RPID1044 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest coronary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst cor arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (7034-9146) ct chest coronary artery w iv embolus (7034-9146)
RPID1045 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (3680-8749) ct chest heart pericardium aspirate (3680-8749)
RPID1046 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (0339-0502) ct chest coronary artery resolution high calciumscore wo iv (0339-0502)
RPID1047 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen multiphase coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd multiph cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (1849-4924) ct abdomen chest coronary artery wo+w iv 2 or more phases (1849-4924)
RPID1048 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd cor arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd cor arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd cor arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (0467-6518) ct abdomen chest coronary artery w iv embolus (0467-6518)
RPID1049 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6120-0650)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7236-2733)
ct abdomen chest coronary artery pelvis angiography w iv (6120-0650)
ct abdomen chest coronary artery pelvis arteriography w iv (7236-2733)
RPID105 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sella turcica with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sella w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sella turcica with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sella w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct sella turcica w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct sella turcica w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sella turcica with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sella w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sella turcica w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sella turcica with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sella w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sella turcica w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9259-6752)
Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2970-3431)
ct head sellar region w iv (9259-6752)
ct sellar region w iv (2970-3431)
RPID1050 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd adrnl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen adrenal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Modality:CT (2240-4866) ct abdomen adrenal (2240-4866)
RPID1051 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Context:Preoperative Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Context:Preoperative Modality:CT (9431-1654) ct chest heart preoperative (9431-1654)
RPID1052 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography and multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis entero multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT POContrast:W Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography and multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography and multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT POContrast:W Phases:2OrMore (1433-8077)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT POContrast:W Phases:2OrMore (7068-6877)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore entero
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine wo+w iv w po 2 or more phases (1433-8077)
ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv w po 2 or more phases (7068-6877)
RPID1053 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest perfusion heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst perfus heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest perfusion heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst perfus heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest perfusion heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst perfus heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (1352-6024) ct chest heart perfusion wo+w iv (1352-6024)
RPID1054 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography research procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest angiography research coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst angio research cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Context:Research IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography research procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest angiography research coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst angio research cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography research procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest angiography research coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst angio research cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Context:Research IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6679-3441)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography Context:Research IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0898-0015)
ct chest coronary artery neck angiography research w iv (6679-3441)
ct chest coronary artery neck arteriography research w iv (0898-0015)
RPID1055 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (5752-9845)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (7625-9141)
ct chest coronary artery lowdose angiography w iv (5752-9845)
ct chest coronary artery lowdose arteriography w iv (7625-9141)
RPID1056 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest cervical spine heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst c spine heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest cervical spine heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst c spine heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest cervical spine heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst c spine heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7746-5482) ct chest cspine heart w iv (7746-5482)
RPID1057 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of helical scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart helical scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart hel scn mode (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:ScanMode:Helical (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of helical scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart helical scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart hel scn mode (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of helical scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart helical scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart hel scn mode (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:Helical (8501-6276)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:ScanMode:Helical (4248-8146)
ct chest heart helical (8501-6276)
ct chest heart scanmode helical (4248-8146)
RPID1058 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of sequential scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart sequential scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart seq scn mode (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:ScanMode:Sequential (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of sequential scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart sequential scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart seq scn mode (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of sequential scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart sequential scan mode (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart seq scn mode (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:ScanMode:Sequential (3393-9838) ct chest heart scanmode sequential (3393-9838)
RPID1059 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest spine heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst spine heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest spine heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst spine heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest spine heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst spine heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1187-2124) ct chest heart spine wo iv (1187-2124)
RPID106 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sella turcica without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sella wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sella turcica without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sella wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct sella turcica wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct sella turcica wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sella turcica without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sella wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sella turcica wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sella turcica without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sella wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sella turcica wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3905-6613)
Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8456-5986)
ct head sellar region wo iv (3905-6613)
ct sellar region wo iv (8456-5986)
RPID1060 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT POContrast:W (5580-7531)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT POContrast:W (0981-3377)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT entero
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine wo iv w po (5580-7531)
ct abdomen pelvis wo iv w po (0981-3377)
RPID1061 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9674-4713) ct abdomen chest coronary artery w iv (9674-4713)
RPID1062 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT (7573-6191) ct chest heart pediatric (7573-6191)
RPID1063 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3127-6216) ct abdomen chest angiography wo iv (3127-6216)
RPID1064 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Context:Screening Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Context:Screening Modality:CT (8984-9490) ct chest heart screening (8984-9490)
RPID1065 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis lo dose entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose POContrast:W (8478-0853)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose POContrast:W (6230-3084)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose entero
ct abdomen pelvis lowdose w iv w po (6230-3084)
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine lowdose w iv w po (8478-0853)
RPID1066 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis lo dose entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose POContrast:W (2087-9546)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose POContrast:W (6455-3368)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose entero
ct abdomen pelvis lowdose wo iv w po (6455-3368)
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine lowdose wo iv w po (2087-9546)
RPID1067 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis lo dose kidney calc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose kidney calculus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Object:Calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose kidney calc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose kidney calculus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose kidney calc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose kidney calculus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Object:Calculus (2836-6825) ct abdomen kidney pelvis calculus lowdose wo iv (2836-6825)
RPID1068 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (8695-6078) ct wo+w iv donor organ (8695-6078)
RPID1069 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (0666-4144) ct brain head dual energy angiography w iv (0666-4144)
RPID107 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9053-7867) ct upper extremity wo+w iv (9053-7867)
RPID1070 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pulm arts embo dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Embolus (9268-6540) ct chest pulmonary artery dual energy w iv embolus (9268-6540)
RPID1071 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (4396-1435) ct lower extremity pelvis dual energy angiography w iv (4396-1435)
RPID1072 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (0626-3641) ct lower extremity dual energy wo iv gout (0626-3641)
RPID1073 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph panc dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase pancreas dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph panc dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase pancreas dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph panc dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase pancreas dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Phases:2OrMore (3712-2608) ct abdomen pancreas dual energy wo+w iv 2 or more phases (3712-2608)
RPID1074 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (2985-3390) ct chest dual energy (2985-3390)
RPID1075 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Object:Calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Object:Calculus (5492-4256) ct abdomen kidney pelvis calculus dual energy wo iv (5492-4256)
RPID1076 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (4961-5169) ct abdomen kidney dual energy w iv (4961-5169)
RPID1077 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph kidney dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph kidney dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph kidney dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Phases:2OrMore (2392-7927) ct abdomen kidney dual energy wo+w iv 2 or more phases (2392-7927)
RPID1078 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (7586-3740) ct dual energy (7586-3740)
RPID1079 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (6475-4219) ct abdomen kidney dual energy (6475-4219)
RPID108 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct upper extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct upper extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9024-3347) ct upper extremity w iv (9024-3347)
RPID1080 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (9837-6074) ct neck dual energy angiography w iv (9837-6074)
RPID1081 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (5668-7000) ct spine dual energy wo iv (5668-7000)
RPID1082 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct gout dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct gout dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct gout dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct gout dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct gout dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct gout dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (6279-2167) ct dual energy gout (6279-2167)
RPID1083 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (0536-8953) ct abdomen chest pelvis dual energy w iv (0536-8953)
RPID1084 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio kidney dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography kidney dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio kidney dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography kidney dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio kidney dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography kidney dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (9239-3407) ct abdomen kidney dual energy angiography w iv (9239-3407)
RPID1085 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (2903-5135) ct dual energy angiography w iv (2903-5135)
RPID1086 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le hip dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le hip dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le hip dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (0175-9469) ct hip lower extremity pelvis dual energy wo iv (0175-9469)
RPID1087 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue shlder dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity shoulder dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (8949-8119) ct shoulder upper extremity dual energy wo iv (8949-8119)
RPID1088 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis entero dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 POContrast:W (6467-4598)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 POContrast:W (5239-8291)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 entero
ct abdomen pelvis dual energy w iv w po (5239-8291)
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine dual energy w iv w po (6467-4598)
RPID1089 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest with a technique of dual energy ct for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest limited nodule dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ltd nodule dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest with a technique of dual energy ct for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest limited nodule dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd nodule dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest with a technique of dual energy ct for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest limited nodule dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd nodule dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Nodule (8621-7151) ct chest dual energy limited nodule (8621-7151)
RPID109 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct upper extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct upper extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1339-9743) ct upper extremity wo iv (1339-9743)
RPID1090 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis uro dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis urography dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (3178-6260) ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter dual energy wo+w iv (3178-6260)
RPID1091 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph liver dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase liver dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Phases:2OrMore (2498-0881) ct abdomen liver dual energy wo+w iv 2 or more phases (2498-0881)
RPID1092 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (5365-1563) ct tspine dual energy wo iv gout (5365-1563)
RPID1093 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (0235-3863) ct upper extremity dual energy wo iv gout (0235-3863)
RPID1094 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (1126-2160) ct abdomen dual energy (1126-2160)
RPID1095 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (0319-3048) ct brain head neck dual energy angiography w iv (0319-3048)
RPID1096 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brain dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brn dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brain dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brn dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brain dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brn dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (2072-9281) ct brain head dual energy wo iv (2072-9281)
RPID1097 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (9332-9021) ct abdomen pelvis dual energy w iv (9332-9021)
RPID1098 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (8386-1085) ct abdomen pelvis dual energy angiography w iv (8386-1085)
RPID1099 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (2391-9129) ct abdomen chest pelvis dual energy angiography w iv (2391-9129)
RPID11 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5526-4478) ct neck angiography wo+w iv (5526-4478)
RPID110 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct recon preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct reconstruction pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Preoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct recon preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct recon preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Preoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0557-5265) ct reconstruction retrospective preoperative (0557-5265)
RPID1100 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver dual eng ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver dual energy ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (3154-4525) ct abdomen liver dual energy (3154-4525)
RPID1101 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (5961-6625) ct abdomen chest pelvis dual energy angiography wo+w iv (5961-6625)
RPID1102 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le foot dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity foot dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le foot dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le foot dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (5087-6542) ct foot lower extremity dual energy wo iv (5087-6542)
RPID1103 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue hand gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity hand gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue hand gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity hand gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of gout (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue hand gout dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity hand gout dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Reason:Gout (1153-3073) ct hand upper extremity dual energy wo iv gout (1153-3073)
RPID1104 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le knee dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity knee dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le knee dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le knee dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (6605-6685) ct knee lower extremity dual energy wo iv (6605-6685)
RPID1105 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (7851-9957) ct lower extremity dual energy angiography w iv (7851-9957)
RPID1106 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis uro angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis urography angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4288-2485) ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter angiography wo+w iv (4288-2485)
RPID1107 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst abd pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5497-5599) ct abdomen brain chest head pelvis wo iv (5497-5599)
RPID1108 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9335-3116) ct head iac neck w iv (9335-3116)
RPID1109 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (4826-4189) ct chest pulmonary artery wo iv embolus (4826-4189)
RPID111 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct recon postop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct reconstruction post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Postoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct recon postop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct recon postop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Postoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0224-2574) ct reconstruction retrospective postoperative (0224-2574)
RPID1110 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue elbow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity elbow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue elbow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity elbow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue elbow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity elbow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1106-6467) ct elbow upper extremity wo+w iv (1106-6467)
RPID1111 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (5972-7317) ct abdomen kidney w iv cancer (5972-7317)
RPID1112 a computed tomography radiology orderable discogram procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest discogram with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst dscgrm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SPINE IDiscContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest discography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst dscgrm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest discography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst dscgrm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SPINE IDiscContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (2860-7007) ct chest spine intervertebraldisc w idisc w iv (2860-7007)
RPID1113 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5851-0957) ct facial bone head neck w iv (5851-0957)
RPID1114 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5316-7757) ct facial bone head wo+w iv (5316-7757)
RPID1115 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the thoracic spine and lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine le l spine foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine lower extremity lumbar spine foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the thoracic spine and lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine le l spine foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lower extremity lumbar spine foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the thoracic spine and lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine le l spine foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lower extremity lumbar spine foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3281-9571) ct foot lower extremity lspine tspine wo iv (3281-9571)
RPID1116 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck c spine angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck cervical spine angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck c spine angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck cervical spine angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck c spine angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck cervical spine angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5037-5024) ct cspine neck angiography w iv (5037-5024)
RPID1117 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8673-5674) ct chest facial bone head wo iv (8673-5674)
RPID1118 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and chest and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest cervical spine facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst c spine facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and chest and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest cervical spine facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst c spine facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and chest and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest cervical spine facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst c spine facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0047-8280) ct chest cspine facial bone head wo iv (0047-8280)
RPID1119 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck and chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chest cervical spine angiography facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chst c spine angio facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck and chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest cervical spine angiography facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst c spine angio facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck and chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest cervical spine angiography facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst c spine angio facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9572-7699) ct chest cspine facial bone head neck angiography w iv (9572-7699)
RPID112 a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis out film (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis out film (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis out film (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside Modality:CT (1403-7960) ct abdomen pelvis consult interpret study outside (1403-7960)
RPID1120 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (9093-3826) ct head neck w iv cancer (9093-3826)
RPID1121 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6968-5359) ct hand upper extremity w iv (6968-5359)
RPID1122 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue hand wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity hand without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue hand wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity hand without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue hand wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity hand without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0393-0198) ct hand upper extremity wo+w iv (0393-0198)
RPID1123 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9557-7606) ct head neck wo iv (9557-7606)
RPID1124 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0307-7490) ct cspine head wo iv (0307-7490)
RPID1125 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0233-1565) ct head spine wo iv (0233-1565)
RPID1126 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7118-4052) ct head neck venography w iv (7118-4052)
RPID1127 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lower leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lower leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5848-2047)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8213-0752)
ct leg lower extremity wo iv (5848-2047)
ct lower extremity lower leg wo iv (8213-0752)
RPID1128 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2088-3828) ct brain head neck wo iv (2088-3828)
RPID1129 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head abd pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head abdomen pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head abd pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head abdomen pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head abd pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head abdomen pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3592-4303) ct abdomen brain head pelvis wo iv (3592-4303)
RPID113 a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst out film (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst out film (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst out film (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside Modality:CT (0782-3212) ct chest consult interpret study outside (0782-3212)
RPID1130 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3106-2745) ct brain head pelvis wo iv (3106-2745)
RPID1131 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio veno brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography venography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio veno brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography venography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio veno brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography venography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6200-8079)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0698-8775)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7096-1825)
ct brain head neck angiography venography w iv (6200-8079)
ct brain head neck arteriography venography w iv (0698-8775)
ct brain head neck venography w iv (7096-1825)
RPID1132 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst abd pelvis brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7309-2006) ct abdomen brain chest head pelvis w iv (7309-2006)
RPID1133 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (2586-9676) ct brain head perfusion (2586-9676)
RPID1134 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head veno brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head venography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head veno brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head venography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head veno brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head venography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9030-0454) ct brain head venography wo iv (9030-0454)
RPID1135 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck c spine angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck cervical spine angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck c spine angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck cervical spine angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck c spine angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck cervical spine angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1608-2217) ct brain cspine head neck angiography wo+w iv (1608-2217)
RPID1136 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8980-5492) ct brain chest head wo iv (8980-5492)
RPID1137 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7666-5479) ct brain cspine head wo iv (7666-5479)
RPID1138 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck c spine brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck cervical spine brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck c spine brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck cervical spine brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck c spine brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck cervical spine brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6907-7297) ct brain cspine head neck w iv (6907-7297)
RPID1139 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brain screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brn screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brain screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brn screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brain screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brn screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0051-5756) ct brain head screening wo iv (0051-5756)
RPID114 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the renal cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide ren cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance renal cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALCYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the renal cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide ren cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance renal cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the renal cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide ren cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance renal cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT Object:Cyst (1524-8868)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALCYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (3250-2328)
ct abdomen kidney cyst aspirate (1524-8868)
ct abdomen renalcyst aspirate (3250-2328)
RPID1140 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (2882-8220) ct resolution high wo iv (2882-8220)
RPID1141 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio liver donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography liver donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio liver donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography liver donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio liver donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography liver donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (6469-3645) ct abdomen liver angiography wo+w iv donor organ (6469-3645)
RPID1142 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct hi res wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct high resolution without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct hi res wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct high resolution without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct hi res wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct high resolution without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (0136-9644) ct resolution high wo+w iv (0136-9644)
RPID1143 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1881-0923) ct hip lower extremity pelvis wo+w iv (1881-0923)
RPID1144 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (7032-1572) ct w iv cancer (7032-1572)
RPID1145 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue humerus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity humerus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue humerus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity humerus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue humerus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity humerus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5612-6359) ct humerus upper extremity wo+w iv (5612-6359)
RPID1146 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6714-6632) ct humerus upper extremity w iv (6714-6632)
RPID1147 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (7068-1919) ct abdomen lowdose wo iv (7068-1919)
RPID1148 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric reconstruction procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head reconstruction orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head recon orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric reconstruction procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head reconstruction orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head recon orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric reconstruction procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head reconstruction orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head recon orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (3765-4769) ct head orbit reconstruction retrospective pediatric w iv (3765-4769)
RPID1149 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio veno brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography venography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio veno brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography venography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio veno brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography venography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7627-0534)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4151-5093)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1708-4734)
ct brain head angiography venography w iv (7627-0534)
ct brain head arteriography venography w iv (4151-5093)
ct brain head venography w iv (1708-4734)
RPID115 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the appendix in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis guidance appendix drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis guide appx drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the appendix in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guidance appendix drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guide appx drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the appendix in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guidance appendix drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guide appx drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (3500-0809) ct appendix pelvis drainage (3500-0809)
RPID1150 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head craniosynostosis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head cranio syn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head craniosynostosis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head cranio syn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head craniosynostosis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head cranio syn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Craniosynostosis (7718-9613) ct head pediatric wo iv craniosynostosis (7718-9613)
RPID1151 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head lo dose brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head low dose brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head low dose brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head low dose brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (6277-4585) ct brain head lowdose wo iv (6277-4585)
RPID1152 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (1029-7263)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2285-1097)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing wo iv (2285-1097)
ct brain head 3d wo iv (1029-7263)
RPID1153 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head lo dose perfus brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head low dose perfusion brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose perfus brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head low dose perfusion brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose perfus brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head low dose perfusion brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Perfusion (3291-6681) ct brain head lowdose perfusion wo+w iv (3291-6681)
RPID1154 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head lo dose angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head low dose angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head low dose angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head low dose angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (0005-1817) ct brain head lowdose angiography w iv (0005-1817)
RPID1155 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head lo dose facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head low dose facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head low dose facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head low dose facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (8518-4695) ct facial bone head lowdose wo iv (8518-4695)
RPID1156 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4396-5888) ct facial bone head wo iv (4396-5888)
RPID1157 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head lo dose brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head low dose brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head low dose brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head low dose brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (7028-6046) ct brain head lowdose wo+w iv (7028-6046)
RPID1158 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head lo dose orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head low dose orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head low dose orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head lo dose orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head low dose orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (6686-7220) ct head orbit lowdose wo iv (6686-7220)
RPID1159 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head low dose brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head lo dose brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head low dose brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head lo dose brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head low dose brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head lo dose brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (5665-0405) ct brain head lowdose pediatric wo iv (5665-0405)
RPID116 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the bone for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the bone for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the bone for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (3596-8606)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT Object:Cyst (5817-9936)
ct bone cyst aspirate (3596-8606)
ct skeleton cyst aspirate (5817-9936)
RPID1160 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head low dose facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head lo dose facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head low dose facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head lo dose facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head low dose facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head lo dose facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (2550-4495) ct facial bone head lowdose pediatric wo iv (2550-4495)
RPID1161 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7872-8668) ct brain head spine wo iv (7872-8668)
RPID1162 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:CT (4401-7143) ct abdomen liver pediatric (4401-7143)
RPID1163 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (0370-1445)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0133-1301)
ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing wo iv (0133-1301)
ct facial bone head 3d wo iv (0370-1445)
RPID1164 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head 3d imaging processing brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head 3d image brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head 3d imaging processing brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head 3d image brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head 3d imaging processing brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head 3d image brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (2964-7301)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (7165-8404)
ct brain head 3d pediatric wo iv (2964-7301)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing pediatric wo iv (7165-8404)
RPID1165 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6295-7578) ct cspine head iac wo iv (6295-7578)
RPID1166 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head lumbar spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head l spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head lumbar spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head l spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head lumbar spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head l spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7366-9957) ct brain head lspine pediatric wo iv (7366-9957)
RPID1167 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8799-5026) ct abdomen chest head neck pelvis angiography w iv (8799-5026)
RPID1168 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2104-1154) ct brain head spine pediatric wo iv (2104-1154)
RPID1169 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head recon tmp bon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head reconstruction temporal bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head recon tmp bon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head reconstruction temporal bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct temporal bone wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct temporal bone wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head recon tmp bon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head reconstruction temporal bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head recon tmp bon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head reconstruction temporal bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6129-9416)
Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1941-3518)
ct head temporal bone reconstruction retrospective wo iv (6129-9416)
ct temporal bone reconstruction retrospective wo iv (1941-3518)
RPID117 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (0542-4637)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (7675-6412)
ct bone biopsy (0542-4637)
ct skeleton biopsy (7675-6412)
RPID1170 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi plan ref facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi-planar reformation facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (9676-2986) ct facial bone head reconstruction multiplanar wo+w iv (9676-2986)
RPID1171 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5230-3132) ct abdomen bladder chest kidney pelvis ureter wo+w iv (5230-3132)
RPID1172 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le knee wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity knee without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le knee wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le knee wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7745-0423) ct knee lower extremity wo+w iv (7745-0423)
RPID1173 a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis cystography bladder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cystography bladder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cystography bladder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (1618-9485) ct abdomen bladder pelvis cystography wo iv w ivesical (1618-9485)
RPID1174 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6922-3391) ct lspine pelvis wo iv (6922-3391)
RPID1175 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (5550-2133)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (5619-9757)
ct lspine 3d postprocessing wo iv (5619-9757)
ct lspine 3d wo iv (5550-2133)
RPID1176 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (1448-5042) ct lumbosacral junction myelography (1448-5042)
RPID1177 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8693-5552) ct forearm upper extremity w iv (8693-5552)
RPID1178 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis adrnl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis adrnl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis adrnl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (0182-6767) ct abdomen adrenal pelvis (0182-6767)
RPID1179 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le leg cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity leg malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le leg cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lower leg malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le leg cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lower leg malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (3275-5174)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (2081-4579)
ct leg lower extremity wo iv cancer (3275-5174)
ct lower extremity lower leg wo iv cancer (2081-4579)
RPID118 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (4650-1129) ct chest lung biopsy (4650-1129)
RPID1180 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the head and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head le thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head lower extremity thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the head and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head le thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head lower extremity thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the head and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head le thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head lower extremity thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1593-7984) ct head lower extremity thigh wo+w iv (1593-7984)
RPID1181 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (9918-5905) ct abdomen chest pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (9918-5905)
RPID1182 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the trachea in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck trach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck trachea (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TRACHEA Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the trachea in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck trach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck trachea (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the trachea in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck trach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck trachea (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TRACHEA Modality:CT (6520-2150)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT trach
ct neck trachea (6520-2150)
RPID1183 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2484-5543) ct abdomen liver w iv (2484-5543)
RPID1184 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3519-2687) ct chest pelvis w iv (3519-2687)
RPID1185 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct low dose (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct low dose (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct low dose (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (7619-7095) ct lowdose (7619-7095)
RPID1186 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le multi plan ref wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity multi-planar reformation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le multi plan ref wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity multi-planar reformation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le multi plan ref wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity multi-planar reformation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (3610-9408) ct lower extremity reconstruction multiplanar wo iv (3610-9408)
RPID1187 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lower leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lower leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4226-0867)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8791-9498)
ct leg lower extremity w iv (4226-0867)
ct lower extremity lower leg w iv (8791-9498)
RPID1188 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (8520-2905)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (6640-2307)
ct shoulder upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv (6640-2307)
ct shoulder upper extremity 3d wo iv (8520-2905)
RPID1189 a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue research wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity research wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue research wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity research wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue research wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity research wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8529-5370) ct upper extremity wrist research wo iv (8529-5370)
RPID119 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (5040-8872) ct abdomen liver biopsy (5040-8872)
RPID1190 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest lumbar spine mediastinum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst l spine mediast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest lumbar spine mediastinum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst l spine mediast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest lumbar spine mediastinum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst l spine mediast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9403-5584) ct chest lspine mediastinum wo iv (9403-5584)
RPID1191 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Nodule (6004-1365) ct chest limited wo iv nodule (6004-1365)
RPID1192 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and limited procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose limited nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose ltd nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and limited procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose limited nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose ltd nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and limited procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose limited nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose ltd nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Nodule (8943-3856) ct chest lowdose limited nodule (8943-3856)
RPID1193 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (0207-9607) ct lower extremity resolution high wo iv (0207-9607)
RPID1194 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1056-7562)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7283-5536)
ct abdomen lower extremity wo iv (1056-7562)
ct abdomen lower extremity wo iv (7283-5536)
RPID1195 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6559-7098) ct lower extremity pediatric wo iv (6559-7098)
RPID1196 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the long bone in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le lng bone wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity long bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LONGBONE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the long bone in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le lng bone wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity long bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the long bone in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le lng bone wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity long bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LONGBONE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9043-4008) ct long bone lower extremity wo iv (9043-4008)
RPID1197 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9335-6243) ct lower extremity limited wo iv (9335-6243)
RPID1198 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (9337-4369) ct lower extremity wo iv trauma (9337-4369)
RPID1199 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1338-0897) ct ankle lower extremity pediatric wo iv (1338-0897)
RPID12 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0938-3310) ct pelvis angiography wo+w iv (0938-3310)
RPID120 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (4273-2221) ct chest pleura biopsy (4273-2221)
RPID1200 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hi res foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity high resolution foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hi res foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity high resolution foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hi res foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity high resolution foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (5310-8908) ct foot lower extremity resolution high wo iv (5310-8908)
RPID1201 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (9204-6179) ct knee lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (9204-6179)
RPID1202 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3926-8665) ct knee lower extremity pediatric wo iv (3926-8665)
RPID1203 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4445-8441) ct lower extremity lspine wo iv (4445-8441)
RPID1204 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1550-4861) ct brain head angiography wo iv (1550-4861)
RPID1205 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (8495-1798)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (3496-9791)
ct spine w ithecal myelography (8495-1798)
ct spine w iv myelography (3496-9791)
RPID1206 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8861-7651) ct abdomen chest head neck pelvis w iv (8861-7651)
RPID1207 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5192-4818) ct head maxillofacial neck w iv (5192-4818)
RPID1208 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck thy glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck thyroid gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck thy glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck thyroid gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck thy glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck thyroid gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7174-1100) ct neck thyroid w iv (7174-1100)
RPID1209 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vocal cord in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck vocal cord without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck vocal cord wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:VOCALCORD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vocal cord in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck vocal cord without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck vocal cord wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vocal cord in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck vocal cord without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck vocal cord wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:VOCALCORD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6823-9099) ct neck vocalcord wo iv (6823-9099)
RPID121 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (3848-0228) ct abdomen pancreas biopsy (3848-0228)
RPID1210 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph screen wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase screening without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph screen wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase screening without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph screen wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase screening without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (2341-1468) ct abdomen screening wo+w iv 2 or more phases (2341-1468)
RPID1211 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9285-8132) ct abdomen chest neck w iv (9285-8132)
RPID1212 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction trauma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis recon trauma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction trauma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis recon trauma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction trauma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis recon trauma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective Reason:Trauma (0514-0467) ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction retrospective w iv trauma (0514-0467)
RPID1213 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0212-2980) ct circle of willis head neck angiography w iv (0212-2980)
RPID1214 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3831-1141) ct chest neck limited w iv (3831-1141)
RPID1215 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen multiphase liver follow-up procedure without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd multiph liver foll up wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase liver follow-up procedure without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph liver foll up wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase liver follow-up procedure without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph liver foll up wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (8605-9724) ct abdomen chest liver followup wo+w iv 2 or more phases (8605-9724)
RPID1216 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest airway with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst airway w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest airway with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst airway w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest airway with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst airway w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4856-1340) ct airway chest neck w iv (4856-1340)
RPID1217 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4587-0687) ct abdomen chest neck pelvis pediatric w iv (4587-0687)
RPID1218 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7678-7860) ct chest neck pediatric w iv (7678-7860)
RPID1219 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (9272-9996) ct neck wo+w iv 2 or more phases (9272-9996)
RPID122 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (8384-4042) ct neck biopsy (8384-4042)
RPID1220 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vocal cord in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck vocal cord without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck vocal cord wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:VOCALCORD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vocal cord in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck vocal cord without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck vocal cord wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vocal cord in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck vocal cord without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck vocal cord wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:VOCALCORD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0791-2766) ct neck vocalcord wo+w iv (0791-2766)
RPID1221 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (3877-6995) ct neck lowdose w iv (3877-6995)
RPID1222 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6865-6111)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4708-9142)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography w iv (4708-9142)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography w iv (6865-6111)
RPID1223 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7704-4149) ct abdomen pelvis thyroid wo iv (7704-4149)
RPID1224 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5041-5247) ct knee lower extremity pelvis w iv (5041-5247)
RPID1225 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2342-3171) ct abdomen adrenal angiography w iv (2342-3171)
RPID1226 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le angio knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3099-1844) ct knee lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (3099-1844)
RPID1227 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity lower leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity lower leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0953-4933)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0628-6597)
ct leg lower extremity pelvis wo iv (0953-4933)
ct lower extremity lower leg pelvis wo iv (0628-6597)
RPID1228 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4403-6292) ct lower extremity pelvis wo iv (4403-6292)
RPID1229 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le 3d image hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le 3d image hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le 3d image hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (5968-6678)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (4730-3653)
ct hip lower extremity pelvis 3d postprocessing wo iv (4730-3653)
ct hip lower extremity pelvis 3d wo iv (5968-6678)
RPID123 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (9822-1433) ct chest drainage (9822-1433)
RPID1230 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (7713-3898) ct abdomen angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (7713-3898)
RPID1231 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (0587-0470) ct abdomen chest liver wo+w iv 2 or more phases (0587-0470)
RPID1232 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd c spine multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen cervical spine multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd c spine multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cervical spine multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd c spine multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cervical spine multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (4044-9283) ct abdomen cspine liver wo+w iv 2 or more phases (4044-9283)
RPID1233 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (9904-6023) ct abdomen chest neck pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (9904-6023)
RPID1234 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine t spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine thoracic spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine t spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine thoracic spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine t spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine thoracic spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (9185-9966) ct lumbosacral junction tspine myelography (9185-9966)
RPID1235 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Preoperative Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Preoperative Modality:CT (6109-2897) ct abdomen liver preoperative (6109-2897)
RPID1236 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck veno iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck venography internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck veno iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck venography internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck veno iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck venography internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5741-4884) ct head iac neck venography w iv (5741-4884)
RPID1237 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (4505-9729)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0697-9484)
ct pelvis 3d (4505-9729)
ct pelvis 3d postprocessing (0697-9484)
RPID1238 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the spine and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine pelvis le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine pelvis lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the spine and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine pelvis le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine pelvis lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the spine and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine pelvis le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine pelvis lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7710-2637) ct hip lower extremity pelvis spine wo iv (7710-2637)
RPID1239 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4511-7145) ct abdomen pelvis angiography wo iv (4511-7145)
RPID124 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis guidance rectum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis guide rectum drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guidance rectum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guide rectum drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guidance rectum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guide rectum drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (4887-4255) ct pelvis rectum drainage (4887-4255)
RPID1240 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest coronary arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst cor arts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Modality:CT (4133-9681) ct chest coronary artery (4133-9681)
RPID1241 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:CT (3681-8154)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:CT (1546-7775)
ct bone (3681-8154)
ct skeleton (1546-7775)
RPID1242 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the larynx in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck larynx with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck lrnx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LARYNX Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the larynx in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck larynx with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck lrnx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the larynx in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck larynx with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck lrnx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LARYNX Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5745-7433) ct larynx neck w iv (5745-7433)
RPID1243 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (6045-5921) ct abdomen liver w iv cancer (6045-5921)
RPID1244 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity lower leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le leg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity lower leg without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0123-7413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7071-9716)
ct abdomen leg lower extremity pelvis wo iv (0123-7413)
ct abdomen lower extremity lower leg pelvis wo iv (7071-9716)
RPID1245 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the airway in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing airway (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image airway (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the airway in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing airway (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image airway (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the airway in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing airway (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image airway (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (7152-8898)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2368-1646)
ct airway chest 3d (7152-8898)
ct airway chest 3d postprocessing (2368-1646)
RPID1246 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest lower extremity leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest lower extremity lower leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest lower extremity lower leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (8334-4432)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (0829-0526)
ct chest leg lower extremity w iv embolus (8334-4432)
ct chest lower extremity lower leg w iv embolus (0829-0526)
RPID1247 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity lower leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity lower leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (6344-9992)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (6838-7954)
ct abdomen chest leg lower extremity pelvis w iv embolus (6344-9992)
ct abdomen chest lower extremity lower leg pelvis w iv embolus (6838-7954)
RPID1248 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest thoracic spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst t spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0511-5310) ct chest tspine reconstruction retrospective wo iv (0511-5310)
RPID1249 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen low dose (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen low dose (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen low dose (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (0605-8565) ct abdomen lowdose (0605-8565)
RPID125 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide perito drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance peritoneum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide perito drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance peritoneum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide perito drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance peritoneum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (3015-2311)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT perito
ct abdomen peritoneum drainage (3015-2311)
RPID1250 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of prosthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le knee prosth wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity knee prosthesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Device:Prosthesis IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of prosthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le knee prosth wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity knee prosthesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of prosthesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le knee prosth wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity knee prosthesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Device:Prosthesis IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7246-0215) ct knee lower extremity pelvis prosthesis wo iv (7246-0215)
RPID1251 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (8978-4507) ct chest resolution high angiography wo iv (8978-4507)
RPID1252 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head veno brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head venography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head veno brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head venography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head veno brn dual eng ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head venography brain dual energy ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (9278-3663) ct brain head dual energy venography w iv (9278-3663)
RPID1253 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct arthro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct arthrography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct arthro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct arthrography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct arthro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct arthrography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (1433-7694) ct arthrography w iarticular (1433-7694)
RPID1254 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd ltd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen limited kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd ltd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen limited kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd ltd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen limited kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1290-7538) ct abdomen kidney limited w iv (1290-7538)
RPID1255 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2405-3773) ct head lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (2405-3773)
RPID1256 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Screening Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Screening Modality:CT (9403-9345) ct screening (9403-9345)
RPID1257 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis and localization procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stereotaxis localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stertxs localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Localize Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic and localization procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic and localization procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Localize Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:CT (9820-5320) ct head localize stereotactic (9820-5320)
RPID1258 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1911-0861) ct abdomen chest neck pelvis wo+w iv (1911-0861)
RPID1259 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5662-8990) ct chest neck wo+w iv (5662-8990)
RPID126 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide kidney drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance kidney drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (4022-6670) ct abdomen kidney drainage (4022-6670)
RPID1260 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (8277-5107) ct abdomen bladder pelvis (8277-5107)
RPID1261 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (9409-8183) ct trauma (9409-8183)
RPID1262 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1157-9339) ct shoulder upper extremity pediatric wo iv (1157-9339)
RPID1263 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue shlder trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity shoulder trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (3674-6952) ct shoulder upper extremity wo iv trauma (3674-6952)
RPID1264 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (2944-8793) ct abdomen chest liver pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (2944-8793)
RPID1265 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd pelvis le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3148-9911) ct abdomen chest foot lower extremity neck pelvis w iv (3148-9911)
RPID1266 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (4833-9213) ct abdomen chest pancreas pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (4833-9213)
RPID1267 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (7665-9031) ct abdomen chest kidney pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (7665-9031)
RPID1268 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0431-6905) ct cspine lspine wo iv (0431-6905)
RPID1269 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd adrnl foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen adrenal follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:CT (2628-5418) ct abdomen adrenal followup (2628-5418)
RPID127 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide retro drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance retroperitoneum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide retro drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance retroperitoneum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide retro drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance retroperitoneum drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (9290-4161)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Direction:Retrograde Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (8240-6067)
ct abdomen retrograde drainage (8240-6067)
ct abdomen retroperitoneum drainage (9290-4161)
RPID1270 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (5982-1812) ct cspine lowdose wo iv (5982-1812)
RPID1271 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0861-7892) ct lspine limited wo iv (0861-7892)
RPID1272 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (3387-1688) ct tspine lowdose wo iv (3387-1688)
RPID1273 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (1821-6710)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8708-5110)
ct head maxillofacial 3d postprocessing wo iv (8708-5110)
ct head maxillofacial 3d wo iv (1821-6710)
RPID1274 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0880-8433) ct lspine pelvis tspine wo iv (0880-8433)
RPID1275 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest and thoracic spine and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest thoracic spine pelvis sternum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst t spine pelvis sternum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:STERNUM Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest and thoracic spine and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine pelvis sternum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine pelvis sternum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest and thoracic spine and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine pelvis sternum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine pelvis sternum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:STERNUM Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8240-6993) ct chest pelvis sternum tspine wo iv (8240-6993)
RPID1276 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric abdomen reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds abd recon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds abd recon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds abd recon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1567-9740) ct abdomen reconstruction retrospective pediatric (1567-9740)
RPID1277 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd ltd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen limited kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd ltd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen limited kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd ltd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen limited kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4599-1829) ct abdomen kidney limited wo+w iv (4599-1829)
RPID1278 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (6805-0348)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2291-7166)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing (3435-1479)
ct pelvis 3d postprocessing wo iv (2291-7166)
ct pelvis 3d wo iv (6805-0348)
ct pelvis postprocessing wo iv (3435-1479)
RPID1279 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis bladder cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis bladder cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis bladder cancer w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder malignant neoplasm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (7973-0185) ct abdomen bladder pelvis w iv cancer (7973-0185)
RPID128 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the subdiaphragm in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide sub dia drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance subdiaphragm drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SUBDIAPHRAGM Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the subdiaphragm in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide sub dia drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance subdiaphragm drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the subdiaphragm in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide sub dia drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance subdiaphragm drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SUBDIAPHRAGM Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (3053-2175)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT dia sub
ct abdomen subdiaphragm drainage (3053-2175)
RPID1280 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7931-1347) ct abdomen cspine pelvis wo iv (7931-1347)
RPID1281 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7885-3997) ct abdomen cspine pelvis wo+w iv (7885-3997)
RPID1282 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8626-4654) ct abdomen cspine pelvis w iv (8626-4654)
RPID1283 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis c spine uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis c spine uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis c spine uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cervical spine urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9370-3994) ct abdomen bladder cspine kidney pelvis ureter wo+w iv (9370-3994)
RPID1284 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity leg malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis le leg cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity lower leg malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le leg cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity lower leg malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le leg cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (5608-7249)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (4379-9138)
ct abdomen chest leg lower extremity pelvis wo iv cancer (5608-7249)
ct abdomen chest lower extremity lower leg pelvis wo iv cancer (4379-9138)
RPID1285 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracolumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct tl spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracolumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct tl spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracolumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct tl spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (6695-8297) ct thoraco lumbar junction myelography (6695-8297)
RPID1286 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (6229-2217) ct wo+w iv 2 or more phases (6229-2217)
RPID1287 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:CT (9411-3164) ct thyroid (9411-3164)
RPID1288 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (3833-8990) ct abdomen w iv embolus (3833-8990)
RPID1289 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest airway (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst airway (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest airway (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst airway (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest airway (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst airway (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (2289-5768) ct airway chest (2289-5768)
RPID129 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance lung drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide lung drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (8058-2428) ct chest lung drainage (8058-2428)
RPID1290 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8037-5463) ct abdomen bladder chest pelvis w iv (8037-5463)
RPID1291 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Nodule (9067-7275) ct chest lowdose limited wo iv nodule (9067-7275)
RPID1292 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest lower extremity low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst le lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest lower extremity low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst le lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest lower extremity low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst le lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High (3667-6629) ct chest lower extremity lowdose resolution high wo iv (3667-6629)
RPID1293 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (4450-5075) ct abdomen chest resolution high wo iv (4450-5075)
RPID1294 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (0673-6978) ct abdomen chest pelvis lowdose w iv (0673-6978)
RPID1295 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (0146-7639) ct abdomen chest pancreas wo+w iv 2 or more phases (0146-7639)
RPID1296 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (1484-3447) ct abdomen chest wo+w iv 2 or more phases (1484-3447)
RPID1297 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric chest abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds chst abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds chst abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest abdomen pelvis low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds chst abd pelvis lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (4550-6222) ct abdomen chest pelvis lowdose pediatric w iv (4550-6222)
RPID1298 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric chest low dose (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds chst lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest low dose (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds chst lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest low dose (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds chst lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (2344-3481) ct chest lowdose pediatric (2344-3481)
RPID1299 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric chest low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds chst lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds chst lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds chst lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High (9492-4821) ct chest lowdose resolution high pediatric wo iv (9492-4821)
RPID13 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2529-4809) ct upper extremity left angiography wo+w iv (2529-4809)
RPID130 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide panc drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide panc drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide panc drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (4405-9190) ct abdomen pancreas drainage (4405-9190)
RPID1300 a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the chest and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest lower extremity research ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst le research ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the chest and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest lower extremity research ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst le research ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the chest and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest lower extremity research ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst le research ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6092-7261) ct ankle chest lower extremity research wo iv (6092-7261)
RPID1301 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (9421-4103) ct chest lowdose w iv (9421-4103)
RPID1302 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1952-7679) ct chest pulmonary vein venography w iv (1952-7679)
RPID1303 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (6763-3923) ct abdomen chest kidney wo+w iv 2 or more phases (6763-3923)
RPID1304 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest and cervical spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest cervical spine limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst c spine ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest and cervical spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest cervical spine limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst c spine ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest and cervical spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest cervical spine limited nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst c spine ltd nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Nodule (9763-8748) ct chest cspine limited wo iv nodule (9763-8748)
RPID1305 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High (7551-1607) ct chest lowdose resolution high wo iv (7551-1607)
RPID1306 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (5711-9501) ct chest resolution high wo+w iv (5711-9501)
RPID1307 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (5526-4466) ct chest w iv embolus (5526-4466)
RPID1308 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Reason:Embolus (1085-1977) ct chest resolution high wo iv embolus (1085-1977)
RPID1309 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest limited nodule without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ltd nodule wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest limited nodule without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd nodule wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest limited nodule without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd nodule wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Nodule (5718-5192) ct chest limited wo+w iv nodule (5718-5192)
RPID131 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide liver drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance liver drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (6180-2242) ct abdomen liver drainage (6180-2242)
RPID1310 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Embolus (9722-2592) ct chest pulmonary artery lowdose w iv embolus (9722-2592)
RPID1311 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen multiphase pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd multiph pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Embolus (0129-0703) ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv 2 or more phases embolus (0129-0703)
RPID1312 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:CT (5949-0142) ct chest sternoclavicular joint (5949-0142)
RPID1313 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen thoracic spine pelvis trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd t spine pelvis trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen thoracic spine pelvis trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd t spine pelvis trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen thoracic spine pelvis trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd t spine pelvis trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (0859-8741) ct abdomen chest pelvis tspine wo iv trauma (0859-8741)
RPID1314 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (0335-1978) ct abdomen wo iv 2 or more phases (0335-1978)
RPID1315 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (1435-9824) ct upper extremity resolution high wo iv (1435-9824)
RPID1316 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the long bone in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue le lng bone wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lower extremity long bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LONGBONE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the long bone in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue le lng bone wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity long bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the long bone in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue le lng bone wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity long bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LONGBONE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2206-3618) ct long bone lower extremity upper extremity wo iv (2206-3618)
RPID1317 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue le wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lower extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue le wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue le wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6403-9892) ct lower extremity upper extremity wrist wo iv (6403-9892)
RPID1318 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5032-1811) ct knee lower extremity upper extremity wo iv (5032-1811)
RPID1319 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue le ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lower extremity limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue le ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue le ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2300-8537) ct lower extremity upper extremity limited wo iv (2300-8537)
RPID132 a computed tomography radiology orderable venipuncture imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct venpnctr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venipuncture imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct venpnctr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venipuncture imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct venpnctr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Access:Vascular Modality:CT (0678-3214)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Venipuncture (4806-5815)
ct vein access vascular (0678-3214)
ct venipuncture (4806-5815)
RPID1320 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1685-1453) ct elbow upper extremity pediatric wo iv (1685-1453)
RPID1321 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ue brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head upper extremity brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ue brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head upper extremity brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ue brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head upper extremity brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7655-7879) ct brain head upper extremity wo iv (7655-7879)
RPID1322 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen high resolution angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd hi res angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen high resolution angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd hi res angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen high resolution angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd hi res angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (4542-1514) ct abdomen chest resolution high angiography wo+w iv (4542-1514)
RPID1323 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the leg in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le angio leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower leg in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography lower leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower leg in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography lower leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0423-7338)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5794-6624)
ct leg lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (0423-7338)
ct lower extremity lower leg pelvis angiography w iv (5794-6624)
RPID1324 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3245-1598) ct chest heart angiography w iv (3245-1598)
RPID1325 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis and upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis ue le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis upper extremity lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis and upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis ue le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis upper extremity lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis and upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis ue le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis upper extremity lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1823-6638) ct lower extremity pelvis upper extremity angiography w iv (1823-6638)
RPID1326 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct perfus diamox wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct perfusion diamox without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct perfus diamox wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct perfusion diamox without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct perfus diamox wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct perfusion diamox without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide (4217-7122) ct perfusion wo+w iv acetazolamide (4217-7122)
RPID1327 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis entero angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (4731-8497)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (0152-4904)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT entero
ct abdomen pelvis angiography w iv w po (0152-4904)
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine angiography w iv w po (4731-8497)
RPID1328 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4738-7183) ct shoulder upper extremity angiography w iv (4738-7183)
RPID1329 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (1092-8308) ct abdomen chest pelvis pulmonary artery wo+w iv embolus (1092-8308)
RPID133 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (3680-8749) ct chest heart pericardium aspirate (3680-8749)
RPID1330 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd hi res kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen high resolution kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd hi res kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen high resolution kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd hi res kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen high resolution kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (9525-6546) ct abdomen kidney resolution high wo iv (9525-6546)
RPID1331 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography Context:Postoperative IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Context:Postoperative IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1582-4091) ct angiography postoperative w iv (1582-4091)
RPID1332 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio preop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography pre op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography Context:Preoperative IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio preop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography pre op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio preop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography pre op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Context:Preoperative IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5104-3006) ct angiography preoperative w iv (5104-3006)
RPID1333 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography trauma without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio trauma wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography trauma without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio trauma wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography trauma without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio trauma wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (1890-9215) ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography wo+w iv trauma (1890-9215)
RPID1334 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio screen w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography screening with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography Context:Screening IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio screen w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography screening with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio screen w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography screening with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Context:Screening IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1720-2300) ct angiography screening w iv (1720-2300)
RPID1335 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (7892-9453) ct abdomen chest pelvis slice thin angiography wo+w iv (7892-9453)
RPID1336 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric abdomen multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds abd multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds abd multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds abd multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (5772-5960) ct abdomen pediatric angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (5772-5960)
RPID1337 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen lower extremity leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity lower leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity lower leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8198-6692)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6278-6824)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:LEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4946-9559)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2199-7993)
ct abdomen leg lower extremity w iv (8198-6692)
ct abdomen lower extremity leg w iv (4946-9559)
ct abdomen lower extremity lower leg w iv (2199-7993)
ct abdomen lower extremity lower leg w iv (6278-6824)
RPID1338 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8608-7388) ct pediatric angiography w iv (8608-7388)
RPID1339 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (1147-0031) ct abdomen liver wo+w iv donor organ (1147-0031)
RPID134 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (4335-1041) ct chest peritoneum aspirate (4335-1041)
RPID1340 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest angiography brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst angio brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2492-4408) ct brain chest head angiography w iv (2492-4408)
RPID1341 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest multiphase pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst multiph pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest multiphase pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst multiph pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest multiphase pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst multiph pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Embolus (6514-9037) ct chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv 2 or more phases embolus (6514-9037)
RPID1342 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left atrium in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography left atrium with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio lt atrium w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left atrium in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography left atrium with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio lt atrium w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left atrium in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography left atrium with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio lt atrium w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9974-1521) ct chest leftatrium angiography w iv (9974-1521)
RPID1343 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5763-4476) ct knee lower extremity angiography w iv (5763-4476)
RPID1344 a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ue research brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head upper extremity research brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ue research brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head upper extremity research brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ue research brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head upper extremity research brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8306-4179) ct brain head upper extremity research wo iv (8306-4179)
RPID1345 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0049-7878) ct abdomen lspine pelvis wo iv (0049-7878)
RPID1346 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le l spine foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le l spine foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le l spine foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2115-7077) ct foot lower extremity lspine wo iv (2115-7077)
RPID1347 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (7468-4678) ct chest heart w iv embolus (7468-4678)
RPID1348 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3859-4477) ct head pelvis wo iv (3859-4477)
RPID1349 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (7891-3311)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (3146-0063)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT entero
ct abdomen chest pelvis small intestine w iv w po (7891-3311)
ct abdomen chest pelvis w iv w po (3146-0063)
RPID135 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (9041-5818) ct abdomen kidney biopsy (9041-5818)
RPID1350 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph kidney cancer wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney malignant neoplasm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph kidney cancer wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney malignant neoplasm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph kidney cancer wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney malignant neoplasm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Cancer (9365-4276) ct abdomen kidney wo+w iv 2 or more phases cancer (9365-4276)
RPID1351 a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd le scngrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen lower extremity scanogram without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd le scngrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity scanogram without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd le scngrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity scanogram without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (5341-8283)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (7350-5804)
ct abdomen lower extremity localizer wo iv (5341-8283)
ct abdomen lower extremity localizer wo iv (7350-5804)
RPID1352 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography and multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis uro multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis urography multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography and multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography and multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (0560-7474) ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter wo+w iv 2 or more phases (0560-7474)
RPID1353 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis lo dose uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis lo dose uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis low dose urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (4792-0644) ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter lowdose wo+w iv (4792-0644)
RPID1354 a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cystography bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cystography bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cystography bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis cystgrphy bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (8229-2619) ct abdomen bladder chest pelvis cystography w iv w ivesical (8229-2619)
RPID1355 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (1508-2233) ct chest wo+w iv 2 or more phases (1508-2233)
RPID1356 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0709-8157) ct abdomen chest knee lower extremity pelvis w iv (0709-8157)
RPID1357 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (3345-8703) ct chest pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (3345-8703)
RPID1358 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4851-0265) ct abdomen chest cspine lspine pelvis wo iv (4851-0265)
RPID1359 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0630-5079) ct abdomen chest lspine pelvis wo iv (0630-5079)
RPID136 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance pleura thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide pleura thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance pleura thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide pleura thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance pleura thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide pleura thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (9525-9313) ct chest pleura aspirate (9525-9313)
RPID1360 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen thoracic spine pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd t spine pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen thoracic spine pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd t spine pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen thoracic spine pelvis lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd t spine pelvis l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7222-6951) ct abdomen chest lspine pelvis tspine wo iv (7222-6951)
RPID1361 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (3900-9993) ct cspine lspine myelography (3900-9993)
RPID1362 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and thoracic spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine t spine c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine thoracic spine cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and thoracic spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine t spine c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine thoracic spine cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and thoracic spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine t spine c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine thoracic spine cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (7182-8195) ct cspine lumbosacral junction tspine myelography (7182-8195)
RPID1363 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (9139-1531) ct cspine tspine myelography (9139-1531)
RPID1364 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and thoracic spine and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest thoracic spine cervical spine ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst t spine c spine ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:RIB Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and thoracic spine and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine cervical spine ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine c spine ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and thoracic spine and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine cervical spine ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine c spine ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:RIB Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3174-3508) ct chest cspine rib tspine wo iv (3174-3508)
RPID1365 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest cervical spine lumbar spine ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst c spine l spine ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest cervical spine lumbar spine ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst c spine l spine ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest cervical spine lumbar spine ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst c spine l spine ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7169-1787) ct chest cspine lspine rib wo iv (7169-1787)
RPID1366 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4372-2845) ct abdomen adrenal chest pelvis w iv (4372-2845)
RPID1367 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4563-2403) ct abdomen chest lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (4563-2403)
RPID1368 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cyst with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis cyst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cyst with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis cyst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis cyst with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis cyst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7191-0422)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Object:Cyst (9133-0943)
ct abdomen chest cyst pelvis w iv (7191-0422)
ct abdomen chest pelvis cyst w iv (9133-0943)
RPID1369 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (6447-3405) ct angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (6447-3405)
RPID137 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (9525-9313) ct chest pleura aspirate (9525-9313)
RPID1370 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2933-3348) ct abdomen chest heart pelvis w iv (2933-3348)
RPID1371 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst cor arts calc score wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts calc score wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts calc score wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0286-4192) ct chest coronary artery calciumscore wo+w iv (0286-4192)
RPID1372 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct veno pulm vns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct venography pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct veno pulm vns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct venography pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct veno pulm vns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct venography pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8693-0910) ct pulmonary vein venography wo+w iv (8693-0910)
RPID1373 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6690-9594) ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography wo iv (6690-9594)
RPID1374 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9858-6732) ct chest lower extremity pelvis w iv (9858-6732)
RPID1375 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2041-8252) ct chest cspine wo iv (2041-8252)
RPID1376 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen angiography thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd angio th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (0486-5995) ct abdomen chest slice thin angiography wo+w iv (0486-5995)
RPID1377 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (8914-8184) ct chest lowdose screening (8914-8184)
RPID1378 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (1659-9403) ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv embolus (1659-9403)
RPID1379 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9175-3413) ct abdomen neck w iv (9175-3413)
RPID138 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct c spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine w iv contrast by reconstruction neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct cervical spine w iv contrast by reconstruction neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine w iv contrast by reconstruction neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine w iv contrast by reconstruction neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Neuro IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (7143-1230)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0385-4600)
ct cspine reconstruction retrospective neuro w iv (7143-1230)
ct cspine reconstruction retrospective w iv (0385-4600)
RPID1380 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (8822-3106) ct chest pelvis (8822-3106)
RPID1381 a computed tomography radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cisterngrphy wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cisternography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cisterngrphy wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cisternography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cisterngrphy wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cisternography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (5796-0792) ct cistern head cisternography cerebral wo iv (5796-0792)
RPID1382 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6832-4763) ct chest cspine neck w iv (6832-4763)
RPID1383 a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brnchgraph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bronchography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brnchgraph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bronchography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brnchgraph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bronchography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS IBronchialContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7406-5317)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0208-8369)
ct bronchus w ibronchial wo iv (7406-5317)
ct bronchus wo iv (0208-8369)
RPID1384 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution pulmonary arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res pulm arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution pulmonary arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res pulm arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution pulmonary arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res pulm arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (2990-5681) ct chest pulmonary artery resolution high wo iv (2990-5681)
RPID1385 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase research procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct multiph research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct multiphase research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Research IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase research procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct multiph research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct multiphase research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase research procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct multiph research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct multiphase research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Research IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (8865-9385) ct research wo+w iv 2 or more phases (8865-9385)
RPID1386 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d image recon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d imaging processing reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d image recon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d image recon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2681-7053)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0998-4073)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (7742-7558)
ct 3d postprocessing (2681-7053)
ct 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective (0998-4073)
ct 3d reconstruction retrospective (7742-7558)
RPID1387 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9437-0490) ct abdomen femur lower extremity pelvis wo iv (9437-0490)
RPID1388 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7129-2838) ct abdomen pelvis venography wo iv (7129-2838)
RPID1389 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (6467-0968) ct abdomen resolution high wo iv (6467-0968)
RPID139 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct c spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct cervical spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Neuro IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (2352-6860)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (8796-2786)
ct cspine reconstruction retrospective neuro wo iv (2352-6860)
ct cspine reconstruction retrospective wo iv (8796-2786)
RPID1390 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6001-2677) ct abdomen cspine wo iv (6001-2677)
RPID1391 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd 3d image cholang w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing cholangiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Cholangiography ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image cholang w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing cholangiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image cholang w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing cholangiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Cholangiography (1374-7553)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Cholangiography ModalityType:PostProcessing (6398-7682)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Cholangiography ModalityType:PostProcessing (9175-1738)
ct abdomen 3d cholangiography postprocessing w iduct w iv (9175-1738)
ct abdomen bileduct 3d cholangiography postprocessing w iv (6398-7682)
ct abdomen bileduct 3d cholangiography w iv (1374-7553)
RPID1392 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7431-6078) ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis wo iv (7431-6078)
RPID1393 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (6967-7659)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8185-5645)
ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d postprocessing w iv (8185-5645)
ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d w iv (6967-7659)
RPID1394 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5317-9178) ct abdomen knee lower extremity pelvis wo iv (5317-9178)
RPID1395 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis cyst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis cyst with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis cyst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cyst with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis cyst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis cyst with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6432-9856)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Object:Cyst (2560-7031)
ct abdomen cyst pelvis w iv (6432-9856)
ct abdomen pelvis cyst w iv (2560-7031)
RPID1396 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis 3d image kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3739-5546)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8100-5055)
ct abdomen kidney pelvis 3d postprocessing w iv (8100-5055)
ct abdomen kidney pelvis 3d w iv (3739-5546)
RPID1397 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8709-4746) ct abdomen knee lower extremity pelvis w iv (8709-4746)
RPID1398 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the abdomen and pelvis and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the abdomen and pelvis and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the abdomen and pelvis and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7300-7477) ct abdomen elbow pelvis upper extremity w iv (7300-7477)
RPID1399 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis kidney cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (8814-4589) ct abdomen kidney pelvis wo iv cancer (8814-4589)
RPID14 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct ue angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct upper extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1412-0503)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5186-0590)
ct upper extremity angiography wo+w iv (1412-0503)
ct upper extremity right angiography wo+w iv (5186-0590)
RPID140 a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd cholang wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen cholangiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd cholang wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen cholangiogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen cholangiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen cholangiogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd cholang wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cholangiogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cholangiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd cholang wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cholangiogram w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cholangiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (9208-5442)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (5333-0020)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (6639-9775)
ct abdomen bileduct cholangiography (5333-0020)
ct abdomen bileduct cholangiography wo+w iv (9208-5442)
ct abdomen cholangiography w iduct wo+w iv (6639-9775)
RPID1400 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis recon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis recon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis recon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (2171-0213) ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo+w iv (2171-0213)
RPID1401 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (5133-5963) ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo iv (5133-5963)
RPID1402 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8196-8089) ct abdomen adrenal pelvis w iv (8196-8089)
RPID1403 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5690-4199) ct abdomen adrenal pelvis wo+w iv (5690-4199)
RPID1404 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1798-7123)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1052-8793)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography wo+w iv (1052-8793)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography wo+w iv (1798-7123)
RPID1405 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography heart congenital disease with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio heart cong dx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart congenital disease with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart cong dx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart congenital disease with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart cong dx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (1306-6541) ct chest heart angiography w iv disease congenital (1306-6541)
RPID1406 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7172-2055) ct chest neck angiography wo+w iv (7172-2055)
RPID1407 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image recon brn foll up wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain follow-up procedure without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon brn foll up wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain follow-up procedure without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon brn foll up wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain follow-up procedure without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8744-0059)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (8841-6328)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (7681-2163)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing followup wo+w iv (8744-0059)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective followup wo+w iv (8841-6328)
ct brain head 3d reconstruction retrospective followup wo+w iv (7681-2163)
RPID1408 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (1357-1345)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (8327-7315)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (2020-4729)
ct lower extremity pelvis 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (8327-7315)
ct lower extremity pelvis 3d postprocessing w iv (1357-1345)
ct lower extremity pelvis 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (2020-4729)
RPID1409 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (9683-8446)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (4862-6551)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1380-1357)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (4862-6551)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d postprocessing w iv (9683-8446)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (1380-1357)
RPID141 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct l spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lumbar spine w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1274-6840) ct lspine reconstruction retrospective w iv (1274-6840)
RPID1410 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8185-5645)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6907-1980)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (3385-4141)
ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (6907-1980)
ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d postprocessing w iv (8185-5645)
ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (3385-4141)
RPID1411 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image recon brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (1179-6742)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (4594-3364)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (8151-6254)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (4594-3364)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing w iv (1179-6742)
ct brain head 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (8151-6254)
RPID1412 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (6712-7990)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (3373-8262)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (3955-5429)
ct neck 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (3373-8262)
ct neck 3d postprocessing w iv (6712-7990)
ct neck 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (3955-5429)
RPID1413 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (7415-7611)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1087-7360)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (4125-2104)
ct abdomen chest 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (1087-7360)
ct abdomen chest 3d postprocessing w iv (7415-7611)
ct abdomen chest 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (4125-2104)
RPID1414 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (3368-1185)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1946-1405)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6711-4147)
ct chest 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (1946-1405)
ct chest 3d postprocessing w iv (3368-1185)
ct chest 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (6711-4147)
RPID1415 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (9320-3360)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (1550-7444)
ct ankle lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv (1550-7444)
ct ankle lower extremity 3d wo iv (9320-3360)
RPID1416 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis hi res angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis high resolution angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis hi res angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis high resolution angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis hi res angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis high resolution angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (5068-9385) ct abdomen pelvis resolution high angiography wo iv (5068-9385)
RPID1417 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography heart morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio heart morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3245-1598) ct chest heart angiography w iv (3245-1598)
RPID1418 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pulmonary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pulm arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8618-6277) ct chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv (8618-6277)
RPID1419 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfus diamox brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfusion diamox brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfus diamox brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion diamox brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfus diamox brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion diamox brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide (6267-7997) ct brain head perfusion wo+w iv acetazolamide (6267-7997)
RPID142 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct l spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lumbar spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (9154-6489) ct lspine reconstruction retrospective wo iv (9154-6489)
RPID1420 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (4584-5377)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (5502-2754)
ct cspine 3d postprocessing w iv (5502-2754)
ct cspine 3d w iv (4584-5377)
RPID1421 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (2948-0902)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (9913-3543)
ct cspine 3d postprocessing wo iv (9913-3543)
ct cspine 3d wo iv (2948-0902)
RPID1422 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2040-5665) ct abdomen chest femur lower extremity pelvis w iv (2040-5665)
RPID1423 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2141-0323) ct abdomen chest lower extremity pelvis w iv (2141-0323)
RPID1424 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography kidney donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio kidney donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography kidney donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio kidney donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography kidney donor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio kidney donor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (0703-8690) ct abdomen chest kidney pelvis angiography wo+w iv donor organ (0703-8690)
RPID1425 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (9647-3117)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (6540-3924)
ct neck 3d angiography w iv (9647-3117)
ct neck 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (6540-3924)
RPID1426 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2308-9014) ct cspine neck wo+w iv (2308-9014)
RPID1427 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7954-4579) ct cspine neck w iv (7954-4579)
RPID1428 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:CT (9378-2062) ct abdomen spleen (9378-2062)
RPID1429 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine c spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (0935-2028)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (5508-8312)
ct cspine tspine w ithecal myelography (0935-2028)
ct cspine tspine w iv myelography (5508-8312)
RPID143 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen/pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9909-0713) ct abdomen pelvis angiography wo+w iv (9909-0713)
RPID1430 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue c spine shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity cervical spine shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue c spine shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity cervical spine shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue c spine shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity cervical spine shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3732-6502) ct cspine shoulder upper extremity wo iv (3732-6502)
RPID1431 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6791-0435) ct cspine neck wo iv (6791-0435)
RPID1432 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (0775-6873)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (5401-3226)
ct abdomen 3d postprocessing w iv (5401-3226)
ct abdomen 3d w iv (0775-6873)
RPID1433 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis le pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (9724-6757) ct abdomen chest lower extremity pelvis pulmonary artery w iv embolus (9724-6757)
RPID1434 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7341-3772) ct lower extremity pelvis wo+w iv (7341-3772)
RPID1435 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3718-0751) ct chest lower extremity pelvis wo+w iv (3718-0751)
RPID1436 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity lower leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity lower leg embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le leg embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (0630-8105)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (1816-8425)
ct chest leg lower extremity pelvis w iv embolus (0630-8105)
ct chest lower extremity lower leg pelvis w iv embolus (1816-8425)
RPID1437 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity lower leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity lower leg with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le leg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6316-3264)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2241-1473)
ct chest leg lower extremity pelvis w iv (6316-3264)
ct chest lower extremity lower leg pelvis w iv (2241-1473)
RPID1438 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (3283-2755) ct chest pelvis pulmonary artery w iv embolus (3283-2755)
RPID1439 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (0783-1607) ct abdomen chest wo iv 2 or more phases (0783-1607)
RPID144 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5391-3784) ct abdomen pelvis wo iv (5391-3784)
RPID1440 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3373-4326)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2581-8669)
ct chest 3d (3373-4326)
ct chest 3d postprocessing (2581-8669)
RPID1441 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (2902-5649)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (3368-1185)
ct chest 3d postprocessing w iv (3368-1185)
ct chest 3d w iv (2902-5649)
RPID1442 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0236-6483) ct chest limited wo iv (0236-6483)
RPID1443 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3976-9211) ct chest angiography wo iv (3976-9211)
RPID1444 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest multiphase without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst multiph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (9060-5420) ct chest wo iv 2 or more phases (9060-5420)
RPID1445 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (6293-8310)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (6627-4127)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing (9784-9292)
ct chest 3d postprocessing wo iv (6627-4127)
ct chest 3d wo iv (6293-8310)
ct chest postprocessing wo iv (9784-9292)
RPID1446 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis recon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis recon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis recon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1734-1014) ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo+w iv (1734-1014)
RPID1447 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (8874-0976) ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo iv (8874-0976)
RPID1448 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6448-6439) ct chest tspine wo iv (6448-6439)
RPID1449 a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cholang w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cholangiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cholang w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cholangiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cholang w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cholangiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (2906-9230)
IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (2342-9795)
ct bileduct cholangiography w iv (2906-9230)
ct cholangiography w iduct w iv (2342-9795)
RPID145 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen/pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen/pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2183-0861) ct abdomen pelvis w iv (2183-0861)
RPID1450 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (5803-1528) ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery wo iv embolus (5803-1528)
RPID1451 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5526-9213)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8364-5868)
ct abdomen colon pelvis wo+w iv (5526-9213)
ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv (8364-5868)
RPID1452 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image recon facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2710-1023)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (4125-7856)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6733-8656)
ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (4125-7856)
ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing w iv (2710-1023)
ct facial bone head 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (6733-8656)
RPID1453 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image recon facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0133-1301)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6502-1917)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (7072-3380)
ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective wo iv (6502-1917)
ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing wo iv (0133-1301)
ct facial bone head 3d reconstruction retrospective wo iv (7072-3380)
RPID1454 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis and lower extremity and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd t spine pelvis le l spine angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen thoracic spine pelvis lower extremity lumbar spine angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis and lower extremity and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd t spine pelvis le l spine angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen thoracic spine pelvis lower extremity lumbar spine angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis and lower extremity and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd t spine pelvis le l spine angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen thoracic spine pelvis lower extremity lumbar spine angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7086-3510) ct abdomen lower extremity lspine pelvis tspine angiography w iv (7086-3510)
RPID1455 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4834-9528) ct lower extremity angiography w iv (4834-9528)
RPID1456 a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis cystography bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystography bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystography bladder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (1745-1165) ct bladder pelvis cystography w iv w ivesical (1745-1165)
RPID1457 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase research procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis multiph research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Research IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase research procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase research procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Research IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (7198-0951) ct abdomen pelvis research wo+w iv 2 or more phases (7198-0951)
RPID1458 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (9655-5487)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (7920-5733)
ct elbow upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv (7920-5733)
ct elbow upper extremity 3d wo iv (9655-5487)
RPID1459 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis entero wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT POContrast:W (3666-8101)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT POContrast:W (7567-2687)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT entero
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine wo+w iv w po (3666-8101)
ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv w po (7567-2687)
RPID146 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest airway without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst airway wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest airway without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest airway wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst airway wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest airway wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest airway without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest airway wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst airway wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest airway without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest airway wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst airway wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4916-0113) ct airway chest wo iv (4916-0113)
RPID1460 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (5429-7706) ct elbow upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (5429-7706)
RPID1461 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the epidural space in the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine epi space w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine epidural space with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:EPIDURALSPACE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the epidural space in the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine epi space w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine epidural space with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the epidural space in the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine epi space w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine epidural space with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:EPIDURALSPACE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7601-1992)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT epi space
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT epidural space
ct cspine epiduralspace w iv (7601-1992)
RPID1462 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the epidural space in the abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis l spine uro epi space wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbar spine urography epidural space without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:EPIDURALSPACE Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the epidural space in the abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis l spine uro epi space wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbar spine urography epidural space without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the epidural space in the abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis l spine uro epi space wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbar spine urography epidural space without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:EPIDURALSPACE Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9132-9924)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT epi space
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT epidural space
ct abdomen bladder epiduralspace kidney lspine pelvis ureter wo+w iv (9132-9924)
RPID1463 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chest facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chst facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6233-5755) ct chest facial bone head neck w iv (6233-5755)
RPID1464 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image facl bns trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing facial bones trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image facl bns trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing facial bones trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image facl bns trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing facial bones trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Reason:Trauma (4945-8278)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Reason:Trauma (0148-9619)
ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing wo iv trauma (4945-8278)
ct facial bone head 3d wo iv trauma (0148-9619)
RPID1465 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le c spine femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity cervical spine femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le c spine femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity cervical spine femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le c spine femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity cervical spine femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6992-0488) ct cspine femur lower extremity wo iv (6992-0488)
RPID1466 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Device:Fiducial Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Fiducial Modality:CT (4672-3104) ct fiducial (4672-3104)
RPID1467 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (9981-8645)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8631-6368)
ct foot lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv (8631-6368)
ct foot lower extremity 3d wo iv (9981-8645)
RPID1468 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le arthro foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity arthrography foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le arthro foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le arthro foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (4356-8854) ct foot lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (4356-8854)
RPID1469 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0131-6865) ct abdomen chest head wo iv (0131-6865)
RPID147 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest w iv contrast pulmonary embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest w iv contrast pulmonary embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest w iv contrast pulmonary embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest w iv contrast pulmonary embolus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (1923-6817)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus:Pulmonary (4848-0424)
ct chest pulmonary artery w iv embolus (1923-6817)
ct chest w iv embolus pulmonary (4848-0424)
RPID1470 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9550-2810) ct abdomen chest head pelvis wo iv (9550-2810)
RPID1471 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6131-4482) ct abdomen chest head pelvis w iv (6131-4482)
RPID1472 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck thy glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck thyroid gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck thy glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck thyroid gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck thy glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck thyroid gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5985-8395) ct head neck thyroid w iv (5985-8395)
RPID1473 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5901-5852) ct abdomen chest head neck w iv (5901-5852)
RPID1474 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0011-5768) ct chest head neck w iv (0011-5768)
RPID1475 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and thoracic spine and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head t spine c spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head thoracic spine cervical spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and thoracic spine and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head t spine c spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head thoracic spine cervical spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and thoracic spine and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head t spine c spine brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head thoracic spine cervical spine brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2579-0020) ct brain cspine head tspine wo iv (2579-0020)
RPID1476 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image recon brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image recon brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing reconstruction brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2285-1097)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (2247-6604)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (5941-0733)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective wo iv (2247-6604)
ct brain head 3d postprocessing wo iv (2285-1097)
ct brain head 3d reconstruction retrospective wo iv (5941-0733)
RPID1477 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chest brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck chst brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chest brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck chst brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0635-0466) ct brain chest head neck w iv (0635-0466)
RPID1478 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart cong dx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart cong dx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart cong dx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (8367-2970) ct chest heart disease congenital (8367-2970)
RPID1479 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution research procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct hi res research wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct high resolution research without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution research procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct hi res research wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct high resolution research without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution research procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct hi res research wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct high resolution research without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Research IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (1585-0295) ct resolution high research wo iv (1585-0295)
RPID148 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct colonography wo iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct colonography wo iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct colonography wo iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct colonography wo iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2016-3083)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9585-5192)
Anatomy:COLON Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6855-8525)
ct abdomen colon pelvis screening wo iv (2016-3083)
ct abdomen pelvis screening wo iv (9585-5192)
ct colon screening wo iv (6855-8525)
RPID1480 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3757-5851) ct chest heart calciumscore wo iv (3757-5851)
RPID1481 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9200-3009) ct chest heart wo+w iv (9200-3009)
RPID1482 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le l spine ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le l spine ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le l spine ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8926-2957) ct ankle lower extremity lspine wo iv (8926-2957)
RPID1483 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le l spine femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le l spine femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le l spine femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6206-1831) ct femur lower extremity lspine wo iv (6206-1831)
RPID1484 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le l spine hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity lumbar spine hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le l spine hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity lumbar spine hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le l spine hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity lumbar spine hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5653-5523) ct hip lower extremity lspine pelvis wo iv (5653-5523)
RPID1485 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue l spine humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2601-7047) ct humerus lspine upper extremity wo iv (2601-7047)
RPID1486 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le l spine knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le l spine knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le l spine knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity lumbar spine knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3077-7217) ct knee lower extremity lspine wo iv (3077-7217)
RPID1487 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue l spine shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9615-4358) ct lspine shoulder upper extremity wo iv (9615-4358)
RPID1488 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue l spine shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9061-6690) ct lspine shoulder upper extremity w iv (9061-6690)
RPID1489 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue l spine wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1841-3326) ct lspine upper extremity wrist wo iv (1841-3326)
RPID149 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose nodule without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose nodule wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Nodule (4943-6299) ct chest lowdose wo iv nodule (4943-6299)
RPID1490 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue l spine forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue l spine forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lumbar spine forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8676-6098) ct forearm lspine upper extremity wo iv (8676-6098)
RPID1491 a computed tomography radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:CT (1712-2186) ct limited localize (1712-2186)
RPID1492 a computed tomography radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct localiz ltd foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct localization limited follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct localiz ltd foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct localization limited follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct localiz ltd foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct localization limited follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:CT (5686-8217) ct followup limited localize (5686-8217)
RPID1493 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7087-3009) ct abdomen liver wo iv (7087-3009)
RPID1494 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7340-0625) ct abdomen liver wo+w iv (7340-0625)
RPID1495 a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Localize Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Localize Modality:CT (8524-9952) ct localize (8524-9952)
RPID1496 a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Localize Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Localize Modality:CT (7314-9976) ct chest localize (7314-9976)
RPID1497 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2889-0808) ct lumbosacral junction thyroid wo iv (2889-0808)
RPID1498 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7645-5218) ct abdomen pelvis limited wo iv (7645-5218)
RPID1499 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0729-4315) ct lspine sacrum w iv (0729-4315)
RPID15 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst cor arts calc score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts calc score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts calc score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Modality:CT (4759-2006) ct chest coronary artery calciumscore (4759-2006)
RPID150 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose Reason:Cancer (3307-0906) ct chest lowdose wo iv cancer (3307-0906)
RPID1500 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cancer wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct malignant neoplasm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cancer wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct malignant neoplasm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cancer wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct malignant neoplasm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (6950-5746) ct wo+w iv cancer (6950-5746)
RPID1501 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (5860-3992) ct wo iv cancer (5860-3992)
RPID1502 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head limited maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ltd max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head limited maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ltd max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head limited maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ltd max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8139-2027) ct head maxillofacial limited wo iv (8139-2027)
RPID1503 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7117-8887) ct abdomen chest neck wo+w iv (7117-8887)
RPID1504 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4743-8698) ct abdomen chest neck pelvis wo iv (4743-8698)
RPID1505 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7759-3567) ct head neck temporal bone w iv (7759-3567)
RPID1506 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6071-3240) ct abdomen chest neck wo iv (6071-3240)
RPID1507 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2200-6524) ct neck limited w iv (2200-6524)
RPID1508 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7506-0422) ct neck tspine w iv (7506-0422)
RPID1509 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9626-1934) ct neck spine wo iv (9626-1934)
RPID151 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution lung parenchyma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res lung parench wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution lung parenchyma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res lung parench wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution lung parenchyma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res lung parench wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (1210-6917) ct chest lung tissue parenchymal resolution high wo iv (1210-6917)
RPID1510 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2378-5011) ct abdomen neck pelvis w iv (2378-5011)
RPID1511 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (4991-3268) ct neck resolution high wo iv (4991-3268)
RPID1512 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7315-9812) ct abdomen neck pelvis wo+w iv (7315-9812)
RPID1513 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head and bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head bone orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head bone orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head and bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head bone orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head bone orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head and bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head bone orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head bone orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1924-0734)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Anatomy:SKELETON IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7941-0427)
ct bone head orbit wo iv (1924-0734)
ct head orbit skeleton wo iv (7941-0427)
RPID1514 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3391-2129) ct abdomen pancreas wo iv (3391-2129)
RPID1515 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen venography pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd veno pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen venography pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd veno pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen venography pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd veno pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (8313-4968) ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery venography w iv embolus (8313-4968)
RPID1516 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Modality:CT (6661-9857) ct pediatric (6661-9857)
RPID1517 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6871-1735) ct femur lower extremity pelvis wo iv (6871-1735)
RPID1518 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d image preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d imaging processing pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Preoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d image preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d image preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Preoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3590-9920)
Context:Preoperative Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (5746-2985)
ct 3d postprocessing preoperative (5746-2985)
ct 3d preoperative (3590-9920)
RPID1519 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multi-planar reformation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d image multi plan ref (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d imaging processing multi-planar reformation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multi-planar reformation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d image multi plan ref (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing multi-planar reformation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multi-planar reformation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d image multi plan ref (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing multi-planar reformation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (0951-0703)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (1841-1344)
ct 3d postprocessing reconstruction multiplanar (0951-0703)
ct 3d reconstruction multiplanar (1841-1344)
RPID152 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen enterography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen enterography (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen enterography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen enterography w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (0447-3399)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (0025-3332)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W (1799-9811)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:CT POContrast:W (1297-0690)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT entero
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine w iv w po (0447-3399)
ct abdomen pelvis w iv w po (0025-3332)
ct abdomen small intestine w iv w po (1799-9811)
ct abdomen small intestine w po (1297-0690)
RPID1520 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head for the purpose of craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image cranio syn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Reason:Craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head for the purpose of craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image cranio syn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head for the purpose of craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image cranio syn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing craniosynostosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Reason:Craniosynostosis (9087-5549)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Reason:Craniosynostosis (5004-6509)
ct head 3d craniosynostosis (5004-6509)
ct head 3d postprocessing craniosynostosis (9087-5549)
RPID1521 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Calculus (7127-9032) ct abdomen kidney pelvis calculus wo iv (7127-9032)
RPID1522 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (0173-4135)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography Modality:CT (1286-5597)
ct abdomen aorta angiography (0173-4135)
ct abdomen aorta arteriography (1286-5597)
RPID1523 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (0936-4451) ct ankle lower extremity (0936-4451)
RPID1524 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (5403-0727)
Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (2099-7975)
ct abdomen aorta chest (5403-0727)
ct abdominal aorta chest (2099-7975)
RPID1525 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy and drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance biopsy drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide bx drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy and drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance biopsy drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide bx drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy and drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance biopsy drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide bx drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (6036-9254) ct biopsy drainage (6036-9254)
RPID1526 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (3737-9121) ct elbow upper extremity (3737-9121)
RPID1527 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT (9689-7644) ct spine (9689-7644)
RPID1528 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le femur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity femur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le femur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity femur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (4779-4261) ct femur lower extremity (4779-4261)
RPID1529 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (0857-3803) ct foot lower extremity (0857-3803)
RPID153 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ear without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ear wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ear without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ear wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ear without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ear wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8385-7068) ct ear head wo+w iv (8385-7068)
RPID1530 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue forearm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity forearm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (5609-3111) ct forearm upper extremity (5609-3111)
RPID1531 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT Reason:Stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT Reason:Stroke (9529-4197) ct head stroke (9529-4197)
RPID1532 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (4130-3528) ct calcaneus lower extremity (4130-3528)
RPID1533 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:CT (0855-4371) ct hip both lower extremity both (0855-4371)
RPID1534 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (9228-6008) ct humerus upper extremity (9228-6008)
RPID1535 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8272-5271) ct abdomen kidney both w iv (8272-5271)
RPID1536 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (0617-4750) ct knee lower extremity (0617-4750)
RPID1537 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct surg equip ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct surgical equipment axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:SurgicalEquipment Modality:CT View:transverse (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct surg equip ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct surgical equipment axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct surg equip ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct surgical equipment axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:SurgicalEquipment Modality:CT View:transverse (0499-6788)
Modality:CT View:transverse equip surgical
Modality:CT View:transverse equipment surgical
ct surgicalequipment transverse (0499-6788)
RPID1538 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:CT (6852-7284) ct head mandible (6852-7284)
RPID1539 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:CT (3899-3357) ct head mastoid (3899-3357)
RPID154 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ear w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ear with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ear w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ear with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ear w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ear with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2599-0444) ct ear head w iv (2599-0444)
RPID1540 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mdle ear wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head middle ear without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MIDDLEEAR IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mdle ear wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head middle ear without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mdle ear wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head middle ear without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MIDDLEEAR IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8528-0445) ct head middle ear wo+w iv (8528-0445)
RPID1541 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mdle ear w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head middle ear with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MIDDLEEAR IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mdle ear w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head middle ear with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mdle ear w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head middle ear with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MIDDLEEAR IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3100-2089) ct head middle ear w iv (3100-2089)
RPID1542 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mdle ear wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head middle ear without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MIDDLEEAR IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mdle ear wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head middle ear without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the middle ear in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mdle ear wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head middle ear without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MIDDLEEAR IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5543-4980) ct head middle ear wo iv (5543-4980)
RPID1543 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Left Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Left Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Left Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Left Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (5686-8507) ct head left temporal bone left reconstruction multiplanar (5686-8507)
RPID1544 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck sft tiss neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck soft tissue of the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck sft tiss neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck soft tissue of the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck sft tiss neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck soft tissue of the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Object:Tissue:Soft (6069-0769)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (3595-5311)
ct neck tissue soft wo+w iv (6069-0769)
ct neck tissue softoftheneck wo+w iv (3595-5311)
RPID1545 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8816-7914) ct sellar region wo+w iv (8816-7914)
RPID1546 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1985-8656) ct temporal bone wo+w iv (1985-8656)
RPID1547 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct recon cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct reconstruction coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective View:coronal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct recon cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct recon cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective View:coronal (2479-3156) ct reconstruction retrospective coronal (2479-3156)
RPID1548 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the with a technique of sagittal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct recon sag pln (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct reconstruction sagittal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective View:sagittal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the with a technique of sagittal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct recon sag pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction sagittal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the with a technique of sagittal plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct recon sag pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction sagittal plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective View:sagittal (5199-1241) ct reconstruction retrospective sagittal (5199-1241)
RPID1549 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:CT (6708-2600) ct pelvis sacroiliac joint (6708-2600)
RPID155 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ear without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ear wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ear without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ear wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ear without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ear wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3954-2711) ct ear head wo iv (3954-2711)
RPID1550 a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (2232-8141) ct localizer (2232-8141)
RPID1551 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (9551-1442) ct shoulder upper extremity (9551-1442)
RPID1552 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of axial plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses axial plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses ax pln w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:CT View:transverse (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of axial plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses axial plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses ax pln w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of axial plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses axial plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses ax pln w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:CT View:transverse (9009-9785) ct head paranasal sinus w iv transverse (9009-9785)
RPID1553 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses ax pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT View:transverse (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses ax pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses ax pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT View:transverse (7569-1026) ct head paranasal sinus wo iv transverse (7569-1026)
RPID1554 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of coronal plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses coronal plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses cor pln w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:CT View:coronal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of coronal plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses coronal plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses cor pln w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of coronal plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses coronal plane with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses cor pln w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:CT View:coronal (0397-9879) ct head paranasal sinus w iv coronal (0397-9879)
RPID1555 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses cor pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT View:coronal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses cor pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with a technique of coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses cor pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT View:coronal (7957-1006) ct head paranasal sinus wo iv coronal (7957-1006)
RPID1556 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the right temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon rt ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone right axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Right Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Right Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar View:transverse (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the right temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon rt ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone right axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the right temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon rt ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone right axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Right Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Right Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar View:transverse (9122-3965) ct head right temporal bone right reconstruction multiplanar transverse (9122-3965)
RPID1557 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Left Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Left Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar View:transverse (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Left Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Left Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar View:transverse (7116-4736) ct head left temporal bone left reconstruction multiplanar transverse (7116-4736)
RPID1558 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Left Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Left Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar View:coronal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon lt cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone left coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Left Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Left Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar View:coronal (8604-8319) ct head left temporal bone left reconstruction multiplanar coronal (8604-8319)
RPID1559 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the right temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon rt cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone right coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Right Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Right Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar View:coronal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the right temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon rt cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone right coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the right temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi plan ref tmp bon rt cor pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multi-planar reformation temporal bone right coronal plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Right Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Right Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar View:coronal (2836-0284) ct head right temporal bone right reconstruction multiplanar coronal (2836-0284)
RPID156 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct pelvis w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (5869-4204) ct pelvis reconstruction retrospective w iv (5869-4204)
RPID1560 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head temporal bone axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head tmp bon ax pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT View:transverse (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon ax pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with a technique of axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone axial plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon ax pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT View:transverse (4337-3315) ct head temporal bone wo iv transverse (4337-3315)
RPID1561 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head temporal bone coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head tmp bon cor pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT View:coronal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon cor pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with a technique of coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone coronal plane without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon cor pln wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT View:coronal (5819-7037) ct head temporal bone wo iv coronal (5819-7037)
RPID1562 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5890-7030) ct neck thyroid wo iv (5890-7030)
RPID1563 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:CT (1316-1065) ct fibula lower extremity tibia (1316-1065)
RPID1564 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:CT (1292-8066) ct upper extremity wrist (1292-8066)
RPID1565 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8464-7492) mr lower extremity left angiography wo+w iv (8464-7492)
RPID1566 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0682-9513) mr lower extremity right angiography wo+w iv (0682-9513)
RPID1567 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angio spin can wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angiography spinal canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angio spin can wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography spinal canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angio spin can wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography spinal canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1655-0186) mr spine angiography wo+w iv (1655-0186)
RPID1568 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8929-0355) mr upper extremity left angiography wo+w iv (8929-0355)
RPID1569 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0082-5774) mr upper extremity right angiography wo+w iv (0082-5774)
RPID157 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct perfus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct perfus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct perfus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (0462-4501) ct perfusion (0462-4501)
RPID1570 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiopancreatography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cholangiopancreatography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cholpan (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IDuctContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiopancreatography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cholangiopancreatography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cholpan (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiopancreatography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cholangiopancreatography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cholpan (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (0775-7439)
IDuctContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (0757-6822)
mr bileduct pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography (0775-7439)
mr cholangiopancreatography w iduct (0757-6822)
RPID1571 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0105-6356) mr abdomen adrenal w iv (0105-6356)
RPID1572 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd adrnl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen adrenal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd adrnl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen adrenal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd adrnl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen adrenal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3279-6897) mr abdomen adrenal wo iv (3279-6897)
RPID1573 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7050-0208) mr ankle left lower extremity left wo iv (7050-0208)
RPID1574 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5612-1160) mr ankle right lower extremity right wo iv (5612-1160)
RPID1575 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Both Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Both Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8169-7996) mr brachial plexus both chest w iv (8169-7996)
RPID1576 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Both Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Both Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8530-1513) mr brachial plexus both chest wo+w iv (8530-1513)
RPID1577 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Both Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Both Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4570-7051) mr brachial plexus both chest wo iv (4570-7051)
RPID1578 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Left Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Left Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3626-2445) mr brachial plexus left chest w iv (3626-2445)
RPID1579 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Left Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Left Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7391-2328) mr brachial plexus left chest wo iv (7391-2328)
RPID158 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head post fossa wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head posterior cranial fossa without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head post fossa wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head posterior cranial fossa without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head post fossa wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head posterior cranial fossa without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8210-7512) ct head posterior fossa wo+w iv (8210-7512)
RPID1580 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Left Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Left Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9727-4587) mr brachial plexus left chest wo+w iv (9727-4587)
RPID1581 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Right Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Right Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1872-8677) mr brachial plexus right chest w iv (1872-8677)
RPID1582 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Right Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Right Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4561-3580) mr brachial plexus right chest wo+w iv (4561-3580)
RPID1583 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Right Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS:Right Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5343-3793) mr brachial plexus right chest wo iv (5343-3793)
RPID1584 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0732-5159) mr breast w iv (0732-5159)
RPID1585 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr heart w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr heart w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr heart w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr heart w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0019-6813)
Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2420-4487)
mr chest heart wo+w iv (0019-6813)
mr heart wo+w iv (2420-4487)
RPID1586 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr heart wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr heart wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr heart wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr heart wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7728-2476)
Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9636-1555)
mr chest heart wo iv (7728-2476)
mr heart wo iv (9636-1555)
RPID1587 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4156-4646) mr femur lower extremity wo+w iv (4156-4646)
RPID1588 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5058-2919) mr femur lower extremity w iv (5058-2919)
RPID1589 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1472-9217) mr femur lower extremity wo iv (1472-9217)
RPID159 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head post fossa w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head posterior cranial fossa with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head post fossa w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head posterior cranial fossa with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head post fossa w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head posterior cranial fossa with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8703-3204) ct head posterior fossa w iv (8703-3204)
RPID1590 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6015-4683) mr foot lower extremity w iv (6015-4683)
RPID1591 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot and toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot toes lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot toes left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot and toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot toes lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot toes left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot and toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot toes lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot toes left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8966-2976)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8767-6082)
mr foot left lower extremity left toe left wo+w iv (8966-2976)
mr foot left lower extremity left toes left wo+w iv (8767-6082)
RPID1592 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot and toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot toes rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot toes right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot and toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot toes rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot toes right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot and toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot toes rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot toes right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4286-6832)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1234-9504)
mr foot right lower extremity right toe right wo+w iv (4286-6832)
mr foot right lower extremity right toes right wo+w iv (1234-9504)
RPID1593 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot and toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot toes lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot toes left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot and toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot toes lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot toes left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot and toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot toes lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot toes left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2918-1234)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7475-5356)
mr foot left lower extremity left toe left wo iv (2918-1234)
mr foot left lower extremity left toes left wo iv (7475-5356)
RPID1594 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot and toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot toes rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot toes right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot and toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot toes rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot toes right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot and toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot toes rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot toes right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6635-6168)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0289-8007)
mr foot right lower extremity right toe right wo iv (6635-6168)
mr foot right lower extremity right toes right wo iv (0289-8007)
RPID1595 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand and fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand and fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand and fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (9770-7326)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:HAND:Right Modality:MR (4913-2447)
mr finger right hand right (4913-2447)
mr finger right hand right upper extremity right (9770-7326)
RPID1596 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand and fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand and fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand and fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (3832-4187)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:HAND:Left Modality:MR (4154-8462)
mr finger left hand left (4154-8462)
mr finger left hand left upper extremity left (3832-4187)
RPID1597 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2452-8570) mr hip left lower extremity left wo iv (2452-8570)
RPID1598 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5516-5323) mr hip right lower extremity right wo iv (5516-5323)
RPID1599 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6999-9855) mr humerus left upper extremity left wo iv (6999-9855)
RPID16 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5447-9622) ct chest wo iv (5447-9622)
RPID160 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head post fossa wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head posterior cranial fossa without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head post fossa wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head posterior cranial fossa without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head post fossa wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head posterior cranial fossa without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7877-0118) ct head posterior fossa wo iv (7877-0118)
RPID1600 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1778-5005) mr humerus right upper extremity right wo iv (1778-5005)
RPID1601 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head iac w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head iac w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head iac w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head iac w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1956-4687) mr head iac w iv (1956-4687)
RPID1602 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head iac wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head iac wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head iac wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head iac wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3913-7966) mr head iac wo iv (3913-7966)
RPID1603 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head iac wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head internal auditory canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head iac w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head iac wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head internal auditory canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head iac w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head iac w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head iac wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head internal auditory canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head iac w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head iac wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head internal auditory canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5647-1453) mr head iac wo+w iv (5647-1453)
RPID1604 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3873-1813) mr knee left lower extremity left wo+w iv (3873-1813)
RPID1605 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee lt preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee left pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6299-4306) mr knee left lower extremity left preoperative wo iv (6299-4306)
RPID1606 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3313-2384) mr knee right lower extremity right wo+w iv (3313-2384)
RPID1607 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee rt preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee right pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6681-1050) mr knee right lower extremity right preoperative wo iv (6681-1050)
RPID1608 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4500-3690) mr knee left lower extremity left wo iv (4500-3690)
RPID1609 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2477-1993) mr knee left lower extremity left w iv (2477-1993)
RPID161 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (2083-3283) ct pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo iv (2083-3283)
RPID1610 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5118-0618) mr knee right lower extremity right wo iv (5118-0618)
RPID1611 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4260-6003) mr knee right lower extremity right w iv (4260-6003)
RPID1612 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2997-8576) mr abdomen liver w iv (2997-8576)
RPID1613 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd liver wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen liver without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd liver wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd liver wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3456-5994) mr abdomen liver wo iv (3456-5994)
RPID1614 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5586-1244) mr lower extremity left wo iv (5586-1244)
RPID1615 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7084-1042) mr lower extremity right wo iv (7084-1042)
RPID1616 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck sft tiss neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck sft tiss neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck sft tiss neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tissue:Soft (5277-1520)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (2917-2300)
mr neck tissue soft wo+w iv (5277-1520)
mr neck tissue softoftheneck wo+w iv (2917-2300)
RPID1617 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck sft tiss neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:MR Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck sft tiss neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck sft tiss neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:MR Object:Tissue:Soft (7100-4197)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:MR Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (0057-0147)
mr neck tissue soft wo iv (7100-4197)
mr neck tissue softoftheneck wo iv (0057-0147)
RPID1618 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck sft tiss neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:MR Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck sft tiss neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck sft tiss neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck soft tissue of the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:MR Object:Tissue:Soft (6737-8584)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:MR Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (7413-8519)
mr neck tissue soft w iv (6737-8584)
mr neck tissue softoftheneck w iv (7413-8519)
RPID1619 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovaries in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis ovaries (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis ovrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovaries in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis ovaries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis ovrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovaries in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis ovaries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis ovrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (1929-0592) mr ovary pelvis (1929-0592)
RPID162 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct t spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct thoracic spine w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (5909-6997) ct tspine reconstruction retrospective w iv (5909-6997)
RPID1620 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovaries in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis ovaries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis ovrs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovaries in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis ovaries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis ovrs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovaries in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis ovaries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis ovrs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2373-2997) mr ovary pelvis w iv (2373-2997)
RPID1621 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6018-1791) mr abdomen pancreas w iv (6018-1791)
RPID1622 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9378-6659) mr abdomen pancreas wo iv (9378-6659)
RPID1623 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis penis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis penis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis penis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis penis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis penis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis penis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2542-9557) mr pelvis penis w iv (2542-9557)
RPID1624 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head pit glnd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head pituitary gland without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head pit glnd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head pituitary gland without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head pit glnd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head pituitary gland without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6622-3843) mr head sellar region wo+w iv (6622-3843)
RPID1625 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head pit glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head pituitary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head pit glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head pituitary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head pit glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head pituitary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7531-8908) mr head sellar region wo iv (7531-8908)
RPID1626 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head pit glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head pituitary gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head pit glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head pituitary gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pituitary gland in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head pit glnd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head pituitary gland with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0428-0877) mr head sellar region w iv (0428-0877)
RPID1627 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left radius and ulna in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue radius ulna lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity radius ulna left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:RADIUS:Left Anatomy:ULNA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left radius and ulna in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue radius ulna lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity radius ulna left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left radius and ulna in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue radius ulna lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity radius ulna left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RADIUS:Left Anatomy:ULNA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2374-8805) mr radius left ulna left upper extremity left wo+w iv (2374-8805)
RPID1628 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left radius and ulna in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue radius ulna lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity radius ulna left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:RADIUS:Left Anatomy:ULNA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left radius and ulna in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue radius ulna lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity radius ulna left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left radius and ulna in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue radius ulna lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity radius ulna left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RADIUS:Left Anatomy:ULNA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3953-0009) mr radius left ulna left upper extremity left wo iv (3953-0009)
RPID1629 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right radius and ulna in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue radius ulna rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity radius ulna right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:RADIUS:Right Anatomy:ULNA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right radius and ulna in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue radius ulna rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity radius ulna right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right radius and ulna in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue radius ulna rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity radius ulna right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RADIUS:Right Anatomy:ULNA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7577-7401) mr radius right ulna right upper extremity right wo+w iv (7577-7401)
RPID163 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct t spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct thoracic spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine wo iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1871-4998) ct tspine reconstruction retrospective wo iv (1871-4998)
RPID1630 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right radius and ulna in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue radius ulna rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity radius ulna right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:RADIUS:Right Anatomy:ULNA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right radius and ulna in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue radius ulna rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity radius ulna right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right radius and ulna in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue radius ulna rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity radius ulna right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RADIUS:Right Anatomy:ULNA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4849-7724) mr radius right ulna right upper extremity right wo iv (4849-7724)
RPID1631 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2599-7769) mr abdomen kidney w iv (2599-7769)
RPID1632 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7296-3820) mr abdomen kidney wo iv (7296-3820)
RPID1633 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6044-4540) mr abdomen kidney wo+w iv (6044-4540)
RPID1634 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis scrotum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis scrotum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6910-4113) mr pelvis scrotum w iv (6910-4113)
RPID1635 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica and pituitary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sella pit glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sella turcica pituitary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica and pituitary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sella pit glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sella turcica pituitary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica and pituitary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sella pit glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sella turcica pituitary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:MR (0677-5512) mr head sellar region (0677-5512)
RPID1636 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6622-3843) mr head sellar region wo+w iv (6622-3843)
RPID1637 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sella turcica with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sella w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sella turcica with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sella w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sella turcica with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sella w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0428-0877) mr head sellar region w iv (0428-0877)
RPID1638 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sella turcica without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sella wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sella turcica without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sella wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sella turcica without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sella wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7531-8908) mr head sellar region wo iv (7531-8908)
RPID1639 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8650-7967) mr shoulder left upper extremity left wo iv (8650-7967)
RPID164 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0286-7300) ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter wo+w iv (0286-7300)
RPID1640 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1528-0057) mr shoulder right upper extremity right wo iv (1528-0057)
RPID1641 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head paranasal sinuses without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sinuses wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head paranasal sinuses without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sinuses wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head paranasal sinuses without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sinuses wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8830-9666) mr head paranasal sinus wo+w iv (8830-9666)
RPID1642 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1523-5983) mr head paranasal sinus wo iv (1523-5983)
RPID1643 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head paranasal sinuses with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head sinuses w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head paranasal sinuses with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head sinuses w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head paranasal sinuses with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head sinuses w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1509-4864) mr head paranasal sinus w iv (1509-4864)
RPID1644 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr sft tis tum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:MR Reason:Object:Tumor:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr sft tis tum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr sft tis tum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:MR Object:Tissue:Soft Object:Tumor (8672-5718)
Modality:MR Reason:Object:Tumor:Tissue:Soft (1788-6224)
mr object tumor tissue soft (1788-6224)
mr tissue soft tumor (8672-5718)
RPID1645 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1933-9018) mr fibula left lower extremity left tibia left wo iv (1933-9018)
RPID1646 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5152-0341) mr fibula right lower extremity right tibia right wo iv (5152-0341)
RPID1647 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8090-7589) mr fibula lower extremity tibia w iv (8090-7589)
RPID1648 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3013-3621) mr fibula lower extremity tibia wo iv (3013-3621)
RPID1649 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head temporomandibular joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tmj w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tmj w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tmj w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8545-5836) mr head temporomandibular joint w iv (8545-5836)
RPID165 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio pulm vns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio pulm vns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography pulmonary veins without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio pulm vns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9451-6687)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5400-5680)
ct chest pulmonary vein angiography wo+w iv (9451-6687)
ct chest pulmonary vein venography wo+w iv (5400-5680)
RPID1650 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6067-4193) mr upper extremity left wo iv (6067-4193)
RPID1651 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2344-2210) mr upper extremity joint left wo iv (2344-2210)
RPID1652 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5231-6386) mr upper extremity joint right wo iv (5231-6386)
RPID1653 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0353-1687) mr upper extremity right wo iv (0353-1687)
RPID1654 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis uterus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis utrs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis uterus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis utrs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis uterus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis utrs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1863-9004) mr pelvis uterus w iv (1863-9004)
RPID1655 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis uterus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis utrs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis uterus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis utrs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis uterus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis utrs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4011-2245) mr pelvis uterus wo iv (4011-2245)
RPID1656 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1925-5599) mr upper extremity left wrist left wo iv (1925-5599)
RPID1657 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7652-3608) mr upper extremity right wrist right wo iv (7652-3608)
RPID1658 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head veno brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head venography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head veins wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head veno brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head venography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head veins wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head veins wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head veno brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head venography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head veins wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head veno brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head venography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0504-3552)
Anatomy:HEADVEIN IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6990-1376)
mr brain head venography wo iv (0504-3552)
mr head vein wo iv (6990-1376)
RPID166 a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (8755-6414) ct lower extremity localizer (8755-6414)
RPID167 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0587-1655)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6826-0670)
ct chest coronary artery angiography w iv (0587-1655)
ct chest coronary artery arteriography w iv (6826-0670)
RPID168 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (5519-4110) ct abdomen pelvis angiography (5519-4110)
RPID169 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography Modality:CT (8678-9245) ct abdomen pelvis venography (8678-9245)
RPID17 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0342-3545) ct chest wo+w iv (0342-3545)
RPID170 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography Modality:CT (9749-6014) ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis venography (9749-6014)
RPID171 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Venography Modality:CT (3518-3038) ct abdomen venography (3518-3038)
RPID172 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct recon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct recon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct recon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (3910-9179) ct reconstruction retrospective (3910-9179)
RPID173 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction additional body region procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct recon add bod reg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct reconstruction additional body region (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Additional Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction additional body region procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct recon add bod reg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction additional body region (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction additional body region procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct recon add bod reg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct reconstruction additional body region (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Additional Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0483-0312) ct reconstruction retrospective additional (0483-0312)
RPID174 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (1291-5672) ct head neck angiography (1291-5672)
RPID175 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography Modality:CT (4403-7953) ct head neck venography (4403-7953)
RPID176 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography Modality:CT (7299-1177) ct head venography (7299-1177)
RPID177 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left atrium in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest left atrium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lt atrium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left atrium in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest left atrium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lt atrium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left atrium in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest left atrium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lt atrium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM Modality:CT (5491-9047) ct chest leftatrium (5491-9047)
RPID178 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le veno lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity venography left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le veno lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le veno lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Venography Modality:CT (8760-1427) ct lower extremity left venography (8760-1427)
RPID179 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le veno rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity venography right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le veno rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le veno rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Venography Modality:CT (8034-2917) ct lower extremity right venography (8034-2917)
RPID18 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7226-5515) ct chest w iv (7226-5515)
RPID180 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography Modality:CT (1022-5728) ct neck venography (1022-5728)
RPID1803 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5818-5001) ct head pediatric wo iv (5818-5001)
RPID1804 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head pre op without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head preop wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9707-8654) ct head preoperative wo iv (9707-8654)
RPID1805 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric cervical spine toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds c spine toes wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric cervical spine toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds c spine toes wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric cervical spine toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds c spine toes wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TOE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4884-6976)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6381-6716)
ct cspine toe pediatric wo iv (4884-6976)
ct cspine toes pediatric wo iv (6381-6716)
RPID1806 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of prosthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le pelvis prosth wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity pelvis prosthesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Device:Prosthesis IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of prosthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le pelvis prosth wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity pelvis prosthesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of prosthesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le pelvis prosth wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity pelvis prosthesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Device:Prosthesis IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9236-2434) ct lower extremity pelvis prosthesis wo iv (9236-2434)
RPID1807 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head trauma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head trauma wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (7759-3973) ct head wo iv trauma (7759-3973)
RPID1808 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd uro kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen urography kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd uro kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen urography kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd uro kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen urography kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4642-6068) ct abdomen bladder kidney ureter wo+w iv (4642-6068)
RPID1809 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0250-8453) ct abdomen pelvis angiography w iv (0250-8453)
RPID181 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography Modality:CT (2145-1776) ct pelvis venography (2145-1776)
RPID1810 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9656-5407) ct abdomen pediatric wo iv (9656-5407)
RPID1811 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stereotaxis pre op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stertxs preop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Preoperative Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic pre op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs preop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic pre op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs preop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Preoperative Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5120-9505) ct head preoperative stereotactic wo+w iv (5120-9505)
RPID1812 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1980-8411) ct neck pediatric wo iv (1980-8411)
RPID1813 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and cervical spine and face and chest for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck c spine face chst multi plan ref trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck cervical spine face chest multi-planar reformation trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and cervical spine and face and chest for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck c spine face chst multi plan ref trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck cervical spine face chest multi-planar reformation trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and cervical spine and face and chest for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck c spine face chst multi plan ref trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck cervical spine face chest multi-planar reformation trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar Reason:Trauma (3635-0449) ct chest cspine face head neck reconstruction multiplanar trauma (3635-0449)
RPID1814 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine and toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine toes myelog wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine toes myelography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine and toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine toes myelog wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine toes myelography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine and toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine toes myelog wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine toes myelography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOE IThecalContrast:WO Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (2749-6091)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (3307-9807)
ct lspine toe wo ithecal myelography (2749-6091)
ct lspine toes wo iv myelography (3307-9807)
RPID1815 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (0535-8049) ct lower extremity (0535-8049)
RPID1816 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8786-1541) ct face facial bone wo iv (8786-1541)
RPID1817 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric abdomen low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds abd lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds abd lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds abd lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (7391-6201) ct abdomen lowdose pediatric wo iv (7391-6201)
RPID1818 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4945-4092) ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (4945-4092)
RPID1819 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the abdomen and chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd chst pelvis angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the abdomen and chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd chst pelvis angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the abdomen and chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd chst pelvis angio heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6331-9511) ct abdomen chest heart pelvis angiography w iv (6331-9511)
RPID182 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (0572-3728) ct abdomen chest angiography (0572-3728)
RPID1821 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4621-2063) ct abdomen angiography wo iv (4621-2063)
RPID1822 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the airway in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric face airway (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds face airway (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:FACE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the airway in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric face airway (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds face airway (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the airway in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric face airway (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds face airway (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:FACE Modality:CT (7198-2107) ct airway face pediatric (7198-2107)
RPID1823 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric pelvis abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds pelvis abd orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric pelvis abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds pelvis abd orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric pelvis abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds pelvis abd orl con (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT POContrast:W (6586-2074) ct abdomen pelvis pediatric w po (6586-2074)
RPID1824 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (5310-2660) ct lower extremity dual energy wo iv (5310-2660)
RPID1825 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head and brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head and brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head and brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9583-1049) ct brain head pediatric wo iv (9583-1049)
RPID1826 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the toes and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct toes c spine l spine myelog multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct toes cervical spine lumbar spine myelography multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the toes and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct toes c spine l spine myelog multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct toes cervical spine lumbar spine myelography multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the toes and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct toes c spine l spine myelog multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct toes cervical spine lumbar spine myelography multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOE IThecalContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (9281-6548)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (8321-8080)
ct cspine lspine toe wo ithecal spinal 2 or more levels myelography (9281-6548)
ct cspine lspine toes wo iv spinal 2 or more levels myelography (8321-8080)
RPID1827 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:PELVIS:Right Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:PELVIS:Right Modality:CT (1526-9320) ct hip right pelvis right (1526-9320)
RPID1828 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ue dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity upper extremity dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ue dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ue dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (2013-3309) ct lower extremity upper extremity dual energy wo iv (2013-3309)
RPID1829 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1412-1504) ct upper extremity angiography w iv (1412-1504)
RPID183 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (0314-7583) ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography (0314-7583)
RPID1830 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd bx wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen biopsy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd bx wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen biopsy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd bx wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen biopsy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3436-7232) ct abdomen biopsy wo iv (3436-7232)
RPID1831 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5874-6783) ct upper extremity pediatric angiography w iv (5874-6783)
RPID1832 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:CT (0437-1194) ct head paranasal sinus pediatric (0437-1194)
RPID1833 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (5040-8872) ct abdomen liver biopsy (5040-8872)
RPID1834 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney orl con (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:CT POContrast:W (3850-8490) ct abdomen kidney w po (3850-8490)
RPID1835 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain pre op thin section without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn preop th sect wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain pre op thin section without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn preop th sect wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain pre op thin section without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn preop th sect wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (1467-1489) ct brain slice thin preoperative wo iv (1467-1489)
RPID1836 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the brain and head with a technique of thin section without iv contrast for the purpose of surgical equipment (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain head stereotaxis surgical equipment thin section without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn head stertxs surg equip th sect wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the brain and head with a technique of thin section without iv contrast for the purpose of surgical equipment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain head stereotactic surgical equipment thin section without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn head stertxs surg equip th sect wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the brain and head with a technique of thin section without iv contrast for the purpose of surgical equipment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain head stereotactic surgical equipment thin section without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn head stertxs surg equip th sect wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (7234-8680)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin equip surgical
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin equipment surgical
ct brain head slice thin surgicalequipment stereotactic wo iv (7234-8680)
RPID1837 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis colongrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis colonography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis colongrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis colonography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis colongrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis colonography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (7231-6891)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (3595-8643)
ct colon pelvis (7231-6891)
ct pelvis (3595-8643)
RPID1838 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0043-4339) ct brain w iv (0043-4339)
RPID1839 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6583-2130) ct abdomen kidney pelvis wo+w iv (6583-2130)
RPID184 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography Modality:CT (3309-1407) ct abdomen chest pelvis venography (3309-1407)
RPID1840 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Research Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Research Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (5269-5603) ct chest resolution high research (5269-5603)
RPID1843 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with a technique of thin section (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest thin section (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst th sect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with a technique of thin section (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest thin section (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst th sect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with a technique of thin section (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest thin section (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst th sect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin (7135-5468) ct chest slice thin (7135-5468)
RPID1844 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3840-6455)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5239-4422)
ct abdomen lower extremity w iv (3840-6455)
ct abdomen lower extremity w iv (5239-4422)
RPID1845 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (3264-3003) ct abdomen chest pelvis w iv embolus (3264-3003)
RPID1846 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (9365-7791) ct brain angiography (9365-7791)
RPID1847 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (7072-8111) ct chest angiography w iv embolus (7072-8111)
RPID1848 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography with independent workstation procedure focused on the abdomen and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd chst angio w wkstat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen chest angiography with independent workstation with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT Workstation:Independent:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography with independent workstation procedure focused on the abdomen and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd chst angio w wkstat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen chest angiography with independent workstation with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography with independent workstation procedure focused on the abdomen and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd chst angio w wkstat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen chest angiography with independent workstation with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT Workstation:Independent:W (2816-3651) ct abdomen chest angiography w iv w independent workstation (2816-3651)
RPID185 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography Modality:CT (3597-7558) ct abdomen chest venography (3597-7558)
RPID1850 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3904-5936) ct brain wo iv (3904-5936)
RPID1852 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8041-6454) ct brain wo+w iv (8041-6454)
RPID1853 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio embo (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio embo (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio embo (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (5735-3684) ct chest angiography embolus (5735-3684)
RPID1855 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis calc dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis calculus dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Object:Calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis calc dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis calculus dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis calc dual eng ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis calculus dual energy ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 Object:Calculus (5331-8395) ct pelvis calculus dual energy wo iv (5331-8395)
RPID1856 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue jt bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue jt bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue jt bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both Modality:CT (9642-6940) ct upper extremity joint both (9642-6940)
RPID1857 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph liver panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase liver pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (1905-8094) ct abdomen liver pancreas wo+w iv 2 or more phases (1905-8094)
RPID1858 a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest bronchography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst brnchgraph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest bronchography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst brnchgraph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest bronchography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst brnchgraph wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST IBronchialContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1247-1343)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5931-2937)
ct bronchus chest w ibronchial wo iv (1247-1343)
ct bronchus chest wo iv (5931-2937)
RPID1859 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (3300-3748)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (5325-3844)
ct abdomen lower extremity both angiography (3300-3748)
ct abdomen lower extremity both angiography (5325-3844)
RPID186 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue veno lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity venography left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue veno lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity venography left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue veno lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity venography left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Venography Modality:CT (4808-7157) ct upper extremity left venography (4808-7157)
RPID1860 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (1810-6308)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (7973-7346)
ct head 3d postprocessing wo iv (7973-7346)
ct head 3d wo iv (1810-6308)
RPID1861 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5696-1982) ct chest venography w iv (5696-1982)
RPID1862 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries and lung parenchyma in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution angiography pulmonary arteries lung parenchyma without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res angio pulm arts lung parench wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries and lung parenchyma in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution angiography pulmonary arteries lung parenchyma without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res angio pulm arts lung parench wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries and lung parenchyma in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution angiography pulmonary arteries lung parenchyma without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res angio pulm arts lung parench wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (3242-6392)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (2441-9254)
ct chest lung pulmonary artery tissue parenchymal resolution high angiography wo+w iv (3242-6392)
ct chest lung pulmonary artery tissue parenchymal resolution high arteriography wo+w iv (2441-9254)
RPID1863 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd chst liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen chest liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd chst liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen chest liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd chst liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen chest liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9338-2307) ct abdomen chest liver wo+w iv (9338-2307)
RPID1864 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain angiography 3d imaging processing with independent workstation thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn angio 3d image w wkstat th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Slice:Thin Workstation:Independent:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain angiography 3d imaging processing with independent workstation thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn angio 3d image w wkstat th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain angiography 3d imaging processing with independent workstation thin section without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn angio 3d image w wkstat th sect wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Slice:Thin Workstation:Independent:W (7720-5836)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Slice:Thin Workstation:Independent:W (7176-2232)
ct brain 3d postprocessing slice thin angiography wo+w iv w independent workstation (7720-5836)
ct brain 3d slice thin angiography wo+w iv w independent workstation (7176-2232)
RPID1865 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le veno bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le veno bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le veno bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Venography Modality:CT (4448-3321) ct lower extremity both venography (4448-3321)
RPID1866 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9176-0277) ct abdomen liver angiography w iv (9176-0277)
RPID1867 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis multiph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (1308-4275) ct abdomen pelvis w iv 2 or more phases (1308-4275)
RPID1868 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and lumbar spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain lumbar spine cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn l spine c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and lumbar spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain lumbar spine cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn l spine c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and lumbar spine and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain lumbar spine cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn l spine c spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:CT (0965-4943) ct brain cspine lspine (0965-4943)
RPID1869 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3427-6611) ct face facial bone w iv (3427-6611)
RPID187 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue veno rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity venography right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue veno rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity venography right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue veno rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity venography right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Venography Modality:CT (1526-3311) ct upper extremity right venography (1526-3311)
RPID1870 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast for the purpose of vascular (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck vasc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck vascular with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Context:Vascular IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast for the purpose of vascular (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck vasc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck vascular with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast for the purpose of vascular (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck vasc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck vascular with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Context:Vascular IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3519-7182)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT vasc
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT vascular
ct head neck vascular w iv (3519-7182)
RPID1873 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3376-4474) ct brain angiography wo+w iv (3376-4474)
RPID1874 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0072-0771) ct face wo iv (0072-0771)
RPID1875 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9576-7483) ct coronary artery neck w iv (9576-7483)
RPID1876 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and brain and face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine brn face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine brain face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and brain and face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine brn face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine brain face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and brain and face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine brn face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine brain face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE Modality:CT (9200-6323) ct brain cspine face (9200-6323)
RPID1877 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT Modality:CT (3967-5814) ct joint (3967-5814)
RPID1878 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn abd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn abd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:CT (5615-0893) ct abdomen brain (5615-0893)
RPID1879 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of vascular (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis vasc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis vascular without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Vascular IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of vascular (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis vasc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis vascular without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of vascular (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis vasc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis vascular without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Vascular IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7128-5883)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT vasc
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT vascular
ct abdomen pelvis vascular wo+w iv (7128-5883)
RPID188 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT (6009-9981) ct abdomen (6009-9981)
RPID1881 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (3148-7518) ct brain chest (3148-7518)
RPID1882 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver dual eng ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver dual energy ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 (4764-8878) ct abdomen liver dual energy wo+w iv (4764-8878)
RPID1883 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7245-4719) ct abdomen liver angiography wo+w iv (7245-4719)
RPID1884 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5834-3815) ct brain venography w iv (5834-3815)
RPID1885 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis bladder kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis bladder kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis bladder kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis bladder kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7423-9415) ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis wo iv (7423-9415)
RPID1886 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8655-3818) ct chest pediatric wo iv (8655-3818)
RPID1887 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine guide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance Modality:CT (9246-3440) ct lspine guidance (9246-3440)
RPID1888 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd chst pelvis recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd chst pelvis recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and chest and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd chst pelvis recon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (7358-5082) ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction retrospective w iv (7358-5082)
RPID1889 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric brain 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds brn 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric brain 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds brn 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric brain 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds brn 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (1514-3115)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (6117-8285)
ct brain 3d pediatric wo iv (1514-3115)
ct brain 3d postprocessing pediatric wo iv (6117-8285)
RPID189 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (0872-8643)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (6033-1262)
ct bone ablate (0872-8643)
ct skeleton ablate (6033-1262)
RPID1890 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8162-6526) ct abdomen chest angiography w iv (8162-6526)
RPID1891 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine guide wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine guidance without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4043-5545) ct cspine guidance wo iv (4043-5545)
RPID1892 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5464-9532) ct cspine pediatric wo iv (5464-9532)
RPID1894 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT (1825-9650) ct chest neck (1825-9650)
RPID1896 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:CT (8272-4885) ct abdomen facial bone (8272-4885)
RPID1897 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain and face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric brain face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds brn face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain and face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric brain face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds brn face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain and face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric brain face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds brn face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2141-1376) ct brain face pediatric w iv (2141-1376)
RPID1898 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain facial bones without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn facl bns wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2003-8262) ct brain facial bone wo iv (2003-8262)
RPID1899 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct joint temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct jt tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct joint temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct jt tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct joint temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct jt tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE Modality:CT (9429-6806) ct joint temporal bone (9429-6806)
RPID19 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct cervical spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9810-4962) ct cspine wo+w iv (9810-4962)
RPID190 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:CT (0336-0168) ct abdomen limited (0336-0168)
RPID1901 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:CT (7017-8088) ct cspine w ithecal (7017-8088)
RPID1903 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4916-7481)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4033-9061)
ct aorta lower extremity angiography w iv (4916-7481)
ct aorta lower extremity arteriography w iv (4033-9061)
RPID1904 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5030-7116) ct chest pediatric w iv (5030-7116)
RPID1905 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1306-7300) ct abdomen pelvis pediatric wo iv (1306-7300)
RPID1906 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT Object:Tumor (1383-7660) ct pelvis tumor (1383-7660)
RPID1907 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brain cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brn c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brain cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brn c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brain cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brn c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7523-2378) ct brain cspine wo iv (7523-2378)
RPID1909 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5522-9438) ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography w iv (5522-9438)
RPID191 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance lung cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide lung cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:CT (2231-3615) ct chest lung ablate cryotherapy (2231-3615)
RPID1910 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct breast tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:CT Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct breast tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct breast tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:CT Object:Tumor (5914-2492) ct breast tumor (5914-2492)
RPID1912 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance Modality:CT (4684-1187) ct abdomen guidance (4684-1187)
RPID1913 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain and face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric brain face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds brn face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain and face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric brain face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds brn face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain and face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric brain face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds brn face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9622-5432) ct brain face pediatric wo iv (9622-5432)
RPID1914 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis ls spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis ls spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis ls spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (5616-2023) ct abdomen lumbosacral junction pelvis (5616-2023)
RPID1915 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck sft tiss neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck soft tissue of the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck sft tiss neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck soft tissue of the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck sft tiss neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck soft tissue of the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT Object:Tissue:Soft (4659-7197)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (5376-6244)
ct neck tissue soft (4659-7197)
ct neck tissue softoftheneck (5376-6244)
RPID1916 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits and sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits sella (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits and sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits sella (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits and sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits sella (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:CT (0207-9726) ct head orbit sellar region (0207-9726)
RPID1917 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct colongrphy 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct colonography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct colongrphy 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct colonography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct colongrphy 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct colonography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (2195-7838)
Anatomy:COLON Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (5971-2885)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2681-7053)
ct 3d postprocessing (2681-7053)
ct colon 3d (2195-7838)
ct colon 3d postprocessing (5971-2885)
RPID1918 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct colongrphy 3d image screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct colonography 3d imaging processing screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Screening Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct colongrphy 3d image screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct colonography 3d imaging processing screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct colongrphy 3d image screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct colonography 3d imaging processing screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Context:Screening Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (5123-4941)
Anatomy:COLON Context:Screening Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8117-2516)
Context:Screening Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0666-4570)
ct 3d postprocessing screening (0666-4570)
ct colon 3d postprocessing screening (8117-2516)
ct colon 3d screening (5123-4941)
RPID1919 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct appx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct appx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct appendix (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct appx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Modality:CT (7396-0152) ct appendix (7396-0152)
RPID192 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide liver ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance liver ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (0935-9633) ct abdomen liver ablate (0935-9633)
RPID1920 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (5562-9889)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (6114-5490)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT needle
ct abdomen biopsy biopsy needle (5562-9889)
ct abdomen biopsy needle (6114-5490)
RPID1921 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (1875-9622)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (8520-0107)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT needle
ct abdomen liver biopsy biopsy needle (1875-9622)
ct abdomen liver biopsy needle (8520-0107)
RPID1922 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd panc bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pancreas biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd panc bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd panc bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (6809-2133)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (8934-6996)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT needle
ct abdomen pancreas biopsy biopsy needle (6809-2133)
ct abdomen pancreas biopsy needle (8934-6996)
RPID1923 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney bx needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney biopsy needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (2057-8599)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT (4847-6899)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT needle
ct abdomen kidney biopsy biopsy needle (2057-8599)
ct abdomen kidney biopsy needle (4847-6899)
RPID1924 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (3216-0256) ct abdomen chest pelvis pediatric (3216-0256)
RPID1925 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (8798-2678) ct abdomen pelvis pediatric (8798-2678)
RPID1926 a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pediatric chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct peds chst (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct peds chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pediatric chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct peds chst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (2457-6640) ct chest pediatric (2457-6640)
RPID1927 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:CT (3691-7748) ct upper extremity (3691-7748)
RPID1929 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:US (2717-1550) us abdomen (2717-1550)
RPID193 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide liver cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance liver cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:CT (4120-7207) ct abdomen liver ablate cryotherapy (4120-7207)
RPID1930 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:US (6518-5224) us abdomen limited (6518-5224)
RPID1931 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening Modality:US (9936-3308) us abdomen screening (9936-3308)
RPID1932 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Modality:US (6638-6436) us limited (6638-6436)
RPID1933 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the axilla in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the axilla in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us chst axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:AXILLA Anatomy:CHEST Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the axilla in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the axilla in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst axilla (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AXILLA Anatomy:CHEST Modality:US (4196-9075) us axilla chest (4196-9075)
RPID1934 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:US (9572-7051) us breast (9572-7051)
RPID1935 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck car art (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:NECK Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck car art (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck car art (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:NECK Modality:US (0311-4777) us carotid artery neck (0311-4777)
RPID1936 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:US (4994-9706) us chest (4994-9706)
RPID1937 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2070-1655) us doppler (2070-1655)
RPID1938 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity vein (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext vein (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (0337-9329)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN Modality:US (2235-0129)
us extremity vein (0337-9329)
us extremity vein (2235-0129)
RPID1939 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Modality:US (4892-2243)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Modality:US (6950-3738)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Unilateral Modality:US (3498-8211)
us extremity unilateral vein unilateral (6950-3738)
us extremity vein unilateral (3498-8211)
us extremity vein unilateral (4892-2243)
RPID194 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance lung ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide lung ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (7210-4010) ct chest lung ablate (7210-4010)
RPID1940 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:US (6441-7461)
Modality:US ext
us extremity (6441-7461)
RPID1941 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity artery follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le art foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity artery follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le art foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity artery follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le art foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (0103-7952)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (2274-8738)
us artery lower extremity followup (0103-7952)
us lower extremity artery followup (2274-8738)
RPID1942 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7804-6545) us lower extremity both doppler (7804-6545)
RPID1943 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7715-7397) us lower extremity unilateral doppler (7715-7397)
RPID1944 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy follow up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US (5745-9551)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US (6301-9780)
us gravid uterus followup obstetric (6301-9780)
us gravid uterus pelvis followup obstetric (5745-9551)
RPID1945 an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (0690-8909)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (2409-5594)
2nd Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:ThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US
us gravid uterus pelvis secondorthirdtrimester obstetric (0690-8909)
us gravid uterus secondorthirdtrimester obstetric (2409-5594)
RPID1946 an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 2nd/3rd trimester additional (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (5861-5785)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (9670-8034)
2nd Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:ThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US additional
us gravid uterus pelvis secondorthirdtrimester obstetric additional (5861-5785)
us gravid uterus secondorthirdtrimester obstetric additional (9670-8034)
RPID1947 an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy 1st trimester transabdominal transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy 1st trimester transabdominal transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 1st trimester transabdominal transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 1st trimester transabdominal transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transabdominal Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (2216-3979)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (8966-1652)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (8951-0701)
us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric (8951-0701)
us gravid uterus pelvis firsttrimester obstetric (8966-1652)
us gravid uterus transabdominal transvaginal firsttrimester obstetric (2216-3979)
RPID1948 an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy 1st trimester additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy 1st trimester additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 1st trimester additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 1st trimester additional (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (2555-1271)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (1930-0449)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US additional
us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric additional (1930-0449)
us gravid uterus pelvis firsttrimester obstetric additional (2555-1271)
RPID1949 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited Modality:US (5895-4987)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited Modality:US (4442-7194)
us gravid uterus obstetric limited (4442-7194)
us gravid uterus pelvis obstetric limited (5895-4987)
RPID195 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd ltd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen limited without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd ltd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen limited without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd ltd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen limited without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4226-1085) ct abdomen limited wo+w iv (4226-1085)
RPID1950 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (2093-1953)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (8537-1499)
us gravid uterus pelvis transvaginal obstetric (2093-1953)
us gravid uterus transvaginal obstetric (8537-1499)
RPID1951 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (7104-8895) us pelvis (7104-8895)
RPID1952 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Modality:US (9605-0799) us pelvis limited (9605-0799)
RPID1953 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen kidney aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd kidney aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd kidney aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd kidney aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:US (1439-7086) us abdomen aorta kidney (1439-7086)
RPID1954 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and bladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and bladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and bladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:US (4298-5206) us abdomen bladder kidney (4298-5206)
RPID1955 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US (4448-8841)
Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US (8969-9706)
us pelvis scrotum (4448-8841)
us scrotum (8969-9706)
RPID1956 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland and soft tissue in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck thyroid gland soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck thy glnd sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland and soft tissue in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck thyroid gland soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck thy glnd sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland and soft tissue in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck thyroid gland soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck thy glnd sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (1101-3623) us neck thyroid tissue soft (1101-3623)
RPID1957 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (9944-9390) us pelvis transvaginal (9944-9390)
RPID1958 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest abdomen pelvis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst abd pelvis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest abdomen pelvis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst abd pelvis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest abdomen pelvis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst abd pelvis dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (9319-1889) us abdomen chest pelvis doppler (9319-1889)
RPID1959 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Modality:US (3613-8803)
Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Modality:US (0083-6186)
us abdomen aorta (3613-8803)
us abdominal aorta (0083-6186)
RPID196 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (1539-7095) ct abdomen pelvis (1539-7095)
RPID1960 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (1319-7707)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (6216-2840)
us cyst aspirate (1319-7707)
us cyst aspirate (6216-2840)
RPID1961 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the cyst in the breast and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the cyst in the breast and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the cyst in the breast and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (7626-3926)
Anatomy:BREAST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (7560-4042)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst additional ar bd rg sm
us breast cyst additional aspirate (7560-4042)
us breast cyst additional aspirate (7626-3926)
RPID1962 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (3784-6417) us biopsy (3784-6417)
RPID1963 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (8090-6011)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US additional ar bd rg sm
us additional biopsy (8090-6011)
RPID1964 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound head vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us head vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound head vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound head vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head vssls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (6523-7819)
Anatomy:HEADVESSEL Modality:US (1975-3210)
us head vessel (1975-3210)
us head vessel (6523-7819)
RPID1965 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us guidance for vascular access (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSREMOVED)
ultrasound (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSREMOVED)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSREMOVED)
ultrasound (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSREMOVED)
us (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSREMOVED)
Modality:US (7202-0821)
Guidance Modality:US access vascular
us (7202-0821)
RPID1966 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:US (4325-2069) us lower extremity (4325-2069)
RPID1967 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:US (9499-3015) us upper extremity (9499-3015)
RPID1968 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the right upper quadrant in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen limited right upper quadrant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ltd ruq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RIGHTUPPERQUADRANT Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the right upper quadrant in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited right upper quadrant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ltd ruq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the right upper quadrant in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited right upper quadrant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ltd ruq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RIGHTUPPERQUADRANT Extent:Limited Modality:US (1976-1423)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:US quadrant upper
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:US ruq
us abdomen right upper quadrant limited (1976-1423)
RPID1969 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis appx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis appx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis appx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis appx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (2524-7338) us appendix pelvis (2524-7338)
RPID197 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis guidance prostate cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis guide prost cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guidance prostate cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guide prost cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guidance prostate cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guide prost cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:CT (8878-3680) ct pelvis prostate ablate cryotherapy (8878-3680)
RPID1970 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound artery (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us art (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us art (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us art (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Modality:US (8542-3120) us artery (8542-3120)
RPID1971 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of ascites (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis ascites (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis ascts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:Ascites (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of ascites (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis ascites (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis ascts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of ascites (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis ascites (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis ascts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:Ascites (0840-5950)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ascites
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ascts
us abdomen pelvis ascites (0840-5950)
RPID1972 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (2047-2939) us breast biopsy (2047-2939)
RPID1973 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (4481-2696) us abdomen liver biopsy (4481-2696)
RPID1974 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (9745-1061) us neck thyroid biopsy (9745-1061)
RPID1975 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (5513-9921) us bladder pelvis (5513-9921)
RPID1976 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis bladder prostate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis bladder prost (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis bladder prostate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis bladder prost (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis bladder prostate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis bladder prost (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US (5989-1132) us bladder pelvis prostate (5989-1132)
RPID1977 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:US (9973-3597) us breast both (9973-3597)
RPID1978 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (4995-7572) us breast aspirate (4995-7572)
RPID1979 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:US (4638-7126) us breast left (4638-7126)
RPID198 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen/pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen/pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8364-5868) ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv (8364-5868)
RPID1980 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast bilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast bilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast bilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast bilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast bilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast bilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (1991-4313) us breast both followup (1991-4313)
RPID1981 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:US (2772-0504) us breast right (2772-0504)
RPID1982 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck car art bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Anatomy:NECK:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck car art bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck car art bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Anatomy:NECK:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7965-7985) us carotid artery both neck both doppler (7965-7985)
RPID1983 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral carotid arteries in the neck with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck limited carotid arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck ltd car art unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:NECK:Unilateral Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral carotid arteries in the neck with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck limited carotid arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck ltd car art unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral carotid arteries in the neck with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck limited carotid arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck ltd car art unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:NECK Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0431-7300)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:NECK:Unilateral Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7802-1453)
us carotid artery unilateral neck doppler limited (0431-7300)
us carotid artery unilateral neck unilateral doppler limited (7802-1453)
RPID1984 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (3891-3612)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US trnsrectl
us pelvis transrectal (3891-3612)
RPID1985 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (7469-4128) us aspirate (7469-4128)
RPID1986 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:US (8419-2051)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:US (3744-0853)
us abdomen gallbladder (8419-2051)
us gallbladder (3744-0853)
RPID1987 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US (9610-8000) us head (9610-8000)
RPID1988 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of hernia (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound hernia (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us hrnia (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:US Reason:Hernia (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of hernia (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound hernia (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us hrnia (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of hernia (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound hernia (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us hrnia (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:US Reason:Hernia (9550-4748) us hernia (9550-4748)
RPID1989 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US (1359-7513) us hip both lower extremity both (1359-7513)
RPID199 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide kidney cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance kidney cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:CT (3431-1545) ct abdomen kidney ablate cryotherapy (3431-1545)
RPID1990 an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis hystsngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS IUterineContrast:Saline Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis hystsngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis hystsngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:Saline Modality:US (3029-8701)
Anatomy:PELVIS IUterineContrast:Saline Modality:US (5924-3708)
us pelvis saline iuterine (5924-3708)
us pelvis uterus saline iuterine (3029-8701)
RPID1991 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pediatric lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us peds le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds le hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:US (1886-0390) us hip lower extremity pediatric (1886-0390)
RPID1992 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:US (4955-2440) us abdomen kidney (4955-2440)
RPID1993 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen kidney bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd kidney bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd kidney bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd kidney bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Both Modality:US (2428-4849) us abdomen kidney both (2428-4849)
RPID1994 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen kidney left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd kidney lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Left Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd kidney lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd kidney lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Left Modality:US (1142-3356) us abdomen kidney left (1142-3356)
RPID1995 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen kidney right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd kidney rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Right Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd kidney rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd kidney rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Right Modality:US (2322-2496) us abdomen kidney right (2322-2496)
RPID1996 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:US (9883-0079) us abdomen liver (9883-0079)
RPID1997 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (0919-3765)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (1832-2165)
us gravid uterus obstetric (1832-2165)
us gravid uterus pelvis obstetric (0919-3765)
RPID1998 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (6379-9599)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (6878-3377)
us gravid uterus obstetric 2 fetuses (6878-3377)
us gravid uterus pelvis obstetric 2 fetuses (6379-9599)
RPID1999 an ultrasound radiology orderable second trimester imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis second trimester gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis sec tri gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable second trimester imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis second trimester gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis sec tri gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable second trimester imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis second trimester gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis sec tri gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (9336-2600)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (6250-8920)
us gravid uterus pelvis secondtrimester obstetric (9336-2600)
us gravid uterus secondtrimester obstetric (6250-8920)
RPID2 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6766-5456) ct abdomen angiography wo+w iv (6766-5456)
RPID20 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct cervical spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8241-2932) ct cspine w iv (8241-2932)
RPID200 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide kidney ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance kidney ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (1129-7589) ct abdomen kidney ablate (1129-7589)
RPID2000 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:US (6161-9815) us abdomen pancreas (6161-9815)
RPID2001 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis para cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (1241-0143) us abdomen pelvis peritoneum aspirate (1241-0143)
RPID2002 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral renal artery in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen renal artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ren art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALARTERY:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral renal artery in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen renal artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ren art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral renal artery in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen renal artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ren art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALARTERY:Both Modality:US (5602-3782) us abdomen renal artery both (5602-3782)
RPID2003 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spinal cord in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound spine spinal cord (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us spine spi cor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINALCORD Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spinal cord in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound spine spinal cord (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us spine spi cor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spinal cord in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound spine spinal cord (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us spine spi cor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINALCORD Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (4210-3445)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (2352-0395)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US cor spi
us spinalcord spine (4210-3445)
us spine (2352-0395)
RPID2004 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:US (7204-6281) us abdomen spleen (7204-6281)
RPID2005 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis testicles (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:US (9525-9814) us pelvis testes (9525-9814)
RPID2006 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (5858-0712) us chest pleura aspirate (5858-0712)
RPID2007 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:US (1036-3543)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:US (1970-1167)
us neck thyroid (1036-3543)
us thyroid (1970-1167)
RPID2008 an ultrasound radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left vein (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound venography vein left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us veno vein lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:VEIN:Left Angio:Venography Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound venography vein left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us veno vein lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the left vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound venography vein left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us veno vein lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN:Left Angio:Venography Modality:US (7336-5926) us vein left venography (7336-5926)
RPID2009 an ultrasound radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right vein (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound venography vein right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us veno vein rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:VEIN:Right Angio:Venography Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound venography vein right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us veno vein rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the right vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound venography vein right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us veno vein rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN:Right Angio:Venography Modality:US (9432-7749) us vein right venography (9432-7749)
RPID201 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance lung left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide lung lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (8427-7830) ct chest lung left biopsy (8427-7830)
RPID2010 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS:Transplant Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS:Transplant Modality:US (4737-9182)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (0345-7798)
us kidney pelvis transplant (4737-9182)
us kidney transplant pelvis (0345-7798)
RPID2011 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the superficial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound superficial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us sprfcl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SUPERFICIAL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the superficial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound superficial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us sprfcl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the superficial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound superficial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us sprfcl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SUPERFICIAL Modality:US (4098-4301)
Modality:US sprfcl
Modality:US superficial
us superficial (4098-4301)
RPID2012 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US (3582-0312)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Both Modality:US (5951-1334)
us extremity both vein both (3582-0312)
us extremity vein both (5951-1334)
RPID2013 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the renal artery and aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen renal artery aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ren art aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:RENALARTERY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the renal artery and aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen renal artery aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ren art aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the renal artery and aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen renal artery aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ren art aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:RENALARTERY Modality:US (5635-0585) us abdomen aorta renal artery (5635-0585)
RPID2014 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and bladder in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis kidney bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US (2797-8426) us abdomen bladder kidney pelvis (2797-8426)
RPID2015 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen limited kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ltd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ltd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ltd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Extent:Limited Modality:US (5975-9805) us abdomen kidney limited (5975-9805)
RPID2016 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (1319-7707)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (6216-2840)
us cyst aspirate (1319-7707)
us cyst aspirate (6216-2840)
RPID2017 an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound additional area same body region cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us add ar sm bd rg cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CYST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional area same body region cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us add ar sm bd rg cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional area same body region cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us add ar sm bd rg cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CYST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (9941-9611)
Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (0851-9907)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst additional ar bd rg sm
us cyst additional aspirate (0851-9907)
us cyst additional aspirate (9941-9611)
RPID2018 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (3784-6417) us biopsy (3784-6417)
RPID2019 an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (8090-6011)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US additional ar bd rg sm
us additional biopsy (8090-6011)
RPID202 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance lung right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide lung rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (7606-3590) ct chest lung right biopsy (7606-3590)
RPID2020 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us fna (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (0055-6792) us aspirate needle fine (0055-6792)
RPID2021 an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound additional area same body region fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us add ar sm bd rg fna (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional area same body region fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us add ar sm bd rg fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional area same body region fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us add ar sm bd rg fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (4772-1607)
Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US additional ar bd rg sm
us additional aspirate needle fine (4772-1607)
RPID2022 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us prostate transrectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us prostate transrectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us prostate transrectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us prostate transrectal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US (1634-0905)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US (4015-8811)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US trnsrectl
us pelvis prostate transrectal (1634-0905)
us prostate transrectal (4015-8811)
RPID2023 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le vssls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (8160-3633)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVESSEL Modality:US (5804-5149)
us lower extremity vessel (5804-5149)
us lower extremity vessel (8160-3633)
RPID2024 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us vssls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (3088-9693) us vessel (3088-9693)
RPID2025 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face facial bones without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face facl bns wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6702-1081) ct face facial bone wo+w iv (6702-1081)
RPID2026 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the larynx in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck larynx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck lrnx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LARYNX Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the larynx in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck larynx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck lrnx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the larynx in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck larynx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck lrnx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LARYNX Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT (5651-3707) ct larynx neck (5651-3707)
RPID2027 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:CT (5028-7503)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT saliv
ct head salivary gland (5028-7503)
RPID2028 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine sacr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine sacr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine sacr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:CT (9731-7334) ct lspine sacrum (9731-7334)
RPID2029 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guide lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE:Left Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guide lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guide lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE:Left Guidance Modality:CT (1237-6625) ct spine left guidance (1237-6625)
RPID203 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the head for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the head for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the head for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (6649-5827) ct head biopsy (6649-5827)
RPID2030 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guide rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE:Right Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guide rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guide rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE:Right Guidance Modality:CT (4581-6367) ct spine right guidance (4581-6367)
RPID2031 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis si jnts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis si jnts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis si jnts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5228-3510) ct pelvis sacroiliac joint w iv (5228-3510)
RPID2032 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0575-6078) ct pelvis sacroiliac joint wo iv (0575-6078)
RPID2033 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9755-6081) ct hip left lower extremity left wo iv (9755-6081)
RPID2034 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3706-7459) ct hip left lower extremity left wo+w iv (3706-7459)
RPID2035 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0532-7957) ct hip left lower extremity left w iv (0532-7957)
RPID2036 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7711-5513) ct hip right lower extremity right wo iv (7711-5513)
RPID2037 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5078-2434) ct hip right lower extremity right wo+w iv (5078-2434)
RPID2038 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6820-1455) ct hip right lower extremity right w iv (6820-1455)
RPID2039 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2242-1654) ct hip both lower extremity both wo iv (2242-1654)
RPID204 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis entero (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis entero (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis enterography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:CT POContrast:W (1302-0329)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT POContrast:W (4464-0129)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT entero
ct abdomen pelvis small intestine w po (1302-0329)
ct abdomen pelvis w po (4464-0129)
RPID2040 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1396-0288) ct hip both lower extremity both wo+w iv (1396-0288)
RPID2041 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0283-5318) ct hip both lower extremity both w iv (0283-5318)
RPID2042 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7287-4411) ct fibula left lower extremity left tibia left wo iv (7287-4411)
RPID2043 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2498-4391) ct fibula left lower extremity left tibia left wo+w iv (2498-4391)
RPID2044 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7015-3213) ct fibula left lower extremity left tibia left w iv (7015-3213)
RPID2045 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2079-4831) ct fibula right lower extremity right tibia right wo iv (2079-4831)
RPID2046 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9879-8225) ct fibula right lower extremity right tibia right wo+w iv (9879-8225)
RPID2047 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1051-1372) ct fibula right lower extremity right tibia right w iv (1051-1372)
RPID2048 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4790-9126) ct fibula both lower extremity both tibia both wo iv (4790-9126)
RPID2049 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3484-3073) ct fibula both lower extremity both tibia both wo+w iv (3484-3073)
RPID205 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (6403-9703) ct facial bone head (6403-9703)
RPID2050 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5057-9590) ct fibula both lower extremity both tibia both w iv (5057-9590)
RPID2052 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle and arm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound ankle arm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ankle arm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:ARM Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle and arm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound ankle arm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ankle arm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle and arm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound ankle arm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ankle arm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:ARM Modality:US (4126-1041) us ankle arm (4126-1041)
RPID2053 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7452-5588) us abdomen doppler (7452-5588)
RPID2054 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AORTA Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AORTA Modality:US (5854-2778) us aorta (5854-2778)
RPID2055 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound aorta screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us aorta screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AORTA Context:Screening Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound aorta screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us aorta screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound aorta screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us aorta screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AORTA Context:Screening Modality:US (9150-7383) us aorta screening (9150-7383)
RPID2056 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (3992-3634) us peritoneum aspirate (3992-3634)
RPID2057 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us appx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us appx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the appendix (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound appendix (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us appx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Modality:US (8643-0257) us appendix (8643-0257)
RPID2058 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis retro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis retro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (4153-6313)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Direction:Retrograde Modality:US (6143-4450)
us abdomen pelvis retrograde (6143-4450)
us abdomen pelvis retroperitoneum (4153-6313)
RPID2059 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound bone guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us bone guide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound bone guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us bone guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound bone guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us bone guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance Modality:US (7105-1825)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance Modality:US (1663-9726)
us bone guidance (7105-1825)
us skeleton guidance (1663-9726)
RPID206 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:CT (4350-5590) ct head paranasal sinus (4350-5590)
RPID2060 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superficial bone in the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound bone guidance superficial bone biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us bone guide sprfic bn bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SUPERFICIALBONE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superficial bone in the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound bone guidance superficial bone biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us bone guide sprfic bn bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superficial bone in the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound bone guidance superficial bone biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us bone guide sprfic bn bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SUPERFICIALBONE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (0967-1315)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US sprfic
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US superficial
us bone superficial bone biopsy (0967-1315)
RPID2061 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the axillary lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance axillary lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide axill lym nod bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AXILLARYLYMPHNODE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the axillary lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance axillary lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide axill lym nod bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the axillary lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance axillary lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide axill lym nod bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AXILLARYLYMPHNODE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (1490-7441)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US axill lym nod
us axillary lymph node biopsy (1490-7441)
RPID2062 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the groin lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance groin lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide groin lym node bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGIONLYMPHNODE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the groin lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance groin lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide groin lym node bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the groin lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance groin lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide groin lym node bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALLYMPHNODE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (3698-1467)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGIONLYMPHNODE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (1881-0952)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US Object:LymphNode lym
us inguinofemoral lymph node biopsy (3698-1467)
us inguinofemoral region lymph node biopsy (1881-0952)
RPID2063 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (2655-0139) us lung biopsy (2655-0139)
RPID2064 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the deep cervical lymph node in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck guidance deep cervical lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck guide deep cer lym nod bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:DEEPCERVICALLYMPHNODE Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the deep cervical lymph node in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck guidance deep cervical lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck guide deep cer lym nod bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the deep cervical lymph node in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck guidance deep cervical lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck guide deep cer lym nod bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CERVICALLYMPHNODE:Deep Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (9347-8059)
Anatomy:DEEPCERVICALLYMPHNODE Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (8684-0662)
Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US cer deep lym nod
us cervical lymph node deep neck biopsy (9347-8059)
us deep cervical lymph node neck biopsy (8684-0662)
RPID2065 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (0041-5114) us pancreas biopsy (0041-5114)
RPID2066 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (4540-4820) us pleura biopsy (4540-4820)
RPID2067 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (2620-4463) us kidney biopsy (2620-4463)
RPID2068 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (0218-7176) us thyroid biopsy (0218-7176)
RPID2069 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck car art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Anatomy:NECK:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck car art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck car art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Anatomy:NECK:Both Modality:US (3768-6148) us carotid artery both neck both (3768-6148)
RPID207 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head facial bones with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head facl bns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9403-9528) ct facial bone head w iv (9403-9528)
RPID2070 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck car art lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Left Anatomy:NECK:Left Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck car art lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck car art lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Left Anatomy:NECK:Left Modality:US (2597-8898) us carotid artery left neck left (2597-8898)
RPID2071 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck car art rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Right Anatomy:NECK:Right Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck car art rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck carotid arteries right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck car art rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Right Anatomy:NECK:Right Modality:US (2819-5741) us carotid artery right neck right (2819-5741)
RPID2072 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US (7234-7603)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Modality:US (2859-1406)
us artery both upper extremity both (7234-7603)
us upper extremity artery both (2859-1406)
RPID2073 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left artery in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity artery left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le art lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left artery in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity artery left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le art lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left artery in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity artery left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le art lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:US (9397-6599)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Left Modality:US (5298-5531)
us artery left lower extremity left (9397-6599)
us lower extremity artery left (5298-5531)
RPID2074 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right artery in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity artery right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le art rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right artery in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity artery right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le art rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right artery in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity artery right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le art rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:US (4207-5798)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Right Modality:US (7347-1322)
us artery right lower extremity right (4207-5798)
us lower extremity artery right (7347-1322)
RPID2075 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of ectopic pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis ectopic pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis ect preg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:Pregnacy:Ectopic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of ectopic pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis ectopic pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis ect preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of ectopic pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis ectopic pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis ect preg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:Pregnacy:Ectopic (3973-0184)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ect
us pelvis pregnacy ectopic (3973-0184)
RPID2076 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:US (9934-7184) us lower extremity left (9934-7184)
RPID2077 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:US (8376-7837) us lower extremity right (8376-7837)
RPID2078 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:US (5842-0731) us upper extremity left (5842-0731)
RPID2079 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:US (7910-0026) us upper extremity right (7910-0026)
RPID208 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Fiducial Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Fiducial Guidance Modality:CT (7447-4377) ct abdomen fiducial guidance (7447-4377)
RPID2080 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FETUS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound fetus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us fetus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FETUS Modality:US (0906-2418)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (1832-2165)
us fetus (0906-2418)
us gravid uterus obstetric (1832-2165)
RPID2081 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Guidance Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance Modality:US (4299-8802) us guidance (4299-8802)
RPID2082 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide comp rep (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Repair:Compression Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide comp rep (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide comp rep (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Repair:Compression Modality:US (4369-0479)
Guidance Modality:US comp rep
Guidance:Repair Modality:US compression
us repair compression (4369-0479)
RPID2083 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound head neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us head neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound head neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound head neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:US (7896-8948) us head neck (7896-8948)
RPID2084 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:US (1207-1057) us neck (1207-1057)
RPID2085 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis uterus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis utrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis uterus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis utrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis uterus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis utrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS Modality:US (8924-4074) us pelvis uterus (8924-4074)
RPID2086 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis penis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis penis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis penis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis penis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Modality:US (0498-8778) us pelvis penis (0498-8778)
RPID2087 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile artery and penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound penile artery penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pen art pen vns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PENILEARTERY Anatomy:PENILEVEIN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile artery and penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound penile artery penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pen art pen vns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile artery and penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound penile artery penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pen art pen vns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PENILEARTERY Anatomy:PENILEVEIN Modality:US (3460-5617)
Anatomy:PENILEARTERY Anatomy:PENIS Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (1961-8747)
Anatomy:ARTERY Modality:US pen vns
us penile artery penile vein (3460-5617)
us penile artery penis vein (1961-8747)
RPID2088 an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Context:Intraoperative Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Intraoperative Modality:US (6666-4215) us intraoperative (6666-4215)
RPID2089 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon sheath for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance tendon sheath injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide tndn sh inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TENDONSHEATH Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon sheath for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance tendon sheath injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide tndn sh inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon sheath for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance tendon sheath injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide tndn sh inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TENDONSHEATH Guidance:Inject Modality:US (2929-9441)
Guidance:Inject Modality:US sh tndn
us tendon sheath inject (2929-9441)
RPID209 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide liver fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance liver fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Device:Fiducial Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Device:Fiducial Guidance Modality:CT (6119-4932) ct abdomen liver fiducial guidance (6119-4932)
RPID2090 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ligament for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance ligament injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide lig inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LIGAMENT Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ligament for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance ligament injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide lig inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ligament for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance ligament injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide lig inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LIGAMENT Guidance:Inject Modality:US (2672-4617)
Guidance:Inject Modality:US lig
Guidance:Inject Modality:US ligament
us ligament inject (2672-4617)
RPID2091 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance muscle injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide mscle inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:MUSCLE Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance muscle injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide mscle inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance muscle injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide mscle inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:MUSCLE Guidance:Inject Modality:US (5774-0894)
Guidance:Inject Modality:US mscle
Guidance:Inject Modality:US muscle
us muscle inject (5774-0894)
RPID2092 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance muscle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide mscle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:MUSCLE Guidance Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance muscle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide mscle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance muscle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide mscle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:MUSCLE Guidance Modality:US (3016-1416)
Guidance Modality:US mscle
Guidance Modality:US muscle
us muscle guidance (3016-1416)
RPID2093 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance tendon injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide tndn inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TENDON Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance tendon injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide tndn inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance tendon injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide tndn inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TENDON Guidance:Inject Modality:US (0946-3784)
Guidance:Inject Modality:US tndn
us tendon inject (0946-3784)
RPID2094 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis intssptn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:IntussusceptionReduction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis intssptn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis intssptn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:Intussusception (7483-1301)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:IntussusceptionReduction (5864-5412)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US intssptn
us abdomen pelvis intussusception (7483-1301)
us abdomen pelvis intussusceptionreduction (5864-5412)
RPID2095 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:US (6193-2365) us kidney (6193-2365)
RPID2096 an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound intra-operative less than 1 hour laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us intra-op lss th 1 hr lap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Laparoscopic Context:Intraoperative Modality:US ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative less than 1 hour laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us intra-op lss th 1 hr lap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative less than 1 hour laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us intra-op lss th 1 hr lap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Laparoscopic Context:Intraoperative Modality:US ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (0538-5347)
Context:Intraoperative Modality:US ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour lap
Context:Intraoperative Modality:US ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour laparascopic
us laparoscopic intraoperative lessthanonehour (0538-5347)
RPID2097 an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound intra-operative less than 1 hour ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us intra-op lss th 1 hr ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance:Ablate Modality:US ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative less than 1 hour ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us intra-op lss th 1 hr ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative less than 1 hour ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us intra-op lss th 1 hr ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance:Ablate Modality:US ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (4606-6877) us intraoperative ablate lessthanonehour (4606-6877)
RPID2098 an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative greater than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound intra-operative greater than 1 hour laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us intra-op grt th 1 hr lap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Laparoscopic Context:Intraoperative Modality:US ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative greater than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative greater than 1 hour laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us intra-op grt th 1 hr lap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative greater than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative greater than 1 hour laparascopic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us intra-op grt th 1 hr lap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Laparoscopic Context:Intraoperative Modality:US ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (0038-8306)
Context:Intraoperative Modality:US ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour lap
Context:Intraoperative Modality:US ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour laparascopic
us laparoscopic intraoperative greaterthanonehour (0038-8306)
RPID2099 an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative greater than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound intra-operative greater than 1 hour ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us intra-op grt th 1 hr ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance:Ablate Modality:US ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative greater than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative greater than 1 hour ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us intra-op grt th 1 hr ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable intra-operative greater than 1 hour procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound intra-operative greater than 1 hour ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us intra-op grt th 1 hr ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance:Ablate Modality:US ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (1491-7861) us intraoperative ablate greaterthanonehour (1491-7861)
RPID21 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cervical spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct cervical spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3898-9535) ct cspine wo iv (3898-9535)
RPID210 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance lung fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide lung fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Device:Fiducial Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Device:Fiducial Guidance Modality:CT (4303-1726) ct chest lung fiducial guidance (4303-1726)
RPID2100 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance major joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide maj jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (6893-0456)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (7640-8724)
us joint major left arthrocentesis (7640-8724)
us joint major left arthrocentesis aspirate (6893-0456)
RPID2101 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance major joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide maj jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (7640-8724) us joint major left arthrocentesis (7640-8724)
RPID2102 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance major joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide maj jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (7483-1197) us joint major left aspirate (7483-1197)
RPID2103 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance major joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide maj jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left major joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Left Guidance:Inject Modality:US (8321-2514) us joint major left inject (8321-2514)
RPID2104 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance major joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide maj jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (4889-6519)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (2639-3732)
us joint major right arthrocentesis (2639-3732)
us joint major right arthrocentesis aspirate (4889-6519)
RPID2105 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance major joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide maj jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (2639-3732) us joint major right arthrocentesis (2639-3732)
RPID2106 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance major joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide maj jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (0334-0230) us joint major right aspirate (0334-0230)
RPID2107 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance major joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide maj jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right major joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance major joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide maj jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major:Right Guidance:Inject Modality:US (7252-9890) us joint major right inject (7252-9890)
RPID2108 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left medium joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance medium joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide med jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (4316-1541)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (0094-7292)
us joint medium left arthrocentesis (0094-7292)
us joint medium left arthrocentesis aspirate (4316-1541)
RPID2109 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left medium joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance medium joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide med jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (0094-7292) us joint medium left arthrocentesis (0094-7292)
RPID211 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide panc fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Device:Fiducial Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide panc fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide panc fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Device:Fiducial Guidance Modality:CT (2653-4479) ct abdomen pancreas fiducial guidance (2653-4479)
RPID2110 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left medium joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance medium joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide med jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left intermediate joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left intermediate joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (2988-8860) us joint medium left aspirate (2988-8860)
RPID2111 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left medium joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance medium joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide med jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left intermediate joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left intermediate joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Left Guidance:Inject Modality:US (7200-5241) us joint medium left inject (7200-5241)
RPID2112 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right medium joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance medium joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide med jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (1090-8655)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (0300-7851)
us joint medium right arthrocentesis (0300-7851)
us joint medium right arthrocentesis aspirate (1090-8655)
RPID2113 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right medium joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance medium joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide med jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (0300-7851) us joint medium right arthrocentesis (0300-7851)
RPID2114 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right medium joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance medium joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide med jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right intermediate joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right intermediate joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (0019-1134) us joint medium right aspirate (0019-1134)
RPID2115 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right medium joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance medium joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide med jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right intermediate joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right intermediate joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intermediate joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide med jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium:Right Guidance:Inject Modality:US (6067-4062) us joint medium right inject (6067-4062)
RPID2116 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance small joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sm jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint left arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt lt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (2581-8719)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (2576-5010)
us joint small left arthrocentesis (2576-5010)
us joint small left arthrocentesis aspirate (2581-8719)
RPID2117 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance small joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sm jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint left arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt lt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (2576-5010) us joint small left arthrocentesis (2576-5010)
RPID2118 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance small joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sm jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (7686-3924) us joint small left aspirate (7686-3924)
RPID2119 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance small joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sm jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left small joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint left injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt lt inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Left Guidance:Inject Modality:US (9791-7763) us joint small left inject (9791-7763)
RPID212 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (9232-8273)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT Object:Cyst (9976-6391)
ct cyst aspirate (9232-8273)
ct cyst aspirate (9976-6391)
RPID2120 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance small joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sm jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint right arthrocentesis aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt rt arthrocent asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (1637-6978)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (0621-5671)
us joint small right arthrocentesis (0621-5671)
us joint small right arthrocentesis aspirate (1637-6978)
RPID2121 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance small joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sm jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint right arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt rt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:US (0621-5671) us joint small right arthrocentesis (0621-5671)
RPID2122 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance small joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sm jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (1698-7711) us joint small right aspirate (1698-7711)
RPID2123 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance small joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sm jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right small joint for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance small joint right injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sm jnt rt inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small:Right Guidance:Inject Modality:US (7076-7515) us joint small right inject (7076-7515)
RPID2124 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity artery (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext art (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext art (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the artery in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext art (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:US (0780-4123)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYARTERY Modality:US (9925-6028)
us artery extremity (0780-4123)
us extremity artery (9925-6028)
RPID2125 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:US (1970-1167) us thyroid (1970-1167)
RPID2126 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity vein bilateral deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le vein bilat dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein bilateral deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le vein bilat dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein bilateral deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le vein bilat dvt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (1753-1303)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Both Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (0122-1190)
us lower extremity both vein both thrombosis vein deep (1753-1303)
us lower extremity vein both thrombosis vein deep (0122-1190)
RPID2127 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity vein bilateral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le vein bilat reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US Reason:Reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein bilateral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le vein bilat reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein bilateral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le vein bilat reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US Reason:Reflux (0093-3507)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US reflux
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Both Modality:US reflux
us lower extremity both vein both reflux (0093-3507)
RPID2128 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity vein bilateral deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue vein bilat dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity vein bilateral deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue vein bilat dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity vein bilateral deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue vein bilat dvt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (8713-7424)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYVEIN:Both Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (0362-3969)
us upper extremity both vein both thrombosis vein deep (8713-7424)
us upper extremity vein both thrombosis vein deep (0362-3969)
RPID2129 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pediatric hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us peds hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Modality:US (0765-7263) us hip both pediatric (0765-7263)
RPID213 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (2084-2181) ct head (2084-2181)
RPID2130 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the left hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pediatric hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us peds hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Left Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the left hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the left hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric hip left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Left Modality:US (7158-2118) us hip left pediatric (7158-2118)
RPID2131 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the right hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pediatric hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us peds hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Right Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the right hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the right hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric hip right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Right Modality:US (6071-5436) us hip right pediatric (6071-5436)
RPID2132 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the renal artery (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound renal artery (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ren art (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:RENALARTERY Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the renal artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound renal artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ren art (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the renal artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound renal artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ren art (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RENALARTERY Modality:US (2700-5187) us renal artery (2700-5187)
RPID2133 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (1832-2165) us gravid uterus obstetric (1832-2165)
RPID2134 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited Modality:US (4442-7194) us gravid uterus obstetric limited (4442-7194)
RPID2135 an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (2409-5594) us gravid uterus secondorthirdtrimester obstetric (2409-5594)
RPID2136 an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (8951-0701) us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric (8951-0701)
RPID2137 an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us lss th 14 wks gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (7818-3523) us gravid uterus transvaginal firsttrimester obstetric (7818-3523)
RPID2138 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of platelet rich plasma injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound platelet rich plasma injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us plat rch plms inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Inject:PlateletRichPlasma Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of platelet rich plasma injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound platelet rich plasma injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us plat rch plms inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of platelet rich plasma injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound platelet rich plasma injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us plat rch plms inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject:PlateletRichPlasma Modality:US (2874-6041)
Guidance:Inject Modality:US plasma platelet rich
Guidance:Inject Modality:US plat plms rch
us inject plateletrichplasma (2874-6041)
RPID2139 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left groin for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound groin left pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us groin lt psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION:Left Modality:US Object:Pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left groin for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound groin left pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us groin lt psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left groin for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound groin left pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us groin lt psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION:Left Modality:US Object:Pseudoaneurysm (7495-8346) us inguinofemoral region left pseudoaneurysm (7495-8346)
RPID214 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and face and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head face c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head face cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and face and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head face c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head face cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and face and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head face c spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head face cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (6204-2692) ct cspine face head (6204-2692)
RPID2140 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right groin for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound groin right pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us groin rt psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION:Right Modality:US Object:Pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right groin for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound groin right pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us groin rt psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right groin for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound groin right pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us groin rt psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION:Right Modality:US Object:Pseudoaneurysm (9244-6376) us inguinofemoral region right pseudoaneurysm (9244-6376)
RPID2141 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:US (9570-8814) us abdomen stomach (9570-8814)
RPID2142 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us retro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us retro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (1761-3500)
Direction:Retrograde Modality:US (5050-1897)
us retrograde (5050-1897)
us retroperitoneum (1761-3500)
RPID2143 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ltd retro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ltd retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us retroperitoneum limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us retroperitoneum limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ltd retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ltd retro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Extent:Limited Modality:US (6534-2996)
Direction:Retrograde Extent:Limited Modality:US (9178-0966)
us retrograde limited (9178-0966)
us retroperitoneum limited (6534-2996)
RPID2144 an ultrasound radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Research Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Research Modality:US (4603-2329) us research (4603-2329)
RPID2145 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US (8969-9706) us scrotum (8969-9706)
RPID2146 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:US (8357-7702) us spleen (8357-7702)
RPID2147 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (7701-3807) us pleura aspirate (7701-3807)
RPID2148 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound liver pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us liver preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LIVER Context:Preoperative Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound liver pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us liver preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound liver pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us liver preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LIVER Context:Preoperative Modality:US (3227-5176) us liver preoperative (3227-5176)
RPID2149 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Transvaginal Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transvaginal Modality:US (5955-0056) us transvaginal (5955-0056)
RPID215 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (6181-9259) ct head perfusion (6181-9259)
RPID2150 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:US (9938-9377) us kidney transplant (9938-9377)
RPID2151 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound liver post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us liver pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LIVER:Transplant Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound liver post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us liver pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound liver post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us liver pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LIVER:Transplant Modality:US (2759-7079) us liver transplant (2759-7079)
RPID2152 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pancreas post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us panc pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PANCREAS:Transplant Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pancreas post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us panc pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pancreas post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us panc pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PANCREAS:Transplant Modality:US (1013-2414) us pancreas transplant (1013-2414)
RPID2153 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity vein left deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le vein lt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:VEIN:Left Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein left deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le vein lt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein left deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le vein lt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:VEIN:Left Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (6271-5739)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Left Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (5288-3637)
us lower extremity left vein left thrombosis vein deep (6271-5739)
us lower extremity vein left thrombosis vein deep (5288-3637)
RPID2154 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity vein right deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le vein rt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:VEIN:Right Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein right deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le vein rt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein right deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le vein rt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:VEIN:Right Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (3550-1509)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Right Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (3510-1746)
us lower extremity right vein right thrombosis vein deep (3550-1509)
us lower extremity vein right thrombosis vein deep (3510-1746)
RPID2155 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity vein left reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le vein lt reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:VEIN:Left Modality:US Reason:Reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein left reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le vein lt reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein left reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le vein lt reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:VEIN:Left Modality:US Reason:Reflux (9302-4630)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:VEIN:Left Modality:US reflux
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Left Modality:US reflux
us lower extremity left vein left reflux (9302-4630)
RPID2156 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity vein right reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le vein rt reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:VEIN:Right Modality:US Reason:Reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein right reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le vein rt reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the lower extremity for the purpose of reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity vein right reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le vein rt reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:VEIN:Right Modality:US Reason:Reflux (6536-6257)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:VEIN:Right Modality:US reflux
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Right Modality:US reflux
us lower extremity right vein right reflux (6536-6257)
RPID2157 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity vein left deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue vein lt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:VEIN:Left Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity vein left deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue vein lt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity vein left deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue vein lt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:VEIN:Left Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (4793-5224)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYVEIN:Left Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (0454-7049)
us upper extremity left vein left thrombosis vein deep (4793-5224)
us upper extremity vein left thrombosis vein deep (0454-7049)
RPID2158 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity vein right deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue vein rt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:VEIN:Right Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity vein right deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue vein rt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right vein in the upper extremity for the purpose of deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity vein right deep vein thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue vein rt dvt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:VEIN:Right Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (7117-1127)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYVEIN:Right Modality:US Reason:Thrombosis:Vein:Deep (0033-8605)
us upper extremity right vein right thrombosis vein deep (7117-1127)
us upper extremity vein right thrombosis vein deep (0033-8605)
RPID2159 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the artery in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest limited artery (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst ltd art (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the artery in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest limited artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst ltd art (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the artery in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest limited artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst ltd art (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited Modality:US (9503-7068) us artery chest limited (9503-7068)
RPID216 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (8556-5519) ct chest resolution high (8556-5519)
RPID2160 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity artery left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue art lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity artery left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue art lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity artery left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue art lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:US (5860-9553)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYARTERY:Left Modality:US (5549-1788)
us artery left upper extremity left (5860-9553)
us upper extremity artery left (5549-1788)
RPID2161 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity artery right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue art rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity artery right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue art rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right artery in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity artery right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue art rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:US (5544-8556)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYARTERY:Right Modality:US (1013-9500)
us artery right upper extremity right (5544-8556)
us upper extremity artery right (1013-9500)
RPID2162 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the organ and vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound limited organ vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ltd org vssl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:VESSEL Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the organ and vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited organ vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ltd org vssl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the organ and vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited organ vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ltd org vssl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Extent:Limited Modality:US (1861-4970)
Extent:Limited Modality:US org vssl
us vessel limited (1861-4970)
RPID2163 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis guidance prostate biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis guide prost bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis guidance prostate biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis guide prost bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis guidance prostate biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis guide prost bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (2567-8812) us pelvis prostate biopsy (2567-8812)
RPID2164 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext vssls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (4170-8735)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVESSEL Modality:US (3133-1940)
us extremity vessel (3133-1940)
us extremity vessel (4170-8735)
RPID2165 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:US (5669-2205)
Anatomy:Unilateral Modality:US ext
us extremity unilateral (5669-2205)
RPID2166 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis limited penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis ltd penis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis limited penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis ltd penis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us penis doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us penis doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis limited penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis ltd penis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us penis doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the penis in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis limited penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis ltd penis dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us penis doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (4499-2014)
Anatomy:PENIS Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (8662-1123)
us pelvis penis doppler limited (4499-2014)
us penis doppler limited (8662-1123)
RPID2167 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:US (4967-1431) us breast unilateral (4967-1431)
RPID2168 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (2761-9103)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Direction:Retrograde Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (6098-6401)
us abdomen retrograde biopsy (6098-6401)
us abdomen retroperitoneum biopsy (2761-9103)
RPID2169 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (5639-5236)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (8549-6451)
us bone biopsy (5639-5236)
us skeleton biopsy (8549-6451)
RPID217 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (6711-6300) ct cspine head (6711-6300)
RPID2170 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (0218-3553)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (9408-9736)
us breast cyst aspirate (0218-3553)
us breast cyst aspirate (9408-9736)
RPID2171 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (7073-9413) us chest lung biopsy (7073-9413)
RPID2172 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance muscle biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide mscle bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:MUSCLE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance muscle biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide mscle bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance muscle biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide mscle bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:MUSCLE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (5883-8406)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US mscle
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US muscle
us muscle biopsy (5883-8406)
RPID2173 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck and chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck chest guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck chst guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck and chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck chest guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck chst guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck and chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck chest guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck chst guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (2188-1439) us chest neck biopsy (2188-1439)
RPID2174 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (0173-8641) us abdomen pancreas biopsy (0173-8641)
RPID2175 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (4743-4408) us abdomen kidney biopsy (4743-4408)
RPID2176 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance injection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide inj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject Modality:US (5013-9205) us inject (5013-9205)
RPID2177 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:US (5725-6831) us pelvis drainage (5725-6831)
RPID2178 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound gestation fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us gest fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Growth:Fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gest fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gest fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Growth:Fetus (1888-7715) us gravid uterus growth fetus obstetric (1888-7715)
RPID2179 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound additional gestation fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us add gest fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US ModalityType:Growth:Fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional gestation fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us add gest fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional gestation fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us add gest fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US ModalityType:Growth:Fetus (5473-3572) us gravid uterus growth fetus obstetric additional (5473-3572)
RPID218 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfus xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfusion xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head perfus xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head perfusion xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct head perfusion xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfus xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfus xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion xenon w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (4172-9278)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion xenon
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion xenon
ct head perfusion gaseous xe133 inhaled (4172-9278)
RPID2180 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis guidance ovary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis guide ovary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis guidance ovary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis guide ovary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis guidance ovary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis guide ovary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance Modality:US (5723-2637) us ovary pelvis guidance (5723-2637)
RPID2181 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:US (6344-5088) us drainage (6344-5088)
RPID2182 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us txp kid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us txp kid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us txp kid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:US (9938-9377)
Modality:US kid txp
us kidney transplant (9938-9377)
RPID2183 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ltd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd ltd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ltd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ltd panc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Extent:Limited Modality:US (8038-7614) us abdomen pancreas limited (8038-7614)
RPID2184 an ultrasound radiology orderable first trimester imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound first trimester gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us first trim gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable first trimester imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound first trimester gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us first trim gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable first trimester imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound first trimester gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us first trim gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (8951-0701) us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric (8951-0701)
RPID2185 an ultrasound radiology orderable first trimester imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound first trimester additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us first trim add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable first trimester imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound first trimester additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us first trim add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable first trimester imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound first trimester additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us first trim add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (1930-0449) us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric additional (1930-0449)
RPID2186 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US (6301-9780) us gravid uterus followup obstetric (6301-9780)
RPID2187 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest pleura pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst pleura pl eff (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest pleura pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst pleura pl eff (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest pleura pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst pleura pl eff (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (5858-0712)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Modality:US Object:Effusion (5328-5327)
us chest pleura aspirate (5858-0712)
us chest pleura effusion (5328-5327)
RPID2188 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide gde wre place (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Device:Wire:Guide Guidance:Insert Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide gde wre place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide gde wre place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Wire Guidance:Insert Modality:US (5999-4332)
Device:Wire:Guide Guidance:Insert Modality:US (1066-2283)
Guidance:Insert Modality:US gde wre
us wire guide insert (1066-2283)
us wire insert (5999-4332)
RPID2189 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound gestation additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us gest add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gest add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gest add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (8876-2320) us gravid uterus obstetric additional (8876-2320)
RPID219 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfus diamox xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfusion diamox xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfus diamox xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion diamox xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfus diamox xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion diamox xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide (3650-5794)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide xenon
ct head perfusion gaseous xe133 inhaled acetazolamide (3650-5794)
RPID2190 an ultrasound radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound portable (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us port (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:US ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:US ModalityType:Portable (5214-7886) us portable (5214-7886)
RPID2191 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op and clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pre op clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us preop clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Preoperative Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op and clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pre op clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us preop clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op and clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pre op clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us preop clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Preoperative Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:US (8970-9922) us preoperative clip insert (8970-9922)
RPID2192 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis prostate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis prost (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis prostate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis prost (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis prostate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis prost (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US (4659-3080) us pelvis prostate (4659-3080)
RPID2193 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile veins in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis pen vns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENILEVEIN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile veins in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis pen vns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile veins in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis penile veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis pen vns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENILEVEIN Modality:US (9240-8176)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (0914-2153)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US pen vns
us pelvis penile vein (9240-8176)
us pelvis penis vein (0914-2153)
RPID2194 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:US (4221-0606)
Guidance:Insert Modality:US needle
us needle insert (4221-0606)
RPID2195 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney and cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen guidance kidney cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd guide kidney cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney and cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance kidney cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd guide kidney cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney and cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance kidney cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd guide kidney cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (3377-7605)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (4634-4898)
us abdomen cyst kidney aspirate (3377-7605)
us abdomen kidney cyst aspirate (4634-4898)
RPID2196 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le arts bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le arts bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le arts bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7381-0558)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (3037-5128)
us artery both lower extremity both doppler (7381-0558)
us lower extremity artery both doppler (3037-5128)
RPID2197 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le ltd arts unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le ltd arts unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le ltd arts unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (3010-6890)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (6195-6688)
us artery unilateral lower extremity doppler limited (3010-6890)
us artery unilateral lower extremity unilateral doppler limited (6195-6688)
RPID2198 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the upper extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue arts bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the upper extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue arts bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the upper extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue arts bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0443-9301)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (9825-2803)
us artery both upper extremity both doppler (0443-9301)
us upper extremity artery both doppler (9825-2803)
RPID2199 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the upper extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity limited arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue ltd arts unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the upper extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity limited arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue ltd arts unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the upper extremity with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity limited arteries unilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue ltd arts unilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (4639-8754)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (9414-1102)
us artery unilateral upper extremity doppler limited (4639-8754)
us artery unilateral upper extremity unilateral doppler limited (9414-1102)
RPID22 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct head wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3901-6871) ct head wo iv (3901-6871)
RPID220 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:CT (5094-2290) ct lower extremity left (5094-2290)
RPID2200 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abdomen doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us abdomen doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abdomen doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abdomen doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (3458-0564)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7452-5588)
Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (9931-2116)
us abdomen doppler (7452-5588)
us abdomen vessel doppler (3458-0564)
us abdominal vessel doppler (9931-2116)
RPID2201 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen limited vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ltd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen limited vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd ltd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abdomen doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us abdomen doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ltd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abdomen doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ltd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abdomen doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (1824-9325)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7299-3264)
us abdomen doppler limited (7299-3264)
us abdomen vessel doppler limited (1824-9325)
RPID2202 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ltd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd ltd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ltd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ltd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Extent:Limited Modality:US (5350-1561) us abdomen spleen limited (5350-1561)
RPID2203 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound spine spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us spine spin can (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound spine spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us spine spin can (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound spine spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us spine spin can (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (2352-0395) us spine (2352-0395)
RPID2204 an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography uterus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis hystsngrphy utrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:Saline Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography uterus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis hystsngrphy utrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography uterus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis hystsngrphy utrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:Saline Modality:US (3029-8701) us pelvis uterus saline iuterine (3029-8701)
RPID2205 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and ovary in the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis uterus ovary trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis utrs ovary trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and ovary in the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis uterus ovary trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis utrs ovary trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and ovary in the pelvis with a technique of trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis uterus ovary trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis utrs ovary trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS Modality:US (2404-1262) us ovary pelvis uterus transvaginal (2404-1262)
RPID2206 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext veins (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (0337-9329)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN Modality:US (2235-0129)
us extremity vein (0337-9329)
us extremity vein (2235-0129)
RPID2207 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen guidance paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd guide para cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (8972-5243) us abdomen peritoneum aspirate (8972-5243)
RPID2208 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest guidance pleura thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst guide pleura thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest guidance pleura thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst guide pleura thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest guidance pleura thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst guide pleura thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (5858-0712) us chest pleura aspirate (5858-0712)
RPID2209 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest guidance pleura thoracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst guide pleura thor cent tube ins (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Tube Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Insert Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest guidance pleura thoracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst guide pleura thor cent tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest guidance pleura thoracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst guide pleura thor cent tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Tube Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Insert Modality:US (4456-3535)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:US (6528-5337)
us chest pleura tube aspirate insert (4456-3535)
us chest pleura tube insert (6528-5337)
RPID221 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (8047-3328) ct abdomen pelvis donor organ (8047-3328)
RPID2210 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE Modality:MR (4957-9366) mr head temporal bone (4957-9366)
RPID2211 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:MR (7538-9354) mr abdomen liver (7538-9354)
RPID2212 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:US (5672-3068)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US as vac
us breast biopsy vacuumassisted (5672-3068)
RPID2213 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast guidance fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast guide fna (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (2336-2480) us breast aspirate needle fine (2336-2480)
RPID2214 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ue sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (8304-2116) us upper extremity tissue soft (8304-2116)
RPID2215 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum and testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis scrotum tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM Anatomy:TESTES Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum and testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis scrotum tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum and testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum testicles (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis scrotum tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM Anatomy:TESTES Modality:US (6282-4318) us pelvis scrotum testes (6282-4318)
RPID2216 an ultrasound radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neonatal head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neo head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neonatal head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neo head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neonatal head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neo head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US (0180-6220) us head neonate (0180-6220)
RPID2217 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance and intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance and intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound guidance intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us guide intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us intraoperative guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us intraoperative guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance and intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us intraoperative guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance and intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us intraoperative guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance Modality:US (9213-3397) us intraoperative guidance (9213-3397)
RPID2218 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:US (6055-9319) us abdomen kidney transplant (6055-9319)
RPID2219 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and middle cerebral artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy fetal abnormality doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us gest mca prgncy fet abn dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and middle cerebral artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy fetal abnormality doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gest mca prgncy fet abn dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and middle cerebral artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy fetal abnormality doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gest mca prgncy fet abn dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus ModalityType:Doppler Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible (1036-9711)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (5996-1284)
us gravid uterus middle cerebral artery anatomy fetus doppler obstetric abnormality fetus possible (1036-9711)
us gravid uterus middle cerebral artery doppler obstetric possiblefetalabnormality (5996-1284)
RPID222 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:CT (0385-5442) ct lower extremity right (0385-5442)
RPID2220 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible (0293-4584)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (7519-6819)
us gravid uterus anatomy fetus obstetric additional abnormality fetus possible (0293-4584)
us gravid uterus obstetric additional possiblefetalabnormality (7519-6819)
RPID2221 an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (1930-0449) us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric additional (1930-0449)
RPID2222 an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound greater than 1 hour additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us grt th 1 hr add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 1 hour additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us grt th 1 hr add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 1 hour additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us grt th 1 hr add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (7795-0440) us gravid uterus obstetric additional greaterthanonehour (7795-0440)
RPID2223 an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US ModalityType:Nuchal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US ModalityType:Nuchal (4467-9610) us gravid uterus nuchal firsttrimester obstetric additional (4467-9610)
RPID2224 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and umbilical artery for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound gestation umbilical artery pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us gest um art prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and umbilical artery for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation umbilical artery pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gest um art prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and umbilical artery for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation umbilical artery pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gest um art prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible (3004-1938)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (1859-0358)
us gravid uterus umbilical artery anatomy fetus obstetric abnormality fetus possible (3004-1938)
us gravid uterus umbilical artery obstetric possiblefetalabnormality (1859-0358)
RPID2225 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible (8975-9993)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (7413-8485)
us gravid uterus anatomy fetus obstetric abnormality fetus possible (8975-9993)
us gravid uterus obstetric possiblefetalabnormality (7413-8485)
RPID2226 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us gest prgncy fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Growth:Fetus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us gest prgncy fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound gestation pregnancy fetal growth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us gest prgncy fet grth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Growth:Fetus (1888-7715) us gravid uterus growth fetus obstetric (1888-7715)
RPID2227 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and ovary in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis uterus ovary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis utrs ovary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and ovary in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis uterus ovary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis utrs ovary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and ovary in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis uterus ovary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis utrs ovary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS Modality:US (9379-0366) us ovary pelvis uterus (9379-0366)
RPID2228 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst pl eff (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst pl eff (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest pleural effusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst pl eff (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (5858-0712)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Modality:US Object:Effusion (5328-5327)
us chest pleura aspirate (5858-0712)
us chest pleura effusion (5328-5327)
RPID2229 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and middle cerebral artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound fetus middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us fetus mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and middle cerebral artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound fetus middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us fetus mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and middle cerebral artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound fetus middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us fetus mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (6756-6620)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2641-9223)
us fetus middle cerebral artery doppler obstetric (6756-6620)
us gravid uterus middle cerebral artery doppler obstetric (2641-9223)
RPID223 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide liver nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance liver nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide liver nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance liver nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (5811-8514)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance Modality:CT knife nan
ct abdomen liver ablate electroporation (5811-8514)
RPID2230 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us prgncy nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Nuchal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us prgncy nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us prgncy nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Nuchal (6199-2305)
Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Nuchal (9410-6252)
us gravid uterus nuchal obstetric (6199-2305)
us nuchal obstetric (9410-6252)
RPID2231 an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us grt th 14 wks prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us grt th 14 wks prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us grt th 14 wks prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (2409-5594)
ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (2992-1102)
us gravid uterus secondorthirdtrimester obstetric (2409-5594)
us secondorthirdtrimester obstetric (2992-1102)
RPID2232 an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us lss th 14 wks twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable less than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound less than 14 weeks twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lss th 14 wks twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (2566-7718)
ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (0234-1817)
us firsttrimester obstetric 2 fetuses (0234-1817)
us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric 2 fetuses (2566-7718)
RPID2233 an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks twin pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us grt th 14 wks twn preg nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US ModalityType:Nuchal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks twin pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us grt th 14 wks twn preg nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy and nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks twin pregnancy nuchal translucency evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us grt th 14 wks twn preg nuch trans eval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US ModalityType:Nuchal (2668-0305)
ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US ModalityType:Nuchal (3637-9275)
us gravid uterus nuchal secondorthirdtrimester obstetric 2 fetuses (2668-0305)
us nuchal secondorthirdtrimester obstetric 2 fetuses (3637-9275)
RPID2234 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible (4682-9886)
Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (9694-7247)
us gravid uterus anatomy fetus obstetric 2 fetuses abnormality fetus possible (4682-9886)
us obstetric 2 fetuses possiblefetalabnormality (9694-7247)
RPID2235 an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us grt th 14 wks twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us grt th 14 wks twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound greater than 14 weeks twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us grt th 14 wks twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (3605-1655)
ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (6999-3860)
us gravid uterus secondorthirdtrimester obstetric 2 fetuses (3605-1655)
us secondorthirdtrimester obstetric 2 fetuses (6999-3860)
RPID2236 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the umbilical artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the umbilical artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the umbilical artery with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (5067-7374)
Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7025-8073)
us gravid uterus umbilical artery doppler obstetric (5067-7374)
us umbilical artery doppler obstetric (7025-8073)
RPID2237 an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the prostate with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound volume quantification prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us vol quant prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US Reason:Measurement:Volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the prostate with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound volume quantification prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us vol quant prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the prostate with a technique of trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound volume quantification prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us vol quant prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US Reason:Measurement:Volume (2590-3596)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US quantification volume
Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US quant trnsrectl vol
us prostate transrectal measurement volume (2590-3596)
RPID2238 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis ltd retro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis ltd retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis ltd retro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Extent:Limited Modality:US (8994-6939)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Direction:Retrograde Extent:Limited Modality:US (3779-0019)
us abdomen pelvis retrograde limited (3779-0019)
us abdomen pelvis retroperitoneum limited (8994-6939)
RPID2239 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest wall in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest chest wall (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst chst wll (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CHESTWALL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest wall in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest chest wall (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst chst wll (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest wall in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest chest wall (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst chst wll (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CHESTWALL Modality:US (5600-3875) us chest chest wall (5600-3875)
RPID224 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest guidance lung nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst guide lung nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest guidance lung nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst guide lung nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (4064-9084)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance Modality:CT knife nan
ct chest lung ablate electroporation (4064-9084)
RPID2240 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the groin in the pelvis for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis groin pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis groin psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the groin in the pelvis for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis groin pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis groin psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis groin pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Object:Pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the groin in the pelvis for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the groin in the pelvis for the purpose of pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Object:Pseudoaneurysm (1414-2685) us inguinofemoral region pelvis pseudoaneurysm (1414-2685)
RPID2241 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us le sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (1816-9409) us lower extremity tissue soft (1816-9409)
RPID2242 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us head neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us head neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (9447-5009) us head neck tissue soft (9447-5009)
RPID2243 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parotid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck parotid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck parotid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parotid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound neck parotid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us neck parotid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PAROTIDGLAND Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us neck parotid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parotid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck parotid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck parotid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parotid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck parotid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck parotid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PAROTIDGLAND Modality:US (1886-0873) us neck parotid gland (1886-0873)
RPID2244 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pediatric spine spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us peds spine spin can (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric spine spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds spine spin can (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the spinal canal in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric spine spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds spine spin can (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (2376-3064) us spine pediatric (2376-3064)
RPID2245 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis ovary trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis ovary trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:Torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis ovary trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis ovary trsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Reason:Torsion (0230-6319) us ovary pelvis torsion (0230-6319)
RPID2246 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis and soft tissue in the pelvis for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis penis soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis penis sft tiss tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis and soft tissue in the pelvis for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis penis soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis penis sft tiss tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis and soft tissue in the pelvis for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis penis soft tissue tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis penis sft tiss tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft Object:Tumor (1197-2804) us pelvis penis tissue soft tumor (1197-2804)
RPID2247 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us neck parathyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us neck parathyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck parathyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck parathyroid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:US (2637-5284) us neck parathyroid (2637-5284)
RPID2248 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arteriovenous fistulae for the purpose of compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance arteriovenous fistulae compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide av fist comp rep (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERIOVENOUSFISTULAE Guidance:Repair:Compression Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arteriovenous fistulae for the purpose of compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance arteriovenous fistulae compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide av fist comp rep (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arteriovenous fistulae for the purpose of compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance arteriovenous fistulae compression repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide av fist comp rep (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERIOVENOUSFISTULAE Guidance:Repair:Compression Modality:US (9205-1458)
Guidance Modality:US Object:ArterioVenousFistula comp rep
Guidance:Repair Modality:US Object:ArterioVenousFistula compression
us arteriovenousfistulae repair compression (9205-1458)
RPID2249 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis scrotum trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US Reason:Torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis scrotum trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis scrotum torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis scrotum trsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us scrotum testicular torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US Reason:Torsion (1189-3387)
Anatomy:SCROTUM Anatomy:TESTES Modality:US Reason:Torsion (2216-8242)
us pelvis scrotum torsion (1189-3387)
us scrotum testes torsion (2216-8242)
RPID225 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide panc nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide panc nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide panc nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance pancreas nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (3041-4219)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance Modality:CT knife nan
ct abdomen pancreas ablate electroporation (3041-4219)
RPID2250 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound uterus pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us utrs prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:UTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound uterus pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us utrs prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus with a technique of trans-vaginal for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound uterus pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us utrs prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:UTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (8096-7001)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:UTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (6478-2809)
us gravid uterus uterus transvaginal obstetric (8096-7001)
us uterus transvaginal obstetric (6478-2809)
RPID2251 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Ablate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Ablate Modality:US (2588-3020) us ablate (2588-3020)
RPID226 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis guidance prostate nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis guide prost nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guidance prostate nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guide prost nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guidance prostate nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis guide prost nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (3114-9428)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance Modality:CT knife nan
ct pelvis prostate ablate electroporation (3114-9428)
RPID227 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide kidney nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance kidney nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide kidney nan knife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance kidney nanoknife (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation Modality:CT (2694-8689)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance Modality:CT knife nan
ct abdomen kidney ablate electroporation (2694-8689)
RPID228 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:CT (5270-2042) ct head orbit (5270-2042)
RPID229 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sella (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sella (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sella (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:CT (9753-2237) ct head sellar region (9753-2237)
RPID23 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct head w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2936-7789) ct head wo+w iv (2936-7789)
RPID230 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head post fossa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head post fossa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head post fossa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA Modality:CT (9120-3380) ct head posterior fossa (9120-3380)
RPID2303 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg fna (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (5566-2854)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US additional ar bd rg sm
us breast additional aspirate needle fine (5566-2854)
RPID2304 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (0148-1086)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US additional ar bd rg sm
us breast additional aspirate (0148-1086)
RPID2305 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (2070-6770)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US additional ar bd rg sm
us breast additional biopsy (2070-6770)
RPID2306 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the soft tissue for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance soft tissue biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide sft tiss bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the soft tissue for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance soft tissue biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide sft tiss bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the soft tissue for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance soft tissue biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide sft tiss bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (2605-7857) us tissue soft biopsy (2605-7857)
RPID2307 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:US (1747-2943) us clip insert (1747-2943)
RPID2308 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance venipuncture procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide venpnctr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance Modality:US ModalityType:Venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance venipuncture procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide venpnctr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance venipuncture procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide venpnctr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Access:Vascular Modality:US (7287-2294)
Guidance Modality:US ModalityType:Venipuncture (7126-4471)
us vein access vascular (7287-2294)
us venipuncture guidance (7126-4471)
RPID2309 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide lym nd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide lym nd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node and biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide lym nd bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (6543-5515)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US Object:LymphNode (7336-6286)
us lymph node biopsy (6543-5515)
us lymphnode biopsy (7336-6286)
RPID231 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE Modality:CT (9164-5565) ct head temporal bone (9164-5565)
RPID2310 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound guidance lymph node fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us guide lym nd fna (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance lymph node fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide lym nd fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance lymph node fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide lym nd fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (4032-7960)
Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US Object:LymphNode (0632-9205)
us lymph node aspirate needle fine (4032-7960)
us lymphnode aspirate needle fine (0632-9205)
RPID2311 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US (6301-9780)
Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US (2101-2685)
us gravid uterus followup obstetric (6301-9780)
us pelvis followup obstetric (2101-2685)
RPID2312 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck guide thy glnd fna (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck guide thy glnd fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck guide thy glnd fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (0344-9380) us neck thyroid aspirate needle fine (0344-9380)
RPID2313 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland and cyst in the neck and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck guide thy glnd cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland and cyst in the neck and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck guide thy glnd cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland and cyst in the neck and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck guidance thyroid gland cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck guide thy glnd cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (6519-5704)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (5714-7539)
us cyst neck thyroid aspirate (6519-5704)
us neck thyroid cyst aspirate (5714-7539)
RPID2314 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue vssls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (2494-7325)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYVESSEL Modality:US (3343-1657)
us upper extremity vessel (2494-7325)
us upper extremity vessel (3343-1657)
RPID232 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (3595-8643) ct pelvis (3595-8643)
RPID233 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:CT (9200-9168) ct abdomen pancreas (9200-9168)
RPID234 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis le pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (1232-3361) ct chest lower extremity pelvis pulmonary artery w iv embolus (1232-3361)
RPID235 a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Research Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Research Modality:CT (5558-9224) ct research (5558-9224)
RPID2351 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8392-6840) mr breast left wo iv (8392-6840)
RPID2352 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3442-7191) mr breast left wo+w iv (3442-7191)
RPID2353 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0630-2255) mr breast right wo iv (0630-2255)
RPID2354 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8260-6456) mr breast right wo+w iv (8260-6456)
RPID2355 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7775-2586) mr elbow left upper extremity left wo iv (7775-2586)
RPID2356 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2684-3110) mr elbow right upper extremity right wo iv (2684-3110)
RPID2357 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9646-3518) mr forearm left upper extremity left wo iv (9646-3518)
RPID2358 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8526-9581) mr forearm right upper extremity right wo iv (8526-9581)
RPID2359 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5977-3700) mr upper extremity both wo iv (5977-3700)
RPID236 a computed tomography radiology orderable nursing procedure imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct nurse proc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct nursing procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:NursingProcedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable nursing procedure imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct nurse proc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct nursing procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable nursing procedure imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct nurse proc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct nursing procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:NursingProcedure (0686-2780)
Modality:CT nurse
ct nursingprocedure (0686-2780)
RPID2360 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8166-8471) mr upper extremity both wo+w iv (8166-8471)
RPID2361 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0264-8326) mr hand left upper extremity left wo iv (0264-8326)
RPID2362 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1694-6059) mr hand right upper extremity right wo iv (1694-6059)
RPID2363 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0405-6023) mr pelvis sacrum wo iv (0405-6023)
RPID2364 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0845-4683) mr pelvis sacrum wo+w iv (0845-4683)
RPID2365 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7449-9382) mr pelvis sacroiliac joint wo iv (7449-9382)
RPID2366 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacroiliac joints without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis si jnts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacroiliac joints without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis si jnts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacroiliac joints without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis si jnts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2207-4762) mr pelvis sacroiliac joint wo+w iv (2207-4762)
RPID2367 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5225-1491) mr hip both lower extremity both wo iv (5225-1491)
RPID2368 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5957-0841) mr hip both lower extremity both wo+w iv (5957-0841)
RPID2369 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6311-9091) mr knee both lower extremity both wo iv (6311-9091)
RPID237 a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct out film (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct out film (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct out film (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside Modality:CT (7644-9851) ct consult interpret study outside (7644-9851)
RPID2370 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7058-9245) mr knee both lower extremity both wo+w iv (7058-9245)
RPID2371 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3788-1352) mr ankle both lower extremity both wo iv (3788-1352)
RPID2372 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0764-7393) mr ankle both lower extremity both wo+w iv (0764-7393)
RPID2373 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8129-5172) mr lower extremity both wo iv (8129-5172)
RPID2374 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9339-1438) mr lower extremity both wo+w iv (9339-1438)
RPID2375 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6200-0185) mr femur left lower extremity left wo iv (6200-0185)
RPID2376 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7552-9352) mr femur right lower extremity right wo iv (7552-9352)
RPID2377 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0108-3374) mr femur both lower extremity both wo iv (0108-3374)
RPID2378 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5202-5406) mr femur both lower extremity both wo+w iv (5202-5406)
RPID2379 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1609-8381) mr fibula both lower extremity both tibia both wo iv (1609-8381)
RPID238 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis rectum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis rectum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis rectum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis rectum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis rectum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis rectum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7831-2865) ct abdomen pelvis rectum w iv (7831-2865)
RPID2380 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8042-0787) mr fibula both lower extremity both tibia both wo+w iv (8042-0787)
RPID2381 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0690-3928) mr upper extremity left angiography w iv (0690-3928)
RPID2382 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3651-0651) mr upper extremity right angiography w iv (3651-0651)
RPID2383 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0553-2007) mr pelvis angiography w iv (0553-2007)
RPID2384 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0860-7323) mr lower extremity both angiography w iv (0860-7323)
RPID2385 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8935-2401) mr lower extremity left angiography w iv (8935-2401)
RPID2386 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0791-0336) mr lower extremity right angiography w iv (0791-0336)
RPID239 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:CT (0880-8134) ct cspine (0880-8134)
RPID24 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct head w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9117-8884) ct head w iv (9117-8884)
RPID240 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surg equip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surgical equipment (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment Modality:CT (4899-5977)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct head surgicalequipment (4899-5977)
RPID241 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head limited paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ltd sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Extent:Limited Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head limited paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ltd sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head limited paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ltd sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Extent:Limited Modality:CT (8073-9750) ct head paranasal sinus limited (8073-9750)
RPID242 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:CT (2347-6943) ct lspine (2347-6943)
RPID243 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT (5059-8224) ct tspine (5059-8224)
RPID244 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stereotaxis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:CT (5277-3552) ct head stereotactic (5277-3552)
RPID245 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stereotaxis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stertxs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1477-2934) ct head stereotactic w iv (1477-2934)
RPID246 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (7555-5194) ct chest (7555-5194)
RPID247 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (0284-5680) ct abdomen chest (0284-5680)
RPID248 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (4040-8072) ct abdomen chest pelvis (4040-8072)
RPID249 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5832-6961) ct abdomen chest pelvis w iv (5832-6961)
RPID2492 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:AP (1060-7993)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP (5122-9581)
rf abdomen ap (1060-7993)
rg abdomen ap (5122-9581)
RPID2493 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:Cone View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:Cone View:EitherObl (5212-4270)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherObl cone
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherObl cone
rg abdomen ap cone eitherobl (5212-4270)
RPID2494 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap supine and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen ap supine decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd ap sup dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect Position:Supine View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap supine and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen ap supine decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd ap sup dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap supine and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen ap supine decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd ap sup dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Decubitus Position:Erect Position:Supine View:AP (4822-8710)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect Position:Supine View:AP (3506-7057)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect View:AP sup
rf abdomen decubitus erect supine ap (4822-8710)
rg abdomen decubitus erect supine ap (3506-7057)
RPID2495 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of obstruction and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest abdomen pelvis obstruction pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst abd pelvis obs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG Reason:Obstruction View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of obstruction and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest abdomen pelvis obstruction pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst abd pelvis obs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of obstruction and pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest abdomen pelvis obstruction pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst abd pelvis obs pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF Reason:Obstruction View:PA (0281-4448)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG Reason:Obstruction View:PA (1937-1577)
rf abdomen chest pelvis obstruction pa (0281-4448)
rg abdomen chest pelvis obstruction pa (1937-1577)
RPID2496 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity acromioclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue ac joint bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr acromioclavicular joints bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity acromioclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue ac joint bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr acromioclavicular joints bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr acromioclavicular joints bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity acromioclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue ac joint bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr acromioclavicular joints bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity acromioclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue ac joint bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (7097-2417)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (6732-1348)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both Modality:RG (9498-7762)
rf acromioclavicular joint both upper extremity both (7097-2417)
rg acromioclavicular joint both (9498-7762)
rg acromioclavicular joint both upper extremity both (6732-1348)
RPID2497 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr ankle 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr ankle 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr ankle 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr ankle 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (8952-6476)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (8126-4551)
Anatomy:ANKLE Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (8263-5665)
rf ankle lower extremity 2 views (8952-6476)
rg ankle 2 views (8263-5665)
rg ankle lower extremity 2 views (8126-4551)
RPID2498 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7573-2984)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3695-2450)
rf ankle both lower extremity both 2 views (7573-2984)
rg ankle both lower extremity both 2 views (3695-2450)
RPID2499 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (9004-5331)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (9013-8375)
rf ankle lower extremity 3 views (9004-5331)
rg ankle lower extremity 3 views (9013-8375)
RPID25 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5668-2579) ct lower extremity left wo iv (5668-2579)
RPID250 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5516-1112) ct abdomen chest pelvis wo+w iv (5516-1112)
RPID2500 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (1433-3724)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (3305-8853)
rf ankle both lower extremity both 3 or more views (1433-3724)
rg ankle both lower extremity both 3 or more views (3305-8853)
RPID2501 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF (6157-8594)
Modality:RG (7068-5799)
rf (6157-8594)
rg (7068-5799)
RPID2502 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (6235-1489)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (4054-2422)
rf chest 1 views (6235-1489)
rg chest 1 views (4054-2422)
RPID2503 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (8509-6882)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1937-1013)
rf chest 2 views (8509-6882)
rg chest 2 views (1937-1013)
RPID2504 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (3092-9102)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (9361-6868)
rf chest 4 or more views (3092-9102)
rg chest 4 or more views (9361-6868)
RPID2505 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:ApicalLordotic (4197-4775)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic (9168-9667)
rf chest apicallordotic (4197-4775)
rg chest apicallordotic (9168-9667)
RPID2506 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus (5288-1707)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (0366-9163)
rf chest decubitus (5288-1707)
rg chest decubitus (0366-9163)
RPID2507 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF (8224-2834)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG (8948-4084)
rf chest (8224-2834)
rg chest (8948-4084)
RPID2508 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherObl (6012-7549)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherObl (0561-5136)
rf chest eitherobl (6012-7549)
rg chest eitherobl (0561-5136)
RPID2509 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (3831-7458)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (2653-2292)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Modality:RG (7872-7720)
rf clavicle upper extremity (3831-7458)
rg clavicle (7872-7720)
rg clavicle upper extremity (2653-2292)
RPID251 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7195-0871) ct abdomen chest w iv (7195-0871)
RPID2510 x-ray radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray c spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:2,3 (4921-4749)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (9730-0303)
rf cspine 2,3 views (4921-4749)
rg cspine 2,3 views (9730-0303)
RPID2511 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 4-5 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray c spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr cervical spine 4-5 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 4-5 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 4-5 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (1745-1550)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ObjectCount:4 ViewCount:5 (6861-2729)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (7895-7159)
rf cspine 4 or more views (1745-1550)
rg cspine 4 5 views (6861-2729)
rg cspine 4 or more views (7895-7159)
RPID2512 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray c spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RF (2638-6593)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG (7792-7410)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (9385-3479)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG extnsn flxn
rf cspine extension flexion (2638-6593)
rg cspine extension flexion (7792-7410)
rg cspine extension flexion 2,3 views (9385-3479)
RPID2513 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr wrist navicular (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr wrist navicular (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr wrist navicular (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity and scaphoid view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity wrist scaphoid view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr wrist navicular (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue wrist scaphoid view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPHOID Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG (9880-2815)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RF (9874-9322)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG (6451-0231)
Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG navicular
rf upper extremity wrist (9874-9322)
rg scaphoid upper extremity wrist (9880-2815)
rg upper extremity wrist (6451-0231)
RPID2514 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (6670-1787)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7359-2162)
rf elbow upper extremity 2 views (6670-1787)
rg elbow upper extremity 2 views (7359-2162)
RPID2515 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (9588-7945)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9819-3994)
rf elbow both upper extremity both 2 views (9588-7945)
rg elbow both upper extremity both 2 views (9819-3994)
RPID2516 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr elbow 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr elbow 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr elbow 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr elbow 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (0051-1038)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (2490-1920)
Anatomy:ELBOW Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (4837-4458)
rf elbow upper extremity 3 or more views (0051-1038)
rg elbow 3 or more views (4837-4458)
rg elbow upper extremity 3 or more views (2490-1920)
RPID2517 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 4 or more views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 4 or more vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 or more views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 4 or more vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 or more views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 4 or more vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (7706-2518)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (3416-9236)
rf elbow both upper extremity both 4 or more views (7706-2518)
rg elbow both upper extremity both 4 or more views (3416-9236)
RPID2518 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RF (7486-1401)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG (8778-5207)
rf head orbit (7486-1401)
rg head orbit (8778-5207)
RPID2519 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity forearm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue forearm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (1045-7788)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (5962-8956)
rf forearm upper extremity (1045-7788)
rg forearm upper extremity (5962-8956)
RPID252 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1775-5282) ct abdomen chest wo+w iv (1775-5282)
RPID2520 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity forearm bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue forearm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity forearm bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue forearm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity forearm bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue forearm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (9384-5615)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (1002-0292)
rf forearm both upper extremity both (9384-5615)
rg forearm both upper extremity both (1002-0292)
RPID2521 x-ray radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pediatric wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray peds whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF (5192-8364)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (6467-5387)
rf body pediatric whole (5192-8364)
rg body pediatric whole (6467-5387)
RPID2522 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF (5913-1703)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG (6387-7785)
rf facial bone head (5913-1703)
rg facial bone head (6387-7785)
RPID2523 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws femur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr femur 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 2vws femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr femur 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr femur 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr femur 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (4153-4399)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (8785-8655)
Anatomy:FEMUR Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1910-6150)
rf femur lower extremity 2 views (4153-4399)
rg femur 2 views (1910-6150)
rg femur lower extremity 2 views (8785-8655)
RPID2524 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws femur bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (3538-4415)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1898-1133)
rf femur both lower extremity both 2 views (3538-4415)
rg femur both lower extremity both 2 views (1898-1133)
RPID2525 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity finger (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue fngr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr fingers (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity finger (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue fngr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr fingers (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr fingers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity finger (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue fngr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr fingers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity finger (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue fngr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (9774-3060)
Anatomy:FINGER Modality:RF (1304-6177)
Anatomy:FINGER Modality:RG (3604-5838)
rf finger (1304-6177)
rg finger (3604-5838)
rg finger upper extremity (9774-3060)
RPID2526 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity fingers (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue fngrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity fingers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue fngrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity fingers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue fngrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (9774-3060)
Anatomy:FINGER Modality:RF (1304-6177)
Anatomy:FINGER Modality:RG (3604-5838)
rf finger (1304-6177)
rg finger (3604-5838)
rg finger upper extremity (9774-3060)
RPID2527 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity finger bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue fngr bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity finger bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue fngr bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity finger bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue fngr bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (0175-0698)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Modality:RF (7306-8396)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Modality:RG (5485-4775)
rf finger both (7306-8396)
rg finger both (5485-4775)
rg finger both upper extremity both (0175-0698)
RPID2528 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity fingers bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue fngrs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity fingers bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue fngrs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity fingers bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue fngrs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (0175-0698)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Modality:RF (7306-8396)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Modality:RG (5485-4775)
rf finger both (7306-8396)
rg finger both (5485-4775)
rg finger both upper extremity both (0175-0698)
RPID2529 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (9713-3409)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (0296-3031)
rf foot lower extremity 2 views (9713-3409)
rg foot lower extremity 2 views (0296-3031)
RPID253 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited Modality:CT (4026-7955) ct chest limited (4026-7955)
RPID2530 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (5335-8488)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6069-5499)
rf foot both lower extremity both 2 views (5335-8488)
rg foot both lower extremity both 2 views (6069-5499)
RPID2531 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr foot 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 3 or more vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr foot 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr foot 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr foot 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (1234-4134)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8819-5334)
Anatomy:FOOT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (5792-4845)
rf foot lower extremity 3 or more views (1234-4134)
rg foot 3 or more views (5792-4845)
rg foot lower extremity 3 or more views (8819-5334)
RPID2532 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (3806-4648)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (3152-8986)
rf foot both lower extremity both 3 or more views (3806-4648)
rg foot both lower extremity both 3 or more views (3152-8986)
RPID2533 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr calcaneus 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr calcaneus 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr calcaneus 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr calcaneus 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (9778-8306)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (6390-5670)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (0480-8004)
rf calcaneus lower extremity (9778-8306)
rg calcaneus 2 views (0480-8004)
rg calcaneus lower extremity (6390-5670)
RPID2534 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity calcaneus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le calcaneus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity calcaneus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le calcaneus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity calcaneus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le calcaneus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (1018-1532)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (0067-1437)
rf calcaneus both lower extremity both (1018-1532)
rg calcaneus both lower extremity both (0067-1437)
RPID2535 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity pelvis 2 views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le pelvis 2vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity pelvis 2 views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le pelvis 2vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity pelvis 2 views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le pelvis 2vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (0963-0233)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1208-1983)
rf hip both lower extremity both pelvis both 2 views (0963-0233)
rg hip both lower extremity both pelvis both 2 views (1208-1983)
RPID2536 x-ray radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pediatric lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray peds le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds le hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (9368-6424)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (8158-4176)
rf hip lower extremity pediatric (9368-6424)
rg hip lower extremity pediatric (8158-4176)
RPID2537 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hip intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hip intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hip intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hip intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (5604-0303)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (7951-7560)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (4462-1787)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG (1578-0089)
rf hip unilateral lower extremity (7951-7560)
rg hip intraoperative (5604-0303)
rg hip unilateral lower extremity (4462-1787)
rg hip unilateral lower extremity unilateral (1578-0089)
RPID2538 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1vw hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1vw hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1vw hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (7335-5001)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (4170-6257)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (3946-4262)
rf hip unilateral lower extremity 1 views (7335-5001)
rg hip unilateral lower extremity 1 views (4170-6257)
rg hip unilateral lower extremity unilateral 1 views (3946-4262)
RPID2539 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (6726-7657)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (9305-0681)
rf hip both lower extremity both (6726-7657)
rg hip both lower extremity both (9305-0681)
RPID254 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:CT (9118-4712) ct upper extremity left (9118-4712)
RPID2540 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr humerus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (3894-5574)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (6742-2020)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Modality:RG (5137-0533)
rf humerus upper extremity (3894-5574)
rg humerus (5137-0533)
rg humerus upper extremity (6742-2020)
RPID2541 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (6123-0016)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (6116-1401)
rf humerus both upper extremity both (6123-0016)
rg humerus both upper extremity both (6116-1401)
RPID2542 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (0386-3814)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (5198-4215)
rf hand upper extremity 2 views (0386-3814)
rg hand upper extremity 2 views (5198-4215)
RPID2543 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (0521-3063)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3577-5734)
rf hand both upper extremity both 2 views (0521-3063)
rg hand both upper extremity both 2 views (3577-5734)
RPID2544 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hand 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hand 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hand 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hand 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (7659-6316)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (3900-1255)
Anatomy:HAND Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (6818-6845)
rf hand upper extremity 3 or more views (7659-6316)
rg hand 3 or more views (6818-6845)
rg hand upper extremity 3 or more views (3900-1255)
RPID2545 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (7068-0031)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (9134-9024)
rf hand both upper extremity both 3 or more views (7068-0031)
rg hand both upper extremity both 3 or more views (9134-9024)
RPID2546 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr knee 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 1-2vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr knee 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr knee 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr knee 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (6431-5341)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (5067-4323)
Anatomy:KNEE Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (5029-1683)
rf knee lower extremity 2 or fewer views (6431-5341)
rg knee 2 or fewer views (5029-1683)
rg knee lower extremity 2 or fewer views (5067-4323)
RPID2547 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (3790-2445)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (5560-8663)
rf knee lower extremity 3 views (3790-2445)
rg knee lower extremity 3 views (5560-8663)
RPID2548 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 4 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr knee 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 4 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr knee 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr knee 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr knee 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (1730-5235)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (5214-7743)
Anatomy:KNEE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (7718-2321)
rf knee lower extremity 4 or more views (1730-5235)
rg knee 4 or more views (7718-2321)
rg knee lower extremity 4 or more views (5214-7743)
RPID2549 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (0359-2123)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (9780-1212)
rf lower extremity (0359-2123)
rg lower extremity (9780-1212)
RPID255 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:CT (8520-2721) ct upper extremity right (8520-2721)
RPID2550 x-ray radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 2-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray l spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr lumbar spine 2-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:2,3 (9272-9070)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (8821-5567)
rf lspine 2,3 views (9272-9070)
rg lspine 2,3 views (8821-5567)
RPID2551 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (2432-4297)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (3561-9552)
rf lspine 4 or more views (2432-4297)
rg lspine 4 or more views (3561-9552)
RPID2552 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF (3348-9578)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG (5275-5021)
rf lspine (3348-9578)
rg lspine (5275-5021)
RPID2553 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RF (4544-3878)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG (9574-3673)
rf head mandible (4544-3878)
rg head mandible (9574-3673)
RPID2554 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr mastoids 3+ views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr mastoids 3+ views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr mastoids 3+ views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr mastoids 3+ views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RF (9667-6912)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RG (1347-9604)
Anatomy:MASTOID:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (6803-8181)
rf head mastoid (9667-6912)
rg head mastoid (1347-9604)
rg mastoid both 3 or more views (6803-8181)
RPID2555 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the nasal bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the nasal bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the nasal bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RF (6377-8391)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RG (2611-4471)
rf head nasal bone (6377-8391)
rg head nasal bone (2611-4471)
RPID2556 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RG Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RF Object:Tissue:Soft (2694-4280)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RG Object:Tissue:Soft (5637-5950)
rf neck tissue soft (2694-4280)
rg neck tissue soft (5637-5950)
RPID2557 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr pelvis 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (0279-7678)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (7657-1432)
rf pelvis 1 views (0279-7678)
rg pelvis 1 views (7657-1432)
RPID2558 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF (0209-2050)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (6307-1079)
rf pelvis (0209-2050)
rg pelvis (6307-1079)
RPID2559 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RF (2704-0268)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG (9556-6603)
rf chest rib (2704-0268)
rg chest rib (9556-6603)
RPID256 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (8286-8953)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (1539-7095)
ct abdomen colon pelvis (8286-8953)
ct abdomen pelvis (1539-7095)
RPID2560 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 2 views ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 2vws ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2vws ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views ribs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws ribs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (3466-5898)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6289-1595)
Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9187-9818)
rf chest rib 2 views (3466-5898)
rg chest rib 2 views (6289-1595)
rg rib unilateral 2 views (9187-9818)
RPID2561 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RF (6456-8102)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG (6500-9420)
rf coccyx pelvis sacrum (6456-8102)
rg coccyx pelvis sacrum (6500-9420)
RPID2562 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF (2838-3164)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RG (0684-2827)
rf abdomen pelvis small intestine (2838-3164)
rg abdomen pelvis small intestine (0684-2827)
RPID2563 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF (3521-9380)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG (1397-6220)
rf spine (3521-9380)
rg spine (1397-6220)
RPID2564 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1vw shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr shoulder 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 1vw shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr shoulder 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr shoulder 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr shoulder 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (2543-5170)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (4008-7353)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (0481-8447)
rf shoulder upper extremity 1 views (2543-5170)
rg shoulder 1 views (0481-8447)
rg shoulder upper extremity 1 views (4008-7353)
RPID2565 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr shoulder 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr shoulder 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr shoulder 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr shoulder 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (6597-7120)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (5413-2808)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (8201-6757)
rf shoulder upper extremity 2 or more views (6597-7120)
rg shoulder 2 or more views (8201-6757)
rg shoulder upper extremity 2 or more views (5413-2808)
RPID2566 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis si joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RF (8103-4758)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG (4571-6468)
rf pelvis sacroiliac joint (8103-4758)
rg pelvis sacroiliac joint (4571-6468)
RPID2567 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 3 or more views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 3 or more vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head 3 or more views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr paranasal sinuses 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head 3 or more vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr paranasal sinuses 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or more views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr paranasal sinuses 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or more vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or more views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr paranasal sinuses 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or more vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (3838-8129)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8739-6364)
Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8763-5673)
rf head paranasal sinus 3 or more views (3838-8129)
rg head paranasal sinus 3 or more views (8739-6364)
rg paranasal sinus 3 or more views (8763-5673)
RPID2568 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 3 or fewer views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 3 or fwr vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or fewer views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or fwr vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or fewer views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or fwr vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrFewer (4743-0849)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (0039-0501)
rf head paranasal sinus 3 or fewer views (4743-0849)
rg head paranasal sinus 3 or fewer views (0039-0501)
RPID2569 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 4 views skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 4vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 4 views skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 4vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 4 views skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 4vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (3352-7991)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (4169-5364)
rf head skull 4 views (3352-7991)
rg head skull 4 views (4169-5364)
RPID257 a computed tomography radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct vol quant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct volume quantification (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT Reason:Measurement:Volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct vol quant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct volume quantification (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct vol quant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct volume quantification (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT Reason:Measurement:Volume (6172-9888)
Modality:CT quant vol
Modality:CT quantification volume
ct measurement volume (6172-9888)
RPID2570 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 4 or more views skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 4 or more vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 4 or more views skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 4 or more vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 4 or more views skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 4 or more vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (2044-8323)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (9462-9301)
rf head skull 4 or more views (2044-8323)
rg head skull 4 or more views (9462-9301)
RPID2571 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (0992-1962)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG (1397-6220)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (5522-5985)
rf spine 1 views (0992-1962)
rg spine (1397-6220)
rg spine 1 views (5522-5985)
RPID2572 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine t spine l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine t spine l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine t spine l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (5566-6782)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (3998-4560)
rf cspine lspine tspine ap eitherlat (5566-6782)
rg cspine lspine tspine ap eitherlat (3998-4560)
RPID2573 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and spot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine spot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine spt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG View:Spot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and spot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine spot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine spt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and spot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine spot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine spt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF View:Spot (3708-2957)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG View:Spot (9070-1919)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG spt
rf spine spot (3708-2957)
rg spine spot (9070-1919)
RPID2574 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sternoclavicular joint upper extremity (0383-8070)
rg sternoclavicular joint upper extremity (4374-3981)
RPID2575 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (0182-2810)
Anatomy:STERNUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (6103-4276)
rf sternum upper extremity (0182-2810)
rg sternum upper extremity (6103-4276)
RPID2576 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity thumb (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue thmb (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thumb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity thumb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue thmb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:THUMB Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thumb (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thumb (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity thumb (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue thmb (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thumb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity thumb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue thmb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (1653-1571)
Anatomy:THUMB Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (8569-0393)
Anatomy:THUMB Modality:RG (7555-8976)
rf thumb upper extremity (1653-1571)
rg thumb (7555-8976)
rg thumb upper extremity (8569-0393)
RPID2577 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr tibia fibula 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr tibia fibula 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr tibia fibula 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr tibia fibula 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7640-7273)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9317-6357)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7828-7324)
rf fibula lower extremity tibia 2 views (7640-7273)
rg fibula lower extremity tibia 2 views (9317-6357)
rg fibula tibia 2 views (7828-7324)
RPID2578 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracolumbar spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray tl spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (8903-0187)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6037-9299)
rf thoraco lumbar junction 2 views (8903-0187)
rg thoraco lumbar junction 2 views (6037-9299)
RPID2579 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr temporomandibular joint open and closed bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr temporomandibular joint open and closed bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr temporomandibular joint open and closed bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr temporomandibular joint open and closed bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Modality:RF (9469-3307)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Modality:RG (1126-0077)
Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Both Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG closed
rf head temporomandibular joint (9469-3307)
rg head temporomandibular joint (1126-0077)
RPID258 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (2997-9367)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2681-7053)
ct 3d (2997-9367)
ct 3d postprocessing (2681-7053)
RPID2580 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toe in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity toe (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le toe (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toe in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toe (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le toe (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toe in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toe (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le toe (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE Modality:RF (2803-6113)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE Modality:RG (6564-8801)
rf lower extremity toe (2803-6113)
rg lower extremity toe (6564-8801)
RPID2581 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr toes (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray toes (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TOES Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TOE Modality:RF (1450-7023)
Anatomy:TOE Modality:RG (1243-0365)
Anatomy:TOES Modality:RG (3509-7682)
rf toe (1450-7023)
rg toe (1243-0365)
rg toes (3509-7682)
RPID2582 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toe in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity toe bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le toe bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toe in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toe bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le toe bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toe in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toe bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le toe bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RF (5478-9651)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RG (6186-0984)
rf lower extremity both toe both (5478-9651)
rg lower extremity both toe both (6186-0984)
RPID2583 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toes (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TOES:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RF (2065-3378)
Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RG (3646-4513)
Anatomy:TOES:Both Modality:RG (2957-1176)
rf toe both (2065-3378)
rg toe both (3646-4513)
rg toes both (2957-1176)
RPID2584 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (6007-7929)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7927-2401)
rf tspine 2 views (6007-7929)
rg tspine 2 views (7927-2401)
RPID2585 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray t spine 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (9463-4257)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (0103-2728)
rf tspine 3 views (9463-4257)
rg tspine 3 views (0103-2728)
RPID2586 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray t spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (3339-3641)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (7463-7576)
rf tspine 4 or more views (3339-3641)
rg tspine 4 or more views (7463-7576)
RPID2587 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (0921-6126)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (6352-0377)
rf upper extremity 2 or more views (0921-6126)
rg upper extremity 2 or more views (6352-0377)
RPID2588 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (5773-1992)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3622-0461)
rf upper extremity wrist 2 views (5773-1992)
rg upper extremity wrist 2 views (3622-0461)
RPID2589 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr wrist 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr wrist 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr wrist 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr wrist 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (4557-6503)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8171-5350)
Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (6467-8646)
rf upper extremity wrist 3 or more views (4557-6503)
rg upper extremity wrist 3 or more views (8171-5350)
rg wrist 3 or more views (6467-8646)
RPID259 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3189-2717)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (6377-9980)
ct chest heart 3d (3189-2717)
ct chest heart 3d postprocessing (6377-9980)
RPID2590 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray abd 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (1710-7406)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (9636-2216)
rf abdomen 1 views (1710-7406)
rg abdomen 1 views (9636-2216)
RPID2591 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (6014-1997)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9051-1655)
rf abdomen 2 views (6014-1997)
rg abdomen 2 views (9051-1655)
RPID2592 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray abd 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (4426-5870)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (6611-5104)
rf abdomen 3 or more views (4426-5870)
rg abdomen 3 or more views (6611-5104)
RPID2593 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the external auditory canal in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head external auditory canal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head ext aud canal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTERNALAUDITORYCANAL Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the external auditory canal in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head external auditory canal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head ext aud canal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the external auditory canal in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head external auditory canal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head ext aud canal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTERNALAUDITORYCANAL Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG (7074-9098)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF auditory canal external
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG aud canal ext
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG auditory canal external
rg external auditorycanal head (7074-9098)
RPID2594 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head cephalogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr head cephalogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head cephalogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATED)
xr head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATED)
xr head cephalogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATED)
xray head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATED)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG (4204-5216)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF (0329-8611)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG (4744-1248)
rf head (0329-8611)
rg facial bone head skull (4204-5216)
rg head (4744-1248)
RPID2595 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head sella (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head sella (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head sella (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head sella (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:RF (6408-1071)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:RG (8728-4910)
Anatomy:SELLARREGION Modality:RG (0600-3291)
rf head sellar region (6408-1071)
rg head sellar region (8728-4910)
rg sellar region (0600-3291)
RPID2596 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity acromioclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue ac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity acromioclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue ac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity acromioclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue ac joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf acromioclavicular joint upper extremity (1030-1687)
rg acromioclavicular joint upper extremity (9870-5601)
RPID2597 x-ray radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 - 5 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3-5vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 - 5 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3-5vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 - 5 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3-5vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3,4,5 (0456-3403)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (9668-7244)
rf ankle lower extremity 3,4,5 views (0456-3403)
rg ankle lower extremity 3,4,5 views (9668-7244)
RPID2598 x-ray radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 - 5 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3-5vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 - 5 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3-5vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 - 5 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3-5vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3,4,5 (2079-1005)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (8215-3854)
rf ankle both lower extremity both 3,4,5 views (2079-1005)
rg ankle both lower extremity both 3,4,5 views (8215-3854)
RPID2599 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (5274-9571)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (4258-6678)
rf ankle both lower extremity both 2 or fewer views (5274-9571)
rg ankle both lower extremity both 2 or fewer views (4258-6678)
RPID26 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8727-3646) ct lower extremity right wo iv (8727-3646)
RPID260 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd colongrphy 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen colonography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd colongrphy 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen colonography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd colongrphy 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen colonography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3571-6726)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2187-5053)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (3479-1861)
ct abdomen 3d postprocessing (3479-1861)
ct abdomen colon 3d (3571-6726)
ct abdomen colon 3d postprocessing (2187-5053)
RPID2600 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr ankle 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 1-2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr ankle 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr ankle 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr ankle 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (7961-3739)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (0136-6054)
Anatomy:ANKLE Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (7776-2510)
rf ankle lower extremity 2 or fewer views (7961-3739)
rg ankle 2 or fewer views (7776-2510)
rg ankle lower extremity 2 or fewer views (0136-6054)
RPID2601 x-ray radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr guidance major joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray guide maj jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr guidance major joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray guide maj jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr guidance major joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray guide maj jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (0684-8107)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RG (2223-1896)
rf joint major aspirate (0684-8107)
rg joint major aspirate (2223-1896)
RPID2602 x-ray radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pediatric abdomen decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray peds abd dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric abdomen decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds abd dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric abdomen decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds abd dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Decubitus Position:Erect (3067-9657)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect (5040-8838)
rf abdomen pediatric decubitus erect (3067-9657)
rg abdomen pediatric decubitus erect (5040-8838)
RPID2603 x-ray radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the skeletal system in the abdomen and ap and left oblique and right oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pediatric abdomen skeletal system ap left oblique right oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray peds abd sklt sys ap lt oblq rt oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SKELETALSYSTEM Modality:RG View:AP View:Cone View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the skeletal system in the abdomen and ap and left oblique and right oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric abdomen skeletal system ap left oblique right oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds abd sklt sys ap lt oblq rt oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the skeletal system in the abdomen and ap and left oblique and right oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric abdomen skeletal system ap left oblique right oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds abd sklt sys ap lt oblq rt oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SKELETALSYSTEM Modality:RG View:AP View:Cone View:LObl View:RObl (0759-7723)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RF View:AP View:LObl View:RObl cone
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG View:AP View:LObl View:RObl cone
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN:Right:Left Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherObl cone sklt system
rg abdomen skeletalsystem pediatric ap cone lobl robl (0759-7723)
RPID2604 x-ray radiology orderable pediatric 1 view procedure focused on the skeletal system in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pediatric abdomen 1 view skeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray peds abd 1vw sklt sys (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SKELETALSYSTEM Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric 1 view procedure focused on the skeletal system in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric abdomen 1 view skeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds abd 1vw sklt sys (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric 1 view procedure focused on the skeletal system in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric abdomen 1 view skeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds abd 1vw sklt sys (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SKELETALSYSTEM Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (0834-2431)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (3229-5723)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (6929-6167)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:1 sklt system
rf abdomen skeleton pediatric 1 views (3229-5723)
rg abdomen skeletalsystem pediatric 1 views (0834-2431)
rg abdomen skeleton pediatric 1 views (6929-6167)
RPID2605 x-ray radiology orderable pediatric babygram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pediatric babygram (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray peds bbygrm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Infant AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric babygram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric babygram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds bbygrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric babygram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric babygram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds bbygrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF (7090-8207)
AgeGroup:Infant AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (3938-2513)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Modality:RG bbygrm
rf body infant pediatric whole (7090-8207)
rg body infant pediatric whole (3938-2513)
RPID2606 x-ray radiology orderable bone age and extended procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone bn age extnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone age and extended procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone bn age extnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Extended Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone age and extended procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone bn age extnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone age and extended procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone bn age extnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Extended Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (0873-0354)
Anatomy:SKELETON Extent:Extended Modality:RF Reason:Age:Child (7943-0191)
Anatomy:SKELETON Extent:Extended Modality:RG Reason:Age:Child (2554-7843)
Extent:Extended Modality:RG Reason:Age:Child (2812-4693)
rf skeleton extended age child (7943-0191)
rg bone extended establishage child (0873-0354)
rg extended age child (2812-4693)
rg skeleton extended age child (2554-7843)
RPID2607 x-ray radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the hand in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:HAND Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the hand in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the hand in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:HAND Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (3462-9410)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RF Reason:Age:Child (7449-2757)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG Reason:Age:Child (5419-7392)
rf hand skeleton age child (7449-2757)
rg bone hand establishage child (3462-9410)
rg hand skeleton age child (5419-7392)
RPID2608 x-ray radiology orderable bone survey and complete procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone bone survey complete (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone bn survey cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone survey and complete procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone bone survey complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone survey complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone bn survey cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone survey and complete procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
xr bone bone survey complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
xray bone bn survey cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone survey and complete procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
xr bone bone survey complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
xray bone bn survey cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (7779-8814)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RF (4759-2790)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (9490-3077)
rf skeleton survey (4759-2790)
rg bone skeleton survey (7779-8814)
rg skeleton survey (9490-3077)
RPID2609 x-ray radiology orderable bone survey and limited procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone bn survey ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone survey and limited procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone bn survey ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Extent:Limited Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone survey and limited procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
xr bone bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
xray bone bn survey ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone survey and limited procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
xr bone bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
xray bone bn survey ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Extent:Limited Modality:RG (4574-8825)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Extent:Limited Modality:RF (3359-1016)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Extent:Limited Modality:RG (3336-7453)
rf skeleton survey limited (3359-1016)
rg bone skeleton survey limited (4574-8825)
rg skeleton survey limited (3336-7453)
RPID261 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3046-7610)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (7377-8741)
ct head 3d angiography (3046-7610)
ct head 3d postprocessing angiography (7377-8741)
RPID2610 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Decubitus Position:Erect (3738-5748)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect (8249-6953)
rf abdomen decubitus erect (3738-5748)
rg abdomen decubitus erect (8249-6953)
RPID2611 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and left oblique and right oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen ap left oblique right oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd ap lt oblq rt oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:Cone View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and left oblique and right oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen ap left oblique right oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd ap lt oblq rt oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and left oblique and right oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen ap left oblique right oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd ap lt oblq rt oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:Cone View:LObl View:RObl (7510-2282)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:AP View:LObl View:RObl cone
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:LObl View:RObl cone
Anatomy:ABDOMEN:Right:Left Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherObl cone
rg abdomen ap cone lobl robl (7510-2282)
RPID2612 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF (1795-7330)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG (3741-4903)
rf abdomen (1795-7330)
rg abdomen (3741-4903)
RPID2613 x-ray radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone densitometry hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone densito hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone densitometry hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone densito hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone densitometry hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone densito hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (0013-0318)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:SKELETON Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RF ModalityType:Density:Bone (5712-6187)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:SKELETON Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (4023-0400)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (3434-6143)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:SKELETON Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG densito
rf hand skeleton wrist density bone (5712-6187)
rg bone hand wrist density bone (0013-0318)
rg hand skeleton wrist density bone (4023-0400)
rg hand wrist density bone (3434-6143)
RPID2614 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and ap and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and ap and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and ap and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat View:LObl View:RObl (2361-9115)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:LObl View:RObl (7240-6057)
Anatomy:CHEST:Right:Left Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (4117-0301)
rf chest ap eitherlat lobl robl (2361-9115)
rg chest ap eitherlat lobl robl (7240-6057)
rg chest right left ap eitherlat eitherobl (4117-0301)
RPID2615 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (5231-3656)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (0458-0685)
rf chest 3 views (5231-3656)
rg chest 3 views (0458-0685)
RPID2616 x-ray radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the hip in the spine and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine pelvis densitometry hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine pelvis densito hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the hip in the spine and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine pelvis densitometry hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine pelvis densito hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the hip in the spine and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine pelvis densitometry hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine pelvis densito hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF ModalityType:Density:Bone (3542-5805)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (4483-1637)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG densito
rf hip pelvis spine density bone (3542-5805)
rg hip pelvis spine density bone (4483-1637)
RPID2617 x-ray radiology orderable bucky imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest bucky (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst bcky (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ModalityType:Bucky (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bucky imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest bucky (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst bcky (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bucky imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest bucky (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst bcky (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ModalityType:Bucky (5877-2959)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF bucky
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG bcky
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG bucky
rg chest bucky (5877-2959)
RPID2618 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (6685-0147)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (8653-5060)
rf cspine 4 views (6685-0147)
rg cspine 4 views (8653-5060)
RPID2619 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:PA (5545-4796)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:PA (8677-3102)
rf chest apicallordotic eitherlat pa (5545-4796)
rg chest apicallordotic eitherlat pa (8677-3102)
RPID262 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide jt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide jt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide jt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (9396-4122) ct joint aspirate (9396-4122)
RPID2620 x-ray radiology orderable inspiration and expiration procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable inspiration and expiration procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable inspiration and expiration procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration Modality:RF (0490-2780)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration Modality:RG (2403-1031)
rf chest expiration inspiration (0490-2780)
rg chest expiration inspiration (2403-1031)
RPID2621 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity clavicle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue clavicle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity clavicle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue clavicle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity clavicle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue clavicle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (1861-0206)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (9346-4951)
rf clavicle both upper extremity both (1861-0206)
rg clavicle both upper extremity both (9346-4951)
RPID2622 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right View:PA (3745-4874)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right View:PA (6488-2286)
Anatomy:CHEST:Right:Left Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:PA (8878-1703)
rf chest decubitus left decubitus right pa (3745-4874)
rg chest decubitus left decubitus right pa (6488-2286)
rg chest right left decubitus pa (8878-1703)
RPID2623 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right View:EitherLat View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right View:EitherLat View:PA (2865-1486)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right View:EitherLat View:PA (3220-5792)
Anatomy:CHEST:Right:Left Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA (4496-9836)
rf chest decubitus left decubitus right eitherlat pa (2865-1486)
rg chest decubitus left decubitus right eitherlat pa (3220-5792)
rg chest right left decubitus eitherlat pa (4496-9836)
RPID2624 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray c spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr cervical spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (5826-7867)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (0715-0229)
rf cspine 1 views (5826-7867)
rg cspine 1 views (0715-0229)
RPID2625 x-ray radiology orderable dxa central procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone dxa central (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone dxa cntrl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AXIALSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Modality:DXA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa central procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone dxa central (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone dxa cntrl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable dxa central procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone dxa central (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone dxa cntrl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AXIALSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Modality:DXA (7054-4775)
Anatomy:AXIALSKELETON Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:DXA (0577-1286)
dxa axial skeleton bone (7054-4775)
dxa axial skeleton skeleton (0577-1286)
RPID2626 x-ray radiology orderable dxa peripheral procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone dxa peripheral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone dxa prphrl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa peripheral procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
dxa bone density extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone dxa peripheral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone dxa prphrl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Modality:DXA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
dxa bone density extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa peripheral procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
dxa bone density extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone dxa peripheral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone dxa prphrl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable dxa peripheral procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
dxa bone density extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone dxa peripheral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone dxa prphrl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Modality:DXA (9495-8788)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:DXA (1013-4614)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:DXA ModalityType:Density:Bone (3566-4423)
dxa appendicular skeleton bone (9495-8788)
dxa extremity density bone (3566-4423)
dxa extremity skeleton (1013-4614)
RPID2627 x-ray radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3-5vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3-5vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3-5vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3,4,5 (7800-2519)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (1388-4377)
rf elbow upper extremity 3,4,5 views (7800-2519)
rg elbow upper extremity 3,4,5 views (1388-4377)
RPID2628 x-ray radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3-5vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3-5vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3-5vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3,4,5 (8741-4902)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (4417-4713)
rf elbow both upper extremity both 3,4,5 views (8741-4902)
rg elbow both upper extremity both 3,4,5 views (4417-4713)
RPID2629 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (9267-5779)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (7363-4290)
rf elbow both upper extremity both 2 or fewer views (9267-5779)
rg elbow both upper extremity both 2 or fewer views (7363-4290)
RPID263 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0020-0286)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct head surgicalequipment w iv (0020-0286)
RPID2630 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr elbow 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 1-2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr elbow 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr elbow 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr elbow 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (4859-0586)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (2171-2891)
Anatomy:ELBOW Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (3431-6881)
rf elbow upper extremity 2 or fewer views (4859-0586)
rg elbow 2 or fewer views (3431-6881)
rg elbow upper extremity 2 or fewer views (2171-2891)
RPID2631 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr forearm 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 2vws forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr forearm 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr forearm 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr forearm 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7047-2856)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (2300-7343)
Anatomy:FOREARM Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1088-2517)
rf forearm upper extremity 2 views (7047-2856)
rg forearm 2 views (1088-2517)
rg forearm upper extremity 2 views (2300-7343)
RPID2632 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity femur bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le femur bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity femur bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le femur bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity femur bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le femur bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (2278-9076)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (7020-4567)
rf femur both lower extremity both (2278-9076)
rg femur both lower extremity both (7020-4567)
RPID2633 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity femur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le femur (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity femur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le femur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (2861-0044)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (6229-3192)
rf femur lower extremity (2861-0044)
rg femur lower extremity (6229-3192)
RPID2634 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (9989-6624)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (5049-9607)
rf foot both lower extremity both 2 or fewer views (9989-6624)
rg foot both lower extremity both 2 or fewer views (5049-9607)
RPID2635 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr foot 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 1-2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr foot 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr foot 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr foot 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (0869-6562)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (0681-7882)
Anatomy:FOOT Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (9069-2656)
rf foot lower extremity 2 or fewer views (0869-6562)
rg foot 2 or fewer views (9069-2656)
rg foot lower extremity 2 or fewer views (0681-7882)
RPID2636 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (1426-1201)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8532-3944)
rf hand upper extremity wrist 3 or more views (1426-1201)
rg hand upper extremity wrist 3 or more views (8532-3944)
RPID2637 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (7615-7651)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (5599-1399)
rf hand upper extremity wrist 2 or fewer views (7615-7651)
rg hand upper extremity wrist 2 or fewer views (5599-1399)
RPID2638 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity hand wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue hand wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity hand wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue hand wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity hand wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue hand wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RF (2823-4921)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG (9107-3385)
rf hand both upper extremity both wrist both (2823-4921)
rg hand both upper extremity both wrist both (9107-3385)
RPID2639 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity and pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity pelvis 2 or more views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le pelvis 2 or more vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity and pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hip 2+ views bilateral with anteroposterior pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity pelvis 2 or more views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le pelvis 2 or more vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hip 2+ views bilateral with anteroposterior pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity and pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hip 2+ views bilateral with anteroposterior pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity pelvis 2 or more views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le pelvis 2 or more vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity and pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hip 2+ views bilateral with anteroposterior pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity pelvis 2 or more views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le pelvis 2 or more vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RF View:AP ViewCount:2OrMore (0420-7849)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:2OrMore (5140-9499)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:2OrMore (8677-0780)
rf hip both lower extremity both pelvis both ap 2 or more views (0420-7849)
rg hip both lower extremity both pelvis both ap 2 or more views (5140-9499)
rg hip both pelvis both ap 2 or more views (8677-0780)
RPID264 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9363-1755)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct head surgicalequipment wo iv (9363-1755)
RPID2640 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2 or more vws hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hip 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 2 or more vws hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hip 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hip 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hip 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (0635-4924)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (5970-8712)
Anatomy:HIP Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (4376-5923)
rf hip lower extremity 2 or more views (0635-4924)
rg hip 2 or more views (4376-5923)
rg hip lower extremity 2 or more views (5970-8712)
RPID2641 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (0721-4033)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (9397-5178)
rf hip lower extremity (0721-4033)
rg hip lower extremity (9397-5178)
RPID2642 x-ray radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity intra-operative hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le intra-op hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity intra-operative hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le intra-op hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity intra-operative hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le intra-op hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF (0876-1743)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (3067-3982)
rf hip lower extremity intraoperative (0876-1743)
rg hip lower extremity intraoperative (3067-3982)
RPID2643 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1vw hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hip 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 1vw hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hip 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hip 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1vw hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hip 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1vw hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (8851-9882)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (1694-5946)
Anatomy:HIP Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (9913-6828)
rf hip lower extremity 1 views (8851-9882)
rg hip 1 views (9913-6828)
rg hip lower extremity 1 views (1694-5946)
RPID2644 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hand 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 1-2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hand 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hand 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hand 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (0590-5289)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (1653-6343)
Anatomy:HAND Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (6402-6758)
rf hand upper extremity 2 or fewer views (0590-5289)
rg hand 2 or fewer views (6402-6758)
rg hand upper extremity 2 or fewer views (1653-6343)
RPID2645 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (2749-1315)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (2793-4097)
rf hand both upper extremity both 2 or fewer views (2749-1315)
rg hand both upper extremity both 2 or fewer views (2793-4097)
RPID2646 x-ray radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone bone age (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone bn age (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone bone age (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone bn age (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone bone age (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone bn age (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (8657-1541)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RF Reason:Age:Child (7353-8415)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG Reason:Age:Child (1001-7234)
rf skeleton age child (7353-8415)
rg bone establishage child (8657-1541)
rg skeleton age child (1001-7234)
RPID2647 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (0644-3048)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (4886-0001)
rf cspine 3 or more views (0644-3048)
rg cspine 3 or more views (4886-0001)
RPID2648 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 6+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr cervical spine 6+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 6+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 6+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF (5203-1095)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG (7102-3313)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:6OrMore (0570-4072)
rf cspine (5203-1095)
rg cspine (7102-3313)
rg cspine 6 or more views (0570-4072)
RPID2649 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr knee 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 3 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr knee 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr knee 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr knee 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (7654-2483)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (7360-4875)
Anatomy:KNEE Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (9780-3656)
rf knee lower extremity 3 or more views (7654-2483)
rg knee 3 views (9780-3656)
rg knee lower extremity 3 or more views (7360-4875)
RPID265 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3067-7655) ct brain head w iv (3067-7655)
RPID2650 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and bending (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine bending (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine bndg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 6+ views including bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray l spine bndg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr lumbar spine 6+ views including bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 6+ views including bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine bndg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 6+ views including bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine bndg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RF (1354-6693)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RG (4050-2137)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RG ViewCount:6OrMore (9047-7153)
rf lspine bending (1354-6693)
rg lspine bending (4050-2137)
rg lspine bending 6 or more views (9047-7153)
RPID2651 x-ray radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray l spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr lumbar spine 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF (3348-9578)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG (5275-5021)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (3561-9552)
rf lspine (3348-9578)
rg lspine (5275-5021)
rg lspine 4 or more views (3561-9552)
RPID2652 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine anteroposterior and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr lumbar spine anteroposterior and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine anteroposterior and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine anteroposterior and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (6002-7292)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (2162-7555)
rf lspine ap eitherlat (6002-7292)
rg lspine ap eitherlat (2162-7555)
RPID2653 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (2693-2277)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (2427-9825)
rf knee both lower extremity both 3 views (2693-2277)
rg knee both lower extremity both 3 views (2427-9825)
RPID2654 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 4 or more vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (7120-3567)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (3088-1748)
rf knee both lower extremity both 4 or more views (7120-3567)
rg knee both lower extremity both 4 or more views (3088-1748)
RPID2655 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (5613-9239)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (2567-5898)
rf knee both lower extremity both 2 or fewer views (5613-9239)
rg knee both lower extremity both 2 or fewer views (2567-5898)
RPID2656 x-ray radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis complete (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr pelvis 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF (0209-2050)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (6307-1079)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (2190-7210)
rf pelvis (0209-2050)
rg pelvis (6307-1079)
rg pelvis 3 or more views (2190-7210)
RPID2657 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 1 view anteroposterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr pelvis 1 view anteroposterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 view anteroposterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 view anteroposterior (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF View:AP (5115-9835)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:AP (6538-9191)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (2440-4561)
rf pelvis ap (5115-9835)
rg pelvis ap (6538-9191)
rg pelvis ap 1 views (2440-4561)
RPID2658 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RF (2332-7995)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG (3962-0075)
rf chest rib both (2332-7995)
rg chest rib both (3962-0075)
RPID2659 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF (3468-5028)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG (6718-0598)
rf coccyx sacrum spine (3468-5028)
rg coccyx sacrum spine (6718-0598)
RPID266 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6256-1829) ct brain head wo iv (6256-1829)
RPID2660 x-ray radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ModalityType:Localizer (2051-9499)
Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer (0697-3199)
rf localizer (2051-9499)
rg localizer (0697-3199)
RPID2661 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity scapula (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue scap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr scapula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity scapula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue scap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SCAPULA Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr scapula (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr scapula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity scapula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue scap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr scapula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity scapula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue scap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (3789-3597)
Anatomy:SCAPULA Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (1289-7652)
Anatomy:SCAPULA Modality:RG (5682-4567)
rf scapula upper extremity (3789-3597)
rg scapula (5682-4567)
rg scapula upper extremity (1289-7652)
RPID2662 x-ray radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr entire spine 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr entire spine 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr entire spine 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr entire spine 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF (3521-9380)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG (1397-6220)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (6324-5539)
rf spine (3521-9380)
rg spine (1397-6220)
rg spine 2 or more views (6324-5539)
RPID2663 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (5349-7523)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (4688-7204)
rf shoulder upper extremity (5349-7523)
rg shoulder upper extremity (4688-7204)
RPID2664 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RF (8838-2002)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RG (1794-6942)
rf chest sternum (8838-2002)
rg chest sternum (1794-6942)
RPID2665 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RF (3265-9401)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG (4526-4721)
rf fibula lower extremity tibia (3265-9401)
rg fibula lower extremity tibia (4526-4721)
RPID2666 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray t spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thoracic spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (3411-7998)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (5289-8867)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7927-2401)
rf tspine ap eitherlat (3411-7998)
rg tspine 2 views (7927-2401)
rg tspine ap eitherlat (5289-8867)
RPID2667 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracolumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray tl spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracolumbar spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracolumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray tl spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thoracolumbar spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (8467-9113)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (6541-5661)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6037-9299)
rf thoraco lumbar junction ap eitherlat (8467-9113)
rg thoraco lumbar junction 2 views (6037-9299)
rg thoraco lumbar junction ap eitherlat (6541-5661)
RPID2668 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity toes (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le toes (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOES Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE Modality:RF (2803-6113)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE Modality:RG (6564-8801)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOES Modality:RG (2738-9189)
rf lower extremity toe (2803-6113)
rg lower extremity toe (6564-8801)
rg lower extremity toes (2738-9189)
RPID2669 x-ray radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3-5vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3-5vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3-5vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RF ViewCount:3,4,5 (7546-7404)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (1248-5043)
rf upper extremity wrist 3,4,5 views (7546-7404)
rg upper extremity wrist 3,4,5 views (1248-5043)
RPID267 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4962-8136) ct brain head wo+w iv (4962-8136)
RPID2670 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr wrist 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr wrist 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr wrist 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr wrist 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (7705-4803)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (0903-7965)
Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (8514-5594)
rf upper extremity wrist 2 or fewer views (7705-4803)
rg upper extremity wrist 2 or fewer views (0903-7965)
rg wrist 2 or fewer views (8514-5594)
RPID2671 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7645-0313)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9038-5313)
rf lower extremity 2 views (7645-0313)
rg lower extremity 2 views (9038-5313)
RPID2672 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine 2 views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine 2vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2 views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 2vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2 views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 2vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (5818-0099)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (3664-2892)
rf lspine ap eitherlat 2 views (5818-0099)
rg lspine ap eitherlat 2 views (3664-2892)
RPID2673 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray l spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr lumbar spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (4505-7580)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (9208-8982)
rf lspine 1 views (4505-7580)
rg lspine 1 views (9208-8982)
RPID268 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio brn hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography brain hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT Reason:Bleeding (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain hemorrhage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT Reason:Bleeding (9507-0352) ct brain head angiography bleeding (9507-0352)
RPID269 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surg equip brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surgical equipment brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7548-7834)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct brain head surgicalequipment w iv (7548-7834)
RPID27 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0028-2930) ct lower extremity left wo+w iv (0028-2930)
RPID270 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surg equip brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head surgical equipment brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surg equip brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head surgical equipment brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4029-9378)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct brain head surgicalequipment wo iv (4029-9378)
RPID2708 x-ray radiology orderable pediatric bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pediatric wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray peds whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF (8161-3933)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (6438-8751)
rf body skeleton pediatric survey whole (8161-3933)
rg body skeleton pediatric survey whole (6438-8751)
RPID2709 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr pelvis 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (4411-1752)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (9941-4807)
rf pelvis 2 or fewer views (4411-1752)
rg pelvis 2 or fewer views (9941-4807)
RPID271 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (3486-0791) ct spine biopsy (3486-0791)
RPID2710 x-ray radiology orderable pelvimetry procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pelvimetry procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obsteric Modality:RG Reason:Measurement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pelvimetry procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pelvimetry procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obsteric Modality:RF Reason:Measurement (2542-5621)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obsteric Modality:RG Reason:Measurement (5467-1564)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG plvmtry
rf pelvis obsteric measurement (2542-5621)
rg pelvis obsteric measurement (5467-1564)
RPID2711 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RF View:PA (0938-8448)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG View:PA (9941-2492)
rf chest rib pa (0938-8448)
rg chest rib pa (9941-2492)
RPID2712 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 3 views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 3vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 3 views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr ribs 3 views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 3vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr ribs 3 views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr ribs 3 views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 3vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr ribs 3 views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 3vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (5545-0294)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (1024-5572)
Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (8666-9270)
rf chest rib both 3 views (5545-0294)
rg chest rib both 3 views (1024-5572)
rg rib both 3 views (8666-9270)
RPID2713 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (6267-6520)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (6562-4251)
rf coccyx sacrum spine 2 or more views (6267-6520)
rg coccyx sacrum spine 2 or more views (6562-4251)
RPID2714 x-ray radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone scngrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer (5665-0553)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RF ModalityType:Localizer (1715-4451)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer (7800-1130)
rf skeleton localizer (1715-4451)
rg bone localizer (5665-0553)
rg skeleton localizer (7800-1130)
RPID2715 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity scapula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue scap bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity scapula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue scap bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity scapula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue scap bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (7812-8489)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (8568-9041)
rf scapula both upper extremity both (7812-8489)
rg scapula both upper extremity both (8568-9041)
RPID2716 x-ray radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine complete scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine cmplt scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine complete scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine cmplt scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine complete scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine cmplt scoli (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF Reason:Scoliosis (3956-3526)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (4124-4978)
rf spine scoliosis (3956-3526)
rg spine scoliosis (4124-4978)
RPID2717 x-ray radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Limited Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Limited Modality:RF Reason:Scoliosis (5709-2757)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Limited Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (8253-1716)
rf spine limited scoliosis (5709-2757)
rg spine limited scoliosis (8253-1716)
RPID2718 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (8520-6171)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (7906-5451)
rf shoulder both upper extremity both (8520-6171)
rg shoulder both upper extremity both (7906-5451)
RPID2719 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (0478-1439)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (9535-2005)
rf pelvis sacroiliac joint 3 or more views (0478-1439)
rg pelvis sacroiliac joint 3 or more views (9535-2005)
RPID272 a computed tomography radiology orderable discogram procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (5831-7861) ct cspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (5831-7861)
RPID2720 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 1-2vws si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1-2vws si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joints (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1-2vws si jnts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (0677-3041)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (8059-3398)
rf pelvis sacroiliac joint 2 or fewer views (0677-3041)
rg pelvis sacroiliac joint 2 or fewer views (8059-3398)
RPID2721 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le tibia fibula bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le tibia fibula bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le tibia fibula bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both Modality:RF (2143-0883)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both Modality:RG (2724-5544)
rf fibula both lower extremity both tibia both (2143-0883)
rg fibula both lower extremity both tibia both (2724-5544)
RPID2722 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine and ap and lateral and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracolumbar spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray tl spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:Swimmers ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine and ap and lateral and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine and ap and lateral and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat View:Swimmers ViewCount:3 (6020-0556)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:Swimmers ViewCount:3 (9543-6498)
rf thoraco lumbar junction ap eitherlat swimmers 3 views (6020-0556)
rg thoraco lumbar junction ap eitherlat swimmers 3 views (9543-6498)
RPID2723 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray tl spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RF (1357-5217)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG (2554-9927)
rf thoraco lumbar junction (1357-5217)
rg thoraco lumbar junction (2554-9927)
RPID2724 x-ray radiology orderable standing procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracolumbar spine standing scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray tl spine stand scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Position:Standing Reason:Scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable standing procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine standing scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine stand scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable standing procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine standing scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine stand scoli (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RF Position:Standing Reason:Scoliosis (2355-8687)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Position:Standing Reason:Scoliosis (0099-6655)
rf thoraco lumbar junction standing scoliosis (2355-8687)
rg thoraco lumbar junction standing scoliosis (0099-6655)
RPID2725 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray t spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thoracic spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (7485-6643)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (1824-0393)
rf tspine 1 views (7485-6643)
rg tspine 1 views (1824-0393)
RPID2726 x-ray radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3-5vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3-5vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 - 5 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 - 5 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3-5vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3,4,5 (2240-9576)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3,4,5 (9448-9140)
rf upper extremity both wrist both 3,4,5 views (2240-9576)
rg upper extremity both wrist both 3,4,5 views (9448-9140)
RPID2727 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (7688-1160)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (6273-8548)
rf upper extremity both wrist both 2 or fewer views (7688-1160)
rg upper extremity both wrist both 2 or fewer views (6273-8548)
RPID273 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine guide sin spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine guidance single spinal level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide sin spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance single spinal level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide sin spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance single spinal level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (7552-0638) ct cspine facet joint anesthetize spinal 1 levels (7552-0638)
RPID274 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (3974-7510) ct facet joint tspine anesthetize spinal 1 levels (3974-7510)
RPID275 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine guide multi spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine guidance multiple spinal levels facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide multi spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance multiple spinal levels facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide multi spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance multiple spinal levels facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (4327-5868) ct cspine facet joint anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (4327-5868)
RPID276 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (6796-0941) ct facet joint tspine anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (6796-0941)
RPID277 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine guide add spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine guidance additional spinal level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide add lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance additional level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide add lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance additional level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (8589-6060)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:CT additional level spin
ct cspine facet joint anesthetize additional levels (8589-6060)
RPID278 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide add spin lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional spinal level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide add lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide add lev fac block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional level facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (5699-2869)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:CT additional level spin
ct facet joint tspine anesthetize additional levels (5699-2869)
RPID279 a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd cholang (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd cholang (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd cholang (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (5333-0020)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography (8111-2285)
ct abdomen bileduct cholangiography (5333-0020)
ct abdomen cholangiography w iduct (8111-2285)
RPID28 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2269-7971) ct lower extremity right wo+w iv (2269-7971)
RPID280 a computed tomography radiology orderable thin section imaging procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest thin section lung parenchyma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst th sect lung parench (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable thin section imaging procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest thin section lung parenchyma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst th sect lung parench (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable thin section imaging procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest thin section lung parenchyma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst th sect lung parench (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (7417-6433) ct chest lung tissue parenchymal slice thin (7417-6433)
RPID281 a computed tomography radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cisterngrphy sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cisternography paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:CT ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cisterngrphy sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cisternography paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cisterngrphy sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cisternography paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:CT ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (5435-9691) ct cistern head paranasal sinus cisternography cerebral (5435-9691)
RPID282 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1661-6586) ct cspine lspine w iv (1661-6586)
RPID283 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (8466-3891)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT Object:Nerve (0604-0493)
ct cspine nerve anesthetize spinal 1 levels (0604-0493)
ct cspine nerve anesthetize spinal 1 levels (8466-3891)
RPID284 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (7361-7733)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT Object:Nerve (1846-9931)
ct nerve tspine anesthetize spinal 1 levels (7361-7733)
ct tspine nerve anesthetize spinal 1 levels (1846-9931)
RPID285 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (0603-6373)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT Object:Nerve (8542-2731)
ct cspine nerve anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (0603-6373)
ct cspine nerve anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (8542-2731)
RPID286 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (5075-1300)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT Object:Nerve (1827-0556)
ct nerve tspine anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (5075-1300)
ct tspine nerve anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (1827-0556)
RPID287 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine guide add spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine guidance additional spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide add lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance additional level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide add lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance additional level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (2500-0755)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT Object:Nerve (5327-7517)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:CT Object:Nerve additional level spin
ct cspine nerve anesthetize additional levels (2500-0755)
ct cspine nerve anesthetize additional levels (5327-7517)
RPID288 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide add spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide add lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide add lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (5824-8897)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT Object:Nerve (9033-7517)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:CT Object:Nerve additional level spin
ct nerve tspine anesthetize additional levels (5824-8897)
ct tspine nerve anesthetize additional levels (9033-7517)
RPID289 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9789-3445) ct spine w iv (9789-3445)
RPID29 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0783-0789) ct lower extremity left w iv (0783-0789)
RPID290 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0687-7756) ct spine wo+w iv (0687-7756)
RPID291 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6485-7467) ct spine wo iv (6485-7467)
RPID292 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6863-6991) ct cspine tspine w iv (6863-6991)
RPID293 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6353-2642) ct cspine tspine wo+w iv (6353-2642)
RPID294 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4276-3401) ct cspine tspine wo iv (4276-3401)
RPID295 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (7992-8293) ct lspine myelography (7992-8293)
RPID296 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (3572-6724) ct cspine myelography (3572-6724)
RPID297 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (3719-4869) ct tspine myelography (3719-4869)
RPID298 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (4107-2347) ct spine myelography (4107-2347)
RPID299 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance Modality:CT (4584-1048) ct spine guidance (4584-1048)
RPID3 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4234-6571) ct abdomen wo iv (4234-6571)
RPID30 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3643-7389) ct lower extremity right w iv (3643-7389)
RPID300 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:CT Object:ForeignBody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:CT Object:ForeignBody (2995-4320) ct head orbit foreignbody (2995-4320)
RPID301 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7319-8082) ct chest heart w iv (7319-8082)
RPID302 a computed tomography radiology orderable discogram procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (8460-8402) ct lspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (8460-8402)
RPID303 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1786-0274) ct lower extremity both wo+w iv (1786-0274)
RPID304 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8349-6844) ct lower extremity both w iv (8349-6844)
RPID305 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4002-7585) ct lower extremity both wo iv (4002-7585)
RPID306 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine guide fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine guidance facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine guide fac block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine guidance facet block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine guide fac block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine guidance facet block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:CT (3943-0654) ct facet joint lspine anesthetize (3943-0654)
RPID307 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide sin spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance single spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (2719-6054)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT Object:Nerve (7690-0061)
ct lumbosacral junction nerve anesthetize spinal 1 levels (2719-6054)
ct lumbosacral junction nerve anesthetize spinal 1 levels (7690-0061)
RPID308 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide multi spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (8761-4156)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT Object:Nerve (2200-3139)
ct lumbosacral junction nerve anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (2200-3139)
ct lumbosacral junction nerve anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (8761-4156)
RPID309 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine guide add spin lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance additional spinal level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide add lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance additional level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide add lev nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance additional level nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT (8794-1357)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT Object:Nerve (3766-7323)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:CT Object:Nerve additional level spin
ct lumbosacral junction nerve anesthetize additional levels (3766-7323)
ct lumbosacral junction nerve anesthetize additional levels (8794-1357)
RPID31 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lumbar spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6340-3194) ct lspine wo iv (6340-3194)
RPID310 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5516-9082) ct lumbosacral junction w iv (5516-9082)
RPID311 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5411-5220) ct lumbosacral junction wo iv (5411-5220)
RPID312 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6982-7277)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:W Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:W Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct lumbosacral junction surgicalequipment w iv (6982-7277)
RPID313 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8646-9193)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct lumbosacral junction surgicalequipment wo iv (8646-9193)
RPID314 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3397-6773) ct lumbosacral junction wo+w iv (3397-6773)
RPID315 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mandible without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mandible wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mandible without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mandible wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mandible without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mandible wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5969-7480) ct head mandible wo iv (5969-7480)
RPID316 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine t spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine t spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine t spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine thoracic spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (6436-8721)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT rad
ct cspine tspine ablate rf (6436-8721)
RPID317 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (1590-6529)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT rad
ct lumbosacral junction ablate rf (1590-6529)
RPID318 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (6685-9124)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT rad
ct lspine ablate rf (6685-9124)
RPID319 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis angio kidney donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography kidney donor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio kidney donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography kidney donor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis angio kidney donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis angiography kidney donor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT Reason:Donor:Organ (0764-6369) ct abdomen kidney pelvis angiography donor organ (0764-6369)
RPID32 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3163-8758) ct lspine wo+w iv (3163-8758)
RPID320 a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le scngrm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity scanogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (7132-7290) ct lower extremity both localizer (7132-7290)
RPID321 a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le scngrm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity scanogram left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (0959-4687) ct lower extremity left localizer (0959-4687)
RPID322 a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le scngrm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity scanogram right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (4196-2767) ct lower extremity right localizer (4196-2767)
RPID323 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of screw placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance screw placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide scr place (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Device:Screw Guidance:Insert Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of screw placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance screw placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide scr place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of screw placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance screw placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide scr place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Screw Guidance:Insert Modality:CT (2922-0364)
Guidance:Insert Modality:CT scr
ct screw insert (2922-0364)
RPID324 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Context:Screening Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Context:Screening Modality:CT (3573-6341) ct head paranasal sinus screening (3573-6341)
RPID325 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio brn stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography brain stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT Reason:Stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT Reason:Stroke (8393-9150) ct brain head angiography stroke (8393-9150)
RPID3252 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (9170-1920)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (7788-7356)
rf ankle left lower extremity left (9170-1920)
rg ankle left lower extremity left (7788-7356)
RPID3253 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (4472-0590)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (0800-7999)
rf ankle right lower extremity right (4472-0590)
rg ankle right lower extremity right (0800-7999)
RPID3254 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:RG Reason:Arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF Reason:Arthritis (4761-1478)
Modality:RG Reason:Arthritis (7451-5974)
Modality:RG arthrts
rf arthritis (4761-1478)
rg arthritis (7451-5974)
RPID3255 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (0328-4845)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (9013-9819)
rf ankle both lower extremity both (0328-4845)
rg ankle both lower extremity both (9013-9819)
RPID3256 x-ray radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone age (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bn age (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone age (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bn age (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone age (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bn age (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF Reason:Age:Child (4825-3118)
Modality:RG Reason:Age:Child (5553-8457)
Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (0884-9666)
rf age child (4825-3118)
rg age child (5553-8457)
rg establishage child (0884-9666)
RPID3257 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity clavicle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue clavicle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity clavicle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue clavicle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity clavicle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue clavicle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (9909-5121)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (7982-5718)
rf clavicle right upper extremity right (9909-5121)
rg clavicle right upper extremity right (7982-5718)
RPID3258 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity clavicle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue clavicle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity clavicle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue clavicle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity clavicle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue clavicle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (1975-0220)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (4649-9762)
rf clavicle left upper extremity left (1975-0220)
rg clavicle left upper extremity left (4649-9762)
RPID3259 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr coccyx 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr coccyx 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr coccyx 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr coccyx 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF (1374-1819)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (3978-7382)
Anatomy:COCCYX Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (8188-3407)
rf coccyx pelvis (1374-1819)
rg coccyx 2 or more views (8188-3407)
rg coccyx pelvis (3978-7382)
RPID326 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (4005-5593) ct brain head angiography (4005-5593)
RPID3260 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (7334-3510)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (1880-5713)
rf elbow left upper extremity left (7334-3510)
rg elbow left upper extremity left (1880-5713)
RPID3261 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (3663-6146)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (5061-5840)
rf elbow right upper extremity right (3663-6146)
rg elbow right upper extremity right (5061-5840)
RPID3262 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity femur left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity femur left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity femur left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (0015-6765)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (0123-6057)
rf femur left lower extremity left (0015-6765)
rg femur left lower extremity left (0123-6057)
RPID3263 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity femur right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity femur right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity femur right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (2771-2253)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (4902-0405)
rf femur right lower extremity right (2771-2253)
rg femur right lower extremity right (4902-0405)
RPID3264 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity finger left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue fngr lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity finger left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue fngr lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity finger left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue fngr lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (0914-4929)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Modality:RF (5924-9212)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Modality:RG (6412-0487)
rf finger left (5924-9212)
rg finger left (6412-0487)
rg finger left upper extremity left (0914-4929)
RPID3265 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity finger right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue fngr rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity finger right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue fngr rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity finger right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue fngr rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (9693-3057)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Modality:RF (5483-5377)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Modality:RG (7697-9982)
rf finger right (5483-5377)
rg finger right (7697-9982)
rg finger right upper extremity right (9693-3057)
RPID3266 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity foot left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (8254-0547)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (9984-8533)
rf foot left lower extremity left (8254-0547)
rg foot left lower extremity left (9984-8533)
RPID3267 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (9001-5462)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (3976-2084)
rf foot left lower extremity left weightbearing w (9001-5462)
rg foot left lower extremity left weightbearing w (3976-2084)
RPID3268 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity foot right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (7469-6188)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (7310-7511)
rf foot right lower extremity right (7469-6188)
rg foot right lower extremity right (7310-7511)
RPID3269 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (9700-9429)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (9039-5505)
rf foot right lower extremity right weightbearing w (9700-9429)
rg foot right lower extremity right weightbearing w (9039-5505)
RPID327 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (1167-7399) ct lower extremity both angiography (1167-7399)
RPID3270 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (5342-4263)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (2897-4713)
rf forearm left upper extremity left (5342-4263)
rg forearm left upper extremity left (2897-4713)
RPID3271 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (3073-5548)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (2126-1894)
rf forearm right upper extremity right (3073-5548)
rg forearm right upper extremity right (2126-1894)
RPID3272 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity hand left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (1086-6807)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (7199-3372)
rf hand left upper extremity left (1086-6807)
rg hand left upper extremity left (7199-3372)
RPID3273 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity hand right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (9852-2191)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (9831-2680)
rf hand right upper extremity right (9852-2191)
rg hand right upper extremity right (9831-2680)
RPID3274 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity calcaneus left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le calcaneus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity calcaneus left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le calcaneus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity calcaneus left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le calcaneus lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (8560-4827)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (1875-2063)
rf calcaneus left lower extremity left (8560-4827)
rg calcaneus left lower extremity left (1875-2063)
RPID3275 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (1918-9038)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (3057-0677)
rf calcaneus right lower extremity right (1918-9038)
rg calcaneus right lower extremity right (3057-0677)
RPID3276 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (0586-9947)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (2485-8416)
rf hip left lower extremity left (0586-9947)
rg hip left lower extremity left (2485-8416)
RPID3277 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (8409-0333)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (8121-2305)
rf hip right lower extremity right (8409-0333)
rg hip right lower extremity right (8121-2305)
RPID3278 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (5890-0596)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (6854-4710)
rf humerus left upper extremity left (5890-0596)
rg humerus left upper extremity left (6854-4710)
RPID3279 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (8144-8593)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (0895-8297)
rf humerus right upper extremity right (8144-8593)
rg humerus right upper extremity right (0895-8297)
RPID328 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (6666-8078) ct upper extremity both angiography (6666-8078)
RPID3280 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 4 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 4vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 4vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 4vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (7551-2559)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (4423-4709)
rf knee left lower extremity left 4 views (7551-2559)
rg knee left lower extremity left 4 views (4423-4709)
RPID3281 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 4 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 4vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 4vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 4vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (0367-0162)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (0556-2869)
rf knee right lower extremity right 4 views (0367-0162)
rg knee right lower extremity right 4 views (0556-2869)
RPID3282 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF (1354-2346)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (8628-7753)
rf abdomen pelvis (1354-2346)
rg abdomen pelvis (8628-7753)
RPID3283 x-ray radiology orderable 5 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine 5 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine 5vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:5 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 5 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine 5 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine 5vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 5 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine 5 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine 5vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF ViewCount:5 (6419-4072)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:5 (6455-7044)
rf lumbosacral junction 5 views (6419-4072)
rg lumbosacral junction 5 views (6455-7044)
RPID3284 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine 2 views trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine 2vws trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG Reason:Trauma ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2 views trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 2vws trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2 views trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 2vws trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF Reason:Trauma ViewCount:2 (4108-5948)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG Reason:Trauma ViewCount:2 (9633-8395)
rf lspine trauma 2 views (4108-5948)
rg lspine trauma 2 views (9633-8395)
RPID3285 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity navicular left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue nvclr lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NAVICULAR:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity navicular left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue nvclr lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity navicular left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue nvclr lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NAVICULAR:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (2386-9511)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF navicular
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG navicular
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG nvclr
rg navicular left upper extremity left (2386-9511)
RPID3286 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity navicular right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue nvclr rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NAVICULAR:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity navicular right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue nvclr rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity navicular right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue nvclr rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NAVICULAR:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (5655-6410)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF navicular
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG navicular
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG nvclr
rg navicular right upper extremity right (5655-6410)
RPID3287 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity patella left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le patella lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:PATELLA:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity patella left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le patella lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity patella left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le patella lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:PATELLA:Left Modality:RF (2337-6336)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:PATELLA:Left Modality:RG (9993-1353)
rf lower extremity left patella left (2337-6336)
rg lower extremity left patella left (9993-1353)
RPID3288 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity patella right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le patella rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:PATELLA:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity patella right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le patella rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity patella right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le patella rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:PATELLA:Right Modality:RF (3288-9433)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:PATELLA:Right Modality:RG (0926-9248)
rf lower extremity right patella right (3288-9433)
rg lower extremity right patella right (0926-9248)
RPID3289 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ribs left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ribs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left Modality:RF (4209-9041)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left Modality:RG (1308-1696)
rf chest rib left (4209-9041)
rg chest rib left (1308-1696)
RPID329 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide sin spin lev (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance single spinal level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (4887-9884) ct tspine guidance spinal 1 levels (4887-9884)
RPID3290 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ribs right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ribs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right Modality:RF (1495-5473)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right Modality:RG (3440-7850)
rf chest rib right (1495-5473)
rg chest rib right (3440-7850)
RPID3291 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis sacr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis sacr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis sacr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RF (3792-1439)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG (1345-3013)
rf pelvis sacrum (3792-1439)
rg pelvis sacrum (1345-3013)
RPID3292 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity scapula left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue scap lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity scapula left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue scap lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity scapula left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue scap lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (0172-2013)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (4259-7841)
rf scapula left upper extremity left (0172-2013)
rg scapula left upper extremity left (4259-7841)
RPID3293 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity scapula right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue scap rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity scapula right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue scap rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity scapula right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue scap rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (8719-8849)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (4584-1510)
rf scapula right upper extremity right (8719-8849)
rg scapula right upper extremity right (4584-1510)
RPID3294 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (1643-0442)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (5306-9497)
rf shoulder left upper extremity left (1643-0442)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left (5306-9497)
RPID3295 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (2522-0807)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (5967-4675)
rf shoulder right upper extremity right (2522-0807)
rg shoulder right upper extremity right (5967-4675)
RPID3296 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RF (9392-4357)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG (7206-3322)
rf head paranasal sinus (9392-4357)
rg head paranasal sinus (7206-3322)
RPID3297 x-ray radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pediatric head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray peds head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric head paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds head sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RF (1098-0506)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG (5092-1480)
rf head paranasal sinus pediatric (1098-0506)
rg head paranasal sinus pediatric (5092-1480)
RPID3298 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity thumb left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue thmb lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity thumb left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue thmb lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity thumb left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue thmb lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (5636-8399)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (5019-6480)
rf thumb left upper extremity left (5636-8399)
rg thumb left upper extremity left (5019-6480)
RPID3299 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity thumb right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue thmb rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity thumb right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue thmb rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity thumb right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue thmb rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (4993-9600)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (7336-2149)
rf thumb right upper extremity right (4993-9600)
rg thumb right upper extremity right (7336-2149)
RPID33 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lumbar spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9292-3943) ct lspine w iv (9292-3943)
RPID330 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide multi spin lev (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance multiple spinal levels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (6561-3059) ct tspine guidance spinal 2 or more levels (6561-3059)
RPID3300 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RF (3623-3329)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RG (5366-2140)
rf fibula left lower extremity left tibia left (3623-3329)
rg fibula left lower extremity left tibia left (5366-2140)
RPID3301 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RF (4914-5175)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RG (9543-4068)
rf fibula right lower extremity right tibia right (4914-5175)
rg fibula right lower extremity right tibia right (9543-4068)
RPID3302 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity toes left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toes left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toes left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left Modality:RF (8429-3219)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left Modality:RG (0871-5523)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left Modality:RG (9581-4980)
rf lower extremity left toe left (8429-3219)
rg lower extremity left toe left (0871-5523)
rg lower extremity left toes left (9581-4980)
RPID3303 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity toes right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toes right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toes right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right Modality:RF (3760-3275)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right Modality:RG (1146-1584)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right Modality:RG (8265-6729)
rf lower extremity right toe right (3760-3275)
rg lower extremity right toe right (1146-1584)
rg lower extremity right toes right (8265-6729)
RPID3304 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RF (4115-8838)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG (6471-3831)
rf upper extremity left wrist left (4115-8838)
rg upper extremity left wrist left (6471-3831)
RPID3305 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RF (1987-6344)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG (4515-3199)
rf upper extremity right wrist right (1987-6344)
rg upper extremity right wrist right (4515-3199)
RPID3306 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Erect Position:Supine (3271-5558)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Prone (9755-8620)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine (2491-3481)
rf abdomen erect supine (3271-5558)
rg abdomen erect prone (9755-8620)
rg abdomen erect supine (2491-3481)
RPID3307 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen left left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd lt lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen left left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd lt lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen left left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd lt lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Left (4083-4493)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left (2389-7601)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus lt
rf abdomen decubitus left (4083-4493)
rg abdomen decubitus left (2389-7601)
RPID3308 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the abdomen and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen right right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd rt rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the abdomen and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen right right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd rt rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the abdomen and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen right right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd rt rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Right (3205-5008)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Right (7905-8720)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus rt
rf abdomen decubitus right (3205-5008)
rg abdomen decubitus right (7905-8720)
RPID3309 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen portable urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd port urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen portable urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd port urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen portable urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd port urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (6402-7429)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (7844-6187)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (0122-9345)
rf abdomen bladder kidney ureter portable (6402-7429)
rg abdomen bladder kidney ureter portable (7844-6187)
rg abdomen urinary tract portable (0122-9345)
RPID331 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide add spin lev (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional spinal level (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance Levels:Additional Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide add lev (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide add lev (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance Levels:Additional Modality:CT (1451-8386)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance Modality:CT additional level spin
ct tspine guidance additional levels (1451-8386)
RPID3310 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd obs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Reason:Obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd obs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd obs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Reason:Obstruction (8817-1911)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Reason:Obstruction (9843-2010)
rf abdomen obstruction (8817-1911)
rg abdomen obstruction (9843-2010)
RPID3311 x-ray radiology orderable sitzmark test procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen sitzmark test (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd stzmrk tst (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON ClinicalTemporalAspect:TransitTime Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable sitzmark test procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen sitzmark test (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd stzmrk tst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable sitzmark test procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen sitzmark test (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd stzmrk tst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON ClinicalTemporalAspect:TransitTime Modality:RF (5555-1681)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON ClinicalTemporalAspect:TransitTime Modality:RG (8695-2301)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG stzmrk tst
rf abdomen colon transittime (5555-1681)
rg abdomen colon transittime (8695-2301)
RPID3312 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right (5815-0692)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right (0418-6637)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN:Left:Right Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (9084-7677)
rf abdomen decubitus left decubitus right (5815-0692)
rg abdomen decubitus left decubitus right (0418-6637)
rg abdomen left right decubitus (9084-7677)
RPID3313 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and left lateral and right lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen left lateral right lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd lt lat rt lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:LLat View:RLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and left lateral and right lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen left lateral right lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd lt lat rt lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and left lateral and right lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen left lateral right lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd lt lat rt lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:LLat View:RLat (3746-7466)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:LLat View:RLat (1303-5180)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN:Left:Right Modality:RG View:EitherLat (2139-1847)
rf abdomen llat rlat (3746-7466)
rg abdomen left right eitherlat (2139-1847)
rg abdomen llat rlat (1303-5180)
RPID3314 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:CrossTableLateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:CrossTableLateral (7387-5323)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:CrossTableLateral (8909-1487)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:CrossTableLateral (3126-9162)
rf abdomen crosstablelateral (7387-5323)
rg abdomen crosstablelateral (3126-9162)
rg abdomen crosstablelateral (8909-1487)
RPID3315 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of fetal age (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen fetal age (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd ftl age (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Obstetric Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Gestational (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of fetal age (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen fetal age (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd ftl age (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of fetal age (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen fetal age (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd ftl age (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:RF Reason:Age:Gestational (7703-0642)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:RG Reason:Age:Gestational (6504-7671)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Obstetric Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Gestational (0118-8064)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG age ftl
rf abdomen gravid uterus obstetric age gestational (7703-0642)
rg abdomen gravid uterus obstetric age gestational (6504-7671)
rg abdomen obstetric establishage gestational (0118-8064)
RPID3316 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:EitherObl (8867-6176)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:EitherObl (6142-3481)
rf abdomen eitherobl (8867-6176)
rg abdomen eitherobl (6142-3481)
RPID3317 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd erct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Erect (3184-5337)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect (8861-3238)
rf abdomen erect (3184-5337)
rg abdomen erect (8861-3238)
RPID3318 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (1995-4574)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (3200-3506)
rf ankle lower extremity (1995-4574)
rg ankle lower extremity (3200-3506)
RPID3319 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (7490-5566)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (4081-2881)
rf ankle left lower extremity left weightbearing w (7490-5566)
rg ankle left lower extremity left weightbearing w (4081-2881)
RPID332 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracolumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct tl spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracolumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct tl spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracolumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct tl spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6135-6888) ct thoraco lumbar junction w iv (6135-6888)
RPID3320 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (3939-5670)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (5336-9849)
rf ankle right lower extremity right weightbearing w (3939-5670)
rg ankle right lower extremity right weightbearing w (5336-9849)
RPID3321 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (8161-9213)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (3183-9542)
rf foot both lower extremity both weightbearing w (8161-9213)
rg foot both lower extremity both weightbearing w (3183-9542)
RPID3322 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the and basilar (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr basilar (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bslr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:RG View:Basilar (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the and basilar (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr basilar (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bslr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the and basilar (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr basilar (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bslr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RG View:Basilar (2967-1460)
Modality:RF basilar
Modality:RG basilar
Modality:RG bslr
rg basilar (2967-1460)
RPID3323 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (7898-3771)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (4580-3207)
rf ankle both lower extremity both weightbearing w (7898-3771)
rg ankle both lower extremity both weightbearing w (4580-3207)
RPID3324 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity elbow bilateral obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue elbow bilat oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow bilateral obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow bilat oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow bilateral obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow bilat oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF View:EitherObl (8631-6017)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG View:EitherObl (4610-3862)
rf elbow both upper extremity both eitherobl (8631-6017)
rg elbow both upper extremity both eitherobl (4610-3862)
RPID3325 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (0829-6342)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (6070-4863)
rf foot both lower extremity both (0829-6342)
rg foot both lower extremity both (6070-4863)
RPID3326 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity weight bearing foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue weight foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity weight bearing foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue weight foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral foot in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity weight bearing foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue weight foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (7628-6978)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (4016-5717)
rf foot both upper extremity both weightbearing w (7628-6978)
rg foot both upper extremity both weightbearing w (4016-5717)
RPID3327 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity hand bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue hand bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (0654-4570)
Anatomy:HAND:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (8955-1844)
rf hand both upper extremity both (0654-4570)
rg hand both upper extremity both (8955-1844)
RPID3328 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr knees anteroposterior standing bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr knees anteroposterior standing bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr knees anteroposterior standing bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr knees anteroposterior standing bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (2139-6668)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (6984-4143)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Modality:RG Position:Standing View:AP (9326-8102)
rf knee both lower extremity both (2139-6668)
rg knee both lower extremity both (6984-4143)
rg knee both standing ap (9326-8102)
RPID3329 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (5268-7752)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (5872-5447)
rf knee both lower extremity both weightbearing w (5268-7752)
rg knee both lower extremity both weightbearing w (5872-5447)
RPID333 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct tl spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct tl spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct tl spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0427-6840) ct thoraco lumbar junction wo iv (0427-6840)
RPID3330 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity patella bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le patella bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PATELLA:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity patella bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le patella bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral patella in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity patella bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le patella bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PATELLA:Both Modality:RF (4890-5153)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PATELLA:Both Modality:RG (6998-2987)
rf lower extremity both patella both (4890-5153)
rg lower extremity both patella both (6998-2987)
RPID3331 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity thumb bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue thmb bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity thumb bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue thmb bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity thumb bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue thmb bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (6277-2351)
Anatomy:THUMB:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (5600-8241)
rf thumb both upper extremity both (6277-2351)
rg thumb both upper extremity both (5600-8241)
RPID3332 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue crp tun bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CARPALTUNNEL:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue crp tun bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue crp tun bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CARPALTUNNEL:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (2565-0057)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF View:Tunnel carpal
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG View:Tunnel carpal
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG crp tun
rg carpaltunnel both upper extremity both (2565-0057)
RPID3333 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus bilateral transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus bilat trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG View:Transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus bilateral transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus bilat trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus bilateral transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus bilat trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transthoracic Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (6722-3458)
Access:Transthoracic Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (8236-5582)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG View:Transthoracic (1741-2141)
rf humerus both upper extremity both transthoracic (6722-3458)
rg humerus both upper extremity both transthoracic (1741-2141)
rg humerus both upper extremity both transthoracic (8236-5582)
RPID3334 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RF (0799-1985)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG (4803-3200)
rf upper extremity both wrist both (0799-1985)
rg upper extremity both wrist both (4803-3200)
RPID3335 x-ray radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone densito (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone densito (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone densito (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (3279-3726)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RF ModalityType:Density:Bone (9395-0704)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (9704-6366)
Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (5373-3771)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG densito
rf skeleton density bone (9395-0704)
rg bone density bone (3279-3726)
rg density bone (5373-3771)
rg skeleton density bone (9704-6366)
RPID3336 x-ray radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (7779-8814)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RF (4759-2790)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (9490-3077)
rf skeleton survey (4759-2790)
rg bone skeleton survey (7779-8814)
rg skeleton survey (9490-3077)
RPID3337 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue crp tun lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CARPALTUNNEL:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue crp tun lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue crp tun lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CARPALTUNNEL:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (6600-8762)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:Tunnel carpal
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Tunnel carpal
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG crp tun
rg carpaltunnel left upper extremity left (6600-8762)
RPID3338 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue crp tun rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CARPALTUNNEL:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue crp tun rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right carpal tunnel in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity carpal tunnel right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue crp tun rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CARPALTUNNEL:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (3281-4468)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:Tunnel carpal
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Tunnel carpal
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG crp tun
rg carpaltunnel right upper extremity right (3281-4468)
RPID3339 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherLat View:PA (2404-7889)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:PA (0971-0595)
rf chest eitherlat pa (2404-7889)
rg chest eitherlat pa (0971-0595)
RPID334 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct tl spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct tl spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct tl spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0517-2109) ct thoraco lumbar junction wo+w iv (0517-2109)
RPID3340 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA View:RObl (5268-3206)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA View:RObl (8686-0927)
Anatomy:CHEST:Right:Left Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:EitherObl View:PA (8956-8371)
rf chest eitherlat lobl pa robl (5268-3206)
rg chest eitherlat lobl pa robl (8686-0927)
rg chest right left eitherlat eitherobl pa (8956-8371)
RPID3341 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat lt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat lt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat lt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA (7867-2471)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:EitherObl View:PA (3436-4021)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA (3365-1669)
rf chest eitherlat lobl pa (7867-2471)
rg chest eitherlat eitherobl pa (3436-4021)
rg chest eitherlat lobl pa (3365-1669)
RPID3342 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and right decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral right decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat rt decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Right View:EitherLat View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and right decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral right decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat rt decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and right decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral right decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat rt decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA (2089-1170)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA (6093-7269)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Right View:EitherLat View:PA (6928-0468)
rf chest decubitus eitherlat pa (2089-1170)
rg chest decubitus eitherlat pa (6093-7269)
rg chest decubitus right eitherlat pa (6928-0468)
RPID3343 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:PA View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherLat View:PA View:RObl (5104-4398)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:EitherObl View:PA (3436-4021)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:PA View:RObl (9868-9721)
rf chest eitherlat pa robl (5104-4398)
rg chest eitherlat eitherobl pa (3436-4021)
rg chest eitherlat pa robl (9868-9721)
RPID3344 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left lateral decubitus and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest left lateral decubitus right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst lt lat decub rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right (9076-1315)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left Position:Decubitus:Right (5835-0740)
Anatomy:CHEST:Left:Right Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (7201-0632)
rf chest decubitus left decubitus right (9076-1315)
rg chest decubitus left decubitus right (5835-0740)
rg chest left right decubitus (7201-0632)
RPID3345 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:LObl View:RObl (6632-8100)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (7885-1192)
Anatomy:CHEST:Left:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl (4572-9819)
rf chest lobl robl (6632-8100)
rg chest left right eitherobl (4572-9819)
rg chest lobl robl (7885-1192)
RPID3346 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Left (9794-2366)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (0366-9163)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left (3722-1327)
rf chest decubitus left (9794-2366)
rg chest decubitus (0366-9163)
rg chest decubitus left (3722-1327)
RPID3347 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:PA (2949-5238)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:PA (6949-2339)
rf chest pa (2949-5238)
rg chest pa (6949-2339)
RPID3348 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:ApicalLordotic View:PA (4044-4611)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic View:PA (0478-9039)
rf chest apicallordotic pa (4044-4611)
rg chest apicallordotic pa (0478-9039)
RPID3349 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left View:EitherLat View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat lt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Left View:EitherLat View:PA (3717-8989)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA (6093-7269)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left View:EitherLat View:PA (8513-4833)
rf chest decubitus left eitherlat pa (3717-8989)
rg chest decubitus eitherlat pa (6093-7269)
rg chest decubitus left eitherlat pa (8513-4833)
RPID335 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Modality:CT (9457-2772) ct head temporomandibular joint (9457-2772)
RPID3350 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and oblique and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest pa lateral oblique apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst pa lat oblq apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:EitherObl View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and oblique and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral oblique apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat oblq apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and oblique and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest pa lateral oblique apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst pa lat oblq apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:EitherObl View:PA (8611-8011)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:EitherObl View:PA (2688-5105)
rf chest apicallordotic eitherlat eitherobl pa (8611-8011)
rg chest apicallordotic eitherlat eitherobl pa (2688-5105)
RPID3351 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest right lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst rt lat decub (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus:Right (4794-9803)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (0366-9163)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Right (9221-8714)
rf chest decubitus right (4794-9803)
rg chest decubitus (0366-9163)
rg chest decubitus right (9221-8714)
RPID3352 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF View:EitherLat (2264-1607)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG View:EitherLat (9462-8660)
rf cspine eitherlat (2264-1607)
rg cspine eitherlat (9462-8660)
RPID3353 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF View:LObl View:RObl (9502-4943)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (8370-4213)
Anatomy:CSPINE:Left:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl (6990-0560)
rf cspine lobl robl (9502-4943)
rg cspine left right eitherobl (6990-0560)
rg cspine lobl robl (8370-4213)
RPID3354 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (8050-8248)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (2192-4652)
rf elbow both upper extremity both (8050-8248)
rg elbow both upper extremity both (2192-4652)
RPID3355 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity elbow left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue elbow lt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow lt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow left oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow lt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG View:LObl (0390-8121)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:EitherObl (1390-1903)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:EitherObl (7924-8700)
rf elbow left upper extremity left eitherobl (1390-1903)
rg elbow left upper extremity left eitherobl (7924-8700)
rg elbow upper extremity lobl (0390-8121)
RPID3356 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity elbow right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue elbow rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG View:RObl (9405-2826)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:EitherObl (8016-8167)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl (8997-0773)
rf elbow right upper extremity right eitherobl (8016-8167)
rg elbow right upper extremity right eitherobl (8997-0773)
rg elbow upper extremity robl (9405-2826)
RPID3357 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le foot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (2961-0258)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (2598-5823)
rf foot lower extremity (2961-0258)
rg foot lower extremity (2598-5823)
RPID3358 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left hallux in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hallux left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight hllx lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE1:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left hallux in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hallux left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight hllx lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left hallux in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hallux left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight hllx lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE1:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (4811-7285)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE1:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (2799-3001)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE1:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (8180-3677)
rf lower extremity toe1 left weightbearing w (4811-7285)
rg lower extremity left toe1 left weightbearing w (8180-3677)
rg lower extremity toe1 left weightbearing w (2799-3001)
RPID3359 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right hallux in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hallux right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight hllx rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE1:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right hallux in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hallux right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight hllx rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right hallux in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hallux right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight hllx rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE1:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (5275-7933)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE1:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (8441-3533)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE1:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (3748-8486)
rf lower extremity toe1 right weightbearing w (5275-7933)
rg lower extremity right toe1 right weightbearing w (3748-8486)
rg lower extremity toe1 right weightbearing w (8441-3533)
RPID336 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pulm arts embo (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (1633-4873) ct chest pulmonary artery embolus (1633-4873)
RPID3360 x-ray radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone age procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF Reason:Age:Child (5761-5051)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG Reason:Age:Child (6164-1623)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG Reason:EstablishAge:Child (4895-7874)
Anatomy:HAND Modality:RG Reason:Age:Child (8151-6882)
rf hand upper extremity age child (5761-5051)
rg hand age child (8151-6882)
rg hand upper extremity age child (6164-1623)
rg hand upper extremity establishage child (4895-7874)
RPID3361 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (8578-7389)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (1243-6389)
rf lower extremity left (8578-7389)
rg lower extremity left (1243-6389)
RPID3362 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (7780-5212)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (6215-4193)
rf lower extremity right (7780-5212)
rg lower extremity right (6215-4193)
RPID3363 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus left transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus lt trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus left transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus lt trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus left transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus lt trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transthoracic Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (6162-1899)
Access:Transthoracic Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (0159-5276)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Transthoracic (9413-7753)
rf humerus left upper extremity left transthoracic (6162-1899)
rg humerus left upper extremity left transthoracic (0159-5276)
rg humerus left upper extremity left transthoracic (9413-7753)
RPID3364 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus right transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus rt trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus right transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus rt trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity and transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus right transthoracic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus rt trnsthrc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transthoracic Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (1439-9527)
Access:Transthoracic Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (8844-0209)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Transthoracic (6040-1247)
rf humerus right upper extremity right transthoracic (1439-9527)
rg humerus right upper extremity right transthoracic (6040-1247)
rg humerus right upper extremity right transthoracic (8844-0209)
RPID3365 x-ray radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr infant lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray infnt le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt le lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (7809-1853)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (4240-9025)
rf lower extremity left infant (7809-1853)
rg lower extremity left infant (4240-9025)
RPID3366 x-ray radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr infant lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray infnt le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt le rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (7584-5389)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (5550-2122)
rf lower extremity right infant (7584-5389)
rg lower extremity right infant (5550-2122)
RPID3367 x-ray radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr infant pelvis lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray infnt pelvis le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant pelvis lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt pelvis le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant pelvis lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt pelvis le hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF (4642-3953)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (5024-9051)
rf hip lower extremity pelvis infant (4642-3953)
rg hip lower extremity pelvis infant (5024-9051)
RPID3368 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee left obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee lt oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG View:LObl (3360-3781)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:EitherObl (1545-3534)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:EitherObl (7578-3765)
rf knee left lower extremity left eitherobl (1545-3534)
rg knee left lower extremity left eitherobl (7578-3765)
rg knee lower extremity lobl (3360-3781)
RPID3369 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee right obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee rt oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt oblqs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG View:RObl (9309-5799)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:EitherObl (5544-2572)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl (1691-8162)
rf knee right lower extremity right eitherobl (5544-2572)
rg knee lower extremity robl (9309-5799)
rg knee right lower extremity right eitherobl (1691-8162)
RPID337 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest ribs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ribs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:CT (9378-4214) ct chest rib (9378-4214)
RPID3370 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF (3875-3853)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (4972-9920)
rf knee left lower extremity left (3875-3853)
rg knee left lower extremity left (4972-9920)
RPID3371 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF (3612-7097)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (9106-3894)
rf knee right lower extremity right (3612-7097)
rg knee right lower extremity right (9106-3894)
RPID3372 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee left sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee lt snrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt snrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt snrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:Sunrise (5674-5105)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Sunrise (4071-1072)
rf knee left lower extremity left sunrise (5674-5105)
rg knee left lower extremity left sunrise (4071-1072)
RPID3373 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee right sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee rt snrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt snrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right sunrise (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt snrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:Sunrise (9071-0846)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Sunrise (8590-2200)
rf knee right lower extremity right sunrise (9071-0846)
rg knee right lower extremity right sunrise (8590-2200)
RPID3374 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee left arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee lt arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG Reason:Arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF Reason:Arthritis (5243-8362)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG Reason:Arthritis (2125-7191)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG arthrts
rf knee left lower extremity left arthritis (5243-8362)
rg knee left lower extremity left arthritis (2125-7191)
RPID3375 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee left fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee lt fx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG Reason:Fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt fx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of fracture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left fracture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt fx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF Reason:Fracture (1443-3351)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG Reason:Fracture (6085-2083)
rf knee left lower extremity left fracture (1443-3351)
rg knee left lower extremity left fracture (6085-2083)
RPID3376 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee right arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee rt arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG Reason:Arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right arthritis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt arthrts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF Reason:Arthritis (0679-6519)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG Reason:Arthritis (7878-6677)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG arthrts
rf knee right lower extremity right arthritis (0679-6519)
rg knee right lower extremity right arthritis (7878-6677)
RPID3377 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee right fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee rt fx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG Reason:Fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt fx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of fracture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right fracture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt fx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF Reason:Fracture (6565-3722)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG Reason:Fracture (6465-7742)
rf knee right lower extremity right fracture (6565-3722)
rg knee right lower extremity right fracture (6465-7742)
RPID3378 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee left tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee lt tnnl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt tnnl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity and tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee left tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee lt tnnl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:Tunnel (8837-4284)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Tunnel (0378-0790)
rf knee left lower extremity left tunnel (8837-4284)
rg knee left lower extremity left tunnel (0378-0790)
RPID3379 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee right tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee rt tnnl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt tnnl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity and tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee right tunnel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee rt tnnl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:Tunnel (3718-4393)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Tunnel (3913-5374)
rf knee right lower extremity right tunnel (3718-4393)
rg knee right lower extremity right tunnel (3913-5374)
RPID338 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine surg equip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine surgical equipment with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7041-2593)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct tspine surgicalequipment w iv (7041-2593)
RPID3380 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (2044-1743)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (2556-6578)
rf knee left lower extremity left weightbearing w (2044-1743)
rg knee left lower extremity left weightbearing w (2556-6578)
RPID3381 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (1320-0768)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (7654-6738)
rf knee right lower extremity right weightbearing w (1320-0768)
rg knee right lower extremity right weightbearing w (7654-6738)
RPID3382 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen pelvis urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd pelvis urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen pelvis urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd pelvis urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen pelvis urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd pelvis urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF (5672-3145)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:RG (3771-3209)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG (9312-3493)
rf abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter (5672-3145)
rg abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter (3771-3209)
rg abdomen pelvis urinary tract (9312-3493)
RPID3383 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of kyphosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine kyphosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine kyphss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG Reason:Kyphosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of kyphosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine kyphosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine kyphss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of kyphosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine kyphosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine kyphss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF Reason:Kyphosis (9197-9829)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG Reason:Kyphosis (2227-6136)
rf spine kyphosis (9197-9829)
rg spine kyphosis (2227-6136)
RPID3384 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG (9980-5689)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RF (7223-0639)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG (5683-0960)
rf skeleton (7223-0639)
rg bone (9980-5689)
rg skeleton (5683-0960)
RPID3385 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF (9667-4470)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG (0499-5509)
rf lumbosacral junction (9667-4470)
rg lumbosacral junction (0499-5509)
RPID3386 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine weight (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine weight (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine weight (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (7276-3729)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (7935-1472)
rf lumbosacral junction weightbearing w (7276-3729)
rg lumbosacral junction weightbearing w (7935-1472)
RPID3387 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RF (1674-1138)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG (8618-7411)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG extnsn flxn
rf lumbosacral junction extension flexion (1674-1138)
rg lumbosacral junction extension flexion (8618-7411)
RPID3388 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF View:EitherLat (9608-8404)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:EitherLat (5214-6116)
rf lumbosacral junction eitherlat (9608-8404)
rg lumbosacral junction eitherlat (5214-6116)
RPID3389 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF View:LObl View:RObl (7820-2624)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (7680-6168)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION:Left:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl (3427-1905)
rf lumbosacral junction lobl robl (7820-2624)
rg lumbosacral junction left right eitherobl (3427-1905)
rg lumbosacral junction lobl robl (7680-6168)
RPID339 a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable surgical equipment procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine surg equip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine surgical equipment without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2755-7649)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT equip surgical
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT equipment surgical
ct tspine surgicalequipment wo iv (2755-7649)
RPID3390 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and spot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine spot (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine spt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:Spot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and spot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine spot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine spt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and spot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine spot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine spt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF View:Spot (4680-2191)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:Spot (4466-7513)
rf lumbosacral junction spot (4680-2191)
rg lumbosacral junction spot (4466-7513)
RPID3391 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head mandible left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head mandible lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head mandible left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head mandible lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mandible in the head and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head mandible left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head mandible lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RF View:LObl View:RObl (0031-8548)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (4211-1104)
Anatomy:HEAD:Right Anatomy:MANDIBLE:Left Modality:RG View:EitherObl (3232-4698)
rf head mandible lobl robl (0031-8548)
rg head mandible lobl robl (4211-1104)
rg head right mandible left eitherobl (3232-4698)
RPID3392 x-ray radiology orderable metastatic bone survey procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone metastatic bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bone mets bn srvy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable metastatic bone survey procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone metastatic bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone mets bn srvy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable metastatic bone survey procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone metastatic bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone mets bn srvy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG Reason:Cancer (4339-4677)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RF Reason:Cancer (9912-0740)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG Reason:Cancer (1293-5055)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG mets srvy
rf skeleton survey cancer (9912-0740)
rg bone survey cancer (4339-4677)
rg skeleton survey cancer (1293-5055)
RPID3393 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mouth to anus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr mouth to anus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray mth to ans (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:MOUTHTOANUS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mouth to anus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr mouth to anus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray mth to ans (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mouth to anus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr mouth to anus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray mth to ans (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:MOUTHTOANUS Modality:RF (4775-2872)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:MOUTHTOANUS Modality:RG (7595-3379)
Modality:RG ans mth to
rf body mouthtoanus (4775-2872)
rg body mouthtoanus (7595-3379)
RPID3394 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity navicular bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue nvclr bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NAVICULAR:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity navicular bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue nvclr bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral navicular in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity navicular bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue nvclr bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NAVICULAR:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (1947-4416)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF navicular
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG navicular
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG nvclr
rg navicular both upper extremity both (1947-4416)
RPID3395 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the optic foramina in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head opt formn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the optic foramina in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head opt formn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:OPTICFORAMINA Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the optic foramina in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head opt formn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the optic foramina in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head opt formn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:OPTICFORAMINA Modality:RG (3589-6116)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF foramina optic
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG foramina optic
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG formn opt
Modality:RG foramina optic
rg head opticforamina (3589-6116)
RPID3396 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and inlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis inlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis inlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:Inlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and inlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis inlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis inlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and inlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis inlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis inlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF View:Inlet (3563-6015)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:Inlet (6461-3704)
rf pelvis inlet (3563-6015)
rg pelvis inlet (6461-3704)
RPID3397 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and judet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis judet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis judet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:Judet (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and judet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis judet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis judet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and judet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis judet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis judet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF View:Judet (0230-1832)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:Judet (4806-6393)
rf pelvis judet (0230-1832)
rg pelvis judet (4806-6393)
RPID3398 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:Outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and outlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis outlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis outlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF View:Outlet (6231-6406)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:Outlet (1621-2315)
rf pelvis outlet (6231-6406)
rg pelvis outlet (1621-2315)
RPID3399 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (0964-8302)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (2612-6926)
rf pelvis ap eitherlat (0964-8302)
rg pelvis ap eitherlat (2612-6926)
RPID34 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct maxillofacial wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct maxillofacial wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct maxillofacial wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct maxillofacial wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3177-4023)
Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5558-2032)
ct head maxillofacial wo iv (3177-4023)
ct maxillofacial wo iv (5558-2032)
RPID340 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5629-7064) ct upper extremity both wo+w iv (5629-7064)
RPID3400 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and inlet and outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis inlet outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis inlet outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:Inlet View:Outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and inlet and outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis inlet outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis inlet outlet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and inlet and outlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis inlet outlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis inlet outlet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF View:Inlet View:Outlet (2447-8504)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:Inlet View:Outlet (5563-5606)
rf pelvis inlet outlet (2447-8504)
rg pelvis inlet outlet (5563-5606)
RPID3401 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis weight (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis weight (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis weight (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (9486-3580)
Anatomy:PELVIS FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (1503-6580)
rf pelvis weightbearing w (9486-3580)
rg pelvis weightbearing w (1503-6580)
RPID3402 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen portable decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd port dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable Position:Decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen portable decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd port dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the abdomen and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen portable decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd port dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable Position:Decubitus (6075-2905)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable Position:Decubitus (2561-2596)
rf abdomen portable decubitus (6075-2905)
rg abdomen portable decubitus (2561-2596)
RPID3403 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the chest and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest portable decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst port dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable Position:Decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the chest and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest portable decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst port dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the chest and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest portable decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst port dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable Position:Decubitus (7811-9492)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable Position:Decubitus (5046-9209)
rf chest portable decubitus (7811-9492)
rg chest portable decubitus (5046-9209)
RPID3404 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine port (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (4247-2974)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (5784-3089)
rf lumbosacral junction portable (4247-2974)
rg lumbosacral junction portable (5784-3089)
RPID3405 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis portable (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis port (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (0492-8500)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (6158-6126)
rf pelvis portable (0492-8500)
rg pelvis portable (6158-6126)
RPID3406 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head portable skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head port skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head portable skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head port skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head portable skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head port skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (4927-1209)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (0407-7447)
rf head skull portable (4927-1209)
rg head skull portable (0407-7447)
RPID3407 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine port (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (2056-8423)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (9282-6347)
rf tspine portable (2056-8423)
rg tspine portable (9282-6347)
RPID3408 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen pelvis portable urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd pelvis port urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen pelvis portable urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd pelvis port urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen pelvis portable urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd pelvis port urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (3637-8007)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (5671-7427)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (2953-9947)
rf abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter portable (3637-8007)
rg abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter portable (5671-7427)
rg abdomen pelvis urinary tract portable (2953-9947)
RPID3409 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine port (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (8605-2970)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (1921-7382)
rf cspine portable (8605-2970)
rg cspine portable (1921-7382)
RPID341 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6109-3175) ct upper extremity both w iv (6109-3175)
RPID3410 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (7072-5840)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (8135-7497)
rf ankle left lower extremity left portable (7072-5840)
rg ankle left lower extremity left portable (8135-7497)
RPID3411 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (2685-4438)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (0468-3569)
rf elbow left upper extremity left portable (2685-4438)
rg elbow left upper extremity left portable (0468-3569)
RPID3412 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable femur left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable femur left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable femur left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (0409-3662)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (2797-5705)
rf femur left lower extremity left portable (0409-3662)
rg femur left lower extremity left portable (2797-5705)
RPID3413 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable foot left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (0015-1257)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (6798-4144)
rf foot left lower extremity left portable (0015-1257)
rg foot left lower extremity left portable (6798-4144)
RPID3414 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (1814-8430)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (8041-5760)
rf forearm left upper extremity left portable (1814-8430)
rg forearm left upper extremity left portable (8041-5760)
RPID3415 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable hand left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5626-0393)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (2241-7899)
rf hand left upper extremity left portable (5626-0393)
rg hand left upper extremity left portable (2241-7899)
RPID3416 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable hip left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (8400-1107)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (2464-3802)
rf hip left lower extremity left portable (8400-1107)
rg hip left lower extremity left portable (2464-3802)
RPID3417 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5233-6076)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (0214-6927)
rf humerus left upper extremity left portable (5233-6076)
rg humerus left upper extremity left portable (0214-6927)
RPID3418 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (9949-4693)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (1099-5202)
rf knee left lower extremity left portable (9949-4693)
rg knee left lower extremity left portable (1099-5202)
RPID3419 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (4779-4836)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (9297-1728)
rf shoulder left upper extremity left portable (4779-4836)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left portable (9297-1728)
RPID342 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9623-1337) ct upper extremity both wo iv (9623-1337)
RPID3420 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (1768-8296)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (5016-9702)
rf fibula left lower extremity left tibia left portable (1768-8296)
rg fibula left lower extremity left tibia left portable (5016-9702)
RPID3421 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (6193-2035)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (8399-8540)
rf upper extremity left wrist left portable (6193-2035)
rg upper extremity left wrist left portable (8399-8540)
RPID3422 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (4923-5618)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (6007-0341)
rf ankle right lower extremity right portable (4923-5618)
rg ankle right lower extremity right portable (6007-0341)
RPID3423 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5555-8384)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (4536-1329)
rf elbow right upper extremity right portable (5555-8384)
rg elbow right upper extremity right portable (4536-1329)
RPID3424 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable femur right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable femur right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable femur right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5315-8800)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (5374-7146)
rf femur right lower extremity right portable (5315-8800)
rg femur right lower extremity right portable (5374-7146)
RPID3425 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable foot right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5129-3280)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (3607-1546)
rf foot right lower extremity right portable (5129-3280)
rg foot right lower extremity right portable (3607-1546)
RPID3426 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (8628-8680)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (6845-0902)
rf forearm right upper extremity right portable (8628-8680)
rg forearm right upper extremity right portable (6845-0902)
RPID3427 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable hand right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (7447-4706)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (9976-3190)
rf hand right upper extremity right portable (7447-4706)
rg hand right upper extremity right portable (9976-3190)
RPID3428 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable hip right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (9229-5529)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (8223-0476)
rf hip right lower extremity right portable (9229-5529)
rg hip right lower extremity right portable (8223-0476)
RPID3429 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (3645-7936)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (4373-5387)
rf humerus right upper extremity right portable (3645-7936)
rg humerus right upper extremity right portable (4373-5387)
RPID3430 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (1686-6077)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (8520-4474)
rf knee right lower extremity right portable (1686-6077)
rg knee right lower extremity right portable (8520-4474)
RPID3431 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5931-9333)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (9552-3236)
rf shoulder right upper extremity right portable (5931-9333)
rg shoulder right upper extremity right portable (9552-3236)
RPID3432 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity portable tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le port tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (6486-6180)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (7566-8143)
rf fibula right lower extremity right tibia right portable (6486-6180)
rg fibula right lower extremity right tibia right portable (7566-8143)
RPID3433 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity portable wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue port wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue port wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity portable wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue port wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5208-7460)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (0470-9063)
rf upper extremity right wrist right portable (5208-7460)
rg upper extremity right wrist right portable (0470-9063)
RPID3434 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr eye foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG Object:ForeignBody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr eye foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr eye foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr eye foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EYE Modality:RG Object:ForeignBody (0186-0423)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RF Object:ForeignBody (6940-8590)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG Object:ForeignBody (6065-4925)
rf head orbit foreignbody (6940-8590)
rg eye foreignbody (0186-0423)
rg head orbit foreignbody (6065-4925)
RPID3435 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (3245-1431)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (7088-2953)
rf spine ap eitherlat (3245-1431)
rg spine ap eitherlat (7088-2953)
RPID3436 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of instability (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder left instability (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder lt instblty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG Reason:Instability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of instability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left instability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt instblty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of instability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left instability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt instblty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF Reason:Instability (5892-5712)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG Reason:Instability (7437-6765)
rf shoulder left upper extremity left instability (5892-5712)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left instability (7437-6765)
RPID3437 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of instability (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder right instability (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder rt instblty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG Reason:Instability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of instability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder right instability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder rt instblty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of instability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder right instability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder rt instblty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF Reason:Instability (0951-2429)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG Reason:Instability (2870-0018)
rf shoulder right upper extremity right instability (0951-2429)
rg shoulder right upper extremity right instability (2870-0018)
RPID3438 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder bilateral axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder bilat axllry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG View:Axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder bilateral axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder bilat axllry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder bilateral axillary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder bilat axllry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF View:Axillary (3952-3570)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG View:Axillary (7899-2580)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG axllry
rf shoulder both upper extremity both axillary (3952-3570)
rg shoulder both upper extremity both axillary (7899-2580)
RPID3439 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder left axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder lt axllry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt axllry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left axillary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt axllry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:Axillary (2954-6301)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:Axillary (7088-9180)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG axllry
rf shoulder left upper extremity left axillary (2954-6301)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left axillary (7088-9180)
RPID3440 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder left trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder lt trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF Reason:Trauma (6209-6854)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG Reason:Trauma (2481-4640)
rf shoulder left upper extremity left trauma (6209-6854)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left trauma (2481-4640)
RPID3441 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder right axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder rt axllry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder right axillary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder rt axllry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity and axillary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder right axillary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder rt axllry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:Axillary (5892-0940)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:Axillary (8105-6203)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG axllry
rf shoulder right upper extremity right axillary (5892-0940)
rg shoulder right upper extremity right axillary (8105-6203)
RPID3442 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head chest abdomen ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head chst abd ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head chest abdomen ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head chst abd ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head chest abdomen ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head chst abd ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (8758-6458)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (1537-1745)
rf abdomen chest head ap eitherlat (8758-6458)
rg abdomen chest head ap eitherlat (1537-1745)
RPID3443 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RF (2137-2636)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RG (8100-9704)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RG Object:Tissue:Soft (5637-5950)
rf neck (2137-2636)
rg neck (8100-9704)
rg neck tissue soft (5637-5950)
RPID3444 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head and submentovertical (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head paranasal sinuses submentovertical (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head sinuses smv (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG View:Submentovertical (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head and submentovertical (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head paranasal sinuses submentovertical (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head sinuses smv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head and submentovertical (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head paranasal sinuses submentovertical (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head sinuses smv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RF View:Submentovertical (7793-5838)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG View:Submentovertical (9792-8581)
rf head paranasal sinus submentovertical (7793-5838)
rg head paranasal sinus submentovertical (9792-8581)
RPID3445 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head and waters (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head paranasal sinuses waters (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head sinuses wtrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG View:Waters (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head and waters (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head paranasal sinuses waters (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head sinuses wtrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head and waters (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head paranasal sinuses waters (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head sinuses wtrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RF View:Waters (8104-3527)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG View:Waters (6908-6829)
rf head paranasal sinus waters (8104-3527)
rg head paranasal sinus waters (6908-6829)
RPID3446 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF (6923-5020)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG (7461-0372)
rf head skull (6923-5020)
rg head skull (7461-0372)
RPID3447 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (8119-6078)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (2653-1783)
rf cspine ap eitherlat (8119-6078)
rg cspine ap eitherlat (2653-1783)
RPID3448 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine postop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Postoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine postop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine postop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Postoperative Modality:RF (6442-3108)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Postoperative Modality:RG (5686-5726)
rf cspine postoperative (6442-3108)
rg cspine postoperative (5686-5726)
RPID3449 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:Swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF View:Swimmers (3422-2270)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:Swimmers (7768-8748)
rf tspine swimmers (3422-2270)
rg tspine swimmers (7768-8748)
RPID3450 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head temporomandibular joint unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head tmj unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head temporomandibular joint unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr temporomandibular joint open and closed unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head tmj unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD:Unilateral Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Unilateral Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr temporomandibular joint open and closed unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head temporomandibular joint unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr temporomandibular joint open and closed unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head tmj unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head temporomandibular joint unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr temporomandibular joint open and closed unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head tmj unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Unilateral Modality:RF (4387-0745)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Unilateral Modality:RG (5681-4589)
Anatomy:HEAD:Unilateral Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Unilateral Modality:RG (1112-1975)
Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Unilateral Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG closed
rf head temporomandibular joint unilateral (4387-0745)
rg head temporomandibular joint unilateral (5681-4589)
rg head unilateral temporomandibular joint unilateral (1112-1975)
RPID3451 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOES:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RF (5478-9651)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RG (6186-0984)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOES:Both Modality:RG (7306-6441)
rf lower extremity both toe both (5478-9651)
rg lower extremity both toe both (6186-0984)
rg lower extremity both toes both (7306-6441)
RPID3452 x-ray radiology orderable tomography procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity tomography clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue tmgrphy clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Tomography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity tomography clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue tmgrphy clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable tomography procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity tomography clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue tmgrphy clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography (6429-0350)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Tomography (3115-6744)
rf clavicle upper extremity tomography (6429-0350)
rg clavicle upper extremity tomography (3115-6744)
RPID3453 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thoracic spine 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF (9972-7436)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG (8755-9212)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (7463-7576)
rf tspine (9972-7436)
rg tspine (8755-9212)
rg tspine 4 or more views (7463-7576)
RPID3454 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF View:LObl View:RObl (7400-9382)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (8109-1934)
Anatomy:TSPINE:Left:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl (1149-1572)
rf tspine lobl robl (7400-9382)
rg tspine left right eitherobl (1149-1572)
rg tspine lobl robl (8109-1934)
RPID3455 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine weight (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine weight (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine weight bearing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine weight (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (8493-6197)
Anatomy:TSPINE FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (3138-3504)
rf tspine weightbearing w (8493-6197)
rg tspine weightbearing w (3138-3504)
RPID3456 x-ray radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr infant upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray infnt ue (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt ue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt ue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (6567-2284)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (0239-6462)
rf upper extremity infant (6567-2284)
rg upper extremity infant (0239-6462)
RPID3457 x-ray radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr infant upper extremity bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray infnt ue bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant upper extremity bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt ue bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant upper extremity bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt ue bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF (0590-9419)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG (1706-3970)
rf upper extremity both infant (0590-9419)
rg upper extremity both infant (1706-3970)
RPID3458 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing calcaneus left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight calcaneus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing calcaneus left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight calcaneus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing calcaneus left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight calcaneus lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (4917-9651)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (1429-4010)
rf calcaneus left lower extremity left weightbearing w (4917-9651)
rg calcaneus left lower extremity left weightbearing w (1429-4010)
RPID3459 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (1835-2767)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (0107-8211)
rf calcaneus right lower extremity right weightbearing w (1835-2767)
rg calcaneus right lower extremity right weightbearing w (0107-8211)
RPID3460 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hip left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (1416-4257)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (7602-2134)
rf hip left lower extremity left weightbearing w (1416-4257)
rg hip left lower extremity left weightbearing w (7602-2134)
RPID3461 x-ray radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le weight hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le weight hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable weight bearing procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity weight bearing hip right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le weight hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RF (2806-7374)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right FunctionalCondition:WeightBearing:W Modality:RG (1518-4516)
rf hip right lower extremity right weightbearing w (2806-7374)
rg hip right lower extremity right weightbearing w (1518-4516)
RPID3462 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RF (8435-0684)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RG (6497-4447)
rf upper extremity zygoma (8435-0684)
rg upper extremity zygoma (6497-4447)
RPID3463 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (8828-5383) ct chest head (8828-5383)
RPID3464 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT (2656-1020) ct head spine (2656-1020)
RPID3465 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT (8139-3861) ct chest spine (8139-3861)
RPID3466 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9289-2327) ct forearm lower extremity wo+w iv (9289-2327)
RPID3467 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4631-7362) ct hip lower extremity wo+w iv (4631-7362)
RPID3468 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6881-0563) ct fibula lower extremity tibia wo iv (6881-0563)
RPID3469 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4621-9971) ct fibula lower extremity tibia wo+w iv (4621-9971)
RPID3470 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6231-5569) ct fibula lower extremity tibia w iv (6231-5569)
RPID3471 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (6661-9916) ct chest biopsy (6661-9916)
RPID3472 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (4372-2570) ct abdomen drainage (4372-2570)
RPID3473 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (3733-9353) ct pelvis drainage (3733-9353)
RPID3474 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar plexus in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr l spine lumb plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbar spine lumbar plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:LUMBARPLEXUS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar plexus in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr l spine lumb plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine lumbar plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar plexus in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr l spine lumb plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine lumbar plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:LUMBARPLEXUS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4178-9102)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR lumb plexus
mr lspine lumbar plexus wo iv (4178-9102)
RPID3475 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9881-6230) mr sacrum wo iv (9881-6230)
RPID3476 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0135-1843) mr spine vertebroplasty wo iv (0135-1843)
RPID3477 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (7015-9377) mr angiography (7015-9377)
RPID3478 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis le angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis le angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis le angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (5803-2236) mr abdomen lower extremity pelvis angiography (5803-2236)
RPID3479 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr arthro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr arthrography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr arthro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr arthrography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr arthro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr arthrography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (2657-6398) mr arthrography w iarticular (2657-6398)
RPID3480 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8477-4032) mr wo+w iv (8477-4032)
RPID3481 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (7931-8864) mr shoulder upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (7931-8864)
RPID3482 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (9946-6993) mr elbow upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (9946-6993)
RPID3483 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (6138-6883) mr upper extremity wrist arthrography w iarticular (6138-6883)
RPID3484 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr forearm w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr forearm w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr forearm w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr forearm w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0846-4752)
Anatomy:FOREARM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1933-4683)
mr forearm upper extremity wo+w iv (0846-4752)
mr forearm wo+w iv (1933-4683)
RPID3485 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr humerus w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue humerus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity humerus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr humerus w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr humerus w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper arm w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0117-0717)
Anatomy:HUMERUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1496-6075)
Anatomy:UPPERARM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7296-0965)
mr humerus upper extremity wo+w iv (0117-0717)
mr humerus wo+w iv (1496-6075)
mr upper arm wo+w iv (7296-0965)
RPID3486 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (0394-4174) mr hip lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (0394-4174)
RPID3487 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (1793-8598) mr knee lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (1793-8598)
RPID3488 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (0944-3199) mr ankle lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (0944-3199)
RPID3489 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6065-3529) mr fibula lower extremity tibia wo+w iv (6065-3529)
RPID3490 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4524-7138) mr upper extremity angiography w iv (4524-7138)
RPID35 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct maxillofacial w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct maxillofacial w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct maxillofacial w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct maxillofacial w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8043-9868)
Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1109-3243)
ct head maxillofacial wo+w iv (8043-9868)
ct maxillofacial wo+w iv (1109-3243)
RPID352 a computed tomography radiology orderable quality control procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct qc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct quality control (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:QualityControl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable quality control procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct qc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct quality control (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable quality control procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct qc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct quality control (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:QualityControl (9139-4086) ct qualitycontrol (9139-4086)
RPID353 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd orl con (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT POContrast:W (9508-4113) ct abdomen w po (9508-4113)
RPID354 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9445-3114) ct abdomen angiography w iv (9445-3114)
RPID355 a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd entero (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen enterography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd entero (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd entero (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen enterography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:CT POContrast:W (1297-0690)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT POContrast:W (9508-4113)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT entero
ct abdomen small intestine w po (1297-0690)
ct abdomen w po (9508-4113)
RPID356 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9377-2754) ct abdomen chest wo iv (9377-2754)
RPID357 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3021-3055) ct abdomen chest pelvis wo iv (3021-3055)
RPID358 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis orl con (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT POContrast:W (4464-0129) ct abdomen pelvis w po (4464-0129)
RPID359 a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone densito wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone densitometry without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone densito wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone densitometry without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone densito wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone densitometry without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (9106-0648)
Anatomy:SKELETON IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (7552-6666)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (5441-1443)
Anatomy:SKELETON IVContrast:WO Modality:CT densito
ct bone density bone wo iv (9106-0648)
ct density bone wo iv (5441-1443)
ct skeleton density bone wo iv (7552-6666)
RPID36 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct maxillofacial w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct maxillofacial w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct maxillofacial w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct maxillofacial w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4807-2034)
Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5713-3572)
ct head maxillofacial w iv (4807-2034)
ct maxillofacial w iv (5713-3572)
RPID360 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4256-5008) ct chest angiography w iv (4256-5008)
RPID361 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography pulmonary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio pulm arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography pulmonary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio pulm arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography pulmonary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio pulm arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0656-6005)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2593-4771)
ct chest pulmonary artery angiography w iv (0656-6005)
ct chest pulmonary artery arteriography w iv (2593-4771)
RPID362 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (0296-8880) ct chest resolution high wo iv (0296-8880)
RPID363 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Modality:CT (1668-1810) ct face (1668-1810)
RPID364 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5445-0191) ct face w iv (5445-0191)
RPID365 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face max facial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face maxillofacial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8757-7703) ct face maxillofacial wo iv (8757-7703)
RPID3651 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RF (3158-8632)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RG (3255-2208)
rf chest sternoclavicular joint (3158-8632)
rg chest sternoclavicular joint (3255-2208)
RPID3652 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1vw shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (8579-3933)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (4040-8556)
rf shoulder both upper extremity both 1 views (8579-3933)
rg shoulder both upper extremity both 1 views (4040-8556)
RPID366 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5935-0589) ct face maxillofacial wo+w iv (5935-0589)
RPID367 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:CT (2272-3828) ct face facial bone (2272-3828)
RPID368 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face max facial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face maxillofacial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face max facial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face maxillofacial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face max facial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face maxillofacial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL Modality:CT (8188-4931) ct face maxillofacial (8188-4931)
RPID369 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7554-3624) ct face maxillofacial w iv (7554-3624)
RPID37 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct neck wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0979-1264) ct neck wo iv (0979-1264)
RPID370 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3523-2929) ct face orbit wo iv (3523-2929)
RPID371 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct face sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct face sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct face sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7066-4948) ct face paranasal sinus wo iv (7066-4948)
RPID372 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT (1005-5304) ct brain head (1005-5304)
RPID373 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct head angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7879-9385) ct head angiography w iv (7879-9385)
RPID374 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2074-5250) ct ankle lower extremity wo iv (2074-5250)
RPID375 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2287-8994) ct foot lower extremity wo iv (2287-8994)
RPID376 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8850-7176) ct hip lower extremity wo iv (8850-7176)
RPID377 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4161-0722)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6363-5901)
ct lumbosacral junction sacrum wo iv (4161-0722)
ct pelvis sacrum wo iv (6363-5901)
RPID378 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5811-5819) ct lspine tspine wo iv (5811-5819)
RPID379 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct neck angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8927-0400) ct neck angiography w iv (8927-0400)
RPID38 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct neck w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0525-7502) ct neck wo+w iv (0525-7502)
RPID380 a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis cystgrphy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis cystography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystgrphy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystgrphy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (6593-1732)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (4321-7867)
ct bladder pelvis cystography wo+w iv w ivesical (6593-1732)
ct pelvis cystography wo+w iv w ivesical (4321-7867)
RPID381 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT (8399-5952) ct hip pelvis (8399-5952)
RPID382 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis arthro hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis arthrography hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis arthro hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis arthrography hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis arthro hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis arthrography hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2847-9057)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:WO Modality:CT (2104-3530)
ct hip pelvis arthrography w iarticular wo iv (2847-9057)
ct hip pelvis arthrography wo iarticular (2104-3530)
RPID383 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis uro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis urography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis uro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis urography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis uro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis urography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4305-4266) ct bladder kidney pelvis ureter w iv (4305-4266)
RPID384 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fingers in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue fngrs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity fingers without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fingers in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue fngrs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity fingers without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fingers in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue fngrs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity fingers without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0210-7258)
Anatomy:FINGER IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8863-6626)
ct finger upper extremity wo iv (0210-7258)
ct finger wo iv (8863-6626)
RPID385 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2999-8747) ct upper extremity wrist wo iv (2999-8747)
RPID386 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd adrnl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen adrenal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9931-7468) ct abdomen adrenal wo iv (9931-7468)
RPID387 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6570-4240) ct abdomen kidney wo+w iv (6570-4240)
RPID388 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7906-9779) ct kidney pelvis w iv (7906-9779)
RPID389 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6712-1595) ct abdomen adrenal wo+w iv (6712-1595)
RPID39 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct neck w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7326-1102) ct neck w iv (7326-1102)
RPID390 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT Object:Calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney calc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT Object:Calculus (8206-1033) ct abdomen kidney pelvis calculus (8206-1033)
RPID391 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue arthro elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (2637-6220) ct elbow left upper extremity left arthrography w iarticular (2637-6220)
RPID392 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue arthro elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (0711-5834) ct elbow right upper extremity right arthrography w iarticular (0711-5834)
RPID393 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le arthro knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le arthro knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le arthro knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (4324-9441) ct knee left lower extremity left arthrography w iarticular (4324-9441)
RPID394 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le arthro knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le arthro knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le arthro knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (1910-0670) ct knee right lower extremity right arthrography w iarticular (1910-0670)
RPID395 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue arthro shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (6150-5730) ct shoulder left upper extremity left arthrography w iarticular (6150-5730)
RPID396 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue arthro shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (6634-6826) ct shoulder right upper extremity right arthrography w iarticular (6634-6826)
RPID397 a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the bilateral in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest bronchography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst brnchgraph bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the bilateral in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest bronchography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst brnchgraph bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the bilateral in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest bronchography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst brnchgraph bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (3647-5176)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:CHEST IBronchialContrast:W Modality:CT (7861-2051)
ct bronchus both chest w ibronchial (7861-2051)
ct bronchus chest (3647-5176)
RPID398 a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest bronchography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst brnchgraph (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest bronchography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst brnchgraph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest bronchography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst brnchgraph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST IBronchialContrast:W Modality:CT (3693-4421)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT (3647-5176)
ct bronchus chest (3647-5176)
ct bronchus chest w ibronchial (3693-4421)
RPID399 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (2508-3928)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (8239-0843)
ct cspine w ithecal myelography (2508-3928)
ct cspine w iv myelography (8239-0843)
RPID4 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6776-7913) ct abdomen wo+w iv (6776-7913)
RPID40 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct orbits wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct orbits wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct orbits wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct orbits wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6808-8211)
Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8307-3559)
ct head orbit wo iv (6808-8211)
ct orbit wo iv (8307-3559)
RPID400 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Postoperative IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Postoperative IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0307-5744) ct chest postoperative w iv (0307-5744)
RPID401 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph liver postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase liver post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (7019-3559) ct abdomen liver postoperative wo+w iv 2 or more phases (7019-3559)
RPID402 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Postoperative IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis post op with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis postop w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Postoperative IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7695-8558) ct pelvis postoperative w iv (7695-8558)
RPID403 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (1917-6450) ct chest lowdose wo iv (1917-6450)
RPID404 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest sternum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst sternum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest sternum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst sternum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest sternum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst sternum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7555-8924) ct chest sternum wo iv (7555-8924)
RPID405 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis trauma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis trauma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis trauma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis trauma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis trauma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis trauma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Trauma (6855-2398) ct abdomen chest pelvis w iv trauma (6855-2398)
RPID406 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (8388-0088) ct abdomen liver wo+w iv 2 or more phases (8388-0088)
RPID407 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (8110-2059) ct abdomen pancreas wo+w iv 2 or more phases (8110-2059)
RPID408 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head fiducial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head fiducial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Device:Fiducial IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Device:Fiducial IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8601-9535) ct head fiducial w iv (8601-9535)
RPID409 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head fiducial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head fiducial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Device:Fiducial IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Device:Fiducial IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1900-8857) ct head fiducial wo iv (1900-8857)
RPID41 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head temporal bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head tmp bon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head temporal bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head tmp bon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct temporal bone wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct temporal bone wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7510-2868)
Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7859-8139)
ct head temporal bone wo iv (7510-2868)
ct temporal bone wo iv (7859-8139)
RPID410 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head fiducial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head fiducial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Device:Fiducial IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of fiducial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head fiducial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Device:Fiducial IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3115-0746) ct head fiducial wo+w iv (3115-0746)
RPID411 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5442-9505) ct cspine head w iv (5442-9505)
RPID412 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8315-8417) ct cspine head wo+w iv (8315-8417)
RPID413 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine max facial w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3890-6387) ct cspine head maxillofacial w iv (3890-6387)
RPID414 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine max facial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine max facial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine max facial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL Modality:CT (5258-1606) ct cspine head maxillofacial (5258-1606)
RPID415 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head c spine max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head c spine max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head c spine max facial wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head cervical spine maxillofacial without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3265-9924) ct cspine head maxillofacial wo+w iv (3265-9924)
RPID416 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1433-0721) ct head neck w iv (1433-0721)
RPID417 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT (2173-7712) ct head neck (2173-7712)
RPID418 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8673-3364) ct head neck wo+w iv (8673-3364)
RPID419 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart calc score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart calc score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart calc score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT (0284-8567) ct chest heart calciumscore (0284-8567)
RPID42 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head orbits without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head orbits wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct orbits w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct orbits w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct orbits w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct orbits w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2099-7143)
Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2750-2804)
ct head orbit wo+w iv (2099-7143)
ct orbit wo+w iv (2750-2804)
RPID420 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8729-0543) ct chest coronary artery w iv (8729-0543)
RPID421 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7319-8082) ct chest heart w iv (7319-8082)
RPID422 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart congenital disease morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart cong dx morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart congenital disease morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart cong dx morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart congenital disease morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart cong dx morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (0004-1505) ct chest heart w iv disease congenital (0004-1505)
RPID423 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0211-4970) ct abdomen liver postoperative wo+w iv (0211-4970)
RPID424 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le arthro w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity arthrography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le arthro w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le arthro w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6804-5613)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (8944-3703)
ct lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (8944-3703)
ct lower extremity arthrography w iarticular w iv (6804-5613)
RPID425 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (8481-3159) ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery w iv embolus (8481-3159)
RPID426 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest lower extremity pulmonary arteries bilateral embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst le pulm arts bilat embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest lower extremity pulmonary arteries bilateral embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst le pulm arts bilat embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest lower extremity pulmonary arteries bilateral embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst le pulm arts bilat embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (6734-0915) ct chest lower extremity both pulmonary artery both w iv embolus (6734-0915)
RPID427 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries embolism with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts embo w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (9993-5761) ct abdomen chest pelvis pulmonary artery w iv embolus (9993-5761)
RPID428 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis msk w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis msk w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis msk w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8664-3269)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT msk
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT musculoskeletal system
ct musculoskeletalsystem pelvis w iv (8664-3269)
RPID429 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis msk wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis msk wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis msk wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6205-4126)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT msk
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT musculoskeletal system
ct musculoskeletalsystem pelvis wo iv (6205-4126)
RPID43 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct temporal bone w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct temporal bone w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5724-2027)
Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1985-8656)
ct head temporal bone wo+w iv (5724-2027)
ct temporal bone wo+w iv (1985-8656)
RPID430 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis msk wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis msk wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis msk wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis musculoskeletal system without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6866-3362)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT msk
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT musculoskeletal system
ct musculoskeletalsystem pelvis wo+w iv (6866-3362)
RPID431 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:CT (7267-3284) ct lower extremity both pelvis both (7267-3284)
RPID432 a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest densitometry 3d imaging processing lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst densito 3d image lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Density:Bone ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest densitometry 3d imaging processing lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst densito 3d image lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest densitometry 3d imaging processing lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst densito 3d image lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Density:Bone ModalityType:PostProcessing (0619-2032)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:CT ModalityType:3D densito
ct chest lung 3d density bone postprocessing (0619-2032)
RPID433 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest ribs with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ribs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest ribs with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ribs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest ribs with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ribs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6626-6233) ct chest rib w iv (6626-6233)
RPID434 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest ribs without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ribs wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest ribs without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ribs wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest ribs without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ribs wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4130-5270) ct chest rib wo+w iv (4130-5270)
RPID435 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (9475-9929)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (8808-9234)
ct tspine w ithecal myelography (9475-9929)
ct tspine w iv myelography (8808-9234)
RPID436 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0896-9004) ct lspine tspine w iv (0896-9004)
RPID437 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the trachea in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck trach wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck trachea without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TRACHEA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the trachea in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck trach wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck trachea without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the trachea in the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck trach wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck trachea without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TRACHEA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6005-9160)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT trach
ct neck trachea wo+w iv (6005-9160)
RPID438 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest liver with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst liver w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5698-3117) ct chest liver w iv (5698-3117)
RPID439 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8571-4802) ct sacrum upper extremity w iv (8571-4802)
RPID44 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct orbits w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct orbits w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct orbits w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct orbits w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3454-3150)
Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0850-6714)
ct head orbit w iv (3454-3150)
ct orbit w iv (0850-6714)
RPID440 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9527-9704) ct sacrum upper extremity wo iv (9527-9704)
RPID441 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9120-2739) ct sacrum upper extremity wo+w iv (9120-2739)
RPID442 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (5358-2624) ct abdomen lower extremity both pelvis both angiography (5358-2624)
RPID443 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (2302-7448) ct lower extremity both pelvis both angiography (2302-7448)
RPID444 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (8291-8371) ct abdomen kidney angiography (8291-8371)
RPID445 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (7294-9802) ct abdomen liver angiography (7294-9802)
RPID446 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (7538-7375) ct cspine angiography (7538-7375)
RPID447 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis le angio bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (0079-5665) ct abdomen chest lower extremity both pelvis both angiography (0079-5665)
RPID448 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (0727-7762) ct lower extremity angiography (0727-7762)
RPID449 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (3826-1167) ct lspine angiography (3826-1167)
RPID45 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct temporal bone w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct temporal bone w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2051-3532)
Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0644-2056)
ct head temporal bone w iv (2051-3532)
ct temporal bone w iv (0644-2056)
RPID450 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le angio bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le angio bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity angiography bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8638-5858) ct lower extremity both pelvis both angiography wo+w iv (8638-5858)
RPID4507 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (5164-1770)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (8986-8250)
rf upper extremity both wrist both 2 views (5164-1770)
rg upper extremity both wrist both 2 views (8986-8250)
RPID4508 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF (6117-9350)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RG (7890-6395)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG (3126-3458)
rf abdomen bladder kidney ureter (6117-9350)
rg abdomen bladder kidney ureter (7890-6395)
rg abdomen urinary tract (3126-3458)
RPID4509 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr sacrum coccyx 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr sacrum coccyx 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sacrum coccyx 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sacrum coccyx 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (1135-3603)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (9281-4837)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (8092-4835)
rf coccyx pelvis sacrum 2 or more views (1135-3603)
rg coccyx pelvis sacrum 2 or more views (9281-4837)
rg coccyx sacrum 2 or more views (8092-4835)
RPID451 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (8605-3813) ct tspine angiography (8605-3813)
RPID4510 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (9310-2124)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8303-1575)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (0877-5118)
rf ankle unilateral lower extremity 3 or more views (9310-2124)
rg ankle unilateral lower extremity 3 or more views (8303-1575)
rg ankle unilateral lower extremity unilateral 3 or more views (0877-5118)
RPID4511 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws ankle unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7849-5868)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (5413-9340)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6947-3288)
rf ankle unilateral lower extremity 2 views (7849-5868)
rg ankle unilateral lower extremity 2 views (5413-9340)
rg ankle unilateral lower extremity unilateral 2 views (6947-3288)
RPID4512 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (3544-6106)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (7321-0080)
rf cspine 3 views (3544-6106)
rg cspine 3 views (7321-0080)
RPID4513 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (2854-4629)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (7683-9902)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8546-2249)
rf elbow unilateral upper extremity 3 or more views (2854-4629)
rg elbow unilateral upper extremity 3 or more views (7683-9902)
rg elbow unilateral upper extremity unilateral 3 or more views (8546-2249)
RPID4514 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (5969-5529)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (5207-9333)
rf elbow both upper extremity both 3 or more views (5969-5529)
rg elbow both upper extremity both 3 or more views (5207-9333)
RPID4515 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws elbow unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7665-8000)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (5555-7680)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6194-5585)
rf elbow unilateral upper extremity 2 views (7665-8000)
rg elbow unilateral upper extremity 2 views (5555-7680)
rg elbow unilateral upper extremity unilateral 2 views (6194-5585)
RPID4516 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face 3 or fewer views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face 3 or fwr vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or fewer views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or fwr vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or fewer views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or fwr vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrFewer (3615-9617)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (2127-9466)
rf face facial bone 3 or fewer views (3615-9617)
rg face facial bone 3 or fewer views (2127-9466)
RPID4517 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr facial waters view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr facial waters view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr facial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr facial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RF (6526-6325)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG (4798-3906)
Modality:RG View:Waters facial
Modality:RG facial
rf face facial bone (6526-6325)
rg face facial bone (4798-3906)
RPID4518 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face 3 or more views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face 3 or more vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or more views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or more vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or more views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or more vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (4225-0737)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (2478-5899)
rf face facial bone 3 or more views (4225-0737)
rg face facial bone 3 or more views (2478-5899)
RPID4519 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws forearm unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7729-7860)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9967-6796)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1379-9079)
rf forearm unilateral upper extremity 2 views (7729-7860)
rg forearm unilateral upper extremity 2 views (9967-6796)
rg forearm unilateral upper extremity unilateral 2 views (1379-9079)
RPID452 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (9388-4938) ct upper extremity angiography (9388-4938)
RPID4520 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws forearm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (8117-6713)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (8292-2380)
rf forearm both upper extremity both 2 views (8117-6713)
rg forearm both upper extremity both 2 views (8292-2380)
RPID4521 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws femur unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (5924-8111)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3646-6758)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (5649-6904)
rf femur unilateral lower extremity 2 views (5924-8111)
rg femur unilateral lower extremity 2 views (3646-6758)
rg femur unilateral lower extremity unilateral 2 views (5649-6904)
RPID4522 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (0475-3986)
Anatomy:FINGER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (1177-4529)
Anatomy:FINGER:Unilateral Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (4288-4671)
Anatomy:FINGER:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (5256-6748)
rf finger unilateral 2 or more views (4288-4671)
rg finger unilateral 2 or more views (5256-6748)
rg finger unilateral upper extremity 2 or more views (0475-3986)
rg finger unilateral upper extremity unilateral 2 or more views (1177-4529)
RPID4523 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (8093-3735)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (8591-9992)
Anatomy:FINGER:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (0903-3966)
rf finger both 2 or more views (8591-9992)
rg finger both 2 or more views (0903-3966)
rg finger both upper extremity both 2 or more views (8093-3735)
RPID4524 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws foot unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws foot unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws foot unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (4573-0690)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (6592-9385)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (3086-2608)
rf foot unilateral lower extremity 3 or more views (4573-0690)
rg foot unilateral lower extremity 3 or more views (6592-9385)
rg foot unilateral lower extremity unilateral 3 or more views (3086-2608)
RPID4525 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws foot unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (2797-2138)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9711-7084)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (8628-1809)
rf foot unilateral lower extremity 2 views (2797-2138)
rg foot unilateral lower extremity 2 views (9711-7084)
rg foot unilateral lower extremity unilateral 2 views (8628-1809)
RPID4526 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis lower extremity hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis le hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RF (8637-1852)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG (8556-5934)
rf hip both lower extremity both pelvis both (8637-1852)
rg hip both lower extremity both pelvis both (8556-5934)
RPID4527 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1vw hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1vw hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 view hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1vw hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (2632-5954)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (7480-9396)
rf hip both lower extremity both 1 views (2632-5954)
rg hip both lower extremity both 1 views (7480-9396)
RPID4528 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (3214-0470)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (4631-3361)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (1965-4559)
rf hand unilateral upper extremity 3 or more views (3214-0470)
rg hand unilateral upper extremity 3 or more views (4631-3361)
rg hand unilateral upper extremity unilateral 3 or more views (1965-4559)
RPID4529 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views humerus unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws humerus unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views humerus unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws humerus unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views humerus unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws humerus unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (5327-8509)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (0771-2841)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (7283-2346)
rf humerus unilateral upper extremity 2 or more views (5327-8509)
rg humerus unilateral upper extremity 2 or more views (0771-2841)
rg humerus unilateral upper extremity unilateral 2 or more views (7283-2346)
RPID453 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography Modality:CT (0956-4225) ct chest venography (0956-4225)
RPID4530 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views humerus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws humerus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views humerus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws humerus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views humerus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws humerus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (6880-4345)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (4375-9250)
rf humerus both upper extremity both 2 or more views (6880-4345)
rg humerus both upper extremity both 2 or more views (4375-9250)
RPID4531 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2 or more vws hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (6090-9146)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (7576-3283)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (6867-1479)
rf hip unilateral lower extremity 2 or more views (6090-9146)
rg hip unilateral lower extremity 2 or more views (7576-3283)
rg hip unilateral lower extremity unilateral 2 or more views (6867-1479)
RPID4532 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2 or more vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (4571-1089)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (9423-3052)
rf hip both lower extremity both 2 or more views (4571-1089)
rg hip both lower extremity both 2 or more views (9423-3052)
RPID4533 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 4 or more vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (8559-8683)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (0990-3177)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (3280-8588)
rf knee unilateral lower extremity 4 or more views (8559-8683)
rg knee unilateral lower extremity 4 or more views (0990-3177)
rg knee unilateral lower extremity unilateral 4 or more views (3280-8588)
RPID4534 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (0499-3723)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7663-0576)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (4805-8087)
rf knee unilateral lower extremity 2 views (0499-3723)
rg knee unilateral lower extremity 2 views (7663-0576)
rg knee unilateral lower extremity unilateral 2 views (4805-8087)
RPID4535 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the unilateral knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (8219-4112)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (8057-9961)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (4316-0997)
rf knee unilateral lower extremity 3 views (8219-4112)
rg knee unilateral lower extremity 3 views (8057-9961)
rg knee unilateral lower extremity unilateral 3 views (4316-0997)
RPID4536 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrFewer (6589-6392)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (0755-6363)
rf lspine 3 or fewer views (6589-6392)
rg lspine 3 or fewer views (0755-6363)
RPID4537 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbar spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray l spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (6218-7643)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (4273-0112)
rf lspine 4 views (6218-7643)
rg lspine 4 views (4273-0112)
RPID4538 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or fewer views procedure focused on the mandible in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face 4 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face 4 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or fewer views procedure focused on the mandible in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 4 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 4 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or fewer views procedure focused on the mandible in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 4 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 4 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrFewer (7191-7068)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrFewer (9624-6995)
rf face mandible 4 or fewer views (7191-7068)
rg face mandible 4 or fewer views (9624-6995)
RPID4539 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the mandible in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the mandible in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the mandible in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (2807-3013)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (9340-8750)
rf face mandible 4 or more views (2807-3013)
rg face mandible 4 or more views (9340-8750)
RPID454 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:MR ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr 3d image (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr 3d imaging processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:MR ModalityType:3D (8445-5002)
Modality:MR ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8831-3334)
Modality:MR ModalityType:PostProcessing (7416-9948)
mr 3d (8445-5002)
mr 3d postprocessing (8831-3334)
mr postprocessing (7416-9948)
RPID4540 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the nasal bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the nasal bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr face 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray face 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the nasal bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the nasal bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (4583-6366)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (5948-6570)
Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RG (1214-7856)
rf face nasal bone 3 or more views (4583-6366)
rg face nasal bone 3 or more views (5948-6570)
rg nasal bone (1214-7856)
RPID4541 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neck soft tissue of the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neck sft tiss neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RG Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neck soft tissue of the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neck sft tiss neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the soft tissue of the neck in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neck soft tissue of the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neck sft tiss neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RF Object:Tissue:Soft (2694-4280)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RG Object:Tissue:Soft (5637-5950)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:RG Object:Tissue:SoftOFTHENECK (2582-5880)
rf neck tissue soft (2694-4280)
rg neck tissue soft (5637-5950)
rg neck tissue softoftheneck (2582-5880)
RPID4542 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the orbits in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the orbits in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the orbits in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (0378-4535)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (2784-6583)
rf face orbit 4 or more views (0378-4535)
rg face orbit 4 or more views (2784-6583)
RPID4543 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views calcaneus unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2 or more vws calcaneus unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views calcaneus unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws calcaneus unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views calcaneus unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws calcaneus unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (5268-5465)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (4148-2891)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (3272-4271)
rf calcaneus unilateral lower extremity 2 or more views (5268-5465)
rg calcaneus unilateral lower extremity 2 or more views (4148-2891)
rg calcaneus unilateral lower extremity unilateral 2 or more views (3272-4271)
RPID4544 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views calcaneus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2 or more vws calcaneus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views calcaneus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws calcaneus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views calcaneus bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws calcaneus bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (0086-3163)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (5715-4360)
rf calcaneus both lower extremity both 2 or more views (0086-3163)
rg calcaneus both lower extremity both 2 or more views (5715-4360)
RPID4545 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (9583-4950)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (2190-7210)
rf pelvis 3 or more views (9583-4950)
rg pelvis 3 or more views (2190-7210)
RPID4546 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RF (5390-1010)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG (0175-4092)
rf chest rib unilateral (5390-1010)
rg chest rib unilateral (0175-4092)
RPID4547 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws sc jt bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws sc jt bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws sc jt bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (6312-8090)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (1289-8517)
rf sternoclavicular joint both upper extremity both 3 or more views (6312-8090)
rg sternoclavicular joint both upper extremity both 3 or more views (1289-8517)
RPID4548 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1vw shlder unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (8586-3879)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (8263-4757)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (1404-9007)
rf shoulder unilateral upper extremity 1 views (8586-3879)
rg shoulder unilateral upper extremity 1 views (8263-4757)
rg shoulder unilateral upper extremity unilateral 1 views (1404-9007)
RPID4549 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (0864-5488)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (0025-3058)
rf shoulder both upper extremity both 2 or more views (0864-5488)
rg shoulder both upper extremity both 2 or more views (0025-3058)
RPID455 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5415-9080) mr upper extremity angiography wo+w iv (5415-9080)
RPID4550 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (7835-2932)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (6691-8193)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (9193-9019)
rf shoulder unilateral upper extremity 2 or more views (7835-2932)
rg shoulder unilateral upper extremity 2 or more views (6691-8193)
rg shoulder unilateral upper extremity unilateral 2 or more views (9193-9019)
RPID4551 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 3 or fewer views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 3 or fwr vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 or fewer views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3 or fwr vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 or fewer views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3 or fwr vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrFewer (8151-6310)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (1393-2728)
rf pelvis sacroiliac joint 3 or fewer views (8151-6310)
rg pelvis sacroiliac joint 3 or fewer views (1393-2728)
RPID4552 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr sacroiliac joints 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr sacroiliac joints 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sacroiliac joints 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sacroiliac joints 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3 or more vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (0478-1439)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (9535-2005)
Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (6359-2368)
rf pelvis sacroiliac joint 3 or more views (0478-1439)
rg pelvis sacroiliac joint 3 or more views (9535-2005)
rg sacroiliac joint 3 or more views (6359-2368)
RPID4553 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 4 or fewer views skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 4 or fwr vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 4 or fewer views skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 4 or fwr vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 4 or fewer views skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 4 or fwr vws skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrFewer (3060-4613)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrFewer (5054-7420)
rf head skull 4 or fewer views (3060-4613)
rg head skull 4 or fewer views (5054-7420)
RPID4554 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 2 views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 2vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7076-8238)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3108-7264)
rf chest sternum 2 views (7076-8238)
rg chest sternum 2 views (3108-7264)
RPID4555 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face 3 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face 3vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 3 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 3vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 3 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 3vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (0197-5044)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (2205-4230)
rf face facial bone 3 views (0197-5044)
rg face facial bone 3 views (2205-4230)
RPID4556 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (6563-0417)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7005-5510)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (4356-0680)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1784-5302)
rf fibula lower extremity tibia unilateral 2 views (6563-0417)
rg fibula lower extremity tibia unilateral 2 views (7005-5510)
rg fibula unilateral lower extremity tibia 2 views (4356-0680)
rg fibula unilateral lower extremity unilateral tibia unilateral 2 views (1784-5302)
RPID4557 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7083-0037)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (5628-5746)
rf fibula both lower extremity both tibia both 2 views (7083-0037)
rg fibula both lower extremity both tibia both 2 views (5628-5746)
RPID4558 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2 or more vws toes unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:TOES:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws toes unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws toes unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE:Unilateral Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (7113-3566)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (3317-9880)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:TOES:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (9605-5123)
rf lower extremity toe unilateral 2 or more views (7113-3566)
rg lower extremity toe unilateral 2 or more views (3317-9880)
rg lower extremity unilateral toes unilateral 2 or more views (9605-5123)
RPID4559 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOES:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views toes bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws toes bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (2531-6019)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOE:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9418-8277)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TOES:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (0554-3795)
rf lower extremity both toe both 2 views (2531-6019)
rg lower extremity both toe both 2 views (9418-8277)
rg lower extremity both toes both 2 views (0554-3795)
RPID456 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (8632-6414) mr abdomen angiography (8632-6414)
RPID4560 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (4503-5983)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (4148-7015)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (4374-8270)
rf upper extremity wrist unilateral 3 or more views (4503-5983)
rg upper extremity unilateral wrist unilateral 3 or more views (4374-8270)
rg upper extremity wrist unilateral 3 or more views (4148-7015)
RPID4561 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (3921-6248)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (4820-0740)
rf upper extremity both wrist both 3 or more views (3921-6248)
rg upper extremity both wrist both 3 or more views (4820-0740)
RPID4562 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws wrist unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (3779-4942)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6278-2345)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1087-2600)
rf upper extremity wrist unilateral 2 views (3779-4942)
rg upper extremity unilateral wrist unilateral 2 views (1087-2600)
rg upper extremity wrist unilateral 2 views (6278-2345)
RPID4563 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr face 3 or fewer views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray face 3 or fwr vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or fewer views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or fwr vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or fewer views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or fwr vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrFewer (2259-7348)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (5716-6628)
rf face zygoma 3 or fewer views (2259-7348)
rg face zygoma 3 or fewer views (5716-6628)
RPID457 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr abdomen angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8604-1297) mr abdomen angiography wo+w iv (8604-1297)
RPID458 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (4223-0273) mr chest angiography (4223-0273)
RPID459 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr chest angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1970-9009) mr chest angiography wo+w iv (1970-9009)
RPID46 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1447-3828) ct pelvis wo iv (1447-3828)
RPID460 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (4550-4230) mr head angiography (4550-4230)
RPID461 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5649-3658)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8741-0999)
mr head angiography w iv (5649-3658)
mr head angiography wo+w iv (8741-0999)
RPID462 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5382-8041) mr head angiography wo iv (5382-8041)
RPID463 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9871-3038) mr lower extremity angiography wo+w iv (9871-3038)
RPID464 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (9797-3754) mr lower extremity angiography (9797-3754)
RPID465 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (3027-9789) mr neck angiography (3027-9789)
RPID4656 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen 2 views oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd 2vws oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (0686-7716)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (5264-9372)
rf abdomen eitherobl 2 views (0686-7716)
rg abdomen eitherobl 2 views (5264-9372)
RPID4657 x-ray radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neonatal abdomen ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neo abd ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neonatal abdomen ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neo abd ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neonatal abdomen ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neo abd ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:AP (1682-2047)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP (3962-3106)
rf abdomen neonate ap (1682-2047)
rg abdomen neonate ap (3962-3106)
RPID4658 x-ray radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and lateral and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neonatal abdomen left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neo abd lt lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and lateral and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neonatal abdomen left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neo abd lt lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and lateral and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neonatal abdomen left lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neo abd lt lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat (3157-3752)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (7886-3361)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat (2484-8539)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus:Left (0767-1954)
rf abdomen neonate decubitus eitherlat (3157-3752)
rg abdomen neonate decubitus (7886-3361)
rg abdomen neonate decubitus eitherlat (2484-8539)
rg abdomen neonate decubitus left (0767-1954)
RPID4659 x-ray radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neonatal abdomen cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neo abd cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:CrossTableLateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neonatal abdomen cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neo abd cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neonatal abdomen cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neo abd cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:CrossTableLateral (3627-6303)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:CrossTableLateral (6609-9757)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:CrossTableLateral (6545-9697)
rf abdomen neonate crosstablelateral (3627-6303)
rg abdomen neonate crosstablelateral (6545-9697)
rg abdomen neonate crosstablelateral (6609-9757)
RPID466 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1529-4767) mr neck angiography wo+w iv (1529-4767)
RPID4660 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and upright (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest abdomen upright (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst abd upright (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and upright (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest abdomen upright (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst abd upright (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and upright (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest abdomen upright (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst abd upright (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Erect (3893-8714)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Erect (1806-3719)
rf abdomen chest erect (3893-8714)
rg abdomen chest erect (1806-3719)
RPID4661 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (7801-7128)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (2776-4449)
rf abdomen 3 views (7801-7128)
rg abdomen 3 views (2776-4449)
RPID4662 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:AP ViewCount:1 (1616-5343)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (1072-5066)
rf abdomen ap 1 views (1616-5343)
rg abdomen ap 1 views (1072-5066)
RPID4663 x-ray radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray densito (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray densito (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray densito (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ModalityType:Density:Bone (3307-4215)
Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (5373-3771)
Modality:RG densito
rf density bone (3307-4215)
rg density bone (5373-3771)
RPID4664 x-ray radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr extremity densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ext densito (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr extremity densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ext densito (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr extremity densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ext densito (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:RF ModalityType:Density:Bone (7571-3902)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Density:Bone (2630-3773)
Modality:RG densito ext
rf extremity density bone (7571-3902)
rg extremity density bone (2630-3773)
RPID4665 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (6625-5964)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (0198-0729)
rf cspine 2 views (6625-5964)
rg cspine 2 views (0198-0729)
RPID4666 x-ray radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the cervical spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine intra-operative lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine intra-op lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the cervical spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine intra-operative lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine intra-op lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the cervical spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine intra-operative lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine intra-op lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF View:EitherLat (8539-1094)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG View:EitherLat (5083-7930)
rf cspine intraoperative eitherlat (8539-1094)
rg cspine intraoperative eitherlat (5083-7930)
RPID4667 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and oblique and flexion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr cervical spine oblique flexion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray c spine oblq flxn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and oblique and flexion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine oblique flexion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine oblq flxn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and oblique and flexion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine oblique flexion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine oblq flxn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RF View:EitherObl (0259-7871)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG View:EitherObl (5448-6220)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RG View:EitherObl flxn
rf cspine flexion eitherobl (0259-7871)
rg cspine flexion eitherobl (5448-6220)
RPID4668 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (9821-6337)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (0124-1262)
rf chest 4 views (9821-6337)
rg chest 4 views (0124-1262)
RPID4669 x-ray radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF (8224-2834) rf chest (8224-2834)
RPID467 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr neck angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0326-5470) mr neck angiography wo iv (0326-5470)
RPID4670 x-ray radiology orderable neonatal 1 view procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neonatal chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neo chst 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable neonatal 1 view procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neonatal chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neo chst 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable neonatal 1 view procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neonatal chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neo chst 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (9057-3956)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (8544-1087)
rf chest neonate 1 views (9057-3956)
rg chest neonate 1 views (8544-1087)
RPID4671 x-ray radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neonatal chest ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neo chst ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neonatal chest ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neo chst ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neonatal chest ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neo chst ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:AP (0794-7389)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:AP (2978-3475)
rf chest neonate ap (0794-7389)
rg chest neonate ap (2978-3475)
RPID4672 x-ray radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the chest and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neonatal chest lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neo chst lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the chest and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neonatal chest lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neo chst lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable neonatal imaging procedure focused on the chest and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neonatal chest lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neo chst lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherLat (6380-8846)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat (1328-3562)
rf chest neonate eitherlat (6380-8846)
rg chest neonate eitherlat (1328-3562)
RPID4673 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ribs bilateral pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ribs bilat pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG View:PA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs bilateral pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs bilat pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs bilateral pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs bilat pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RF View:PA (3680-6853)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG View:PA (5398-3356)
rf chest rib both pa (3680-6853)
rg chest rib both pa (5398-3356)
RPID4674 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RF View:AP (0125-9842)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG View:AP (7789-1087)
rf chest rib unilateral ap (0125-9842)
rg chest rib unilateral ap (7789-1087)
RPID4675 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:AP ViewCount:1 (9398-9541)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (5386-0815)
rf chest ap 1 views (9398-9541)
rg chest ap 1 views (5386-0815)
RPID4676 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 2 views oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 2vws oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (0832-3620)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (8388-9492)
rf chest eitherobl 2 views (0832-3620)
rg chest eitherobl 2 views (8388-9492)
RPID4677 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 2 views apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 2vws apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:ApicalLordotic ViewCount:2 (8853-3161)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic ViewCount:2 (2389-8654)
rf chest apicallordotic 2 views (8853-3161)
rg chest apicallordotic 2 views (2389-8654)
RPID4678 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 2 views ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 2vws ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral with chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2vws ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral with chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral with chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral with chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (6015-7810)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (0470-4108)
rf chest rib unilateral 2 views (6015-7810)
rg chest rib unilateral 2 views (0470-4108)
RPID4679 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 4 or more views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 4 or more vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 4 or more views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 4 or more vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 4 or more views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 4 or more vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (9950-6963)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (4669-8032)
rf chest rib both 4 or more views (9950-6963)
rg chest rib both 4 or more views (4669-8032)
RPID468 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (6200-0205) mr pelvis angiography (6200-0205)
RPID4680 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 3 or more views ribs unilateral pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 3 or more vws ribs unilat pa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 or more views ribs unilateral pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 3 or more vws ribs unilat pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 or more views ribs unilateral pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 3 or more vws ribs unilat pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RF View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (9003-4296)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (4169-0040)
rf chest rib unilateral pa 3 or more views (9003-4296)
rg chest rib unilateral pa 3 or more views (4169-0040)
RPID4681 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest 3 views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst 3vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 3vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 3vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (6680-3805)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (2858-4291)
rf chest sternoclavicular joint 3 views (6680-3805)
rg chest sternoclavicular joint 3 views (2858-4291)
RPID4682 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (4233-4660)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9646-7269)
rf elbow right upper extremity right 2 views (4233-4660)
rg elbow right upper extremity right 2 views (9646-7269)
RPID4683 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 4 views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 4vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 4vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 4vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (3789-4070)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (9133-9819)
rf elbow right upper extremity right 4 views (3789-4070)
rg elbow right upper extremity right 4 views (9133-9819)
RPID4684 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (0887-6609)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7024-5137)
rf elbow left upper extremity left 2 views (0887-6609)
rg elbow left upper extremity left 2 views (7024-5137)
RPID4685 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 4 views elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 4vws elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 views elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 4vws elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 views elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 4vws elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (5867-9048)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (6840-9809)
rf elbow left upper extremity left 4 views (5867-9048)
rg elbow left upper extremity left 4 views (6840-9809)
RPID4686 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF (6261-5283)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG (7792-7985)
rf elbow upper extremity (6261-5283)
rg elbow upper extremity (7792-7985)
RPID4687 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (5309-1881)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7898-2464)
rf forearm left upper extremity left 2 views (5309-1881)
rg forearm left upper extremity left 2 views (7898-2464)
RPID4688 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (2619-0082)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (3116-4780)
rf elbow right upper extremity right 3 or more views (2619-0082)
rg elbow right upper extremity right 3 or more views (3116-4780)
RPID4689 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (2819-5131)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (5758-6915)
rf forearm right upper extremity right 2 views (2819-5131)
rg forearm right upper extremity right 2 views (5758-6915)
RPID469 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1446-5221) mr pelvis angiography wo+w iv (1446-5221)
RPID4690 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (7775-3862)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3054-9040)
rf femur left lower extremity left 2 views (7775-3862)
rg femur left lower extremity left 2 views (3054-9040)
RPID4691 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (3270-7212)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3534-4046)
rf femur right lower extremity right 2 views (3270-7212)
rg femur right lower extremity right 2 views (3534-4046)
RPID4692 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur right ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws femur rt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur right ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur rt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur right ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur rt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (0552-3652)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (3369-0067)
rf femur right lower extremity right ap eitherlat 2 views (0552-3652)
rg femur right lower extremity right ap eitherlat 2 views (3369-0067)
RPID4693 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur left ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws femur lt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur left ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur lt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views femur left ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws femur lt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (7594-8448)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (2955-8258)
rf femur left lower extremity left ap eitherlat 2 views (7594-8448)
rg femur left lower extremity left ap eitherlat 2 views (2955-8258)
RPID4694 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (5768-6231)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (9299-0636)
rf foot right lower extremity right 2 or fewer views (5768-6231)
rg foot right lower extremity right 2 or fewer views (9299-0636)
RPID4695 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (3433-9372)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (5448-0523)
rf ankle right lower extremity right 2 or fewer views (3433-9372)
rg ankle right lower extremity right 2 or fewer views (5448-0523)
RPID4696 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (1309-4013)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (0394-2348)
rf ankle right lower extremity right 3 views (1309-4013)
rg ankle right lower extremity right 3 views (0394-2348)
RPID4697 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (3483-2718)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (5205-8474)
rf foot left lower extremity left 2 or fewer views (3483-2718)
rg foot left lower extremity left 2 or fewer views (5205-8474)
RPID4698 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (6879-1510)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (0151-0861)
rf ankle left lower extremity left 2 or fewer views (6879-1510)
rg ankle left lower extremity left 2 or fewer views (0151-0861)
RPID4699 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (5758-0060)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (5679-2412)
rf ankle left lower extremity left 3 views (5758-0060)
rg ankle left lower extremity left 3 views (5679-2412)
RPID47 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4860-5757) ct pelvis wo+w iv (4860-5757)
RPID470 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (3535-7686) mr spine angiography (3535-7686)
RPID4700 x-ray radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (7583-3044)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RG (2112-2509)
rf ankle lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (7583-3044)
rg ankle lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (2112-2509)
RPID4701 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (8162-8882)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9755-8484)
rf foot left lower extremity left 2 views (8162-8882)
rg foot left lower extremity left 2 views (9755-8484)
RPID4702 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views foot left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (0003-3505)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (7952-7817)
rf foot left lower extremity left 3 or more views (0003-3505)
rg foot left lower extremity left 3 or more views (7952-7817)
RPID4703 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (2795-1330)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9718-3459)
rf ankle left lower extremity left 2 views (2795-1330)
rg ankle left lower extremity left 2 views (9718-3459)
RPID4704 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (7526-4010)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8472-1920)
rf ankle left lower extremity left 3 or more views (7526-4010)
rg ankle left lower extremity left 3 or more views (8472-1920)
RPID4705 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2 or more vws toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (3546-1358)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (7159-7073)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (1068-5016)
rf lower extremity left toe left 2 or more views (3546-1358)
rg lower extremity left toe left 2 or more views (7159-7073)
rg lower extremity left toes left 2 or more views (1068-5016)
RPID4706 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (9862-5944)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (4939-9475)
rf foot right lower extremity right 2 views (9862-5944)
rg foot right lower extremity right 2 views (4939-9475)
RPID4707 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views foot right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (8202-9742)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (8225-9411)
rf foot right lower extremity right 3 views (8202-9742)
rg foot right lower extremity right 3 views (8225-9411)
RPID4708 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (2580-8811)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (0250-4198)
rf ankle right lower extremity right 2 views (2580-8811)
rg ankle right lower extremity right 2 views (0250-4198)
RPID4709 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2 or more vws toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 or more views toes right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2 or more vws toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (2424-4317)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (6879-9740)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (3618-2457)
rf lower extremity right toe right 2 or more views (2424-4317)
rg lower extremity right toe right 2 or more views (6879-9740)
rg lower extremity right toes right 2 or more views (3618-2457)
RPID471 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (7021-5427) mr upper extremity angiography (7021-5427)
RPID4710 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right calcaneus in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views calcaneus right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws calcaneus rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (9233-1274)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3998-1755)
rf calcaneus right lower extremity right 2 views (9233-1274)
rg calcaneus right lower extremity right 2 views (3998-1755)
RPID4711 x-ray radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF (0146-0778)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (7034-2472)
rf body skeleton survey whole (0146-0778)
rg body skeleton survey whole (7034-2472)
RPID4712 x-ray radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone survey procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RF (4759-2790)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (9490-3077)
rf skeleton survey (4759-2790)
rg skeleton survey (9490-3077)
RPID4713 x-ray radiology orderable neonatal bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr neonatal wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray neo whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable neonatal bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr neonatal wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray neo whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable neonatal bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr neonatal wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray neo whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF (0686-2041)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (2270-5687)
rf body skeleton neonate survey whole (0686-2041)
rg body skeleton neonate survey whole (2270-5687)
RPID4714 x-ray radiology orderable infant bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr infant wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray infnt whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant bone survey procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant wholebody bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt whbdy bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF (1532-3869)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (8364-9859)
rf body skeleton infant survey whole (1532-3869)
rg body skeleton infant survey whole (8364-9859)
RPID4715 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr whole body infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr whole body infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr whole body infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr whole body infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (9548-1552)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF (7288-6217)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (1969-5296)
rf body whole (7288-6217)
rg body infant whole (9548-1552)
rg body whole (1969-5296)
RPID4716 x-ray radiology orderable scanogram and leg length procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr scanogram leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray scngrm length (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length:Leg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable scanogram and leg length procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr scanogram leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray scngrm length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable scanogram and leg length procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr scanogram leg length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray scngrm length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Modality:RF ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length (1020-7470)
Anatomy:LEG Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length (2473-9982)
Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length (4223-2876)
Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length:Leg (8555-5083)
rf leg localizer measurement length (1020-7470)
rg leg localizer measurement length (2473-9982)
rg localizer measurement length (4223-2876)
rg localizer measurement length leg (8555-5083)
RPID4717 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis and bending (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis bending (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray tl spine scoli bndg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis and bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine scoli bndg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis and bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine scoli bndg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RF Reason:Scoliosis (0985-1493)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (0460-5821)
rf thoraco lumbar junction bending scoliosis (0985-1493)
rg thoraco lumbar junction bending scoliosis (0460-5821)
RPID4718 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray tl spine scoli supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine Reason:Scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine scoli supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine scoli supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RF Position:Erect Position:Supine Reason:Scoliosis (1144-7295)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Prone Reason:Scoliosis (2726-0644)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine Reason:Scoliosis (6515-3543)
rf thoraco lumbar junction erect supine scoliosis (1144-7295)
rg thoraco lumbar junction erect prone scoliosis (2726-0644)
rg thoraco lumbar junction erect supine scoliosis (6515-3543)
RPID4719 x-ray radiology orderable bone survey and limited procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr wholebody bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray whbdy bn survey ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Extent:Limited Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable bone survey and limited procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr wholebody bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray whbdy bn survey ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable bone survey and limited procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr wholebody bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray whbdy bn survey ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Extent:Limited Modality:RF (0113-2337)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Coverage:Whole Extent:Limited Modality:RG (8538-5711)
rf body skeleton survey whole limited (0113-2337)
rg body skeleton survey whole limited (8538-5711)
RPID472 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr forearm wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr forearm wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr forearm wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr forearm wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3126-2757)
Anatomy:FOREARM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1994-1434)
mr forearm upper extremity wo iv (3126-2757)
mr forearm wo iv (1994-1434)
RPID4720 x-ray radiology orderable scanogram and leg length procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity scanogram leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le scngrm length (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length:Leg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable scanogram and leg length procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity scanogram leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le scngrm length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable scanogram and leg length procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity scanogram leg length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le scngrm length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length (5236-2982)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length (2170-2602)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length (7494-1290)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length:Leg (8814-1973)
rf leg lower extremity localizer measurement length (5236-2982)
rg leg lower extremity localizer measurement length (2170-2602)
rg lower extremity localizer measurement length (7494-1290)
rg lower extremity localizer measurement length leg (8814-1973)
RPID4721 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (6742-1616)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (0998-1509)
rf hand right upper extremity right 2 or fewer views (6742-1616)
rg hand right upper extremity right 2 or fewer views (0998-1509)
RPID4722 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (2105-1052)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (1517-5782)
rf upper extremity right wrist right 2 or fewer views (2105-1052)
rg upper extremity right wrist right 2 or fewer views (1517-5782)
RPID4723 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (5065-5362)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (8568-9561)
rf upper extremity right wrist right 3 views (5065-5362)
rg upper extremity right wrist right 3 views (8568-9561)
RPID4724 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG (9693-3057)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Modality:RF (5483-5377)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Modality:RG (7697-9982)
rf finger right (5483-5377)
rg finger right (7697-9982)
rg finger right upper extremity right (9693-3057)
RPID4725 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (9937-9590)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (1197-2794)
rf hand right upper extremity right 3 views (9937-9590)
rg hand right upper extremity right 3 views (1197-2794)
RPID4726 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (7993-5783)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (6013-3071)
rf hand left upper extremity left 2 or fewer views (7993-5783)
rg hand left upper extremity left 2 or fewer views (6013-3071)
RPID4727 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1-2vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (9937-7517)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (0953-3575)
rf upper extremity left wrist left 2 or fewer views (9937-7517)
rg upper extremity left wrist left 2 or fewer views (0953-3575)
RPID4728 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (7990-4340)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (8362-0924)
rf upper extremity left wrist left 3 views (7990-4340)
rg upper extremity left wrist left 3 views (8362-0924)
RPID4729 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG (0914-4929)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Modality:RF (5924-9212)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Modality:RG (6412-0487)
rf finger left (5924-9212)
rg finger left (6412-0487)
rg finger left upper extremity left (0914-4929)
RPID473 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr abdomen wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3137-0058) mr abdomen wo iv (3137-0058)
RPID4730 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (8090-0732)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (2616-1436)
rf hand left upper extremity left 3 views (8090-0732)
rg hand left upper extremity left 3 views (2616-1436)
RPID4731 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (2096-3032)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (5753-4193)
rf hand left upper extremity left 2 or more views (2096-3032)
rg hand left upper extremity left 2 or more views (5753-4193)
RPID4732 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (8998-2848)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (5892-8948)
rf hand left upper extremity left 3 or more views (8998-2848)
rg hand left upper extremity left 3 or more views (5892-8948)
RPID4733 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (0300-9029)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6359-8209)
rf upper extremity left wrist left 2 views (0300-9029)
rg upper extremity left wrist left 2 views (6359-8209)
RPID4734 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (3302-4985)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (5314-3331)
rf upper extremity left wrist left 3 or more views (3302-4985)
rg upper extremity left wrist left 3 or more views (5314-3331)
RPID4735 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (9196-1873)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (1368-2600)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (8253-2732)
rf finger left 2 or more views (1368-2600)
rg finger left 2 or more views (8253-2732)
rg finger left upper extremity left 2 or more views (9196-1873)
RPID4736 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (5838-7375)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3338-6189)
rf hand right upper extremity right 2 views (5838-7375)
rg hand right upper extremity right 2 views (3338-6189)
RPID4737 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views hand right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (0313-0632)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (8279-5602)
rf hand right upper extremity right 3 or more views (0313-0632)
rg hand right upper extremity right 3 or more views (8279-5602)
RPID4738 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (6164-7803)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3524-3278)
rf upper extremity right wrist right 2 views (6164-7803)
rg upper extremity right wrist right 2 views (3524-3278)
RPID4739 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 3 or more views wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 3 or more vws wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (3303-9371)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (7709-3322)
rf upper extremity right wrist right 3 or more views (3303-9371)
rg upper extremity right wrist right 3 or more views (7709-3322)
RPID474 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr abdomen w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5702-9098) mr abdomen wo+w iv (5702-9098)
RPID4740 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right fingers in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views fingers right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws fngrs rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (3565-0992)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (5153-7823)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (7277-7341)
rf finger right 2 or more views (5153-7823)
rg finger right 2 or more views (7277-7341)
rg finger right upper extremity right 2 or more views (3565-0992)
RPID4741 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (4203-9206)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7254-5580)
rf fibula right lower extremity right tibia right 2 views (4203-9206)
rg fibula right lower extremity right tibia right 2 views (7254-5580)
RPID4742 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (8445-8868)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (6897-8004)
rf fibula right lower extremity right tibia right 3 views (8445-8868)
rg fibula right lower extremity right tibia right 3 views (6897-8004)
RPID4743 x-ray radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le intra-op knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le intra-op knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le intra-op knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF (0087-3436)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (2849-5159)
rf knee right lower extremity right intraoperative (0087-3436)
rg knee right lower extremity right intraoperative (2849-5159)
RPID4744 x-ray radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le intra-op knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le intra-op knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le intra-op knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF (7572-7933)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (0931-5282)
rf knee left lower extremity left intraoperative (7572-7933)
rg knee left lower extremity left intraoperative (0931-5282)
RPID4745 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (9309-1076)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (2455-8032)
rf knee right lower extremity right 2 views (9309-1076)
rg knee right lower extremity right 2 views (2455-8032)
RPID4746 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 4 or more vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (6497-9313)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (2655-3799)
rf knee right lower extremity right 4 or more views (6497-9313)
rg knee right lower extremity right 4 or more views (2655-3799)
RPID4747 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (3854-7752)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3026-3653)
rf fibula left lower extremity left tibia left 2 views (3854-7752)
rg fibula left lower extremity left tibia left 2 views (3026-3653)
RPID4748 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (1789-4105)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (7970-6367)
rf fibula left lower extremity left tibia left 3 or more views (1789-4105)
rg fibula left lower extremity left tibia left 3 or more views (7970-6367)
RPID4749 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 2vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (2863-2842)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9434-5141)
rf knee left lower extremity left 2 views (2863-2842)
rg knee left lower extremity left 2 views (9434-5141)
RPID475 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr abdomen w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6310-0992) mr abdomen w iv (6310-0992)
RPID4750 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 4 or more vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 4 or more views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 4 or more vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (1501-1691)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (2298-9351)
rf knee left lower extremity left 4 or more views (1501-1691)
rg knee left lower extremity left 4 or more views (2298-9351)
RPID4751 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (5014-1073)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (5866-5332)
rf knee left lower extremity left 2 or fewer views (5014-1073)
rg knee left lower extremity left 2 or fewer views (5866-5332)
RPID4752 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3 or more vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (7192-3685)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (4971-9956)
rf knee left lower extremity left 3 or more views (7192-3685)
rg knee left lower extremity left 3 or more views (4971-9956)
RPID4753 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity and ap and standing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity knee bilateral ap standing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le knee bilat ap stand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG Position:Standing View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity and ap and standing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee bilateral ap standing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le knee bilat ap stand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee in the lower extremity and ap and standing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity knee bilateral ap standing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le knee bilat ap stand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RF Position:Standing View:AP (0951-9167)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG Position:Standing View:AP (8189-2319)
rf knee both lower extremity both standing ap (0951-9167)
rg knee both lower extremity both standing ap (8189-2319)
RPID4754 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 1-2vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 1-2vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (2406-1059)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (6800-8865)
rf knee right lower extremity right 2 or fewer views (2406-1059)
rg knee right lower extremity right 2 or fewer views (6800-8865)
RPID4755 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray le 3vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 views knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3vws knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (6228-0989)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (3919-4815)
rf knee right lower extremity right 3 views (6228-0989)
rg knee right lower extremity right 3 views (3919-4815)
RPID4756 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and ap and lateral and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine ap lateral oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine ap lat oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and ap and lateral and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine ap lateral oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine ap lat oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and ap and lateral and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine ap lateral oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine ap lat oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (8821-2857)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (7554-4899)
rf lumbosacral junction ap eitherlat eitherobl (8821-2857)
rg lumbosacral junction ap eitherlat eitherobl (7554-4899)
RPID4757 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (6410-2873)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (8632-4010)
rf lumbosacral junction ap eitherlat (6410-2873)
rg lumbosacral junction ap eitherlat (8632-4010)
RPID4758 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view and portable procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine 1 view portable (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine 1vw port (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view and portable procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine 1 view portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine 1vw port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view and portable procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine 1 view portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine 1vw port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable ViewCount:1 (9908-2659)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable ViewCount:1 (3706-4097)
rf lumbosacral junction portable 1 views (9908-2659)
rg lumbosacral junction portable 1 views (3706-4097)
RPID4759 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (5983-3497)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (7904-2185)
rf lumbosacral junction 4 views (5983-3497)
rg lumbosacral junction 4 views (7904-2185)
RPID476 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr bone bn marrow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr bone bone marrow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr bone bn marrow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr bone bone marrow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr bone marrow wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr bone marrow wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone bn marrow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone bone marrow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone marrow wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone bn marrow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone bone marrow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone marrow wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9357-7785) mr bone marrow wo iv (9357-7785)
RPID4760 x-ray radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr lumbosacral spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ls spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ls spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbosacral spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ls spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RF ViewCount:2,3 (2650-4527)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (4243-9872)
rf lumbosacral junction 2,3 views (2650-4527)
rg lumbosacral junction 2,3 views (4243-9872)
RPID4761 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 2 views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 2vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the sacrum and coccyx in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (2922-8378)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (9726-5214)
rf coccyx pelvis sacrum 2 views (2922-8378)
rg coccyx pelvis sacrum 2 views (9726-5214)
RPID4762 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 1 view hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 1vw hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:PELVIS:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 view hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1vw hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 view hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1vw hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (2789-5032)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (3501-9792)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:PELVIS:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (0515-2368)
rf hip unilateral pelvis 1 views (2789-5032)
rg hip unilateral pelvis 1 views (3501-9792)
rg hip unilateral pelvis unilateral 1 views (0515-2368)
RPID4763 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis hip preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Preoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis hip preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis hip preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Preoperative Modality:RF (4752-4276)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Preoperative Modality:RG (7811-7224)
rf hip pelvis preoperative (4752-4276)
rg hip pelvis preoperative (7811-7224)
RPID4764 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 2 views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 2vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 views hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2vws hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (4688-0110)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (8914-4802)
rf hip both pelvis both 2 views (4688-0110)
rg hip both pelvis both 2 views (8914-4802)
RPID4765 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 2 views hip ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 2vws hip ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 views hip ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2vws hip ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 views hip ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2vws hip ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (7307-2846)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:2 (1525-6952)
rf hip pelvis ap eitherlat 2 views (7307-2846)
rg hip pelvis ap eitherlat 2 views (1525-6952)
RPID4766 x-ray radiology orderable portable and intra-operative procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis portable intra-operative hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis port intra-op hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable and intra-operative procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis portable intra-operative hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis port intra-op hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable and intra-operative procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis portable intra-operative hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis port intra-op hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (2091-7472)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (0718-4421)
rf hip pelvis portable intraoperative (2091-7472)
rg hip pelvis portable intraoperative (0718-4421)
RPID4767 x-ray radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis port hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis port hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis port hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (9786-1186)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (8758-9012)
rf hip pelvis portable (9786-1186)
rg hip pelvis portable (8758-9012)
RPID4768 x-ray radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the left hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis intra-operative hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis intra-op hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:PELVIS:Left Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the left hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis intra-operative hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis intra-op hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the left hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis intra-operative hip left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis intra-op hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:PELVIS:Left Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF (8063-3031)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:PELVIS:Left Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (7691-8501)
rf hip left pelvis left intraoperative (8063-3031)
rg hip left pelvis left intraoperative (7691-8501)
RPID4769 x-ray radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the right hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis intra-operative hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis intra-op hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:PELVIS:Right Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the right hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis intra-operative hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis intra-op hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the right hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis intra-operative hip right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis intra-op hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:PELVIS:Right Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF (4260-1467)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:PELVIS:Right Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (5050-3921)
rf hip right pelvis right intraoperative (4260-1467)
rg hip right pelvis right intraoperative (5050-3921)
RPID477 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr bone bn marrow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr bone bone marrow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone bn marrow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone bone marrow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone bn marrow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone bone marrow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1115-9261) mr bone marrow w iv (1115-9261)
RPID4770 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (7067-6558)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (0975-6984)
rf pelvis 3 views (7067-6558)
rg pelvis 3 views (0975-6984)
RPID4771 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 2 or more views hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:PELVIS:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 or more views hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the unilateral hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 or more views hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (3349-4079)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (3841-8179)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:PELVIS:Unilateral Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (7129-1314)
rf hip unilateral pelvis 2 or more views (3349-4079)
rg hip unilateral pelvis 2 or more views (3841-8179)
rg hip unilateral pelvis unilateral 2 or more views (7129-1314)
RPID4772 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr pelvis 2 views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray pelvis 2vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RF View:AP ViewCount:2 (8697-2946)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:2 (7608-9459)
rf hip both pelvis both ap 2 views (8697-2946)
rg hip both pelvis both ap 2 views (7608-9459)
RPID4773 x-ray radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr infant pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray infnt pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF (1797-7819)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (8530-5306)
rf hip pelvis infant (1797-7819)
rg hip pelvis infant (8530-5306)
RPID4774 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder right ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder rt ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder right ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder rt ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder right ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder rt ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:AP (5988-4498)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:AP (7472-4518)
rf shoulder right upper extremity right ap (5988-4498)
rg shoulder right upper extremity right ap (7472-4518)
RPID4775 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (1579-9582)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (8673-2594)
rf shoulder right upper extremity right 2 or more views (1579-9582)
rg shoulder right upper extremity right 2 or more views (8673-2594)
RPID4776 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus right ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus rt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus right ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus rt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus right ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus rt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (7959-2533)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (7117-3036)
rf humerus right upper extremity right ap eitherlat (7959-2533)
rg humerus right upper extremity right ap eitherlat (7117-3036)
RPID4777 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr chest acromioclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray chst ac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest acromioclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst ac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest acromioclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst ac joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF (7480-3849)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG (8134-3363)
rf acromioclavicular joint chest (7480-3849)
rg acromioclavicular joint chest (8134-3363)
RPID4778 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity shoulder left ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue shlder lt ap (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity shoulder left ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue shlder lt ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:AP (9545-7305)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:AP (3351-8167)
rf shoulder left upper extremity left ap (9545-7305)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left ap (3351-8167)
RPID4779 x-ray radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2 or more vws shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (9927-7693)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (1164-5782)
rf shoulder left upper extremity left 2 or more views (9927-7693)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left 2 or more views (1164-5782)
RPID478 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr brachial plexus wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr brachial plexus wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr brachial plexus wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr brachial plexus wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3465-8903)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0860-5013)
mr brachial plexus chest wo iv (3465-8903)
mr brachial plexus wo iv (0860-5013)
RPID4780 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity humerus left ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue humerus lt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus left ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus lt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity humerus left ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue humerus lt ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (1628-2881)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (7611-5768)
rf humerus left upper extremity left ap eitherlat (1628-2881)
rg humerus left upper extremity left ap eitherlat (7611-5768)
RPID4781 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1vw shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (8699-9058)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (4556-6777)
rf shoulder left upper extremity left 1 views (8699-9058)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left 1 views (4556-6777)
RPID4782 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (3569-7203)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1344-9007)
rf shoulder left upper extremity left 2 views (3569-7203)
rg shoulder left upper extremity left 2 views (1344-9007)
RPID4783 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (0711-8602)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (8128-7088)
rf humerus left upper extremity left 2 views (0711-8602)
rg humerus left upper extremity left 2 views (8128-7088)
RPID4784 x-ray radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 1vw shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 1 view shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 1vw shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (9422-6859)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (1247-6592)
rf shoulder right upper extremity right 1 views (9422-6859)
rg shoulder right upper extremity right 1 views (1247-6592)
RPID4785 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (1073-7023)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (3657-2009)
rf shoulder right upper extremity right 2 views (1073-7023)
rg shoulder right upper extremity right 2 views (3657-2009)
RPID4786 x-ray radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr upper extremity 2 views humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray ue 2vws humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2 views humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 2vws humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (3551-0686)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (2034-7228)
rf humerus right upper extremity right 2 views (3551-0686)
rg humerus right upper extremity right 2 views (2034-7228)
RPID4787 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull in the head and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head skull ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head skull ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull in the head and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head skull ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head skull ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull in the head and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head skull ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head skull ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat (5428-7506)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat (2907-2122)
rf head skull ap eitherlat (5428-7506)
rg head skull ap eitherlat (2907-2122)
RPID4788 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 1 - 2 views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 1-2vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head 1 - 2 views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr paranasal sinuses 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head 1-2vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr paranasal sinuses 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 1 - 2 views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr paranasal sinuses 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 1-2vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 1 - 2 views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr paranasal sinuses 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 1-2vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (8694-8006)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (2537-5579)
Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (3327-5865)
rf head paranasal sinus 2 or fewer views (8694-8006)
rg head paranasal sinus 2 or fewer views (2537-5579)
rg paranasal sinus 2 or fewer views (3327-5865)
RPID4789 x-ray radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 3 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 3vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 3 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 3vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 3 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 3vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RF ViewCount:3 (4643-1106)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RG ViewCount:3 (4234-8850)
rf head mastoid 3 views (4643-1106)
rg head mastoid 3 views (4234-8850)
RPID479 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1154-2508)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1906-7746)
mr brain head wo iv (1154-2508)
mr head wo iv (1906-7746)
RPID4790 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 3 or more views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 3 or more vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or more views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or more vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or more views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or more vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (7446-3886)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (7925-2595)
rf head mastoid 3 or more views (7446-3886)
rg head mastoid 3 or more views (7925-2595)
RPID4791 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 4 views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 4vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 4 views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 4vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 4 views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 4vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (7861-4081)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (0933-3150)
rf head orbit 4 views (7861-4081)
rg head orbit 4 views (0933-3150)
RPID4792 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 4 views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 4vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 4 views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 4vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 4 views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 4vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (5068-0835)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (2481-4798)
rf head mandible 4 views (5068-0835)
rg head mandible 4 views (2481-4798)
RPID4793 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RF (7021-8559)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RG (7229-7438)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RG (9349-0455)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG saliv
rf head salivary gland (7021-8559)
rg head salivary gland (7229-7438)
rg salivary gland (9349-0455)
RPID4794 x-ray radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (3979-6492)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (4115-0881)
rf head 2 or fewer views (3979-6492)
rg head 2 or fewer views (4115-0881)
RPID4795 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (2741-2103)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (1751-0741)
rf head 3 or more views (2741-2103)
rg head 3 or more views (1751-0741)
RPID4796 x-ray radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the nasal bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the nasal bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the nasal bones in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (1030-9404)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NASALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (7873-3992)
rf head nasal bone 3 or more views (1030-9404)
rg head nasal bone 3 or more views (7873-3992)
RPID4797 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head temporomandibular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head tmj bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Both Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Both Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head temporomandibular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head tmj bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head temporomandibular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head tmj bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Both Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Both Modality:RF (9880-3708)
Anatomy:HEAD:Both Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Both Modality:RG (9707-4111)
rf head both temporomandibular joint both (9880-3708)
rg head both temporomandibular joint both (9707-4111)
RPID4798 x-ray radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr head 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray head 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr orbits complete 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr orbits complete 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr orbits complete 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr orbits complete 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (4590-3525)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (1258-0942)
Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (4032-9554)
rf head orbit 4 or more views (4590-3525)
rg head orbit 4 or more views (1258-0942)
rg orbit 4 or more views (4032-9554)
RPID4799 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray tl spine scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine scoli (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RF Reason:Scoliosis (1198-1822)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (7656-4808)
rf thoraco lumbar junction scoliosis (1198-1822)
rg thoraco lumbar junction scoliosis (7656-4808)
RPID48 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5802-1844) ct pelvis w iv (5802-1844)
RPID480 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0919-0060)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3621-4713)
mr brain head wo+w iv (0919-0060)
mr head wo+w iv (3621-4713)
RPID4800 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and standing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine standing (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine stand (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG Position:Standing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and standing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine standing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine stand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and standing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine standing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine stand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF Position:Standing (4724-7222)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG Position:Standing (9867-5676)
rf tspine standing (4724-7222)
rg tspine standing (9867-5676)
RPID4801 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine ap lateral oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine ap lat oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine ap lateral oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine ap lat oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral and oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine ap lateral oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine ap lat oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (1072-4361)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (1183-3328)
rf tspine ap eitherlat eitherobl (1072-4361)
rg tspine ap eitherlat eitherobl (1183-3328)
RPID4802 x-ray radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray t spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thoracic spine 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF View:EitherLat (4249-5019)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:EitherLat (0079-6511)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (5825-9409)
rf tspine eitherlat (4249-5019)
rg tspine eitherlat (0079-6511)
rg tspine eitherlat 1 views (5825-9409)
RPID4803 x-ray radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xr thoracic spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
xray t spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine 4vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF ViewCount:4 (6621-9115)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG ViewCount:4 (3635-4056)
rf tspine 4 views (6621-9115)
rg tspine 4 views (3635-4056)
RPID4804 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectroscopy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (0542-2025) mr head spectroscopy wo iv (0542-2025)
RPID4805 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectro w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectroscopy with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectro w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectro w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (1365-9747) mr head spectroscopy w iv (1365-9747)
RPID4806 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head c spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head cervical spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head c spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head c spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8193-0072) mr cspine head additional wo iv (8193-0072)
RPID4807 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head c spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head cervical spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head c spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head c spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2790-9084) mr cspine head additional wo+w iv (2790-9084)
RPID4808 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography additional body region procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd cholang add bod reg cholpanc dcts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen cholangiography additional body region cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHOLANGIOPANCREATICDUCT Extent:Additional IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography additional body region procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd cholang add bod reg cholpanc dcts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen cholangiography additional body region cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography additional body region procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd cholang add bod reg cholpanc dcts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen cholangiography additional body region cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHOLANGIOPANCREATICDUCT Extent:Additional IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (1677-1534)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography cholangiopancreatic duct
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography cholpanc duct
mr abdomen cholangiopancreaticduct cholangiography additional w iduct wo iv (1677-1534)
RPID4809 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography additional body region procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd cholang add bod reg cholpanc dcts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen cholangiography additional body region cholangiopancreatic ducts without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHOLANGIOPANCREATICDUCT Extent:Additional IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography additional body region procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd cholang add bod reg cholpanc dcts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen cholangiography additional body region cholangiopancreatic ducts without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography additional body region procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd cholang add bod reg cholpanc dcts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen cholangiography additional body region cholangiopancreatic ducts without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHOLANGIOPANCREATICDUCT Extent:Additional IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (9298-3815)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography cholangiopancreatic duct
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography cholpanc duct
mr abdomen cholangiopancreaticduct cholangiography additional w iduct wo+w iv (9298-3815)
RPID481 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4429-8540)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6871-0024)
mr brain head w iv (4429-8540)
mr head w iv (6871-0024)
RPID4810 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cholang cholpanc dcts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cholangiography cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHOLANGIOPANCREATICDUCT IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cholang cholpanc dcts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cholangiography cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cholang cholpanc dcts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cholangiography cholangiopancreatic ducts without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHOLANGIOPANCREATICDUCT IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (0814-5089)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography cholangiopancreatic duct
Anatomy:BILEDUCT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography cholpanc duct
mr cholangiopancreaticduct cholangiography w iduct wo iv (0814-5089)
RPID4811 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis fetus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis fetus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis fetus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis fetus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis fetus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis fetus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0482-6381)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1703-8083)
mr abdomen fetus pelvis wo iv (0482-6381)
mr abdomen gravid uterus obstetric wo iv (1703-8083)
RPID4812 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis fetus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis fetus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis fetus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis fetus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis fetus wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis fetus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0539-1674)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0130-5475)
mr abdomen fetus pelvis wo+w iv (0539-1674)
mr abdomen gravid uterus obstetric wo+w iv (0130-5475)
RPID4813 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue add bod reg hand wrist unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity additional body region hand wrist unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue add bod reg hand wrist unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity additional body region hand wrist unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue add bod reg hand wrist unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity additional body region hand wrist unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1015-5607)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6918-4096)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6155-1995)
mr hand unilateral upper extremity unilateral wrist unilateral additional wo iv (6155-1995)
mr hand unilateral upper extremity wrist additional wo iv (6918-4096)
mr hand upper extremity wrist unilateral additional wo iv (1015-5607)
RPID4814 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue add bod reg hand wrist unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity additional body region hand wrist unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue add bod reg hand wrist unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity additional body region hand wrist unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral hand and wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue add bod reg hand wrist unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity additional body region hand wrist unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1531-9239)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1175-8453)
Anatomy:HAND:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9737-5617)
mr hand unilateral upper extremity unilateral wrist unilateral additional wo+w iv (9737-5617)
mr hand unilateral upper extremity wrist additional wo+w iv (1175-8453)
mr hand upper extremity wrist unilateral additional wo+w iv (1531-9239)
RPID4815 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar plexus in the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr l spine lumb plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbar spine lumbar plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:LUMBARPLEXUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar plexus in the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr l spine lumb plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine lumbar plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar plexus in the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr l spine lumb plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine lumbar plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:LUMBARPLEXUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0314-5188)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR lumb plexus
mr lspine lumbar plexus wo+w iv (0314-5188)
RPID4816 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4697-8979) mr cspine lspine additional wo iv (4697-8979)
RPID4817 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1865-6105) mr cspine lspine additional wo+w iv (1865-6105)
RPID4818 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9728-5332) mr cspine tspine additional wo iv (9728-5332)
RPID4819 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9620-6499) mr cspine tspine additional wo+w iv (9620-6499)
RPID4820 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4818-6970) mr cspine lspine tspine additional wo iv (4818-6970)
RPID4821 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2571-7756) mr cspine lspine tspine additional wo+w iv (2571-7756)
RPID4822 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine chst add bod reg brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine chest additional body region brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine chst add bod reg brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine chest additional body region brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine chst add bod reg brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine chest additional body region brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6814-7896) mr brachial plexus chest cspine additional wo iv (6814-7896)
RPID4823 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine chst add bod reg brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine chest additional body region brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine chst add bod reg brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine chest additional body region brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine chst add bod reg brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine chest additional body region brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2623-2270) mr brachial plexus chest cspine additional wo+w iv (2623-2270)
RPID4824 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr t spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr t spine l spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1810-8981) mr lspine tspine additional wo iv (1810-8981)
RPID4825 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr t spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr t spine l spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0760-2108) mr lspine tspine additional wo+w iv (0760-2108)
RPID4826 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracolumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr tl spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracolumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tl spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracolumbar spine additional body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tl spine add bod reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1803-3428) mr thoraco lumbar junction additional wo iv (1803-3428)
RPID4827 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracolumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr tl spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracolumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tl spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable additional body region imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracolumbar spine additional body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tl spine add bod reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8271-6659) mr thoraco lumbar junction additional wo+w iv (8271-6659)
RPID4828 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacr si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacrum sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacr si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacrum sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacr si jnts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacrum sacroiliac joints without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9162-3255) mr pelvis sacroiliac joint sacrum wo iv (9162-3255)
RPID4829 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacr si jnts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis sacrum sacroiliac joints without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacr si jnts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacrum sacroiliac joints without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum and sacroiliac joints in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacr si jnts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis sacrum sacroiliac joints without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2334-4516) mr pelvis sacroiliac joint sacrum wo+w iv (2334-4516)
RPID4830 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervix in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis cervix without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis crvx wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CERVIX Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervix in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis cervix without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis crvx wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervix in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis cervix without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis crvx wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CERVIX Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0234-6382)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERINECERVIX IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3674-6428)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR crvx
mr cervix pelvis wo iv (0234-6382)
mr pelvis uterinecervix wo iv (3674-6428)
RPID4831 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervix in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis cervix without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis crvx wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CERVIX Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervix in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis cervix without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis crvx wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervix in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis cervix without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis crvx wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CERVIX Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1370-0688)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERINECERVIX IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5632-4061)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR crvx
mr cervix pelvis wo+w iv (1370-0688)
mr pelvis uterinecervix wo+w iv (5632-4061)
RPID4832 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr prostate wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr prostate wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr prostate wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr prostate wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9161-3321)
Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0951-0145)
mr pelvis prostate wo iv (9161-3321)
mr prostate wo iv (0951-0145)
RPID4833 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis prost wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis prostate without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prost wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prostate without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prost wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prostate without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7959-4011) mr pelvis prostate wo+w iv (7959-4011)
RPID4834 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5656-3738) mr hip both pelvis both wo iv (5656-3738)
RPID4835 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9905-0661) mr hip both pelvis both wo+w iv (9905-0661)
RPID4836 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the popliteal arteries in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio pop arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography popliteal arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:POPLITEALARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the popliteal arteries in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio pop arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography popliteal arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the popliteal arteries in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio pop arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography popliteal arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:POPLITEALARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3215-4406)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:POPLITEALARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9842-9054)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR pop
mr lower extremity popliteal artery angiography wo iv (3215-4406)
mr lower extremity popliteal artery arteriography wo iv (9842-9054)
RPID4837 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8079-8581)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6451-7090)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0298-2210)
mr fibula lower extremity tibia unilateral wo iv (8079-8581)
mr fibula unilateral lower extremity tibia wo iv (6451-7090)
mr fibula unilateral lower extremity unilateral tibia unilateral wo iv (0298-2210)
RPID4838 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1726-3205)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9253-8731)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:TIBIA:Unilateral IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1936-6189)
mr fibula lower extremity tibia unilateral wo+w iv (1726-3205)
mr fibula unilateral lower extremity tibia wo+w iv (9253-8731)
mr fibula unilateral lower extremity unilateral tibia unilateral wo+w iv (1936-6189)
RPID4839 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0671-9168)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7452-5934)
mr foot unilateral lower extremity unilateral wo iv (7452-5934)
mr foot unilateral lower extremity wo iv (0671-9168)
RPID4840 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neuronav w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neuronavigation with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Navigation IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neuronav w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neuronavigation with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neuronav w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neuronavigation with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Navigation IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5867-6426)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR neuronav
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR neuronavigation
mr head navigation w iv (5867-6426)
RPID4841 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neuronav wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neuronavigation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Navigation IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neuronav wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neuronavigation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neuronav wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neuronavigation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Navigation IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4657-9878)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR neuronav
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR neuronavigation
mr head navigation wo iv (4657-9878)
RPID4842 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neuronav wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neuronavigation without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Navigation IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neuronav wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neuronavigation without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of neuronavigation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neuronav wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neuronavigation without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Navigation IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5283-9344)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR neuronav
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR neuronavigation
mr head navigation wo+w iv (5283-9344)
RPID4843 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ext unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr extremity unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ext unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr extremity unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ext unilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr extremity unilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9365-6845)
Anatomy:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ext
mr extremity unilateral wo iv (9365-6845)
RPID4844 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ext unilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr extremity unilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ext unilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr extremity unilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ext unilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr extremity unilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1481-2018)
Anatomy:Unilateral IVContrast:W Modality:MR ext
mr extremity unilateral w iv (1481-2018)
RPID4845 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and runoff additional body region procedure focused on the renal artery and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd le angio rnff add bod reg ren art fem arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen lower extremity angiography runoff additional body region renal artery femoral arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and runoff additional body region procedure focused on the renal artery and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd le angio rnff add bod reg ren art fem arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen lower extremity angiography runoff additional body region renal artery femoral arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and runoff additional body region procedure focused on the renal artery and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd le angio rnff add bod reg ren art fem arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen lower extremity angiography runoff additional body region renal artery femoral arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9472-4242)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0660-4254)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5437-5087)
mr abdomen femoral artery lower extremity lower extremity artery renal artery angiography additional wo iv (9472-4242)
mr abdomen femoral artery lower extremity lower extremity artery renal artery arteriography additional wo iv (0660-4254)
mr abdomen lower extremity femoral artery lower extremity artery renal artery arteriography additional wo iv (5437-5087)
RPID4846 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and runoff additional body region procedure focused on the renal artery and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd le angio rnff add bod reg ren art fem arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen lower extremity angiography runoff additional body region renal artery femoral arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and runoff additional body region procedure focused on the renal artery and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd le angio rnff add bod reg ren art fem arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen lower extremity angiography runoff additional body region renal artery femoral arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and runoff additional body region procedure focused on the renal artery and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd le angio rnff add bod reg ren art fem arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen lower extremity angiography runoff additional body region renal artery femoral arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7993-8706)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5369-1895)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6421-2422)
mr abdomen femoral artery lower extremity lower extremity artery renal artery angiography additional w iv (7993-8706)
mr abdomen femoral artery lower extremity lower extremity artery renal artery arteriography additional w iv (5369-1895)
mr abdomen lower extremity femoral artery lower extremity artery renal artery arteriography additional w iv (6421-2422)
RPID4847 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femoral arteries in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le fem arts bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femoral arteries bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femoral arteries in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le fem arts bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femoral arteries bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femoral arteries in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le fem arts bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femoral arteries bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8366-5762) mr femoral artery both lower extremity both wo iv (8366-5762)
RPID4848 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femoral arteries in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le fem arts bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femoral arteries bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femoral arteries in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le fem arts bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femoral arteries bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral femoral arteries in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le fem arts bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femoral arteries bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9559-4263) mr femoral artery both lower extremity both w iv (9559-4263)
RPID4849 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ext unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr extremity unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ext unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr extremity unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ext unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr extremity unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2128-2849)
Anatomy:Unilateral IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ext
mr extremity unilateral wo+w iv (2128-2849)
RPID4850 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable workers compensation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr workers compensation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr wrk comp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:WorkersCompensation Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable workers compensation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr workers compensation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr wrk comp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable workers compensation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr workers compensation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr wrk comp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:WorkersCompensation Modality:MR (6207-6022)
Modality:MR comp wrk
mr workerscompensation (6207-6022)
RPID4851 Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:BONE Angio:Angiography Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the airway in the bone without then with iv contrast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone angio airway asp wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone angiography airway aspiration without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the airway in the bone without then with iv contrast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone angio airway asp wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone angiography airway aspiration without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:BONE Angio:Angiography Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3383-1861)
Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:SKELETON Angio:Angiography Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8993-6182)
mr airway bone angiography aspirate wo+w iv (3383-1861)
mr airway skeleton angiography aspirate wo+w iv (8993-6182)
RPID4852 Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:BREAST Arthrography:Yes Context:Research Guidance:Biopsy IArticularContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography research procedure focused on the ankle in the breast without then with iv contrast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast arthro research ankle bx wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast arthrography research ankle biopsy without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography research procedure focused on the ankle in the breast without then with iv contrast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast arthro research ankle bx wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast arthrography research ankle biopsy without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:BREAST Arthrography:Yes Context:Research Guidance:Biopsy IArticularContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7382-6751) mr ankle breast arthrography research biopsy w iarticular wo+w iv (7382-6751)
RPID4853 Anatomy:ARM Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Embolization:Chemical IVContrast:WO+W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cystography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the arm in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of chemoembolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head cystgrphy arm chem embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head cystography arm chemoembolization without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the arm in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of chemoembolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head cystgrphy arm chem embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head cystography arm chemoembolization without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARM Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Embolization:Chemical IVContrast:WO+W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cystography (2671-2992)
Anatomy:ARM Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Embolus chem
Anatomy:ARM Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W IVesicalContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cystography chemoembolization
mr arm head cystography embolization chemical wo+w iv w ivesical (2671-2992)
RPID4854 Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Angio:Portography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Load:Iron (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable portography procedure focused on the left femur without iv contrast for the purpose of iron evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr porto femur lt irn eval wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr portography femur left iron evaluation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable portography procedure focused on the left femur without iv contrast for the purpose of iron evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr porto femur lt irn eval wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr portography femur left iron evaluation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Angio:Portography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Load:Iron (7517-8333)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:PORTALVEIN:Left Angio:Portography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR evaluation iron
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR eval irn porto
mr femur left load iron portography wo iv (7517-8333)
RPID4855 Anatomy:FINGER:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the right finger without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr scanogram finger right malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr scngrm fngr rt cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the right finger without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr scanogram finger right malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr scngrm fngr rt cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Cancer (5629-1351) mr finger right localizer wo iv cancer (5629-1351)
RPID4856 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee and joint without iv contrast for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr knee joint bilateral paracentesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr knee jt bilat para cent wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee and joint without iv contrast for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr knee joint bilateral paracentesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr knee jt bilat para cent wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7492-8630)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:PERITONEUM:Both Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7609-9179)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:PERITONEUM:Both Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1720-4289)
mr joint both knee both peritoneum aspirate wo iv (7492-8630)
mr joint both knee both peritoneum both aspirate wo iv (7609-9179)
mr knee both peritoneum both aspirate wo iv (1720-4289)
RPID4857 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM:Both Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral left atrium and joint without then with iv contrast for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr left atrium joint bilateral pericardiocentesis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lt atrium jt bilat peri card cent wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral left atrium and joint without then with iv contrast for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr left atrium joint bilateral pericardiocentesis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lt atrium jt bilat peri card cent wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM Anatomy:PERICARDIUM:Both Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0118-9273)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM:Both Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9014-6899)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM:Both Anatomy:PERICARDIUM:Both Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3543-2728)
mr joint both leftatrium both pericardium aspirate wo+w iv (9014-6899)
mr joint both leftatrium both pericardium both aspirate wo+w iv (3543-2728)
mr joint both leftatrium pericardium both aspirate wo+w iv (0118-9273)
RPID4858 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL:Both Guidance:Ablate:RF IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral maxillofacial and joint without iv contrast for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr max facial jt bilat rad ablat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr maxillofacial joint bilateral radiofrequency ablation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral maxillofacial and joint without iv contrast for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr max facial jt bilat rad ablat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr maxillofacial joint bilateral radiofrequency ablation without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL:Both Guidance:Ablate:RF IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3806-7193)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL:Both Guidance:Ablate IVContrast:WO Modality:MR rad
mr joint both maxillofacial both ablate rf wo iv (3806-7193)
RPID4859 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM:Both Context:Screening IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral mediastinum and joint without then with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr mediast jt bilat screen wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr mediastinum joint bilateral screening without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral mediastinum and joint without then with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr mediast jt bilat screen wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr mediastinum joint bilateral screening without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM:Both Context:Screening IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6929-0882) mr joint both mediastinum both screening wo+w iv (6929-0882)
RPID486 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le calf wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity calf without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr calf wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le calf wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity calf without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CALF Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr calf wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr calf wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le calf wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity calf without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr calf wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le calf wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity calf without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALF Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6744-7532)
Anatomy:CALF IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9929-4540)
mr calf lower extremity wo iv (6744-7532)
mr calf wo iv (9929-4540)
RPID4860 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:ORBIT:Both Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral orbits and joint without iv contrast for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr orbits joint bilateral thoracentesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr orbits jt bilat thor cent wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral orbits and joint without iv contrast for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr orbits joint bilateral thoracentesis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr orbits jt bilat thor cent wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:ORBIT:Both Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6997-4291)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:ORBIT:Both Anatomy:PLEURA:Both Guidance:Aspirate IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4179-3150)
mr joint both orbit both pleura aspirate wo iv (6997-4291)
mr joint both orbit both pleura both aspirate wo iv (4179-3150)
RPID4861 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:PANCREAS:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:Trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral pancreas and joint without then with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr panc jt bilat trauma wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pancreas joint bilateral trauma without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral pancreas and joint without then with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr panc jt bilat trauma wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pancreas joint bilateral trauma without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:PANCREAS:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:Trauma (8903-6939) mr joint both pancreas both wo+w iv trauma (8903-6939)
RPID4862 Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA:Both Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral posterior cranial fossa without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr post fossa bilat vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr posterior cranial fossa bilateral vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral posterior cranial fossa without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr post fossa bilat vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr posterior cranial fossa bilateral vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA:Both Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3087-0284) mr posterior fossa both vertebroplasty wo iv (3087-0284)
RPID4863 Anatomy:PROSTATE:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral prostate without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr prost bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr prostate bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral prostate without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr prost bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr prostate bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PROSTATE:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5264-9270) mr prostate both wo+w iv (5264-9270)
RPID4864 Anatomy:SHOULDER IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable multiple spinal levels imaging procedure focused on the shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr multi spin lev shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr multiple spinal levels shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable multiple spinal levels imaging procedure focused on the shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr multi spin lev shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr multiple spinal levels shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:MR (3885-8796) mr shoulder wo iv spinal 2 or more levels (3885-8796)
RPID4865 Anatomy:JOINT:Left Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr temporal bone joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tmp bon jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left temporal bone and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr temporal bone joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tmp bon jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Left Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3821-5007) mr joint left temporal bone left wo iv (3821-5007)
RPID4866 Anatomy:JOINT:Right Anatomy:THIGH:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thigh and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thigh joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thigh jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thigh and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thigh joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thigh jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Right Anatomy:THIGH:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6770-8903) mr joint right thigh right wo iv (6770-8903)
RPID4867 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral thoracic outlet and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thor outl jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic outlet joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral thoracic outlet and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thor outl jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic outlet joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:SUPERIORTHORACICAPERTURE:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1409-9258)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0684-2634)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR outl thor
mr joint both superior thoracic aperture both wo iv (1409-9258)
mr joint both thoracic outlet both wo iv (0684-2634)
RPID4868 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:THUMB:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral thumb and joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thmb jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thumb joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral thumb and joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thmb jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thumb joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:THUMB:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7108-7352) mr joint both thumb both wo+w iv (7108-7352)
RPID4869 Anatomy:JOINT:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tibia joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tibia jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tibia joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tibia jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5439-9073) mr joint left tibia left wo iv (5439-9073)
RPID487 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr cervical spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr cervical spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5450-4656) mr cspine wo+w iv (5450-4656)
RPID4870 Anatomy:JOINT:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right trachea and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr trach jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr trachea joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right trachea and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr trach jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr trachea joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9387-7968)
Anatomy:JOINT:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR trach
mr joint right trachea right wo iv (9387-7968)
RPID4871 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:UTERUS:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral uterus and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr uterus joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr utrs jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral uterus and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr uterus joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr utrs jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:UTERUS:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9286-5897) mr joint both uterus both wo iv (9286-5897)
RPID4872 Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:VOCALCORD:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vocal cord and joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr vocal cord joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr vocal cord jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral vocal cord and joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr vocal cord joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr vocal cord jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:VOCALCORD:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3308-0137) mr joint both vocalcord both wo+w iv (3308-0137)
RPID4873 Anatomy:JOINT:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4738-8037) mr joint left wo iv (4738-8037)
RPID4874 Anatomy:JOINT:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2330-6326) mr joint right wo iv (2330-6326)
RPID4875 Anatomy:JOINT:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral and joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1094-5264) mr joint both wo iv (1094-5264)
RPID4876 Anatomy:JOINT:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral and joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral and joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4615-4359) mr joint both wo+w iv (4615-4359)
RPID4877 IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6947-6189)
IVContrast:WO Modality:MR left
IVContrast:WO Modality:MR lt
mr wo iv (6947-6189)
RPID4878 IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6947-6189)
IVContrast:WO Modality:MR right
IVContrast:WO Modality:MR rt
mr wo iv (6947-6189)
RPID4879 IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6998-5700)
IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6947-6189)
mr both wo iv (6998-5700)
mr wo iv (6947-6189)
RPID488 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr cervical spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr cervical spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4586-4651) mr cspine w iv (4586-4651)
RPID4880 IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4539-8523)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8477-4032)
mr both wo+w iv (4539-8523)
mr wo+w iv (8477-4032)
RPID4881 Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4930-0821) mr pelvis wo iv (4930-0821)
RPID4882 IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6947-6189) mr wo iv (6947-6189)
RPID4883 Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8129-5172) mr lower extremity both wo iv (8129-5172)
RPID4884 Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5586-1244) mr lower extremity left wo iv (5586-1244)
RPID4885 Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7084-1042) mr lower extremity right wo iv (7084-1042)
RPID489 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr chest wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4810-9494) mr chest wo iv (4810-9494)
RPID49 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing without independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d image wo wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d imaging processing without independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing without independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct 3d image wo wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct 3d imaging processing without independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Workstation:Independent:WO (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing without independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d image wo wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing without independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing without independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d image wo wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing without independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Workstation:Independent:WO (5391-6148)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Workstation:Independent:WO (3384-1886)
Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing (5753-7994)
ct 3d postprocessing wo independent workstation (5391-6148)
ct 3d wo independent workstation (3384-1886)
ct postprocessing (5753-7994)
RPID490 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr chest w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4523-0282) mr chest wo+w iv (4523-0282)
RPID491 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr chest w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3231-2746) mr chest w iv (3231-2746)
RPID4917 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (5798-9430) ct abdomen w iv 2 or more phases (5798-9430)
RPID4918 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase additional body region procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis multiph add bod reg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase additional body region with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase additional body region procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph add bod reg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase additional body region with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase additional body region procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph add bod reg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase additional body region with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (8148-8261) ct abdomen pelvis additional w iv 2 or more phases (8148-8261)
RPID4919 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase additional body region procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of endoleak (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis multiph add bod reg aorta endlk wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase additional body region aorta endoleak without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Endoleak (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase additional body region procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of endoleak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph add bod reg aorta endlk wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase additional body region aorta endoleak without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase additional body region procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of endoleak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph add bod reg aorta endlk wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase additional body region aorta endoleak without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Endoleak (9901-5654) ct abdomen aorta pelvis additional wo+w iv 2 or more phases endoleak (9901-5654)
RPID492 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr finger wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue fngr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity finger without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr finger wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr finger wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr finger wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7915-7012)
Anatomy:FINGER IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1668-1102)
mr finger upper extremity wo iv (7915-7012)
mr finger wo iv (1668-1102)
RPID4920 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph liver hmngma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase liver hemangioma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver hmngma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver hemangioma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph liver hmngma w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase liver hemangioma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore Reason:Hemangioma (5768-8921) ct abdomen liver w iv 2 or more phases hemangioma (5768-8921)
RPID4921 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the aorta and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd le angio add bod reg aorta fem arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography additional body region aorta femoral arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the aorta and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd le angio add bod reg aorta fem arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography additional body region aorta femoral arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the aorta and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd le angio add bod reg aorta fem arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen lower extremity angiography additional body region aorta femoral arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2617-0809)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9501-8746)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8180-5712)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3380-0519)
ct abdomen abdominal aorta femoral artery lower extremity arteriography additional w iv (2617-0809)
ct abdomen aorta femoral artery lower extremity angiography additional w iv (9501-8746)
ct abdomen aorta femoral artery lower extremity arteriography additional w iv (8180-5712)
ct abdomen lower aorta extremity femoral artery arteriography additional w iv (3380-0519)
RPID4922 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the carotid arteries and aorta in the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography additional body region carotid arteries aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd pelvis angio add bod reg car art aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the carotid arteries and aorta in the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography additional body region carotid arteries aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis angio add bod reg car art aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the carotid arteries and aorta in the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis angiography additional body region carotid arteries aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis angio add bod reg car art aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4836-8190)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7993-6186)
ct abdomen aorta carotid artery chest neck pelvis angiography additional w iv (4836-8190)
ct abdomen aorta carotid artery chest neck pelvis arteriography additional w iv (7993-6186)
RPID4923 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ext bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct extremity biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ext bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct extremity biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ext bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct extremity biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (9154-3169)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT ext
ct extremity biopsy (9154-3169)
RPID4924 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ext wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ext wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ext wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9258-4385)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ext
ct extremity wo iv (9258-4385)
RPID4925 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ext w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ext w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ext w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4711-9744)
IVContrast:W Modality:CT ext
ct extremity w iv (4711-9744)
RPID4926 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ext wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ext wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ext wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1739-6350)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ext
ct extremity wo+w iv (1739-6350)
RPID4927 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3850-6637) ct hip pelvis w iv (3850-6637)
RPID4928 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (9041-5818) ct abdomen kidney biopsy (9041-5818)
RPID4929 a computed tomography radiology orderable sinography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sinogprhy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sinography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ITractContrast:W Modality:CT Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable sinography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sinogprhy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sinography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable sinography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sinogprhy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sinography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ITractContrast:W Modality:CT Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (8447-5408)
Modality:CT sinogprhy
ct tract fistulaorsinus w itract (8447-5408)
RPID493 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr foot wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr foot wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr foot wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr foot wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3598-5677)
Anatomy:FOOT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7479-3002)
mr foot lower extremity wo iv (3598-5677)
mr foot wo iv (7479-3002)
RPID4930 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of post vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine post vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine pst vrtbrplsty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT Reason:Evaluation:Post:Vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of post vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine post vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine pst vrtbrplsty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of post vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine post vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine pst vrtbrplsty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:CT WithinTemporalAspect:AFTER (1287-0878)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT Reason:Evaluation:Post:Vertebroplasty (1536-4816)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:CT pst
ct spine evaluation post vertebroplasty (1536-4816)
ct spine vertebroplasty after (1287-0878)
RPID4931 a computed tomography radiology orderable workers compensation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct workers compensation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct wrk comp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:WorkersCompensation Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable workers compensation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct workers compensation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct wrk comp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable workers compensation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct workers compensation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct wrk comp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:WorkersCompensation Modality:CT (0692-2173)
Modality:CT comp wrk
ct workerscompensation (0692-2173)
RPID4932 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution lung parenchyma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res lung parench w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution lung parenchyma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res lung parench w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution lung parenchyma with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res lung parench w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (0221-1285) ct chest lung tissue parenchymal resolution high w iv (0221-1285)
RPID4933 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest sternoclavicular joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst sc jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest sternoclavicular joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst sc jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest sternoclavicular joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst sc jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6705-9042) ct chest sternoclavicular joint w iv (6705-9042)
RPID4934 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest sternum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst sternum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest sternum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst sternum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest sternum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst sternum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0475-2636) ct chest sternum w iv (0475-2636)
RPID4935 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis rectal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis rect con (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis rectal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT PRContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis rectal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis rect con (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis rectal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis rectal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis rect con (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis rectal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT PRContrast:W (1872-5843)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT con rect
ct abdomen pelvis w pr (1872-5843)
RPID4936 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis rectal contrast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis rect con w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis rectal contrast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT PRContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis rectal contrast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis rect con w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis rectal contrast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis rectal contrast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis rect con w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis rectal contrast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT PRContrast:W (3185-9159)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT PRContrast:W (1872-5843)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT con rect
ct abdomen pelvis w iv w pr (3185-9159)
ct abdomen pelvis w pr (1872-5843)
RPID4937 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine si jnts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine sacroiliac joints with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine si jnts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine sacroiliac joints with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacroiliac joints in the lumbosacral spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine si jnts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine sacroiliac joints with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1113-0005) ct lumbosacral junction sacroiliac joint w iv (1113-0005)
RPID4938 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the cervical spine and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine chst thor outl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine chest thoracic outlet without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the cervical spine and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine chst thor outl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine chest thoracic outlet without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the cervical spine and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine chst thor outl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine chest thoracic outlet without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:SUPERIORTHORACICAPERTURE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8692-1154)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2128-6206)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT outl thor
ct chest cspine superior thoracic aperture wo iv (8692-1154)
ct chest cspine thoracic outlet wo iv (2128-6206)
RPID4939 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the cervical spine and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine chst thor outl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine chest thoracic outlet with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the cervical spine and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine chst thor outl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine chest thoracic outlet with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the cervical spine and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine chst thor outl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine chest thoracic outlet with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:SUPERIORTHORACICAPERTURE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9652-2475)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0200-5671)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT outl thor
ct chest cspine superior thoracic aperture w iv (9652-2475)
ct chest cspine thoracic outlet w iv (0200-5671)
RPID494 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr hand wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr hand wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr hand wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr hand wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0237-6362)
Anatomy:HAND IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1055-0226)
mr hand upper extremity wo iv (0237-6362)
mr hand wo iv (1055-0226)
RPID4940 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2237-3801) ct lumbosacral junction pelvis w iv (2237-3801)
RPID4941 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2267-0278) ct abdomen aorta chest pelvis wo iv (2267-0278)
RPID4942 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity and upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ue arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity upper extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity and upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ue arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity and upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ue arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (5307-0319) ct extremity joint arthrography w iarticular (5307-0319)
RPID4943 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Sites:2OrMore (4238-7602) ct head wo iv 2 or more sites (4238-7602)
RPID4944 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multiple areas same body region with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multiple areas same body region with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multiple areas same body region with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT Sites:2OrMore (9533-3345) ct head w iv 2 or more sites (9533-3345)
RPID4945 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head multiple areas same body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head multiple areas same body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiple areas same body region imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head mltpl area sm bdy reg wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head multiple areas same body region without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Sites:2OrMore (1207-6771) ct head wo+w iv 2 or more sites (1207-6771)
RPID4946 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (4633-8591)
Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (5512-4600)
ct circle of willis head 3d angiography w iv 2 or more sites (5512-4600)
ct circle of willis head 3d postprocessing angiography w iv 2 or more sites (4633-8591)
RPID4947 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (5118-4864)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (4872-1744)
ct abdomen 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (5118-4864)
ct abdomen 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (4872-1744)
RPID4948 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (3059-9104)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (2819-4358)
ct chest 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (3059-9104)
ct chest 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (2819-4358)
RPID4949 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the sternum in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing sternum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image sternum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the sternum in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing sternum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image sternum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the sternum in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing sternum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image sternum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (7444-2964)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (5942-5376)
ct chest sternum 3d postprocessing w iv (5942-5376)
ct chest sternum 3d w iv (7444-2964)
RPID495 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3434-3430) mr lower extremity w iv (3434-3430)
RPID4950 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image ac joint wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing acromioclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image ac joint wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing acromioclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image ac joint wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing acromioclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (0465-4154)
Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (9780-9707)
ct acromioclavicular joint upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv (9780-9707)
ct acromioclavicular joint upper extremity 3d wo iv (0465-4154)
RPID4951 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (0485-3158)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (5486-3709)
ct elbow upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (0485-3158)
ct elbow upper extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (5486-3709)
RPID4952 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (2345-5656)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (3280-4932)
ct elbow upper extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (2345-5656)
ct elbow upper extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (3280-4932)
RPID4953 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (5335-7482)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (0827-2562)
ct upper extremity wrist 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (5335-7482)
ct upper extremity wrist 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (0827-2562)
RPID4954 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (9185-2239)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (4492-2092)
ct upper extremity wrist 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (9185-2239)
ct upper extremity wrist 3d w iv 2 or more sites (4492-2092)
RPID4955 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (1179-4447)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (2446-6672)
ct humerus upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (1179-4447)
ct humerus upper extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (2446-6672)
RPID4956 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (2094-1435)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (8934-5966)
ct humerus upper extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (2094-1435)
ct humerus upper extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (8934-5966)
RPID4957 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image forearm wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing forearm without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (0172-8181)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (9535-2647)
ct forearm upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (9535-2647)
ct forearm upper extremity 3d wo+w iv (0172-8181)
RPID4958 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (7833-7122)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (9470-0975)
ct forearm upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (7833-7122)
ct forearm upper extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (9470-0975)
RPID4959 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (4307-8791)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (8554-9088)
ct forearm upper extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (4307-8791)
ct forearm upper extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (8554-9088)
RPID496 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1665-2072) mr lower extremity wo iv (1665-2072)
RPID4960 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (1185-2027)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (4365-5224)
ct hand upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (1185-2027)
ct hand upper extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (4365-5224)
RPID4961 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (9017-3321)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (2159-1776)
ct hand upper extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (9017-3321)
ct hand upper extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (2159-1776)
RPID4962 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d image sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d imaging processing sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d image sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d image sacr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing sacrum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (9871-8046)
Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (7037-9426)
ct sacrum 3d postprocessing w iv (7037-9426)
ct sacrum 3d w iv (9871-8046)
RPID4963 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine 3d image vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine 3d imaging processing vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d image vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d imaging processing vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d image vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d imaging processing vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (8948-1600)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (1579-9943)
ct spine 3d postprocessing vertebroplasty wo iv (1579-9943)
ct spine 3d vertebroplasty wo iv (8948-1600)
RPID4964 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine 3d image multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d image multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d image multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (9882-5215)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (1000-5334)
ct spine 3d postprocessing wo iv spinal 2 or more levels (1000-5334)
ct spine 3d wo iv spinal 2 or more levels (9882-5215)
RPID4965 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine 3d image multi spin lev w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d image multi spin lev w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d image multi spin lev w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine 3d imaging processing multiple spinal levels with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (1011-8719)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (9677-3953)
ct spine 3d postprocessing w iv spinal 2 or more levels (9677-3953)
ct spine 3d w iv spinal 2 or more levels (1011-8719)
RPID4966 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (2252-0099)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (6985-5209)
ct hip lower extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (2252-0099)
ct hip lower extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (6985-5209)
RPID4967 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (9785-4100)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (7032-7824)
ct hip lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (9785-4100)
ct hip lower extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (7032-7824)
RPID4968 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3443-6589)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (7698-8864)
ct hip lower extremity 3d postprocessing w iv (7698-8864)
ct hip lower extremity 3d w iv (3443-6589)
RPID4969 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (2253-4355)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0989-2817)
ct hip lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (0989-2817)
ct hip lower extremity 3d wo+w iv (2253-4355)
RPID497 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (7457-3872)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (7018-4403)
mr lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (7457-3872)
mr lower extremity joint arthrography w iarticular (7018-4403)
RPID4970 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (1287-0205)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (9932-4022)
ct knee lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (1287-0205)
ct knee lower extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (9932-4022)
RPID4971 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (6872-5450)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (1417-2200)
ct knee lower extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (6872-5450)
ct knee lower extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (1417-2200)
RPID4972 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (6612-6991)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (6241-4511)
ct ankle lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (6612-6991)
ct ankle lower extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (6241-4511)
RPID4973 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (7144-3544)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (5162-4891)
ct ankle lower extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (7144-3544)
ct ankle lower extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (5162-4891)
RPID4974 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3119-5764)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (4561-6723)
ct lower extremity thigh 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (4561-6723)
ct lower extremity thigh 3d wo+w iv (3119-5764)
RPID4975 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (5100-2236)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (2506-9497)
ct lower extremity thigh 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (5100-2236)
ct lower extremity thigh 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (2506-9497)
RPID4976 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg thigh w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region thigh with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg thigh w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region thigh with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg thigh w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region thigh with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (6518-3743)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (3391-3097)
ct lower extremity thigh 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (6518-3743)
ct lower extremity thigh 3d w iv 2 or more sites (3391-3097)
RPID4977 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (8248-3460)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (9229-6313)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing wo iv (9229-6313)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d wo iv (8248-3460)
RPID4978 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (6157-1432)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (8852-6750)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (8852-6750)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d wo+w iv (6157-1432)
RPID4979 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (6973-9778)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (7619-5206)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing w iv (7619-5206)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d w iv (6973-9778)
RPID498 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity joint w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity joint w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6831-5186) mr lower extremity joint wo+w iv (6831-5186)
RPID4980 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg tibia fibula wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region tibia fibula without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (7931-4336)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (8527-2333)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (7931-4336)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (8527-2333)
RPID4981 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg tibia fibula w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region tibia fibula with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (2505-6152)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (3804-4381)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (2505-6152)
ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d w iv 2 or more sites (3804-4381)
RPID4982 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg foot wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region foot without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (3719-1888)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (5062-3406)
ct foot lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (3719-1888)
ct foot lower extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (5062-3406)
RPID4983 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le 3d image mltpl area sm bdy reg foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Sites:2OrMore (5418-7876)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Sites:2OrMore (7776-8859)
ct foot lower extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (5418-7876)
ct foot lower extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (7776-8859)
RPID4984 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (4372-2570) ct abdomen drainage (4372-2570)
RPID4985 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (6242-0370)
Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT rad
ct ablate rf (6242-0370)
RPID4986 a computed tomography radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct fistogrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct fistulography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ITractContrast:W Modality:CT Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct fistogrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct fistulography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct fistogrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct fistulography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ITractContrast:W Modality:CT Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (8447-5408) ct tract fistulaorsinus w itract (8447-5408)
RPID4987 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio 3d image car art circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography 3d imaging processing carotid arteries circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio 3d image car art circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography 3d imaging processing carotid arteries circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio 3d image car art circ willis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography 3d imaging processing carotid arteries circle of willis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (0783-5733)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (9484-0797)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (6297-7192)
ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d arteriography w iv (9484-0797)
ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (0783-5733)
ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d postprocessing arteriography w iv (6297-7192)
RPID4988 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and perfusion and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angio perfus 3d image car art circ willis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck angiography perfusion 3d imaging processing carotid arteries circle of willis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and perfusion and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio perfus 3d image car art circ willis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography perfusion 3d imaging processing carotid arteries circle of willis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and perfusion and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angio perfus 3d image car art circ willis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck angiography perfusion 3d imaging processing carotid arteries circle of willis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:PostProcessing (6807-5144)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Perfusion (6899-5237)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:PostProcessing (8899-6851)
ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d perfusion arteriography wo+w iv (6899-5237)
ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d perfusion postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (6807-5144)
ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d perfusion postprocessing arteriography wo+w iv (8899-6851)
RPID4989 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT Object:Specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT Object:Specimen (8933-8380) ct specimen (8933-8380)
RPID499 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity joint wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity joint wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9776-0394) mr lower extremity joint wo iv (9776-0394)
RPID4990 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3621-4713) mr head wo+w iv (3621-4713)
RPID4991 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Research IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head research without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head research wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Research IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7660-4928) mr head research wo+w iv (7660-4928)
RPID4994 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4309-8002)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0756-7109)
mr joint both shoulder both upper extremity both wo iv (4309-8002)
mr shoulder both upper extremity both wo iv (0756-7109)
RPID4995 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9160-6460)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9006-7395)
mr joint both shoulder both upper extremity both wo+w iv (9160-6460)
mr shoulder both upper extremity both wo+w iv (9006-7395)
RPID4996 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8554-0070)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8904-2183)
mr elbow both upper extremity both wo iv (8554-0070)
mr elbow both upper extremity joint both wo iv (8904-2183)
RPID4997 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral elbow and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7846-7540)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9240-0311)
mr elbow both upper extremity both wo+w iv (7846-7540)
mr elbow both upper extremity joint both wo+w iv (9240-0311)
RPID4998 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist and joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2791-5565)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3036-5709)
mr upper extremity both wrist both wo iv (2791-5565)
mr upper extremity joint both wrist both wo iv (3036-5709)
RPID4999 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral wrist and joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8567-5990)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both Anatomy:WRIST:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3223-4087)
mr upper extremity both wrist both wo+w iv (8567-5990)
mr upper extremity joint both wrist both wo+w iv (3223-4087)
RPID5 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9253-6644) ct abdomen w iv (9253-6644)
RPID50 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d image w wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct 3d imaging processing with independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct 3d image w wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct 3d imaging processing with independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct post processing independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Workstation:Independent:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct post processing independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d image w wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct 3d imaging processing with independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct post processing independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Workstation:Independent:W (4022-8977)
Modality:CT ModalityType:3D Workstation:Independent:W (0251-8909)
Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing Workstation:Independent:W (1223-0643)
ct 3d postprocessing w independent workstation (4022-8977)
ct 3d w independent workstation (0251-8909)
ct postprocessing w independent workstation (1223-0643)
RPID500 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0856-4713) mr lspine wo+w iv (0856-4713)
RPID5002 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable multiple spinal levels imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable multiple spinal levels imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable multiple spinal levels imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine multi spin lev wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine multiple spinal levels without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:MR (1119-7112) mr spine wo iv spinal 2 or more levels (1119-7112)
RPID5003 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:JOINT:Left Anatomy:PELVIS:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:JOINT:Left Anatomy:PELVIS:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5102-6684)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:PELVIS:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0998-0956)
mr hip left joint left pelvis left wo iv (5102-6684)
mr hip left pelvis left wo iv (0998-0956)
RPID5004 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:JOINT:Right Anatomy:PELVIS:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:JOINT:Right Anatomy:PELVIS:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6298-2521)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:PELVIS:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0711-6661)
mr hip right joint right pelvis right wo iv (6298-2521)
mr hip right pelvis right wo iv (0711-6661)
RPID5005 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip and joint in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0054-6045)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5656-3738)
mr hip both joint both pelvis both wo iv (0054-6045)
mr hip both pelvis both wo iv (5656-3738)
RPID5006 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip and joint in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip and joint in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral hip and joint in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8710-2076)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9905-0661)
mr hip both joint both pelvis both wo+w iv (8710-2076)
mr hip both pelvis both wo+w iv (9905-0661)
RPID5007 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Left Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Left Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1616-5633)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4500-3690)
mr joint left knee left lower extremity left wo iv (1616-5633)
mr knee left lower extremity left wo iv (4500-3690)
RPID5008 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Right Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Right Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4749-9129)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5118-0618)
mr joint right knee right lower extremity right wo iv (4749-9129)
mr knee right lower extremity right wo iv (5118-0618)
RPID5009 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4231-6865)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6311-9091)
mr joint both knee both lower extremity both wo iv (4231-6865)
mr knee both lower extremity both wo iv (6311-9091)
RPID501 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lumbar spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3909-1367) mr lspine w iv (3909-1367)
RPID5010 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee and joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee and joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral knee and joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Both Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8976-7056)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7058-9245)
mr joint both knee both lower extremity both wo+w iv (8976-7056)
mr knee both lower extremity both wo+w iv (7058-9245)
RPID5011 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle jt lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle joint left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7050-0208)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6011-2239)
mr ankle left lower extremity joint left wo iv (6011-2239)
mr ankle left lower extremity left wo iv (7050-0208)
RPID5012 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle jt rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle joint right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5612-1160)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1091-3907)
mr ankle right lower extremity joint right wo iv (1091-3907)
mr ankle right lower extremity right wo iv (5612-1160)
RPID5013 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle and joint in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle jt bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle joint bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3788-1352)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6643-9830)
mr ankle both lower extremity both wo iv (3788-1352)
mr ankle both lower extremity joint both wo iv (6643-9830)
RPID5014 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle and joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle and joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle and joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle jt bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle joint bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0764-7393)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7989-2214)
mr ankle both lower extremity both wo+w iv (0764-7393)
mr ankle both lower extremity joint both wo+w iv (7989-2214)
RPID5019 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9297-0835) mr abdomen pelvis attempted w iv (9297-0835)
RPID502 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest mediastinum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst mediast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest mediastinum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst mediast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr mediastinum wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr mediastinum wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest mediastinum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst mediast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr mediastinum wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest mediastinum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst mediast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr mediastinum wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2274-5770)
Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9511-1227)
mr chest mediastinum wo iv (2274-5770)
mr mediastinum wo iv (9511-1227)
RPID5020 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7841-0148) mr attempted w iv (7841-0148)
RPID5021 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1190-4513) mr chest attempted w iv (1190-4513)
RPID5022 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue le attempted img procd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue le attempted img procd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue le attempted img procd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8860-8084) mr lower extremity both upper extremity both attempted w iv (8860-8084)
RPID5023 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue le attempted img procd lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue le attempted img procd lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue le attempted img procd lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0693-2339) mr lower extremity left upper extremity left attempted w iv (0693-2339)
RPID5024 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue le attempted img procd rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue le attempted img procd rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue le attempted img procd rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity lower extremity attempted imaging procedure right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4590-3685) mr lower extremity right upper extremity right attempted w iv (4590-3685)
RPID5025 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0975-3645) mr head attempted w iv (0975-3645)
RPID5026 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9334-6838) mr neck attempted w iv (9334-6838)
RPID5027 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5827-0529) mr spine attempted w iv (5827-0529)
RPID5028 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue ltd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity limited bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue ltd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity limited bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue ltd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity limited bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5861-4696) mr upper extremity both limited w iv (5861-4696)
RPID5029 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ltd lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity limited left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ltd lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity limited left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ltd lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity limited left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7540-4203) mr lower extremity left limited w iv (7540-4203)
RPID503 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest mediastinum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst mediast wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest mediastinum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst mediast wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr mediastinum w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr mediastinum w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest mediastinum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst mediast wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr mediastinum w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest mediastinum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst mediast wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr mediastinum w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8214-8167)
Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3679-8037)
mr chest mediastinum wo+w iv (8214-8167)
mr mediastinum wo+w iv (3679-8037)
RPID5030 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ltd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity limited bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ltd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity limited bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ltd bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity limited bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4456-9464) mr lower extremity both limited w iv (4456-9464)
RPID5031 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7545-5694) mr spine limited w iv (7545-5694)
RPID504 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3482-9506) mr neck w iv (3482-9506)
RPID505 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr orbits w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr orbits w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr orbits w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head orbits w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head orbits with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr orbits w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5556-9869)
Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7970-7646)
mr head orbit w iv (5556-9869)
mr orbit w iv (7970-7646)
RPID506 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr face w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6107-3538) mr face w iv (6107-3538)
RPID507 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr neck wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4911-4239) mr neck wo iv (4911-4239)
RPID508 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr orbits wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr orbits wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr orbits wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head orbits without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head orbits wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr orbits wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4393-9469)
Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1575-6171)
mr head orbit wo iv (4393-9469)
mr orbit wo iv (1575-6171)
RPID5081 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm hepatobiliary (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm hepatobiliary (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm hepatobiliary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm hepatobiliary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM (3823-3491)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM (5473-5608)
nm abdomen gallbladder (3823-3491)
nm bileduct gallbladder liver (5473-5608)
RPID5082 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd lrg intest gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen large intestine gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LARGEINTESTINE Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd lrg intest gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen large intestine gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd lrg intest gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen large intestine gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LARGEINTESTINE Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (9127-3415)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM bleed gastrointestinal intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM blood gastrointestinal intestine large
nm abdomen large intestine bleeding gastrointestinal (9127-3415)
RPID5083 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone whole body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Modality:NM (8095-5543)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM (8923-8705)
nm body bone whole (8095-5543)
nm body whole bone iv (8923-8705)
RPID5084 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Modality:NM (6987-2481)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM (6051-3800)
nm abdomen bone chest extremity head pelvis limited (6987-2481)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis limited bone iv (6051-3800)
RPID5085 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (9037-8365) nm abdomen bone marrow chest extremity pelvis (9037-8365)
RPID5086 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz bone cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization bone malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz bone cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization bone malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz bone cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization bone malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (7633-1948)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (9270-5329)
nm body bone whole localize cancer (7633-1948)
nm body whole localize bone iv cancer (9270-5329)
RPID5087 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:NM (1119-1338)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM (4353-5050)
nm bone (1119-1338)
nm bone iv (4353-5050)
RPID5088 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (8632-9491)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM (9958-7382)
nm abdomen bone chest extremity head pelvis (8632-9491)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis bone iv (9958-7382)
RPID5089 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (1924-7403)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (5102-2407)
nm abdomen bone chest extremity head pelvis spect (1924-7403)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect bone iv (5102-2407)
RPID509 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr face wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4795-2119) mr face wo iv (4795-2119)
RPID5090 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (6451-1896) nm brain head perfusion (6451-1896)
RPID5091 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brain spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brn spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (8649-8984) nm brain head spect (8649-8984)
RPID5092 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM (6663-6334) nm brain head (6663-6334)
RPID5093 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest blood pool imaging heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst bld pl img heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (2915-4268) nm chest heart bloodpool (2915-4268)
RPID5094 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest first pass heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst frst pss heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (1716-2118) nm chest heart firstpass (1716-2118)
RPID5095 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart infarction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart infarction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart infarction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart infarction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Infarct (5182-2166)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM infrct
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM infarction
nm chest heart infarct (5182-2166)
RPID5096 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (8965-3305) nm chest heart perfusion (8965-3305)
RPID5097 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pyrophosphate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pyrophosphate Modality:NM (0359-7018)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM pyrophosphate
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM pyrphspt
nm chest heart tc99m pyrophosphate iv (0359-7018)
RPID5098 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head spine cisterngrphy brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head spine cisternography brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head spine cisterngrphy brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head spine cisternography brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head spine cisterngrphy brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head spine cisternography brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (7702-3098) nm brain cistern head spine cisternography cerebral (7702-3098)
RPID5099 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain cerebrospinal fluid leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain cerebrospinal fluid leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain cerebrospinal fluid leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain cerebrospinal fluid leak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (0462-8416)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM Reason:Leak:Detection,Localization Substance:CSF (4638-6079)
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:NM cerebrospinal fluid leak
nm head paranasal sinus spine csfleak detection,localization (0462-8416)
nm head paranasal sinus spine leak detection,localization csf (4638-6079)
RPID51 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct thoracic spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5079-1936) ct tspine wo iv (5079-1936)
RPID510 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr neck w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9827-8875) mr neck wo+w iv (9827-8875)
RPID5100 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head abd shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head abdomen shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head abd shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head abdomen shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head abd shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head abdomen shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection (7688-3073)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Localize Modality:NM shunt
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM detect shnt
nm abdomen head shunt detection (7688-3073)
RPID5101 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney drtc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:Diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney drtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney drtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:Diuretic (2011-8961)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:diuretic (1285-7341)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM drtc
nm abdomen kidney diuretic (1285-7341)
nm abdomen kidney diuretic (2011-8961)
RPID5102 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (1492-8697) nm abdomen chest head pelvis localize ga67 iv (1492-8697)
RPID5103 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (8070-9902) nm body whole localize ga67 iv (8070-9902)
RPID5104 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization spect gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz spect gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization spect gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz spect gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization spect gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz spect gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (3195-8940) nm abdomen chest head pelvis spect localize ga67 iv (3195-8940)
RPID5105 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and liquid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd lqd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liquid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Liquid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and liquid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd lqd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liquid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and liquid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd lqd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liquid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Liquid (8067-6815)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM liquid
nm abdomen stomach liquid po (8067-6815)
RPID5106 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and solid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd sld stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen solid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Solid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and solid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd sld stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen solid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and solid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd sld stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen solid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Solid (2782-4161)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM solid
nm abdomen stomach solid po (2782-4161)
RPID5107 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM (1934-5739) nm abdomen stomach (1934-5739)
RPID5108 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst esoph gstroesph rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst esoph gstroesph rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph gstroesph rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph gstroesph rflx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (1344-2042)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (7685-4604)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (6916-0604)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal gastroesopageal
nm chest esophagus reflux gastroesophageal (7685-4604)
nm chest esophagus stomach reflux gastroesophageal (1344-2042)
nm esophagus stomach reflux gastroesophageal (6916-0604)
RPID5109 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and stress imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest stress heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst stress heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and stress imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest stress heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst stress heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and stress imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest stress heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst stress heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ModalityType:Stress (3894-7177) nm chest heart gated stress (3894-7177)
RPID511 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head orbits without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head orbits wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head orbits without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head orbits wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr orbits w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr orbits w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head orbits without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head orbits wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr orbits w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head orbits without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head orbits wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr orbits w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4298-2119)
Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9221-7988)
mr head orbit wo+w iv (4298-2119)
mr orbit wo+w iv (9221-7988)
RPID5110 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gi tract gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd gi tract gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm gastrointestinal bleeding (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm gastrointestinal bleeding (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm gastrointestinal bleeding (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm gastrointestinal bleeding (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (1261-5516)
Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (1499-4057)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM bleed gastrointestinal
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM blood gastrointestinal
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract bleeding gastrointestinal (1261-5516)
nm bleeding gastrointestinal (1499-4057)
RPID5111 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gi tract gi bld tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract gi bld tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract gi bld tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (4349-5605)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM bleed gastrointestinal
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM blood gastrointestinal
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract tc99m rbc iv bleeding gastrointestinal (4349-5605)
RPID5112 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver hmngma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM Reason:Hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver hmngma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver hmngma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM Reason:Hemangioma (4376-7300) nm abdomen liver hemangioma (4376-7300)
RPID5113 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen cholecystokinin (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gallbladder cck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gallbladder cholecystokinin (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM Stimulation:Cholecystokinin (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen cholecystokinin (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder cck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder cholecystokinin (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen cholecystokinin (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder cck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder cholecystokinin (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM Stimulation:Cholecystokinin (5929-7564) nm abdomen gallbladder cholecystokinin (5929-7564)
RPID5114 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm i131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (0345-2217)
IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (8982-9078)
nm i131 iv (0345-2217)
nm i131 ix (8982-9078)
RPID5115 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM (0513-0532)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM (2162-3709)
nm abdomen chest head pelvis localize in111 pentetreotide iv (0513-0532)
nm abdomen chest head pelvis localize indium111 pentetreotide iv (2162-3709)
RPID5116 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111ortc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (1100-2356)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (2692-6859)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection inwbc
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize in111ortc99m wbc iv infection (1100-2356)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize indium111 wbc iv infection (2692-6859)
RPID5117 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM (9483-0559)
Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM (6643-6856)
nm abdomen liver spleen (9483-0559)
nm liver spleen (6643-6856)
RPID5118 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver spleen spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver spleen spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (5743-0317) nm abdomen liver spleen spect (5743-0317)
RPID5119 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver hmngma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver hmngma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver hmngma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Hemangioma (0217-8085) nm abdomen liver tc99m rbc iv hemangioma (0217-8085)
RPID512 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr face wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr face wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr face w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5871-5814) mr face wo+w iv (5871-5814)
RPID5120 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm liver spleen with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm liver spleen with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm liver spleen with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm liver spleen with flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (7632-7358)
Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (6023-1962)
nm abdomen liver spleen flow blood (7632-7358)
nm liver spleen flow (6023-1962)
RPID5121 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest perfusion volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst perfus vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lung perfusion with quantification (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Measurement:Volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm lung perfusion with quantification (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lung perfusion with quantification (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lung perfusion with quantification (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Measurement:Volume (0702-5237)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion quant vol
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion quantification volume
Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion quantification
nm chest lung perfusion measurement volume (0702-5237)
RPID5122 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest ventilation perfusion lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst vent perfus lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest ventilation perfusion lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst vent perfus lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lung ventilation perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm lung ventilation perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation perfusion lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst vent perfus lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lung ventilation perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation perfusion lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst vent perfus lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lung ventilation perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation (6345-5782)
Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation (9152-0881)
nm chest lung perfusion ventilation (6345-5782)
nm lung perfusion ventilation (9152-0881)
RPID5123 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guidance sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guide snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guidance sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guide snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm guidance sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm guide snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (5117-6433)
Guidance Modality:NM Object:LymphNode snt
nm lymphnode sentinel guidance (5117-6433)
RPID5124 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM (9299-0333)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Modality:NM (8114-0353)
nm abdomen colon duodenum esophagus rectum small intestine stomach (9299-0333)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract (8114-0353)
RPID5125 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM (3649-1076) nm chest heart (3649-1076)
RPID5126 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest stress heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst stress heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest stress heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst stress heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest stress heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst stress heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Stress (3566-6885) nm chest heart stress (3566-6885)
RPID5127 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy cancer in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (6004-5547)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (8428-2759)
nm body whole in111 pentetreotide iv cancer (6004-5547)
nm body whole indium111 pentetreotide iv cancer (8428-2759)
RPID5128 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (3191-9442)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (2931-7540)
nm body whole localize in111 pentetreotide iv cancer (3191-9442)
nm body whole localize indium111 pentetreotide iv cancer (2931-7540)
RPID5129 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm parathyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm parathyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm parathyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm parathyroid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM (7569-8391)
Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM (8356-2999)
nm neck parathyroid (7569-8391)
nm parathyroid (8356-2999)
RPID513 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ankle wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr ankle wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ankle wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ankle wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6842-3998)
Anatomy:ANKLE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9484-9380)
mr ankle lower extremity wo iv (6842-3998)
mr ankle wo iv (9484-9380)
RPID5130 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (6145-0571) nm body whole localize (6145-0571)
RPID5131 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen glucoheptonate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney glchptnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney glucoheptonate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:glucoheptonate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen glucoheptonate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney glchptnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney glucoheptonate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen glucoheptonate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney glchptnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney glucoheptonate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:glucoheptonate Modality:NM (8513-8119)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM glchptnt
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM glucoheptonate
nm abdomen kidney tc99m glucoheptonate iv (8513-8119)
RPID5132 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dmsa Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dmsa Modality:NM (1745-0719) nm abdomen kidney tc99m dmsa iv (1745-0719)
RPID5133 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM (8314-5268) nm abdomen kidney (8314-5268)
RPID5134 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mag3 Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mag3 Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (7565-4667)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood mag3
nm abdomen kidney flow tc99m mag3 iv blood (7565-4667)
RPID5135 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (0764-9698)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (5629-8047)
nm abdomen kidney spect (0764-9698)
nm kidney spect (5629-8047)
RPID5136 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:ACEInhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:ACEInhibitor (1025-5310) nm abdomen kidney aceinhibitor (1025-5310)
RPID5137 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mag3 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mag3 Modality:NM (0845-6358)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM mag3
nm abdomen kidney tc99m mag3 iv (0845-6358)
RPID5138 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM (4498-7873)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM dtpa
nm abdomen kidney tc99m dtpa iv (4498-7873)
RPID5139 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:NM (9948-4608)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:NM (5022-4301)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM saliv
nm head salivary gland (9948-4608)
nm salivary gland (5022-4301)
RPID514 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ankle w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le ankle wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity ankle without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr ankle w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ankle w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ankle w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0139-1576)
Anatomy:ANKLE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2286-2740)
mr ankle lower extremity wo+w iv (0139-1576)
mr ankle wo+w iv (2286-2740)
RPID5140 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ModalityType:SPECT Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ModalityType:SPECT Substance:Blood (7565-6150) nm abdomen liver flow spect blood (7565-6150)
RPID5141 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (8538-5867) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize tc99m wbc iv infection (8538-5867)
RPID5142 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis testicles (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM (7776-9171) nm pelvis testes (7776-9171)
RPID5143 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm testicle with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm testicle with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm testicle with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm testicle with flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (4930-7852)
Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (2177-1225)
nm pelvis testes flow blood (4930-7852)
nm testes flow (2177-1225)
RPID5144 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion rest heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rest heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (8260-9735)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (7121-6068)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest thllm
nm chest heart perfusion rest ti201 ix (7121-6068)
nm chest heart perfusion rest tl201 iv (8260-9735)
RPID5145 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (4048-4588)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (5040-6496)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion thllm
nm chest heart perfusion ti201 ix (5040-6496)
nm chest heart perfusion tl201 iv (4048-4588)
RPID5146 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and single determination imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Phases:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and single determination imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and single determination imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Phases:1 (0261-1711) nm neck thyroid 1 phases (0261-1711)
RPID5147 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and multiple determination imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and multiple determination imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and multiple determination imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Phases:2OrMore (9861-1632) nm neck thyroid 2 or more phases (9861-1632)
RPID5148 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck and chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck chest thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck chst thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck and chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck chest thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck chst thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck and chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck chest thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck chst thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM (4964-4726) nm chest neck thyroid (4964-4726)
RPID5149 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thy glnd tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (7719-2497)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM o4 tc
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM tco4
nm neck thyroid tc99m pertechnetate iv (7719-2497)
RPID515 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ankle w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr ankle w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ankle w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ankle w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7904-5375)
Anatomy:ANKLE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1128-6026)
mr ankle lower extremity w iv (7904-5375)
mr ankle w iv (1128-6026)
RPID5150 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (0883-7801)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IXRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (3600-6705)
nm neck thyroid i123 iv (0883-7801)
nm neck thyroid i123 ix (3600-6705)
RPID5151 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM (7881-4605) nm body whole (7881-4605)
RPID5152 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization wholebody sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz whbdy sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization wholebody sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz whbdy sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization wholebody sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz whbdy sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM (4261-5901) nm abdomen body chest extremity head pelvis whole localize tc99m mibi iv (4261-5901)
RPID5153 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest ventilation perfusion lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst vent perfus lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation perfusion lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst vent perfus lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation perfusion lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst vent perfus lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation (3861-0961)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation xenon
nm chest lung perfusion ventilation gaseous xe133 inhaled (3861-0961)
RPID5154 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Venography Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Venography Modality:NM (9370-9739) nm venography (9370-9739)
RPID5155 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm veno bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Venography Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm veno bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm veno bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:Both Angio:Venography Modality:NM (2803-4861)
Angio:Venography Modality:NM (9370-9739)
nm both venography (2803-4861)
nm venography (9370-9739)
RPID5156 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicourteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis abd cug bladder vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography bladder vesicourteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abd cug bladder vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography bladder vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abd cug bladder vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography bladder vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (0093-6044)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (9532-5173)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric cug
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography reflux vesicourteral
nm abdomen bladder pelvis cystography reflux vesicoureteric (9532-5173)
nm abdomen bladder pelvis ureter urethra cystography reflux vesicoureteric (0093-6044)
RPID5157 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (9115-3854) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize infection (9115-3854)
RPID5158 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infection (7516-5712) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize infection (7516-5712)
RPID5159 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm planar nuclear medicine imaging in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer plnr nm img in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm planar nuclear medicine imaging in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer plnr nm img in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm planar nuclear medicine imaging in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer plnr nm img in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR Reason:Cancer (9710-2699)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR Reason:Cancer (8525-3092)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis planar localize in111 pentetreotide iv cancer (9710-2699)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis planar localize indium111 pentetreotide iv cancer (8525-3092)
RPID516 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr elbow wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr elbow wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr elbow wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr elbow wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5087-3787)
Anatomy:ELBOW IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2234-5972)
mr elbow upper extremity wo iv (5087-3787)
mr elbow wo iv (2234-5972)
RPID5160 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (0240-7493)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (6905-2723)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize in111 pentetreotide iv cancer (0240-7493)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize indium111 pentetreotide iv cancer (6905-2723)
RPID5161 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brain pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brn petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (2420-3014) pt brain head hybridct (2420-3014)
RPID5162 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of breast cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh brst ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh breast cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of breast cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh brst ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh breast cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of breast cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh breast cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Breast (3504-2489)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BREAST Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ca
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer breast (3504-2489)
RPID5163 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of cervical cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh crvcl ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh cervical cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Cervical (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of cervical cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh crvcl ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh cervical cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of cervical cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh cervical cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Cervical (6441-1089)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ca crvcl
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer cervical (6441-1089)
RPID5164 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of colorectal cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh colrect ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh colorectal cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Colorectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of colorectal cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh colrect ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh colorectal cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of colorectal cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh colorectal cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Colorectal (1986-0848)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ca colrect
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer colorectal (1986-0848)
RPID5165 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of esophageal cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh esoph ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh esophageal cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Esophageal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of esophageal cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh esoph ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh esophageal cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of esophageal cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh esophageal cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Esophageal (8036-9630)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ca
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer esophageal (8036-9630)
RPID5166 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of head and neck cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh hd nck ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh head and neck cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:HeadAndNeck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of head and neck cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh hd nck ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh head and neck cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of head and neck cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh head and neck cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:HeadAndNeck (4445-0676)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ca
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer head and neck (4445-0676)
RPID5167 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of lung cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh lng ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh lung cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of lung cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh lng ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh lung cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of lung cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh lung cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Lung (2929-9402)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ca lng
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer lung (2929-9402)
RPID5168 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh lmphma petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh lymphoma pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh lmphma petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh lymphoma pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Lymphoma (7022-3487)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT lmphma
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer lymphoma (7022-3487)
RPID5169 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of melanoma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy mlnma petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody melanoma pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Melanoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of melanoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy mlnma petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody melanoma pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of melanoma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Melanoma (2846-9435)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT mlnma
pt body hybridct whole cancer melanoma (2846-9435)
RPID517 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr elbow w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue elbow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity elbow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr elbow w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr elbow w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr elbow w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5369-2697)
Anatomy:ELBOW IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5268-2050)
mr elbow upper extremity wo+w iv (5369-2697)
mr elbow wo+w iv (5268-2050)
RPID5170 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (2501-9043) pt chest heart hybridct (2501-9043)
RPID5171 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (7872-6195) pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh (7872-6195)
RPID5172 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of solitary pulmonary nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh sol pulm ndl petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh solitary pulmonary nodule pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:SolitaryPulmonaryNodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of solitary pulmonary nodule (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh sol pulm ndl petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh solitary pulmonary nodule pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of solitary pulmonary nodule (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh solitary pulmonary nodule pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:SolitaryPulmonaryNodule (9455-2268)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT needle pulm sol
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh solitary pulmonary nodule (9455-2268)
RPID5173 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of thyroid cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh thyrd ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh thyroid cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of thyroid cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh thyrd ca petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh thyroid cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of thyroid cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh thyroid cancer pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer:Thyroid (8386-4361)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ca thyrd
pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer thyroid (8386-4361)
RPID5174 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh cancer petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh malignant neoplasm pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh cancer petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh malignant neoplasm pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh malignant neoplasm pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer (1696-7636) pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh cancer (1696-7636)
RPID5175 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen sulfur colloid for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gi tract gi bld slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen sulfur colloid for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract gi bld slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen sulfur colloid for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract gi bld slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract gi bleed sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (2927-7318)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM bleed gastrointestinal
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM blood gastrointestinal
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract tc99m sulfurcolloid iv bleeding gastrointestinal (2927-7318)
RPID5176 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM Reason:BrainDeath (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM Reason:BrainDeath (0534-3044)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM brndth
nm brain head brain death (0534-3044)
RPID5177 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone marrow whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONEMARROW Coverage:Whole Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone marrow whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone marrow whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone marrow whole body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONEMARROW Coverage:Whole Modality:NM (4688-3773) nm body bone marrow whole (4688-3773)
RPID5178 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd localiz gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd localiz gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bowel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bowel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bowel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bowel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (5853-4039)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (0974-0385)
Anatomy:INTESTINE Modality:NM (5513-3129)
nm abdomen colon duodenum esophagus rectum small intestine stomach localize (5853-4039)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract localize (0974-0385)
nm intestine (5513-3129)
RPID5179 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus brn spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion brain spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (7191-2529)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (9744-8046)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT thllm
nm brain head perfusion spect ti201 ix (9744-8046)
nm brain head perfusion spect tl201 iv (7191-2529)
RPID518 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr elbow w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr elbow w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr elbow w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr elbow w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1266-1912)
Anatomy:ELBOW IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4697-9622)
mr elbow upper extremity w iv (1266-1912)
mr elbow w iv (4697-9622)
RPID5180 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus brn spect tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion brain spect tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn spect tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain spect tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn spect tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain spect tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (4480-6798)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT o4 tc
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT tco4
nm brain head perfusion spect tc99m pertechnetate iv (4480-6798)
RPID5181 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 tositumomab for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz lmphma i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization lymphoma i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer:Lymphoma TOSITUMOMAB (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 tositumomab for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz lmphma i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization lymphoma i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 tositumomab for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz lmphma i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization lymphoma i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer:Lymphoma TOSITUMOMAB (3436-6533)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer:Lymphoma tositumomab
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM lmphma tositumomab
nm body whole localize i131 iv cancer lymphoma tositumomab (3436-6533)
RPID5182 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head angio brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head angiography brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:NM Reason:BrainDeath (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head angio brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head angiography brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head angio brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head angiography brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:NM Reason:BrainDeath (1417-0494)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:NM brndth
nm brain head angiography brain death (1417-0494)
RPID5183 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated (6089-6582) nm chest heart gated (6089-6582)
RPID5184 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst heart shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection (2559-1550)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Guidance:Localize Modality:NM shunt
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM detect shnt
Anatomy:HEART Guidance:Localize Modality:NM shunt
nm chest heart shunt detection (2559-1550)
RPID5185 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head abd shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head abdomen shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Device:Shunt Modality:NM Reason:Patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head abd shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head abdomen shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head abd shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head abdomen shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Device:Shunt Modality:NM Reason:Patency (5381-4927)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM patency shunt
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ptncy shnt
nm abdomen head shunt patency (5381-4927)
RPID5186 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gallbladder obs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gallbladder obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM Reason:Obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder obs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder obs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM Reason:Obstruction (5370-0558) nm abdomen gallbladder obstruction (5370-0558)
RPID5187 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney obs drtc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:Diuretic Reason:Obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney obs drtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney obs drtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:Diuretic Reason:Obstruction (9448-9805)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:diuretic Reason:Obstruction (2574-4490)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM Reason:Obstruction drtc
nm abdomen kidney diuretic obstruction (2574-4490)
nm abdomen kidney diuretic obstruction (9448-9805)
RPID5188 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd pelvis kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen pelvis kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS:Transplant Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd pelvis kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen pelvis kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd pelvis kidney pst txp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen pelvis kidney post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS:Transplant Modality:NM (4231-1942)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (2153-0156)
nm abdomen kidney pelvis transplant (4231-1942)
nm abdomen kidney transplant pelvis (2153-0156)
RPID5189 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM (2603-7290)
Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM (2726-9731)
nm abdomen liver (2603-7290)
nm liver (2726-9731)
RPID519 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr hip wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr hip wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr hip wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr hip wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4147-9000)
Anatomy:HIP IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7629-0163)
mr hip lower extremity wo iv (4147-9000)
mr hip wo iv (7629-0163)
RPID5190 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz lmphma y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization lymphoma y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM Reason:Cancer:Lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz lmphma y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization lymphoma y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of lymphoma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz lmphma y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization lymphoma y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM Reason:Cancer:Lymphoma (0142-4630)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM lmphma
nm body whole localize y90 ibritumomabtiuxetan iv cancer lymphoma (0142-4630)
RPID5191 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bilateral sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guidance sentinel lymph node bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guide snt lym nd bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel:Both (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bilateral sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guidance sentinel lymph node bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guide snt lym nd bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bilateral sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm guidance sentinel lymph node bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm guide snt lym nd bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:Both Guidance Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (6797-8489)
Guidance Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel:Both (9033-8521)
Anatomy:Both Guidance Modality:NM Object:LymphNode snt
nm both lymphnode sentinel guidance (6797-8489)
nm lymphnode sentinel both guidance (9033-8521)
RPID5192 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver plnr nm img (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver plnr nm img (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver plnr nm img (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR (3865-4685) nm abdomen liver planar (3865-4685)
RPID5193 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Embolus (1896-3803) nm chest lung perfusion embolus (1896-3803)
RPID5194 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable inhalation procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest inhalation lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst inhalation lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable inhalation procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest inhalation lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst inhalation lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable inhalation procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest inhalation lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst inhalation lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation (7328-1537)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM inhalation
nm chest lung ventilation (7328-1537)
RPID5195 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (2377-5068) nm abdomen liver flow blood (2377-5068)
RPID5196 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM (8208-8670) nm chest esophagus (8208-8670)
RPID5197 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (6315-6498)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123:mibg Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (3400-9325)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer i123mibg
nm body whole localize i123 iv i131 mibg iv cancer (6315-6498)
nm body whole localize i123 mibg iv cancer (3400-9325)
RPID5198 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart stress (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart stress (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart stress (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart stress (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Stress (1797-4780) nm chest heart perfusion stress (1797-4780)
RPID5199 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM (6326-3713) nm abdomen spleen (6326-3713)
RPID52 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0752-7371) ct tspine wo+w iv (0752-7371)
RPID520 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr hip w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr hip w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr hip w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr hip w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9251-2194)
Anatomy:HIP IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1740-5667)
mr hip lower extremity wo+w iv (9251-2194)
mr hip wo+w iv (1740-5667)
RPID5200 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM Reason:Measurement:Volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM Reason:Measurement:Volume (2176-9803)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM quant vol
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM quantification volume
nm chest lung measurement volume (2176-9803)
RPID5201 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single breath procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest single breath lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst sngl brth lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation:SingleBreath (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single breath procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest single breath lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst sngl brth lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single breath procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest single breath lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst sngl brth lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation:SingleBreath (4620-1016)
Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation:SingleBreath (8166-6222)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ObjectCount:1 brth
nm chest lung ventilation singlebreath (4620-1016)
nm lung ventilation singlebreath (8166-6222)
RPID5202 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM Reason:Embolus (4332-2040) nm chest lung embolus (4332-2040)
RPID5203 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 capromab pendetide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:capromab Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 capromab pendetide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-111 capromab pendetide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Capromab Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (8833-9331)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:capromab Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (9040-7836)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer cp
nm body whole localize in111 capromab iv cancer (8833-9331)
nm body whole localize indium111 capromab iv cancer (9040-7836)
RPID5204 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vns shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Shunt:Venous Modality:NM Reason:Patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vns shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vns shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Shunt:Venous Modality:NM Reason:Patency (4681-0721)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM patency shunt venous
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM ptncy shnt vns
nm abdomen shunt venous patency (4681-0721)
RPID5205 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm liver spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (2226-2821)
Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (3183-1730)
nm abdomen liver spect (2226-2821)
nm liver spect (3183-1730)
RPID5206 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion single heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus sngl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress ModalityType:SPECT (9968-6460)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ObjectCount:1 (8015-9235)
nm chest heart perfusion restorstress spect (9968-6460)
nm chest heart perfusion spect 1 (8015-9235)
RPID5207 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the wholebody samarium-153 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy trmnt cancer samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody treatment malignant neoplasm samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Context:Therapeutic Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:sm153:lexidronam Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the wholebody samarium-153 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy trmnt cancer samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody treatment malignant neoplasm samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the wholebody samarium-153 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy trmnt cancer samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody treatment malignant neoplasm samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Context:Therapeutic Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:sm153:lexidronam Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (4549-1877)
153 Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Reason:Cancer Therapy:Nuclear samarium
nm body therapeutic whole sm153 lexidronam iv cancer (4549-1877)
RPID5208 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress ModalityType:SPECT (1201-3200)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ObjectCount:2OrMore (8308-3921)
nm chest heart perfusion restandstress spect (1201-3200)
nm chest heart perfusion spect 2 or more (8308-3921)
RPID5209 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (9247-6512) nm abdomen chest head pelvis spect (9247-6512)
RPID521 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr hip w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr hip w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr hip w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr hip w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1831-4948)
Anatomy:HIP IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8669-8794)
mr hip lower extremity w iv (1831-4948)
mr hip w iv (8669-8794)
RPID5210 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (3551-7516) nm body whole localize cancer (3551-7516)
RPID5211 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head neck chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head neck chst abd pelvis localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head neck chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head neck chst abd pelvis localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head neck chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head neck chst abd pelvis localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (7364-7059) nm abdomen chest head neck pelvis localize cancer (7364-7059)
RPID5212 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM (3649-2059)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM (1364-3159)
nm neck thyroid (3649-2059)
nm thyroid (1364-3159)
RPID5213 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization multiple malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz mltpl cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization multiple malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz mltpl cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization multiple malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz mltpl cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore Reason:Cancer (8262-5470) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize 2 or more cancer (8262-5470)
RPID5214 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and single procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization single malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz sngl cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ObjectCount:1 Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and single procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization single malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz sngl cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and single procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization single malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz sngl cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ObjectCount:1 Reason:Cancer (3178-7636) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize 1 cancer (3178-7636)
RPID5215 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable stimulation procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck stimulation thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck stmltn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Stimulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable stimulation procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck stimulation thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck stmltn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable stimulation procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck stimulation thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck stmltn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Stimulation (9062-5407)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM stmltn
nm neck thyroid stimulation (9062-5407)
RPID5216 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck suppression thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck supprssn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Supression (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck suppression thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck supprssn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck suppression thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck supprssn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Supression (6799-2263)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM suppression
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM supprssn
nm neck thyroid supression (6799-2263)
RPID5217 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis perfus tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis perfusion testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfus tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfusion testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfus tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfusion testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Torsion (4390-0489) nm pelvis testes perfusion torsion (4390-0489)
RPID5218 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable washout procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck washout thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck wshout thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Washout (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable washout procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck washout thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck wshout thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable washout procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck washout thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck wshout thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Washout (2209-5812)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM washout
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM wshout
nm neck thyroid washout (2209-5812)
RPID5219 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (1867-3793) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis limited localize infection (1867-3793)
RPID522 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr knee wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr knee wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr knee wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr knee wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1539-6625)
Anatomy:KNEE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8931-1961)
mr knee lower extremity wo iv (1539-6625)
mr knee wo iv (8931-1961)
RPID5220 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz infctn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (1911-4754) nm body whole localize infection (1911-4754)
RPID5221 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the bone with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz ltd bone pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization limited bone pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the bone with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd bone pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited bone pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the bone with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (7128-6951)
Anatomy:SKELETON Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (6541-9929)
pt bone limited localize (7128-6951)
pt skeleton limited localize (6541-9929)
RPID5222 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody with a technique of pet 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz bone pet 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization bone pet 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:NAF Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody with a technique of pet 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz bone pet 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization bone pet 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody with a technique of pet 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:NAF Modality:PT (6773-2921)
18f Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:PT naf
pt body bone whole localize naf iv (6773-2921)
RPID5223 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable viability procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest viability heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst viable heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT Reason:Viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable viability procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest viability heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst viable heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable viability procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT Reason:Viability (1484-5672)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT viable
pt chest heart viability (1484-5672)
RPID5224 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (8859-1561)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:2OrMore (5193-9176)
pt chest heart perfusion 2 or more (5193-9176)
pt chest heart perfusion restandstress (8859-1561)
RPID5225 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion single heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus sngl heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress (7899-2081)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:1 (9553-6703)
pt chest heart perfusion 1 (9553-6703)
pt chest heart perfusion restorstress (7899-2081)
RPID5226 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet for the purpose of sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest localization heart sarcoid pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst localiz heart sarcoid pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Guidance:Localize Modality:PT Reason:Sarcoidosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet for the purpose of sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest localization heart sarcoid pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst localiz heart sarcoid pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet for the purpose of sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Guidance:Localize Modality:PT Reason:Sarcoidosis (3840-0888) pt chest heart localize sarcoidosis (3840-0888)
RPID5227 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brain pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brn pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT (7067-4282) pt brain head (7067-4282)
RPID5228 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus brn pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion brain pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion (9285-8393) pt brain head perfusion (9285-8393)
RPID5229 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz ltd petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization limited pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (2723-9523) pt hybridct limited localize (2723-9523)
RPID523 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr knee w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le knee wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity knee without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr knee w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr knee w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr knee w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9761-2164)
Anatomy:KNEE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5293-9052)
mr knee lower extremity wo+w iv (9761-2164)
mr knee wo+w iv (5293-9052)
RPID5230 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz ltd pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization limited pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (5152-2043) pt limited localize (5152-2043)
RPID5231 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh localiz petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh localization pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh localiz petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh localization pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm skull base to mid-thigh localization pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (1496-7686) pt body hybridct skullbasetomidthigh localize (1496-7686)
RPID5232 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh localiz pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh localization pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh localiz pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh localization pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (4033-6316) pt body skullbasetomidthigh localize (4033-6316)
RPID5233 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (2952-5590) pt body whole localize (2952-5590)
RPID5234 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (3491-9642) pt body hybridct whole localize (3491-9642)
RPID5235 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest blood pool imaging wall motion heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst bld pl img wll mnt heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging wall motion heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img wll mnt heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging wall motion heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img wll mnt heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (5385-8700)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL mnt wall
nm chest heart function wallmotion bloodpool (5385-8700)
RPID5236 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and serial imaging imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd srl imgng liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen serial imaging liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and serial imaging imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd srl imgng liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen serial imaging liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and serial imaging imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd srl imgng liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen serial imaging liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM Phases:2OrMore (9547-1548)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM imgng srl
nm abdomen liver 2 or more phases (9547-1548)
RPID5237 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (2309-1999) nm abdomen kidney flow blood (2309-1999)
RPID5238 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest perfusion lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst perfus lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lung perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm lung perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lung perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lung perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (0550-1113)
Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (5235-6841)
nm chest lung perfusion (0550-1113)
nm lung perfusion (5235-6841)
RPID5239 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (4372-4170) nm chest heart perfusion spect (4372-4170)
RPID524 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr knee w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr knee w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr knee w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr knee w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4560-2621)
Anatomy:KNEE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5753-6808)
mr knee lower extremity w iv (4560-2621)
mr knee w iv (5753-6808)
RPID5240 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd panc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:NM (6531-1406) nm abdomen pancreas (6531-1406)
RPID5241 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney obs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM Reason:Obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney obs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney obs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM Reason:Obstruction (4631-3904) nm abdomen kidney obstruction (4631-3904)
RPID5242 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect for the purpose of memory loss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus brn mmry lss spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion brain memory loss spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Loss:Memory (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect for the purpose of memory loss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn mmry lss spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain memory loss spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect for the purpose of memory loss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn mmry lss spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain memory loss spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Loss:Memory (3935-7870)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT lss mmry
nm brain head perfusion spect loss memory (3935-7870)
RPID5243 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM Reason:Torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM Reason:Torsion (9024-8610) nm pelvis testes torsion (9024-8610)
RPID5244 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (2584-4533) nm bladder pelvis (2584-4533)
RPID5245 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the ureter in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicourteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis abd cug urtr vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography ureter vesicourteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the ureter in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abd cug urtr vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography ureter vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the ureter in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abd cug urtr vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography ureter vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (0093-6044)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (3992-2194)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography reflux vesicourteral
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric cug
nm abdomen bladder pelvis ureter urethra cystography reflux vesicoureteric (0093-6044)
nm abdomen pelvis ureter cystography reflux vesicoureteric (3992-2194)
RPID5246 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremities for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm extremities bilateral venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm extrms bilat vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis:Vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremities for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extremities bilateral venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extrms bilat vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremities for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extremities bilateral venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extrms bilat vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis:Vein (1647-6462)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Modality:NM thrmbss vns
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Modality:NM thrombosis venous
nm extremity both thrombosis vein (1647-6462)
RPID5247 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremities for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm extremities venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm extrms vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis:Vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremities for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extremities venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extrms vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the extremities for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extremities venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extrms vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis:Vein (7705-8620)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:NM thrmbss vns
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:NM thrombosis venous
nm extremity thrombosis vein (7705-8620)
RPID5248 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:PT (0317-7163) pt abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize (0317-7163)
RPID5249 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (6538-0504)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (4639-9613)
nm bone spect (6538-0504)
nm spect bone iv (4639-9613)
RPID525 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr shoulder wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr shoulder wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr shoulder wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr shoulder wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5036-4609)
Anatomy:SHOULDER IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1911-6809)
mr shoulder upper extremity wo iv (5036-4609)
mr shoulder wo iv (1911-6809)
RPID5250 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (1089-0092) nm chest heart perfusion rest (1089-0092)
RPID5251 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (0847-0294)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:2OrMore (4802-7100)
nm chest heart perfusion 2 or more (4802-7100)
nm chest heart perfusion restandstress (0847-0294)
RPID5252 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and multiple procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest ventilation multiple lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst vent mltpl lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation ObjectCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and multiple procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation multiple lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst vent mltpl lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and multiple procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation multiple lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst vent mltpl lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation ObjectCount:2OrMore (5491-5749)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation:Equilibrium (4770-6868)
nm chest lung ventilation 2 or more (5491-5749)
nm chest lung ventilation equilibrium (4770-6868)
RPID5253 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest ModalityType:SPECT (3614-3266) nm chest heart perfusion rest spect (3614-3266)
RPID5254 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vascular flow brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vsclr flw brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (9427-6319) nm brain head flow blood (9427-6319)
RPID5255 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz mltpl (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz mltpl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz mltpl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (6461-0675) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize 2 or more (6461-0675)
RPID5256 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest blood pool imaging heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst bld pl img heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (5961-9741) nm chest heart gated bloodpool (5961-9741)
RPID5257 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm vascular flow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm vsclr flw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vascular flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vsclr flw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vascular flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vsclr flw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (5625-8148) nm flow blood (5625-8148)
RPID5258 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus brn spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion brain spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (6183-0108) nm brain head perfusion spect (6183-0108)
RPID5259 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz ltd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization limited malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization limited malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (9909-3626) nm limited localize cancer (9909-3626)
RPID526 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr shoulder w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr shoulder w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr shoulder w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr shoulder w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3161-1187)
Anatomy:SHOULDER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0575-4122)
mr shoulder upper extremity wo+w iv (3161-1187)
mr shoulder wo+w iv (0575-4122)
RPID5260 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (1464-6299) nm abdomen bone marrow chest extremity pelvis 2 or more (1464-6299)
RPID5261 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the abdomen for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd esoph gstroesph rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the abdomen for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd esoph gstroesph rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the abdomen for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd esoph gstroesph rflx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen esophagus gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (8225-7608)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (4839-4699)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal gastroesopageal
nm abdomen esophagus reflux gastroesophageal (4839-4699)
nm abdomen esophagus stomach reflux gastroesophageal (8225-7608)
RPID5262 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gi bld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (1990-6938)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM bleed gastrointestinal
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM blood gastrointestinal
nm abdomen bleeding gastrointestinal (1990-6938)
RPID5263 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Limited Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Limited Modality:NM (7523-7337)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM (5915-0956)
nm bone limited (7523-7337)
nm limited bone iv (5915-0956)
RPID5264 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart infarct spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart infrct spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest heart infarct spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst heart infrct spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart infarction spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart infarction spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart infarct spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart infrct spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart infarction spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart infarct spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart infrct spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart infarction spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infarct (9025-7626)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT infrct
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT infarction
nm chest heart spect infarct (9025-7626)
RPID5265 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis perfus tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis perfusion testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfus tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfusion testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfus tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfusion testicles (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (7972-7870) nm pelvis testes perfusion (7972-7870)
RPID5266 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz ltd tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization limited tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization limited tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM (3590-8360) nm limited localize tc99m wbc iv (3590-8360)
RPID5267 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM (4200-8587) nm body whole localize tc99m wbc iv (4200-8587)
RPID5268 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest for the purpose of motility (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest esophagus motility (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst esoph mtlty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest for the purpose of motility (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest esophagus motility (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst esoph mtlty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm esophagus motility (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM Motility:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm esophagus motility (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest for the purpose of motility (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus motility (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph mtlty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm esophagus motility (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest for the purpose of motility (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus motility (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph mtlty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm esophagus motility (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM Motility:Yes (6480-2355)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM Reason:Function:Motility (6282-2412)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM Reason:Function:Motility (3698-1147)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:NM mtlty
nm chest esophagus function motility (6282-2412)
nm chest esophagus motility (6480-2355)
nm esophagus function motility (3698-1147)
RPID5269 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen peritoneal venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Shunt Modality:NM Reason:Patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm abdomen peritoneal venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen peritoneal venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of peritoneovenous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd perit ven shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen peritoneal venous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen peritoneovenous shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Shunt Modality:NM Reason:Patency (7950-0700)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEALCAVITY Modality:NM patency shunt venous
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM patency peritoneovenous shunt
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM patency shunt
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM perit ptncy shnt ven
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM ptncy shnt
nm abdomen shunt patency (7950-0700)
RPID527 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr shoulder w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr shoulder w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr shoulder w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr shoulder w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0518-6843)
Anatomy:SHOULDER IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3065-3759)
mr shoulder upper extremity w iv (0518-6843)
mr shoulder w iv (3065-3759)
RPID5270 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (1501-4096)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (5155-6328)
nm abdomen bone chest extremity head pelvis 2 or more (1501-4096)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis bone iv 2 or more (5155-6328)
RPID5271 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis extremities bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis extrms bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis extremities bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis extrms bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis extremities bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis extrms bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (7227-6912)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM (2526-8864)
nm bone extremity pelvis (7227-6912)
nm extremity pelvis bone iv (2526-8864)
RPID5272 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (2263-0874) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize (2263-0874)
RPID5273 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and lower extremity for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm ue le bilat vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm upper extremity lower extremity bilateral venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis:Vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and lower extremity for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ue le bilat vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm upper extremity lower extremity bilateral venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity and lower extremity for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ue le bilat vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm upper extremity lower extremity bilateral venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis:Vein (3208-4275)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:NM thrmbss vns
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:NM thrombosis venous
nm lower extremity both upper extremity both thrombosis vein (3208-4275)
RPID5274 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm ue le vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm upper extremity lower extremity venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis:Vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ue le vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm upper extremity lower extremity venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity for the purpose of venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ue le vns thrmbss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm upper extremity lower extremity venous thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis:Vein (1518-7761)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:NM thrmbss vns
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:NM thrombosis venous
nm lower extremity upper extremity thrombosis vein (1518-7761)
RPID5275 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest ventilation lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst vent lung (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest ventilation lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst vent lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lung ventilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm lung ventilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst vent lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lung ventilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst vent lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lung ventilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation (7328-1537)
Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation (4431-2600)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM vent
nm chest lung ventilation (7328-1537)
nm lung ventilation (4431-2600)
RPID5276 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head localiz sinuses csf lk (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head localization paranasal sinuses csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head localiz sinuses csf lk (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head localization paranasal sinuses csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head localiz sinuses csf lk (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head localization paranasal sinuses csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (6504-4576)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Leak:Detection,Localization Substance:CSF (6366-1423)
nm head paranasal sinus spine localize csfleak detection,localization (6504-4576)
nm head paranasal sinus spine localize leak detection,localization csf (6366-1423)
RPID5277 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis perfus vsclr flw tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis perfusion vascular flow testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ModalityType:Perfusion Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfus vsclr flw tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfusion vascular flow testicles (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfus vsclr flw tstcls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfusion vascular flow testicles (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ModalityType:Perfusion Substance:Blood (9654-3046) nm pelvis testes flow perfusion blood (9654-3046)
RPID5278 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (0212-7743) nm limited localize (0212-7743)
RPID5279 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (1465-9942) nm limited localize infection (1465-9942)
RPID528 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr wrist wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr wrist wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr wrist wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr wrist wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3867-3437)
Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4998-5897)
mr upper extremity wrist wo iv (3867-3437)
mr wrist wo iv (4998-5897)
RPID5280 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest persantine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart persantine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart persantine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:dipyridamole (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest persantine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart persantine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart persantine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest persantine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart persantine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart persantine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:dipyridamole (2768-4945)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion persantine
nm chest heart perfusion dipyridamole (2768-4945)
RPID5281 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart dobutamine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Dobutamine (6085-6676)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion dobutamine
nm chest heart perfusion dobutamine (6085-6676)
RPID5282 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest first pass heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst frst pss heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest first pass heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst frst pss heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart infarction first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Infarct WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart infarction first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart infarction first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart infarction first pass (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Infarct WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (3583-4924)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS infrct
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS infarction
nm chest heart infarct firstpass (3583-4924)
RPID5283 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart wll mnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Function:WallMotion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart wll mnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart wll mnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Function:WallMotion (5951-1922)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion mnt wall
nm chest heart perfusion function wallmotion (5951-1922)
RPID5284 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart ejct frctn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Function:EjectionFraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart ejct frctn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart ejct frctn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Function:EjectionFraction (9836-6231) nm chest heart perfusion function ejection fraction (9836-6231)
RPID5285 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (6777-7694) nm body skullbasetomidthigh localize cancer (6777-7694)
RPID5286 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head localiz brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head localization brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head localiz brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head localization brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head localiz brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head localization brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (7515-9426) nm brain head localize (7515-9426)
RPID5287 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (9888-5633) nm chest heart spect (9888-5633)
RPID5288 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM (3524-7616) nm head thyroid (3524-7616)
RPID5289 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM (7546-9948) nm abdomen (7546-9948)
RPID529 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue wrist wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity wrist without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr wrist w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr wrist w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr wrist w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr wrist w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7921-1441)
Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9081-6119)
mr upper extremity wrist wo+w iv (7921-1441)
mr wrist wo+w iv (9081-6119)
RPID5290 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd infctn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection (2067-0478) nm abdomen chest head pelvis limited localize infection (2067-0478)
RPID5291 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vascular flow limited brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vsclr flw ltd brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow limited brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw ltd brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow limited brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw ltd brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (4661-9115) nm brain head flow limited blood (4661-9115)
RPID5292 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Extent:Limited Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Extent:Limited Modality:NM (4745-7282) nm bone marrow limited (4745-7282)
RPID5293 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and multiple imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm mltpl bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm multiple bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and multiple imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm mltpl bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm multiple bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and multiple imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm mltpl bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm multiple bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (3039-4613) nm bone marrow 2 or more (3039-4613)
RPID5294 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Modality:NM (4023-8336) nm bone marrow (4023-8336)
RPID5295 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the brain in the head tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head fn brn tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head function brain tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:NM PIVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the brain in the head tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head fn brn tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head function brain tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the brain in the head tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head fn brn tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head function brain tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:NM PIVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:hmpao (5974-6886)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:NM hmpao tc
nm brain head function tc99m hmpao piv (5974-6886)
RPID5296 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the brain in the head i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head fn brn i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head function brain i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the brain in the head i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head fn brn i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head function brain i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the brain in the head i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head fn brn i123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head function brain i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (8234-7512)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function IXRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (7801-6198)
nm brain head function i123 iv (8234-7512)
nm brain head function i123 ix (7801-6198)
RPID5297 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain and spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm brain spine cisternography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm brn spine cisterngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain and spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain spine cisternography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brn spine cisterngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain and spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain spine cisternography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brn spine cisterngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (8656-4579) nm brain cistern spine cisternography cerebral (8656-4579)
RPID5298 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus brn tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion brain tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (2072-7865)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion dtpa tc
nm brain head perfusion tc99m dtpa iv (2072-7865)
RPID5299 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and single procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw sngl kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow single kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ObjectCount:1 Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and single procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw sngl kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow single kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and single procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw sngl kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow single kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ObjectCount:1 Substance:Blood (8196-7622) nm abdomen kidney flow 1 blood (8196-7622)
RPID53 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct thoracic spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6708-6100) ct tspine w iv (6708-6100)
RPID530 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr wrist w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr wrist w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr wrist w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr wrist w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3084-7328)
Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0897-5841)
mr upper extremity wrist w iv (3084-7328)
mr wrist w iv (0897-5841)
RPID5300 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw fn kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow function kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw fn kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow function kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw fn kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow function kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (7359-1148) nm abdomen kidney flow function blood (7359-1148)
RPID5301 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest function esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst fn esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Function Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest function esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst fn esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest function esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst fn esoph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Function Modality:NM (7587-3859) nm chest esophagus function (7587-3859)
RPID5302 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function solid procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn sld stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function solid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function solid procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd fn sld stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen function solid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm gastric emptying solid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Solid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm gastric emptying solid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function solid procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn sld stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function solid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm gastric emptying solid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function solid procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn sld stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function solid stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm gastric emptying solid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Solid (7516-8003)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function:Emptying Modality:NMsolid
Modality:NM emptying gastric solid
nm abdomen stomach function solid po (7516-8003)
RPID5303 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (4446-6255) nm chest heart ga67 iv (4446-6255)
RPID5304 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (0486-6746) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis limited ga67 iv (0486-6746)
RPID5305 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and ejection fraction procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn ejct frctn gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function ejection fraction gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Function Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and ejection fraction procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn ejct frctn gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function ejection fraction gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and ejection fraction procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn ejct frctn gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function ejection fraction gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Function Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction (0834-8610) nm abdomen gallbladder function function ejection fraction (0834-8610)
RPID5306 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen morphine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn gallbladder morphine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function gallbladder morphine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Function Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:morphine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen morphine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn gallbladder morphine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function gallbladder morphine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen morphine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn gallbladder morphine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function gallbladder morphine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Function Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:morphine (2476-1374) nm abdomen gallbladder function morphine (2476-1374)
RPID5307 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm treatment thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm trmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm treatment thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm trmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm treatment thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm trmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic Modality:NM (2078-5678)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Therapy:Nuclear (7072-0400)
nm thyroid nuclear (7072-0400)
nm thyroid therapeutic (2078-5678)
RPID5308 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the tc-hmpao for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz ltd infctn tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization limited infection tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM PIVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:hmpao Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the tc-hmpao for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd infctn tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited infection tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the tc-hmpao for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd infctn tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization limited infection tc-hmpao (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM PIVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:hmpao Reason:Infection (2626-3623)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection hmpao tc
nm limited localize tc99m hmpao piv infection (2626-3623)
RPID5309 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm treatment thyroid gland malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm trmnt thy glnd cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm treatment thyroid gland malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm trmnt thy glnd cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm treatment thyroid gland malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm trmnt thy glnd cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (5635-3526)
Anatomy:THYROID IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer Therapy:Nuclear (2558-3895)
nm thyroid i131 ix cancer nuclear (2558-3895)
nm thyroid therapeutic i131 iv cancer (5635-3526)
RPID531 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4930-0821) mr pelvis wo iv (4930-0821)
RPID5310 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm cisterngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm cisternography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CISTERN Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm cisterngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm cisternography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm cisterngrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm cisternography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CISTERN Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (8409-7307) nm cistern cisternography cerebral (8409-7307)
RPID5311 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm treatment thyroid gland hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm trmnt thy glnd hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic Modality:NM Reason:Hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm treatment thyroid gland hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm trmnt thy glnd hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm treatment thyroid gland hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm trmnt thy glnd hyperthyroidism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic Modality:NM Reason:Hyperthyroidism (3558-2616)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Reason:Hyperthyroidism Therapy:Nuclear (8426-3129)
nm thyroid hyperthyroidism nuclear (8426-3129)
nm thyroid therapeutic hyperthyroidism (3558-2616)
RPID5312 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (8954-0844)
Anatomy:THYROID IXRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (1912-4621)
nm thyroid i123 iv (8954-0844)
nm thyroid i123 ix (1912-4621)
RPID5313 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm limited infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm ltd infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111ortc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (4654-5402)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (2454-4510)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM Reason:Infection inwbc
nm limited in111ortc99m wbc iv infection (4654-5402)
nm limited indium111 wbc iv infection (2454-4510)
RPID5314 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111ortc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (0586-8862)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (7725-4562)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Reason:Infection inwbc
nm body whole in111ortc99m wbc iv infection (0586-8862)
nm body whole indium111 wbc iv infection (7725-4562)
RPID5315 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (1511-1519) nm abdomen kidney spect function (1511-1519)
RPID5316 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw liver hmngma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver hemangioma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Hemangioma Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver hmngma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver hemangioma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver hmngma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver hemangioma tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Hemangioma Substance:Blood (9168-2276) nm abdomen liver flow tc99m rbc iv hemangioma blood (9168-2276)
RPID5317 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Function Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Function Modality:NM (3002-4342) nm abdomen liver function (3002-4342)
RPID5318 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function Modality:NM (4569-1835)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function:Emptying Modality:NM (4684-0487)
nm abdomen stomach emptying (4684-0487)
nm abdomen stomach function (4569-1835)
RPID5319 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw liver samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:sm153:lexidronam Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:sm153:lexidronam Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (8641-4714)
153 Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood samarium
nm abdomen liver flow sm153 lexidronam iv blood (8641-4714)
RPID532 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rec coil wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectal coil without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis rec coil wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis rectal coil without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis w and wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr pelvis w and wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rec coil wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis w and wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rec coil wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1750-0797)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR coil
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR coil rec
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR coil rectal
mr pelvis transrectal wo+w iv (1750-0797)
RPID5320 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck fn mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck function multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Function Modality:NM Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck fn mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck function multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck fn mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck function multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Function Modality:NM Phases:2OrMore (3859-3351) nm neck thyroid function 2 or more phases (3859-3351)
RPID5321 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (2688-9671) nm abdomen chest head pelvis spect cancer (2688-9671)
RPID5322 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm vascular flow limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm vsclr flw ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vascular flow limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vsclr flw ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vascular flow limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vsclr flw ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (7887-8745) nm flow limited blood (7887-8745)
RPID5323 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn kidney ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function kidney ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:ACEInhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:ACEInhibitor (3506-6200) nm abdomen kidney function aceinhibitor (3506-6200)
RPID5324 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM (7284-6474) nm abdomen kidney function (7284-6474)
RPID5325 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM (7510-1791)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM dtpa tc
nm abdomen kidney function tc99m dtpa iv (7510-1791)
RPID5326 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd localiz gi tract gi bld tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract gi bleed tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz gi tract gi bld tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract gi bleed tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-rbc for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz gi tract gi bld tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract gi bleed tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (8952-0247)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM bleed gastrointestinal
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM blood gastrointestinal
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract localize tc99m rbc iv bleeding gastrointestinal (8952-0247)
RPID5327 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd fn kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen function kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mag3 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd fn kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen function kidney mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mag3 Modality:NM (2901-6126)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM mag3
nm abdomen kidney function tc99m mag3 iv (2901-6126)
RPID5328 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck fn sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck function single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Function Modality:NM Phases:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck fn sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck function single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck fn sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck function single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Function Modality:NM Phases:1 (8534-4531) nm neck thyroid function 1 phases (8534-4531)
RPID5329 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm veno tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm venography tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Venography IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm veno tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm venography tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm veno tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm venography tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Venography IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM (6740-0029) nm venography tc99m rbc iv (6740-0029)
RPID533 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rec coil w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectal coil with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis rec coil w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis rectal coil with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis w iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr pelvis w iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rec coil w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis w iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rec coil w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8048-1567)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR coil
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR coil rec
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR coil rectal
mr pelvis transrectal w iv (8048-1567)
RPID5330 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest vascular flow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst vsclr flw (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest vascular flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst vsclr flw (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest vascular flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst vsclr flw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (5764-6084) nm chest flow blood (5764-6084)
RPID5331 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen sulfur colloid for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd localiz gi tract gi bld slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract gi bleed sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen sulfur colloid for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz gi tract gi bld slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract gi bleed sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen sulfur colloid for the purpose of gi bleed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz gi tract gi bld slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract gi bleed sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Bleeding:Gastrointestinal (2000-5733)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM bleed gastrointestinal
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM blood gastrointestinal
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract localize tc99m sulfurcolloid iv bleeding gastrointestinal (2000-5733)
RPID5332 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head fn saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head function salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head fn saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head function salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm salivary gland function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Function Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm salivary gland function (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head fn saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head function salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm salivary gland function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head fn saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head function salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm salivary gland function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Function Modality:NM (1081-5364)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Function Modality:NM (4444-1182)
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:NM saliv
nm head salivary gland function (1081-5364)
nm salivary gland function (4444-1182)
RPID5333 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable tomography procedure focused on the with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm tmgrphy spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm tomography spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Tomography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable tomography procedure focused on the with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm tmgrphy spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm tomography spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable tomography procedure focused on the with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm tmgrphy spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm tomography spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Tomography (7598-0552) nm spect tomography (7598-0552)
RPID5334 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck fn thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck function thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Function IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck fn thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck function thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck fn thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck function thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Function IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (6336-4725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Function IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (0277-3268)
nm neck thyroid function i131 iv (6336-4725)
nm neck thyroid function i131 ix (0277-3268)
RPID5335 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck vascular flow thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck vsclr flw thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck vascular flow thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck vsclr flw thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck vascular flow thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck vsclr flw thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (3380-0104) nm neck thyroid flow blood (3380-0104)
RPID5336 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:THYROID Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:THYROID Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (3675-8209) nm body thyroid whole cancer (3675-8209)
RPID5337 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (4313-1287) nm abdomen chest head pelvis localize cancer (4313-1287)
RPID5338 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm fn sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm function single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID Function Modality:NM Phases:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm fn sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm function single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable function and single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm fn sngl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm function single determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID Function Modality:NM Phases:1 (2251-8524) nm thyroid function 1 phases (2251-8524)
RPID5339 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (9078-1407) nm abdomen chest head pelvis spect localize cancer (9078-1407)
RPID534 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1184-2472) mr pelvis w iv (1184-2472)
RPID5340 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Torsion Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Torsion Substance:Blood (5151-0245) nm pelvis testes flow torsion blood (5151-0245)
RPID5341 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (0359-7170) nm neck thyroid cancer (0359-7170)
RPID5342 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck treatment thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck trmnt thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck treatment thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck trmnt thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck treatment thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck trmnt thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (2234-7266)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Reason:Cancer Therapy:Nuclear (6249-8257)
nm neck thyroid cancer nuclear (6249-8257)
nm neck thyroid therapeutic cancer (2234-7266)
RPID5343 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (1503-6648) nm body whole cancer (1503-6648)
RPID5344 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm limited thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm ltd thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID Extent:Limited Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID Extent:Limited Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (3771-2840) nm thyroid limited cancer (3771-2840)
RPID5345 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression and stimulation procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck suppression stimulation thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck supprssn stmltn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Supression Stimulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression and stimulation procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck suppression stimulation thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck supprssn stmltn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression and stimulation procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck suppression stimulation thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck supprssn stmltn thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Supression Stimulation (3616-7257)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Stimulation suppression
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM stmltn supprssn
nm neck thyroid supression stimulation (3616-7257)
RPID5346 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (7355-5025) nm abdomen chest head pelvis limited localize cancer (7355-5025)
RPID5347 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ejection fraction procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis ejct frctn bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis ejection fraction bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ejection fraction procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis ejct frctn bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis ejection fraction bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ejection fraction procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis ejct frctn bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis ejection fraction bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction (3858-5501) nm bladder pelvis function ejection fraction (3858-5501)
RPID5348 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest first pass rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst frst pss rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Rest WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss rest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Rest WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (2686-3778) nm chest heart rest firstpass (2686-3778)
RPID5349 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest first pass multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst frst pss mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:RestAndStress WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:RestAndStress WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (6192-8874)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (0349-5523)
nm chest heart 2 or more firstpass (0349-5523)
nm chest heart restandstress firstpass (6192-8874)
RPID535 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rec coil wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis rec coil wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis rectal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rec coil wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rec coil wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0887-9539)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR coil
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR coil rec
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR coil rectal
mr pelvis transrectal wo iv (0887-9539)
RPID5350 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart blood pool first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart blood pool first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool first pass (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (4041-9747)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (6258-7838)
nm chest heart bloodpool firstpass (4041-9747)
nm heart bloodpool firstpass (6258-7838)
RPID5351 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and function procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest blood pool imaging function heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst bld pl img fn heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and function procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging function heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img fn heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and function procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging function heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img fn heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (4173-2441) nm chest heart function bloodpool (4173-2441)
RPID5352 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion single heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus sngl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest perfusion single heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst perfus sngl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart perfusion single (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart perfusion single (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart perfusion single (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart perfusion single (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress (5617-4430)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:1 (4490-1863)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:1 (5188-6373)
nm chest heart perfusion 1 (4490-1863)
nm chest heart perfusion restorstress (5617-4430)
nm heart perfusion 1 (5188-6373)
RPID5353 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress (4239-8416) nm chest heart perfusion spect stress (4239-8416)
RPID5354 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest blood pool imaging rest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst bld pl img rest heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ModalityType:Rest WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging rest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img rest heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging rest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img rest heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ModalityType:Rest WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (5431-0559) nm chest heart gated rest bloodpool (5431-0559)
RPID5355 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and function procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest blood pool imaging function heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst bld pl img fn heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and function procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging function heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img fn heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and function procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging function heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img fn heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (8427-1555) nm chest heart gated function bloodpool (8427-1555)
RPID5356 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and ventilation procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion ventilation lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus vent lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and ventilation procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion ventilation lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus vent lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and ventilation procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion ventilation lung embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus vent lung embo (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation Reason:Embolus (9358-0370)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Embolus vent
nm chest lung perfusion ventilation embolus (9358-0370)
RPID5357 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (0274-6276) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis limited tc99m wbc iv infection (0274-6276)
RPID5358 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (2939-9306)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM (0573-0437)
nm body bone whole localize (2939-9306)
nm body whole localize bone iv (0573-0437)
RPID5359 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody thallium for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody thallium for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody thallium for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (9403-9846)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (9533-7026)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer thllm
nm body whole localize ti201 ix cancer (9533-7026)
nm body whole localize tl201 iv cancer (9403-9846)
RPID536 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urethra in the pelvis with a technique of vaginal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis urethra vag coil wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis urethra vaginal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urethra in the pelvis with a technique of vaginal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis urethra vag coil wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis urethra vaginal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis urethra wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr pelvis urethra wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urethra in the pelvis with a technique of vaginal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis urethra vag coil wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis urethra vaginal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis urethra wo iv contrast coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urethra in the pelvis with a technique of vaginal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis urethra vag coil wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis urethra vaginal coil without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis urethra vaginal coil wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1976-3988)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA IVContrast:WO Modality:MR coil
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA IVContrast:WO Modality:MR coil vag
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA IVContrast:WO Modality:MR coil vaginal
mr pelvis urethra transvaginal wo iv (1976-3988)
RPID5360 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (4252-6634) nm abdomen bone marrow chest extremity head pelvis (4252-6634)
RPID5361 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:RestAndStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest multiple heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst mltpl heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:RestAndStress (5257-0801)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (4593-9325)
nm chest heart 2 or more (4593-9325)
nm chest heart restandstress (5257-0801)
RPID5362 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest first pass heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst frst pss heart shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss heart shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass heart shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss heart shnt detect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (4863-9316)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Guidance:Localize Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS shunt
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS detect shnt
nm chest heart shunt detection firstpass (4863-9316)
RPID5363 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging pyrophosphate for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart infarct planar nuclear medicine imaging pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart infrct plnr nm img pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pyrophosphate Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR Reason:Infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging pyrophosphate for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart infarct planar nuclear medicine imaging pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart infrct plnr nm img pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging pyrophosphate for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart infarct planar nuclear medicine imaging pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart infrct plnr nm img pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pyrophosphate Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR Reason:Infarct (0017-4107)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR Reason:Infarct pyrophosphate
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR infrct pyrphspt
nm chest heart planar tc99m pyrophosphate iv infarct (0017-4107)
RPID5364 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect pyrophosphate for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart infarct spect pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart infrct spect pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pyrophosphate Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect pyrophosphate for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart infarct spect pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart infrct spect pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect pyrophosphate for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart infarct spect pyrophosphate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart infrct spect pyrphspt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pyrophosphate Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infarct (1576-4565)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infarct pyrophosphate
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT infrct pyrphspt
nm chest heart spect tc99m pyrophosphate iv infarct (1576-4565)
RPID5365 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest rest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst rest heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ModalityType:Rest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest rest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst rest heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest rest heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst rest heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ModalityType:Rest (2241-2567) nm chest heart gated rest (2241-2567)
RPID5366 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart viability thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart viable thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM Reason:Viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart viability thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart viable thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart viability thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart viable thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM Reason:Viability (0705-5351)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM Reason:Viability (9208-0836)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM thllm viable
nm chest heart ti201 ix viability (9208-0836)
nm chest heart tl201 iv viability (0705-5351)
RPID5367 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (8510-7947) pt body hybridct whole (8510-7947)
RPID5368 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm research (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm research (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Research Modality:NM (3939-1803)
Modality:NM (1921-3976)
nm (1921-3976)
nm research (3939-1803)
RPID5369 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen and chest for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd chst stomach asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen chest stomach aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Aspirate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen and chest for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd chst stomach asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen chest stomach aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen and chest for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd chst stomach asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen chest stomach aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Aspirate Modality:NM (1762-2589) nm abdomen chest stomach aspirate (1762-2589)
RPID537 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd retro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen retroperitoneum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd retro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen retroperitoneum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd retro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen retroperitoneum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3251-3303)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Direction:Retrograde IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0011-0582)
mr abdomen retrograde wo iv (0011-0582)
mr abdomen retroperitoneum wo iv (3251-3303)
RPID5370 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable eeg probe procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd eeg prb stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen eeg probe stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM ModalityType:EEGProbe (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable eeg probe procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd eeg prb stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen eeg probe stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable eeg probe procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd eeg prb stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen eeg probe stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM ModalityType:EEGProbe (4002-6433)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM eeg prb
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM eeg probe
nm abdomen stomach eegprobe (4002-6433)
RPID5371 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect microspheres for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver cancer spect spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver malignant neoplasm spect microspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:Microspheres Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect microspheres for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver cancer spect spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver malignant neoplasm spect microspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect microspheres for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver cancer spect spheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver malignant neoplasm spect microspheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:Microspheres Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (2402-2569)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer microspheres
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer spheres
nm abdomen liver spect y90 microspheres iv cancer (2402-2569)
RPID5372 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen and chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd chst stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen chest stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen and chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd chst stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen chest stomach (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen and chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd chst stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen chest stomach (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM (3520-3259) nm abdomen chest stomach (3520-3259)
RPID5373 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of focal nodular hyperplasia (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver fcl ndlr hyprplsia (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver focal nodular hyperplasia (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM Reason:FocalNodularHyperplasia (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of focal nodular hyperplasia (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver fcl ndlr hyprplsia (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver focal nodular hyperplasia (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of focal nodular hyperplasia (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver fcl ndlr hyprplsia (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver focal nodular hyperplasia (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM Reason:FocalNodularHyperplasia (0528-9005)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM fcl hyprplsia ndlr
nm abdomen liver focalnodularhyperplasia (0528-9005)
RPID5374 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver hmngma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver hmngma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver hmngma spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Hemangioma (1045-6629) nm abdomen liver spect hemangioma (1045-6629)
RPID5375 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder and small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gallbladder sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gallbladder small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder and small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder and small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:NM (6628-3271) nm abdomen gallbladder small intestine (6628-3271)
RPID5376 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd localiz spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen localization spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM (8477-5773) nm abdomen spleen localize tc99m rbc iv (8477-5773)
RPID5377 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM Reason:Infection (2360-2091) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis ga67 iv infection (2360-2091)
RPID5378 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111ortc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (9409-8407)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (4278-5315)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM Reason:Infection inwbc
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis in111ortc99m wbc iv infection (9409-8407)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis indium111 wbc iv infection (4278-5315)
RPID5379 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (5401-7956) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis tc99m wbc iv infection (5401-7956)
RPID538 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis scrotum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis scrotum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis scrotum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis scrotum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr scrotum wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr scrotum wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr scrotum wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0008-8787)
Anatomy:SCROTUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0204-0810)
mr pelvis scrotum wo iv (0008-8787)
mr scrotum wo iv (0204-0810)
RPID5380 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization diamox procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz diamox cancer i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization diamox malignant neoplasm i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization diamox procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz diamox cancer i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization diamox malignant neoplasm i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization diamox procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz diamox cancer i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization diamox malignant neoplasm i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide Reason:Cancer (7749-2965)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123:mibg Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide Reason:Cancer (9290-3715)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide Reason:Cancer i123mibg
nm body whole localize i123 iv i131 mibg iv acetazolamide cancer (7749-2965)
nm body whole localize i123 mibg iv acetazolamide cancer (9290-3715)
RPID5381 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus rest brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion rest brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus rest brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion rest brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfus rest brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion rest brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (6123-2272) nm brain head perfusion rest (6123-2272)
RPID5382 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and ictal procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of seizure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus ictal brn seizure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion ictal brain seizure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Seizure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and ictal procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of seizure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus ictal brn seizure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion ictal brain seizure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and ictal procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of seizure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfus ictal brn seizure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion ictal brain seizure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Seizure (7853-6805)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ictal seizure
nm brain head perfusion seizure (7853-6805)
RPID5383 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (2835-0871)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:NM Object:LymphNode snt
nm chest lymphnode sentinel (2835-0871)
RPID5384 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 tositumomab for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy cancer i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer TOSITUMOMAB (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 tositumomab for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 tositumomab for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm i-131 tositumomab (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer TOSITUMOMAB (5544-9362)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer tositumomab
nm body whole i131 iv cancer tositumomab (5544-9362)
RPID5385 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM (4299-6105) nm head (4299-6105)
RPID5386 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm ue le (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm upper extremity lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ue le (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm upper extremity lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ue le (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm upper extremity lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:NM (8290-3287) nm lower extremity upper extremity (8290-3287)
RPID5387 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (3703-5517)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Object:LymphNode snt
nm body lymphnode sentinel whole (3703-5517)
RPID5388 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy cancer y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (9942-1778) nm body whole y90 ibritumomabtiuxetan iv cancer (9942-1778)
RPID5389 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of vesicourteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis cug bladder vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis cystourethrography bladder vesicourteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis cug bladder vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis cystourethrography bladder vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis cug bladder vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis cystourethrography bladder vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (7795-9039)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (7453-5962)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric cug
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography reflux vesicourteral
nm bladder pelvis cystography reflux vesicoureteric (7453-5962)
nm bladder pelvis ureter urethra cystography reflux vesicoureteric (7795-9039)
RPID539 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis scrotum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis scrotum wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis scrotum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis scrotum wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr scrotum w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr scrotum w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the scrotum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis scrotum wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr scrotum w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0340-5831)
Anatomy:SCROTUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1520-6864)
mr pelvis scrotum wo+w iv (0340-5831)
mr scrotum wo+w iv (1520-6864)
RPID5390 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (7911-0360)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (7219-4995)
nm body whole localize i131 iv cancer (7911-0360)
nm body whole localize i131 ix cancer (7219-4995)
RPID5391 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (1986-3138) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect (1986-3138)
RPID5392 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (1264-7406) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis cancer (1264-7406)
RPID5393 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (6006-4119) nm abdomen bone marrow chest extremity head pelvis tc99m sulfurcolloid iv (6006-4119)
RPID5394 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the pelvis and extremities mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis extremities bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis extrms bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the pelvis and extremities mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis extremities bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis extrms bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the pelvis and extremities mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis extremities bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis extrms bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (8068-1594)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM mdp
nm bone extremity pelvis tc99m mdp iv (8068-1594)
RPID5395 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (9376-0653)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM mdp
nm abdomen bone chest extremity head pelvis limited tc99m mdp iv (9376-0653)
RPID5396 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms bone spect mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (6397-1802)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT mdp
nm abdomen bone chest extremity head pelvis spect tc99m mdp iv (6397-1802)
RPID5397 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (2291-3203)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM mdp
nm body bone whole tc99m mdp iv (2291-3203)
RPID5398 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brain spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brn spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT PharmacologicalIntervention:ECD (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT PharmacologicalIntervention:ECD (6833-4931)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ecd
nm brain head spect ecd (6833-4931)
RPID5399 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brain spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brn spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain thallium spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head brain spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head brn spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain thallium spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain thallium spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain thallium spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (7282-4613)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (4653-2515)
Anatomy:BRAIN IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (5537-1398)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT thllm
nm brain head spect ti201 ix (4653-2515)
nm brain head spect tl201 iv (7282-4613)
nm brain spect ti201 ix (5537-1398)
RPID54 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis uro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis urography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7792-0987) ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter w iv (7792-0987)
RPID540 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1856-0808) mr cspine wo iv (1856-0808)
RPID5400 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head in-dtpa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:dtpa Modality:NM Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head in-dtpa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head in-dtpa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:dtpa Modality:NM Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (3602-4224)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM Reason:Leak:Detection,Localization Substance:CSF dtpa
nm head paranasal sinus spine indium111 dtpa iv csfleak detection,localization (3602-4224)
RPID5401 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head hsa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak hsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk hsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:hsa Modality:NM Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head hsa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak hsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk hsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head hsa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak hsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk hsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:hsa Modality:NM Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (0046-0065)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM Reason:Leak:Detection,Localization Substance:CSF hsa
nm head paranasal sinus spine tc99m hsa iv csfleak detection,localization (0046-0065)
RPID5402 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (4840-8071) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis limited localize ga67 iv (4840-8071)
RPID5403 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen hida (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gallbladder hida (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gallbladder hida (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen hida (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder hida (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder hida (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen hida (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder hida (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder hida (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM (4475-6500)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM (3792-2844)
nm abdomen bileduct gallbladder liver tc99m ida iv (4475-6500)
nm abdomen gallbladder tc99m ida iv (3792-2844)
RPID5404 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver spect slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver spect sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spect slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spect sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spect slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spect sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (2370-1824) nm abdomen liver spect tc99m sulfurcolloid iv (2370-1824)
RPID5405 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver hmngma spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver hmngma spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of spect tc-rbc for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver hmngma spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver hemangioma spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Hemangioma (3210-9569) nm abdomen liver spect tc99m rbc iv hemangioma (3210-9569)
RPID5406 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion volume quantification lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus vol quant lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Measurement:Volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion volume quantification lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus vol quant lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion volume quantification lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus vol quant lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Measurement:Volume (6569-5184)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion maa quant vol
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion maa quantification volume
nm chest lung perfusion tc99m maa iv measurement volume (6569-5184)
RPID5407 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node with a technique of spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz snt lym nd spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization sentinel lymph node spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node with a technique of spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz snt lym nd spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization sentinel lymph node spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node with a technique of spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz snt lym nd spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization sentinel lymph node spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (6471-6623)
Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Object:LymphNode snt
nm lymphnode sentinel hybridct spect localize (6471-6623)
RPID5408 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gi tract tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gi tract tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (9283-5873)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM o4 tc
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM tco4
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract tc99m pertechnetate iv (9283-5873)
RPID5409 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM (1303-0883)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123:mibg Modality:NM (9356-4674)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM i123mibg
nm body whole localize i123 iv i131 mibg iv (1303-0883)
nm body whole localize i123 mibg iv (9356-4674)
RPID541 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lumbar spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7141-4665) mr lspine wo iv (7141-4665)
RPID5410 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress (3927-9705) nm chest heart perfusion spect stress tc99m mibi iv (3927-9705)
RPID5411 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (9109-4962) nm chest heart perfusion spect tc99m mibi iv (9109-4962)
RPID5412 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion single heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus sngl heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress ModalityType:SPECT (3824-0881)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ObjectCount:1 (2052-4198)
nm chest heart perfusion restorstress spect tc99m mibi iv (3824-0881)
nm chest heart perfusion spect tc99m mibi iv 1 (2052-4198)
RPID5413 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest ModalityType:SPECT (3165-6791) nm chest heart perfusion rest spect tc99m mibi iv (3165-6791)
RPID5414 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion rest heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rest heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (0247-7657)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (2346-0366)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest thllm
nm chest heart planar perfusion rest ti201 ix (2346-0366)
nm chest heart planar perfusion rest tl201 iv (0247-7657)
RPID5415 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest ModalityType:SPECT (7110-7437)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest ModalityType:SPECT (0341-0543)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest ModalityType:SPECT thllm
nm chest heart perfusion rest spect ti201 ix (0341-0543)
nm chest heart perfusion rest spect tl201 iv (7110-7437)
RPID5416 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (3663-9643)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (6524-7665)
nm body spect whole localize in111 pentetreotide iv cancer (3663-9643)
nm body spect whole localize indium111 pentetreotide iv cancer (6524-7665)
RPID5417 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 capromab pendetide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:capromab Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 capromab pendetide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 capromab pendetide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Capromab Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (1648-4896)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:capromab Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (7528-4051)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111 Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer cp
nm body spect whole localize in111 capromab iv cancer (1648-4896)
nm body spect whole localize indium111 capromab iv cancer (7528-4051)
RPID5418 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck para thyr gland spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT (6682-1824) nm neck parathyroid hybridct spect (6682-1824)
RPID5419 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd spleen spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen spleen spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen spect tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (2112-6511) nm abdomen spleen spect tc99m rbc iv (2112-6511)
RPID542 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr thoracic spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9121-0902) mr tspine wo iv (9121-0902)
RPID5420 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect/ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect/ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect/ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer spect/ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (6200-6452) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis hybridct spect cancer (6200-6452)
RPID5421 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM (1651-9732)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM (0086-4434)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM thllm
nm body whole localize ti201 ix (0086-4434)
nm body whole localize tl201 iv (1651-9732)
RPID5422 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111ortc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (8973-0067)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (8425-8878)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection inwbc
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis limited localize in111ortc99m wbc iv infection (8973-0067)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis limited localize indium111 wbc iv infection (8425-8878)
RPID5423 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection spect in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn spect inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection spect in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn spect inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization infection spect in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz infctn spect inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111ortc99m:WBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infection (5969-3356)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infection (8070-5037)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Infection inwbc
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize in111ortc99m wbc iv infection (5969-3356)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize indium111 wbc iv infection (8070-5037)
RPID5424 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody in-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz infctn inwbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization infection in-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111ortc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (2101-8519)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (8128-8152)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Infection inwbc
nm body whole localize in111ortc99m wbc iv infection (2101-8519)
nm body whole localize indium111 wbc iv infection (8128-8152)
RPID5425 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and rest imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Rest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and rest imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and rest imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Rest (1768-3702) nm chest heart rest tc99m rbc iv (1768-3702)
RPID5426 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (9438-8286) nm body whole localize y90 ibritumomabtiuxetan iv cancer (9438-8286)
RPID5427 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet-ct av-45 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfus brn petct av45 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head perfusion brain pet-ct av-45 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:AV45 Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet-ct av-45 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfus brn petct av45 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head perfusion brain pet-ct av-45 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of pet-ct av-45 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:AV45 Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:Perfusion (0261-0320) pt brain head hybridct perfusion av45 iv (0261-0320)
RPID5428 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy bone pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody bone pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bone pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Modality:PT (6791-7503)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:Whole Modality:PT (8650-3471)
pt body bone whole (6791-7503)
pt body skeleton whole (8650-3471)
RPID5429 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (5938-0873) pt head hybridct (5938-0873)
RPID543 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thigh wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr thigh wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thigh wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thigh wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3815-7244)
Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8923-8877)
mr lower extremity thigh wo iv (3815-7244)
mr thigh wo iv (8923-8877)
RPID5430 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT (4182-1679) pt chest heart (4182-1679)
RPID5431 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head neck pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head neck petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head neck pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head neck petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (3652-2872) pt head neck hybridct (3652-2872)
RPID5432 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:Perfusion (2590-5324) pt chest heart hybridct perfusion (2590-5324)
RPID5433 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance complex procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guidance complex malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guide cmplx cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Complex Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance complex procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guidance complex malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guide cmplx cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance complex procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm guidance complex malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Extent:Complex Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning (6684-5073)
Extent:Complex Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (7473-1143)
Extent:Complex Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer plnng trtmnt
pt hybridct complex guidance cancer planning (6684-5073)
pt hybridct complex guidance cancer planning radiotherapy (7473-1143)
RPID5434 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance intermediate procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guidance intermediate malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guide intrmdt cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Intermediate Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance intermediate procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guidance intermediate malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guide intrmdt cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance intermediate procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm guidance intermediate malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Extent:Intermediate Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning (3992-2712)
Extent:Intermediate Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (3294-5791)
Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer intrmdt plnng trtmnt
pt hybridct intermediate guidance cancer planning (3992-2712)
pt hybridct intermediate guidance cancer planning radiotherapy (3294-5791)
RPID5435 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance simple procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guidance simple malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guide smpl cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Simple Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance simple procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guidance simple malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guide smpl cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance simple procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm guidance simple malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Extent:Simple Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning (9995-3442)
Extent:Simple Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (5264-1900)
Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer plnng smpl trtmnt
pt hybridct simple guidance cancer planning (9995-3442)
pt hybridct simple guidance cancer planning radiotherapy (5264-1900)
RPID5436 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guidance malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm guide cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guidance malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm guide cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm guidance malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning (6914-2016)
Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (5468-6301)
Guidance Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer plnng trtmnt
pt hybridct guidance cancer planning (6914-2016)
pt hybridct guidance cancer planning radiotherapy (5468-6301)
RPID5437 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy ltd petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody limited pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Extent:Limited Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy ltd petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody limited pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Extent:Limited Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (4098-9732) pt body hybridct whole limited (4098-9732)
RPID5438 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Modality:NM (2394-3811) nm abdomen bone marrow chest extremity pelvis limited (2394-3811)
RPID5439 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (3724-2412)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM mdp
nm bone tc99m mdp iv (3724-2412)
RPID544 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8105-6815) mr tspine wo+w iv (8105-6815)
RPID5440 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm limited bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm ltd bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM (7343-3915)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM mdp
nm bone limited tc99m mdp iv (7343-3915)
RPID5441 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vascular flow brain ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vsclr flw brn ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:ECD Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow brain ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw brn ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow brain ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw brn ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:ECD Substance:Blood (6141-5919)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood ecd
nm brain head flow ecd blood (6141-5919)
RPID5442 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-dtpa for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart shunt detection tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart shnt detect tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-dtpa for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart shunt detection tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart shnt detect tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-dtpa for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart shunt detection tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart shnt detect tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection (0860-0091)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Guidance:Localize Modality:NM dtpa shunt tc
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM detect dtpa shnt tc
nm chest heart tc99m dtpa iv shunt detection (0860-0091)
RPID5443 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody cea for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer cea (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm cea (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:cea Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody cea for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer cea (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm cea (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody cea for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer cea (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm cea (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:cea Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (8506-5940) nm body whole localize tc99m cea iv cancer (8506-5940)
RPID5444 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with a technique of spect cea for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localiz cancer spect cea (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm localization malignant neoplasm spect cea (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:cea Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with a technique of spect cea for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz cancer spect cea (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization malignant neoplasm spect cea (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with a technique of spect cea for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz cancer spect cea (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization malignant neoplasm spect cea (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:cea Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (8042-3758) nm spect localize tc99m cea iv cancer (8042-3758)
RPID5445 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head in-dtpa for the purpose of hydrocephalus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brain hydrocephalus in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head brn hydrocephalus in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:dtpa Modality:NM Reason:Hydrocephalus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head in-dtpa for the purpose of hydrocephalus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain hydrocephalus in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn hydrocephalus in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head in-dtpa for the purpose of hydrocephalus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brain hydrocephalus in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brn hydrocephalus in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:dtpa Modality:NM Reason:Hydrocephalus (9386-1641)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM Reason:Hydrocephalus dtpa
nm brain head indium111 dtpa iv hydrocephalus (9386-1641)
RPID5446 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the ureter and bladder in the pelvis and abdomen tc-dtpa for the purpose of vesicourteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis abd cug urtr bladder vu rflx tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography ureter bladder vesicourteral reflux tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the ureter and bladder in the pelvis and abdomen tc-dtpa for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abd cug urtr bladder vu rflx tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography ureter bladder vesicoureteral reflux tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the ureter and bladder in the pelvis and abdomen tc-dtpa for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abd cug urtr bladder vu rflx tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abdomen cystourethrography ureter bladder vesicoureteral reflux tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (2245-5149)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric dtpa tc
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography dtpa reflux tc vesicourteral
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric cug dtpa tc
nm abdomen bladder pelvis ureter cystography tc99m dtpa iv reflux vesicoureteric (2245-5149)
RPID5447 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest sulfur colloid for the purpose of motility (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest esophagus motility sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst esoph mtlty slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Motility:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest sulfur colloid for the purpose of motility (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus motility sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph mtlty slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest sulfur colloid for the purpose of motility (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus motility sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph mtlty slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Motility:Yes (4670-5476)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Function:Motility (9825-0368)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM mtlty
nm chest esophagus tc99m sulfurcolloid iv function motility (9825-0368)
nm chest esophagus tc99m sulfurcolloid iv motility (4670-5476)
RPID5448 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM (9579-0797) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize ga67 iv (9579-0797)
RPID5449 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm spect research (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm spect research (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spect research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spect research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Research Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (3127-3425)
Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (1666-8608)
nm spect (1666-8608)
nm spect research (3127-3425)
RPID545 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr thoracic spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr t spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6135-8359) mr tspine w iv (6135-8359)
RPID5450 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest sulfur colloid for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest esophagus gastroesophageal reflux sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst esoph gstroesph rflx slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest sulfur colloid for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus gastroesophageal reflux sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph gstroesph rflx slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest sulfur colloid for the purpose of gastroesophageal reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest esophagus gastroesophageal reflux sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst esoph gstroesph rflx slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (0913-1488)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal (8529-6815)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Gastroesophageal gastroesopageal
nm chest esophagus stomach tc99m sulfurcolloid iv reflux gastroesophageal (0913-1488)
nm chest esophagus tc99m sulfurcolloid iv reflux gastroesophageal (8529-6815)
RPID5451 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd stomach slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen stomach sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd stomach slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen stomach sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd stomach slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen stomach sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (3636-9659) nm abdomen stomach tc99m sulfurcolloid iv (3636-9659)
RPID5452 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen hida for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd gallbladder obs hida (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen gallbladder obstruction hida (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM Reason:Obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen hida for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder obs hida (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder obstruction hida (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen hida for the purpose of obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd gallbladder obs hida (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen gallbladder obstruction hida (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM Reason:Obstruction (8323-4771)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM Reason:Obstruction (2036-8199)
nm abdomen bileduct gallbladder liver tc99m ida iv obstruction (8323-4771)
nm abdomen gallbladder tc99m ida iv obstruction (2036-8199)
RPID5453 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dmsa Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney spect dmsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dmsa Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (5481-2876) nm abdomen kidney spect tc99m dmsa iv (5481-2876)
RPID5454 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (6629-7164) nm abdomen kidney flow tc99m rbc iv blood (6629-7164)
RPID5455 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney pst txp mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney post transplant mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mag3 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney pst txp mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney post transplant mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen mag3 for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney pst txp mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney post transplant mag3 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mag3 Modality:NM (5181-4528)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:NM mag3
nm abdomen kidney transplant tc99m mag3 iv (5181-4528)
RPID5456 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver spleen plnr nm img slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver spleen planar nuclear medicine imaging sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen plnr nm img slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen planar nuclear medicine imaging sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen plnr nm img slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen planar nuclear medicine imaging sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR (6194-2616) nm abdomen liver spleen planar tc99m sulfurcolloid iv (6194-2616)
RPID5457 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd perfus liver maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen perfusion liver maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd perfus liver maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen perfusion liver maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd perfus liver maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen perfusion liver maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (8607-4002)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion maa
nm abdomen liver perfusion tc99m maa iv (8607-4002)
RPID5458 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion lung embolism maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus lung embo maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion lung embolism maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus lung embo maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion lung embolism maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus lung embo maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Embolus (5125-0504)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Embolus maa
nm chest lung perfusion tc99m maa iv embolus (5125-0504)
RPID5459 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen maa for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd shnt ptncy maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen shunt patency maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Shunt IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM Reason:Patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen maa for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd shnt ptncy maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen shunt patency maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen maa for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd shnt ptncy maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen shunt patency maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Shunt IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM Reason:Patency (8765-0450)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM maa patency shunt
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM maa ptncy shnt
nm abdomen shunt tc99m maa iv patency (8765-0450)
RPID546 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head temporomandibular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tmj wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head temporomandibular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head tmj wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr tmj wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr tmj wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tmj wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tmj wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tmj wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tmj wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9998-0445)
Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8895-8921)
mr head temporomandibular joint wo iv (9998-0445)
mr temporomandibular joint wo iv (8895-8921)
RPID5460 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest arbutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart arbutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart arbtmn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Arbutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest arbutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart arbutamine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart arbtmn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest arbutamine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart arbutamine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart arbtmn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion PharmacologicalIntervention:Arbutamine (7012-6157)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion arbtmn
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion arbutamine
nm chest heart perfusion arbutamine (7012-6157)
RPID5461 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (3166-5909)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer mibg
nm body whole localize i131 mibg iv cancer (3166-5909)
RPID5462 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect/ct mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect/ct mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect/ct mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect/ct mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect/ct mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect/ct mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect/ct mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer spect/ct mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm spect/ct mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (8961-1001)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer mibg
nm body hybridct spect whole localize i131 mibg iv cancer (8961-1001)
RPID5463 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM (3303-7696)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM mibg
nm chest heart i131 mibg iv (3303-7696)
RPID5464 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect i-123 mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (0218-4535)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123:mibg Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (4352-7338)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer i123mibg
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize i123 iv i131 mibg iv cancer (0218-4535)
nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize i123 mibg iv cancer (4352-7338)
RPID5465 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion stress heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus stress heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Stress (1659-7515) nm chest heart planar perfusion stress tc99m mibi iv (1659-7515)
RPID5466 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion (9997-2141) nm chest heart planar perfusion tc99m mibi iv (9997-2141)
RPID5467 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion rest heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rest heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest (8607-3763) nm chest heart planar perfusion rest tc99m mibi iv (8607-3763)
RPID5468 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress ModalityType:SPECT (9283-5613)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ObjectCount:2OrMore (6324-6754)
nm chest heart perfusion restandstress spect tc99m mibi iv (9283-5613)
nm chest heart perfusion spect tc99m mibi iv 2 or more (6324-6754)
RPID5469 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi for the purpose of chest pain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion rest heart chest pain sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rest heart chest pain sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest Reason:ChestPain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi for the purpose of chest pain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart chest pain sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart chest pain sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi for the purpose of chest pain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion rest heart chest pain sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rest heart chest pain sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Rest Reason:ChestPain (5513-1780) nm chest heart perfusion rest tc99m mibi iv chestpain (5513-1780)
RPID547 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head temporomandibular joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tmj wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head temporomandibular joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head tmj wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr tmj w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr tmj w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tmj wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tmj w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tmj wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tmj w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8686-3597)
Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0257-0753)
mr head temporomandibular joint wo+w iv (8686-3597)
mr temporomandibular joint wo+w iv (0257-0753)
RPID5470 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion stress heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus stress heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Stress (7768-1794)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Stress (4013-5247)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Stress thllm
nm chest heart planar perfusion stress ti201 ix (4013-5247)
nm chest heart planar perfusion stress tl201 iv (7768-1794)
RPID5471 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution (2356-1672)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution (6173-8669)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution thllm
nm chest heart planar perfusion redistribution ti201 ix (6173-8669)
nm chest heart planar perfusion redistribution tl201 iv (2356-1672)
RPID5472 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion (7548-7691)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion (2628-6280)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion thllm
nm chest heart planar perfusion ti201 ix (2628-6280)
nm chest heart planar perfusion tl201 iv (7548-7691)
RPID5473 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart viability planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart viable plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart viability planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart viable plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart viability planar nuclear medicine imaging thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart viable plnr nm img thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Viability (8642-8962)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Viability (9704-7737)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion thllm viable
nm chest heart planar perfusion ti201 ix viability (9704-7737)
nm chest heart planar perfusion tl201 iv viability (8642-8962)
RPID5474 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution ModalityType:SPECT (6344-1872)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution ModalityType:SPECT (4623-0216)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution ModalityType:SPECT thllm
nm chest heart perfusion redistribution spect ti201 ix (4623-0216)
nm chest heart perfusion redistribution spect tl201 iv (6344-1872)
RPID5475 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion stress heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus stress heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress (6494-8019)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress (7770-8825)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress thllm
nm chest heart perfusion spect stress ti201 ix (7770-8825)
nm chest heart perfusion spect stress tl201 iv (6494-8019)
RPID5476 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (1467-3464)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT (1604-3197)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT thllm
nm chest heart perfusion spect ti201 ix (1604-3197)
nm chest heart perfusion spect tl201 iv (1467-3464)
RPID5477 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart viability spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart viable spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart viability spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart viable spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect thallium for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart viability spect thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart viable spect thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Viability (4183-8700)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Viability (8153-3716)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT thllm viable
nm chest heart perfusion spect ti201 ix viability (8153-3716)
nm chest heart perfusion spect tl201 iv viability (4183-8700)
RPID5478 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart infarct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart infrct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Infarct (2610-1799)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion infrct
nm chest heart perfusion infarct (2610-1799)
RPID5479 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (1603-5869)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (7079-3804)
nm abdomen body chest extremity pelvis spect whole localize in111 pentetreotide iv cancer (1603-5869)
nm abdomen body chest extremity pelvis spect whole localize indium111 pentetreotide iv cancer (7079-3804)
RPID548 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4441-2253) mr upper extremity w iv (4441-2253)
RPID5480 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (0961-9072) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis localize cancer (0961-9072)
RPID5481 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (7382-4898) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect localize cancer (7382-4898)
RPID5482 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd spleen plnr nm img tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen spleen planar nuclear medicine imaging tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen plnr nm img tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen planar nuclear medicine imaging tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen plnr nm img tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen planar nuclear medicine imaging tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR (1412-9208) nm abdomen spleen planar tc99m rbc iv (1412-9208)
RPID5483 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm thy glnd tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thy glnd tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thy glnd tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (3831-3395)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM o4 tc
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM tco4
nm thyroid tc99m pertechnetate iv (3831-3395)
RPID5484 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (7077-8676)
Anatomy:THYROID IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (2395-6744)
nm thyroid i131 iv (7077-8676)
nm thyroid i131 ix (2395-6744)
RPID5485 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody sestamibi for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz cancer sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody sestamibi for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody sestamibi for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz cancer sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization malignant neoplasm sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (4237-7073) nm body whole localize tc99m mibi iv cancer (4237-7073)
RPID5486 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis tc-rbc for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis perfus vsclr flw tstcls trsn tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis perfusion vascular flow testicles torsion tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Torsion Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis tc-rbc for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfus vsclr flw tstcls trsn tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfusion vascular flow testicles torsion tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis tc-rbc for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfus vsclr flw tstcls trsn tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis perfusion vascular flow testicles torsion tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Torsion Substance:Blood (2837-5606) nm pelvis testes flow perfusion tc99m rbc iv torsion blood (2837-5606)
RPID5487 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy i123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (9926-5974)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IXRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM (2066-4368)
nm body whole i123 iv (9926-5974)
nm body whole i123 ix (2066-4368)
RPID5488 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities localization limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms localiz ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (0434-9359) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis limited localize tc99m wbc iv infection (0434-9359)
RPID5489 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and stress imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and stress imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and stress imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Stress (9228-3419) nm chest heart stress tc99m rbc iv (9228-3419)
RPID549 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity joint w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity joint w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7618-3138) mr upper extremity joint wo+w iv (7618-3138)
RPID5490 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest first pass wall motion heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst frst pss wll mnt heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass wall motion heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss wll mnt heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass wall motion heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss wll mnt heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (1343-5591)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS mnt wall
nm chest heart tc99m rbc iv function wallmotion firstpass (1343-5591)
RPID5491 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable wall motion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest wall motion rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst wll mnt rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Rest Reason:Function:WallMotion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable wall motion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest wall motion rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst wll mnt rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable wall motion and rest procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest wall motion rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst wll mnt rest heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Rest Reason:Function:WallMotion (8206-7992)
Anatomy:CHESTWALL Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Rest mnt
Anatomy:CHESTWALL Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Rest motion
nm chest heart rest tc99m rbc iv function wallmotion (8206-7992)
RPID5492 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sk bs md thgh pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm skull base to mid-thigh pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sk bs md thgh pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm skull base to mid-thigh pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Modality:PT (6594-9685) pt body skullbasetomidthigh (6594-9685)
RPID5493 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Modality:PT (0931-7326) pt (0931-7326)
RPID5494 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:PT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:PT (9512-9692) pt body whole (9512-9692)
RPID5495 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion (9424-2949) pt chest heart perfusion (9424-2949)
RPID5496 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (3274-5028) pt hybridct (3274-5028)
RPID5497 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of pet for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities prostate malignant neoplasm pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms prost cancer pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:PT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of pet for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities prostate malignant neoplasm pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms prost cancer pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of pet for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities prostate malignant neoplasm pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms prost cancer pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:PT Reason:Cancer (5356-9504) pt abdomen chest extremity head pelvis prostate cancer (5356-9504)
RPID5498 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm perfus mltpl heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm perfusion multiple heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm perfus mltpl heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm perfusion multiple heart pet (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart with a technique of pet (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (5430-9651)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:2OrMore (4170-2011)
pt heart perfusion 2 or more (4170-2011)
pt heart perfusion restandstress (5430-9651)
RPID5499 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm cancer trtmnt plnng petct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of pet-ct for the purpose of malignant neoplasm and treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
nm malignant neoplasm treatment planning pet-ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:USECODESWHICHSPECIFYPETANDPET/CTVIAMODALITYINSTEAD.)
Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning (1308-3226)
Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (3603-4928)
Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Reason:Cancer plnng trtmnt
pt hybridct cancer planning (1308-3226)
pt hybridct cancer planning radiotherapy (3603-4928)
RPID55 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue lt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity left without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5337-8936) ct upper extremity left wo iv (5337-8936)
RPID550 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (7044-6585)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (3336-8160)
mr upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (7044-6585)
mr upper extremity joint arthrography w iarticular (3336-8160)
RPID5500 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities multiple bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms mltpl bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (5819-5054) nm abdomen bone marrow chest extremity pelvis tc99m sulfurcolloid iv 2 or more (5819-5054)
RPID5501 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest abdomen pelvis extremities bone marrow sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst abd pelvis extrms bn marrow slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BONEMARROW Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (4503-3892) nm abdomen bone marrow chest extremity pelvis tc99m sulfurcolloid iv (4503-3892)
RPID5502 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm vascular flow bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm vsclr flw bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vascular flow bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vsclr flw bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vascular flow bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vsclr flw bone mdp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mdp Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (7067-7151)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood mdp
nm bone flow tc99m mdp iv blood (7067-7151)
RPID5503 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the brain in the head ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vascular flow limited brain ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vsclr flw ltd brn ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:ECD Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the brain in the head ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow limited brain ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw ltd brn ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and limited procedure focused on the brain in the head ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow limited brain ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw ltd brn ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:ECD Substance:Blood (3191-6341)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood ecd
nm brain head flow limited ecd blood (3191-6341)
RPID5504 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head limited brain planar nuclear medicine imaging ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head ltd brn plnr nm img ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR PharmacologicalIntervention:ECD (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head limited brain planar nuclear medicine imaging ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head ltd brn plnr nm img ecd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head limited brain planar nuclear medicine imaging ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head ltd brn plnr nm img ecd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR PharmacologicalIntervention:ECD (9030-4934)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ecd
nm brain head planar limited ecd (9030-4934)
RPID5505 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest localization breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst localiz breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest localization breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst localiz breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest localization breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst localiz breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Localize Modality:NM (2959-3822) nm breast chest localize (2959-3822)
RPID5506 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM (0035-9330) nm body whole localize tc99m mibi iv (0035-9330)
RPID5507 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vascular flow brain xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head vsclr flw brn xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow brain xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw brn xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow brain xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw brn xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (2947-0082)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood xenon
nm brain head flow gaseous xe133 inhaled blood (2947-0082)
RPID5508 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen tc-o4 for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head abd shnt detect tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head abdomen shunt detection tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen tc-o4 for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head abd shnt detect tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head abdomen shunt detection tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen tc-o4 for the purpose of shunt detection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head abd shnt detect tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head abdomen shunt detection tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM Reason:Shunt:Detection (9837-0583)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Localize Modality:NM o4 shunt tc
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM detect shnt tco4
nm abdomen head tc99m pertechnetate iv shunt detection (9837-0583)
RPID5509 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head sinuses in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:dtpa Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses in-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:dtpa Modality:NM (9582-3251)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM dtpa
nm head paranasal sinus spine indium111 dtpa iv (9582-3251)
RPID551 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr humerus wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr humerus wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr humerus wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper arm wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5654-3849)
Anatomy:HUMERUS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3920-4178)
Anatomy:UPPERARM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9794-4185)
mr humerus upper extremity wo iv (5654-3849)
mr humerus wo iv (3920-4178)
mr upper arm wo iv (9794-4185)
RPID5510 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head with a technique of spect hsa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak spect hsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk spect hsa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:hsa Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head with a technique of spect hsa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak spect hsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk spect hsa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the spine and head with a technique of spect hsa for the purpose of csf leak (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head paranasal sinuses csf leak spect hsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spine head sinuses csf lk spect hsa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:hsa Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:CSFLeak:Detection,Localization (6273-1400)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:SPINE Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Leak:Detection,Localization Substance:CSF hsa
nm head paranasal sinus spine spect tc99m hsa iv csfleak detection,localization (6273-1400)
RPID5511 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest first pass heart ejection fraction tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst frst pss heart ejct frctn tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass heart ejection fraction tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss heart ejct frctn tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass heart ejection fraction tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss heart ejct frctn tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (5737-7767) nm chest heart tc99m rbc iv function ejection fraction firstpass (5737-7767)
RPID5512 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest first pass stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst frst pss stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Stress WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable first pass and stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest first pass stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst frst pss stress heart tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM ModalityType:Stress WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (7021-5587) nm chest heart stress tc99m rbc iv firstpass (7021-5587)
RPID5513 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis gallium for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited infection gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd infctn gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis gallium for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited infection gallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd infctn gllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis gallium for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization limited infection gallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz ltd infctn gllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:ga67 Modality:NM Reason:Infection (4877-2661) nm abdomen chest head pelvis limited localize ga67 iv infection (4877-2661)
RPID5514 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd localiz gi tract tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz gi tract tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd localiz gi tract tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen localization gastrointestinal tract tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GASTROINTESTINALTRACT Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (6059-4556)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Localize Modality:NM o4 tc
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Guidance:Localize Modality:NM tco4
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract localize tc99m pertechnetate iv (6059-4556)
RPID5515 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen hida for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver pst txp hida (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver post transplant hida (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER:Transplant IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen hida for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver pst txp hida (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver post transplant hida (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen hida for the purpose of post transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver pst txp hida (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver post transplant hida (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER:Transplant IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM (1281-6269)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER:Transplant IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:IDA Modality:NM (3701-1359)
nm abdomen bileduct gallbladder liver transplant tc99m ida iv (1281-6269)
nm abdomen liver transplant tc99m ida iv (3701-1359)
RPID5516 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa for the purpose of gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney gfr tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney gfr tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function:Renal:GFR IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa for the purpose of gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney gfr tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney gfr tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa for the purpose of gfr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney gfr tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney gfr tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function:Renal:GFR IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM (9744-1460)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function:Renal:GFR Modality:NM dtpa tc
nm abdomen kidney renal gfr tc99m dtpa iv (9744-1460)
RPID5517 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen hippuran (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd kidney hpprn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen kidney hippuran (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:hippuran Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen hippuran (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney hpprn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney hippuran (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen hippuran (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney hpprn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney hippuran (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:hippuran Modality:NM (9082-2120)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM hpprn
nm abdomen kidney i131 hippuran iv (9082-2120)
RPID5518 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow kidney tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (1304-8483)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood dtpa tc
nm abdomen kidney flow tc99m dtpa iv blood (1304-8483)
RPID5519 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw liver hmngma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Hemangioma Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver hmngma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver hmngma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Hemangioma Substance:Blood (4562-5124) nm abdomen liver flow hemangioma blood (4562-5124)
RPID552 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4817-0086) mr upper extremity wo iv (4817-0086)
RPID5520 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm extremities perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm extrms perfus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the extremities (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extremities perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extrms perfus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the extremities (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extremities perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extrms perfus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (4185-4788) nm extremity perfusion (4185-4788)
RPID5521 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (5935-2178) nm abdomen liver tc99m sulfurcolloid iv (5935-2178)
RPID5522 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw liver slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (5695-5637) nm abdomen liver flow tc99m sulfurcolloid iv blood (5695-5637)
RPID5523 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the lung in the chest maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus lung maa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:maa Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (8698-6428)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion maa
nm chest lung perfusion tc99m maa iv (8698-6428)
RPID5524 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd liver spleen slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen liver spleen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM (1211-9646) nm abdomen liver spleen tc99m sulfurcolloid iv (1211-9646)
RPID5525 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spleen slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spleen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spleen slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spleen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd vsclr flw liver spleen slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen vascular flow liver spleen sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (3503-7842) nm abdomen liver spleen flow tc99m sulfurcolloid iv blood (3503-7842)
RPID5526 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and single procedure focused on the lung in the chest xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest ventilation single lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst vent sngl lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation ObjectCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and single procedure focused on the lung in the chest xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation single lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst vent sngl lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and single procedure focused on the lung in the chest xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation single lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst vent sngl lung xenon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation ObjectCount:1 (1403-5440)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG InhaledRadiopharmaceutical:Gaseous:xe133 Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation:SingleBreath (4022-1274)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Ventilation ObjectCount:1 xenon
nm chest lung ventilation gaseous xe133 inhaled 1 (1403-5440)
nm chest lung ventilation singlebreath gaseous xe133 inhaled (4022-1274)
RPID5527 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sentinel lymph node sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm snt lym nd slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sentinel lymph node sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm snt lym nd slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm sentinel lymph node sulfur colloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm snt lym nd slfr clld (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (7618-1330)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:SulfurColloid Modality:NM Object:LymphNode snt
nm lymphnode sentinel tc99m sulfurcolloid iv (7618-1330)
RPID5528 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm sentinel lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm snt lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:NM Object:LymphNode:Sentinel (6414-2536)
Modality:NM Object:LymphNode snt
nm lymphnode sentinel (6414-2536)
RPID5529 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm spect mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer spect mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm spect mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer spect mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of spect mibg for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis localization malignant neoplasm spect mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis localiz cancer spect mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (1556-9503)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer mibg
nm abdomen chest head pelvis spect localize i131 mibg iv cancer (1556-9503)
RPID553 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity joint wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity joint wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6611-8102) mr upper extremity joint wo iv (6611-8102)
RPID5530 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart ejection fraction sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart ejct frctn sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Function:EjectionFraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart ejection fraction sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart ejct frctn sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart ejection fraction sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart ejct frctn sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Function:EjectionFraction (3026-4501) nm chest heart perfusion tc99m mibi iv function ejection fraction (3026-4501)
RPID5531 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion wall motion heart sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus wll mnt heart sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Function:WallMotion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion wall motion heart sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus wll mnt heart sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and wall motion procedure focused on the heart in the chest sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion wall motion heart sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus wll mnt heart sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Reason:Function:WallMotion (6320-5098)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion mnt wall
nm chest heart perfusion tc99m mibi iv function wallmotion (6320-5098)
RPID5532 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion single heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus sngl heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion single heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus sngl heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestOrStress (2835-9341)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:1 (9635-0175)
nm chest heart planar perfusion restorstress tc99m mibi iv (2835-9341)
nm chest heart planar perfusion tc99m mibi iv 1 (9635-0175)
RPID5533 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart planar nuclear medicine imaging sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart plnr nm img sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (3848-9860)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:2OrMore (5455-5889)
nm chest heart planar perfusion restandstress tc99m mibi iv (3848-9860)
nm chest heart planar perfusion tc99m mibi iv 2 or more (5455-5889)
RPID5534 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and redistribution procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion redistribution heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus rdstrbtn heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution (1801-5962)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution (6242-9257)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Redistribution thllm
nm chest heart perfusion redistribution ti201 ix (6242-9257)
nm chest heart perfusion redistribution tl201 iv (1801-5962)
RPID5535 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple heart thallium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus mltpl heart thllm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:tl201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:RestAndStress (2439-9908)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IXRadiopharmaceutical:ti201 Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:2OrMore (6472-2352)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:2OrMore thllm
nm chest heart perfusion restandstress tl201 iv (2439-9908)
nm chest heart perfusion ti201 ix 2 or more (6472-2352)
RPID5536 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest perfusion heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst perfus heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion heart gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus heart gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ModalityType:Perfusion (9454-9484) nm chest heart gated perfusion (9454-9484)
RPID5537 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of function and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chest heart function wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm chst heart fn wll mnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:NM Reason:Function:WallMotion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of function and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart function wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart fn wll mnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of function and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart function wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart fn wll mnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:NM Reason:Function:WallMotion (1246-3242)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:NM mnt wall
nm chest heart function function wallmotion (1246-3242)
RPID5538 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy cancer spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody malignant neoplasm spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (1466-5942)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (2775-6689)
nm body spect whole in111 pentetreotide iv cancer (1466-5942)
nm body spect whole indium111 pentetreotide iv cancer (2775-6689)
RPID5539 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis and extremities with a technique of spect for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chest abdomen pelvis extremities malignant neoplasm spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head chst abd pelvis extrms cancer spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Cancer (4667-6783) nm abdomen chest extremity head pelvis spect cancer (4667-6783)
RPID554 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr abdomen angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8567-6123) mr abdomen angiography wo iv (8567-6123)
RPID5540 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck para thyr gland sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck parathyroid gland sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM (6604-8418) nm neck parathyroid tc99m mibi iv (6604-8418)
RPID5541 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck vascular flow parathyroid gland sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck vsclr flw para thyr gland sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck vascular flow parathyroid gland sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck vsclr flw para thyr gland sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck vascular flow parathyroid gland sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck vsclr flw para thyr gland sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (6007-7022) nm neck parathyroid flow tc99m mibi iv blood (6007-7022)
RPID5542 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck para thyr gland plnr nm img (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck parathyroid gland planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland plnr nm img (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland plnr nm img (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland planar nuclear medicine imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:PLANAR (4100-8042) nm neck parathyroid planar (4100-8042)
RPID5543 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck para thyr gland spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland spect sstmbi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect sestamibi (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:mibi Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (8954-0204) nm neck parathyroid spect tc99m mibi iv (8954-0204)
RPID5544 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm suppression (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm supprssn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:NM ModalityType:Supression (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm suppression (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm supprssn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable suppression procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm suppression (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm supprssn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:NM ModalityType:Supression (7605-0390)
Modality:NM suppression
Modality:NM supprssn
nm supression (7605-0390)
RPID5545 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head saliv tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head salivary gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head saliv tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head salivary gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head saliv tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head salivary gland tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (3313-8564)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:NM o4 tc
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM saliv tco4
nm head salivary gland tc99m pertechnetate iv (3313-8564)
RPID5546 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abd spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm abdomen spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen tc-rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM (4707-4022) nm abdomen spleen tc99m rbc iv (4707-4022)
RPID5547 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd i131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (5222-3584)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM (9795-1466)
nm neck thyroid i131 iv (5222-3584)
nm neck thyroid i131 ix (9795-1466)
RPID5548 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the neck and chest i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck chest localization malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck chst localiz cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the neck and chest i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck chest localization malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck chst localiz cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the neck and chest i-131 for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck chest localization malignant neoplasm i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck chst localiz cancer i131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (1062-9679)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Localize IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (9204-8480)
nm chest neck localize i131 iv cancer (1062-9679)
nm chest neck localize i131 ix cancer (9204-8480)
RPID5549 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm whbdy localiz mltpl i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm wholebody localization multiple i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz mltpl i131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization multiple i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple procedure focused on the wholebody i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz mltpl i131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization multiple i-131 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (7331-8375)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize IXRadiopharmaceutical:i131 Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore (8372-5780)
nm body whole localize i131 iv 2 or more (7331-8375)
nm body whole localize i131 ix 2 or more (8372-5780)
RPID555 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6284-4188) mr abdomen angiography w iv (6284-4188)
RPID5550 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm head tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM (4134-3633)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM o4 tc
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM tco4
nm head tc99m pertechnetate iv (4134-3633)
RPID5551 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck single determination thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm neck sngl dtrmnt thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM Phases:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck single determination thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck sngl dtrmnt thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck single determination thyroid gland i-123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck sngl dtrmnt thy glnd i123 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM Phases:1 (7937-5527)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID IXRadiopharmaceutical:i123 Modality:NM Phases:1 (9244-2984)
nm neck thyroid i123 iv 1 phases (7937-5527)
nm neck thyroid i123 ix 1 phases (9244-2984)
RPID5552 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis tc-o4 for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles torsion tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls trsn tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Torsion Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis tc-o4 for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles torsion tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls trsn tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis tc-o4 for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vascular flow testicles torsion tc-o4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis vsclr flw tstcls trsn tco4 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:pertechnetate Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Torsion Substance:Blood (7954-0311)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Torsion Substance:Blood o4 tc
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Torsion Substance:Blood tco4
nm pelvis testes flow tc99m pertechnetate iv torsion blood (7954-0311)
RPID5553 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis tc-dtpa for the purpose of vesicourteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis cug bladder vu rflx tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
nm pelvis cystourethrography bladder vesicourteral reflux tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis tc-dtpa for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis cug bladder vu rflx tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis cystourethrography bladder vesicoureteral reflux tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis tc-dtpa for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis cug bladder vu rflx tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis cystourethrography bladder vesicoureteral reflux tc-dtpa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:dtpa Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (3579-4678)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric dtpa tc
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric cug dtpa tc
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography dtpa reflux tc vesicourteral
nm bladder pelvis cystography tc99m dtpa iv reflux vesicoureteric (3579-4678)
RPID5554 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast diag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (5994-0148)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (7412-0435)
mg breast diagnostic (5994-0148)
mg breast diagnostic (7412-0435)
RPID5555 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG Object:Specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG Object:Specimen (2007-8949) mg breast specimen (2007-8949)
RPID5556 mammography radiology orderable with implants imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast with implants bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast w implnts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG ModalityType:Implant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable with implants imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast with implants bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast w implnts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable with implants imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast with implants bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast w implnts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG ModalityType:Implant (9474-3509)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG implnts w
mg breast both implant (9474-3509)
RPID5557 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast bilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast bilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (7412-0435)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (2467-3473)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (6290-8259)
mg breast both diagnostic (2467-3473)
mg breast both diagnostic (6290-8259)
mg breast diagnostic (7412-0435)
RPID5558 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast diagnostic research (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic research (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Diagnostic Context:Research Modality:MG (1107-1895)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG (9312-6121)
mg breast both (9312-6121)
mg breast diagnostic research (1107-1895)
RPID5559 mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast localization left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast localiz lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast localization left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast localiz lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast localization left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast localiz lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize Modality:MG (5975-6184) mg breast left localize (5975-6184)
RPID556 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1602-3071) mr chest angiography w iv (1602-3071)
RPID5560 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast left diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast lt diag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast diagnostic left with ultrasound if needed (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast left diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast lt diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic left with ultrasound if needed (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic left with ultrasound if needed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast left diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast lt diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic left with ultrasound if needed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast left diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast lt diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (3561-0412)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (7655-3538)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG Modality:US if needed
mg breast left diagnostic (3561-0412)
mg breast left diagnostic (7655-3538)
RPID5561 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast diagnostic right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (7504-1470)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG (4644-1816)
mg breast right (4644-1816)
mg breast right diagnostic (7504-1470)
RPID5562 mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast localization right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast localiz rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast localization right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast localiz rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast localization right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast localiz rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize Modality:MG (4066-3734) mg breast right localize (4066-3734)
RPID5563 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast right diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast rt diag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast diagnostic right with ultrasound if needed (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast right diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast rt diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic right with ultrasound if needed (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic right with ultrasound if needed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast right diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast rt diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic right with ultrasound if needed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast right diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast rt diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (8167-8015)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (7504-1470)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG Modality:US if needed
mg breast right diagnostic (7504-1470)
mg breast right diagnostic (8167-8015)
RPID5564 mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize Modality:MG (4774-4861) mg breast localize (4774-4861)
RPID5565 mammography radiology orderable galactography multiple ducts procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast galactography multiple ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast gltcgrphy mltpl dcts (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Ducts:2OrMore Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable galactography multiple ducts procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast galactography multiple ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast gltcgrphy mltpl dcts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable galactography multiple ducts procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast galactography multiple ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast gltcgrphy mltpl dcts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Ducts:2OrMore Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (6451-8511)
Anatomy:BREAST Ducts:2OrMore Modality:MG gltcgrphy
mg breast ductography 2ormore (6451-8511)
RPID5566 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (3779-5181)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (1274-8609)
mg breast left cyst aspirate (1274-8609)
mg breast left cyst left aspirate (3779-5181)
RPID5567 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (0766-5046)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (4718-2388)
mg breast right cyst aspirate (4718-2388)
mg breast right cyst right aspirate (0766-5046)
RPID5568 mammography radiology orderable galactography single duct procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast galactography single duct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast gltcgrphy sngl dct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Ducts:1 Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable galactography single duct procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast galactography single duct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast gltcgrphy sngl dct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable galactography single duct procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast galactography single duct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast gltcgrphy sngl dct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Ducts:1 Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (7765-3776)
Anatomy:BREAST Ducts:1 Modality:MG gltcgrphy
mg breast ductography 1 (7765-3776)
RPID5569 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast diagnostic left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (7655-3538)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG (0297-7010)
mg breast left (0297-7010)
mg breast left diagnostic (7655-3538)
RPID557 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr chest angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0748-5254) mr chest angiography wo iv (0748-5254)
RPID5570 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG (1335-0414) mg breast unilateral (1335-0414)
RPID5571 mammography radiology orderable galactography procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast galactography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast gltcgrphy bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable galactography procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast galactography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast gltcgrphy bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable galactography procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast galactography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast gltcgrphy bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (0578-4592)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG gltcgrphy
mg breast both ductography (0578-4592)
RPID5572 mammography radiology orderable galactography procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast galactography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast gltcgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast ductogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable galactography procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast galactography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast gltcgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast ductogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast ductogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable galactography procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast galactography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast gltcgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast ductogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable galactography procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast galactography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast gltcgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (5061-9347)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ductogram
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG gltcgrphy
mg breast ductography (5061-9347)
RPID5573 mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MG (3359-5738)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Insert Modality:MG needle
mg breast needle insert (3359-5738)
RPID5574 mammography radiology orderable stereotaxis and localization procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast stereotaxis localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast stertxs localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable stereotactic and localization procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast stereotactic localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast stertxs localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable stereotactic and localization procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast stereotactic localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast stertxs localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (2907-4507) mg breast localize stereotactic (2907-4507)
RPID5575 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (5937-3227)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG stereo
mg breast left biopsy stereotactic (5937-3227)
RPID5576 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (6289-3408)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG stereo
mg breast right biopsy stereotactic (6289-3408)
RPID5577 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast stereotactic biopsy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast stereo bx foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast stereotactic biopsy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast stereo bx foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast stereotactic biopsy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast stereo bx foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (5441-9091)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG stereo
mg breast followup biopsy stereotactic (5441-9091)
RPID5578 mammography radiology orderable with implants imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast with implants bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast w implnts bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast screening implants (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable with implants imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast with implants bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast w implnts bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Implant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast screening implants (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast screening implants (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable with implants imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast with implants bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast w implnts bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast screening implants (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable with implants imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast with implants bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast w implnts bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Implant (8929-4353)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG implant
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG implnts w
mg breast both implant screening (8929-4353)
RPID5579 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of surgical biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast surgical biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast srg bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy:Surgical Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of surgical biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast surgical biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast srg bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of surgical biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast surgical biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast srg bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy:Surgical Modality:MG (0642-5958)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG srg
mg breast biopsy surgical (0642-5958)
RPID558 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5649-3658) mr head angiography w iv (5649-3658)
RPID5580 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (0614-3233)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG stereo
mg breast biopsy stereotactic (0614-3233)
RPID5581 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast addendum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast addendum (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast addendum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast addendum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG (0117-4662)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG addendum
mg breast (0117-4662)
RPID5582 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast needle localization digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast ndl loc dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast needle localization digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast ndl loc dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast needle localization digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast ndl loc dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (6645-4568)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (5702-8221)
mg breast digital localize needle (5702-8221)
mg breast localize needle (6645-4568)
RPID5583 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast specimen needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast spcmn ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast specimen needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast spcmn ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast specimen needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast spcmn ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen (4300-5583) mg breast specimen localize needle (4300-5583)
RPID5584 mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad diag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (5065-6098)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (8101-1493)
mg breast cad diagnostic (5065-6098)
mg breast cad diagnostic (8101-1493)
RPID5585 mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG (9145-7009) mg breast cad screening (9145-7009)
RPID5586 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast biopsy outside (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy outside (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy outside (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy outside (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (8759-2114)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG outside
mg breast biopsy (8759-2114)
RPID5587 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG (9312-6121)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (2443-4649)
mg breast both (9312-6121)
mg breast both digital (2443-4649)
RPID5588 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (7072-8959)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (6350-6889)
mg breast cyst aspirate (6350-6889)
mg breast cyst aspirate (7072-8959)
RPID5589 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast diagnostic call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (7234-7027)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (1563-1883)
mg breast recall (1563-1883)
mg breast recall diagnostic (7234-7027)
RPID559 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1975-7639) mr lower extremity angiography wo iv (1975-7639)
RPID5590 mammography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast research digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast research dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Research Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast research digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast research dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast research digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast research dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Research Modality:MG (9184-7846)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Research Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (9818-9000)
mg breast digital research (9818-9000)
mg breast research (9184-7846)
RPID5591 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast left digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast lt dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast left digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast lt dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast left digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast lt dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG (0297-7010)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (3577-0498)
mg breast left (0297-7010)
mg breast left digital (3577-0498)
RPID5592 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG (8323-8703) mg breast screening (8323-8703)
RPID5593 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast right digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast rt dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast right digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast rt dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast right digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast rt dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG (4644-1816)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (6073-9816)
mg breast right (4644-1816)
mg breast right digital (6073-9816)
RPID5594 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG (8323-8703)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (3860-1140)
mg breast digital screening (3860-1140)
mg breast screening (8323-8703)
RPID5595 mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast localization needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast localiz ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast localization needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast localiz ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast localization needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast localiz ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (1102-8363) mg breast localize localize needle (1102-8363)
RPID5596 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst and specimen in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast cyst specimen aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cyst spcmn asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast specimen and cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst and specimen in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast cyst specimen aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast cyst spcmn asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast specimen and cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast specimen and cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst and specimen in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast cyst specimen aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cyst spcmn asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Specimen (1291-1885)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst Object:Specimen (0240-9881)
mg breast cyst specimen aspirate (0240-9881)
mg breast cyst specimen aspirate (1291-1885)
RPID5597 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG (1335-0414)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (3265-8034)
mg breast unilateral (1335-0414)
mg breast unilateral digital (3265-8034)
RPID5598 mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad bilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (8715-1131) mg breast both cad recall (8715-1131)
RPID5599 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (2893-9981) mg breast both recall (2893-9981)
RPID56 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue rt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity right without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3390-2431) ct upper extremity right wo iv (3390-2431)
RPID560 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9175-3011) mr lower extremity angiography w iv (9175-3011)
RPID5600 mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad bilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (6402-5150)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (7244-0308)
mg breast both cad diagnostic (6402-5150)
mg breast both cad diagnostic (7244-0308)
RPID5601 mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG (1293-1469) mg breast both cad screening (1293-1469)
RPID5602 mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad unilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad unilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad unilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (2584-9594)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (1820-3706)
mg breast unilateral cad diagnostic (1820-3706)
mg breast unilateral cad diagnostic (2584-9594)
RPID5603 mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad unilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad unilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad unilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (0658-3979) mg breast unilateral cad recall (0658-3979)
RPID5604 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (5521-2979) mg breast unilateral recall (5521-2979)
RPID5605 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (3628-2987)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (3809-6673)
mg breast unilateral diagnostic (3628-2987)
mg breast unilateral diagnostic (3809-6673)
RPID5606 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG (5234-4200) mg breast both screening (5234-4200)
RPID5607 mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable and computer aided detection imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG (8435-3453) mg breast unilateral cad (8435-3453)
RPID5608 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of additional views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast additional views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast add vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ViewCount:Additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of additional views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast additional views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast add vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of additional views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast additional views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast add vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ViewCount:Additional (1297-6675) mg breast additional views (1297-6675)
RPID5609 mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad bilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (8715-1131)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (7823-3096)
mg breast both cad recall (8715-1131)
mg breast both digital cad recall (7823-3096)
RPID561 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr neck angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7410-3206) mr neck angiography w iv (7410-3206)
RPID5610 mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad bilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (6402-5150)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (5399-4607)
mg breast both cad diagnostic (6402-5150)
mg breast both digital cad diagnostic (5399-4607)
RPID5611 mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad bilat screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection bilateral screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad bilat screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG (1293-1469)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (3169-6475)
mg breast both cad screening (1293-1469)
mg breast both digital cad screening (3169-6475)
RPID5612 mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (4303-4233)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (8283-5371)
mg breast cad recall (4303-4233)
mg breast digital cad recall (8283-5371)
RPID5613 mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad unilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad unilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection unilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad unilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (2584-9594)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (6036-3708)
mg breast unilateral cad diagnostic (2584-9594)
mg breast unilateral digital cad diagnostic (6036-3708)
RPID5614 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (5521-2979)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (7010-9167)
mg breast unilateral digital recall (7010-9167)
mg breast unilateral recall (5521-2979)
RPID5615 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (2893-9981)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (9604-5651)
mg breast both digital recall (9604-5651)
mg breast both recall (2893-9981)
RPID5616 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (2467-3473)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (7503-6260)
mg breast both diagnostic (2467-3473)
mg breast both digital diagnostic (7503-6260)
RPID5617 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral screening digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat screen dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG (5234-4200)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (0964-3214)
mg breast both digital screening (0964-3214)
mg breast both screening (5234-4200)
RPID5618 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast call back digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cll bck dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (1563-1883)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (0388-3042)
mg breast digital recall (0388-3042)
mg breast recall (1563-1883)
RPID5619 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (3628-2987)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (8367-7060)
mg breast unilateral diagnostic (3628-2987)
mg breast unilateral digital diagnostic (8367-7060)
RPID562 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal cord in the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angio spi cor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angiography spinal cord without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINALCORD Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal cord in the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angio spi cor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography spinal cord without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal cord in the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angio spi cor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography spinal cord without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINALCORD Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1068-5796)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1655-0186)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR cor spi
mr spinalcord spine angiography wo+w iv (1068-5796)
mr spine angiography wo+w iv (1655-0186)
RPID5620 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of additional views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral additional views (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat add vws (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG ViewCount:Additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of additional views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral additional views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat add vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of additional views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral additional views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat add vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MG ViewCount:Additional (7639-4916) mg breast unilateral additional views (7639-4916)
RPID5621 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (6645-4568) mg breast localize needle (6645-4568)
RPID5622 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast biopsy aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bx asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast biopsy aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bx asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy and aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast biopsy aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bx asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (8141-3318) mg breast aspirate biopsy (8141-3318)
RPID5623 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (5876-6452) mg breast left biopsy (5876-6452)
RPID5624 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (1877-1589) mg breast right biopsy (1877-1589)
RPID5625 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast left diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast lt diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast left diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast lt diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast left diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast lt diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (3561-0412)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (3013-4952)
mg breast left diagnostic (3561-0412)
mg breast left digital diagnostic (3013-4952)
RPID5626 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast right diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast rt diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast right diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast rt diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast right diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast rt diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (8167-8015)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (2384-0585)
mg breast right diagnostic (8167-8015)
mg breast right digital diagnostic (2384-0585)
RPID5627 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast with a technique of digital imaging for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast diagnostic digital imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast diag dgtl imgng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (5994-0148)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Digital (6036-2482)
mg breast diagnostic (5994-0148)
mg breast digital diagnostic (6036-2482)
RPID5628 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammo breast diagnostic unilateral post biopsy clip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast unilateral biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast unilat bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic unilateral post biopsy clip (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic unilateral post biopsy clip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic unilateral post biopsy clip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Diagnostic Device:Clip Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG WithinTemporalAspect:AFTER (8592-1674)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (2894-2433)
mg breast unilateral biopsy (2894-2433)
mg breast unilateral diagnostic clip biopsy after (8592-1674)
RPID5629 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Screening Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Screening Modality:MG (4456-9660) mg breast unilateral screening (4456-9660)
RPID563 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4538-9410) mr lower extremity wo+w iv (4538-9410)
RPID5630 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Preoperative Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Preoperative Modality:MG (0907-7069) mg breast preoperative (0907-7069)
RPID5631 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (5905-3578) mg breast unilateral localize needle (5905-3578)
RPID5632 mammography radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast additional area same body region unilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast add ar sm bd rg unilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast additional area same body region unilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast add ar sm bd rg unilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable additional area same body region imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast additional area same body region unilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast add ar sm bd rg unilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (6192-6065)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG additional ar bd rg sm
mg breast unilateral additional localize needle (6192-6065)
RPID5633 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast bilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast bilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (4308-5514) mg breast both localize needle (4308-5514)
RPID5634 mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast unilateral pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast unilat preop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Preoperative Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast unilateral pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast unilat preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Context:Preoperative Modality:MG (0404-2389) mg breast unilateral preoperative (0404-2389)
RPID5635 mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mammography breast computer aided detection call back (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mg breast cad cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast cad cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable computer aided detection procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast computer aided detection call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast cad cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CAD Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (4303-4233) mg breast cad recall (4303-4233)
RPID5636 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the carotid arteries in the neck for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound neck limited carotid arteries follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us neck ltd car art foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:NECK BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the carotid arteries in the neck for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck limited carotid arteries follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us neck ltd car art foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the carotid arteries in the neck for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound neck limited carotid arteries follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us neck ltd car art foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:NECK BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (7442-0468) us carotid artery neck followup limited (7442-0468)
RPID5637 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us le arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US (2183-1553)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Modality:US (8662-1678)
us artery both lower extremity both (2183-1553)
us lower extremity artery both (8662-1678)
RPID5638 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us le ltd arts unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le ltd arts unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le ltd arts unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Extent:Limited Modality:US (8374-0403)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Extent:Limited Modality:US (0069-7240)
us artery unilateral lower extremity limited (8374-0403)
us artery unilateral lower extremity unilateral limited (0069-7240)
RPID5639 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ue arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral arteries in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:US (7234-7603)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Modality:US (2859-1406)
us artery both upper extremity both (7234-7603)
us upper extremity artery both (2859-1406)
RPID564 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity joint w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lower extremity joint w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9625-1772) mr lower extremity joint w iv (9625-1772)
RPID5640 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the upper extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ue arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the upper extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the upper extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (1785-5892)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (3415-8374)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYARTERY:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (4585-9917)
us artery unilateral upper extremity followup (1785-5892)
us artery unilateral upper extremity unilateral followup (3415-8374)
us upper extremity artery unilateral followup (4585-9917)
RPID5641 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound extremity veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us ext veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (0485-7671)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (9559-9213)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US (6811-6507)
us extremity unilateral vein unilateral followup (9559-9213)
us extremity vein unilateral followup (0485-7671)
us extremity vein unilateral followup (6811-6507)
RPID5642 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7261-5601) us abdomen pelvis doppler (7261-5601)
RPID5643 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (8156-1617) us abdomen pelvis doppler followup (8156-1617)
RPID5644 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta and inferior vena cava in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest abdomen pelvis aorta inferior vena cava doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst abd pelvis aorta ivc dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta and inferior vena cava in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest abdomen pelvis aorta inferior vena cava doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst abd pelvis aorta ivc dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta and inferior vena cava in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest abdomen pelvis aorta inferior vena cava doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst abd pelvis aorta ivc dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (9925-1521) us abdomen aorta chest inferior venacava pelvis doppler (9925-1521)
RPID5645 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pleura in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest pleura (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst pleura (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pleura in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest pleura (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst pleura (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pleura in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest pleura (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst pleura (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Modality:US (7291-7181) us chest pleura (7291-7181)
RPID5646 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis vessels follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd pelvis vssls foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:VESSEL BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis vessels follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis vssls foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the vessels in the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen pelvis vessels follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd pelvis vssls foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVICVESSEL BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2515-3170)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:VESSEL BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0689-0192)
us abdomen pelvic vessel doppler followup (2515-3170)
us abdomen pelvis vessel doppler followup (0689-0192)
RPID5647 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us head dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us head dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0191-5919) us head doppler (0191-5919)
RPID5648 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us head doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us head doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head doppler limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2025-9175) us head doppler limited (2025-9175)
RPID5649 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound abdomen limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us abd ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7299-3264) us abdomen doppler limited (7299-3264)
RPID565 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1829-3677) mr chest heart w iv (1829-3677)
RPID5650 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of infusion for thrombolysis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound infusion for thrombolysis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us inf thrmblysis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:US PharmacologicalIntervention (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us inf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us inf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Thrombolysis Modality:US PharmacologicalIntervention:W (7748-3849)
Modality:US PharmacologicalIntervention (6319-7190)
Modality:US PharmacologicalIntervention:W (5537-4759)
Modality:US inf
Modality:US inf thrmblysis
us pharmacologicalintervention (6319-7190)
us thrombolysis w pharmacological intervention (7748-3849)
us w pharmacological intervention (5537-4759)
RPID5651 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (7469-4128) us aspirate (7469-4128)
RPID5652 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and gestation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound fetus gestation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us fetus gest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and gestation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound fetus gestation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us fetus gest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and gestation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound fetus gestation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us fetus gest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (9464-7708)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US (1832-2165)
us fetus gravid uterus obstetric (9464-7708)
us gravid uterus obstetric (1832-2165)
RPID5653 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and additional gestation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound fetus additional gestation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us fetus add gest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and additional gestation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound fetus additional gestation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us fetus add gest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fetus and additional gestation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound fetus additional gestation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us fetus add gest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FETUS Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (3735-8121)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (8876-2320)
us fetus gravid uterus obstetric additional (3735-8121)
us gravid uterus obstetric additional (8876-2320)
RPID5654 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric limited without physician manipulation procedure focused on the bilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pediatric limited without physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us peds ltd wo phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Physician:Manipulation:WO (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric limited without physician manipulation procedure focused on the bilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric limited without physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds ltd wo phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric limited without physician manipulation procedure focused on the bilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric limited without physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds ltd wo phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Physician:Manipulation:WO (8728-8563) us hip both physician manipulation wo pediatric limited (8728-8563)
RPID5655 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis transplanted kidney doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis txp kid dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis transplanted kidney doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis txp kid dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis transplanted kidney doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis txp kid dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS:Transplant Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0793-7648)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (8072-8635)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler kid txp
us kidney pelvis transplant doppler (0793-7648)
us kidney transplant pelvis doppler (8072-8635)
RPID5656 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:US (2001-6499)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:US (4169-9806)
us chest heart (2001-6499)
us heart (4169-9806)
RPID5657 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest limited heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst ltd heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest limited heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst ltd heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest limited heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst ltd heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Extent:Limited Modality:US (6121-6870) us chest heart limited (6121-6870)
RPID5658 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound chest heart doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us chst heart dop (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound chest heart doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us chst heart dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us heart doppler ed (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us heart doppler ed (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest heart doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst heart dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us heart doppler ed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest heart doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst heart dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us heart doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (4261-6624)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (1349-4876)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler ed
us chest heart doppler (4261-6624)
us heart doppler (1349-4876)
RPID5659 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of invitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis invitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis ifv base (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:Baseline Modality:US Reason:IVF (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of invitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis invitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis ifv base (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of invitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis invitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis ifv base (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:Baseline Modality:US Reason:IVF (8791-7623)
Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:Baseline Modality:US fertilization invitro
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US base ifv
us pelvis baseline ivf (8791-7623)
RPID566 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9748-2983) mr pelvis wo+w iv (9748-2983)
RPID5660 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis for the purpose of oocyte retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ultrasound pelvis guidance ovary oocyte retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
us pelvis guide ovary oocyte ret (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance Modality:US RETRIEVAL Reason:OOCYTE (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis for the purpose of oocyte retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis guidance ovary oocyte retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis guide ovary oocyte ret (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ovary in the pelvis for the purpose of oocyte retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis guidance ovary oocyte retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis guide ovary oocyte ret (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance Modality:US RETRIEVAL Reason:OOCYTE (3099-2657)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance Modality:US oocyte ret
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Remove Modality:US oocyte
us ovary pelvis guidance retrieval oocyte (3099-2657)
RPID5661 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (2675-2918) rf ankle arthrography w iarticular (2675-2918)
RPID5662 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the bilateral ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the bilateral ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography ankle bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro ankle bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3189-9380) rf ankle both arthrography w iarticular (3189-9380)
RPID5663 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf jt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf jt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (6945-7500) rf joint aspirate (6945-7500)
RPID5664 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:Other Modality:RF ba intestine large
IVContrast:Other Modality:RF barium intestine large
RPID5665 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable defecography procedure focused on the rectum barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy defecography rectum barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf dfcgrphy rectum ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable defecography procedure focused on the rectum barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy defecography rectum barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf dfcgrphy rectum ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF ModalityType:DuringDefecation PRContrast:W barium
Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF ba dfcgrphy
RPID5666 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF ba intestine large
IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF barium intestine large
RPID5667 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst lrg intest wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst lrg intest wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:Other IXContrast:W Modality:RF intestine large soluble water
RPID5668 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views and fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest 4 or more views fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst 4 or more vws fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views and fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest 4 or more views fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst 4 or more vws fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (3092-9102) rf chest 4 or more views (3092-9102)
RPID5669 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (0759-9379) rf cspine myelography (0759-9379)
RPID567 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9751-0768) mr upper extremity wo+w iv (9751-0768)
RPID5670 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views and fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest 2 views fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst 2vws fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views and fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest 2 views fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst 2vws fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (8509-6882) rf chest 2 views (8509-6882)
RPID5671 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable high-risk imaging procedure focused on the large intestine barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy high-risk large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf hi-risk lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable high-risk imaging procedure focused on the large intestine barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy high-risk large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf hi-risk lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Screening Modality:RF ba hi intestine large risk
Context:Screening Modality:RF barium high intestine large risk
RPID5672 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable average-risk imaging procedure focused on the large intestine barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy average-risk large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf avg-rsk lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable average-risk imaging procedure focused on the large intestine barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy average-risk large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf avg-rsk lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Screening Modality:RF average barium intestine large risk
Context:Screening Modality:RF avg ba intestine large rsk
RPID5673 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cisternography positive-contrast procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cisternography positive-contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cisterngrphy pos cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cisternography positive-contrast procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cisternography positive-contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cisterngrphy pos cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CISTERN IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral pos
Anatomy:CISTERN IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral positive
RPID5674 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (8971-4906) rf bladder cystography w ivesical (8971-4906)
RPID5675 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine discography intervertebral disc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf l spine dscgrm intervert dsc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine discography intervertebral disc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf l spine dscgrm intervert dsc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:RF Object:IntervertebralDisc (5017-8101) rf lspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (5017-8101)
RPID5676 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3112-2127) rf elbow arthrography w iarticular (3112-2127)
RPID5677 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the bilateral elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the bilateral elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography elbow bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro elbow bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (4652-8410) rf elbow both arthrography w iarticular (4652-8410)
RPID5678 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable esophagography videography procedure focused on the esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy esophagography videography esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf esphgrphy vidgrphy esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable esophagography videography procedure focused on the esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy esophagography videography esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf esphgrphy vidgrphy esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF ba esphgrphy vidgrphy
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF barium esophagography videography
RPID5679 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable esophagography and speech pathology videography procedure focused on the esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy esophagography speech pathology videography esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf esphgrphy sp path vidgrphy esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable esophagography and speech pathology videography procedure focused on the esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy esophagography speech pathology videography esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf esphgrphy sp path vidgrphy esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF ba esphgrphy path sp vidgrphy
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF barium esophagography pathology speech videography
RPID568 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity joint w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity joint w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5055-9787) mr upper extremity joint w iv (5055-9787)
RPID5680 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy endoscopic retrograde pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ercp panc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy endoscopic retrograde pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ercp panc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (6341-3936)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:PANCREAS Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF (1307-6464)
rf bileduct pancreas pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (6341-3936)
rf pancreas endoscopic retrograde (1307-6464)
RPID5681 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable esophagography procedure focused on the esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy esophagography esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf esphgrphy esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable esophagography procedure focused on the esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy esophagography esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf esphgrphy esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF ba esphgrphy
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF barium esophagography
RPID5682 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract and fistula for the purpose of abscess (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistulography gastrointestinal tract fistula abscess (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fistogrphy gi tract fistula abscss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract and fistula for the purpose of abscess (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistulography gastrointestinal tract fistula abscess (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fistogrphy gi tract fistula abscss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Abscess Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (3934-4601) rf colon duodenum esophagus rectum small intestine stomach abscess tract fistulaorsinus w itract (3934-4601)
RPID5683 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract for the purpose of feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy gastrointestinal tract feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf gi tract fdng tube advnc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract for the purpose of feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy gastrointestinal tract feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf gi tract fdng tube advnc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Modality:RF advnc fdng
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube:Feeding Modality:RF advancement
RPID5684 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract for the purpose of g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy gastrointestinal tract g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf gi tract g-tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract for the purpose of g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy gastrointestinal tract g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf gi tract g-tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF g
RPID5685 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the urinary tract and fistula for the purpose of abscess (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistulography urinary tract fistula abscess (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fistogrphy urinary trct fistula abscss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the urinary tract and fistula for the purpose of abscess (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistulography urinary tract fistula abscess (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fistogrphy urinary trct fistula abscss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Abscess Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (3087-2917) rf bladder kidney ureter abscess tract fistulaorsinus w itract (3087-2917)
RPID5686 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
RPID5687 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3642-3643) rf hip arthrography w iarticular (3642-3643)
RPID5688 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable transcatheter procedure focused on the for the purpose of therapy infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy transcatheter therapy infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf trnscthr thrpy infsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable transcatheter procedure focused on the for the purpose of therapy infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy transcatheter therapy infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf trnscthr thrpy infsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transcatheter Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:W (9016-9779)
Access:Transcatheter Modality:RF infsn thrpy
rf transcatheter w pharmacological intervention (9016-9779)
RPID5689 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable duodenography procedure focused on the antispasmodic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy duodenography antispasmodic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ddngrphy antispasmodic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable duodenography procedure focused on the antispasmodic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy duodenography antispasmodic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ddngrphy antispasmodic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF antispasmodic ddngrphy
Modality:RF antispasmodic duodenography
RPID569 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (5405-9146) mr head neck angiography (5405-9146)
RPID5690 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable hysterosalpingography procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy hysterosalpingography uterus fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf hystsalpgrphy utrs fllpn tbs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable hysterosalpingography procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy hysterosalpingography uterus fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf hystsalpgrphy utrs fllpn tbs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:W Modality:RF (1442-7740)
Anatomy:UTERUS Modality:RF fllpn hystsalpgrphy tbs
rf fallopian tube uterus w iuterine (1442-7740)
RPID5691 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable hysterosalpingography and limited procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy hysterosalpingography limited uterus fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf hystsalpgrphy ltd utrs fllpn tbs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable hysterosalpingography and limited procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy hysterosalpingography limited uterus fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf hystsalpgrphy ltd utrs fllpn tbs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:UTERUS Extent:Limited IUterineContrast:W Modality:RF (6949-5992)
Anatomy:UTERUS Extent:Limited Modality:RF fllpn hystsalpgrphy tbs
rf fallopian tube uterus limited w iuterine (6949-5992)
RPID5692 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography and tomography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography tomography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf uro tmgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography and tomography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography tomography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf uro tmgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography (9032-4924) rf bladder kidney ureter tomography w iduct (9032-4924)
RPID5693 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography and intra-operative procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography intra-operative urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf uro intra-op urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography and intra-operative procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography intra-operative urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf uro intra-op urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Context:Intraoperative IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (5058-7310) rf bladder kidney ureter intraoperative w iduct (5058-7310)
RPID5694 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (8943-1917) rf knee arthrography w iarticular (8943-1917)
RPID5695 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the bilateral knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the bilateral knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (6184-8732) rf knee both arthrography w iarticular (6184-8732)
RPID5696 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (6358-5598) rf lspine myelography (6358-5598)
RPID5697 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable loop-o-gram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy loop-o-gram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf lp o grm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable loop-o-gram procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy loop-o-gram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf lp o grm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF gram loop o
Modality:RF grm lp o
RPID5698 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf lp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf lp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Puncture Modality:RF (3784-4092)
Modality:RF lp
rf lspine puncture (3784-4092)
RPID5699 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (4048-6984) rf spine myelography (4048-6984)
RPID57 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct ue lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct upper extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct upper extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct upper extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity w and wo iv contrast left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (9053-7867)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8047-7579)
ct upper extremity left wo+w iv (8047-7579)
ct upper extremity wo+w iv (9053-7867)
RPID570 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spine angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spine angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spine angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr spine angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1655-0186) mr spine angiography wo+w iv (1655-0186)
RPID5700 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head myelography posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf head myelog post fossa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head myelography posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf head myelog post fossa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (2507-7150) rf head posterior fossa myelography (2507-7150)
RPID5701 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy neuro drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf neuro drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy neuro drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf neuro drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Neuro Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (9385-5306) rf neuro drainage (9385-5306)
RPID5702 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable nephrostography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy nephrostography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf nphrgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable nephrostography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy nephrostography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf nphrgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF nephrostography
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF nphrgrphy
RPID5703 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable pouchography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pouchography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pchgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable pouchography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pouchography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pchgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF pchgrphy
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF pouchography
RPID5704 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (5319-0556) rf chest lung biopsy (5319-0556)
RPID5705 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography antegrade procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pyelography antegrade urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pylgrphy antgrde urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography antegrade procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pyelography antegrade urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pylgrphy antgrde urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (0321-4605) rf bladder kidney ureter antegrade w iduct (0321-4605)
RPID5706 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography retrograde procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pyelography retrograde urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pylgrphy rtrogrd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography retrograde procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pyelography retrograde urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pylgrphy rtrogrd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (5381-3557) rf bladder kidney ureter retrograde w iduct (5381-3557)
RPID5707 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography and intra-operative retrograde procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pyelography intra-operative retrograde urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pylgrphy intra-op rtrogrd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography and intra-operative retrograde procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pyelography intra-operative retrograde urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pylgrphy intra-op rtrogrd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Context:Intraoperative Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (4654-6251) rf bladder kidney ureter intraoperative retrograde w iduct (4654-6251)
RPID5708 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urethrography retrograde procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urethrography retrograde urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf urthrgrphy rtrogrd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy retrograde urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf rtrogrd urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF (8717-3527)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF urethrography
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF urthrgrphy
rf bladder kidney ureter retrograde (8717-3527)
RPID5709 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf saliv calc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf saliv calc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RF Object:Calculus (6157-2224)
Modality:RF Object:Calculus saliv
rf salivary gland calculus (6157-2224)
RPID571 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal canal in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio spin can (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal canal in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio spin can (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spinal canal in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio spin can (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography spinal canal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (2864-8154) mr spine upper extremity angiography (2864-8154)
RPID5710 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable hysterosalpingography selective procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy hysterosalpingography selective uterus fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf hystsalpgrphy select utrs fllpn tbs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable hysterosalpingography selective procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy hysterosalpingography selective uterus fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf hystsalpgrphy select utrs fllpn tbs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:W Modality:RF selective
Anatomy:UTERUS Modality:RF fllpn hystsalpgrphy select tbs
RPID5711 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable enteroclysis procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy enteroclysis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf entrclsis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable enteroclysis procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy enteroclysis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf entrclsis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF SBContrast:W (5011-5357)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF entrclsis
rf small intestine w sb (5011-5357)
RPID5712 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable follow through procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy follow through small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fllw thrgh sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable follow through procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy follow through small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fllw thrgh sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF WithinTemporalAspect:FOLLOWTHROUGH (1395-4316)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF fllw thrgh
rf small intestine followthrough (1395-4316)
RPID5713 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable follow through single contrast procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy follow through single contrast upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fllw thrgh sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable follow through single contrast procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy follow through single contrast upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fllw thrgh sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other WithinTemporalAspect:FOLLOWTHROUGH (2814-1276)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other fllw thrgh
rf duodenum esophagus small intestine stomach other po followthrough (2814-1276)
RPID5714 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable follow through double contrast procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy follow through double contrast upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fllw thrgh dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable follow through double contrast procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy follow through double contrast upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fllw thrgh dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other WithinTemporalAspect:FOLLOWTHROUGH (6623-7732)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other fllw thrgh
rf duodenum esophagus small intestine stomach air+other po followthrough (6623-7732)
RPID5715 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable vesiculography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy vesiculography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf vsclgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable vesiculography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy vesiculography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf vsclgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF vesiculography
Modality:RF vsclgrphy
RPID5716 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography and limited procedure focused on the shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography limited shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro ltd shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography and limited procedure focused on the shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography limited shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro ltd shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Arthrography:Yes Extent:Limited IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (6669-0009) rf shoulder arthrography limited w iarticular (6669-0009)
RPID5717 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (5123-8124) rf shoulder arthrography w iarticular (5123-8124)
RPID5718 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy sialography salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sialogrphy saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy sialography salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sialogrphy saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (7026-2697)
Modality:RF saliv sialogrphy
rf salivary gland w iduct (7026-2697)
RPID5719 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro tmj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (0932-1946) rf temporomandibular joint arthrography w iarticular (0932-1946)
RPID572 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast bilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast bilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2571-6306) mr breast both wo+w iv (2571-6306)
RPID5720 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy thoracic spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf t spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy thoracic spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf t spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (0075-7542) rf tspine myelography (0075-7542)
RPID5721 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other ba
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium
RPID5722 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst upp gi trct wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst upp gi trct wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other POContrast:W soluble water
RPID5723 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography and voiding procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography voiding (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cug vdng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography and voiding procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography voiding (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cug vdng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:URETHRA FunctionalCondition:Voiding IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (6909-9300)
FunctionalCondition:Voiding Modality:RF cug
rf bladder urethra cystography voiding w ivesical (6909-9300)
RPID5724 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable video urodynamics procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy video urodynamics (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf vid urodynmcs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable video urodynamics procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy video urodynamics (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf vid urodynmcs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF urodynamics video
Modality:RF urodynmcs vid
RPID5725 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (8899-9533) rf wrist arthrography w iarticular (8899-9533)
RPID5726 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography and 3 phase imaging procedure focused on the wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography 3 phase imaging wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro 3 phase wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography and 3 phase imaging procedure focused on the wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography 3 phase imaging wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro 3 phase wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF Phases:3 (5237-3183) rf wrist arthrography w iarticular 3 phases (5237-3183)
RPID5727 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable whitaker test procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy whitaker test urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf whit tst urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable whitaker test procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy whitaker test urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf whit tst urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IRenalPelvisContrast:W Measurement:Pressure Modality:RF (7524-1577) rf bladder kidney ureter percutaneous antegrade w irenalpelvis pressure (7524-1577)
RPID5728 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF (8224-2834) rf chest (8224-2834)
RPID5729 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst upp gi trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst upp gi trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other (3733-5887) rf duodenum esophagus stomach air+other po (3733-5887)
RPID573 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional location procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast guidance additional location needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast guide add loc needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional location procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance additional location needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide add loc needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional location procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance additional location needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide add loc needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (3185-9088)
Anatomy:BREAST Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:MR needle
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Insert Guidance:Localize Modality:MR additional needle
mr breast needle additional insert (3185-9088)
RPID5730 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst upp gi trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst upp gi trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other (9591-6351) rf duodenum esophagus stomach other po (9591-6351)
RPID5731 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other (6493-2635) rf duodenum esophagus small intestine stomach other po (6493-2635)
RPID5732 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other (2421-6993) rf duodenum esophagus small intestine stomach air+other po (2421-6993)
RPID5733 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable t-tube cholangiography procedure focused on the gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy t-tube cholangiography gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf t-tube chlngrphy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable t-tube cholangiography procedure focused on the gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy t-tube cholangiography gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf t-tube chlngrphy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:TTube Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography TTubeContrast:W (1249-3500)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF chlngrphy ttube
rf bileduct gallbladder cholangiography ttube w ttube (1249-3500)
RPID5734 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF (6157-8594) rf (6157-8594)
RPID5735 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf uro urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf uro urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (9646-7248) rf bladder kidney ureter w iduct (9646-7248)
RPID5736 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf tmgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf tmgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography (2107-7570) rf tomography (2107-7570)
RPID5737 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography and voiding procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography voiding urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cug vdng urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography and voiding procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography voiding urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cug vdng urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA FunctionalCondition:Voiding IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (7946-1496)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER FunctionalCondition:Voiding Modality:RF cug
rf bladder kidney ureter urethra cystography voiding w ivesical (7946-1496)
RPID5738 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Venography Modality:XA (6726-8793) xa venography (6726-8793)
RPID5739 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable t-tube cholangiography procedure focused on the gallbladder and biliary ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy t-tube cholangiography gallbladder biliary ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf t-tube chlngrphy gallbladder bil dcts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable t-tube cholangiography procedure focused on the gallbladder and biliary ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy t-tube cholangiography gallbladder biliary ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf t-tube chlngrphy gallbladder bil dcts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:TTube Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography TTubeContrast:W (1249-3500)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF chlngrphy ttube
rf bileduct gallbladder cholangiography ttube w ttube (1249-3500)
RPID574 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr bone bn marrow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr bone bone marrow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr bone bn marrow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr bone bone marrow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr bone marrow w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr bone marrow w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone bn marrow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone bone marrow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone marrow w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone bn marrow wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone bone marrow without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone marrow w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2058-9314) mr bone marrow wo+w iv (2058-9314)
RPID5740 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholecystography procedure focused on the gallbladder cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholecystography gallbladder cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chlcstgrphy gallbladder chlgrph cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholecystography procedure focused on the gallbladder cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholecystography gallbladder cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chlcstgrphy gallbladder chlgrph cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVContrast:W Modality:RF chlcstgrphy chlgrph
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVContrast:W Modality:RF cholegraphic
RPID5741 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the diaphragm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy diaphragm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fluoro dphrgm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the diaphragm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy diaphragm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fluoro dphrgm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DIAPHRAGM Modality:RF (2507-4473)
Modality:RF dphrgm
rf diaphragm (2507-4473)
RPID5742 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cug urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cug urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Anatomy:URETHRA IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (2683-9475)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF cug
rf bladder kidney ureter urethra cystography w ivesical (2683-9475)
RPID5743 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy venography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf veno wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy venography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf veno wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:WRIST Angio:Venography Modality:XA (5510-7237) xa wrist venography (5510-7237)
RPID5744 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3045-3951) rf arthrography w iarticular (3045-3951)
RPID5745 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stereotaxis brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stertxs brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2053-1204) ct brain head stereotactic wo+w iv (2053-1204)
RPID5746 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the circle of willis and brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio circ willis brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography circle of willis brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the circle of willis and brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio circ willis brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography circle of willis brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the circle of willis and brain in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio circ willis brn w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography circle of willis brain with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9896-8645) ct brain circle of willis head angiography w iv (9896-8645)
RPID5747 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd nerv block wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen nerve block without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd nerv block wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen nerve block without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd nerv block wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen nerve block without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0826-9675)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Anesthetize IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Nerve (6718-7531)
ct abdomen nerve anesthetize wo iv (0826-9675)
ct abdomen nerve anesthetize wo iv (6718-7531)
RPID5748 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7387-5470) ct abdomen chest head pelvis wo+w iv (7387-5470)
RPID5749 Extent:Additional Extent:Attempted Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Extent:Additional Extent:Attempted Modality:CT (8226-6184) ct additional attempted (8226-6184)
RPID575 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (1565-9905)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Insert Modality:MR needle
mr breast needle insert (1565-9905)
RPID5750 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast and vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast and vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast and vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1918-4477) ct spine vertebroplasty wo iv (1918-4477)
RPID5751 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the circle of willis and carotid arteries in the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck circ willis car art wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck circle of willis carotid arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the circle of willis and carotid arteries in the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck circ willis car art wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck circle of willis carotid arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the circle of willis and carotid arteries in the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck circ willis car art wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck circle of willis carotid arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2838-3402) ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck wo iv (2838-3402)
RPID5752 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ue wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4072-1195) ct lower extremity upper extremity wo+w iv (4072-1195)
RPID5753 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ue w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8256-2030) ct lower extremity upper extremity w iv (8256-2030)
RPID5754 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9175-9505) ct angiography wo iv (9175-9505)
RPID5755 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct c spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct cervical spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct c spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cervical spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6871-8529)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Nerve needle
ct cspine nerve needle anesthetize insert wo iv (6871-8529)
RPID5756 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ls spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ls spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbosacral spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3759-3558)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Nerve needle
ct lumbosacral junction nerve needle anesthetize insert wo iv (3759-3558)
RPID5757 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8248-7976)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Nerve needle
ct abdomen nerve needle anesthetize insert wo iv (8248-7976)
RPID5758 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ue guide sin spin lev nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity upper extremity guidance single spinal level nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ue guide sin spin lev nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity guidance single spinal level nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ue guide sin spin lev nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity guidance single spinal level nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT (4217-7552)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT Object:Nerve needle
ct lower extremity nerve upper extremity needle anesthetize insert wo iv spinal 1 levels (4217-7552)
RPID5759 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ue guide multi spin lev nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity upper extremity guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ue guide multi spin lev nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ue guide multi spin lev nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity upper extremity guidance multiple spinal levels nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT (2755-6383)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT Object:Nerve needle
ct lower extremity nerve upper extremity needle anesthetize insert wo iv spinal 2 or more levels (2755-6383)
RPID576 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MR (9350-3530) mr breast both (9350-3530)
RPID5760 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8689-4033)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Nerve needle
ct lspine nerve needle anesthetize insert wo iv (8689-4033)
RPID5761 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:TSPINE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NERVE Anatomy:TSPINE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1055-7632)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Nerve needle
ct nerve tspine needle anesthetize insert wo iv (1055-7632)
RPID5762 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block and needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance nerve block needle placement without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide nerv block needle plcmnt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2231-8512)
Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Nerve needle
ct nerve needle anesthetize insert wo iv (2231-8512)
RPID5763 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of multiple sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head ms wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head multiple sclerosis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:MultipleSclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of multiple sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head ms wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head multiple sclerosis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of multiple sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head ms wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head multiple sclerosis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:MultipleSclerosis (8385-1478)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ms
mr head wo+w iv multiple sclerosis (8385-1478)
RPID5764 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor (8865-7263) mr head tumor wo+w iv (8865-7263)
RPID5765 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head c spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5734-4427) mr cspine head wo iv (5734-4427)
RPID5766 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head c spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1948-9258) mr cspine head wo+w iv (1948-9258)
RPID5767 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6805-3806) mr abdomen liver wo+w iv (6805-3806)
RPID5768 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd liver panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen liver pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd liver panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd liver panc wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver pancreas without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3259-7509) mr abdomen liver pancreas wo iv (3259-7509)
RPID5769 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd liver panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen liver pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd liver panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd liver panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8621-7791) mr abdomen liver pancreas wo+w iv (8621-7791)
RPID577 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast w iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast w iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast w iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast w iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1659-4597) mr breast both w iv (1659-4597)
RPID5770 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1711-3852) mr abdomen pancreas wo+w iv (1711-3852)
RPID5771 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst sc jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst sc jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst sc jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9927-3930) mr chest sternoclavicular joint wo iv (9927-3930)
RPID5772 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest sternoclavicular joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst sc jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest sternoclavicular joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst sc jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest sternoclavicular joint without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst sc jt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8001-2488) mr chest sternoclavicular joint wo+w iv (8001-2488)
RPID5773 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ls spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbosacral spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ls spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbosacral spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbosacral spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ls spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbosacral spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2219-9465) mr lumbosacral junction sacrum wo iv (2219-9465)
RPID5774 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ls spine sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbosacral spine sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ls spine sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbosacral spine sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbosacral spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ls spine sacr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbosacral spine sacrum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7584-4530) mr lumbosacral junction sacrum wo+w iv (7584-4530)
RPID5775 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7531-4722) mr cspine lspine wo iv (7531-4722)
RPID5776 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1575-5912) mr cspine lspine wo+w iv (1575-5912)
RPID5777 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7477-1167) mr cspine tspine wo iv (7477-1167)
RPID5778 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0955-1511) mr cspine tspine wo+w iv (0955-1511)
RPID5779 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2361-2431) mr cspine lspine tspine wo iv (2361-2431)
RPID578 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7947-9532) mr breast wo+w iv (7947-9532)
RPID5780 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6450-3484) mr cspine lspine tspine wo+w iv (6450-3484)
RPID5781 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and neck and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine neck chst brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine neck chest brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and neck and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine neck chst brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine neck chest brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and neck and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine neck chst brach plex wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine neck chest brachial plexus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9625-1021) mr brachial plexus chest cspine neck wo iv (9625-1021)
RPID5782 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine neck chst brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine neck chest brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine neck chst brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine neck chest brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the cervical spine and neck and chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine neck chst brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine neck chest brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0636-9189) mr brachial plexus chest cspine neck wo+w iv (0636-9189)
RPID5783 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr tl spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tl spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracolumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tl spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0119-1126) mr thoraco lumbar junction wo iv (0119-1126)
RPID5784 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr tl spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr tl spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracolumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr tl spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0496-1611) mr thoraco lumbar junction wo+w iv (0496-1611)
RPID5785 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable measurement procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine measure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine measurement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:MR Reason:Measurement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable measurement procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine measure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine measurement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable measurement procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine measure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine measurement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:MR Reason:Measurement (6970-0261) mr spine measurement (6970-0261)
RPID5786 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9830-7894) mr hip pelvis wo iv (9830-7894)
RPID5787 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis le angio aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis le angio aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis le angio aorta w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography aorta with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8987-1165)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4258-0883)
mr abdomen aorta lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (8987-1165)
mr abdomen aorta lower extremity pelvis arteriography w iv (4258-0883)
RPID5788 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head veno wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head venography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head veno wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head venography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head veno wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head venography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7607-0981) mr head venography wo+w iv (7607-0981)
RPID5789 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure and angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr attempted imaging procedure angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr attempted img procd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure and angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr attempted imaging procedure angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr attempted img procd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure and angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr attempted imaging procedure angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr attempted img procd angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4795-0260) mr angiography attempted w iv (4795-0260)
RPID579 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Modality:MR (4080-2069) mr breast unilateral (4080-2069)
RPID5790 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the wholebody with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr whbdy attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr wholebody attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the wholebody with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr whbdy attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr wholebody attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable attempted imaging procedure procedure focused on the wholebody with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr whbdy attempted img procd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr wholebody attempted imaging procedure with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Extent:Attempted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1939-4014) mr body whole attempted w iv (1939-4014)
RPID5791 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectro brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectroscopy brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectro brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectro brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (0282-0289) mr brain head spectroscopy wo iv (0282-0289)
RPID5792 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head stereotaxis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head stertxs brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head stereotactic brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head stertxs brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head stereotactic brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head stertxs brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8180-2158) mr brain head stereotactic wo iv (8180-2158)
RPID5793 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd spleen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen spleen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd spleen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen spleen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd spleen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen spleen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5132-4880) mr abdomen spleen wo iv (5132-4880)
RPID5794 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd spectro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen spectroscopy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd spectro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen spectroscopy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd spectro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen spectroscopy without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (6425-4892) mr abdomen spectroscopy wo iv (6425-4892)
RPID5795 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest wall in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest chest wall without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst chst wll wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CHESTWALL IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest wall in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest chest wall without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst chst wll wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest wall in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest chest wall without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst chst wll wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CHESTWALL IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6556-0564) mr chest chest wall wo iv (6556-0564)
RPID5796 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest lung without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst lung wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest lung without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst lung wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest lung without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst lung wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0410-3099) mr chest lung wo iv (0410-3099)
RPID5797 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest lung parenchyma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst lung parench wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:MR Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest lung parenchyma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst lung parench wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest lung parenchyma without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst lung parench wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:MR Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (0036-4298) mr chest lung tissue parenchymal wo iv (0036-4298)
RPID5798 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest thoracic outlet without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst thor outl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest thoracic outlet without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst thor outl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest thoracic outlet without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst thor outl wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SUPERIORTHORACICAPERTURE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5559-6515)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4188-3169)
Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR outl thor
mr chest superior thoracic aperture wo iv (5559-6515)
mr chest thoracic outlet wo iv (4188-3169)
RPID5799 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0014-9546) mr spine wo iv (0014-9546)
RPID58 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8173-6975) ct upper extremity right wo+w iv (8173-6975)
RPID580 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MR (3413-6885) mr breast (3413-6885)
RPID5800 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9319-6950) mr lspine tspine wo iv (9319-6950)
RPID5801 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis spectro prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis spectroscopy prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis spectro prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis spectroscopy prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis spectro prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis spectroscopy prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (5898-2674) mr pelvis prostate spectroscopy wo iv (5898-2674)
RPID5802 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le toes wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le toes wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le toes wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1747-2548)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7638-7010)
mr lower extremity toe wo iv (1747-2548)
mr lower extremity toes wo iv (7638-7010)
RPID5803 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd angio aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen angiography aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd angio aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd angio aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6132-3576)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6209-3578)
mr abdomen aorta angiography wo iv (6132-3576)
mr abdomen aorta arteriography wo iv (6209-3578)
RPID5804 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neck angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head neck angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head neck angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head neck angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neck angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head neck angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neck angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head neck angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6508-1534)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (5405-9146)
mr head neck angiography (5405-9146)
mr head neck angiography wo iv (6508-1534)
RPID5805 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the neck without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0294-0591) mr neck venography wo iv (0294-0591)
RPID5806 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest angiography aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst angio aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst angio aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography aorta without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst angio aorta wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6571-0083)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8372-7131)
mr aorta chest angiography wo iv (6571-0083)
mr aorta chest arteriography wo iv (8372-7131)
RPID5807 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3736-5205) mr upper extremity angiography wo iv (3736-5205)
RPID5808 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5433-3536) mr upper extremity venography wo iv (5433-3536)
RPID5809 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le veno (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity venography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le veno (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le veno (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography Modality:MR (9027-4384) mr lower extremity venography (9027-4384)
RPID581 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of velocity and flow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst velo flow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of velocity and flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst velo flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr heart velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:MR ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr heart velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of velocity and flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst velo flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr heart velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of velocity and flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst velo flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr heart velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:MR ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (3498-5369)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:MR ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (6502-7937)
mr chest flow measurement velocity (3498-5369)
mr heart flow measurement velocity (6502-7937)
RPID5810 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head circ willis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head circle of willis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head circ willis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head circle of willis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head circ willis wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head circle of willis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6836-9025) mr circle of willis head wo iv (6836-9025)
RPID5811 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine t spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:MR (6154-7248) mr cspine tspine (6154-7248)
RPID5812 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine and thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head c spine t spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5406-5523) mr cspine head tspine wo iv (5406-5523)
RPID5813 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head c spine t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head c spine t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine and thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head c spine t spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head cervical spine thoracic spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0815-1336) mr cspine head lspine tspine wo iv (0815-1336)
RPID5814 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (0028-8378) mr sacrum spine wo iv (0028-8378)
RPID5815 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis angio veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis angiography venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8271-2313)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2741-5769)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5646-9901)
mr pelvis angiography venography wo iv (8271-2313)
mr pelvis arteriography venography wo iv (2741-5769)
mr pelvis venography wo iv (5646-9901)
RPID5816 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio veno wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography venography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (3038-2140)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4608-1856)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5433-3536)
mr upper extremity angiography venography wo iv (3038-2140)
mr upper extremity arteriography venography wo iv (4608-1856)
mr upper extremity venography wo iv (5433-3536)
RPID5817 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio veno thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography venography thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio veno thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography venography thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio veno thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography venography thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9019-6234)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9213-1557)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4659-0031)
mr lower extremity thigh angiography venography wo iv (9019-6234)
mr lower extremity thigh arteriography venography wo iv (9213-1557)
mr lower extremity thigh venography wo iv (4659-0031)
RPID5818 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio veno calf wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography venography calf without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CALF Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio veno calf wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography venography calf without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio veno calf wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography venography calf without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALF Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7705-6145)
Anatomy:CALF Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1763-6264)
Anatomy:CALF Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1193-2560)
mr calf lower extremity angiography venography wo iv (7705-6145)
mr calf lower extremity arteriography venography wo iv (1763-6264)
mr calf lower extremity venography wo iv (1193-2560)
RPID5819 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9246-9223) mr angiography wo iv (9246-9223)
RPID582 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6871-0024) mr head w iv (6871-0024)
RPID5820 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest angiography pulmonary arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst angio pulm arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography pulmonary arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst angio pulm arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography pulmonary arteries without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst angio pulm arts wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7713-3880)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4872-9183)
mr chest pulmonary artery angiography wo iv (7713-3880)
mr chest pulmonary artery arteriography wo iv (4872-9183)
RPID5821 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ue arthro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity upper extremity arthrography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ue arthro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity upper extremity arthrography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ue arthro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity upper extremity arthrography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (8934-5777)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:WO Modality:MR (6709-9636)
mr lower extremity upper extremity arthrography w iarticular wo iv (8934-5777)
mr lower extremity upper extremity arthrography wo iarticular (6709-9636)
RPID5822 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ue wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1991-9786) mr lower extremity upper extremity wo iv (1991-9786)
RPID5823 interventional radiology arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3112-2127)
Anatomy:ELBOW Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:ELBOW Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF ir
rf elbow arthrography w iarticular (3112-2127)
RPID5824 interventional radiology arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3642-3643)
Anatomy:HIP Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:HIP Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF ir
rf hip arthrography w iarticular (3642-3643)
RPID5825 interventional radiology arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology arthrography knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir arthro knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (8943-1917)
Anatomy:KNEE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:KNEE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF ir
rf knee arthrography w iarticular (8943-1917)
RPID5826 interventional radiology arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (5123-8124)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:SHOULDER Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF ir
rf shoulder arthrography w iarticular (5123-8124)
RPID5827 interventional radiology arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (8899-9533)
Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF ir
rf wrist arthrography w iarticular (8899-9533)
RPID5828 interventional radiology chest pleura thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir chst pleura thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology chest pleura thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir chst pleura thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (8721-1173)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF ir
rf chest pleura aspirate (8721-1173)
RPID5829 interventional radiology lumbar spine vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir l spine vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology lumbar spine vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir l spine vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF (1316-7817)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF ir
rf lspine vertebroplasty (1316-7817)
RPID583 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1906-7746) mr head wo iv (1906-7746)
RPID5830 interventional radiology thoracic spine vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir t spine vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology thoracic spine vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir t spine vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF (5508-1793)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF ir
rf tspine vertebroplasty (5508-1793)
RPID5831 interventional radiology arthrography hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir arthro hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology arthrography hip left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir arthro hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (4269-9589)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:HIP:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF ir
rf hip left arthrography w iarticular (4269-9589)
RPID5832 interventional radiology arthrography hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ir arthro hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
interventional radiology arthrography hip right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ir arthro hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (9846-1935)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF interventional radiology
Anatomy:HIP:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF ir
rf hip right arthrography w iarticular (9846-1935)
RPID5833 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable less than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Modality:RF ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (1075-0801)
rf lessthanonehour (1075-0801)
RPID5834 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable greater than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl more than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
greater than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
grt th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
greater than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
greater than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
grt th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Modality:RF ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (6538-7834)
rf greaterthanonehour (6538-7834)
RPID5835 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (5741-6017) rf tract fistulaorsinus (5741-6017)
RPID5836 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst lrg intest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst lrg intest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:Other Modality:RF intestine large
RPID5837 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst lrg intest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst lrg intest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF intestine large
RPID5838 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine for the purpose of intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy large intestine intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf lrg intest intssptn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine for the purpose of intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy large intestine intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf lrg intest intssptn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF Reason:Intussusception intestine large
Modality:RF intestine intssptn large
RPID5839 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF (8224-2834)
rf chest (8224-2834)
RPID584 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr bone bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr bone bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr bone bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr bone bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Modality:MR (7344-7360) mr bone marrow (7344-7360)
RPID5840 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and guidance imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and guidance imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (7888-6190) rf biopsy (7888-6190)
RPID5841 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and guidance imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and guidance imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and guidance imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF needle
RPID5842 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5364-8408)
rf portable (5364-8408)
RPID5843 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and guidance imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and guidance imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and guidance imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Guidance Modality:RF (5154-4900) rf guidance (5154-4900)
RPID5844 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pacemaker insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pacemaker insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pacer insert (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of pacemaker insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pacemaker insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pacer insert (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF pacemaker
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF pacer
RPID5845 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF (1271-1711) rf small intestine (1271-1711)
RPID5846 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF (5675-9037) rf gallbladder (5675-9037)
RPID5847 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst esoph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Other (6106-4077) rf esophagus other po (6106-4077)
RPID5848 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy double contrast esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf dbl cntrst esoph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other (4826-0514) rf esophagus air+other po (4826-0514)
RPID5849 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable enteroclysis double contrast procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy enteroclysis double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf entrclsis dbl cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable enteroclysis double contrast procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy enteroclysis double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf entrclsis dbl cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other SBContrast:W (6842-0019)
IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF entrclsis
rf small intestine air+other po w sb (6842-0019)
RPID585 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (2029-8019)
Guidance:Insert Modality:MR needle
mr needle insert (2029-8019)
RPID5850 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pharynx esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf phrnx esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pharynx esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf phrnx esoph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF (9912-7736)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF phrnx
rf esophagus pharynx (9912-7736)
RPID5851 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable videography imaging procedure focused on the esophagus for the purpose of swallowing function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy videography esophagus swallowing function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf vidgrphy esoph swllw functn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable videography imaging procedure focused on the esophagus for the purpose of swallowing function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy videography esophagus swallowing function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf vidgrphy esoph swllw functn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Function Modality:RF swallowing videography
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF functn swllw vidgrphy
RPID5852 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the pancreatic ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy endoscopic retrograde pancreatic ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ercp pancr dcts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the pancreatic ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy endoscopic retrograde pancreatic ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ercp pancr dcts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (4477-3400)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF (3318-7558)
rf bileduct pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (4477-3400)
rf pancreaticduct endoscopic retrograde (3318-7558)
RPID5853 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ercp bil dcts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ercp bil dcts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (4477-3400)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF (5708-7130)
rf bileduct endoscopic retrograde (5708-7130)
rf bileduct pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (4477-3400)
RPID5854 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts and pancreatic ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts pancreatic ducts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ercp bil dcts pancr dcts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts and pancreatic ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts pancreatic ducts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ercp bil dcts pancr dcts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (4477-3400)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF (6544-3390)
rf bileduct pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (4477-3400)
rf bileduct pancreaticduct endoscopic retrograde (6544-3390)
RPID5855 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholangiography and intra-operative procedure focused on the gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholangiography intra-operative gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cholang intra-op gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholangiography and intra-operative procedure focused on the gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholangiography intra-operative gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cholang intra-op gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography (8306-9382) rf bileduct gallbladder cholangiography intraoperative (8306-9382)
RPID5856 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urethrography and voiding retrograde procedure focused on the urethra (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urethrography voiding retrograde urethra (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf urthrgrphy vdng rtrogrd urethra (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and voiding retrograde imaging procedure focused on the urethra (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy voiding retrograde urethra (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf vdng rtrogrd urethra (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:URETHRA Direction:Retrograde FunctionalCondition:Voiding Modality:RF (2332-3563)
Anatomy:URETHRA Direction:Retrograde FunctionalCondition:Voiding Modality:RF urethrography
Anatomy:URETHRA Direction:Retrograde FunctionalCondition:Voiding Modality:RF urthrgrphy
rf urethra retrograde voiding (2332-3563)
RPID5857 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography and voiding procedure focused on the bladder and urethra (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography voiding bladder urethra (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cug vdng bladder urethra (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography and voiding procedure focused on the bladder and urethra (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography voiding bladder urethra (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cug vdng bladder urethra (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:URETHRA FunctionalCondition:Voiding IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (6909-9300)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:URETHRA FunctionalCondition:Voiding Modality:RF cug
rf bladder urethra cystography voiding w ivesical (6909-9300)
RPID5858 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative and pyelography retrograde procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy intra-operative pyelography retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf intra-op pylgrphy rtrogrd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative and pyelography retrograde procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy intra-operative pyelography retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf intra-op pylgrphy rtrogrd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Context:Intraoperative Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (4654-6251) rf bladder kidney ureter intraoperative retrograde w iduct (4654-6251)
RPID5859 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fllpn tbs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fallopian tubes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fllpn tbs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Modality:RF (5887-7167)
Modality:RF fllpn tbs
rf fallopian tube (5887-7167)
RPID586 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest mediastinum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst mediast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest mediastinum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst mediast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest mediastinum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst mediast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM Modality:MR (4944-7987) mr chest mediastinum (4944-7987)
RPID5860 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf c spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf c spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:RF Object:IntervertebralDisc (9987-2876) rf cspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (9987-2876)
RPID5861 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf l spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf l spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:RF Object:IntervertebralDisc (5017-8101) rf lspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (5017-8101)
RPID5862 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cephalography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cephalography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cphlgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cephalography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cephalography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cphlgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF (8680-9263) rf facial bone skull (8680-9263)
RPID5863 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance and vertebroplasty procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf guide vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance and vertebroplasty procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf guide vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF (1092-9113) rf vertebroplasty (1092-9113)
RPID5864 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fistula and injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistula injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fistula inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of fistula and injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistula injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fistula inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (8477-9851) rf tract fistulaorsinus inject (8477-9851)
RPID5865 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (3442-2335) rf inject (3442-2335)
RPID5866 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography ankle unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro ankle unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography ankle unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro ankle unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Unilateral Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (9002-4149) rf ankle unilateral arthrography w iarticular (9002-4149)
RPID5867 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography elbow unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro elbow unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography elbow unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro elbow unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Unilateral Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (6303-9527) rf elbow unilateral arthrography w iarticular (6303-9527)
RPID5868 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3588-8199) rf hip unilateral arthrography w iarticular (3588-8199)
RPID5869 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the bilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the bilateral hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (8482-2999) rf hip both arthrography w iarticular (8482-2999)
RPID587 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (2308-0549) mr head spectroscopy (2308-0549)
RPID5870 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography knee unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro knee unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Unilateral Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3132-1003) rf knee unilateral arthrography w iarticular (3132-1003)
RPID5871 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography shoulder unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro shlder unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography shoulder unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro shlder unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Unilateral Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (1550-3042) rf shoulder unilateral arthrography w iarticular (1550-3042)
RPID5872 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography wrist unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf arthro wrist unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the unilateral wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy arthrography wrist unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf arthro wrist unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:WRIST:Unilateral Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (5926-1153) rf wrist unilateral arthrography w iarticular (5926-1153)
RPID5873 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy limited large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ltd lrg intest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy limited large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ltd lrg intest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Modality:RF intestine large
RPID5874 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf lrg intest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy large intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf lrg intest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF intestine large
RPID5875 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy 3 or more views bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf 3 or more vws bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy 3 or more views bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf 3 or more vws bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (3149-6587) rf bladder 3 or more views (3149-6587)
RPID5876 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the bilateral posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy myelography posterior cranial fossa bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf myelog post fossa bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the bilateral posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy myelography posterior cranial fossa bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf myelog post fossa bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA:Both Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (8358-4981) rf posterior fossa both myelography (8358-4981)
RPID5877 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the unilateral posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy myelography posterior cranial fossa unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf myelog post fossa unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the unilateral posterior cranial fossa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy myelography posterior cranial fossa unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf myelog post fossa unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA:Unilateral Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (0871-8900) rf posterior fossa unilateral myelography (0871-8900)
RPID5878 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable videography imaging procedure focused on the esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy videography esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf vidgrphy esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable videography imaging procedure focused on the esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy videography esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf vidgrphy esoph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF videography
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF vidgrphy
RPID5879 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf esoph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy esophagus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf esoph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF (4107-5418) rf esophagus (4107-5418)
RPID588 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue jt bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity joint bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity joint w iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr upper extremity joint w iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint w iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint w iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9440-2166) mr upper extremity joint both w iv (9440-2166)
RPID5880 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy less than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fluoro lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy less than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fluoro lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (1075-0801) rf lessthanonehour (1075-0801)
RPID5881 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy greater than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy greater than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fluoro grt th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy greater than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy greater than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fluoro grt th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (6538-7834) rf greaterthanonehour (6538-7834)
RPID5882 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the for the purpose of pain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy pain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fluoro pain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy procedure focused on the for the purpose of pain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy pain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fluoro pain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF pain
RPID5883 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholecystography procedure focused on the gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholecystography gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chlcstgrphy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholecystography procedure focused on the gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholecystography gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chlcstgrphy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF (5675-9037)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF chlcstgrphy
rf gallbladder (5675-9037)
RPID5884 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholecystography post fatty meal procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholecystography post fatty meal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chlcstgrphy pst ftty meal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholecystography post fatty meal procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholecystography post fatty meal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chlcstgrphy pst ftty meal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF Stimulation:Meal:Fatty WithinTemporalAspect:AFTER (8080-4273)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:W chlcstgrphy ftty pst
rf gallbladder meal fatty after (8080-4273)
RPID5885 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholangiography and intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholangiography intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cholang intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholangiography and intra-operative procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholangiography intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cholang intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography (1446-8777) rf bileduct cholangiography intraoperative (1446-8777)
RPID5886 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cholang (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cholang (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography (0358-8323) rf bileduct cholangiography (0358-8323)
RPID5887 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf upp gi trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper gi tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf upp gi trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF (7313-1026) rf duodenum esophagus stomach (7313-1026)
RPID5888 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cug (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystourethrography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystourethrography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cug (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:URETHRA IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (5810-6018)
Modality:RF cug
rf bladder urethra cystography w ivesical (5810-6018)
RPID5889 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf c spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF (5203-1095) rf cspine (5203-1095)
RPID589 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast guidance vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast guide vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MR (4684-5239)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR as vac
mr breast biopsy vacuumassisted (4684-5239)
RPID5890 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl needle placement with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
fl needle placement with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Modality:RF (6157-8594)
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF needle
rf (6157-8594)
RPID5891 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Modality:RF (9065-6746) rf bladder (9065-6746)
RPID5892 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf uro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf uro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (9646-7248) rf bladder kidney ureter w iduct (9646-7248)
RPID5893 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable hysterosalpingography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy hysterosalpingography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf hystsalpgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable hysterosalpingography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy hysterosalpingography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf hystsalpgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:W Modality:RF (1442-7740)
Modality:RF hystsalpgrphy
rf fallopian tube uterus w iuterine (1442-7740)
RPID5894 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy and intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy intra-operative less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fluoro intra-op lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable fluoroscopy and intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fluoroscopy intra-operative less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fluoro intra-op lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (8994-3061) rf intraoperative lessthanonehour (8994-3061)
RPID5895 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography retrograde procedure focused on the unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography retrograde unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf uro rtrogrd unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography retrograde procedure focused on the unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography retrograde unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf uro rtrogrd unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER:Unilateral Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (3741-5856) rf bladder unilateral kidney ureter retrograde w iduct (3741-5856)
RPID5896 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable enteroclysis double contrast procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy enteroclysis double contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf entrclsis dbl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable enteroclysis double contrast procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy enteroclysis double contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf entrclsis dbl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other SBContrast:W (6842-0019)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other entrclsis
rf small intestine air+other po w sb (6842-0019)
RPID5897 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy single contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sngl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Other (9561-0576) rf small intestine other po (9561-0576)
RPID5898 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper gi tract small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf upp gi trct sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF (4124-6995) rf duodenum esophagus small intestine stomach (4124-6995)
RPID5899 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy sialography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf sialogrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy sialography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf sialogrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (7026-2697)
Modality:RF sialogrphy
rf salivary gland w iduct (7026-2697)
RPID59 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9297-3695) ct upper extremity left w iv (9297-3695)
RPID590 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr guidance marker placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr guidance marker placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr guidance marker placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr guidance marker placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (7675-6166)
Device:Marker Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (0313-9554)
mr clip insert (7675-6166)
mr marker insert (0313-9554)
RPID5900 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and complex procedure focused on the bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tmgrphy cmplx bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tmgrphy cmplx bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and complex procedure focused on the bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
fl tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tmgrphy cmplx bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:Both Extent:Complex Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography (4841-3671)
Anatomy:Both Extent:Complex ModalityType:Tomography
rf both tomography complex (4841-3671)
RPID5901 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and complex procedure focused on the unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tmgrphy cmplx unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tmgrphy cmplx unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and complex procedure focused on the unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
fl tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tmgrphy cmplx unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:Unilateral Extent:Complex Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography (1187-2336)
Anatomy:Unilateral Extent:Complex ModalityType:Tomography
rf unilateral tomography complex (1187-2336)
RPID5902 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography single plane procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography single plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf tmgrphy sngl pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography single plane procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography single plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf tmgrphy sngl pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ModalityType:Planes:1 ModalityType:Tomography (0875-0690)
Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography ObjectCount:1 pln
rf planes 1 tomography (0875-0690)
RPID5903 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography retrograde procedure focused on the bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography retrograde bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf uro rtrogrd bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable urography retrograde procedure focused on the bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy urography retrograde bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf uro rtrogrd bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER:Both Anatomy:KIDNEY:Both Anatomy:URETER:Both Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (6011-8553) rf bladder both kidney both ureter both retrograde w iduct (6011-8553)
RPID5904 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystography and voiding procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystography voiding (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf cystgrphy vdng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystography and voiding procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cystography voiding (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf cystgrphy vdng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER FunctionalCondition:Voiding IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (4733-6198) rf bladder cystography voiding w ivesical (4733-6198)
RPID5905 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abd pelvis le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdominal aorta iliofemoral runoff angio w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr abdominal aorta iliofemoral runoff angio w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdominal aorta iliofemoral runoff angio w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdominal aorta iliofemoral runoff angio w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1109-8664)
Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR iliofemoral
mr abdomen lower extremity pelvis angiography wo+w iv (1109-8664)
RPID5906 mammo breast biopsy core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mammography breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mg breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (3779-5181)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (1274-8609)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG core
mg breast left cyst aspirate (1274-8609)
mg breast left cyst left aspirate (3779-5181)
RPID5907 mammo breast biopsy core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mammography breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mg breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (0766-5046)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (4718-2388)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG core
mg breast right cyst aspirate (4718-2388)
mg breast right cyst right aspirate (0766-5046)
RPID5908 mammo breast cyst aspiration additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast cyst aspiration additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast cyst aspiration additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast cyst aspiration additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (6287-2962)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (9610-4969)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst additional ar bd rg sm
mg breast left cyst additional aspirate (9610-4969)
mg breast left cyst left additional aspirate (6287-2962)
RPID5909 mammo breast cyst aspiration additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast cyst aspiration additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast cyst aspiration additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast cyst aspiration additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (1343-9358)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (1681-3938)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst additional ar bd rg sm
mg breast right cyst additional aspirate (1681-3938)
mg breast right cyst right additional aspirate (1343-9358)
RPID591 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Modality:MR (5931-4578) mr head temporomandibular joint (5931-4578)
RPID5910 mammo breast cyst aspiration with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast cyst aspiration with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast cyst aspiration with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast cyst aspiration with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mammography breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mg breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (1274-8609)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (5876-6452)
mg breast left biopsy (5876-6452)
mg breast left cyst aspirate (1274-8609)
RPID5911 mammo breast cyst aspiration with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast cyst aspiration with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast cyst aspiration with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast cyst aspiration with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mammography breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
mg breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Cyst (4718-2388)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (1877-1589)
mg breast right biopsy (1877-1589)
mg breast right cyst aspirate (4718-2388)
RPID5912 mammo breast diagnostic call back left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast left call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast lt cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic call back left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic call back left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast left call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast lt cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic call back left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast left call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast lt cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (9026-5040)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (3125-1145)
mg breast left recall (3125-1145)
mg breast left recall diagnostic (9026-5040)
RPID5913 mammo breast diagnostic call back right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast right call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast rt cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic call back right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic call back right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast right call back (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast rt cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic call back right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast right call back (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast rt cll bck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (2025-2559)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (2854-5922)
mg breast right recall (2854-5922)
mg breast right recall diagnostic (2025-2559)
RPID5914 mammo breast clip with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance left clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide lt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast clip with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast clip with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast clip with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Device:Clip Guidance Modality:MG (5169-3740)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:MG (1761-2755)
mg breast left clip guidance (5169-3740)
mg breast left clip insert (1761-2755)
RPID5915 mammo breast clip with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance right clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide rt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast clip with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast clip with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast clip with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Device:Clip Guidance Modality:MG (1047-6335)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:MG (3391-4558)
mg breast right clip guidance (1047-6335)
mg breast right clip insert (3391-4558)
RPID5916 mammo breast needle loc additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast needle loc additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast needle loc additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast needle loc additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (8144-9335)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG additional ar bd rg sm
mg breast left additional localize needle (8144-9335)
RPID5917 mammo breast needle loc additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast needle loc additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast needle loc additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast needle loc additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (4805-2644)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG additional ar bd rg sm
mg breast right additional localize needle (4805-2644)
RPID5918 mammo breast needle loc bilateral with specimen with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance bilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide bilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast needle loc bilateral with specimen with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast needle loc bilateral with specimen with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance bilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide bilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance bilateral needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide bilat ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (4308-5514)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen (9106-7916)
mg breast both localize needle (4308-5514)
mg breast both specimen localize needle (9106-7916)
RPID5919 mammo breast needle loc with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast needle loc with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast needle loc with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast needle loc with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (9434-9653) mg breast left localize needle (9434-9653)
RPID592 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angio brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head angiography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angiography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angio brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head angiography brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6945-8499) mr brain head angiography wo iv (6945-8499)
RPID5920 mammo breast needle loc with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast needle loc with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast needle loc with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast needle loc with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (6125-1416) mg breast right localize needle (6125-1416)
RPID5921 mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance specimen left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide spcmn lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen:Left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance specimen left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide spcmn lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance specimen left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide spcmn lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen (4414-1663)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen:Left (8411-4631)
mg breast left specimen left localize needle (8411-4631)
mg breast left specimen localize needle (4414-1663)
RPID5922 mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance specimen right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide spcmn rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen:Right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance specimen right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide spcmn rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast needle loc with specimen mammo with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right specimen in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance specimen right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide spcmn rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen (4959-3132)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen:Right (0038-5455)
mg breast right specimen localize needle (4959-3132)
mg breast right specimen right localize needle (0038-5455)
RPID5923 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum and aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us retro aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum and aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us retro aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum and aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us retro aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (5720-6053)
Anatomy:AORTA Direction:Retrograde Modality:US (5141-8844)
us aorta retrograde (5141-8844)
us aorta retroperitoneum (5720-6053)
RPID5924 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tendon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound tendon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us tendon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us tndn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TENDON Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us tendon (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tendon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound tendon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us tendon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us tndn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tendon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound tendon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us tendon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us tndn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TENDON Modality:US (4240-2150)
Modality:US tndn
us tendon (4240-2150)
RPID5925 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pediatric head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us head pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us peds head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us head pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US (0759-0491) us head pediatric (0759-0491)
RPID5926 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pediatric spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us peds spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us spine pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us spine pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us spine pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us spine pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:SPINE Modality:US (2376-3064) us spine pediatric (2376-3064)
RPID5927 an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography uterus doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis hysterosonography doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis hystsngrphy utrs dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:Saline Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis hysterosonography doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography uterus doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis hysterosonography doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis hystsngrphy utrs dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable hysterosonography procedure focused on the uterus in the pelvis with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis hysterosonography uterus doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis hysterosonography doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis hystsngrphy utrs dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:Saline Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0295-4178) us pelvis uterus doppler saline iuterine (0295-4178)
RPID5928 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd ltd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd ltd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd ltd liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Extent:Limited Modality:US (7988-5728) us abdomen liver limited (7988-5728)
RPID5929 an ultrasound radiology orderable infant limited procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound infant head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us head doppler limited neonatal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us infnt head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us head doppler limited neonatal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable infant limited procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound infant head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us head doppler limited neonatal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us infnt head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable infant limited procedure focused on the head with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound infant head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us head doppler limited neonatal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us infnt head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (5331-2462)
AgeGroup:Neonate Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0985-4355)
us head doppler infant limited (5331-2462)
us head doppler neonate limited (0985-4355)
RPID593 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pediatric head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr peds head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head wo iv contrast pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pediatric head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr peds head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head wo iv contrast pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head wo iv contrast pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pediatric head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr peds head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head wo iv contrast pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pediatric head brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr peds head brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9150-1820)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5459-5612)
mr brain head pediatric wo iv (9150-1820)
mr head pediatric wo iv (5459-5612)
RPID5930 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast aspiration cyst with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast aspiration cyst with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast aspiration cyst with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast aspiration cyst with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (3178-1027)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (5881-3983)
us breast left cyst aspirate (5881-3983)
us breast left cyst left aspirate (3178-1027)
RPID5931 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast aspiration cyst with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast aspiration cyst with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast aspiration cyst with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast aspiration cyst with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (4986-5536)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (7426-4618)
us breast right cyst aspirate (7426-4618)
us breast right cyst right aspirate (4986-5536)
RPID5932 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us retroperitoneum guidance biopsy mass (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us retroperitoneum guidance biopsy mass (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum guidance biopsy mass (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us retro guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (9786-9060)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US Object:Mass (0345-3320)
Direction:Retrograde Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (5206-1908)
us retrograde biopsy (5206-1908)
us retroperitoneum biopsy (9786-9060)
us retroperitoneum mass biopsy (0345-3320)
RPID5935 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound lower extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us le ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us lower extremity veins limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us lower extremity veins limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lower extremity veins limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lower extremity veins limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (3654-6875)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (9458-5216)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (9952-6595)
us lower extremity unilateral vein unilateral followup limited (9458-5216)
us lower extremity vein unilateral followup limited (3654-6875)
us lower extremity vein unilateral followup limited (9952-6595)
RPID5936 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the upper extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound upper extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ue ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us upper extremity veins limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us upper extremity veins limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the upper extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us upper extremity veins limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the upper extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us upper extremity veins limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (3783-6834)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (4897-3558)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYVEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (7691-5981)
us upper extremity unilateral vein unilateral followup limited (4897-3558)
us upper extremity vein unilateral followup limited (3783-6834)
us upper extremity vein unilateral followup limited (7691-5981)
RPID5937 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound upper extremity elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ue elbow inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue elbow inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue elbow inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:US (2410-4388)
Anatomy:ELBOW Guidance:Inject Modality:US (3821-7983)
us elbow inject (3821-7983)
us elbow upper extremity inject (2410-4388)
RPID5938 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and middle cerebral artery in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis gest mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy mca doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy mca doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and middle cerebral artery in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy mca doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and middle cerebral artery in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy mca doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2198-4759)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2641-9223)
us gravid uterus middle cerebral artery doppler obstetric (2641-9223)
us gravid uterus middle cerebral artery pelvis doppler obstetric (2198-4759)
RPID5939 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and umbilical artery in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis gestation umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis gest um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy umbilical artery doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy umbilical artery doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and umbilical artery in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy umbilical artery doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation and umbilical artery in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy umbilical artery doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7284-0816)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (5067-7374)
us gravid uterus pelvis umbilical artery doppler obstetric (7284-0816)
us gravid uterus umbilical artery doppler obstetric (5067-7374)
RPID594 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr biopsy specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:MR Object:Specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr biopsy specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr biopsy specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr biopsy specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR Object:Specimen (2355-9902)
Modality:MR Object:Specimen (6239-6012)
mr specimen (6239-6012)
mr specimen biopsy (2355-9902)
RPID5940 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy abnormal additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy abnormal additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy abnormal additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy abnormal additional (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (8662-5635)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible (0293-4584)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US abnormal additional
us gravid uterus anatomy fetus obstetric additional abnormality fetus possible (0293-4584)
us gravid uterus pelvis obstetric additional possiblefetalabnormality (8662-5635)
RPID5941 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy abnormal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy abnormal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy abnormal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy abnormal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (0233-4895)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible (8975-9993)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US abnormal
us gravid uterus anatomy fetus obstetric abnormality fetus possible (8975-9993)
us gravid uterus pelvis obstetric possiblefetalabnormality (0233-4895)
RPID5942 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis add gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy follow up additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy follow up additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis add gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy follow up additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis add gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy follow up additional (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (5058-5916)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Modality:US (0473-7552)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Modality:US additional
us gravid uterus followup obstetric additional (0473-7552)
us gravid uterus pelvis followup obstetric additional (5058-5916)
RPID5943 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us scrotum torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:US Reason:Torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us scrotum torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us scrotum torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the testicles in the pelvis for the purpose of torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVENON-PREFERREDSEMANTICSPREFERMODELW/ANATOMICFOCUSSCROTUM.)
ultrasound pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVENON-PREFERREDSEMANTICSPREFERMODELW/ANATOMICFOCUSSCROTUM.)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US Reason:Torsion (1189-3387)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Modality:US Reason:Torsion (0674-0176)
Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US Reason:Torsion (6591-1367)
us pelvis scrotum torsion (1189-3387)
us pelvis testes torsion (0674-0176)
us scrotum torsion (6591-1367)
RPID5944 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis add gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy multi 1st trimester transabdominal transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional FetusCount:2 Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy multi 1st trimester transabdominal transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis add gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy multi 1st trimester transabdominal transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the additional gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis additional gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis add gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy multi 1st trimester transabdominal transvaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transabdominal Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US ObjectCount:2OrMore (3829-2107)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional FetusCount:2 Modality:US (2311-0782)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional FetusCount:2 Modality:US (4033-8859)
us gravid uterus obstetric additional 2 fetuses (4033-8859)
us gravid uterus pelvis obstetric additional 2 fetuses (2311-0782)
us gravid uterus transabdominal transvaginal firsttrimester obstetric 2 or more (3829-2107)
RPID5945 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis gestation twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis gest twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy multi abnormal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy multi abnormal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy multi abnormal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy and fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy multi abnormal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (3908-6265)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible (4682-9886)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ObjectCount:2OrMore abnormal
us gravid uterus anatomy fetus obstetric 2 fetuses abnormality fetus possible (4682-9886)
us gravid uterus pelvis obstetric 2 fetuses possiblefetalabnormality (3908-6265)
RPID5946 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast aspiration cyst additional with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast aspiration cyst additional with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast aspiration cyst additional with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast aspiration cyst additional with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (2567-8975)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (3385-6995)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst additional
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst additional ar bd rg sm
us breast left cyst additional aspirate (3385-6995)
us breast left cyst left additional aspirate (2567-8975)
RPID5947 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast aspiration cyst additional with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast aspiration cyst additional with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast aspiration cyst additional with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right cyst in the breast for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast aspiration cyst additional with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US (4667-9105)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst (5792-7509)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst additional
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:US Object:Cyst additional ar bd rg sm
us breast right cyst additional aspirate (5792-7509)
us breast right cyst right additional aspirate (4667-9105)
RPID5948 an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy multi 2nd/3rd trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy multi 2nd/3rd trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy multi 2nd/3rd trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable greater than 14 weeks imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis grt th 14 wks gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy multi 2nd/3rd trimester (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (8230-8886)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Modality:US (3605-1655)
2nd Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:ThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US ObjectCount:2OrMore
us gravid uterus pelvis secondorthirdtrimester obstetric 2 fetuses (8230-8886)
us gravid uterus secondorthirdtrimester obstetric 2 fetuses (3605-1655)
RPID5949 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited less than 14 weeks procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis limited less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis ltd lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy 1st trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy 1st trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited less than 14 weeks procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis limited less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis ltd lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 1st trimester (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited less than 14 weeks procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis limited less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis ltd lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy 1st trimester (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited Modality:US (9803-8073)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited Modality:US (6827-1805)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Modality:US (8951-0701)
us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric (8951-0701)
us gravid uterus firsttrimester obstetric limited (6827-1805)
us gravid uterus pelvis firsttrimester obstetric limited (9803-8073)
RPID595 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spectro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spectro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spectro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spectro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (6303-9438) mr spectroscopy (6303-9438)
RPID5950 an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric limited with physician manipulation procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pediatric lower extremity limited with physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us hip pediatric limited bilateral manipulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us peds le ltd w phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Physician:Manipulation:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us hip pediatric limited bilateral manipulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric limited with physician manipulation procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric lower extremity limited with physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us hip pediatric limited bilateral manipulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us peds le ltd w phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable pediatric limited with physician manipulation procedure focused on the bilateral hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pediatric lower extremity limited with physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us hip pediatric limited bilateral manipulation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us peds le ltd w phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Physician:Manipulation:W (1526-2886)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Extent:Limited Modality:US manipulation
us hip both lower extremity both physician manipulation w pediatric limited (1526-2886)
RPID5951 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of doppler for the purpose of flow and velocity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound chest heart flow velocity doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us chst heart flow velo dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us heart doppler velocity ed (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us heart doppler velocity ed (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of doppler for the purpose of flow and velocity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest heart flow velocity doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us chst heart flow velo dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us heart doppler velocity ed (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of doppler for the purpose of flow and velocity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound chest heart flow velocity doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us chst heart flow velo dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us heart doppler velocity ed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (5866-2692)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler Reason:Measurement:Velocity ed
us chest heart doppler flow measurement velocity (5866-2692)
RPID5952 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us le ltd arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us lower extremity arteries limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us lower extremity arteries limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le ltd arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lower extremity arteries limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the unilateral arteries in the lower extremity for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity limited arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le ltd arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lower extremity arteries limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (2872-8480)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (5992-0170)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (9251-6311)
us artery unilateral lower extremity followup limited (2872-8480)
us artery unilateral lower extremity unilateral followup limited (5992-0170)
us lower extremity artery unilateral followup limited (9251-6311)
RPID5953 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:US (5660-7723)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Insert Modality:US needle
us breast needle insert (5660-7723)
RPID5954 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis gest prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis gest prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7091-1500)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (1381-6580)
us gravid uterus doppler obstetric (1381-6580)
us gravid uterus pelvis doppler obstetric (7091-1500)
RPID5955 an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis volume quantification prostate (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis vol quant prost (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us prostate transrectal volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US Reason:Measurement:Volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US Reason:Measurement:Volume (8084-4041)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US volume
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US quant vol
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US quantification volume
us pelvis prostate measurement volume (8084-4041)
RPID5956 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us penis soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PENIS Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us penis soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us penis soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound penis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us penis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us penis soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PENIS Modality:US (6122-1841)
Anatomy:PENIS Modality:US Object:Tissue:Soft (1872-4148)
us penis (6122-1841)
us penis tissue soft (1872-4148)
RPID5957 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound lower extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us le veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us lower extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us lower extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us le veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us lower extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound lower extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us le veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us lower extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (2458-5437)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN Modality:US (6959-8468)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Both Modality:US (4596-5109)
us lower extremity vein (2458-5437)
us lower extremity vein (6959-8468)
us lower extremity vein both (4596-5109)
RPID5958 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound upper extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ue veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us upper extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us upper extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us upper extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral veins in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue veins bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us upper extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (3195-4696)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:US (1098-9451)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYVEIN Modality:US (5545-6128)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYVEIN:Both Modality:US (1679-3535)
us upper extremity both vein both (1098-9451)
us upper extremity vein (3195-4696)
us upper extremity vein (5545-6128)
us upper extremity vein both (1679-3535)
RPID5959 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis prost w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis prostate with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr prostate w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr prostate w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prost w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prostate with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr prostate w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prost w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis prostate with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr prostate w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5823-1761)
Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6958-0149)
mr pelvis prostate w iv (5823-1761)
mr prostate w iv (6958-0149)
RPID596 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (2029-8019)
Guidance:Insert Modality:MR needle
mr needle insert (2029-8019)
RPID5960 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr guidance needle loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr guidance needle loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr guidance needle loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr guidance needle loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (8658-8446) mr localize needle (8658-8446)
RPID5961 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGED)
mr head angio brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGED)
mr head angiography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGED)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5033-0680)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8741-0999)
mr brain head angiography wo+w iv (5033-0680)
mr head angiography wo+w iv (8741-0999)
RPID5962 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr pelvis angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7738-3100) mr pelvis angiography wo iv (7738-3100)
RPID5963 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abd pelvis entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis entero wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR POContrast:W (6737-5479)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR POContrast:W (4590-4421)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:MR entero
mr abdomen pelvis small intestine wo iv w po (6737-5479)
mr abdomen pelvis wo iv w po (4590-4421)
RPID5964 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ultrasound guidance insert iv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Guidance Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr ultrasound guidance insert iv (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ultrasound guidance insert iv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ultrasound guidance insert iv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance Modality:MR (7212-5355)
Guidance:Insert Modality:MR Modality:US iv
mr guidance (7212-5355)
RPID597 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast w and wo iv contrast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast w and wo iv contrast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast w and wo iv contrast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral in the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast unilat wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast unilateral without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast w and wo iv contrast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3296-1287) mr breast unilateral wo+w iv (3296-1287)
RPID5976 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brain post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brn postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head w and wo iv contrast post-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head w and wo iv contrast post-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast post-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain post op without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn postop wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast post-op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6419-6690)
Anatomy:HEAD Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5277-2400)
mr brain head postoperative wo+w iv (6419-6690)
mr head postoperative wo+w iv (5277-2400)
RPID5977 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest heart stress without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst heart stress wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr heart w and wo iv contrast stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr heart w and wo iv contrast stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart stress without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart stress wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr heart w and wo iv contrast stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart stress without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart stress wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr heart w and wo iv contrast stress (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Stress (9018-5011)
Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Stress (7738-3401)
mr chest heart stress wo+w iv (9018-5011)
mr heart stress wo+w iv (7738-3401)
RPID5978 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest heart stress without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst heart stress wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr heart wo iv contrast stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr heart wo iv contrast stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart stress without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart stress wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr heart wo iv contrast stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of stress (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart stress without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart stress wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr heart wo iv contrast stress (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Stress (2460-0435)
Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:MR ModalityType:Stress (8259-4158)
mr chest heart stress wo iv (2460-0435)
mr heart stress wo iv (8259-4158)
RPID598 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:MR (6068-8765) mr abdomen (6068-8765)
RPID5985 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr whbdy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr whole body w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr wholebody without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr whole body w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr whbdy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr whole body w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr wholebody without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr whbdy wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr whole body w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr wholebody without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2538-0798) mr body whole wo+w iv (2538-0798)
RPID5986 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic for the purpose of obstruction and flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd kidney obs flow drtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction flow diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm kidney flow/function with diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:Diuretic Reason:Obstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm kidney flow/function with diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic for the purpose of obstruction and flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney obs flow drtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction flow diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm kidney flow/function with diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen diuretic for the purpose of obstruction and flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney obs flow drtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney obstruction flow diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm kidney flow/function with diuretic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:Diuretic Reason:Obstruction (4038-3957)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:diuretic Reason:Obstruction (2533-7270)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:diuretic (3371-6874)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:Obstruction drtc
nm abdomen kidney flow diuretic obstruction (2533-7270)
nm abdomen kidney flow diuretic obstruction (4038-3957)
nm kidney flow function diuretic (3371-6874)
RPID5987 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy tumor i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whole body mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody tumor i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm whole body mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy tumor i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whole body mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody tumor i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody i-123 mibg for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy tumor i123mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whole body mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody tumor i-123 mibg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123 IVRadiopharmaceutical:i131:mibg Modality:NM Object:Tumor (4752-7360)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:i123:mibg Modality:NM Object:Tumor (6891-7379)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Object:Tumor i123mibg
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM mibg
nm body tumor whole i123 iv i131 mibg iv (4752-7360)
nm body tumor whole i123 mibg iv (6891-7379)
RPID5988 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy spect in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whole body prostascint spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:capromab Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm whole body prostascint spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy spect in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whole body prostascint spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy spect in111 cp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whole body prostascint spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody spect in-111 capromab pendetide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Capromab Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (4671-7271)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:capromab Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (4311-8814)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111 Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT cp
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT prostascint
nm body spect whole in111 capromab iv (4671-7271)
nm body spect whole indium111 capromab iv (4311-8814)
RPID5989 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whole body octreoscan spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm whole body octreoscan spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whole body octreoscan spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody with a technique of spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy spect in111 pntrtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whole body octreoscan spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody spect in-111 pentetreotide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:in111:Pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (4675-3148)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:indium111:pentetreotide Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (5248-8721)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT octreoscan
nm body spect whole in111 pentetreotide iv (4675-3148)
nm body spect whole indium111 pentetreotide iv (5248-8721)
RPID599 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (0308-2715) mr lower extremity left angiography (0308-2715)
RPID5990 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whole body samarium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:sm153:lexidronam Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm whole body samarium (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whole body samarium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whole body samarium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody samarium-153 (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:sm153:lexidronam Modality:NM (4026-3888)
153 Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM samarium
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM samarium
nm body whole sm153 lexidronam iv (4026-3888)
RPID5991 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm white blood cells whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm white blood cells whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm white blood cells whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm white blood cells whole body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM (0403-0234)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM blood cells white
nm body whole tc99m wbc iv (0403-0234)
RPID5992 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm limited tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm ltd tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm white blood cells limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm white blood cells limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm white blood cells limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm white blood cells limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM (7230-9107)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM blood cells white
nm limited tc99m wbc iv (7230-9107)
RPID5993 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of spect tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm spect tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm white blood cells spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm white blood cells spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of spect tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spect tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm white blood cells spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with a technique of spect tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spect tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm white blood cells spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (5689-1360)
Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT blood cells white
nm spect tc99m wbc iv (5689-1360)
RPID5994 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whole body zevalin (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm whole body zevalin (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whole body zevalin (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy y-90 ibr tux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whole body zevalin (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody y-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:IbritumomabTiuxetan Modality:NM (5391-1619) nm body whole y90 ibritumomabtiuxetan iv (5391-1619)
RPID5995 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis le angio aorta wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography aorta without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdominal aorta/iliofemoral runoff angio w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdominal aorta/iliofemoral runoff angio w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio aorta wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography aorta without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdominal aorta/iliofemoral runoff angio w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio aorta wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography aorta without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdominal aorta/iliofemoral runoff angio w and wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5875-1338)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3327-7773)
Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT iliofemoral
ct abdomen aorta lower extremity pelvis angiography wo+w iv (5875-1338)
ct abdomen aorta lower extremity pelvis arteriography wo+w iv (3327-7773)
RPID5996 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3192-6796)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (1076-7689)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing (5049-4491)
ct abdomen 3d postprocessing wo iv (1076-7689)
ct abdomen 3d wo iv (3192-6796)
ct abdomen postprocessing wo iv (5049-4491)
RPID5997 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3082-3969)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (4100-0858)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing (1638-7264)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d postprocessing wo iv (4100-0858)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d wo iv (3082-3969)
ct abdomen pelvis postprocessing wo iv (1638-7264)
RPID5998 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest/abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst abd pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest/abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest/abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest/abdomen/pelvis wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3439-3358)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (1787-4486)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing (6302-7431)
ct abdomen chest pelvis 3d postprocessing wo iv (1787-4486)
ct abdomen chest pelvis 3d wo iv (3439-3358)
ct abdomen chest pelvis postprocessing wo iv (6302-7431)
RPID5999 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest/abdomen wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst abd 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest/abdomen wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest/abdomen wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen 3d imaging processing without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest/abdomen wo iv contrast post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd 3d image wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3256-5566)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (5943-6680)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing (6757-0782)
ct abdomen chest 3d postprocessing wo iv (5943-6680)
ct abdomen chest 3d wo iv (3256-5566)
ct abdomen chest postprocessing wo iv (6757-0782)
RPID6 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7743-9941) ct chest angiography wo+w iv (7743-9941)
RPID60 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3554-3429) ct upper extremity right w iv (3554-3429)
RPID600 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (3197-3204) mr lower extremity right angiography (3197-3204)
RPID6000 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest screening with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest w iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst screen w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest w iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest screening with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest w iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst screen w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest screening with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest w iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst screen w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8512-5512) ct chest screening w iv (8512-5512)
RPID6001 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest high resolution lung without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest wo iv contrast lung parenchyma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst hi res lung wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest wo iv contrast lung parenchyma (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution lung without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest wo iv contrast lung parenchyma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res lung wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution lung without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest wo iv contrast lung parenchyma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res lung wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (5112-5257)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:Tissue:Parenchymal (6810-3904)
ct chest lung resolution high wo iv (5112-5257)
ct chest lung tissue parenchymal wo iv (6810-3904)
RPID6002 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest wo iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct chest wo iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest wo iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest screening without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest wo iv contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst screen wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0283-7690) ct chest screening wo iv (0283-7690)
RPID6003 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart and coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest angiography heart coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst angio heart cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct heart coronary arteries angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct heart coronary arteries angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart and coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct heart coronary arteries angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart and coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart coronary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart cor arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct heart coronary arteries angio w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9623-6085)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0000-9875)
Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3214-1714)
ct chest coronary artery heart angiography w iv (9623-6085)
ct chest coronary artery heart arteriography w iv (0000-9875)
ct coronary artery heart arteriography w iv (3214-1714)
RPID6004 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest heart congenital disease with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst heart cong dx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct heart w iv contrast congential heart disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct heart w iv contrast congential heart disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart congenital disease with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart cong dx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct heart w iv contrast congential heart disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart congenital disease with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart cong dx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct heart w iv contrast congential heart disease (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Disease:Congenital (0004-1505)
Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT congential disease
ct chest heart w iv disease congenital (0004-1505)
RPID6005 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of structure and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest heart structure morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst heart struct morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct heart w iv contrast structure morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct heart w iv contrast structure morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of structure and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart structure morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart struct morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct heart w iv contrast structure morphology (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of structure and morphology (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart structure morphology with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart struct morph w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct heart w iv contrast structure morphology (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7319-8082)
Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7134-9004)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT struct
ct chest heart w iv (7319-8082)
ct heart w iv (7134-9004)
RPID6006 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head recon tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head reconstruction temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct temporal bone w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct temporal bone w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head recon tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head reconstruction temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head recon tmp bon w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head reconstruction temporal bone with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct temporal bone w iv contrast by reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6359-1609)
Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6169-0940)
ct head temporal bone reconstruction retrospective w iv (6359-1609)
ct temporal bone reconstruction retrospective w iv (6169-0940)
RPID6007 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography multi-planar reformation procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis uro multi plan ref wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis urography multi-planar reformation without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct urogram post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct urogram post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography multi-planar reformation procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro multi plan ref wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography multi-planar reformation without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct urogram post processing (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography multi-planar reformation procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro multi plan ref wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography multi-planar reformation without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct urogram post processing (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (4275-5516)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:PostProcessing (1071-9610)
ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter reconstruction multiplanar wo+w iv (4275-5516)
ct bladder kidney ureter postprocessing w iv (1071-9610)
RPID6008 a computed tomography radiology orderable complex imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct cmplx trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct complex treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct treatment planning complex (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Extent:Complex Modality:CT Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct treatment planning complex (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable complex imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct cmplx trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct complex treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct treatment planning complex (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable complex imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct cmplx trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct complex treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct treatment planning complex (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Complex Modality:CT Reason:Planning (7264-4028)
Extent:Complex Modality:CT Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (6259-3015)
Extent:Complex Modality:CT plnng trtmnt
ct complex planning (7264-4028)
ct complex planning radiotherapy (6259-3015)
RPID6009 a computed tomography radiology orderable intermediate imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct intermediate treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct intrmdt trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct treatment planning intermediate (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Extent:Intermediate Modality:CT Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct treatment planning intermediate (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable intermediate imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct intermediate treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct intrmdt trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct treatment planning intermediate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable intermediate imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct intermediate treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct intrmdt trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct treatment planning intermediate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Intermediate Modality:CT Reason:Planning (6216-4054)
Extent:Intermediate Modality:CT Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (9218-3861)
Modality:CT intrmdt plnng trtmnt
ct intermediate planning (6216-4054)
ct intermediate planning radiotherapy (9218-3861)
RPID601 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of mesenteric ischemia (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd angio mes isch (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen angiography mesenteric ischemia (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Modality:MR Reason:Reason:Ischemia:Mesenteric:Mesenteric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of mesenteric ischemia (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd angio mes isch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography mesenteric ischemia (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of mesenteric ischemia (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd angio mes isch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen angiography mesenteric ischemia (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Modality:MR Reason:Reason:Ischemia:Mesenteric:Mesenteric (6720-3311)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Modality:MR isch mes
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Modality:MR ischemia mesenteric
mr abdomen angiography reason ischemia mesenteric mesenteric (6720-3311)
RPID6010 a computed tomography radiology orderable simple imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct simple treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct smpl trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct treatment planning simple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Extent:Simple Modality:CT Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct treatment planning simple (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable simple imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct simple treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct smpl trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct treatment planning simple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable simple imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct simple treatment planning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct smpl trtmnt plnng (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct treatment planning simple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Simple Modality:CT Reason:Planning (3571-8445)
Extent:Simple Modality:CT Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy (4685-7658)
Modality:CT plnng smpl trtmnt
ct simple planning (3571-8445)
ct simple planning radiotherapy (4685-7658)
RPID6011 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct le length (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT Reason:Measurement:Length:Leg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct scanogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity and leg length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity leg length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT Reason:Measurement:Length (1864-8481)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT Reason:Measurement:Length (8391-8690)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:CT Reason:Measurement:Length:Leg (2173-7615)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (2232-8141)
ct leg lower extremity measurement length (1864-8481)
ct localizer (2232-8141)
ct lower extremity measurement length (8391-8690)
ct lower extremity measurement length leg (2173-7615)
RPID6012 a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm&ct lym nd spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm&ct lymph node spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm/ct lymph node spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm/ct lymph node spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm&ct lym nd spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm&ct lymph node spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm/ct lymph node spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm&ct lym nd spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm&ct lymph node spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm/ct lymph node spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT Object:LymphNode (7262-4075)
Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Object:LymphNode ObjectCount:2OrMore modality
nm lymphnode hybridct spect (7262-4075)
RPID6013 a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm&ct neck para thyr gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm&ct neck parathyroid gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm/ct parathyroid spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm/ct parathyroid spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm&ct neck para thyr gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm&ct neck parathyroid gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm/ct parathyroid spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm&ct neck para thyr gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm&ct neck parathyroid gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm/ct parathyroid spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT (6682-1824)
Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:HybridCT ModalityType:SPECT (0902-3958)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ObjectCount:2OrMore modality
nm neck parathyroid hybridct spect (6682-1824)
nm parathyroid hybridct spect (0902-3958)
RPID6014 a multi-modality radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone in the skull base to mid-thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct sk bs md thgh ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct skull base to mid-thigh limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct bone skull base to mid thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct bone skull base to mid thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone in the skull base to mid-thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct sk bs md thgh ltd bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct skull base to mid-thigh limited bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt/ct bone skull base to mid thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone in the skull base to mid-thigh 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct sk bs md thgh ltd bone 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct skull base to mid-thigh limited bone 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt/ct bone skull base to mid thigh (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
18f Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Extent:Limited ObjectCount:2OrMore modality naf
18f Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Extent:Limited naf ptct
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Extent:Limited ObjectCount:2OrMore modality
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Extent:Limited ptct
Anatomy:SKELETON Anatomy:SKULLBASE Anatomy:THIGH Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT mid to
RPID6015 a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct whbdy bone 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct wholebody bone 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct bone whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct bone whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct whbdy bone 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct wholebody bone 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt/ct bone whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone in the wholebody 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct whbdy bone 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct wholebody bone 18f-naf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt/ct bone whole body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:Whole Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT (5743-6593)
18f Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:Whole ObjectCount:2OrMore modality naf
18f Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:Whole naf ptct
pt body skeleton hybridct whole (5743-6593)
RPID6016 a multi-modality radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct tumor localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct tumor localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt/ct tumor localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct localiz ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt/ct tumor localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Object:Tumor (3970-2338)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:RF ObjectCount:2OrMore modality
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:RF ptct
pt tumor hybridct limited localize (3970-2338)
RPID6017 a multi-modality radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct sk bs md thgh localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct skull base to mid-thigh localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct tumor localization skull base to mid thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct tumor localization skull base to mid thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct sk bs md thgh localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct skull base to mid-thigh localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt/ct tumor localization skull base to mid thigh (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the skull base to mid-thigh (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct sk bs md thgh localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct skull base to mid-thigh localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt/ct tumor localization skull base to mid thigh (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:RF ObjectCount:2OrMore modality
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:SKULLBASETOMIDTHIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:RF ptct
Anatomy:SKULLBASE Anatomy:THIGH Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Object:Tumor mid to
RPID6018 a multi-modality radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct whbdy localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct wholebody localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct tumor localization whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct tumor localization whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct whbdy localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct wholebody localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt/ct tumor localization whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct whbdy localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct wholebody localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt/ct tumor localization whole body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT Object:Tumor (1957-7829)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:RF ObjectCount:2OrMore modality
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:RF ptct
pt body tumor hybridct whole localize (1957-7829)
RPID6019 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt brain perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt brain perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
pt brain perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a positron emission tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt brain perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt head perfus brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt head perfusion brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (6451-1896)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion (9285-8393)
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion (6100-4843)
nm brain head perfusion (6451-1896)
pt brain head perfusion (9285-8393)
pt brain perfusion (6100-4843)
RPID602 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (5659-5827) mr ankle left lower extremity left (5659-5827)
RPID6020 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt chest perfusion heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt chst perfus heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt heart perfusion single (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt heart perfusion single (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
pt chest perfusion heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt chst perfus heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt heart perfusion single (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a positron emission tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt chest perfusion heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt chst perfus heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt heart perfusion single (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion (8965-3305)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion (9424-2949)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:1 (8417-5713)
nm chest heart perfusion (8965-3305)
pt chest heart perfusion (9424-2949)
pt heart perfusion 1 (8417-5713)
RPID6021 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt chest heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt chst heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt chest heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt chst heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a positron emission tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt chest heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt chst heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt heart sarcoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Sarcoidosis (6776-7442)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT Reason:Sarcoidosis (9000-6632)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT Reason:Sarcoidosis (3022-2881)
nm chest heart sarcoidosis (6776-7442)
pt chest heart sarcoidosis (9000-6632)
pt heart sarcoidosis (3022-2881)
RPID6022 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt chest heart viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt chst heart viable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt heart viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt heart viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt chest heart viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt chst heart viable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt heart viability (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a positron emission tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of viability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt chest heart viability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt chst heart viable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt heart viability (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Viability (2832-3368)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT Reason:Viability (1484-5672)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT Reason:Viability (9453-1285)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT viable
nm chest heart viability (2832-3368)
pt chest heart viability (1484-5672)
pt heart viability (9453-1285)
RPID6023 a us&rf radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us&rf (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us/fl intravascular ultrasound with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a us&rf radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSREMOVED)
a us&rf radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSREMOVED)
us&rf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSREMOVED)
Access:Intravascular Guidance Modality:RF Modality:US (0199-0541)
rf us intravascular guidance (0199-0541)
RPID6024 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa peripheral procedure focused on the wrist in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
dxa bone density extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone dxa peripheral wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone dxa prphrl wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:WRIST Modality:DXA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
dxa bone density extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa peripheral procedure focused on the wrist in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
dxa bone density extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone dxa peripheral wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone dxa prphrl wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable dxa peripheral procedure focused on the wrist in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
dxa bone density extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone dxa peripheral wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone dxa prphrl wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:WRIST Modality:DXA (7112-3779)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:SKELETON Anatomy:WRIST Modality:DXA (9192-1146)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:DXA ModalityType:Density:Bone (5364-2011)
dxa appendicular skeleton bone wrist (7112-3779)
dxa extremity skeleton wrist (9192-1146)
dxa extremity wrist density bone (5364-2011)
RPID6025 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr face 1 - 2 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr facial bones 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray face 1-2vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr facial bones 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 1 - 2 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr facial bones 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 1-2vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the facial bones in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 1 - 2 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr facial bones 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 1-2vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (4760-5992)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (4778-9964)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (8028-0327)
rf face facial bone 2 or fewer views (4760-5992)
rg face facial bone 2 or fewer views (4778-9964)
rg facial bone 2 or fewer views (8028-0327)
RPID6026 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr face 1 - 2 views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr facial bones 1-2 views zygoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray face 1-2vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr facial bones 1-2 views zygoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 1 - 2 views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr facial bones 1-2 views zygoma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 1-2vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the zygomatic arch in the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 1 - 2 views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr facial bones 1-2 views zygoma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 1-2vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (2639-3436)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (5123-4939)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:ZYGOMA Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (4986-6002)
rf face zygoma 2 or fewer views (2639-3436)
rg face zygoma 2 or fewer views (5123-4939)
rg facial bone zygoma 2 or fewer views (4986-6002)
RPID6027 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head 1 - 2 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr mastoids 1-2 views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head 1-2vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr mastoids 1-2 views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 1 - 2 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr mastoids 1-2 views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 1-2vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the mastoid in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 1 - 2 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr mastoids 1-2 views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 1-2vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (8721-8816)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (2950-4471)
Anatomy:MASTOID:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (2299-5822)
rf head mastoid 2 or fewer views (8721-8816)
rg head mastoid 2 or fewer views (2950-4471)
rg mastoid both 2 or fewer views (2299-5822)
RPID6028 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr sacroiliac joints 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis 1-2vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr sacroiliac joints 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sacroiliac joints 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1-2vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 - 2 views procedure focused on the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sacroiliac joints 1-2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 1-2vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrFewer (0677-3041)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (8059-3398)
Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (4939-1715)
rf pelvis sacroiliac joint 2 or fewer views (0677-3041)
rg pelvis sacroiliac joint 2 or fewer views (8059-3398)
rg sacroiliac joint 2 or fewer views (4939-1715)
RPID6029 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen anteroposterior infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen anteroposterior infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen anteroposterior infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen anteroposterior infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:AP ViewCount:1 (4214-6889)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP (9298-3131)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (0772-3318)
rf abdomen infant ap 1 views (4214-6889)
rg abdomen infant ap (9298-3131)
rg abdomen infant ap 1 views (0772-3318)
RPID603 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (9042-0958) mr ankle right lower extremity right (9042-0958)
RPID6030 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen decubitus infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant abdomen 1 view left decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt abd 1vw lt dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen decubitus infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen decubitus infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant abdomen 1 view left decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt abd 1vw lt dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the left in the abdomen and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
xr abd decub infant left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
xr infant abdomen 1 view left decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
xray infnt abd 1vw lt dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUS)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Decubitus ViewCount:1 (7914-7216)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (2380-0257)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus ViewCount:1 (4981-3823)
rf abdomen infant decubitus 1 views (7914-7216)
rg abdomen infant decubitus (2380-0257)
rg abdomen infant decubitus 1 views (4981-3823)
RPID6031 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen lateral cross table infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant abdomen 1 view cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt abd 1vw cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:CrossTableLateral ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen lateral cross table infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen lateral cross table infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant abdomen 1 view cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt abd 1vw cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the abdomen and cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen lateral cross table infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant abdomen 1 view cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt abd 1vw cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:CrossTableLateral ViewCount:1 (6943-0659)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:CrossTableLateral ViewCount:1 (7296-5225)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:CrossTableLateral ViewCount:1 (3600-7121)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:EitherLat cross table
rf abdomen infant crosstablelateral 1 views (6943-0659)
rg abdomen infant crosstablelateral 1 views (3600-7121)
rg abdomen infant crosstablelateral 1 views (7296-5225)
RPID6032 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 1 view anteroposterior infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 1 view anteroposterior infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view anteroposterior infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view anteroposterior infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:AP ViewCount:1 (7066-9894)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:1 (1405-1546)
rf chest infant ap 1 views (7066-9894)
rg chest infant ap 1 views (1405-1546)
RPID6033 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the chest and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 1 view lateral infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant chest 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt chst 1vw lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 1 view lateral infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the chest and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view lateral infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant chest 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt chst 1vw lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant 1 view procedure focused on the chest and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view lateral infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant chest 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt chst 1vw lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (3383-4713)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (1122-5437)
rf chest infant eitherlat 1 views (3383-4713)
rg chest infant eitherlat 1 views (1122-5437)
RPID6034 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and lateral and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 1 view lateral decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest lateral, decubitus, or bucky (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 1vw lat dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest lateral, decubitus, or bucky (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and lateral and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view lateral decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest lateral, decubitus, or bucky (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 1vw lat dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and lateral and decubitus and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view lateral decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest lateral, decubitus, or bucky (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 1vw lat dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus Position:Erect View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (8707-5770)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (5062-2234)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus Position:Erect ViewCount:1 (4254-1532)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus bucky
rf chest decubitus erect eitherlat 1 views (8707-5770)
rg chest decubitus erect 1 views (4254-1532)
rg chest decubitus erect eitherlat 1 views (5062-2234)
RPID6035 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 1 view pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 1 view posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 1vw pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 1 view posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 1vw pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view procedure focused on the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 1 view posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 1vw pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:PA ViewCount:1 (3858-3450)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:1 (6260-1570)
rf chest pa 1 views (3858-3450)
rg chest pa 1 views (6260-1570)
RPID6036 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view and intra-operative procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 1 view intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 1 view intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray l spine 1vw intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr lumbar spine 1 view intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 1 view and intra-operative procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 1 view intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 1 view intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 1vw intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 1 view and intra-operative procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 1 view intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 1 view intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 1vw intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF ViewCount:1 (7563-4609)
Anatomy:LSPINE Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG ViewCount:1 (8406-4976)
rf lspine intraoperative 1 views (7563-4609)
rg lspine intraoperative 1 views (8406-4976)
RPID6037 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 2 or more views procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant lower extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 2+ views infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt le 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr lower extremity 2+ views infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 2 or more views procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant lower extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2+ views infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt le 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant 2 or more views procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant lower extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2+ views infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt le 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (4738-9414)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (5933-0382)
rf lower extremity infant 2 or more views (4738-9414)
rg lower extremity infant 2 or more views (5933-0382)
RPID6038 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pelvis 2 or more views sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr sacrum 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws sacr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr sacrum 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 or more views sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sacrum 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws sacr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sacrum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pelvis 2 or more views sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sacrum 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray pelvis 2 or more vws sacr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (6357-9846)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (0703-0204)
Anatomy:SACRUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (3994-9564)
rf pelvis sacrum 2 or more views (6357-9846)
rg pelvis sacrum 2 or more views (0703-0204)
rg sacrum 2 or more views (3994-9564)
RPID6039 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 or more views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr sternum 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2 or more vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr sternum 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 or more views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sternum 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2 or more vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 or more views procedure focused on the sternum in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 or more views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sternum 2+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2 or more vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (9414-1118)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (3199-6546)
Anatomy:STERNUM Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (2936-4187)
rf chest sternum 2 or more views (9414-1118)
rg chest sternum 2 or more views (3199-6546)
rg sternum 2 or more views (2936-4187)
RPID604 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1923-9540) mr ankle left lower extremity left w iv (1923-9540)
RPID6040 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 2 or more views procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 2+ views infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr upper extremity 2+ views infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant 2 or more views procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2+ views infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant 2 or more views procedure focused on the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 2+ views infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:2OrMore (5014-3642)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (5857-5577)
rf upper extremity infant 2 or more views (5014-3642)
rg upper extremity infant 2 or more views (5857-5577)
RPID6041 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen 2 views genitourinary (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen 2 views urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray abd 2vws urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen 2 views genitourinary (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views genitourinary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views genitourinary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (9466-5334)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (1318-7697)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:URINARYTRACT Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (2130-7339)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG ViewCount:2 genitourinary
rf abdomen bladder kidney ureter 2 views (9466-5334)
rg abdomen bladder kidney ureter 2 views (1318-7697)
rg abdomen urinary tract 2 views (2130-7339)
RPID6042 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen 2 views ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen anteroposterior and oblique/cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray abd 2vws ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:Cone View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen anteroposterior and oblique/cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen anteroposterior and oblique/cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and ap and oblique and cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen anteroposterior and oblique/cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:Cone View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (6376-4293)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 cone
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 cone
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherObl cone
rg abdomen ap cone eitherobl 2 views (6376-4293)
RPID6043 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray abd 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2 (9347-5686)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Prone ViewCount:2 (1160-8177)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine (2491-3481)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2 (9910-3112)
rf abdomen erect supine 2 views (9347-5686)
rg abdomen erect prone 2 views (1160-8177)
rg abdomen erect supine (2491-3481)
rg abdomen erect supine 2 views (9910-3112)
RPID6044 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and chest and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen chest 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr abdomen supine and erect with chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray abd chst 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr abdomen supine and erect with chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and chest and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen chest 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr abdomen supine and erect with chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray abd chst 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the abdomen and chest and supine and erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen chest 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr abdomen supine and erect with chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray abd chst 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2 (5063-0884)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Prone ViewCount:2 (5124-3751)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine (9107-5192)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2 (6546-4762)
rf abdomen chest erect supine 2 views (5063-0884)
rg abdomen chest erect prone 2 views (5124-3751)
rg abdomen chest erect supine (9107-5192)
rg abdomen chest erect supine 2 views (6546-4762)
RPID6045 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views with apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2vws pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 2 views with apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views with apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views with apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2 (5647-7857)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2 (0165-1464)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:ApicalLordotic ViewCount:2 (2389-8654)
rf chest apicallordotic eitherlat pa 2 views (5647-7857)
rg chest apicallordotic 2 views (2389-8654)
rg chest apicallordotic eitherlat pa 2 views (0165-1464)
RPID6046 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views with decubitus views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2vws pa lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 2 views with decubitus views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views with decubitus views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws pa lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views with decubitus views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws pa lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2 (9396-1043)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2 (4168-6159)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:PA ViewCount:2 (8299-2532)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus ViewCount:2 (6110-0210)
rf chest decubitus eitherlat pa 2 views (9396-1043)
rg chest decubitus 2 views (6110-0210)
rg chest decubitus eitherlat pa 2 views (4168-6159)
rg chest decubitus pa 2 views (8299-2532)
RPID6047 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views with obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2vws pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA View:RObl ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest 2 views with obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views with obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and pa and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views with obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA View:RObl ViewCount:2 (0896-2134)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA View:RObl ViewCount:2 (0331-2858)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (8388-9492)
Anatomy:CHEST:Right:Left Modality:RG View:EitherLat View:EitherObl View:PA ViewCount:2 (6822-4760)
rf chest eitherlat lobl pa robl 2 views (0896-2134)
rg chest eitherlat lobl pa robl 2 views (0331-2858)
rg chest eitherobl 2 views (8388-9492)
rg chest right left eitherlat eitherobl pa 2 views (6822-4760)
RPID6048 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and inspiration and expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2vws insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and inspiration and expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest and inspiration and expiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (4114-3345)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration Modality:RG (2403-1031)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6039-6768)
rf chest expiration inspiration 2 views (4114-3345)
rg chest expiration inspiration (2403-1031)
rg chest expiration inspiration 2 views (6039-6768)
RPID6049 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 2 views ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral with chest anteroposterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 2vws ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral with chest anteroposterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral with chest anteroposterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the unilateral ribs in the chest and ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 2 views ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr ribs 2 views unilateral with chest anteroposterior (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 2vws ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RF View:AP ViewCount:2 (2407-7460)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral Modality:RG View:AP ViewCount:2 (5257-3861)
rf chest rib unilateral ap 2 views (2407-7460)
rg chest rib unilateral ap 2 views (5257-3861)
RPID605 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5561-5698) mr ankle right lower extremity right w iv (5561-5698)
RPID6050 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 2 views toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr toes 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 2vws toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOES Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr toes 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr toes 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 2 views toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr toes 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 2vws toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (2174-8114)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7340-7333)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOES Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (6574-0986)
Anatomy:TOE Modality:RG ViewCount:2 (7872-1949)
rf lower extremity toe 2 views (2174-8114)
rg lower extremity toe 2 views (7340-7333)
rg lower extremity toes 2 views (6574-0986)
rg toe 2 views (7872-1949)
RPID6051 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head 3 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr mandible 1-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head 3 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr mandible 1-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr mandible 1-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 3 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr mandible 1-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 3 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrFewer (1584-7035)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (7800-3886)
Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (2069-4082)
rf head mandible 3 or fewer views (1584-7035)
rg head mandible 3 or fewer views (7800-3886)
rg mandible 3 or fewer views (2069-4082)
RPID6052 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr skull 1-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr skull 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray skull 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr skull 1-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr skull 1-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr skull 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray skull 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr skull 1-3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr skull 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray skull 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrFewer (5122-7554)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrFewer (9429-6593)
rf skull 3 or fewer views (5122-7554)
rg skull 3 or fewer views (9429-6593)
RPID6053 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr skull 1-3 views anteroposterior and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr skull 3 or fewer views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray skull 3 or fwr vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr skull 1-3 views anteroposterior and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr skull 1-3 views anteroposterior and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr skull 3 or fewer views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray skull 3 or fwr vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the skull and ap and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr skull 1-3 views anteroposterior and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr skull 3 or fewer views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray skull 3 or fwr vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:3OrFewer (4832-1871)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:3OrFewer (0100-0096)
rf skull ap eitherlat 3 or fewer views (4832-1871)
rg skull ap eitherlat 3 or fewer views (0100-0096)
RPID6054 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr ankle 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr ankle 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr ankle 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr ankle 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (7647-5564)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (4877-4088)
Anatomy:ANKLE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (9944-7226)
rf ankle lower extremity 3 or more views (7647-5564)
rg ankle 3 or more views (9944-7226)
rg ankle lower extremity 3 or more views (4877-4088)
RPID6055 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the chest and pa and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 3 or more views pa decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest posteroanterior with decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 3 or more vws pa dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr chest posteroanterior with decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the chest and pa and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 or more views pa decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest posteroanterior with decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 3 or more vws pa dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the chest and pa and decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 or more views pa decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest posteroanterior with decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 3 or more vws pa dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF Position:Decubitus View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (1622-2493)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:PA (9134-5616)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RG Position:Decubitus View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (0212-4156)
rf chest decubitus pa 3 or more views (1622-2493)
rg chest decubitus pa (9134-5616)
rg chest decubitus pa 3 or more views (0212-4156)
RPID6056 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr face 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr facial bones 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray face 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr facial bones 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr facial bones 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr facial bones 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (9263-5411)
Anatomy:FACE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (5540-8389)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (0443-9742)
rf face 3 or more views (9263-5411)
rg face 3 or more views (5540-8389)
rg facial bone 3 or more views (0443-9742)
RPID6057 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr sternoclavicular joints 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 3 or more vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr sternoclavicular joints 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sternoclavicular joints 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 3 or more vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sternoclavicular joints 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 3 or more vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (7500-9552)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (2922-6997)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (3049-5328)
rf chest sternoclavicular joint 3 or more views (7500-9552)
rg chest sternoclavicular joint 3 or more views (2922-6997)
rg sternoclavicular joint 3 or more views (3049-5328)
RPID6058 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr tibia fibula 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le 3 or more vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr tibia fibula 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr tibia fibula 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr tibia fibula 3+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le 3 or more vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RF ViewCount:3OrMore (6595-1018)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (3646-0824)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:TIBIA Modality:RG ViewCount:3OrMore (3997-7679)
rf fibula lower extremity tibia 3 or more views (6595-1018)
rg fibula lower extremity tibia 3 or more views (3646-0824)
rg fibula tibia 3 or more views (3997-7679)
RPID6059 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr chest 3 views ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr ribs 3 views bilateral with chest posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray chst 3vws ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr ribs 3 views bilateral with chest posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 views ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr ribs 3 views bilateral with chest posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray chst 3vws ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 or more views procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr chest 3 or more views ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr ribs 3+ views bilateral with chest posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray chst 3 or more vws ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RF View:PA ViewCount:3 (8127-9500)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3 (9143-0523)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (0113-7473)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3 (9592-6840)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (2770-2758)
rf chest rib pa 3 views (8127-9500)
rg chest rib both pa 3 or more views (2770-2758)
rg chest rib both pa 3 views (9592-6840)
rg chest rib pa 3 or more views (0113-7473)
rg chest rib pa 3 views (9143-0523)
RPID606 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6041-3050) mr ankle left lower extremity left wo+w iv (6041-3050)
RPID6060 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracic spine 3 views including swimmers view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray t spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:Swimmers ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thoracic spine 3 views including swimmers view (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 3 views including swimmers view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray t spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the thoracic spine and ap and lateral and swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracic spine 3 views including swimmers view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray t spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat View:Swimmers ViewCount:3 (2689-8589)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:Swimmers ViewCount:3 (7603-8143)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RG View:Swimmers ViewCount:3 (5005-1688)
rf tspine ap eitherlat swimmers 3 views (2689-8589)
rg tspine ap eitherlat swimmers 3 views (7603-8143)
rg tspine swimmers 3 views (5005-1688)
RPID6061 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr elbow 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr upper extremity 4 or more views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray ue 4 or more vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr elbow 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr elbow 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 or more views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray ue 4 or more vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 or more views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 4 or more vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (4935-7388)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (5633-8578)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (0506-0353)
rf elbow right upper extremity right 4 or more views (5633-8578)
rg elbow 4 or more views (4935-7388)
rg elbow right upper extremity right 4 or more views (0506-0353)
RPID6062 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr mandible 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr mandible 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr mandible 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the mandible in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr mandible 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (2832-9831)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (3400-5352)
Anatomy:MANDIBLE Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (3453-2377)
rf head mandible 4 or more views (2832-9831)
rg head mandible 4 or more views (3400-5352)
rg mandible 4 or more views (3453-2377)
RPID6063 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr skull 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr skull complete 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray skull 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr skull complete 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the skull (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr skull 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr skull complete 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray skull 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the skull (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr skull 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr skull complete 4+ views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray skull 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (3186-8489)
Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (4032-4846)
rf skull 4 or more views (3186-8489)
rg skull 4 or more views (4032-4846)
RPID6064 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracolumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracolumbar spine supine and erect scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray tl spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thoracolumbar spine supine and erect scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine supine and erect scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine supine and erect scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RF (1357-5217)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG (2554-9927)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Position:Erect Position:Supine Reason:Scoliosis (6515-3543)
rf thoraco lumbar junction (1357-5217)
rg thoraco lumbar junction (2554-9927)
rg thoraco lumbar junction erect supine scoliosis (6515-3543)
RPID6065 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr knee 1-2 views intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le intra-op knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr knee 1-2 views intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr knee 1-2 views intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le intra-op knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr knee 1-2 views intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity intra-operative knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le intra-op knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF (6321-2721)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG (6333-6102)
Anatomy:KNEE Context:Intraoperative Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrFewer (8984-4917)
rf knee lower extremity intraoperative (6321-2721)
rg knee intraoperative 2 or fewer views (8984-4917)
rg knee lower extremity intraoperative (6333-6102)
RPID6066 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracolumbar spine erect scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr thoracolumbar spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray tl spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Limited Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr thoracolumbar spine erect scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine erect scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray tl spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the thoracolumbar spine for the purpose of scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine erect scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr thoracolumbar spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray tl spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Limited Modality:RF Reason:Scoliosis (2363-5124)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Limited Modality:RG Reason:Scoliosis (0704-4604)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Modality:RG Position:Erect Reason:Scoliosis (0556-7030)
rf thoraco lumbar junction limited scoliosis (2363-5124)
rg thoraco lumbar junction erect scoliosis (0556-7030)
rg thoraco lumbar junction limited scoliosis (0704-4604)
RPID6067 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hip 1 view portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le port hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hip 1 view portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hip 1 view portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le port hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hip 1 view portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le port hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (3342-3050)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable (7925-4701)
Anatomy:HIP Modality:RG ModalityType:Portable ViewCount:1 (5114-8847)
rf hip lower extremity portable (3342-3050)
rg hip lower extremity portable (7925-4701)
rg hip portable 1 views (5114-8847)
RPID6068 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone survey infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr bone survey infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone survey infant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone survey infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (1775-8035)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RF (5144-9038)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (2059-7497)
rf skeleton infant survey (5144-9038)
rg bone skeleton infant survey (1775-8035)
rg skeleton infant survey (2059-7497)
RPID6069 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr nose to rectum foreign body pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pediatric wholebody foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray peds whbdy fb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG Object:ForeignBody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr nose to rectum foreign body pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr nose to rectum foreign body pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric wholebody foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds whbdy fb (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr nose to rectum foreign body pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric wholebody foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds whbdy fb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF Object:ForeignBody (0898-1426)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG Object:ForeignBody (6494-0120)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:NOSE Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RG Object:ForeignBody to
rf body foreignbody pediatric whole (0898-1426)
rg body foreignbody pediatric whole (6494-0120)
RPID607 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le ankle rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity ankle right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le ankle rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le ankle rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity ankle right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2117-2318) mr ankle right lower extremity right wo+w iv (2117-2318)
RPID6070 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hip 2+ views orthopedics pre operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lower extremity hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray le hip preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Preoperative Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hip 2+ views orthopedics pre operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hip 2+ views orthopedics pre operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray le hip preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity for the purpose of pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hip 2+ views orthopedics pre operative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lower extremity hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray le hip preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Preoperative Modality:RF (0218-3342)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Preoperative Modality:RG (1984-8574)
Anatomy:HIP Context:Orthopedic Context:Preoperative Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (7166-8145)
rf hip lower extremity preoperative (0218-3342)
rg hip lower extremity preoperative (1984-8574)
rg hip orthopedic preoperative 2 or more views (7166-8145)
RPID6071 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr babygram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr infant wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray infnt whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr babygram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr babygram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr infant wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray infnt whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable infant imaging procedure focused on the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr babygram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr infant wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray infnt whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RF (4395-0991)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:RG (9548-1552)
rf body infant whole (4395-0991)
rg body infant whole (9548-1552)
RPID6072 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and left oblique and right oblique and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine left oblique right oblique flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray c spine lt oblq rt oblq flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and left oblique and right oblique and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine left oblique right oblique flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray c spine lt oblq rt oblq flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and left oblique and right oblique and flexion and extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cervical spine left oblique right oblique flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray c spine lt oblq rt oblq flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RF View:LObl View:RObl (0349-0767)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG View:EitherObl ViewCount:2,3 (6275-9807)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG View:LObl View:RObl (5231-5964)
Anatomy:CSPINE:Left:Right Modality:RG View:EitherObl extnsn flxn
rf cspine extension flexion lobl robl (0349-0767)
rg cspine extension flexion eitherobl 2,3 views (6275-9807)
rg cspine extension flexion lobl robl (5231-5964)
RPID6073 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr hips and pelvis 2+ views pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr pediatric lower extremity pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray peds le pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr hips and pelvis 2+ views pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr hips and pelvis 2+ views pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr pediatric lower extremity pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray peds le pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr hips and pelvis 2+ views pediatric (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr pediatric lower extremity pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray peds le pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RF (6673-6362)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG (5141-6080)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (8395-6813)
rf hip lower extremity pelvis pediatric (6673-6362)
rg hip lower extremity pelvis pediatric (5141-6080)
rg hip pelvis pediatric 2 or more views (8395-6813)
RPID6074 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine anteroposterior, lateral, and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray l spine ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr lumbar spine anteroposterior, lateral, and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine anteroposterior, lateral, and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine and ap and lateral and left oblique and right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine anteroposterior, lateral, and obliques (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF View:AP View:EitherLat View:LObl View:RObl (1242-5779)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (8591-7052)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:LObl View:RObl (7220-2911)
Anatomy:LSPINE:Right:Left Modality:RG View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl (0384-8136)
rf lspine ap eitherlat lobl robl (1242-5779)
rg lspine ap eitherlat eitherobl (8591-7052)
rg lspine ap eitherlat lobl robl (7220-2911)
rg lspine right left ap eitherlat eitherobl (0384-8136)
RPID6075 a multi-modality radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl/xr chest 2 views with fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr&rf chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr&rf chst 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl/xr chest 2 views with fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl/xr chest 2 views with fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr&rf chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr&rf chst 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable 2 views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl/xr chest 2 views with fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf chst 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:2 (8509-6882)
Anatomy:CHEST ObjectCount:2OrMore ViewCount:2 modality
Anatomy:CHEST ViewCount:2 xrrf
rf chest 2 views (8509-6882)
RPID6076 a multi-modality radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl/xr chest 4+ views with fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr&rf chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr&rf chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl/xr chest 4+ views with fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl/xr chest 4+ views with fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr&rf chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr&rf chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl/xr chest 4+ views with fluoro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF ViewCount:4OrMore (3092-9102)
Anatomy:CHEST ObjectCount:2OrMore ViewCount:4OrMore modality
Anatomy:CHEST ViewCount:4OrMore xrrf
rf chest 4 or more views (3092-9102)
RPID6077 ot le guide knee asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance knee aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp knee aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp knee aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance knee aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp knee aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide knee asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance knee aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp knee aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide knee asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (8230-8903)
Anatomy:KNEE Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (7721-9794)
rf knee aspirate (7721-9794)
rf knee lower extremity aspirate (8230-8903)
RPID6078 ot guidance major joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide maj jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp major joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp major joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the major joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance major joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide maj jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp major joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the major joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance major joint arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide maj jnt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp major joint arthrocentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:RF (1448-0201)
Anatomy:JOINT:Major Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (0684-8107)
rf joint major arthrocentesis (1448-0201)
rf joint major aspirate (0684-8107)
RPID6079 ot guidance small joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide sm jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the small joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp small joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp small joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the small joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance small joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide sm jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp small joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the small joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance small joint arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide sm jnt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp small joint arthrocentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:RF (5146-7943)
Anatomy:JOINT:Small Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (3571-6828)
rf joint small arthrocentesis (5146-7943)
rf joint small aspirate (3571-6828)
RPID608 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0419-9440) mr abdomen pelvis w iv (0419-9440)
RPID6080 ot abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp kidney biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp kidney biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (7752-0279)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (7295-6018)
rf abdomen kidney biopsy (7752-0279)
rf kidney biopsy (7295-6018)
RPID6081 ot abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp liver biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp liver biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp liver biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp liver biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (3144-0012)
Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (2444-7127)
rf abdomen liver biopsy (3144-0012)
rf liver biopsy (2444-7127)
RPID6082 ot chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lung biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lung biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (5319-0556)
Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (4494-0967)
rf chest lung biopsy (5319-0556)
rf lung biopsy (4494-0967)
RPID6083 ot chest guidance mediastinum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide mediast bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp mediastinal biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp mediastinal biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance mediastinum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide mediast bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp mediastinal biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance mediastinum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide mediast bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp mediastinal biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (2793-3969)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF mediastinal
rf chest mediastinum biopsy (2793-3969)
RPID6084 ot guidance muscle biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide mscle bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp muscle biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp muscle biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance muscle biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide mscle bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp muscle biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance muscle biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide mscle bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp muscle biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF mscle
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF muscle
RPID6085 ot abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pancreas biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pancreas biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pancreas biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance pancreas biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide panc bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pancreas biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (2404-1465)
Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (7771-3216)
rf abdomen pancreas biopsy (2404-1465)
rf pancreas biopsy (7771-3216)
RPID6086 ot chest guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pleural biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pleural biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pleural biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance pleura biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide pleura bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pleural biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (1707-8709)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF pleural
rf chest pleura biopsy (1707-8709)
RPID6087 ot pelvis guidance prostate biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot pelvis guide prost bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp prostate biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp prostate biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure pelvis guidance prostate biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pelvis guide prost bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp prostate biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure pelvis guidance prostate biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pelvis guide prost bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp prostate biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (8638-9366)
Anatomy:PROSTATE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (5778-1367)
rf pelvis prostate biopsy (8638-9366)
rf prostate biopsy (5778-1367)
RPID6088 ot guidance soft tissue biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide sft tiss bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the soft tissue for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp soft tissue biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp soft tissue biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the soft tissue for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance soft tissue biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide sft tiss bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp soft tissue biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the soft tissue for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance soft tissue biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide sft tiss bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp soft tissue biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF Object:Tissue:Soft (8720-7844) rf tissue soft biopsy (8720-7844)
RPID6089 ot neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot neck guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thyroid biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thyroid biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp neck guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thyroid biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp neck guide thy glnd bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thyroid biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (8951-5473)
Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (3434-0595)
rf neck thyroid biopsy (8951-5473)
rf thyroid biopsy (3434-0595)
RPID609 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0648-7365) mr abdomen pelvis wo+w iv (0648-7365)
RPID6090 ot abd guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abdomen biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abdomen biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abdomen biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abdomen biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (6411-4059) rf abdomen biopsy (6411-4059)
RPID6091 ot bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure bone guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (7921-5936) rf skeleton biopsy (7921-5936)
RPID6092 ot neck chest guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot neck chst guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck and chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp neck biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp neck biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck and chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure neck chest guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp neck biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp neck chst guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the neck and chest for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure neck chest guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp neck chst guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp neck or chest biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (2979-8449)
Anatomy:NECK Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (6977-2161)
rf chest neck biopsy (2979-8449)
rf neck biopsy (6977-2161)
RPID6093 ot guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp clip placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp clip placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp clip placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp clip placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (2069-1223) rf clip insert (2069-1223)
RPID6094 ot chest guidance pleura drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide pleura drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pleural drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pleural drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance pleura drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide pleura drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pleural drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance pleura drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide pleura drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pleural drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (3178-8725)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF pleural
rf chest pleura drainage (3178-8725)
RPID6095 ot abd guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abdomen drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abdomen drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abdomen drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abdomen drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (6917-9638) rf abdomen drainage (6917-9638)
RPID6096 ot le guide ankle inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance ankle injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp ankle injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp ankle injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance ankle injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp ankle injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide ankle inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance ankle injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp ankle injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide ankle inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (6908-4203)
Anatomy:ANKLE Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (3646-3460)
rf ankle inject (3646-3460)
rf ankle lower extremity inject (6908-4203)
RPID6097 ot le guide hip inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance hip injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp hip injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp hip injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance hip injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp hip injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide hip inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance hip injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp hip injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide hip inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (9635-6952)
Anatomy:HIP Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (4650-8300)
rf hip inject (4650-8300)
rf hip lower extremity inject (9635-6952)
RPID6098 ot le guide knee inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance knee injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp knee injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp knee injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance knee injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp knee injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide knee inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance knee injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp knee injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide knee inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (1479-9160)
Anatomy:KNEE Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (3319-8601)
rf knee inject (3319-8601)
rf knee lower extremity inject (1479-9160)
RPID6099 ot ue guide shlder inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot upper extremity guidance shoulder injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp shoulder injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp shoulder injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure upper extremity guidance shoulder injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp shoulder injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp ue guide shlder inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure upper extremity guidance shoulder injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp shoulder injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp ue guide shlder inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (4771-2725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (1096-9167)
rf shoulder inject (1096-9167)
rf shoulder upper extremity inject (4771-2725)
RPID61 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:CT (3707-4167) ct neck (3707-4167)
RPID610 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue arthro lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity arthrography left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (5164-5401) mr upper extremity left arthrography w iarticular (5164-5401)
RPID6100 ot head guidance temporomandibular joint injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot head guide tmj inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp temporomandibular joint injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp temporomandibular joint injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure head guidance temporomandibular joint injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp head guide tmj inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp temporomandibular joint injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure head guidance temporomandibular joint injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp head guide tmj inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp temporomandibular joint injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (6820-3403)
Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (4966-5322)
rf head temporomandibular joint inject (6820-3403)
rf temporomandibular joint inject (4966-5322)
RPID6101 ot guidance tendon injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide tndn inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tendon injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tendon injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tendon injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide tndn inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tendon injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tendon for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tendon injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide tndn inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tendon injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TENDON Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (5725-0873)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF tndn
rf tendon inject (5725-0873)
RPID6102 ot ue guide wrist inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot upper extremity guidance wrist injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp wrist injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp wrist injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure upper extremity guidance wrist injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp ue guide wrist inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp wrist injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure upper extremity guidance wrist injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp ue guide wrist inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp wrist injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (6599-5645)
Anatomy:WRIST Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (2153-1323)
rf upper extremity wrist inject (6599-5645)
rf wrist inject (2153-1323)
RPID6103 ot chest guidance heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pericardiocentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pericardiocentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pericardiocentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance heart pericardiocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide heart peri card cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pericardiocentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (1989-5331)
Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (6468-8606)
rf chest heart pericardium aspirate (1989-5331)
rf pericardium aspirate (6468-8606)
RPID6104 ot bone guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot bone guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure bone guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure bone guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:RF (2846-4359)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Ablate Modality:RF rad
rf skeleton ablate rf (2846-4359)
RPID6105 ot guidance pre op clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide preop clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op and clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pre-operative clip placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pre-operative clip placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op and clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance pre op clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide preop clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pre-operative clip placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of pre op and clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance pre op clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide preop clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pre-operative clip placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Preoperative Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (3212-4439) rf preoperative clip insert (3212-4439)
RPID6106 ot guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst (7129-8676) rf cyst aspirate (7129-8676)
RPID6107 ot bone guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot bone guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the bone for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the bone for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure bone guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cyst in the bone for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure bone guidance cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone guide cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (7801-4532)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst (0817-0129)
rf skeleton aspirate (7801-4532)
rf skeleton cyst aspirate (0817-0129)
RPID6108 ot abd guide kidney cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance kidney cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney and cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney and cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp kidney cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney and cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp kidney cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst (4566-2449)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst (0960-6749)
rf abdomen kidney cyst aspirate (4566-2449)
rf kidney cyst aspirate (0960-6749)
RPID6109 ot guidance lymph node aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide lym nd asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lymph node aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lymph node aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance lymph node aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide lym nd asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lymph node aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance lymph node aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide lym nd asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lymph node aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:LymphNode (2131-5634) rf lymphnode aspirate (2131-5634)
RPID611 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue arthro rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity arthrography right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue arthro rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity arthrography right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (9034-2303) mr upper extremity right arthrography w iarticular (9034-2303)
RPID6110 ot guidance lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide lym nd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lymph node biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lymph node biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide lym nd bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lymph node biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance lymph node biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide lym nd bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lymph node biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF Object:LymphNode (6853-6953) rf lymphnode biopsy (6853-6953)
RPID6111 ot c spine guide punc drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot cervical spine guidance puncture drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of puncture and drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cervical spine puncture csf drainage with imaging guidance therapeutic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cervical spine puncture csf drainage with imaging guidance therapeutic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of puncture and drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure cervical spine guidance puncture drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp c spine guide punc drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp cervical spine puncture csf drainage with imaging guidance therapeutic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of puncture and drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure cervical spine guidance puncture drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp c spine guide punc drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp cervical spine puncture csf drainage with imaging guidance therapeutic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Puncture Modality:RF (4547-8799)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Therapeutic Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Puncture Modality:RF csf
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF punc
rf cspine drainage puncture (4547-8799)
RPID6112 ot l spine guide myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lumbar spine guidance myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (1736-0090) rf lspine guidance myelography (1736-0090)
RPID6113 ot t spine guide myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot thoracic spine guidance myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thoracic spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thoracic spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (9244-0414) rf tspine guidance myelography (9244-0414)
RPID6114 ot guidance joint arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide jt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp joint injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp joint injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance joint arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide jt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp joint injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance joint arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp arthrocentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide jt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:RF (2864-5083)
Anatomy:JOINT Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (9588-7211)
Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:RF (0256-9899)
rf arthrocentesis (0256-9899)
rf joint arthrocentesis (2864-5083)
rf joint inject (9588-7211)
RPID6115 ot guidance bone marrow aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bn marrow asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone marrow for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone marrow aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone marrow aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone marrow for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance bone marrow aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone marrow aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bn marrow asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone marrow for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance bone marrow aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone marrow aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide bn marrow asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (2016-2706) rf bone marrow aspirate (2016-2706)
RPID6116 ot guidance biliary ducts biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bil dcts bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp biliary biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp biliary biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (9931-7959) rf bileduct biopsy (9931-7959)
RPID6117 ot guidance bone marrow biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bn marrow bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone marrow for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone marrow biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone marrow biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone marrow for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance bone marrow biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone marrow biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bn marrow bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone marrow for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance bone marrow biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone marrow biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide bn marrow bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (2344-8754) rf bone marrow biopsy (2344-8754)
RPID6118 ot abd pelvis guide urtr bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance ureter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp ureteral biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp ureteral biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance ureter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urtr bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp ureteral biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance ureter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urtr bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp ureteral biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (1475-3209)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF ureteral
rf abdomen pelvis ureter biopsy (1475-3209)
RPID6119 ot abd guide kidney cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance kidney cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp kidney cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp kidney cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:RF (8225-4783)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:RF (6314-7997)
rf abdomen kidney ablate cryotherapy (8225-4783)
rf kidney ablate cryotherapy (6314-7997)
RPID612 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le arthro lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity arthrography left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le arthro lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le arthro lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (3974-5537) mr lower extremity left arthrography w iarticular (3974-5537)
RPID6120 ot abd guide liver cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance liver cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp liver cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp liver cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance liver cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide liver cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp liver cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance liver cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide liver cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp liver cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:RF (9494-6925)
Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:RF (0922-6763)
rf abdomen liver ablate cryotherapy (9494-6925)
rf liver ablate cryotherapy (0922-6763)
RPID6121 ot chest guidance lung cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide lung cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung cyroablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung cyroablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lung cyroablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung cryoablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung cry ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lung cryoablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:RF (0517-1833)
Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy Modality:RF (7597-3424)
rf chest lung ablate cryotherapy (0517-1833)
rf lung ablate cryotherapy (7597-3424)
RPID6122 ot guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (8224-8628)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (1567-7648)
rf aspirate (8224-8628)
rf drainage (1567-7648)
RPID6123 ot guidance epidural space injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide epi space inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the epidural space for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp epidural injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp epidural injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the epidural space for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance epidural space injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp epidural injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide epi space inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the epidural space for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance epidural space injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp epidural injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide epi space inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject:Epidural Modality:RF (6386-5930) rf inject epidural (6386-5930)
RPID6124 ot guidance injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp central venous catheter injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp central venous catheter injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp central venous catheter injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp central venous catheter injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (8488-1408)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (3442-2335)
rf catheter centralvenous inject (8488-1408)
rf inject (3442-2335)
RPID6125 ot l spine guide kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lumbar spine guidance kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Kyphoplasty Modality:RF (3570-7715) rf lspine kyphoplasty (3570-7715)
RPID6126 ot t spine guide kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot thoracic spine guidance kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thoracic spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thoracic spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Kyphoplasty Modality:RF (2474-3516) rf tspine kyphoplasty (2474-3516)
RPID6127 ot l spine guide lp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lumbar spine guidance lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar puncture with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar puncture with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide lp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lumbar puncture with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide lp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lumbar puncture with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Puncture Modality:RF (3784-4092)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance Modality:RF lp
rf lspine puncture (3784-4092)
RPID6128 ot guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp needle placement with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp needle placement with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp needle placement with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp needle placement with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF needle
RPID6129 ot abd guide perito para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance peritoneum paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp paracentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp paracentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito para cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp paracentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum paracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito para cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp paracentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (1444-5148)
Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (5257-9904)
rf abdomen peritoneum aspirate (1444-5148)
rf peritoneum aspirate (5257-9904)
RPID613 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le arthro rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity arthrography right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le arthro rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le arthro rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity arthrography right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:MR (5343-2805) mr lower extremity right arthrography w iarticular (5343-2805)
RPID6130 ot c spine guide punc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot cervical spine guidance puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cervical spine puncture with imaging guidance diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cervical spine puncture with imaging guidance diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure cervical spine guidance puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp c spine guide punc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp cervical spine puncture with imaging guidance diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure cervical spine guidance puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp c spine guide punc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp cervical spine puncture with imaging guidance diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Diagnostic Guidance:Puncture Modality:RF (0541-3003)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Puncture Modality:RF (0214-7473)
Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance Modality:RF punc
rf cspine diagnostic puncture (0541-3003)
rf cspine puncture (0214-7473)
RPID6131 ot abd guide kidney rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance kidney radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp kidney radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp kidney radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:RF (7429-3128)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:RF (5908-4704)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate Modality:RF rad
rf abdomen kidney ablate rf (7429-3128)
rf kidney ablate rf (5908-4704)
RPID6132 ot abd guide liver rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance liver radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp liver radioferquency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp liver radioferquency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance liver radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide liver rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp liver radioferquency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance liver radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide liver rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp liver radioferquency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:RF (9403-6109)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate Modality:RF rad
Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate Modality:RF radioferquency
rf abdomen liver ablate rf (9403-6109)
RPID6133 ot chest guidance lung radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide lung rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lung radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lung radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:RF (4578-4086)
Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:RF (5764-2726)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate Modality:RF rad
rf chest lung ablate rf (4578-4086)
rf lung ablate rf (5764-2726)
RPID6134 ot chest guidance lung pleura radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide lung pleura rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung and pleura in the chest for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung pleura radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung pleura radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung and pleura in the chest for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung pleura radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung pleura rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lung pleura radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung and pleura in the chest for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung pleura radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung pleura rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lung pleura radiofrequency ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:RF (7005-0087)
Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:RF (3392-1562)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Ablate Modality:RF rad
rf chest lung pleura ablate rf (7005-0087)
rf lung pleura ablate rf (3392-1562)
RPID6135 ot chest guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thoracentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance thoracentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide thor cent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thoracentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (8721-1173)
Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (1302-8879)
rf chest pleura aspirate (8721-1173)
rf pleura aspirate (1302-8879)
RPID6136 ot abd guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abdomen fiducial placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abdomen fiducial placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abdomen fiducial placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abdomen fiducial placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Fiducial Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (9083-3759)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance Modality:RF (8463-2150)
rf abdomen fiducial insert (9083-3759)
rf abdomen guidance (8463-2150)
RPID6137 ot guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abscess sclerosis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abscess sclerosis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abscess with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
Guidance Modality:RF (5154-4900)
Guidance Modality:RF Object:Abscess (8063-9872)
Guidance Modality:RF Object:Abscess sclerosis
rf abscess guidance (8063-9872)
rf guidance (5154-4900)
RPID6138 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy head salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf head saliv calc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf head saliv calc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RF (7021-8559)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RF Object:Calculus (0847-0097)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RF (5926-1596)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RF Object:Calculus (6157-2224)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF Object:Calculus saliv
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:RF saliv
rf head salivary gland (7021-8559)
rf head salivary gland calculus (0847-0097)
rf salivary gland (5926-1596)
rf salivary gland calculus (6157-2224)
RPID6139 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (1873-7599)
Anatomy:BLADDER Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (9845-1442)
rf bladder drainage (9845-1442)
rf bladder pelvis drainage (1873-7599)
RPID614 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (4519-6723) mr upper extremity left angiography (4519-6723)
RPID6140 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd gi tract fdng tube advnc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd gi tract fdng tube advnc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd gi tract fdng tube advnc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Modality:RF advnc fdng
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube:Feeding Modality:RF advancement
Device:Tube:Feeding Modality:RF advancement
RPID6141 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema reduce intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen large intestine intussusception barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd lrg intest intssptn ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema reduce intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl barium enema reduce intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen large intestine intussusception barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd lrg intest intssptn ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl barium enema reduce intussusception (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen large intestine intussusception barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd lrg intest intssptn ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF Reason:Intussusception barium intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RF ba intestine intssptn large
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF PRContrast:Barium Reason:Intussusception reduce
RPID6142 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF needle
RPID6143 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema double contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd dbl cntrst lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema double contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl barium enema double contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl barium enema double contrast screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM Context:Screening Modality:RF PRContrast:Air+Barium (6265-5366)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF ba intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF barium intestine large
rf colon rectum screening air+barium pr (6265-5366)
RPID6144 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the diaphragm in the chest for the purpose of sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy chest diaphragm sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf chst dphrgm snff tst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the diaphragm in the chest for the purpose of sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest diaphragm sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst dphrgm snff tst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the diaphragm in the chest for the purpose of sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest diaphragm sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst dphrgm snff tst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:DIAPHRAGM FunctionalCondition:Inspiration:Rapid Modality:RF (5169-4019)
FunctionalCondition:Inspiration:Rapid Modality:RF (3517-5961)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF dphrgm snff tst
rf chest diaphragm inspiration rapid (5169-4019)
rf inspiration rapid (3517-5961)
RPID6145 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl abdomen small bowel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl abdomen small bowel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl abdomen small bowel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
fl abdomen small bowel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
rf abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF (2838-3164)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF (0785-6305)
rf abdomen pelvis small intestine (2838-3164)
rf abdomen small intestine (0785-6305)
RPID6146 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema single contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd sngl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema single contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl barium enema single contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl barium enema single contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF PRContrast:Barium (2925-0464)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Other Modality:RF ba intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Other Modality:RF barium intestine large
rf colon rectum barium pr (2925-0464)
RPID6147 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd dbl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl barium enema double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl barium enema double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF PRContrast:Air+Barium (8775-3527)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF ba intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF barium intestine large
rf colon rectum air+barium pr (8775-3527)
RPID6148 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the neck barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus pharynx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy neck double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf neck dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus pharynx (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the neck barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl esophagus pharynx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy neck double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf neck dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the neck barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl esophagus pharynx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy neck double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf neck dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF (9912-7736)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:NECK Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba phrnx
rf esophagus pharynx (9912-7736)
RPID6149 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy chest double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf chst dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest double contrast esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst dbl cntrst esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF Motility:Yes POContrast:Barium (3709-2592)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba phrnx
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
rf esophagus motility barium po (3709-2592)
RPID615 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (7031-4765) mr upper extremity right angiography (7031-4765)
RPID6150 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi double contrast with small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi double contrast with small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl upper gi double contrast with small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl upper gi double contrast with small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other WithinTemporalAspect:FOLLOWTHROUGH gastrointestinal upper
RPID6151 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi single contrast with small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi single contrast with small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl upper gi single contrast with small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl upper gi single contrast with small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other ba xrrf
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium xrrf
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Other WithinTemporalAspect:FOLLOWTHROUGH gastrointestinal upper
RPID6152 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl upper gi double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl upper gi double contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF gastrointestinal upper
RPID6153 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi single contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi single contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl upper gi single contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl upper gi single contrast barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium
IVContrast:Other Modality:RF barium gastrointestinal upper
IVContrast:Other Modality:RF gastrointestinal upper
RPID6154 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd sngl cntrst lrg intest wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl barium enema single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst lrg intest wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl barium enema single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst lrg intest wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Other IXContrast:W Modality:RF intestine large soluble water
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF PRContrast:Barium soluble water
RPID6155 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy chest single contrast pharynx esophagus water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf chst sngl cntrst phrnx esoph wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallow single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest single contrast pharynx esophagus water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst sngl cntrst phrnx esoph wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the esophagus in the chest water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallow single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest single contrast esophagus water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst sngl cntrst esoph wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX IVContrast:Other Modality:RF POContrast:W soluble water
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVContrast:Other Modality:RF POContrast:W phrnx soluble water
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVContrast:Other Modality:RF POContrast:W soluble water
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF Motility:Yes POContrast:Barium POContrast:Other soluble water
RPID6156 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl upper gi single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl upper gi single contrast water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other POContrast:W soluble water
IVContrast:Other Modality:RF gastrointestinal soluble upper water
RPID6157 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl elbow arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl elbow arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl elbow arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl elbow arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (6065-1589)
Anatomy:ELBOW Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3112-2127)
rf elbow arthrography w iarticular (3112-2127)
rf elbow upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (6065-1589)
RPID6158 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cystogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cystogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cystogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cystogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (6632-4265)
Anatomy:BLADDER IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (8971-4906)
rf bladder cystography w ivesical (8971-4906)
rf bladder pelvis cystography w ivesical (6632-4265)
RPID6159 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance Modality:RF (5154-4900) rf guidance (5154-4900)
RPID6160 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl less than 1 hour intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy intra-operative less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf intra-op lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl less than 1 hour intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl less than 1 hour intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy intra-operative less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf intra-op lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative less than 1 hour procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl less than 1 hour intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy intra-operative less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf intra-op lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (8994-3061) rf intraoperative lessthanonehour (8994-3061)
RPID6161 radio-fluoroscopy portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable portable procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy portable (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5364-8408) rf portable (5364-8408)
RPID6162 radio-fluoroscopy tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf tmgrphy cmplx bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and complex procedure focused on the bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf tmgrphy cmplx bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography complex bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.4:ANATOMYNOTSPECIFIED.)
rf tmgrphy cmplx bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.4:ANATOMYNOTSPECIFIED.)
Anatomy:Both Extent:Complex Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography (4841-3671) rf both tomography complex (4841-3671)
RPID6163 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf tmgrphy ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf tmgrphy ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.4:ANATOMYNOTSPECIFIED.)
fl tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.4:ANATOMYNOTSPECIFIED.)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.4:ANATOMYNOTSPECIFIED.)
rf tmgrphy ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.4:ANATOMYNOTSPECIFIED.)
Extent:Limited Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography (6589-5130) rf tomography limited (6589-5130)
RPID6164 radio-fluoroscopy tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf tmgrphy cmplx unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable tomography and complex procedure focused on the unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf tmgrphy cmplx unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy tomography complex unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.4:ANATOMYNOTSPECIFIED.)
rf tmgrphy cmplx unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.4:ANATOMYNOTSPECIFIED.)
Anatomy:Unilateral Extent:Complex Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography (1187-2336) rf unilateral tomography complex (1187-2336)
RPID6165 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable whitaker test procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl whitaker test (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen whitaker test urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd whit tst urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl whitaker test (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable whitaker test procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl whitaker test (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen whitaker test urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd whit tst urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable whitaker test procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl whitaker test (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen whitaker test urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd whit tst urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IRenalPelvisContrast:W Measurement:Pressure Modality:RF (8571-7745)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IRenalPelvisContrast:W Measurement:Pressure Modality:RF (7524-1577)
rf abdomen bladder kidney ureter percutaneous antegrade w irenalpelvis pressure (8571-7745)
rf bladder kidney ureter percutaneous antegrade w irenalpelvis pressure (7524-1577)
RPID6166 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl small bowel enema (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd dbl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl small bowel enema (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl small bowel enema (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl small bowel enema (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abd dbl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abdomen double contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other (4534-8774)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF SBContrast:W (5011-5357)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other xrrf
rf abdomen small intestine air+other po (4534-8774)
rf small intestine w sb (5011-5357)
RPID6167 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd sngl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the small intestine in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl small bowel follow through (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abd sngl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abdomen single contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Other (4786-8863)
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF WithinTemporalAspect:FOLLOWTHROUGH (1395-4316)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Other xrrf
rf abdomen small intestine other po (4786-8863)
rf small intestine followthrough (1395-4316)
RPID6168 radio-fluoroscopy chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:RF (8224-2834) rf chest (8224-2834)
RPID6169 radio-fluoroscopy greater than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf grt th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl more than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable greater than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl more than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy greater than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf grt th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable greater than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl more than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy greater than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf grt th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ProcedureDuration:GreaterThanOneHour (6538-7834) rf greaterthanonehour (6538-7834)
RPID6170 radio-fluoroscopy less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable less than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable less than 1 hour imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:RF ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour (1075-0801) rf lessthanonehour (1075-0801)
RPID6171 radio-fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl needle placement with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl needle placement with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
Modality:RF (6157-8594)
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF needle
rf (6157-8594)
RPID6172 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of ejection fraction and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest blood pool imaging multiple heart ejection fraction wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst bld pl img mltpl heart ejct frctn wll mnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction wall motion (muga) multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:RestAndStress Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction wall motion (muga) multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of ejection fraction and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging multiple heart ejection fraction wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img mltpl heart ejct frctn wll mnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction wall motion (muga) multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and multiple procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated for the purpose of ejection fraction and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging multiple heart ejection fraction wall motion gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img mltpl heart ejct frctn wll mnt gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction wall motion (muga) multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ObjectCount:2OrMore Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (9725-5577)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:RestAndStress Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (1013-6227)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (7440-4402)
Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:W Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ObjectCount:2OrMore Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (0870-4353)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ObjectCount:2OrMore Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL mnt wall
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL mnt wall
nm chest heart 2 or more function ejection fraction function wallmotion bloodpool (7440-4402)
nm chest heart gated 2 or more function ejection fraction function wallmotion bloodpool (9725-5577)
nm chest heart restandstress function ejection fraction function wallmotion bloodpool (1013-6227)
nm heart gated w iv 2 or more function ejection fraction function wallmotion bloodpool (0870-4353)
RPID6173 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated for the purpose of ejection fraction and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest blood pool imaging heart ejection fraction wall motion gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst bld pl img heart ejct frctn wll mnt gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction wall motion (muga) (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction wall motion (muga) (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated for the purpose of ejection fraction and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging heart ejection fraction wall motion gated (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img heart ejct frctn wll mnt gtd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction wall motion (muga) (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of gated for the purpose of ejection fraction and wall motion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging single heart ejection fraction wall motion gated (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img sngl heart ejct frctn wll mnt gtd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction wall motion (muga) (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ObjectCount:1 Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (7911-8322)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (9432-0280)
Anatomy:HEART IVRadiopharmaceutical:W Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated Reason:Function:EjectionFraction Reason:Function:WallMotion WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL (0411-3809)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated ObjectCount:1 Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL mnt wall
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Gated Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL mnt wall
nm chest heart gated 1 function ejection fraction function wallmotion bloodpool (7911-8322)
nm chest heart gated function ejection fraction function wallmotion bloodpool (9432-0280)
nm heart gated w iv function ejection fraction function wallmotion bloodpool (0411-3809)
RPID6174 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass heart ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss heart ejct frctn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass heart ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss heart ejct frctn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction first pass (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass heart ejection fraction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss heart ejct frctn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool ejection fraction first pass (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (0489-9712)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Function:EjectionFraction WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (7575-3842)
nm chest heart function ejection fraction bloodpool firstpass (0489-9712)
nm heart function ejection fraction bloodpool firstpass (7575-3842)
RPID6175 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain cisterns (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head neck cisterngrphy brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head neck cisternography brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain cisterns (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain cisterns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head neck cisterngrphy brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head neck cisternography brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain cisterns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head neck cisterngrphy brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head neck cisternography brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (6381-3662)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN Modality:NM ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (4953-4639)
nm brain cistern cisternography cerebral (4953-4639)
nm brain cistern head neck cisternography cerebral (6381-3662)
RPID6176 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm inflammation limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm limited inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm ltd inflamm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM Reason:Inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm inflammation limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm inflammation limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd inflamm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm inflammation limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd inflamm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM Reason:Inflammation (1486-5890) nm limited inflammation (1486-5890)
RPID6177 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the with a technique of spect for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm inflammation spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm limited inflammation spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm ltd inflamm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm inflammation spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the with a technique of spect for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm inflammation spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited inflammation spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd inflamm spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the with a technique of spect for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm inflammation spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited inflammation spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd inflamm spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Inflammation (2777-4410)
Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Inflammation (5185-5750)
nm spect inflammation (5185-5750)
nm spect limited inflammation (2777-4410)
RPID6178 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone marrow limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Extent:Limited Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone marrow limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone marrow limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone limited bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone ltd bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone marrow limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM (6593-4406)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Extent:Limited Modality:NM (4745-7282)
nm bone marrow limited (4745-7282)
nm bone marrow limited bone iv (6593-4406)
RPID6179 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid whole body tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy localiz thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody localization thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:THYROID Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm thyroid whole body tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid whole body tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid whole body tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz thy glnd cancer (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization thyroid gland malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:THYROID Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (2590-3434)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:THYROID Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Object:Tumor (4836-5128)
nm body thyroid tumor whole (4836-5128)
nm body thyroid whole localize cancer (2590-3434)
RPID6180 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm tumor localization whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy localiz tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody localization tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm tumor localization whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization whole body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Object:Tumor (3111-4336) nm body tumor whole localize (3111-4336)
RPID6181 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm localiz ltd tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm localization limited tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm tumor localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm tumor localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization limited tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz ltd tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization limited tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Object:Tumor (0274-2641) nm tumor limited localize (0274-2641)
RPID6182 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with a technique of spect for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm localiz tumor spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm localization tumor spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm tumor localization spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm tumor localization spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with a technique of spect for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz tumor spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization tumor spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with a technique of spect for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz tumor spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization tumor spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Localize Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Object:Tumor (5358-3296) nm tumor spect localize (5358-3296)
RPID6183 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest single heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst sngl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart spect single (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:RestOrStress ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart spect single (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest single heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst sngl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart spect single (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable single procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest single heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst sngl heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart spect single (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:RestOrStress ModalityType:SPECT (7841-3023)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ObjectCount:1 (6541-1374)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ObjectCount:1 (9507-6259)
nm chest heart restorstress spect (7841-3023)
nm chest heart spect 1 (6541-1374)
nm heart spect 1 (9507-6259)
RPID6184 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck treatment thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck trmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid therapy with oral administration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm thyroid therapy with oral administration (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck treatment thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck trmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid therapy with oral administration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck treatment thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck trmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid therapy with oral administration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Context:Therapeutic Modality:NM (1754-1215)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Therapy:Nuclear (8466-1011)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Therapy:Nuclear administration oral
nm neck thyroid nuclear (8466-1011)
nm neck thyroid therapeutic (1754-1215)
RPID6185 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain flow only brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head vascular flow brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head vsclr flw brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:BrainDeath Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain flow only brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain flow only brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of brain death (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain flow only brain death (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow brain brain death (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw brn brndth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:BrainDeath Substance:Blood (1320-6406)
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Reason:BrainDeath (0530-8933)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood brndth
nm brain flow brain death (0530-8933)
nm brain head flow brain death blood (1320-6406)
RPID6186 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm vascular flow vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm vessels flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm vsclr flw vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm vessels flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vascular flow vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vessels flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm vsclr flw vssls (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow procedure focused on the vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vascular flow vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vessels flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm vsclr flw vssls (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (9712-1798)
Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood (0495-4677)
nm vessel flow (9712-1798)
nm vessel flow blood (0495-4677)
RPID6187 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of flow and function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd kidney flow fn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen kidney flow function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm kidney flow/function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm kidney flow/function (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of flow and function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney flow fn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney flow function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm kidney flow/function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of flow and function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney flow fn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney flow function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm kidney flow/function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (8360-5148)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (1099-3400)
nm abdomen kidney flow function (8360-5148)
nm kidney flow function (1099-3400)
RPID6188 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone with flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone with flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (5426-2314)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow (9991-7395)
nm bone flow (5426-2314)
nm flow bone iv (9991-7395)
RPID6189 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and liquid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd lqd stomach fn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen liquid stomach function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm gastric emptying liquid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Liquid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm gastric emptying liquid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and liquid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd lqd stomach fn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liquid stomach function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm gastric emptying liquid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and liquid imaging procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd lqd stomach fn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liquid stomach function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm gastric emptying liquid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Liquid (7416-6261)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function:Emptying Modality:NMliquid
Modality:NM emptying gastric liquid
nm abdomen stomach function liquid po (7416-6261)
RPID6190 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function:Renal:GFR Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of gfr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm kidney gfr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function:Renal:GFR Modality:NM (7392-2920)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Function:Renal:GFR Modality:NM (2458-6587)
nm abdomen kidney renal gfr (7392-2920)
nm kidney renal gfr (2458-6587)
RPID6191 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd liver spleen hmngma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen liver spleen hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm liver hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm liver hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen hmngma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm liver hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen with a technique of spect for the purpose of hemangioma (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd liver spleen hmngma spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen liver spleen hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm liver hemangioma spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Hemangioma (6077-3853)
Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT Reason:Hemangioma (5965-3260)
nm abdomen liver spleen spect hemangioma (6077-3853)
nm liver spect hemangioma (5965-3260)
RPID6192 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm inflammation whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy inflamm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Reason:Inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm inflammation whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm inflammation whole body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy inflamm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm inflammation whole body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy inflamm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody inflammation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Reason:Inflammation (3621-1370) nm body whole inflammation (3621-1370)
RPID6193 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and chest for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head neck chest brain shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head neck chst brn shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Device:Shunt Modality:NM Reason:Patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and chest for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head neck chest brain shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head neck chst brn shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and chest for the purpose of shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head neck chest brain shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head neck chst brn shnt ptncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm shunt patency (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Device:Shunt Modality:NM Reason:Patency (0741-4326)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:NM patency shunt
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Modality:NM ptncy shnt
Modality:NM patency shunt
nm brain chest head neck shunt patency (0741-4326)
RPID6194 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck para thyr gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm parathyroid spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm parathyroid spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm parathyroid spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the parathyroid gland in the neck with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck para thyr gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck parathyroid gland spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm parathyroid spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (8399-3097)
Anatomy:PARATHYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (7644-3656)
nm neck parathyroid spect (8399-3097)
nm parathyroid spect (7644-3656)
RPID6195 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdominal aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdominal aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdominal aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdominal aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (2124-1018)
Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (6061-8011)
xa abdomen aorta arteriography (2124-1018)
xa abdominal aorta arteriography (6061-8011)
RPID6196 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the aorta in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chest aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chest arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chst arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chest aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the aorta in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chest aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chest arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chst arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the aorta in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chest aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chest arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chst arteriography aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (6862-6501) xa aorta chest arteriography (6862-6501)
RPID6197 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography selective procedure focused on the arteries in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa pelvic arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa pelvis arteriography select arts (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa pelvis arteriography selective arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa pelvic arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography selective procedure focused on the arteries in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa pelvic arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa pelvis arteriography select arts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa pelvis arteriography selective arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography selective procedure focused on the arteries in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa pelvic arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa pelvis arteriography select arts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa pelvis arteriography selective arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVICARTERY Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (9963-0332)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA select
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA selective
xa pelvic artery arteriography (9963-0332)
RPID6198 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa carotid artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck arteriography car art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck arteriography carotid arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa carotid artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa carotid artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography car art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography carotid arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa carotid artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography car art bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography carotid arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Anatomy:NECK:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (4136-7126)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (2776-8153)
xa carotid artery both arteriography (2776-8153)
xa carotid artery both neck both arteriography (4136-7126)
RPID6199 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa carotid artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck arteriography car art unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck arteriography carotid arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa carotid artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa carotid artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography car art unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography carotid arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral carotid arteries in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa carotid artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography car art unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography carotid arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (6714-1747)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (6429-8420)
xa carotid artery unilateral arteriography (6429-8420)
xa carotid artery unilateral neck arteriography (6714-1747)
RPID62 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct sinuses wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct sinuses wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sinuses wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sinuses wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5468-5652)
Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6308-5921)
ct head paranasal sinus wo iv (5468-5652)
ct paranasal sinus wo iv (6308-5921)
RPID6200 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral cerebral arteries and cervical arteries in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervicocerebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervicocerebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral cerebral arteries and cervical arteries in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cervicocerebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral cerebral arteries and cervical arteries in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cervicocerebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY:Both Anatomy:CSPINE:Both Anatomy:HEAD:Both Anatomy:NECK:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (7229-1561)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY:Both Anatomy:VERTEBRALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (8417-9095)
xa artery both cerebral artery both cspine both head both neck both arteriography (7229-1561)
xa carotid artery both cerebral artery both vertebral artery both arteriography (8417-9095)
RPID6201 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral cerebral arteries and cervical arteries in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervicocerebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervicocerebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral cerebral arteries and cervical arteries in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cervicocerebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral cerebral arteries and cervical arteries in the head and neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cervicocerebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head neck arteriography cerebral arteries cervical arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (1229-5096)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (6391-4495)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:VERTEBRALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (0827-9974)
xa artery cerebral artery unilateral cspine head neck arteriography (1229-5096)
xa artery unilateral cerebral artery cspine head neck arteriography (6391-4495)
xa carotid artery cerebral artery unilateral vertebral artery arteriography (0827-9974)
RPID6202 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral cerebral arteries in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cerebral artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cerebral artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral cerebral arteries in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cerebral artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral cerebral arteries in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cerebral artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY:Both Anatomy:HEAD:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (9728-6821)
Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (2201-7596)
xa cerebral artery both arteriography (2201-7596)
xa cerebral artery both head both arteriography (9728-6821)
RPID6203 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral cerebral arteries in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cerebral artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cerebral artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral cerebral arteries in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cerebral artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral cerebral arteries in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cerebral artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head arteriography cerebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (3548-8690)
Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (0128-3212)
xa cerebral artery unilateral arteriography (0128-3212)
xa cerebral artery unilateral head arteriography (3548-8690)
RPID6204 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the cerebral sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cerebral sinus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head veno cerebral sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa head venography cerebral sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cerebral sinus (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the cerebral sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cerebral sinus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head veno cerebral sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa head venography cerebral sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the cerebral sinuses in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cerebral sinus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head veno cerebral sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa head venography cerebral sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CEREBRALVEIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Angio:Venography Modality:XA (8443-3870)
Anatomy:CEREBRALVENOUSSINUS Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography Modality:XA (1850-9440)
Anatomy:CEREBRALVENOUSSINUS Angio:Angiography Modality:XA (0684-2495)
xa cerebral vein head paranasal sinus venography (8443-3870)
xa cerebralvenous sinus angiography (0684-2495)
xa cerebralvenous sinus head venography (1850-9440)
RPID6205 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the hepatic vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd veno hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen venography hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa hepatic veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa hepatic veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the hepatic vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd veno hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa hepatic veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the hepatic vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd veno hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa hepatic veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEPATICVEIN Anatomy:VEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA (5775-9242)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEPATICVEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA (4525-9777)
Anatomy:HEPATICVEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA (8956-0710)
xa abdomen hepatic vein vein venography (5775-9242)
xa abdomen hepatic vein venography (4525-9777)
xa hepatic vein venography (8956-0710)
RPID6206 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography and hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the hepatic vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd veno hemodynamic evaluation hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen venography hemodynamic evaluation hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa hepatic veins with hemodynamic evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa hepatic veins with hemodynamic evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography and hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the hepatic vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd veno hemodynamic evaluation hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography hemodynamic evaluation hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa hepatic veins with hemodynamic evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography and hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the hepatic vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd veno hemodynamic evaluation hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography hemodynamic evaluation hepatic vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa hepatic veins with hemodynamic evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:Hemodynamic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEPATICVEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA (6554-4954)
Analysis:Hemodynamic Anatomy:HEPATICVEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA (4054-9769)
xa abdomen hepatic vein hemodynamic venography (6554-4954)
xa hepatic vein hemodynamic venography (4054-9769)
RPID6207 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the inferior vena cava in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd veno ivc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen venography inferior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa inferior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa inferior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the inferior vena cava in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd veno ivc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography inferior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa inferior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the inferior vena cava in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd veno ivc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography inferior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa inferior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Angio:Venography Modality:XA (3683-3311)
Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Angio:Venography Modality:XA (6084-7320)
xa abdomen inferior venacava venography (3683-3311)
xa inferior venacava venography (6084-7320)
RPID6208 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the intercostal arteries in the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa l spine arteriography intercostal arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lumbar spine arteriography intercostal arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lumbar spine intercostal artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lumbar spine intercostal artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the intercostal arteries in the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa l spine arteriography intercostal arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lumbar spine arteriography intercostal arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lumbar spine intercostal artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the intercostal arteries in the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa l spine arteriography intercostal arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lumbar spine arteriography intercostal arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lumbar spine intercostal artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:LSPINE Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA intercostal
RPID6209 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the internal mammary artery in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa breast arteriography internal mammary artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa internal mammary artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa internal mammary artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the internal mammary artery in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa breast arteriography internal mammary artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa internal mammary artery (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the internal mammary artery in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa breast arteriography internal mammary artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa internal mammary artery (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:INTERNALTHORACICARTERY Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (3728-0696)
Anatomy:INTERNALTHORACICARTERY Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (6533-7466)
xa breast internal thoracic artery arteriography (3728-0696)
xa internal thoracic artery arteriography (6533-7466)
RPID621 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Research Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Research Modality:MR (4716-9921) mr research (4716-9921)
RPID6210 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd lymphangiography lymph vessels bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen lymphangiogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen lymphangiography lymph vessels bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen lymphangiogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd lymphangiography lymph vessels bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen lymphangiogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen lymphangiography lymph vessels bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd lymphangiography lymph vessels bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen lymphangiogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen lymphangiography lymph vessels bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA (1839-0390)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF (1808-1362)
rf abdomen lymphography (1808-1362)
xa abdomen angiography lymphography (1839-0390)
RPID6211 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the unilateral lymph vessels in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd lymphangiography lymph vessels unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen lymphangiogram unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen lymphangiography lymph vessels unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen lymphangiogram unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the unilateral lymph vessels in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd lymphangiography lymph vessels unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen lymphangiogram unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen lymphangiography lymph vessels unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the unilateral lymph vessels in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd lymphangiography lymph vessels unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen lymphangiogram unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen lymphangiography lymph vessels unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN:Unilateral Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA (8985-7767)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN:Unilateral Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF (7072-6134)
rf abdomen unilateral lymphography (7072-6134)
xa abdomen unilateral angiography lymphography (8985-7767)
RPID6212 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ext lymphangiography lymph vessels bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity lymphangiogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity lymphangiography lymph vessels bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity lymphangiogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa ext lymphangiography lymph vessels bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity lymphangiogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity lymphangiography lymph vessels bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa ext lymphangiography lymph vessels bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity lymphangiogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity lymphangiography lymph vessels bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA (5900-0824)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF (4365-5160)
Anatomy:Both Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA ext
rf extremity both lymphography (4365-5160)
xa extremity both angiography lymphography (5900-0824)
RPID6213 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiogram pedal bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiogram pedal bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiogram pedal bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the bilateral lymph vessels and foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa le lymphangiography lymph vessels foot bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lower extremity lymphangiography lymph vessels foot bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiogram pedal bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:Both Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA (6319-0528)
Anatomy:Both Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF (8952-1380)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA (2441-3141)
Anatomy:FOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF (2117-7310)
Anatomy:Both Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA pedal
rf both lymphography (8952-1380)
rf foot both lower extremity both lymphography (2117-7310)
xa both angiography lymphography (6319-0528)
xa foot both lower extremity both angiography lymphography (2441-3141)
RPID6214 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the unilateral lymph vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiogram pedal unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiogram pedal unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the unilateral lymph vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiogram pedal unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the unilateral lymph vessels and foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa le lymphangiography lymph vessels foot unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lower extremity lymphangiography lymph vessels foot unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiogram pedal unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF (0615-3601)
Anatomy:FOOT:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA (1406-1309)
Anatomy:Unilateral Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA (7607-9998)
Anatomy:Unilateral Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF (1420-8474)
Anatomy:Unilateral Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA pedal
rf foot lower extremity unilateral lymphography (0615-3601)
rf unilateral lymphography (1420-8474)
xa foot unilateral lower extremity angiography lymphography (1406-1309)
xa unilateral angiography lymphography (7607-9998)
RPID6215 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the lymph vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiogram cannulation thoracic duct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lymphangiogram cannulation thoracic duct (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the lymph vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiogram cannulation thoracic duct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiography lymph vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable lymphangiography procedure focused on the thoracic duct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiogram cannulation thoracic duct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lymphangiography thoracic duct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA (4645-1990)
Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF (6676-1990)
Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA cannulation duct
Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography Lymphography:Yes Modality:XA duct
Anatomy:TSPINE Lymphography:Yes Modality:RF duct
rf lymphography (6676-1990)
xa angiography lymphography (4645-1990)
RPID6216 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography and hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd veno hemodynamic evaluation pv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen venography hemodynamic evaluation portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa portal veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa portal veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography and hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd veno hemodynamic evaluation pv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography hemodynamic evaluation portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa portal veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography and hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd veno hemodynamic evaluation pv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography hemodynamic evaluation portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa portal veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:Hemodynamic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PORTALVEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA (1845-1031)
Anatomy:PORTALVEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA (7309-9209)
Analysis:Hemodynamic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Venography Modality:XA pv
xa abdomen portal vein hemodynamic venography (1845-1031)
xa portal vein venography (7309-9209)
RPID6217 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd veno pv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen venography portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa portal veins with pressures (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa portal veins with pressures (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd veno pv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa portal veins with pressures (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd veno pv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa portal veins with pressures (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PORTALVEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA (2131-6973)
Anatomy:PORTALVEIN Angio:Venography Modality:XA Reason:Measurement:Pressure (1663-3497)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Venography Modality:XA pv
xa abdomen portal vein venography (2131-6973)
xa portal vein venography measurement pressure (1663-3497)
RPID6218 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chest arteriography pulmonary arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chst arteriography pulm arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa pulmonary arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa pulmonary arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chest arteriography pulmonary arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chst arteriography pulm arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa pulmonary arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chest arteriography pulmonary arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chst arteriography pulm arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa pulmonary arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (5044-9919)
Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (1082-9146)
xa chest pulmonary artery both arteriography (5044-9919)
xa pulmonary artery both arteriography (1082-9146)
RPID6219 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chest arteriography pulmonary arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chst arteriography pulm arts unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa pulmonary arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa pulmonary arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chest arteriography pulmonary arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chst arteriography pulm arts unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa pulmonary arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chest arteriography pulmonary arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chst arteriography pulm arts unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa pulmonary arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (3959-6689)
Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (8518-2725)
xa chest pulmonary artery unilateral arteriography (3959-6689)
xa pulmonary artery unilateral arteriography (8518-2725)
RPID622 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue clavicle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity clavicle left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (3739-0628) mr clavicle left upper extremity left (3739-0628)
RPID6220 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral renal arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd arteriography renal arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen arteriography renal arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa renal arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa renal arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral renal arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd arteriography renal arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen arteriography renal arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa renal arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral renal arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd arteriography renal arteries bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen arteriography renal arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa renal arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (0166-7481)
Anatomy:RENALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (1331-2812)
xa abdomen renal artery both arteriography (0166-7481)
xa renal artery both arteriography (1331-2812)
RPID6221 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral renal arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd arteriography renal arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen arteriography renal arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa renal arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa renal arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral renal arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd arteriography renal arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen arteriography renal arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa renal arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral renal arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd arteriography renal arteries unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen arteriography renal arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa renal arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (3449-7148)
Anatomy:RENALARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (2145-9459)
xa abdomen renal artery unilateral arteriography (3449-7148)
xa renal artery unilateral arteriography (2145-9459)
RPID6222 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral renal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd veno renal vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen venography renal vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa renal veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa renal veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral renal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd veno renal vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography renal vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa renal veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral renal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd veno renal vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography renal vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa renal veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALVEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (3864-0124)
Anatomy:RENALVEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (4364-9986)
xa abdomen renal vein both venography (3864-0124)
xa renal vein both venography (4364-9986)
RPID6223 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral renal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd veno renal vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen venography renal vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa renal veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa renal veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral renal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd veno renal vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography renal vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa renal veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral renal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd veno renal vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen venography renal vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa renal veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALVEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA (2265-5536)
Anatomy:RENALVEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA (4101-5184)
xa abdomen renal vein unilateral venography (2265-5536)
xa renal vein unilateral venography (4101-5184)
RPID6224 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sialogram with duct dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sialography salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sialogrphy saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sialogram with duct dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
xa sialogram with duct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa sialography salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa sialogrphy saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sialogram with duct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sialography salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sialogrphy saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Angio:Angiography IDuctContrast:W Modality:XA (4669-4329)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (7026-2697)
Angio:Angiography Guidance:Dilate IDuctContrast:W Modality:XA duct
Angio:Angiography IDuctContrast:W Modality:XA duct
Angio:Angiography Modality:XA saliv sialogrphy
rf salivary gland w iduct (7026-2697)
xa salivary gland angiography w iduct (4669-4329)
RPID6225 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable splenoportography procedure focused on the splenic vein and portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd splenoportography splenic vein pv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen splenoportography splenic vein portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa splenoportogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa splenoportogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable splenoportography procedure focused on the splenic vein and portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd splenoportography splenic vein pv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen splenoportography splenic vein portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa splenoportogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable splenoportography procedure focused on the splenic vein and portal vein in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd splenoportography splenic vein pv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen splenoportography splenic vein portal vein (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa splenoportogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:DirectPuncture Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PORTALVEIN Anatomy:SPLENICVEIN Angio:Portography:Splenic Modality:XA (3288-6721)
Access:DirectPuncture Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PORTALVEIN Anatomy:SPLENICVEIN Angio:Portography:Splenic Modality:XA pv
Angio:Angiography Modality:XA splenoportogram
xa abdomen portal vein splenic vein directpuncture portography splenic (3288-6721)
RPID6226 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the superior vena cava in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chest venography superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa chst veno superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the superior vena cava in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chest venography superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa chst veno superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the superior vena cava in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chest venography superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa chst veno superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa superior vena cava (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SUPERIORVENACAVA Angio:Venography Modality:XA (4061-8456)
Anatomy:SUPERIORVENACAVA Angio:Venography Modality:XA (5469-3545)
xa chest superior venacava venography (4061-8456)
xa superior venacava venography (5469-3545)
RPID6227 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd pelvis pylgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen pelvis pyelography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa percutanaous antegrade pyelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa percutanaous antegrade pyelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd pelvis pylgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen pelvis pyelography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa percutanaous antegrade pyelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable pyelography procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
xa abd pelvis pylgrphy urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
xa abdomen pelvis pyelography urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
xa percutanaous antegrade pyelogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography Direction:Antegrade Modality:XA (6044-5805)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography Modality:XA (8421-1006)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (0770-6775)
rf abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter w iduct (0770-6775)
xa abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter angiography (8421-1006)
xa bladder kidney ureter percutaneous angiography antegrade (6044-5805)
RPID6228 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ext veno veins bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity venography veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa ext veno veins bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity venography veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa ext veno veins bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity venography veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (0391-6376)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (8932-0673)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (0824-8175)
Anatomy:VEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA ext
xa extremity both vein both venography (0391-6376)
xa extremity vein both vein both venography (8932-0673)
xa extremity vein both venography (0824-8175)
RPID6229 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ext veno veins unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity venography veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa ext veno veins unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity venography veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa ext veno veins unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity venography veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA (6206-4623)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA (2240-8593)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA (1920-6057)
Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA ext
xa extremity vein unilateral venography (1920-6057)
xa extremity vein unilateral venography (6206-4623)
xa extremity vein vein unilateral venography (2240-8593)
RPID623 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue clavicle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity clavicle right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (0823-9429) mr clavicle right upper extremity right (0823-9429)
RPID6230 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral vertebral artery in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa vertebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa vertebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral vertebral artery in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa vertebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral vertebral artery in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa vertebral arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK:Both Anatomy:VERTEBRALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (5710-8163)
Anatomy:VERTEBRALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (2382-8563)
xa neck both vertebral artery both arteriography (5710-8163)
xa vertebral artery both arteriography (2382-8563)
RPID6231 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral vertebral artery in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa vertebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa vertebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral vertebral artery in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa vertebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral vertebral artery in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck arteriography vertebral artery unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa vertebral arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:VERTEBRALARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (3351-8053)
Anatomy:VERTEBRALARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (5145-3441)
xa neck vertebral artery unilateral arteriography (3351-8053)
xa vertebral artery unilateral arteriography (5145-3441)
RPID6232 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd arteriography visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen arteriography visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd arteriography visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen arteriography visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd arteriography visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen arteriography visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa visceral arteries (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VISCERALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (0791-9363)
Anatomy:VISCERALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (9701-0152)
xa abdomen visceral artery arteriography (0791-9363)
xa visceral artery arteriography (9701-0152)
RPID6233 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography 2 or more regions procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa spine myelog 2 or more regions (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa spine myelography 2 or more regions (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography 2 or more regions procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa spine myelog 2 or more regions (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa spine myelography 2 or more regions (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography 2 or more regions procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa spine myelog 2 or more regions (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa spine myelogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa spine myelography 2 or more regions (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (2519-6237)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes ObjectCount:2 more
rf spine guidance myelography (2519-6237)
RPID6234 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography additional puncture procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa dialysis fistulagram additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistogrphy additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistulography additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa dialysis fistulagram additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography additional puncture procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa dialysis fistulagram additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistulography additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography additional puncture procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa dialysis fistulagram additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistulography additional puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (9679-6074)
Extent:Additional ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (0563-3958)
Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional Modality:XA dialysis fistulagram
rf tract fistulaorsinus additional w itract (0563-3958)
xa tract fistulaorsinus angiography additional w itract (9679-6074)
RPID6235 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography retrograde procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa brachial artery fistula retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistogrphy rtrogrd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistulography retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa brachial artery fistula retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography retrograde procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa brachial artery fistula retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy rtrogrd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistulography retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography retrograde procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa arteriovenous fistula retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy rtrogrd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistulography retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Direction:Retrograde Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (8133-4784)
Angio:Angiography Direction:Retrograde ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (3967-5268)
Angio:Angiography Direction:Retrograde Modality:XA Object:ArterioVenousFistula (6201-5910)
Direction:Retrograde ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (7586-6347)
rf tract fistulaorsinus retrograde w itract (7586-6347)
xa arteriovenousfistula angiography retrograde (6201-5910)
xa brachial artery tract fistulaorsinus arteriography retrograde (8133-4784)
xa tract fistulaorsinus angiography retrograde w itract (3967-5268)
RPID6236 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa c spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervical spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa c spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cervical spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa c spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cervical spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Angio:Angiography IDiscContrast:W Modality:XA Object:IntervertebralDisc (2672-6909)
Anatomy:CSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:RF Object:IntervertebralDisc (9987-2876)
rf cspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (9987-2876)
xa cspine intervertebraldisc angiography w idisc (2672-6909)
RPID6237 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervical spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cervical spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cervical spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa c spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cervical spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cervical spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (0759-9379) rf cspine myelography (0759-9379)
RPID6238 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the for the purpose of dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa dialysis fistulagram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistogrphy dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistulography dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa dialysis fistulagram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the for the purpose of dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa dialysis fistulagram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistulography dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the for the purpose of dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa dialysis fistulagram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistulography dialysis shunt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus dialysis shunt
Angio:Angiography Modality:XA dialysis fistulagram
ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus dialysis shunt
RPID6239 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ext arteriography bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity arteriography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa ext arteriography bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity arteriography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa ext arteriography bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity arteriography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (0516-6075)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (6633-4668)
xa extremity artery both arteriography (6633-4668)
xa extremity both arteriography (0516-6075)
RPID624 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue clavicle lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity clavicle left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8433-6019) mr clavicle left upper extremity left w iv (8433-6019)
RPID6240 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ext arteriography unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity arteriography unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa ext arteriography unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity arteriography unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa ext arteriography unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity arteries unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa extremity arteriography unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (6949-7017)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYARTERY:Unilateral Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (1146-0973)
xa extremity artery unilateral arteriography (1146-0973)
xa extremity unilateral arteriography (6949-7017)
RPID6241 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ext veno bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extermity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extermity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa ext veno bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extermity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS10/19/16:LACKINGANATOMIC_FOCUSVALUEVEINS.)
xa extermity veins bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS10/19/16:LACKINGANATOMIC_FOCUSVALUEVEINS.)
xa extremity venography bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS10/19/16:LACKINGANATOMIC_FOCUSVALUEVEINS.)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (2922-8281)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (0824-8175)
Anatomy:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA ext
Anatomy:VEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA extermity
xa extremity both venography (2922-8281)
xa extremity vein both venography (0824-8175)
RPID6242 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ext veno unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extermity veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extremity venography unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa extermity veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa ext veno unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extermity veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa extremity venography unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS10/19/16:LACKINGANATOMIC_FOCUSVALUEVEINS.)
xa extermity veins unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS10/19/16:LACKINGANATOMIC_FOCUSVALUEVEINS.)
xa extremity venography unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS10/19/16:LACKINGANATOMIC_FOCUSVALUEVEINS.)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA (1189-4029)
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA (1920-6057)
Anatomy:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA ext
Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA extermity
xa extremity unilateral venography (1189-4029)
xa extremity vein unilateral venography (1920-6057)
RPID6243 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa l spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lumbar spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lumbar spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa lumbar spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa l spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lumbar spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa lumbar spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa l spine dscgrm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lumbar spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa lumbar spine discography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Angio:Angiography IDiscContrast:W Modality:XA Object:IntervertebralDisc (8437-5325)
Anatomy:LSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:RF Object:IntervertebralDisc (5017-8101)
rf lspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (5017-8101)
xa lspine intervertebraldisc angiography w idisc (8437-5325)
RPID6244 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistogrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistulography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sinogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sinogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistulography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa sinogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistulography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sinogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (0091-4163)
ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (5318-0066)
rf tract fistulaorsinus w itract (5318-0066)
xa tract fistulaorsinus angiography w itract (0091-4163)
RPID6245 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistogrphy diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistulography diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sinogram diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sinogram diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistulography diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa sinogram diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography procedure focused on the for the purpose of diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistulography diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sinogram diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Context:Diagnostic ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (9300-7141)
Context:Diagnostic ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (8365-6604)
rf tract fistulaorsinus diagnostic w itract (8365-6604)
xa tract fistulaorsinus angiography diagnostic w itract (9300-7141)
RPID6246 breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
RPID6247 Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (8759-2114) mg breast biopsy (8759-2114)
RPID6248 mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic additional area guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic additional area guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic additional area guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic additional area guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (1872-7056)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG additional ar bd rg sm stereo
mg breast left additional biopsy stereotactic (1872-7056)
RPID6249 mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic additional area guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic additional area guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic additional area guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic additional area guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (5851-0974)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG additional ar bd rg sm stereo
mg breast right additional biopsy stereotactic (5851-0974)
RPID625 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue clavicle rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity clavicle right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4086-8468) mr clavicle right upper extremity right w iv (4086-8468)
RPID6250 mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (5937-3227)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG stereo
mg breast left biopsy stereotactic (5937-3227)
RPID6251 mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy with stereotactic guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right stereotactic biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt stereo bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (6289-3408)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG stereo
mg breast right biopsy stereotactic (6289-3408)
RPID6252 mammo breast biopsy vacuum additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MG (6967-9878)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG additional ar as bd rg sm vac
mg breast left additional biopsy vacuumassisted (6967-9878)
RPID6253 mammo breast biopsy vacuum additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance additional area same body region procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance additional area same body region right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide add ar sm bd rg rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MG (1939-2499)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG additional ar as bd rg sm vac
mg breast right additional biopsy vacuumassisted (1939-2499)
RPID6254 mammo breast biopsy vacuum with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MG (0240-3544)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG as vac
mg breast left biopsy vacuumassisted (0240-3544)
RPID6255 mammo breast biopsy vacuum with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast biopsy vacuum with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MG (6067-2712)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG as vac
mg breast right biopsy vacuumassisted (6067-2712)
RPID6256 Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (3779-5181) mg breast left cyst left aspirate (3779-5181)
RPID6257 Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (0766-5046) mg breast right cyst right aspirate (0766-5046)
RPID626 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue clavicle lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity clavicle left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left clavicle in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5702-2489) mr clavicle left upper extremity left wo+w iv (5702-2489)
RPID6260 Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (6287-2962) mg breast left cyst left additional aspirate (6287-2962)
RPID6261 Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG (1343-9358) mg breast right cyst right additional aspirate (1343-9358)
RPID6262 Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (5876-6452) mg breast left biopsy (5876-6452)
RPID6263 Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (1877-1589) mg breast right biopsy (1877-1589)
RPID6265 Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (1563-1883) mg breast recall (1563-1883)
RPID6266 Anatomy:BREAST:Left BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (3125-1145) mg breast left recall (3125-1145)
RPID6267 Anatomy:BREAST:Right BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall Modality:MG (2854-5922) mg breast right recall (2854-5922)
RPID6268 mammo breast diagnostic call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall:TechnicalL Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast call back technical (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall:Technical Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG (1184-3012)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall:Technical Modality:MG (1741-5137)
Anatomy:BREAST BetweenTemporalAspect:Recall:TechnicalL Modality:MG (6255-7352)
mg breast recall technical (1741-5137)
mg breast recall technical diagnostic (1184-3012)
mg breast recall technicall (6255-7352)
RPID6269 Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG (0297-7010) mg breast left (0297-7010)
RPID627 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue clavicle rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity clavicle right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right clavicle in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue clavicle rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity clavicle right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6893-8863) mr clavicle right upper extremity right wo+w iv (6893-8863)
RPID6270 Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG (4644-1816) mg breast right (4644-1816)
RPID6271 Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG (9312-6121) mg breast both (9312-6121)
RPID6272 Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MG (2894-2433) mg breast unilateral biopsy (2894-2433)
RPID6273 mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast tomosynthesis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast tomosynthesis bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (2172-0105)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (1460-9486)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (1499-3842)
mg breast both tomosynthesis (1499-3842)
mg breast both tomosynthesis diagnostic (1460-9486)
mg breast tomosynthesis diagnostic (2172-0105)
RPID6274 mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast tomosynthesis left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast tomosynthesis lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the left in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (3839-4466)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (4650-5077)
mg breast left tomosynthesis (4650-5077)
mg breast left tomosynthesis diagnostic (3839-4466)
RPID6275 mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast tomosynthesis right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast tomosynthesis rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast diagnostic tomosynthesis right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the right in the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Context:Diagnostic Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (9895-5435)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (7969-3068)
mg breast right tomosynthesis (7969-3068)
mg breast right tomosynthesis diagnostic (9895-5435)
RPID6276 Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ModalityType:Ductography (5061-9347) mg breast ductography (5061-9347)
RPID6277 Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (8144-9335) mg breast left additional localize needle (8144-9335)
RPID6278 Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (4805-2644) mg breast right additional localize needle (4805-2644)
RPID628 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd cholang (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd cholang (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd cholang (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen cholangiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (0481-5024)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:Cholangiography (8912-1363)
mr abdomen bileduct cholangiography (0481-5024)
mr abdomen cholangiography w iduct (8912-1363)
RPID6280 Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (9434-9653) mg breast left localize needle (9434-9653)
RPID6281 Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG (6125-1416) mg breast right localize needle (6125-1416)
RPID6282 Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen:Left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen:Left (8411-4631) mg breast left specimen left localize needle (8411-4631)
RPID6283 Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen:Right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MG Object:Specimen:Right (0038-5455) mg breast right specimen right localize needle (0038-5455)
RPID6285 Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG Object:Specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG Object:Specimen (2007-8949) mg breast specimen (2007-8949)
RPID6286 Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Specimen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:MG Object:Specimen (1291-1885) mg breast cyst specimen aspirate (1291-1885)
RPID6287 mammo breast screening training (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening and training (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast bilateral screening training (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast bilat screen training (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Context:Training Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast screening training (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast screening training (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening and training (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral screening training (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat screen training (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast screening training (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening and training (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast bilateral screening training (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast bilat screen training (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Context:Training Modality:MG (0425-8997)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Context:Training Modality:MG (7462-9615)
mg breast both screening training (7462-9615)
mg breast screening training (0425-8997)
RPID6288 mammo breast screening tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast tomosynthesis bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast tomosynthesis bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast screening tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast screening tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast screening tomosynthesis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis bilateral screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis bilat screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (5719-0314)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (2976-7241)
mg breast both tomosynthesis screening (2976-7241)
mg breast tomosynthesis screening (5719-0314)
RPID6289 mammo breast tomosynthesis w and wo iv contrast research (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast tomosynthesis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast tomosynthesis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast tomosynthesis w and wo iv contrast research (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast tomosynthesis w and wo iv contrast research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast tomosynthesis w and wo iv contrast research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the breast without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Research IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (0987-3836)
Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (3098-3307)
mg breast tomosynthesis research wo+w iv (0987-3836)
mg breast tomosynthesis wo+w iv (3098-3307)
RPID629 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:MR (5756-9629) mr pelvis rectum (5756-9629)
RPID6290 mammo breast tomosynthesis research (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast tomosynthesis research (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
mammo breast tomosynthesis research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast tomosynthesis research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable tomosynthesis procedure focused on the breast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast tomosynthesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Context:Research Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (1569-7616)
Anatomy:BREAST Modality:MG ModalityType:Tomosynthesis (2920-3829)
mg breast tomosynthesis (2920-3829)
mg breast tomosynthesis research (1569-7616)
RPID6291 Anatomy:BREAST:Left Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Left Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (3561-0412) mg breast left diagnostic (3561-0412)
RPID6292 Anatomy:BREAST:Right Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Right Contex:Diagnostic Modality:MG (8167-8015) mg breast right diagnostic (8167-8015)
RPID6293 Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Implant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC) Anatomy:BREAST:Both Context:Screening Modality:MG ModalityType:Implant (8929-4353) mg breast both implant screening (8929-4353)
RPID6294 a multi-modality radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl/xr upper gi double contrast with abdominal radiograph (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr&rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr&rf abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl/xr upper gi double contrast with abdominal radiograph (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl/xr upper gi double contrast with abdominal radiograph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr&rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr&rf abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl/xr upper gi double contrast with abdominal radiograph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF ObjectCount:2OrMore POContrast:Air+Other barium modality
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba xrrf
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium xrrf
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF gastrointestinal upper
RPID6295 a multi-modality radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl/xr upper gi single contrast with abdominal radiograph (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr&rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr&rf abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl/xr upper gi single contrast with abdominal radiograph (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl/xr upper gi single contrast with abdominal radiograph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr&rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr&rf abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl/xr upper gi single contrast with abdominal radiograph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr&rf abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF ObjectCount:2OrMore POContrast:Other barium modality
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other ba xrrf
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium xrrf
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Other Modality:RF gastrointestinal upper
RPID6296 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast biopsy with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast biopsy with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast biopsy with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast biopsy with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR (2599-5654) mr breast left biopsy (2599-5654)
RPID6297 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast biopsy with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast biopsy with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast biopsy with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast biopsy with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR (5105-7841) mr breast right biopsy (5105-7841)
RPID6298 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast needle loc with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast needle loc with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast needle loc with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast needle loc with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (2534-9007) mr breast left localize needle (2534-9007)
RPID6299 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast needle loc with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast needle loc with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast needle loc with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast needle loc with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (6209-5185) mr breast right localize needle (6209-5185)
RPID63 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head paranasal sinuses with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sinuses w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct sinuses w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct sinuses w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sinuses w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sinuses w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3218-7147)
Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1155-9062)
ct head paranasal sinus w iv (3218-7147)
ct paranasal sinus w iv (1155-9062)
RPID630 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2153-5407) mr pelvis rectum w iv (2153-5407)
RPID6300 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri and motor procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head fmri motor brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head functional motor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head functional mri motor brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function FunctionalCondition:Motor IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head functional motor (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri and motor procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head fmri motor brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional motor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri motor brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri and motor procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head fmri motor brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional motor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri motor brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function FunctionalCondition:Motor IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2900-5970)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function IVContrast:WO Modality:MR motor
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR fmri motor
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR motor
mr brain head function motor wo iv (2900-5970)
RPID6301 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brain metastasis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brn metastasis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head w and wo iv contrast metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head w and wo iv contrast metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain metastasis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn metastasis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain metastasis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn metastasis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:Cancer (2750-7275)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:Cancer (5639-3661)
mr brain head wo+w iv cancer (2750-7275)
mr head wo+w iv cancer (5639-3661)
RPID6302 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable high grade imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head high grade brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head high grade brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor high grade (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor Reason:Grade:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor high grade (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable high grade imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head high grade brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head high grade brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor high grade (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable high grade imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head high grade brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head high grade brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor high grade (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor Reason:Grade:High (9482-5799)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor grade high
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor grade high
mr brain head tumor wo+w iv grade high (9482-5799)
RPID6303 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable low grade imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head low grade brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head low grade brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor low grade (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor Reason:Grade:Low (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor low grade (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable low grade imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head low grade brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head low grade brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor low grade (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable low grade imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head low grade brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head low grade brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor low grade (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor Reason:Grade:Low (0295-6991)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor grade low
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor grade low
mr brain head tumor wo+w iv grade low (0295-6991)
RPID6304 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable new diagnosis imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head new diagnosis brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head new diagnosis brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor new (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:Diagnosis:New IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor new (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable new diagnosis imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head new diagnosis brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head new diagnosis brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor new (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable new diagnosis imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head new diagnosis brain tumor without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head new diagnosis brn tumor wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head w and wo iv contrast tumor new (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:Diagnosis:New IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor (5123-1809)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Object:Tumor new
mr brain head tumor diagnosis new wo+w iv (5123-1809)
RPID6305 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple areas imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone marrow multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone multi areas bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone multiple areas bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Modality:NM Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone marrow multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple areas imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone marrow multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone multi areas bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone multiple areas bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple areas imaging procedure focused on the bone marrow in the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone marrow multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone multi areas bn marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone multiple areas bone marrow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM Sites:2OrMore (4938-6075)
Anatomy:BONEMARROW Modality:NM Sites:2OrMore (5264-9941)
nm bone marrow 2 or more sites (5264-9941)
nm bone marrow bone iv 2 or more sites (4938-6075)
RPID6306 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple areas imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone multi areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:NM Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple areas imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone multi areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple areas imaging procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone multi areas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:NM Sites:2OrMore (5080-5833)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM Sites:2OrMore (4900-0053)
nm bone 2 or more sites (5080-5833)
nm bone iv 2 or more sites (4900-0053)
RPID6307 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable 3 phase imaging procedure focused on the wholebody and bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm bone whole body 3 phase (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy bone 3 phase (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody bone 3 phase imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Phases:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm bone whole body 3 phase (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable 3 phase imaging procedure focused on the wholebody and bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm bone whole body 3 phase (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bone 3 phase (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone 3 phase imaging (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable 3 phase imaging procedure focused on the wholebody and bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm bone whole body 3 phase (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy bone 3 phase (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody bone 3 phase imaging (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:BONE Coverage:Whole Modality:NM Phases:3 (3112-5875)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVRadiopharmaceutical:Bone Modality:NM Phases:3 (0369-4812)
nm body bone whole 3 phases (3112-5875)
nm body whole bone iv 3 phases (0369-4812)
RPID6308 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable voiding procedure focused on the bladder and ureter in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm cystogram reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm pelvis abd vdng bladder urtr vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm pelvis abdomen voiding bladder ureter vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER FunctionalCondition:Voiding Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm cystogram reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable voiding procedure focused on the bladder and ureter in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm cystogram reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abd vdng bladder urtr vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abdomen voiding bladder ureter vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable voiding procedure focused on the bladder and ureter in the pelvis and abdomen for the purpose of vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm cystogram reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abd vdng bladder urtr vu rflx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis abdomen voiding bladder ureter vesicoureteral reflux (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER FunctionalCondition:Voiding Modality:NM Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (8807-4083)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:URETER Modality:NM ModalityType:Cystography Reason:Reflux:Vesicoureteric (2287-7001)
nm abdomen bladder pelvis ureter voiding reflux vesicoureteric (8807-4083)
nm bladder ureter cystography reflux vesicoureteric (2287-7001)
RPID6309 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm ext veins bilat thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm extremity veins bilateral thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm extremity veins thrombosis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm extremity veins thrombosis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ext veins bilat thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extremity veins bilateral thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extremity veins thrombosis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ext veins bilat thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extremity veins bilateral thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extremity veins thrombosis bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis (8178-4546)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Modality:NM thrombosis
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Both Modality:NM thrombosis
nm extremity both vein both thrombosis (8178-4546)
RPID631 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectum wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectum wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1026-2597) mr pelvis rectum wo+w iv (1026-2597)
RPID6310 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm ext veins unilat thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm extremity veins thrombosis unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm extremity veins unilateral thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm extremity veins thrombosis unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ext veins unilat thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extremity veins thrombosis unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm extremity veins unilateral thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral veins in the extremity for the purpose of thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ext veins unilat thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extremity veins thrombosis unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm extremity veins unilateral thrombosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Modality:NM Reason:Thrombosis (1322-7603)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral Modality:NM thrombosis
Anatomy:EXTREMITYVEIN:Unilateral Modality:NM thrombosis
nm extremity unilateral vein unilateral thrombosis (1322-7603)
RPID6311 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable pharmacologic intervention procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd pharmacologic intervention gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen pharmacologic intervention gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm hepatobiliary with pharmacologic intervention (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm hepatobiliary with pharmacologic intervention (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable pharmacologic intervention procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd pharmacologic intervention gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen pharmacologic intervention gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm hepatobiliary with pharmacologic intervention (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable pharmacologic intervention procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd pharmacologic intervention gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen pharmacologic intervention gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm hepatobiliary with pharmacologic intervention (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM PharmacologicalIntervention:W (5220-8282)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:NM intervention pharmacologic
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER Modality:NM intervention pharmacologic
nm abdomen gallbladder w pharmacological intervention (5220-8282)
RPID6312 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head 4 or more views brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head 4 or more vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head 4 or more views brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head 4 or more vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head 4 or more views brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head 4 or more vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ViewCount:4OrMore (7153-7487)
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:NM ViewCount:4OrMore (9386-7378)
nm brain 4 or more views (9386-7378)
nm brain head 4 or more views (7153-7487)
RPID6313 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and 4 or more views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain with flow 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head vascular flow 4 or more views brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head vsclr flw 4 or more vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain with flow 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and 4 or more views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain with flow 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow 4 or more views brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw 4 or more vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and 4 or more views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain with flow 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow 4 or more views brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw 4 or more vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood ViewCount:4OrMore (3907-8399)
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ViewCount:4OrMore (7874-5367)
nm brain flow 4 or more views (7874-5367)
nm brain head flow blood 4 or more views (3907-8399)
RPID6314 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain with flow less than 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head vascular flow 3 or fewer views brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head vsclr flw 3 or fwr vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain with flow less than 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain with flow less than 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow 3 or fewer views brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw 3 or fwr vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable vascular flow and 3 or fewer views procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain with flow less than 4 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vascular flow 3 or fewer views brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head vsclr flw 3 or fwr vws brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow Substance:Blood ViewCount:3OrFewer (2629-3402)
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ViewCount:4 less than
nm brain head flow blood 3 or fewer views (2629-3402)
RPID6315 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain florbetapir spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head brain spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head brn spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT PharmacologicalIntervention:FLORBETAPIR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain florbetapir spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain florbetapir spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain florbetapir spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect florbetapir (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT PharmacologicalIntervention:FLORBETAPIR (9267-7668)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT florbetapir
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT florbetapir
nm brain head spect florbetapir (9267-7668)
RPID6316 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm brain technetium spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head brain spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm head brn spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm brain technetium spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm brain technetium spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm brain technetium spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brain spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm head brn spect technietium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (3134-7285)
Anatomy:BRAIN IXRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT (8538-0066)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT technietium
nm brain head spect tc99m iv (3134-7285)
nm brain spect tc99m ix (8538-0066)
RPID6317 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart exercise spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart exercise spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT Phases:2OrMore (2495-2947)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress:Exercise ObjectCount:2OrMore (3667-0839)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ObjectCount:2OrMore (3008-1775)
nm chest heart perfusion spect 2 or more phases (2495-2947)
nm heart spect 2 or more (3008-1775)
nm heart spect stress exercise 2 or more (3667-0839)
RPID6318 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest heart congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst heart congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Failure:Heart:Congestive (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest heart congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst heart congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart failure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest heart congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst heart congestive failure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart failure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Reason:Failure:Heart:Congestive (8593-8351)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM failure
nm chest heart failure heart congestive (8593-8351)
RPID6319 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart perfusion multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm heart perfusion multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart perfusion multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart perfusion multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion Phases:2OrMore (8152-1536)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:2OrMore (1564-4926)
nm chest heart perfusion 2 or more phases (8152-1536)
nm heart perfusion 2 or more (1564-4926)
RPID632 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (0568-3618) mr elbow left upper extremity left (0568-3618)
RPID6320 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and cortex in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CORTEX Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and cortex in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney and cortex in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm kidney cortex (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CORTEX Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM (1162-9732)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM cortex
Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:NM cortex
nm abdomen cortex kidney (1162-9732)
RPID6321 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor for the purpose of flow and function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd multiple acquisitions kidney flow fn ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen multiple acquisitions kidney flow function ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm kidney flow/function with drug multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:ACEInhibitor Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm kidney flow/function with drug multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor for the purpose of flow and function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd multiple acquisitions kidney flow fn ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen multiple acquisitions kidney flow function ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm kidney flow/function with drug multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen ace inhibitor for the purpose of flow and function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd multiple acquisitions kidney flow fn ac inh (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen multiple acquisitions kidney flow function ace inhibitor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm kidney flow/function with drug multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow PharmacologicalIntervention:ACEInhibitor Phases:2OrMore (8174-5933)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Function Modality:NM ModalityType:Flow ObjectCount:2OrMore drug
nm abdomen kidney flow function aceinhibitor 2 or more phases (8174-5933)
RPID6322 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm kidney transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm pelvis transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm pelvis txp kid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm kidney transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm kidney transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm pelvis txp kid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the transplanted kidney in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm kidney transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis transplanted kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm pelvis txp kid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS:Transplant Modality:NM (2469-2307)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM (5891-3464)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:NM (6000-7956)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:NM kid txp
nm kidney pelvis transplant (2469-2307)
nm kidney transplant (6000-7956)
nm kidney transplant pelvis (5891-3464)
RPID6323 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple views procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd multiple views liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen multiple views liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm liver spleen multiple views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm liver spleen multiple views (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple views procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd multiple views liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen multiple views liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm liver spleen multiple views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable multiple views procedure focused on the liver and spleen in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd multiple views liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen multiple views liver spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm liver spleen multiple views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ViewCount:2OrMore (2383-4449)
Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM ViewCount:2OrMore (6139-4241)
nm abdomen liver spleen 2 or more views (2383-4449)
nm liver spleen 2 or more views (6139-4241)
RPID6324 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lym nd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE Modality:NM (9195-0615)
Modality:NM Object:LymphNode (0059-1852)
nm lymph node (9195-0615)
nm lymphnode (0059-1852)
RPID6325 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lym nd bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lymph node bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE:Both Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm lymph node bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lym nd bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lymph node bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral lymph node (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lym nd bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lymph node bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:Both Modality:NM Object:LymphNode (5444-5507)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE:Both Modality:NM (9367-9115)
nm both lymphnode (5444-5507)
nm lymph node both (9367-9115)
RPID6326 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lym nd lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lymph node lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE Modality:NM Reason:Lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm lymph node lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lym nd lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lymph node lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymph node for the purpose of lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lym nd lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lymph node lymphedema (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LYMPHNODE Modality:NM Reason:Lymphedema (4774-6546)
Modality:NM Object:LymphNode Reason:Lymphedema (0611-8959)
nm lymph node lymphedema (4774-6546)
nm lymphnode lymphedema (0611-8959)
RPID6327 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest ventilation perfusion volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst vent perfus vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm lung ventilation perfusion with quantification (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation Reason:Measurement:Volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm lung ventilation perfusion with quantification (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation perfusion volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst vent perfus vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm lung ventilation perfusion with quantification (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable ventilation and perfusion volume quantification procedure focused on the lung in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest ventilation perfusion volume quantification lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst vent perfus vol quant lung (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm lung ventilation perfusion with quantification (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation Reason:Measurement:Volume (2824-3583)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation quantification volume
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion quant vent vol
Anatomy:LUNG Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:Ventilation quantification
nm chest lung perfusion ventilation measurement volume (2824-3583)
RPID6328 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm iv therapy radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm treatment radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm trmnt radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Context:Therapeutic IVRadiopharmaceutical:ra223 Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm iv therapy radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm iv therapy radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm treatment radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm trmnt radium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the radium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm iv therapy radium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm treatment radium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm trmnt radium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Therapeutic IVRadiopharmaceutical:ra223 Modality:NM (2444-3365)
Modality:NM Therapy:Nuclear iv radium
Modality:NM Therapy:Nuclear radium
nm therapeutic ra223 iv (2444-3365)
RPID6329 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm therapy sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm treatment sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm trmnt sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Context:Therapeutic IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:Microspheres Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm therapy sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm therapy sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm treatment sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm trmnt sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm therapy sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm treatment sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm trmnt sir-spheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Therapeutic IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:Microspheres Modality:NM (8386-5835)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:Microspheres Modality:NM Therapy:Nuclear (8000-2581)
nm therapeutic y90 microspheres iv (8386-5835)
nm y90 microspheres iv nuclear (8000-2581)
RPID633 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (2831-1547) mr elbow right upper extremity right (2831-1547)
RPID6330 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm therapy theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm treatment theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm trmnt theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Context:Therapeutic IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:Microspheres Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm therapy theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm therapy theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm treatment theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm trmnt theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable treatment procedure focused on the theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm therapy theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm treatment theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm trmnt theraspheres (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Therapeutic IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:Microspheres Modality:NM (8386-5835)
IVRadiopharmaceutical:y90:Microspheres Modality:NM Therapy:Nuclear (8000-2581)
nm therapeutic y90 microspheres iv (8386-5835)
nm y90 microspheres iv nuclear (8000-2581)
RPID6331 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd spleen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen spleen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd spleen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen spleen radiolabeled denatured rbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:RBC Modality:NM (4707-4022)
Anatomy:SPLEEN Modality:NM (2576-7866)
nm abdomen spleen tc99m rbc iv (4707-4022)
nm spleen (2576-7866)
RPID6332 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck thy glnd dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck thyroid gland dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Reason:Dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm thyroid dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thy glnd dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck thyroid gland dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid dosimetry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Reason:Dosimetry (2753-8233)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM Reason:Dosimetry (1495-8854)
nm neck thyroid dosimetry (2753-8233)
nm thyroid dosimetry (1495-8854)
RPID6333 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and uptake imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck uptake thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck uptake thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid uptake (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm thyroid uptake (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and uptake imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck uptake thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck uptake thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid uptake (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable and uptake imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck uptake thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck uptake thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid uptake (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake (1098-6541)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake (7591-8801)
nm neck thyroid uptake (1098-6541)
nm thyroid uptake (7591-8801)
RPID6334 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck limited thyroid gland metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck ltd thy glnd metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid tumor metastases limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Extent:Limited Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm thyroid tumor metastases limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck limited thyroid gland metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck ltd thy glnd metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid tumor metastases limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck limited thyroid gland metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck ltd thy glnd metastasis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid tumor metastases limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Extent:Limited Modality:NM Reason:Cancer (1050-3277)
Anatomy:THYROID Extent:Limited Modality:NM Object:Tumor Reason:Cancer (9797-7814)
nm neck thyroid limited cancer (1050-3277)
nm thyroid tumor limited cancer (9797-7814)
RPID6335 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable uptake and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck uptake mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck uptake multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid uptake multiple determinations (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm thyroid uptake multiple determinations (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable uptake and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck uptake mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck uptake multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid uptake multiple determinations (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable uptake and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck uptake mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck uptake multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid uptake multiple determinations (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake Phases:2OrMore (1399-7305)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake Phases:2OrMore (3315-2137)
nm neck thyroid uptake 2 or more phases (1399-7305)
nm thyroid uptake 2 or more phases (3315-2137)
RPID6336 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable post therapy procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid whole body post therapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy post therapy thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody post therapy thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:THYROID ClinicalTemporalAspect:AfterTherapy Coverage:Whole Modality:NM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm thyroid whole body post therapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable post therapy procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid whole body post therapy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy post therapy thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody post therapy thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable post therapy procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid whole body post therapy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy post therapy thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody post therapy thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Anatomy:THYROID ClinicalTemporalAspect:AfterTherapy Coverage:Whole Modality:NM (4664-8595) nm body thyroid aftertherapy whole (4664-8595)
RPID6337 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization multiple areas procedure focused on the for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm localiz multi areas tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm localization multiple areas tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm tumor localization multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Object:Tumor Sites:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm tumor localization multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization multiple areas procedure focused on the for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localiz multi areas tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm localization multiple areas tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization multiple areas procedure focused on the for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localiz multi areas tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm localization multiple areas tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization multiple areas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Object:Tumor Sites:2OrMore (5060-7857) nm tumor localize 2 or more sites (5060-7857)
RPID6338 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple days procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm tumor localization whole body multiple days (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm whbdy localiz multiple days tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm wholebody localization multiple days tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Object:Tumor WithinTemporalAspect:MULTIDAY (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
nm tumor localization whole body multiple days (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple days procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization whole body multiple days (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz multiple days tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization multiple days tumor (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable localization and multiple days procedure focused on the wholebody for the purpose of tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm tumor localization whole body multiple days (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm whbdy localiz multiple days tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm wholebody localization multiple days tumor (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Guidance:Localize Modality:NM Object:Tumor WithinTemporalAspect:MULTIDAY (1727-9018) nm body tumor whole localize multiday (1727-9018)
RPID6339 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm white blood cells limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the tc-wbc for the purpose of infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm limited infection tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm ltd infctn tc-wbc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm white blood cells limited infection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited IVRadiopharmaceutical:tc99m:WBC Modality:NM Reason:Infection (1683-1816)
Extent:Limited Modality:NM Reason:Infection blood cells white
nm limited tc99m wbc iv infection (1683-1816)
RPID634 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1248-4806) mr elbow left upper extremity left w iv (1248-4806)
RPID6340 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt brain amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt head brain amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt head brn amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt brain amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt brain amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt head brain amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt head brn amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a positron emission tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt brain amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt head brain amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt head brn amyloid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM amyloid
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT amyloid
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:PT amyloid
RPID6341 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable metabolic procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt brain metabolic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt head metabolic brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt head metabolic brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt brain metabolic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable metabolic procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt brain metabolic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt head metabolic brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt head metabolic brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a positron emission tomography radiology orderable metabolic procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt brain metabolic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt head metabolic brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt head metabolic brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:NM metabolic
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:PT metabolic
Anatomy:BRAIN Modality:PT metabolic
RPID6342 pt chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt heart perfusion multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt heart perfusion multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
pt chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt heart perfusion multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a positron emission tomography radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt chest perfusion multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt chst perfus multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt heart perfusion multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion Phases:2OrMore (9472-2738)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:PT ModalityType:Perfusion ObjectCount:2OrMore (4170-2011)
pt chest heart perfusion 2 or more phases (9472-2738)
pt heart perfusion 2 or more (4170-2011)
RPID6343 a multi-modality radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of simulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct limited simulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt&ct ltd simulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct simulation limited area (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pt/ct simulation limited area (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a multi-modality radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of simulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct limited simulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt&ct ltd simulation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
pt/ct simulation limited area (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a multi-modality radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of simulation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct limited simulation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt&ct ltd simulation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
pt/ct simulation limited area (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Modality:PT ModalityType:HybridCT area simulation
Extent:Limited ObjectCount:2OrMore modality simulation
Extent:Limited ptct simulation
RPID6344 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa axial plane procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
dxa bone density axial (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone dxa axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone dxa ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:DXA View:transverse (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
dxa bone density axial (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa axial plane procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
dxa bone density axial (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone dxa axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone dxa ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable dxa axial plane procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
dxa bone density axial (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone dxa axial plane (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone dxa ax pln (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:DXA View:transverse (1680-3883)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:DXA View:transverse (0725-6195)
Modality:DXA ModalityType:Density:Bone axial
dxa bone transverse (1680-3883)
dxa skeleton transverse (0725-6195)
RPID6345 bone dxa peripheral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
bone dxa prphrl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Modality:DXA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
bone dxa peripheral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone dxa prphrl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone dxa peripheral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone dxa prphrl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Modality:DXA (9495-8788)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:DXA (1013-4614)
dxa appendicular skeleton bone (9495-8788)
dxa extremity skeleton (1013-4614)
RPID6346 bone dxa peripheral wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
bone dxa prphrl wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:WRIST Modality:DXA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
bone dxa peripheral wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone dxa prphrl wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone dxa peripheral wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone dxa prphrl wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:WRIST Modality:DXA (7112-3779)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:SKELETON Anatomy:WRIST Modality:DXA (9192-1146)
dxa appendicular skeleton bone wrist (7112-3779)
dxa extremity skeleton wrist (9192-1146)
RPID6347 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
dxa bone density spine fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr spine dxa vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray spine dxa vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:DXA Reason:Fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
dxa bone density spine fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable dxa procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
dxa bone density spine fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr spine dxa vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray spine dxa vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable dxa procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
dxa bone density spine fracture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr spine dxa vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray spine dxa vertebral fracture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:DXA ModalityType:Density:Bone Reason:Fracture (3748-9551)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:DXA Reason:Fracture (0592-4888)
dxa spine density bone fracture (3748-9551)
dxa spine fracture (0592-4888)
RPID6348 abd 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abdomen 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN ViewCount:1
RPID6349 abd 2vws urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen 2 views urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:URINARYTRACT ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abd 2vws urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 2 views urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd 2vws urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 2 views urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER ViewCount:2
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:URINARYTRACT ViewCount:2
RPID635 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8635-3478) mr elbow right upper extremity right w iv (8635-3478)
RPID6350 abd 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abd 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6351 infant abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN View:AP ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant abdomen 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt abd 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN View:AP ViewCount:1
RPID6352 abd 2vws ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen 2 views ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN View:AP View:Cone View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abd 2vws ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 2 views ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd 2vws ap oblq cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 2 views ap oblique cone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN View:AP View:Cone View:EitherObl ViewCount:2
Anatomy:ABDOMEN View:AP View:EitherObl ViewCount:2 cone
RPID6353 infant abdomen 1 view left decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt abd 1vw lt dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Position:Decubitus ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant abdomen 1 view left decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt abd 1vw lt dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant abdomen 1 view left decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt abd 1vw lt dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
xr abdomen decubitus infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:RG Position:Decubitus (2380-0257)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Position:Decubitus ViewCount:1
rg abdomen infant decubitus (2380-0257)
RPID6354 infant abdomen 1 view cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt abd 1vw cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Position:CrossTableLateral ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant abdomen 1 view cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt abd 1vw cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant abdomen 1 view cross table lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt abd 1vw cx tab lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN Position:CrossTableLateral ViewCount:1
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:ABDOMEN View:CrossTableLateral ViewCount:1
RPID6355 abd 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abd 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Position:Erect Position:Prone ViewCount:2
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2
RPID6356 abd chst 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen chest 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abd chst 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen chest 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd chst 2vws supn erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen chest 2 views supine erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Position:Erect Position:Prone ViewCount:2
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Position:Erect Position:Supine ViewCount:2
RPID6357 ue ac joint bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity acromioclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ue ac joint bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity acromioclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue ac joint bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity acromioclavicular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6358 le 1-2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 1-2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 1-2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6359 le 2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 2vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 2 views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2
RPID636 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0152-9515) mr elbow left upper extremity left wo+w iv (0152-9515)
RPID6360 le 3 or more vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 3 or more views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 3 or more vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 3 or more views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 3 or more vws ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 3 or more views ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6361 bone bn age extnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
bone bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Extended Reason:EstablishAge:Child (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
bone bn age extnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone bn age extnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
bone bone age extended (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BONE Extent:Extended Reason:EstablishAge:Child
Anatomy:SKELETON Extent:Extended Reason:Age:Child
RPID6362 ue bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Reason:EstablishAge:Child (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue bn age hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity bone age hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Reason:Age:Child
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Reason:EstablishAge:Child
RPID6363 infant wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole
RPID6364 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone scanogram bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr scanogram bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone scngrm bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr scanogram bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone scanogram bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr scanogram bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone scngrm bone length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone scanogram bone length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr scanogram bone length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone scngrm bone length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length:Bone (9951-9802)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RF ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length (1559-3007)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:RG ModalityType:Localizer Reason:Measurement:Length (0027-4706)
rf skeleton localizer measurement length (1559-3007)
rg bone localizer measurement length bone (9951-9802)
rg skeleton localizer measurement length (0027-4706)
RPID6365 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone complete bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone cmplt bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr bone survey complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone complete bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone survey complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone cmplt bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone complete bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone survey complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone cmplt bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (7779-8814)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RF (4759-2790)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Modality:RG (9490-3077)
rf skeleton survey (4759-2790)
rg bone skeleton survey (7779-8814)
rg skeleton survey (9490-3077)
RPID6366 infant bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant bone bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt bone bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY
RPID6367 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr bone limited bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray bone ltd bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Extent:Limited Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone limited bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray bone ltd bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone limited bone survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr bone survey limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray bone ltd bn survey (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Extent:Limited Modality:RG (4574-8825)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Extent:Limited Modality:RF (3359-1016)
Anatomy:SKELETON Coverage:SURVEY Extent:Limited Modality:RG (3336-7453)
rf skeleton survey limited (3359-1016)
rg bone skeleton survey limited (4574-8825)
rg skeleton survey limited (3336-7453)
RPID6368 chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST ViewCount:1
RPID6369 infant chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST View:AP ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant chest 1 view ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt chst 1vw ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST View:AP ViewCount:1
RPID637 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right elbow in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7826-6413) mr elbow right upper extremity right wo+w iv (7826-6413)
RPID6370 infant chest 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt chst 1vw lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant chest 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt chst 1vw lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant chest 1 view lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt chst 1vw lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:CHEST View:EitherLat ViewCount:1
RPID6371 chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST ViewCount:2
RPID6372 chest 2 views pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2vws pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 views pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 2 views pa lateral apical lordotic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws pa lat apcl lrdtc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST View:ApicalLordotic View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2
RPID6373 chest 2 views pa lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2vws pa lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 views pa lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws pa lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 2 views pa lateral decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws pa lat dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Position:Decubitus View:EitherLat View:PA ViewCount:2
Anatomy:CHEST Position:Decubitus View:PA ViewCount:2
RPID6374 chest 2 views pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2vws pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA View:RObl ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 views pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 2 views pa lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws pa lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST View:EitherLat View:LObl View:PA View:RObl ViewCount:2
Anatomy:CHEST:Right:Left View:EitherLat View:EitherObl View:PA ViewCount:2
RPID6375 chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST ViewCount:4OrMore
RPID6376 chest 2 views inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2vws insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 views inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 2 views inspiration expiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws insp exp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST FunctionalCondition:Expiration FunctionalCondition:Inspiration ViewCount:2
RPID6377 chest 1 view lateral decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 1vw lat dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Position:Decubitus Position:Erect View:EitherLat ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 1 view lateral decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 1vw lat dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 1 view lateral decubitus erect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 1vw lat dcbts erct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Position:Decubitus Position:Erect View:EitherLat ViewCount:1
Anatomy:CHEST Position:Decubitus Position:Erect ViewCount:1
RPID6378 chest 1 view pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 1vw pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST View:PA ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 1 view pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 1 view pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 1vw pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST View:PA ViewCount:1
RPID6379 chest 3 or more views pa decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 3 or more vws pa dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Position:Decubitus View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 3 or more views pa decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 3 or more vws pa dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 3 or more views pa decubitus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 3 or more vws pa dcbts (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Position:Decubitus View:PA ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID638 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (5471-4274) mr lower extremity left (5471-4274)
RPID6380 le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CALCANEUS Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity calcaneus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6381 c spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
cervical spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
cervical spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
c spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CSPINE ViewCount:1
RPID6382 c spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
cervical spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE ViewCount:2,3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
c spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
c spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CSPINE ViewCount:2,3
RPID6383 c spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
cervical spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 4-5 views neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
c spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
xr cervical spine 4-5 views neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
c spine 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
xr cervical spine 4-5 views neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Neuro Modality:RG ObjectCount:4 ViewCount:5 (3894-9958)
Anatomy:CSPINE ViewCount:4OrMore
rg cspine neuro 4 5 views (3894-9958)
RPID6384 c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6385 c spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
cervical spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
c spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
c spine flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
xr cervical spine 2-3 views with flexion extension neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Neuro ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (0793-8914)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion
Anatomy:CSPINE extnsn flxn
rg cspine neuro extension flexion 2,3 views (0793-8914)
RPID6386 c spine lt oblq rt oblq flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
cervical spine left oblique right oblique flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
c spine lt oblq rt oblq flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine left oblique right oblique flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
c spine lt oblq rt oblq flxn extnsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
cervical spine left oblique right oblique flexion extension (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CSPINE ForceApplied:Extension ForceApplied:Flexion View:LObl View:RObl
Anatomy:CSPINE:Left:Right View:EitherObl extnsn flxn
RPID6387 ue clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity clavicle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6388 pelvis cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS
RPID6389 ue 1-2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 1-2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 1-2vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID639 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (6627-6442) mr lower extremity right (6627-6442)
RPID6390 ue 3 or more vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 3 or more views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 3 or more vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 3 or more views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 3 or more vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 3 or more views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6391 ue 4 or more vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 4 or more views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 4 or more vws elbow rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 4 or more views elbow right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
xr elbow 4+v (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
4+v Anatomy:ELBOW Modality:RG
Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right ViewCount:4OrMore
RPID6392 head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Object:ForeignBody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head orbits fb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head orbits foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Object:ForeignBody
RPID6393 ue 2vws forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 2 views forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 2vws forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 2 views forearm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 2vws forearm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 2 views forearm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2
RPID6394 face 1 - 2 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
face 1-2vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
face 1 - 2 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 1-2vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 1 - 2 views facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 1-2vws facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6395 face 1 - 2 views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
face 1-2vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ZYGOMA ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
face 1 - 2 views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 1-2vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 1 - 2 views zygomatic arch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 1-2vws zyg arch (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ZYGOMA ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6396 face 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
face 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
face 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 3 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 3 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FACE ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6397 face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face facial bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face facl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6398 le 2vws femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 2 views femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity 2 views femur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 2vws femur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 2 views femur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2
RPID6399 ue fngr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity finger (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity finger (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity finger (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID64 a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis cystography bladder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis cystogram wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct pelvis cystography bladder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct pelvis cystogram wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystogram wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystography bladder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystgrphy bladder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystogram wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis cystography bladder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO IVesicalContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cystography (4581-0742) ct bladder pelvis cystography wo iv w ivesical (4581-0742)
RPID640 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2309-3688) mr lower extremity left w iv (2309-3688)
RPID6400 le 1-2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 1-2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 1-2vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6401 le 3 or more vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 3 or more views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 3 or more vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 3 or more views foot (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 3 or more vws foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 3 or more views foot (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6402 head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
Anatomy:MANDIBLE Anatomy:MAXILLA Modality:RG ModalityType:Panoramic jaw
RPID6403 ue 1-2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 1-2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 1-2vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6404 ue 3 or more vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 3 or more views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 3 or more vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 3 or more views hand (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 3 or more vws hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 3 or more views hand (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6405 le 1vw hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 1 view hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity 1 view hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 1vw hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 1 view hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:1
RPID6406 le port hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:Portable (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le port hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity portable hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:Portable
RPID6407 le 2 or more vws hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 2 or more views hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 2 or more vws hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 2 or more views hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 2 or more vws hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 2 or more views hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrMore
RPID6408 pediatric lower extremity pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
peds le pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pediatric lower extremity pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
peds le pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pediatric lower extremity pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
peds le pelvis hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS
RPID6409 le pelvis 2 or more vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity pelvis 2 or more views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both View:AP ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le pelvis 2 or more vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity pelvis 2 or more views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le pelvis 2 or more vws hip bilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity pelvis 2 or more views hip bilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both View:AP ViewCount:2OrMore
RPID641 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3521-0086) mr lower extremity right w iv (3521-0086)
RPID6410 le hip preop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Preoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le hip preop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity hip pre op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Preoperative
RPID6411 le hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le hip unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity hip unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY
Anatomy:HIP:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral
RPID6412 ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue humerus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity humerus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6413 le 1-2vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 1-2vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 1-2vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 1 - 2 views knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6414 le intra-op knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity intra-operative knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le intra-op knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity intra-operative knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le intra-op knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity intra-operative knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Intraoperative
RPID6415 le 3 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 3 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 3 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 3 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 3 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 3 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6416 le 4 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 4 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 4 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 4 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 4 or more vws knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 4 or more views knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:4OrMore
RPID6417 le knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le knee bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity knee bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:KNEE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both
RPID6418 infant lower extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt le 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant lower extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt le 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant lower extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt le 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrMore
RPID6419 l spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lumbar spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lumbar spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
l spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LSPINE ViewCount:1
RPID642 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9236-3983) mr lower extremity left wo+w iv (9236-3983)
RPID6420 l spine 1vw intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lumbar spine 1 view intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE Context:Intraoperative ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
l spine 1vw intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine 1 view intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
l spine 1vw intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine 1 view intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LSPINE Context:Intraoperative ViewCount:1
RPID6421 l spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lumbar spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 2-3 views including bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE ViewCount:2,3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
l spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
l spine 2-3vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine 2 - 3 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (3277-7221)
Anatomy:LSPINE ViewCount:2,3
rg lspine bending 2,3 views (3277-7221)
RPID6422 l spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
l spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6423 l spine bndg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lumbar spine bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lumbar spine bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
l spine bndg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending
RPID6424 l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
l spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LSPINE View:AP View:EitherLat
RPID6425 l spine ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lumbar spine ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE View:AP View:EitherLat View:LObl View:RObl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
l spine ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
l spine ap lat lt oblq rt oblq (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lumbar spine ap lateral left oblique right oblique (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LSPINE View:AP View:EitherLat View:LObl View:RObl
Anatomy:LSPINE:Right:Left View:AP View:EitherLat View:EitherObl
RPID6426 head 1 - 2 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head 1-2vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head 1 - 2 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 1-2vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 1 - 2 views mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 1-2vws mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6427 head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head mastoid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MASTOID
RPID6428 head 3 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head 3 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head 3 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 3 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 3 or fewer views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 3 or fwr vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE ViewCount:3OrFewer
RPID6429 head 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 4 or more views mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 4 or more vws mandible (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE ViewCount:4OrMore
RPID643 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4132-1853) mr lower extremity right wo+w iv (4132-1853)
RPID6430 face 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
face 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:NASALBONE ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
face 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 3 or more views nasal bones (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
face 3 or more vws nsl bns (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:NASALBONE ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6431 neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr sialogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
IDuctContrast:W Modality:RG (3565-1217)
rg w iduct (3565-1217)
RPID6432 pediatric wholebody foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
peds whbdy fb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Object:ForeignBody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pediatric wholebody foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pediatric wholebody foreign body (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
peds whbdy fb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole Object:ForeignBody
RPID6433 head opt formn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:OPTICFORAMINA (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head opt formn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head opt formn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head optic foramina (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD foramina optic
Anatomy:HEAD formn opt
RPID6434 head 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 4 or more views orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 4 or more vws orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT ViewCount:4OrMore
RPID6435 pelvis 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 1 - 2 views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 1-2vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6436 pelvis 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS ViewCount:1
RPID6437 pelvis cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6438 pelvis ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS View:AP (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
Anatomy:PELVIS View:AP
RPID6439 pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obsteric Reason:Measurement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obsteric Modality:RG Reason:Measurement (5467-1564)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obsteric Reason:Measurement
Anatomy:PELVIS plvmtry
rg pelvis obsteric measurement (5467-1564)
RPID644 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis entero (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis entero (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis entero (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:MR POContrast:W (6696-9730)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR POContrast:W (7526-2675)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR entero
mr abdomen pelvis small intestine w po (6696-9730)
mr abdomen pelvis w po (7526-2675)
RPID6440 chest 2 views ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2vws ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 views ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws ribs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 2 views ribs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws ribs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB ViewCount:2
RPID6441 chest 2 views ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2vws ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 views ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 2 views ribs unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws ribs unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral ViewCount:2
RPID6442 chest 2 views ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2vws ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral View:AP ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 views ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 2 views ribs unilateral ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2vws ribs unilat ap (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Unilateral View:AP ViewCount:2
RPID6443 chest 3 views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 3vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 3 views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 3vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 3 views ribs bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 3vws ribs bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both ViewCount:3
RPID6444 chest 3 views ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 3vws ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB View:PA ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 3 views ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 3vws ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
a radiography radiology orderable 3 views procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 3 views ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 3vws ribs pa (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
xr ribs 3 views bilateral with chest posteroanterior (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3 (9143-0523)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Both Modality:RG View:PA ViewCount:3 (9592-6840)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB View:PA ViewCount:3
rg chest rib both pa 3 views (9592-6840)
rg chest rib pa 3 views (9143-0523)
RPID6445 pelvis 2 or more views sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis 2 or more vws sacr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis 2 or more views sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 2 or more vws sacr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 2 or more views sacrum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 2 or more vws sacr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM ViewCount:2OrMore
RPID6446 pelvis 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 2 or more views sacrum coccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 2 or more vws sacr cccyx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACRUM ViewCount:2OrMore
RPID6447 ue scap (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity scapula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SCAPULA Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity scapula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity scapula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6448 chest 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 3 or more vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 3 or more vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 3 or more views sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 3 or more vws sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6449 head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD saliv
RPID645 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis entero wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abd pelvis entero wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis entero wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis entero wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR POContrast:W (0522-7108)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR POContrast:W (6636-6777)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR entero
mr abdomen pelvis small intestine wo+w iv w po (0522-7108)
mr abdomen pelvis wo+w iv w po (6636-6777)
RPID6450 ue 1vw shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 1 view shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity 1 view shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 1vw shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 1 view shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6451 ue 2 or more vws shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 2 or more vws shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 2 or more vws shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 2 or more views shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrMore
RPID6452 head 1 - 2 views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head 1-2vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head 1 - 2 views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 1-2vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 1 - 2 views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 1-2vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6453 head 3 or more views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head 3 or more vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head 3 or more views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 3 or more vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 3 or more views paranasal sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head 3 or more vws sinuses (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6454 pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis 1-2vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 1-2vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 1 - 2 views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 1-2vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID6455 pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis 3 or more vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 3 or more vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 3 or more views sacroiliac joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis 3 or more vws si joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SACROILIACJOINT ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6456 skull 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
skull 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SKULL ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
skull 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 3 or fewer views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 3 or fwr vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:SKULL ViewCount:3OrFewer
RPID6457 skull 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
skull 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SKULL ViewCount:4OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
skull 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 4 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 4 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:SKULL ViewCount:4OrMore
RPID6458 skull 3 or fewer views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
skull 3 or fwr vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SKULL View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:3OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
skull 3 or fewer views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 3 or fwr vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 3 or fewer views ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
skull 3 or fwr vws ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:SKULL View:AP View:EitherLat ViewCount:3OrFewer
RPID6459 chest 2 or more views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst 2 or more vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest 2 or more views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2 or more vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest 2 or more views sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst 2 or more vws sternum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM ViewCount:2OrMore
RPID646 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (8534-5411) mr upper extremity left (8534-5411)
RPID6460 spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SPINE ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:SPINE ViewCount:1
RPID6461 spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SPINE (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6462 head sella (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head sella (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head sella turcica (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6463 le 2vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 2vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 2vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 2 views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ViewCount:2
RPID6464 le 3 or more vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le 3 or more vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 3 or more vws tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 3 or more views tibia fibula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6465 thoracolumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tl spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
thoracolumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tl spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracolumbar spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tl spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6466 thoracolumbar spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tl spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Limited Reason:Scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
thoracolumbar spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tl spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracolumbar spine limited scoliosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tl spine ltd scoli (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:THORACOLUMBARJUNCTION Extent:Limited Reason:Scoliosis
RPID6467 thoracolumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tl spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
thoracolumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tl spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracolumbar spine complete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tl spine cmplt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6468 head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head tmj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head temporomandibular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6469 head temporomandibular joint unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head tmj unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD:Unilateral Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head temporomandibular joint unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head tmj unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head temporomandibular joint unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head tmj unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD:Unilateral Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Unilateral
RPID647 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (4574-3661) mr upper extremity right (4574-3661)
RPID6470 le 2vws toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity 2 views toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOES ViewCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity 2 views toes (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le 2vws toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity 2 views toes (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOE ViewCount:2
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TOES ViewCount:2
RPID6471 t spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
thoracic spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE ViewCount:1 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
thoracic spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
t spine 1vw (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracic spine 1 view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:TSPINE ViewCount:1
RPID6472 t spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
thoracic spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
thoracic spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
t spine lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracic spine lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:TSPINE View:EitherLat
RPID6473 t spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
thoracic spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE View:AP View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
t spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracic spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
t spine ap lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracic spine ap lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:TSPINE View:AP View:EitherLat
RPID6474 t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6475 t spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
thoracic spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE View:AP View:EitherLat View:Swimmers ViewCount:3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
t spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracic spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
t spine 3vws ap lat swmmrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
thoracic spine 3 views ap lateral swimmers (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:TSPINE View:AP View:EitherLat View:Swimmers ViewCount:3
RPID6476 ue thmb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity thumb (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:THUMB Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity thumb (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity thumb (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6477 infant upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant upper extremity 2 or more views (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt ue 2 or more vws (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ViewCount:2OrMore
RPID6478 whbdy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
wholebody (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole
RPID6479 ue 1-2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST ViewCount:2OrFewer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 1-2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 1-2vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 1 - 2 views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST ViewCount:2OrFewer
RPID648 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1346-8815) mr upper extremity left w iv (1346-8815)
RPID6480 ue 3 or more vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity 3 or more views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST ViewCount:3OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue 3 or more vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 3 or more views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue 3 or more vws wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity 3 or more views wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST ViewCount:3OrMore
RPID6481 ue wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Modality:RG (6451-0231)
rg upper extremity wrist (6451-0231)
RPID6482 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable cephalography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr cephalogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head cephalography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head cphlgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
xr cephalogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable cephalography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr cephalogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head cephalography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head cphlgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable cephalography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr cephalogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head cephalography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head cphlgrphy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RF (8611-2678)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG (4204-5216)
Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:SKULL Modality:RG (2675-0878)
rf facial bone head skull (8611-2678)
rg facial bone head skull (4204-5216)
rg facial bone skull (2675-0878)
RPID6483 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography and treatment procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistogrphy trmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistulography treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sinogram therapeutic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sinogram therapeutic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography and treatment procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy trmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistulography treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa sinogram therapeutic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography and treatment procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy trmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistulography treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sinogram therapeutic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Context:Therapeutic ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (4528-1521)
Angio:Angiography ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (0091-4163)
ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (5318-0066)
rf tract fistulaorsinus w itract (5318-0066)
xa tract fistulaorsinus angiography therapeutic w itract (4528-1521)
xa tract fistulaorsinus angiography w itract (0091-4163)
RPID6484 ot abd guide perito para cent tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance peritoneum paracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp paracentesis tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp paracentesis tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum paracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito para cent tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp paracentesis tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of paracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum paracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito para cent tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp paracentesis tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Device:Tube Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (1999-0971)
Anatomy:PERITONEUM Device:Tube Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (3536-4765)
rf abdomen peritoneum tube aspirate insert (1999-0971)
rf peritoneum tube aspirate insert (3536-4765)
RPID6485 ot guidance tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abscessogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abscessogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abscessogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
radiology procedure guidance tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
rp abscessogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
rp guide tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
Context:Check Device:Tube Guidance Modality:RF (9329-8829)
Guidance ITractContrast:W Modality:RG Object:Abscess (4663-9493)
rf check tube guidance (9329-8829)
rg abscess guidance w itract (4663-9493)
RPID6486 ot guidance catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abscess catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abscess catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abscess catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
radiology procedure guidance catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
rp abscess catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
rp guide catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
Device:Catheter Guidance:Change Modality:RF (8846-8625)
Device:Catheter Guidance:Change Modality:RF Object:Abscess (2018-5437)
rf abscess catheter change (2018-5437)
rf catheter change (8846-8625)
RPID6487 ot guidance aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the aorta for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the aorta for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the aorta for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:AORTA Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (1325-3387) xa aorta percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (1325-3387)
RPID6488 ot guidance ganglion cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide ganglion cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ganglion cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp ganglion cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp ganglion cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ganglion cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance ganglion cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp ganglion cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide ganglion cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the ganglion cyst for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance ganglion cyst aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp ganglion cyst aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide ganglion cyst asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:GanglionCyst (4721-8578) rf ganglioncyst aspirate (4721-8578)
RPID6489 ot guidance arteriovenous fistulae treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide av fist trmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arteriovenous fistulae for the purpose of treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp arteriovenous fistula treatment with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp arteriovenous fistula treatment with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arteriovenous fistulae for the purpose of treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance arteriovenous fistulae treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp arteriovenous fistula treatment with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide av fist trmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arteriovenous fistulae for the purpose of treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance arteriovenous fistulae treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp arteriovenous fistula treatment with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide av fist trmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance Modality:RF Object:ArterioVenousFistula (3386-4971) rf arteriovenousfistula guidance (3386-4971)
RPID649 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6179-4145) mr upper extremity right w iv (6179-4145)
RPID6490 ot guidance brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the brachiocephalic artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the brachiocephalic artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the brachiocephalic artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:BRACHIOCEPHALICARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (3166-8279) xa brachiocephalic artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (3166-8279)
RPID6491 ot bone guidance biopsy deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot bone guide bx deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone with a technique of deep for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone biopsy deep with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bone biopsy deep with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone with a technique of deep for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure bone guidance biopsy deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone biopsy deep with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bone guide bx deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone with a technique of deep for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure bone guidance biopsy deep (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone biopsy deep with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bone guide bx deep (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF deep
RPID6492 ot guidance fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biopsy fine needle with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biopsy fine needle with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp biopsy fine needle with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp biopsy fine needle with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:RF (4281-0897) rf aspirate needle fine (4281-0897)
RPID6493 ot guidance transcatheter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide trnscthr biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transcatheter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transcatheter biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transcatheter biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transcatheter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance transcatheter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide trnscthr biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transcatheter biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transcatheter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance transcatheter biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide trnscthr biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transcatheter biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transcatheter Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (0961-9967) rf transcatheter biopsy (0961-9967)
RPID6494 ot guidance fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pericatheter fibrin sheath removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pericatheter fibrin sheath removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pericatheter fibrin sheath removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide fibrin sheath removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pericatheter fibrin sheath removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:Sheath:Fibrin (8087-3537)
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:Sheath:Fibrin pericatheter
rf sheath fibrin remove (8087-3537)
RPID6495 ot guidance transcatheter stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide trnscthtr stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transcatheter stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transcather stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transcather stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transcatheter stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance transcatheter stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide trnscthtr stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transcather stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transcatheter stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance transcatheter stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide trnscthtr stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transcatheter stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transcatheter Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (0741-4825) rf transcatheter stent insert (0741-4825)
RPID6496 ot chest guidance thoracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide thor cent tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracentesis tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracentesis tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance thoracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide thor cent tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thoracentesis tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis and tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance thoracentesis tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide thor cent tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thoracentesis tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Tube Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (3006-4872)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (8171-0447)
Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (7009-0544)
rf chest pleura tube aspirate insert (3006-4872)
rf chest pleura tube insert (8171-0447)
rf pleura tube insert (7009-0544)
RPID6497 ot chest guidance tunneled port placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide tunneled port placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of port placement and with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of port placement and with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tunneled port placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chest port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tunneled port placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of port placement and with port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tunneled port placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chest port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tunneled port placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Device:Port DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Insert Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (0910-9106)
Anatomy:CHEST Device:Port Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (7232-7758)
rf chest port insert (7232-7758)
rf chest portable port tunneled insert (0910-9106)
RPID6498 ot chest guidance tunneled port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide tunneled port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest port replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest port replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tunneled port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chest port replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tunneled port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tunneled port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chest port replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tunneled port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Change Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (2466-1439)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Change Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (4305-5732)
rf chest portable change (4305-5732)
rf chest portable tunneled change (2466-1439)
RPID6499 ot chest guidance additional day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide additional day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the chest thrombolytic for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube check with thrombolytic with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube check with thrombolytic with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the chest thrombolytic for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance additional day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chest tube check with thrombolytic with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide additional day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the chest thrombolytic for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance additional day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chest tube check with thrombolytic with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide additional day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Check Device:Tube Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic additional day
RPID65 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (3445-6640) ct head angiography (3445-6640)
RPID650 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1096-4018) mr upper extremity left wo+w iv (1096-4018)
RPID6500 ot chest guidance initial day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide initial day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the chest thrombolytic for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube check with thrombolytic with imaging guidance intial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube check with thrombolytic with imaging guidance intial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the chest thrombolytic for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance initial day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chest tube check with thrombolytic with imaging guidance intial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide initial day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the chest thrombolytic for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance initial day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chest tube check with thrombolytic with imaging guidance intial day (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide initial day tube check thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Check Device:Tube Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic day initial
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Check Device:Tube Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic day intial
RPID6501 ot chest guidance pleural space tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide pleural space tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the and pleural space in the chest for the purpose of tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the and pleural space in the chest for the purpose of tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance pleural space tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chest tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide pleural space tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the and pleural space in the chest for the purpose of tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance pleural space tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chest tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide pleural space tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (8171-0447)
Anatomy:CHEST Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (6314-9416)
rf chest pleura tube insert (8171-0447)
rf chest tube insert (6314-9416)
RPID6502 ot chest guidance tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chest tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chest tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF (4084-7991) rf chest tube change (4084-7991)
RPID6503 ot guidance celiac plexus nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide celiac plexus nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the celiac plexus for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp celiac plexus nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp celiac plexus nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the celiac plexus for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance celiac plexus nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp celiac plexus nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide celiac plexus nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the celiac plexus for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance celiac plexus nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp celiac plexus nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide celiac plexus nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CELIACPLEXUS Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:RF Object:Nerve (3045-2844) rf celiac plexus nerve anesthetize (3045-2844)
RPID6504 ot guidance infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide inf (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp central venous catheter infusion for fibrin sheath (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp central venous catheter infusion for fibrin sheath (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp central venous catheter infusion for fibrin sheath (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide inf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
radiology procedure guidance infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
rp central venous catheter infusion for fibrin sheath (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
rp guide inf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDUNDER-SPECIFIEDV2.5:UNDER-SPECIFIED)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance Modality:RF Object:Sheath:Fibrin PharmacologicalIntervention:W (5998-8413)
Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:W (0730-0704)
rf guidance w pharmacological intervention (0730-0704)
rf sheath fibrin catheter centralvenous guidance w pharmacological intervention (5998-8413)
RPID6505 ot guidance catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp central venous catheter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp central venous catheter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp central venous catheter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp central venous catheter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter Guidance:Reposition Modality:RF (1509-7457)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance:Reposition Modality:RF (3268-6042)
rf catheter centralvenous reposition (3268-6042)
rf catheter reposition (1509-7457)
RPID6506 ot guidance non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance non-tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance non-tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance non-tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp non-tunneled central venous catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:NonTunneled Guidance:Change Modality:RF (8218-2797) rf catheter centralvenous nontunneled change (8218-2797)
RPID6507 ot guidance tunneled central venous catheter placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide tunneled central venous catheter placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter placement and with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled central venous catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled central venous catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter placement and with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tunneled central venous catheter placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide tunneled central venous catheter placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tunneled central venous catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter placement and with port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tunneled central venous catheter placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide tunneled central venous catheter placement with port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tunneled central venous catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (9552-1110)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Insert Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (6933-0000)
rf catheter centralvenous tunneled insert (9552-1110)
rf portable catheter centralvenous tunneled insert (6933-0000)
RPID6508 ot guidance tunneled central venous catheter removal without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide tunneled central venous catheter removal without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter removal and without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled central venous catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled central venous catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter removal and without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tunneled central venous catheter removal without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide tunneled central venous catheter removal without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tunneled central venous catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter removal and without port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tunneled central venous catheter removal without port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide tunneled central venous catheter removal without port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tunneled central venous catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Remove Modality:RF (8653-3937)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Remove Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable without
rf catheter centralvenous tunneled remove (8653-3937)
RPID6509 ot guidance non-tunneled central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide non-tunneled central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance non-tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled central venous catheter repair with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled central venous catheter repair with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance non-tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance non-tunneled central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide non-tunneled central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tunneled central venous catheter repair with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance non-tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance non-tunneled central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide non-tunneled central venous catheter repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tunneled central venous catheter repair with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:NonTunneled Guidance:Repair Modality:RF (1220-1244)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Repair Modality:RF (7881-0921)
rf catheter centralvenous nontunneled repair (1220-1244)
rf catheter centralvenous tunneled repair (7881-0921)
RPID651 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4234-4778) mr upper extremity right wo+w iv (4234-4778)
RPID6510 ot guidance tunneled central venous catheter exchange without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide tunneled central venous catheter exchange without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter exchange and without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled central venous catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled central venous catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter exchange and without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tunneled central venous catheter exchange without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide tunneled central venous catheter exchange without port (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tunneled central venous catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter exchange and without port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tunneled central venous catheter exchange without port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide tunneled central venous catheter exchange without port (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tunneled central venous catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Change Modality:RF (0234-4345)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Change Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable without
rf catheter centralvenous tunneled change (0234-4345)
RPID6511 ot guidance arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arterial anastomosis for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp dialysis artery/arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp dialysis artery/arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arterial anastomosis for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp dialysis artery/arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the arterial anastomosis for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp dialysis artery/arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide arterial anastomosis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA anastomosis arterial dialysis
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA anastomosis arterial
RPID6512 ot guidance vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vein for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp dialysis vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp dialysis vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vein for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp dialysis vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vein for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp dialysis vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (1430-6953)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA dialysis
xa vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (1430-6953)
RPID6513 ot guidance denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp denver shunt check with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp denver shunt check with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp denver shunt check with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp denver shunt check with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide denver shunt check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Check Guidance Modality:RF denver shunt
RPID6514 ot guidance denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp denver shunt placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp denver shunt placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp denver shunt placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp denver shunt placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide denver shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF denver shunt
RPID6515 ot guidance denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp denver shunt removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp denver shunt removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp denver shunt removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp denver shunt removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide denver shunt removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF denver shunt
RPID6516 ot guidance denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp denver shunt revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp denver shunt revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp denver shunt revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp denver shunt revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide denver shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Revise Modality:RF denver shunt
RPID6517 ot spine guidance facet joint injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot spine guide facet jnt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the facet joint in the spine for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp facet injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp facet injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the facet joint in the spine for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure spine guidance facet joint injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp facet injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp spine guide facet jnt inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the facet joint in the spine for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure spine guidance facet joint injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp facet injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp spine guide facet jnt inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (4933-1836)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF facet
rf facet joint spine inject (4933-1836)
RPID6518 ot pelvis guidance fallopian tube dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot pelvis guide fallopian tube dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the fallopian tube in the pelvis for the purpose of dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp fallopian tube dilation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp fallopian tube dilation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the fallopian tube in the pelvis for the purpose of dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure pelvis guidance fallopian tube dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp fallopian tube dilation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pelvis guide fallopian tube dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the fallopian tube in the pelvis for the purpose of dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure pelvis guidance fallopian tube dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp fallopian tube dilation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pelvis guide fallopian tube dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Dilate Modality:RF (6822-6356)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Guidance:Dilate Modality:RF (4751-1139)
rf fallopian tube dilate (4751-1139)
rf fallopian tube pelvis dilate (6822-6356)
RPID6519 ot abd guide gallbladder cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance gallbladder cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cholecystostomy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cholecystostomy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance gallbladder cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide gallbladder cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp cholecystostomy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance gallbladder cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide gallbladder cholecystostomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp cholecystostomy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Guidance:Cholecystostomy Modality:RF (2253-5387)
Guidance:Cholecystostomy Modality:RF (9339-3604)
rf abdomen gallbladder cholecystostomy (2253-5387)
rf cholecystostomy (9339-3604)
RPID652 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (2904-2277) mr femur left lower extremity left (2904-2277)
RPID6520 ot abd guide upp gi trct g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g tube to g-j tube conversion with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g tube to g-j tube conversion with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp g tube to g-j tube conversion with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-tube to gj-tube conversion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp g tube to g-j tube conversion with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance Modality:RF conversion g gj to
Device:Tube Guidance Modality:RF conversion g j to
RPID6521 ot abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube placment (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g-j tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g-j tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube placment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp g-j tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube placment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp g-j tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance Modality:RF g j placment
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF g j
Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF g j
RPID6522 ot abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g-j tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g-j tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp g-j tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp g-j tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Remove Modality:RF g j
Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF g j
RPID6523 ot abd guide upp gi trct g-tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g-tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g-tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp g-tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp g-tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF g
Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF g
RPID6524 ot abd guide upp gi trct g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp g tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp g tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp g tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF g
Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF g
RPID6525 ot guidance biliary ducts catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bil dcts cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp biliary catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6529)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6529)
rp biliary catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6529)
rp guide bil dcts cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6529)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Device:Catheter Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (6618-3768) rf bileduct catheter insert (6618-3768)
RPID6526 ot guidance biliary ducts catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bil dcts catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary catheter retrieval with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary catheter retrieval with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp biliary catheter retrieval with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp biliary catheter retrieval with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts catheter retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Device:Catheter Guidance:Remove Modality:RF (3768-1592) rf bileduct catheter remove (3768-1592)
RPID6527 ot guidance biliary ducts catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bil dcts catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp biliary catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6530)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6530)
rp biliary catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6530)
rp guide bil dcts catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6530)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Device:Catheter Guidance:Change Modality:RF (8410-4809) rf bileduct catheter change (8410-4809)
RPID6528 ot guidance biliary ducts stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bil dcts stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary stricture dilation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary stricture dilation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp biliary stricture dilation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp biliary stricture dilation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts stricture dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Guidance:Dilate Modality:RF Reason:Stricture (5981-4981) rf bileduct dilate stricture (5981-4981)
RPID6529 ot abd guide bil dcts percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance biliary ducts percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous biliary drainage placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous biliary drainage placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance biliary ducts percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide bil dcts percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous biliary drainage placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance biliary ducts percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide bil dcts percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous biliary drainage placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transhepatic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (1631-1138)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:BILEDUCT Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (8042-3608)
rf abdomen bileduct percutaneous transhepatic drainage (1631-1138)
rf bileduct percutaneous drainage insert (8042-3608)
RPID653 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (5829-5015) mr femur right lower extremity right (5829-5015)
RPID6530 ot abd guide bil dcts percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance biliary ducts percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous biliary drainage revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous biliary drainage revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance biliary ducts percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide bil dcts percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous biliary drainage revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance biliary ducts percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide bil dcts percutaneous transhepatic biliary revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous biliary drainage revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transhepatic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Guidance:Revise Modality:RF (6582-5913)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:BILEDUCT Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Revise Modality:RF (7489-9495)
rf abdomen bileduct percutaneous transhepatic revise (6582-5913)
rf bileduct percutaneous drainage revise (7489-9495)
RPID6531 ot abd guide gallbladder cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance gallbladder cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cholangioscopy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cholangioscopy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance gallbladder cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide gallbladder cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp cholangioscopy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance gallbladder cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide gallbladder cholangioscopy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp cholangioscopy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Guidance Modality:RF cholangioscopy
Guidance Modality:RF cholangioscopy
RPID6532 ot abd guide gallbladder cholangioscopy calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance gallbladder cholangioscopy calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholangioscopy and calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cholangioscopy stone removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp cholangioscopy stone removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholangioscopy and calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance gallbladder cholangioscopy calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide gallbladder cholangioscopy calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp cholangioscopy stone removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen for the purpose of cholangioscopy and calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance gallbladder cholangioscopy calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide gallbladder cholangioscopy calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp cholangioscopy stone removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:Calculus cholangioscopy
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:Calculus cholangioscopy
RPID6533 ot guidance biliary ducts calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bil dcts calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary stone removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary stone removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp biliary stone removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp biliary stone removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts calculus removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:Calculus (0856-9121) rf bileduct calculus remove (0856-9121)
RPID6534 ot guidance biliary ducts tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide bil dcts tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary tube check with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp biliary tube check with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp biliary tube check with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the biliary ducts for the purpose of tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance biliary ducts tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp biliary tube check with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide bil dcts tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Context:Check Device:Tube Guidance Modality:RF (5484-2365) rf bileduct check tube guidance (5484-2365)
RPID6535 ot guidance intercostal nerves nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide intercostal nerves nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the intercostal nerves for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp intercostal nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp intercostal nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the intercostal nerves for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance intercostal nerves nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide intercostal nerves nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp intercostal nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the intercostal nerves for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance intercostal nerves nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide intercostal nerves nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp intercostal nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INTERCOSTALNERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:RF (3799-0078)
Anatomy:INTERCOSTALNERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:RF Object:Nerve (0938-6406)
rf intercostal nerve anesthetize (3799-0078)
rf intercostal nerve nerve anesthetize (0938-6406)
RPID6536 ot guidance iliac artery endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide iliac art endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery endograft with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery endograft with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance iliac artery endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide iliac art endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery endograft with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance iliac artery endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide iliac art endograft placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery endograft with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ILIACARTERY Device:Stent:StentGraft Guidance Modality:RF (9196-9634)
Anatomy:ILIACARTERY Device:Stent:StentGraft Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (9469-1909)
rf iliac artery stent stentgraft guidance (9196-9634)
rf iliac artery stent stentgraft insert (9469-1909)
RPID6537 ot guidance additional vessel iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional vessel iliac art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel iliac art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel iliac art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:ILIACARTERY Extent:Additional Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (4244-3828)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:ILIACARTERY Extent:Additional Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA each
xa iliac artery percutaneous transluminal additional angioplasty (4244-3828)
RPID6538 ot guidance iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide iliac art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide iliac art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the iliac artery for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide iliac art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:ILIACARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (0164-6614) xa iliac artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (0164-6614)
RPID6539 ot guidance additional vessel iliac artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional vessel iliac art unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the unilateral iliac artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery stent placement with imaging guidanceeach additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery stent placement with imaging guidanceeach additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the unilateral iliac artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel iliac artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel iliac art unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery stent placement with imaging guidanceeach additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the unilateral iliac artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel iliac artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel iliac art unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery stent placement with imaging guidanceeach additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ILIACARTERY:Unilateral Device:Stent Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (5073-2101)
Anatomy:ILIACARTERY Device:Stent Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF guidanceeach
rf iliac artery unilateral stent additional insert (5073-2101)
RPID654 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8486-8070) mr femur left lower extremity left w iv (8486-8070)
RPID6540 ot guidance iliac artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide iliac art unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the unilateral iliac artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery stent placement with imaging guidance initial vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp iliac artery stent placement with imaging guidance initial vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the unilateral iliac artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance iliac artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide iliac art unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery stent placement with imaging guidance initial vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the unilateral iliac artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance iliac artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide iliac art unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp iliac artery stent placement with imaging guidance initial vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ILIACARTERY:Unilateral Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (8350-5003)
Anatomy:ILIACARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF initial
rf iliac artery unilateral stent insert (8350-5003)
RPID6541 ot abd pelvis guide through ileal conduit urtr ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance through ileal conduit ureter ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance through ileal conduit procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp ureterostomy exchange through ileal conduit with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp ureterostomy exchange through ileal conduit with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance through ileal conduit procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance through ileal conduit ureter ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide through ileal conduit urtr ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp ureterostomy exchange through ileal conduit with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance through ileal conduit procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance through ileal conduit ureter ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide through ileal conduit urtr ureterostomy exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp ureterostomy exchange through ileal conduit with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Guidance:Change Modality:RF conduit ileal through ureterostomy
Guidance:Change Modality:RF conduit ileal through ureterostomy
RPID6542 ot guidance vessels infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide vssls inf (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vessel infusion non-thrombolytic with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vessel infusion non-thrombolytic with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance vessels infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide vssls inf (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vessel infusion non-thrombolytic with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance vessels infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide vssls inf (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vessel infusion non-thrombolytic with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:W (8330-8213)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:W PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic non
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance Modality:RF inf
rf vessel guidance w pharmacological intervention (8330-8213)
RPID6543 ot guidance injection platelet plasma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide inj platelet plasma (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the platelet plasma for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp injection platelet rich plasma with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp injection platelet rich plasma with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the platelet plasma for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance injection platelet plasma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide inj platelet plasma (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp injection platelet rich plasma with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the platelet rich plasma injection for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance injection platelet rich plasma injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide inj plat rch plms inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp injection platelet rich plasma with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF plasma platelet
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF plasma platelet rich
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF plat plms rch
RPID6544 ot guidance additional day vessels infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional day vssls inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the vessels thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vessel thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vessel thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the vessels thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional day vessels infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional day vssls inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vessel thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the vessels thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional day vessels infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional day vssls inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vessel thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:W PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic additional day
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic additional day inf
RPID6545 ot guidance final day vessels infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide final day vssls inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance final day procedure focused on the vessels thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vessel thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance final day (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vessel thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance final day (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance final day procedure focused on the vessels thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance final day vessels infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide final day vssls inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vessel thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance final day (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance final day procedure focused on the vessels thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance final day vessels infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide final day vssls inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vessel thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance final day (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:W PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic day final
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic day final inf
RPID6546 ot guidance initial day artery infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide initial day art inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the artery thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the artery thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance initial day artery infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp artery thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide initial day art inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the artery thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance initial day artery infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp artery thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide initial day art inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:W PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic day initial
Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic day inf initial
RPID6547 ot guidance 1-2 muscles muscle injection trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide 1-2 muscles mscle inj trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance 1-2 muscles procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection and trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp injection trigger point with imaging guidance 1 to 2 muscles (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp injection trigger point with imaging guidance 1 to 2 muscles (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance 1-2 muscles procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection and trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance 1-2 muscles muscle injection trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide 1-2 muscles mscle inj trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp injection trigger point with imaging guidance 1 to 2 muscles (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance 1-2 muscles procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection and trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance 1-2 muscles muscle injection trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide 1-2 muscles mscle inj trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp injection trigger point with imaging guidance 1 to 2 muscles (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
2 Guidance:Inject Modality:RF ObjectCount:1 mscle muscle point trigger
2 Guidance:Inject Modality:RF ObjectCount:1 muscle point trigger
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF ObjectCount:1 ObjectCount:2 muscle point to trigger
RPID6548 ot guidance 3 or more muscles muscle injection trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide 3 or more muscles mscle inj trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance 3 or more muscles procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection and trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp injection trigger point with imaging guidance 3 or more muscles (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp injection trigger point with imaging guidance 3 or more muscles (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance 3 or more muscles procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection and trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance 3 or more muscles muscle injection trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide 3 or more muscles mscle inj trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp injection trigger point with imaging guidance 3 or more muscles (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance 3 or more muscles procedure focused on the muscle for the purpose of injection and trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance 3 or more muscles muscle injection trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide 3 or more muscles mscle inj trigger point (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp injection trigger point with imaging guidance 3 or more muscles (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF ObjectCount:3 more mscle muscle point trigger
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF ObjectCount:3 more muscle point trigger
RPID6549 ot guidance inferior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide ivc filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp inferior vena cava filter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp inferior vena cava filter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance inferior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide ivc filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp inferior vena cava filter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance inferior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide ivc filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp inferior vena cava filter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Device:Filter:IVC Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (5503-8800)
Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Guidance:Insert Modality:RF filter
rf inferior venacava filter ivc insert (5503-8800)
RPID655 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2292-4421) mr femur right lower extremity right w iv (2292-4421)
RPID6550 ot guidance inferior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide ivc filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp inferior vena cava filter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp inferior vena cava filter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance inferior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide ivc filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp inferior vena cava filter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance inferior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide ivc filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp inferior vena cava filter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Device:Filter:IVC Guidance:Remove Modality:RF (0544-1460)
Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Guidance:Remove Modality:RF filter
rf inferior venacava filter ivc remove (0544-1460)
RPID6551 ot guidance inferior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide ivc filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp inferior vena cava filter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp inferior vena cava filter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance inferior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide ivc filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp inferior vena cava filter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the inferior vena cava for the purpose of filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance inferior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide ivc filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp inferior vena cava filter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Device:Filter:IVC Guidance:Reposition Modality:RF (4263-7809)
Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Guidance:Reposition Modality:RF filter
rf inferior venacava filter ivc reposition (4263-7809)
RPID6552 ot abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp j tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp j tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp j tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct g-j tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp j tube exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF g j
Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF j
RPID6553 ot guidance intermediate joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide med jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the intermediate joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp intermediate joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp intermediate joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the intermediate joint for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance intermediate joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide med jnt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp intermediate joint aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the intermediate joint for the purpose of arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance intermediate joint arthrocentesis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide med jnt arthrocent (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp intermediate joint arthrocentesis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium Guidance:Arthrocentesis Modality:RF (7589-1135)
Anatomy:JOINT:Medium Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (4518-1952)
rf joint medium arthrocentesis (7589-1135)
rf joint medium aspirate (4518-1952)
RPID6554 ot abd guide ren art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the renal artery in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the renal artery in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide ren art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the renal artery in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide ren art percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (3816-4294)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:RENALARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (4577-1836)
xa abdomen renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (3816-4294)
xa renal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (4577-1836)
RPID6555 ot abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF nephroureteral
Access:Percutaneous Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF nephroureteral
RPID6556 ot abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral stent removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Device:Stent Guidance:Remove Modality:RF nephroureteral
Access:Percutaneous Device:Stent Guidance:Remove Modality:RF nephroureteral
RPID6557 ot abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutanous nephroureteral stent exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutanous nephroureteral stent exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp percutanous nephroureteral stent exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp percutanous nephroureteral stent exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Device:Stent Guidance:Change Modality:RF nephroureteral
Device:Stent Guidance:Change Modality:RF nephroureteral percutanous
RPID6558 ot abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp nephrostomy placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp nephrostomy placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp nephrostomy placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephrostomy placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp nephrostomy placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Guidance:Insert Modality:RF nephrostomy
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF nephrostomy
RPID6559 ot abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6556)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6556)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6556)
rp percutaneous nephroureteral tube removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATEV2.5:FAVORRPID6556)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Device:Tube Guidance:Remove Modality:RF nephroureteral
Access:Percutaneous Device:Tube Guidance:Remove Modality:RF nephroureteral
RPID656 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9494-3907) mr femur left lower extremity left wo+w iv (9494-3907)
RPID6560 ot spine guidance 1 level kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot spine guide 1 level kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vertebral kyphoplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vertebral kyphoplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure spine guidance 1 level kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp spine guide 1 level kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vertebral kyphoplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure spine guidance 1 level kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp spine guide 1 level kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vertebral kyphoplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Kyphoplasty Levels:1 Modality:RF (9983-7833)
Guidance:Kyphoplasty Levels:1 Modality:RF vertebral
rf spine kyphoplasty 1 levels (9983-7833)
RPID6561 ot le guide femoral artery popliteal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance femoral artery popliteal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the femoral artery and popliteal artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp femoral popliteal arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp femoral popliteal arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the femoral artery and popliteal artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance femoral artery popliteal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp femoral popliteal arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide femoral artery popliteal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the femoral artery and popliteal artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance femoral artery popliteal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp femoral popliteal arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide femoral artery popliteal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:POPLITEALARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (3906-2723)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:FEMORALVESSEL:Unilateral Anatomy:POPLITEALARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (5358-7720)
xa femoral artery lower extremity popliteal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (3906-2723)
xa femoral vessel unilateral popliteal artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (5358-7720)
RPID6562 ot le guide femoral artery popliteal artery unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance femoral artery popliteal artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the unilateral femoral artery and popliteal artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp femoral popliteal artery stent placement with imaging guidance unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp femoral popliteal artery stent placement with imaging guidance unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the unilateral femoral artery and popliteal artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance femoral artery popliteal artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp femoral popliteal artery stent placement with imaging guidance unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide femoral artery popliteal artery unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the unilateral femoral artery and popliteal artery in the lower extremity for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance femoral artery popliteal artery unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp femoral popliteal artery stent placement with imaging guidance unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide femoral artery popliteal artery unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:POPLITEALARTERY:Unilateral Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (7608-1004)
Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:POPLITEALARTERY Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (2407-2513)
Anatomy:FEMORALVESSEL:Unilateral Anatomy:POPLITEALARTERY Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (6451-4955)
rf femoral artery lower extremity popliteal artery unilateral stent insert (7608-1004)
rf femoral artery unilateral lower extremity popliteal artery stent insert (2407-2513)
rf femoral vessel unilateral popliteal artery stent insert (6451-4955)
RPID6563 ot lymphatic duct ligation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymphatic duct for the purpose of ligation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lymphatic ligation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lymphatic ligation (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymphatic duct for the purpose of ligation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lymphatic duct ligation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lymphatic duct ligation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lymphatic ligation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lymphatic duct for the purpose of ligation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lymphatic duct ligation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lymphatic duct ligation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lymphatic ligation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance Modality:RF duct ligation lymphatic
Guidance Modality:RF ligation lymphatic
duct ligation lymphatic
RPID6564 ot l spine guide additional vessel kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lumbar spine guidance additional vessel kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance additional vessel kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide additional vessel kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance additional vessel kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide additional vessel kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Extent:Additional Guidance:Kyphoplasty Modality:RF (5800-9302)
Anatomy:LSPINE Extent:Additional Guidance:Kyphoplasty Modality:RF level
rf lspine additional kyphoplasty (5800-9302)
RPID6565 ot l spine guide add lev vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lumbar spine guidance additional level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance additional level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide add lev vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance additional level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide add lev vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Levels:Additional Modality:RF (0464-2165) rf lspine vertebroplasty additional levels (0464-2165)
RPID6566 ot l spine guide 1 level vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lumbar spine guidance 1 level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lumbar spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance 1 level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide 1 level vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance 1 level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp l spine guide 1 level vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lumbar spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Levels:1 Modality:RF (0739-7822) rf lspine vertebroplasty 1 levels (0739-7822)
RPID6567 ot chest guidance lung microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide lung microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung microwave ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung microwave ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lung microwave ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lung microwave ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Microwave Modality:RF (3870-3957)
Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Microwave Modality:RF (4223-7612)
rf chest lung ablate microwave (3870-3957)
rf lung ablate microwave (4223-7612)
RPID6568 ot chest guidance lung fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide lung fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung fiducial placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lung fiducial placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lung fiducial placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance lung fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide lung fiducial placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lung fiducial placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Device:Fiducial Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (3096-7865)
Anatomy:LUNG Device:Fiducial Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (3259-0133)
rf chest lung fiducial insert (3096-7865)
rf lung fiducial insert (3259-0133)
RPID6569 ot abd guide liver microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance liver microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp liver microwave ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp liver microwave ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance liver microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide liver microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp liver microwave ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance liver microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide liver microwave ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp liver microwave ablation with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Microwave Modality:RF (1263-6348)
Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Microwave Modality:RF (8082-1913)
rf abdomen liver ablate microwave (1263-6348)
rf liver ablate microwave (8082-1913)
RPID657 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le femur rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity femur right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le femur rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le femur rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity femur right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0817-4031) mr femur right lower extremity right wo+w iv (0817-4031)
RPID6570 ot abd hemodynamic evaluation liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen hemodynamic evaluation liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp hepatic wedge pressures no venogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp hepatic wedge pressures no venogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen hemodynamic evaluation liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd hemodynamic evaluation liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp hepatic wedge pressures no venogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable hemodynamic evaluation procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen hemodynamic evaluation liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd hemodynamic evaluation liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp hepatic wedge pressures (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:Hemodynamic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance Modality:RF (9521-8787)
Anatomy:HEPATICVEIN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Venography Guidance Modality:XA Reason:Measurement:Pressure:Venous:Portal:Wedge (1738-2756)
Analysis:Hemodynamic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER
Anatomy:HEPATICVEIN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Venography Guidance Modality:XA Reason:Measurement:Pressure:Venous:Portal:Wedge no
rf abdomen liver hemodynamic guidance (9521-8787)
xa hepatic vein liver venography guidance measurement pressure venous portal wedge (1738-2756)
RPID6571 ot guidance nerve root nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide nerve root nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the nerve root for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp nerve root block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp nerve root block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the nerve root for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance nerve root nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide nerve root nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp nerve root block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the nerve root for the purpose of nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance nerve root nerve block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide nerve root nerv block (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp nerve root block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:RF Object:Nerve Object:NerveRoot (3797-2894)
Guidance Modality:RF Object:NerveRoot block
rf nerve nerveroot anesthetize (3797-2894)
RPID6572 ot guidance nerve injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide nerve inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the nerve for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp nerve injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp nerve injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the nerve for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance nerve injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide nerve inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp nerve injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the nerve for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance nerve injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide nerve inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp nerve injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF Object:Nerve (7334-8687) rf nerve inject (7334-8687)
RPID6573 ot abd guide perc chlnggrphy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance percutaneous cholangiography gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and percutaneous cholangiography procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous cholangiogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous cholangiogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance and percutaneous cholangiography procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance percutaneous cholangiography gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perc chlnggrphy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous cholangiogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance and percutaneous cholangiography procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance percutaneous cholangiography gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perc chlnggrphy gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous cholangiogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Guidance Modality:RG ModalityType:Cholangiography (1976-9006)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:BILEDUCT Guidance Modality:RG ModalityType:Cholangiography (8064-6171)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Guidance Modality:RF chlnggrphy perc
rg abdomen bileduct gallbladder cholangiography percutaneous guidance (1976-9006)
rg bileduct cholangiography percutaneous guidance (8064-6171)
RPID6574 ot abd guide perito cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Device:Catheter Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (8506-6420)
Anatomy:PERITONEALCAVITY Device:Catheter Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (7732-4075)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Catheter Guidance:Insert Modality:RF perito
rf abdomen peritoneum catheter insert (8506-6420)
rf peritoneal cavity catheter insert (7732-4075)
RPID6575 ot abd guide perito catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Device:Catheter Guidance:Remove Modality:RF (1672-9885)
Anatomy:PERITONEALCAVITY Device:Catheter Guidance:Remove Modality:RF (3779-8891)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Catheter Guidance:Remove Modality:RF perito
rf abdomen peritoneum catheter remove (1672-9885)
rf peritoneal cavity catheter remove (3779-8891)
RPID6576 ot abd guide perito catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal catheter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal catheter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal catheter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito catheter reposition (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal catheter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Device:Catheter Guidance:Reposition Modality:RF (9438-0381)
Anatomy:PERITONEALCAVITY Device:Catheter Guidance:Reposition Modality:RF (1235-4421)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Catheter Guidance:Reposition Modality:RF perito
rf abdomen peritoneum catheter reposition (9438-0381)
rf peritoneal cavity catheter reposition (1235-4421)
RPID6577 ot abd guide perito foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance peritoneum foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal foreign body removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal foreign body removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal foreign body removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal foreign body removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:ForeignBody (8576-1195)
Anatomy:PERITONEALCAVITY Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:ForeignBody (4732-9431)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:ForeignBody perito
rf abdomen peritoneum foreignbody remove (8576-1195)
rf peritoneal cavity foreignbody remove (4732-9431)
RPID6578 ot abd guide perito port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance peritoneum port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of port placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum port placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito port placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Device:Port Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (3561-5381)
Anatomy:PERITONEALCAVITY Device:Port Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (4986-1631)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Port Guidance:Insert Modality:RF perito
rf abdomen peritoneum port insert (3561-5381)
rf peritoneal cavity port insert (4986-1631)
RPID6579 ot abd guide perito port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance peritoneum port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal port removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peritoneal port removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal port removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of port removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance peritoneum port removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide perito port removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp peritoneal port removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Remove Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5438-3958)
Anatomy:PERITONEALCAVITY Guidance:Remove Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (8272-7931)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Remove Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable perito
rf abdomen peritoneum portable remove (5438-3958)
rf peritoneal cavity portable remove (8272-7931)
RPID658 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (0383-6720)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Modality:MR (1485-6664)
mr finger left (1485-6664)
mr finger left upper extremity left (0383-6720)
RPID6580 ot guidance stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp stab phlebectomy greater than 20 incisions (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp stab phlebectomy greater than 20 incisions (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp stab phlebectomy greater than 20 incisions (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide stab phlebectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp stab phlebectomy greater than 20 incisions (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
20 Guidance Modality:RF greater incisions phlebectomy stab than
Guidance Modality:RF phlebectomy stab
RPID6581 ot guidance peripherally inserted central catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide picc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of peripherally inserted central catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peripherally inserted central catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peripherally inserted central catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of peripherally inserted central catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance peripherally inserted central catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide picc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp peripherally inserted central catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of peripherally inserted central catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance peripherally inserted central catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide picc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp peripherally inserted central catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous:Inserted:Peripherally Guidance Modality:RF (9314-3729)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous:Inserted:Peripherally Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (3677-2676)
rf catheter centralvenous inserted peripherally guidance (9314-3729)
rf catheter centralvenous inserted peripherally insert (3677-2676)
RPID6582 ot guidance peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peripherally inserted central catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp peripherally inserted central catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp peripherally inserted central catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide peripherally inserted central catheter exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp peripherally inserted central catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous:Inserted:Peripherally Guidance:Change Modality:RF (5904-4845) rf catheter centralvenous inserted peripherally change (5904-4845)
RPID6583 ot pelvis guidance drainage deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot pelvis guide drain deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of deep for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pelvis drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pelvis drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of deep for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure pelvis guidance drainage deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pelvis drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pelvis guide drain deep (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of deep for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure pelvis guidance drainage deep (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pelvis drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pelvis guide drain deep (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (3252-2928)
Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF deep
rf pelvis drainage (3252-2928)
RPID6584 ot guidance port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp port removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp port removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide port removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp port removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance port removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide port removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp port removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (6963-4485) rf portable remove (6963-4485)
RPID6585 ot guidance port repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide port repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp port repair with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp port repair with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance port repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide port repair (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp port repair with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance port repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide port repair (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp port repair with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Repair Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (5148-0034) rf portable repair (5148-0034)
RPID6586 ot guidance port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp port catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp port catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp port catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp port catheter exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Catheter Guidance:Change Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (4080-7064)
Guidance:Change Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (7833-9827)
rf portable catheter change (4080-7064)
rf portable change (7833-9827)
RPID6587 ot chest guidance tunneled pleura catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide tunneled pleura cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled pleural catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled pleural catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tunneled pleura catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tunneled pleura cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tunneled pleural catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tunneled pleura catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tunneled pleura cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tunneled pleural catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Catheter DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (7695-1755)
Device:Catheter DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Insert Modality:RF pleural
rf chest pleura catheter tunneled insert (7695-1755)
RPID6588 ot guidance pseudoaneurysm thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide psaneur thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pseudoaneurysm for the purpose of thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pseudoaneursym thrombin injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp pseudoaneursym thrombin injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pseudoaneurysm for the purpose of thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance pseudoaneurysm thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide psaneur thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pseudoaneursym thrombin injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pseudoaneurysm for the purpose of thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance pseudoaneurysm thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide psaneur thrombin injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pseudoaneursym thrombin injection with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF Object:Pseudoaneurysm thrombin
Guidance:Inject Modality:RF pseudoaneursym thrombin
RPID6589 ot chest guidance swan-ganz cathter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide swan-ganz catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of swan-ganz cathter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp swan-ganz catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp swan-ganz catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of swan-ganz cathter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance swan-ganz cathter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide swan-ganz catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp swan-ganz catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of swan-ganz cathter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance swan-ganz cathter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide swan-ganz catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp swan-ganz catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Device:Catheter:SwanGanz Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (2046-1064)
Device:Catheter:SwanGanz Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (5680-0821)
Anatomy:CHEST Device:Catheter:SwanGanz Guidance:Insert Modality:RF cathter
rf catheter swanganz insert (5680-0821)
rf chest catheter swanganz insert (2046-1064)
RPID659 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (8254-1184)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Modality:MR (0676-4986)
mr finger right (0676-4986)
mr finger right upper extremity right (8254-1184)
RPID6590 ot guidance superior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide superior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp superiorvena cava filter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp superiorvena cava filter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance superior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide superior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp superiorvena cava filter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance superior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide superior vena cava filter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp superiorvena cava filter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SUPERIORVENACAVA Guidance:Insert Modality:RF filter
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF cava filter superiorvena
RPID6591 ot guidance superior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide superior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp superior vena cava filter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp superior vena cava filter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance superior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide superior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp superior vena cava filter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance superior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide superior vena cava filter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp superior vena cava filter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SUPERIORVENACAVA Guidance:Remove Modality:RF filter
RPID6592 ot guidance superior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide superior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp superior vena cava filter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp superior vena cava filter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance superior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide superior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp superior vena cava filter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the superior vena cava for the purpose of filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance superior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide superior vena cava filter repositioning (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp superior vena cava filter reposition with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SUPERIORVENACAVA Guidance:Reposition Modality:RF filter
RPID6593 ot guidance percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous sympathectomy nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp percutaneous sympathectomy nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous sympathectomy nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide percutaneous sympathectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp percutaneous sympathectomy nerve block with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Guidance Modality:RF sympathectomy
Access:Percutaneous Guidance:Anesthetize Modality:RF Object:Nerve sympathectomy
RPID6594 ot le guide 1-2 additional vessels leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance 1-2 additional vessels lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance 1-2 additional vessels procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance 1-2 additional vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance 1-2 additional vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance 1-2 additional vessels procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance 1-2 additional vessels lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide 1-2 additional vessels leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance 1-2 additional vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance 1-2 additional vessels procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance 1-2 additional vessels lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide 1-2 additional vessels leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance 1-2 additional vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
2 Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Extent:Additional Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA ObjectCount:1
2 Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Extent:Additional Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA ObjectCount:1
2 Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:LOWERLEG Extent:Additional Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA ObjectCount:1
RPID6595 ot le guide leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (0151-5140)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (9629-5660)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:LOWERLEG Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (0303-5295)
xa leg lower extremity percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (0151-5140)
xa lower extremity lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (9629-5660)
xa lower leg percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (0303-5295)
RPID6596 ot le guide additional vessel leg unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot lower extremity guidance additional vessel lower leg unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the unilateral lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lower leg stent placement with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp lower leg stent placement with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the unilateral lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance additional vessel lower leg unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp le guide additional vessel leg unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp lower leg stent placement with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the unilateral lower leg in the lower extremity for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure lower extremity guidance additional vessel lower leg unilateral stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp le guide additional vessel leg unilat stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp lower leg stent placement with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Device:Stent Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (4808-5153)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG:Unilateral Device:Stent Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (0714-8187)
Anatomy:LOWERLEG Device:Stent Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF each
rf leg unilateral lower extremity stent additional insert (4808-5153)
rf lower extremity lower leg unilateral stent additional insert (0714-8187)
RPID6597 ot clot removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of clot removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp clot removal any method (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp clot removal any method (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of clot removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure clot removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp clot removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp clot removal any method (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of clot removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure clot removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp clot removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp clot removal any method (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF any clot method
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF clot
RPID6598 ot guidance mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp intraluminal thrombus mechanical removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp intraluminal thrombus mechanical removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp intraluminal thrombus mechanical removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp intraluminal thrombus mechanical removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF (1715-5066)
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF intraluminal mechanical thrombus
rf thrombectomy mechanical (1715-5066)
RPID6599 ot abd guide transjugular kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance transjugular kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance transjugular procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular kidney biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular kidney biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance transjugular procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance transjugular kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide transjugular kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transjugular kidney biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance transjugular procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance transjugular kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide transjugular kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transjugular kidney biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (2969-7606)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (1326-6394)
rf abdomen kidney transjugular biopsy (2969-7606)
rf kidney transjugular biopsy (1326-6394)
RPID66 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (6872-4960) ct neck angiography (6872-4960)
RPID660 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9727-0098)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1019-3882)
mr finger left upper extremity left w iv (9727-0098)
mr finger left w iv (1019-3882)
RPID6600 ot abd guide veno transjugular kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance venography transjugular kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and venography transjugular procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular kidney biopsy with imaging guidance venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular kidney biopsy with imaging guidance venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance and venography transjugular procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance venography transjugular kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide veno transjugular kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transjugular kidney biopsy with imaging guidance venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance and venography transjugular procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance venography transjugular kidney biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide veno transjugular kidney bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transjugular kidney biopsy with imaging guidance venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Venography Guidance:Biopsy Modality:XA (7617-1443)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Venography Guidance:Biopsy Modality:XA (7127-2063)
xa abdomen kidney transjugular venography biopsy (7617-1443)
xa kidney transjugular venography biopsy (7127-2063)
RPID6601 ot abd guide transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (5112-4391)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (4513-9684)
rf abdomen liver transjugular biopsy (5112-4391)
rf liver transjugular biopsy (4513-9684)
RPID6602 ot abd guide veno transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance venography transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and venography transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance and venography transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance venography transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide veno transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance venography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance and venography transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance venography transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide veno transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance venography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Venography Guidance:Biopsy Modality:XA (6546-2987)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Venography Guidance:Biopsy Modality:XA (0294-7322)
xa abdomen liver transjugular venography biopsy (6546-2987)
xa liver transjugular venography biopsy (0294-7322)
RPID6603 ot abd guide hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and hemodynamic evaluation transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance pressures (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance pressures (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance and hemodynamic evaluation transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance pressures (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance and hemodynamic evaluation transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance pressures (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transjugular Analysis:Hemodynamic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (8128-6599)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF Reason:Measurement:Pressure (8132-6030)
rf abdomen liver transjugular hemodynamic biopsy (8128-6599)
rf liver transjugular biopsy measurement pressure (8132-6030)
RPID6604 ot t spine guide add lev kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot thoracic spine guidance additional level kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance additional level kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide add lev kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thoracic spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance additional level kyphoplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide add lev kyphoplast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thoracic spine kyphoplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Kyphoplasty Levels:Additional Modality:RF (3283-1808)
Anatomy:TSPINE Extent:Additional Guidance:Kyphoplasty Modality:RF level
rf tspine kyphoplasty additional levels (3283-1808)
RPID6605 ot t spine guide add lev vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot thoracic spine guidance additional level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance additional level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide add lev vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thoracic spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance additional level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide add lev vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thoracic spine vertebroplasty with imaging guidance additional level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Levels:Additional Modality:RF (8965-9040) rf tspine vertebroplasty additional levels (8965-9040)
RPID6606 ot t spine guide 1 level vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot thoracic spine guidance 1 level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic vertebroplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thoracic vertebroplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance 1 level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide 1 level vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thoracic vertebroplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance 1 level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance 1 level vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp t spine guide 1 level vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thoracic vertebroplasty with imaging guidance 1 level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Levels:1 Modality:RF (6348-4357) rf tspine vertebroplasty 1 levels (6348-4357)
RPID6607 ot guidance tumor artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide tumor art embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tumor and artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tumor arterial embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tumor arterial embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tumor and artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tumor artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide tumor art embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tumor arterial embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the tumor and artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance tumor artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide tumor art embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tumor arterial embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA Object:Tumor (3862-7846)
Guidance:Embolization:Arterial Modality:XA Object:Tumor (9019-6898)
xa artery tumor embolization (3862-7846)
xa tumor embolization arterial (9019-6898)
RPID6608 ot ue guide port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot upper extremity guidance port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper extremity for the purpose of port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp arm port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp arm port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper extremity for the purpose of port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure upper extremity guidance port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp arm port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp ue guide port placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper extremity for the purpose of port placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure upper extremity guidance port placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp arm port placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp ue guide port placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARM Device:Port Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (0713-7466)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Device:Port Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (5517-3681)
rf arm port insert (0713-7466)
rf upper extremity port insert (5517-3681)
RPID6609 ot ue guide port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot upper extremity guidance port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper extremity for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp arm port replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp arm port replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper extremity for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure upper extremity guidance port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp arm port replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp ue guide port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper extremity for the purpose of port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure upper extremity guidance port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp arm port replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp ue guide port exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARM Guidance:Change Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (6858-6336)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Change Modality:RF ModalityType:Portable (2259-0593)
rf arm portable change (6858-6336)
rf upper extremity portable change (2259-0593)
RPID661 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3802-9542)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2054-5909)
mr finger right upper extremity right w iv (3802-9542)
mr finger right w iv (2054-5909)
RPID6610 ot guidance brachial artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide brachial artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the brachial artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp brachial artery embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp brachial artery embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the brachial artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance brachial artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp brachial artery embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide brachial artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bronchial artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance bronchial artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bronchial artery embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide bronchial artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALARTERY Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA (4027-1357)
Anatomy:BRONCHIALARTERY Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA (7292-2414)
xa brachial artery embolization (4027-1357)
xa bronchial artery embolization (7292-2414)
RPID6611 ot pelvis guidance uterine artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot pelvis guide uterine artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the uterine artery in the pelvis for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp uterine artery embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp uterine artery embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the uterine artery in the pelvis for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure pelvis guidance uterine artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp pelvis guide uterine artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp uterine artery embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the uterine artery in the pelvis for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure pelvis guidance uterine artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp pelvis guide uterine artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp uterine artery embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERINEARTERY Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA (1407-2772)
Anatomy:UTERINEARTERY Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA (4456-1754)
xa pelvis uterine artery embolization (1407-2772)
xa uterine artery embolization (4456-1754)
RPID6612 ot spine guidance additional vessel vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot spine guide additional vessel vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vertebral augmentation with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vertebral augmentation with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure spine guidance additional vessel vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp spine guide additional vessel vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vertebral augmentation with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure spine guidance additional vessel vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp spine guide additional vessel vertebral augmentation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vertebral augmentation with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Additional Guidance Modality:RF augmentation vertebral
Extent:Additional Guidance Modality:RF augmentation level vertebral
RPID6613 ot abd guide visceral arteries stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance visceral arteries stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp visceral artery stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp visceral artery stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance visceral arteries stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide visceral arteries stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp visceral artery stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance visceral arteries stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide visceral arteries stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp visceral artery stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VISCERALARTERY Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (8438-9629)
Anatomy:VISCERALARTERY Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (4792-3748)
rf abdomen visceral artery stent insert (8438-9629)
rf visceral artery stent insert (4792-3748)
RPID6614 ot abd guide visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VISCERALARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (6381-1995)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:VISCERALARTERY Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (6437-7548)
xa abdomen visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (6381-1995)
xa visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (6437-7548)
RPID6615 ot initial vessel endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable initial vessel imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp endovenous laser ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp endovenous laser ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable initial vessel imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure initial vessel endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp endovenous laser ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp initial vessel endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable initial vessel imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure initial vessel endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp endovenous laser ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp initial vessel endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance Modality:RF endovenous initial laser
Anatomy:VESSEL endovenous initial laser
Guidance:Ablate:Laser Modality:RF endovenous
RPID6616 ot additional area endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable additional area imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp endovenous laser ablation additional area (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp endovenous laser ablation additional area (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable additional area imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure additional area endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp additional area endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp endovenous laser ablation additional area (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable additional area imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure additional area endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp additional area endovenous laser treatment (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp endovenous laser ablation additional area (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Additional Guidance Modality:RF endovenous laser
Extent:Additional Guidance:Ablate:Laser Modality:RF endovenous
Extent:Additional endovenous laser
RPID6617 ot guidance artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide art embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery embolization with imaging guidance excluding (trauma, tumor) (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery embolization with imaging guidance excluding (trauma, tumor) (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp artery embolization with imaging guidance excluding (trauma, tumor) (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide art embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance artery embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp artery embolization with imaging guidance excluding (trauma, tumor) (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide art embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA (1551-8519)
Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA Object:Tumor Reason:Trauma excluding
xa artery embolization (1551-8519)
RPID6618 ot guidance additional vessel artery stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional vessel art stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery stent placement with imaging guidance excluding (iliac, fem-pop, tibial) each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery stent placement with imaging guidance excluding (iliac, fem-pop, tibial) each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel artery stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp artery stent placement with imaging guidance excluding (iliac, fem-pop, tibial) each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel art stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel artery stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp artery stent placement with imaging guidance excluding (iliac, fem-pop, tibial) each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel art stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Device:Stent Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (0575-1851)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:ILIACVESSEL Device:Stent Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF each excluding fem pop tibial
rf artery stent additional insert (0575-1851)
RPID6619 ot guidance artery stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide art stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery stent placement with imaging guidance excluding (iliac, fem-pop, tibial) (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery stent placement with imaging guidance excluding (iliac, fem-pop, tibial) (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance artery stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp artery stent placement with imaging guidance excluding (iliac, fem-pop, tibial) (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide art stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance artery stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp artery stent placement with imaging guidance excluding (iliac, fem-pop, tibial) (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide art stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (2988-5270)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:ILIACVESSEL Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF excluding fem pop tibial
rf artery stent insert (2988-5270)
RPID662 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5080-4248)
Anatomy:FINGER:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4121-0478)
mr finger left upper extremity left wo+w iv (5080-4248)
mr finger left wo+w iv (4121-0478)
RPID6620 ot guidance additional procedure artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional procedure art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional procedure procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy wuth imaging guidance additional procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy wuth imaging guidance additional procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional procedure procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional procedure artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy wuth imaging guidance additional procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional procedure art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional procedure procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional procedure artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy wuth imaging guidance additional procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional procedure art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF additional
Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF additional procedure
Anatomy:ARTERY Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF additional wuth
RPID6621 ot guidance additional vessel same family artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional vessel same family art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel same family procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance additional vessel same family (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance additional vessel same family (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel same family procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel same family artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance additional vessel same family (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel same family art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel same family procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel same family artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance additional vessel same family (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel same family art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Extent:Additional Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF family same
RPID6622 ot guidance initial vessel artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide initial vessel art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance initial vessel procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy wuth imaging guidance initial vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy wuth imaging guidance initial vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance initial vessel procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance initial vessel artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy wuth imaging guidance initial vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide initial vessel art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance initial vessel procedure focused on the artery for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance initial vessel artery mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp artery mechanical thrombectomy wuth imaging guidance initial vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide initial vessel art mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF initial
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF initial wuth
RPID6623 ot guidance vessels embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide vssls embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bleeding vessel embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp bleeding vessel embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance vessels embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp bleeding vessel embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide vssls embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance vessels embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp bleeding vessel embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide vssls embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA (8422-0820)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA Reason:Bleeding (8319-7844)
xa vessel embolization (8422-0820)
xa vessel embolization bleeding (8319-7844)
RPID6624 ot guidance embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein embolization/sclerotherapy non-bleeding with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein embolization/sclerotherapy non-bleeding with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide embolization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vein embolization/sclerotherapy non-bleeding with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide embolization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vein embolization/sclerotherapy non-bleeding with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA (9700-6804)
Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Embolization Modality:XA Reason:Bleeding non sclerotherapy
xa embolization (9700-6804)
RPID6625 ot guidance foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vessel foreign body retrieval with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vessel foreign body retrieval with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vessel foreign body retrieval with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide foreign body retrieval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vessel foreign body retrieval with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:ForeignBody (9429-4746)
Guidance:Remove Modality:RF Object:ForeignBody (9658-9948)
rf foreignbody remove (9658-9948)
rf vessel foreignbody remove (9429-4746)
RPID6626 ot guidance initial day vein infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide initial day vein inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the vein thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the vein thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance initial day vein infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide initial day vein inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vein thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the vein thrombolytic for the purpose of infusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance initial day vein infusion thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide initial day vein inf thrombolytic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vein thrombolytic infusion with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:W PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic day initial
Anatomy:VEIN Guidance Modality:RF PharmacologicalIntervention:thrombolytic day inf initial
RPID6627 ot guidance percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (1430-6953)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (2781-9062)
xa percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (2781-9062)
xa vein percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (1430-6953)
RPID6628 ot venous sampling (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable venous sampling procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein sampling (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein sampling (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable venous sampling procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure venous sampling (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vein sampling (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp venous sampling (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable venous sampling procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure venous sampling (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vein sampling (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp venous sampling (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Venography Guidance:Sample Modality:XA Object:Blood:Venous (2258-1581) xa blood venous venography sample (2258-1581)
RPID6629 ot guidance additional vessel stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional vessel stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein stent/covered stent placement with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein stent/covered stent placement with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vein stent/covered stent placement with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional vessel stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional vessel stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vein stent/covered stent placement with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Stent Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (6247-4907)
Anatomy:VEIN Device:Stent:Covered Device:Stent:Venous Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF each
rf stent additional insert (6247-4907)
RPID663 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5894-1281)
Anatomy:FINGER:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7987-9093)
mr finger right upper extremity right wo+w iv (5894-1281)
mr finger right wo+w iv (7987-9093)
RPID6630 ot guidance stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein stent/covered stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein stent/covered stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vein stent/covered stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide stent placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vein stent/covered stent placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN Device:Stent:Covered Device:Stent:Venous Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (4486-6965)
Device:Stent Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (0253-5946)
rf stent insert (0253-5946)
rf vein stent covered stent venous insert (4486-6965)
RPID6631 ot guidance additional day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vein mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional day procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vein mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance additional day (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF additional day
Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF additional day
RPID6632 ot guidance initial day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide initial day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vein mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance initial day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide initial day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vein mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance initial day procedure focused on the for the purpose of mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance initial day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide initial day mechanical thrombectomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vein mechanical thrombectomy with imaging guidance initial day (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF day initial
Guidance:Thrombectomy:Mechanical Modality:RF day initial
RPID6633 ot spine guidance additional vessel vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot spine guide additional vessel vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vertebroplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp vertebroplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure spine guidance additional vessel vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp spine guide additional vessel vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp vertebroplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure spine guidance additional vessel vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp spine guide additional vessel vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp vertebroplasty with imaging guidance each additional level (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Extent:Additional Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF (7969-2443)
Extent:Additional Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:RF level
rf spine additional vertebroplasty (7969-2443)
RPID6634 ot guidance wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp wire placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp wire placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp wire placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp wire placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Wire Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (9935-0032) rf wire insert (9935-0032)
RPID6635 ot guidance additional area wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide additional area wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the for the purpose of wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp wire placement with imaging guidance additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp wire placement with imaging guidance additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the for the purpose of wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional area wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide additional area wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp wire placement with imaging guidance additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the for the purpose of wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance additional area wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide additional area wire placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp wire placement with imaging guidance additional (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Wire Extent:Additional Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (5984-5003)
Device:Wire Guidance:Insert Modality:RF additional
rf wire additional insert (5984-5003)
RPID6636 ot abd pelvis guide transurethral urinary trct nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance transurethral urinary tract nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance transurethral procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transurethral nephroureteral stent removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transurethral nephroureteral stent removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance transurethral procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance transurethral urinary tract nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide transurethral urinary trct nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transurethral nephroureteral stent removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance transurethral procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance transurethral urinary tract nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide transurethral urinary trct nephroureteral stent removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transurethral nephroureteral stent removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Device:Stent Guidance:Remove Modality:RF nephroureteral transurethral
Device:Stent Guidance:Remove Modality:RF nephroureteral transurethral
RPID6637 ot abd pelvis guide transurethral urinary trct nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance transurethral urinary tract nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance transurethral procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transurethral nephroureteral stent exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transurethral nephroureteral stent exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance transurethral procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance transurethral urinary tract nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide transurethral urinary trct nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transurethral nephroureteral stent exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance transurethral procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance transurethral urinary tract nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide transurethral urinary trct nephroureteral stent exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transurethral nephroureteral stent exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Device:Stent Guidance:Change Modality:RF nephroureteral transurethral
Device:Stent Guidance:Change Modality:RF nephroureteral transurethral
RPID6638 abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd pelvis sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen pelvis small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6639 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl ankle arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity ankle intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf le ankle intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl ankle arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl ankle arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity ankle intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf le ankle intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl ankle arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity ankle intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf le ankle intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (2675-2918)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:RF intraarticular
rf ankle arthrography w iarticular (2675-2918)
RPID664 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head fmri (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head functional mri (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head fmri (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head fmri (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR (6668-6263)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR fmri
mr head function (6668-6263)
RPID6640 abd sngl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen single contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd sngl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd sngl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Other Modality:RF ba intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Other Modality:RF barium intestine large
RPID6641 abd dbl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen double contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd dbl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd dbl cntrst lrg intest ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast large intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF ba intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF barium intestine large
RPID6642 abd dbl cntrst lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen double contrast large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl barium enema double contrast screening high risk (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd dbl cntrst lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd dbl cntrst lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF ba intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF barium intestine large
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM Context:Screening Modality:RF PRContrast:Air+Barium high risk
RPID6643 abd lrg intest intssptn ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen large intestine intussusception barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd lrg intest intssptn ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen large intestine intussusception barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd lrg intest intssptn ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen large intestine intussusception barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Reason:Intussusception barium intestine large
Anatomy:ABDOMEN ba intestine intssptn large
RPID6644 abd sngl cntrst lrg intest wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen single contrast large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd sngl cntrst lrg intest wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd sngl cntrst lrg intest wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast large intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:Other IXContrast:W Modality:RF intestine large soluble water
RPID6645 pelvis bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF (1873-7599) rf bladder pelvis drainage (1873-7599)
RPID6646 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable suprapubic procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl bladder drainage suprapubic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis suprapubic bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis suprapubic bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl bladder drainage suprapubic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable suprapubic procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl bladder drainage suprapubic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis suprapubic bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis suprapubic bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable suprapubic procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl bladder drainage suprapubic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis suprapubic bladder drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis suprapubic bladder drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF suprapubic
Anatomy:BLADDER Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF suprapubic
RPID6647 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fallopian tube in the pelvis for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl catheterization of fallopian tube (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis fallopian tube catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis fallopian tube cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl catheterization of fallopian tube (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fallopian tube in the pelvis for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl catheterization of fallopian tube (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis fallopian tube catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis fallopian tube cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fallopian tube in the pelvis for the purpose of catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl catheterization of fallopian tube (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis fallopian tube catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis fallopian tube cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:PELVIS Device:Catheter Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (1180-0346)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Guidance:Catheterization Modality:RF (7070-2522)
rf fallopian tube catheterization (7070-2522)
rf fallopian tube pelvis catheter insert (1180-0346)
RPID6648 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cerebral cisterns in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cisternogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy head cerebral cisterns intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf head cerebral cisterns intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cisternogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cerebral cisterns in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cisternogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head cerebral cisterns intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf head cerebral cisterns intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cerebral cisterns in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cisternogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head cerebral cisterns intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf head cerebral cisterns intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (9818-7602)
Anatomy:CISTERN IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (3150-9233)
Anatomy:CISTERN Modality:RF ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral (4512-1210)
rf brain cistern head cisternography cerebral w ithecal (9818-7602)
rf cistern cisternography cerebral (4512-1210)
rf cistern cisternography cerebral w ithecal (3150-9233)
RPID6649 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl oral cholecystogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl oral cholecystogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl oral cholecystogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl oral cholecystogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVContrast:W Modality:RF cholecystographic oral
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF oral
RPID665 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri not requiring a physician procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head fmri nophysician (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head functional mri not requiring a physician (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR ModalityType:Physician:NotRequired (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri not requiring a physician procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head fmri nophysician (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri not requiring a physician (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri not requiring a physician procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head fmri nophysician (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri not requiring a physician (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR ModalityType:Physician:NotRequired (1078-1090)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR fmri nophysician
mr head physician notrequired function (1078-1090)
RPID6650 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable post fatty meal imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholecystogram post fatty meal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen post fatty meal gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd pst ftty meal gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholecystogram post fatty meal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable post fatty meal imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cholecystogram post fatty meal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen post fatty meal gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd pst ftty meal gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable post fatty meal imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cholecystogram post fatty meal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen post fatty meal gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd pst ftty meal gallbladder oral cholecystographic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF Stimulation:Meal:Fatty WithinTemporalAspect:AFTER (8080-4273)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:W cholecystographic ftty oral pst
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVContrast:W Modality:RF Stimulation:Meal:Fatty WithinTemporalAspect:AFTER cholecystographic oral
rf gallbladder meal fatty after (8080-4273)
RPID6651 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen ivc contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholangiogram ivc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen biliary ducts ivc contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd bil dcts ivc contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholangiogram ivc (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen ivc contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cholangiogram ivc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen biliary ducts ivc contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd bil dcts ivc contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl intravenous cholangiogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen biliary ducts intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd bil dcts intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (0374-0722)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:INFERIORVENACAVA Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography (1929-9267)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT IVContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography (2300-7013)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF intravenous
rf abdomen bileduct inferior venacava w iduct (0374-0722)
rf bileduct cholangiography w iv (2300-7013)
rf bileduct inferior venacava cholangiography (1929-9267)
RPID6652 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholangiogram intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd intra-op bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholangiogram intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cholangiogram intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd intra-op bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cholangiogram intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd intra-op bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Context:Intraoperative IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (8015-2436)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography (1446-8777)
rf abdomen bileduct intraoperative w iduct (8015-2436)
rf bileduct cholangiography intraoperative (1446-8777)
RPID6653 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative additional views procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholangiogram intraoperative additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative additional views biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd intra-op add vws bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholangiogram intraoperative additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative additional views procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cholangiogram intraoperative additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative additional views biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd intra-op add vws bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative additional views procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cholangiogram intraoperative additional (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative additional views biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd intra-op add vws bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Context:Intraoperative IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ViewCount:Additional (4715-0067)
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Context:Intraoperative Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography additional
rf abdomen bileduct intraoperative w iduct additional views (4715-0067)
RPID6654 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholangiogram t-tube (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen biliary ducts t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd bil dcts t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholangiogram t-tube (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cholangiogram t-tube (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen biliary ducts t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd bil dcts t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cholangiogram t-tube (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen biliary ducts t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd bil dcts t-tube contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:TTube Anatomy:BILEDUCT Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography TTubeContrast:W (9206-3150)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ttube
rf bileduct cholangiography ttube w ttube (9206-3150)
RPID6655 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the intervertebral disc in the cervical spine intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine intervertebral disc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf c spine intervert dsc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the intervertebral disc in the cervical spine intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine intervertebral disc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf c spine intervert dsc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the intervertebral disc in the cervical spine intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cervical spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine intervertebral disc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf c spine intervert dsc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:RF Object:IntervertebralDisc (9987-2876) rf cspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (9987-2876)
RPID6656 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cervical spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf c spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cervical spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cervical spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf c spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cervical spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy cervical spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf c spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF (3143-7077)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (0759-9379)
rf cspine myelography (0759-9379)
rf cspine w ithecal (3143-7077)
RPID6657 pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis cystgrphy bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis cystography bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RG ModalityType:Cystography (7383-5740) rg bladder pelvis cystography w ivesical (7383-5740)
RPID6658 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis bladder intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DISCOURAGEDDISCOURAGEDMALFORMEDNAME)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DISCOURAGEDDISCOURAGEDMALFORMEDNAME)
rf pelvis bladder intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DISCOURAGEDDISCOURAGEDMALFORMEDNAME)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDDISCOURAGEDMALFORMEDNAME)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDDISCOURAGEDMALFORMEDNAME)
rf pelvis bladder intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DISCOURAGEDDISCOURAGEDMALFORMEDNAME)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:RF intravesical
RPID6659 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and urethra in the pelvis intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cystourethrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder urethra intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis bladder urethra intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cystourethrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and urethra in the pelvis intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cystourethrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder urethra intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis bladder urethra intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and urethra in the pelvis intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cystourethrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis bladder urethra intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis bladder urethra intravesical contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:URETHRA IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (5810-6018)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA IVContrast:W Modality:RF intravesical
rf bladder urethra cystography w ivesical (5810-6018)
RPID666 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri requiring a physician procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head fmri withphysician (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head functional mri requiring a physician (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR ModalityType:Physician:Required (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri requiring a physician procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head fmri withphysician (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri requiring a physician (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri requiring a physician procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head fmri withphysician (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri requiring a physician (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR ModalityType:Physician:Required (3739-3782)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR fmri withphysician
mr head physician required function (3739-3782)
RPID6660 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis barium for the purpose of rectal dysfunction (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl defecography (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis rectum rectal dysfunction barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis rectum rectal dysfunction ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl defecography (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis barium for the purpose of rectal dysfunction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl defecography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis rectum rectal dysfunction barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis rectum rectal dysfunction ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the pelvis barium for the purpose of rectal dysfunction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl defecography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis rectum rectal dysfunction barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis rectum rectal dysfunction ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF ModalityType:DuringDefecation PRContrast:W (0047-9611)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF ba dysfunction rectal
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM Modality:RF barium dysfunction rectal
rf rectum duringdefecation w pr (0047-9611)
RPID6661 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the duodenum in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl duodenography hypotonic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen duodenum barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd duodenum ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl duodenography hypotonic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the duodenum in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl duodenography hypotonic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen duodenum barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd duodenum ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the duodenum in the abdomen barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS)
fl duodenography hypotonic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen duodenum barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS)
rf abd duodenum ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Modality:RF ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Modality:RF barium
Modality:RF duodenography hypotonic
RPID6662 ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue arthro elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity arthrography elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (6065-1589) rf elbow upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (6065-1589)
RPID6663 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl ercp biliary (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd ercp bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl ercp biliary (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl ercp biliary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd ercp bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl ercp biliary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd ercp bil dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (2521-8350)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (7871-0792)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (4477-3400)
rf abdomen bileduct endoscopic retrograde w iduct (7871-0792)
rf abdomen bileduct pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (2521-8350)
rf bileduct pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (4477-3400)
RPID6664 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts and pancreatic ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl ercp biliary and pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts pancreatic ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd ercp bil dcts pancr dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl ercp biliary and pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts and pancreatic ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl ercp biliary and pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts pancreatic ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd ercp bil dcts pancr dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the biliary ducts and pancreatic ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl ercp biliary and pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde biliary ducts pancreatic ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd ercp bil dcts pancr dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (5755-9123)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (2521-8350)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (6341-3936)
rf abdomen bileduct pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (2521-8350)
rf abdomen bileduct pancreaticduct endoscopic retrograde w iduct (5755-9123)
rf bileduct pancreas pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (6341-3936)
RPID6665 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the pancreatic ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl ercp pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde pancreatic ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd ercp pancr dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl ercp pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the pancreatic ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl ercp pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde pancreatic ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd ercp pancr dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable endoscopic retrograde procedure focused on the pancreatic ducts in the abdomen biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl ercp pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen endoscopic retrograde pancreatic ducts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd ercp pancr dcts biliary contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (2521-8350)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (9171-9771)
Access:Endoscopic Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PANCREATICDUCT Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiopancreatography (6341-3936)
rf abdomen bileduct pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (2521-8350)
rf abdomen pancreaticduct endoscopic retrograde w iduct (9171-9771)
rf bileduct pancreas pancreaticduct cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde w iduct (6341-3936)
RPID6666 neck dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
neck double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
neck dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:NECK Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba phrnx
RPID6667 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow single contrast with video (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy chest single contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf chst sngl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow single contrast with video (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallow single contrast with video (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest single contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst sngl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallowing function single contrast with video (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest single contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst sngl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Other ba phrnx
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Function Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium swallowing video
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF Motility:Yes POContrast:Barium POContrast:Other video
RPID6668 chest double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow with video (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chest double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
fl esophagus barium swallow with video (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba phrnx
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF Motility:Yes POContrast:Barium video
RPID6669 chest single contrast pharynx esophagus water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst sngl cntrst phrnx esoph wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chest single contrast pharynx esophagus water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst sngl cntrst phrnx esoph wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest single contrast pharynx esophagus water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst sngl cntrst phrnx esoph wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX IVContrast:Other Modality:RF POContrast:W soluble water
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVContrast:Other Modality:RF POContrast:W phrnx soluble water
RPID667 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (2069-9348) mr forearm left upper extremity left (2069-9348)
RPID6670 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl fistula gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd gi tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl fistula gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl fistula gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd gi tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl fistula gastrointestinal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd gi tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (6098-1962)
Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus gastrointestinal
rf abdomen colon duodenum esophagus rectum small intestine stomach tract fistulaorsinus w itract (6098-1962)
RPID6671 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl fistula genitourinary (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen urinary tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd urinary trct fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl fistula genitourinary (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl fistula genitourinary (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen urinary tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd urinary trct fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl fistula genitourinary (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen urinary tract fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd urinary trct fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (3963-5105)
Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus genitourinary
rf abdomen bladder kidney ureter tract fistulaorsinus w itract (3963-5105)
RPID6672 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl fistula sinus tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl fistula sinus tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl fistula sinus tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the fistula contrast for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl fistula sinus tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf fistula fistula contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (5318-0066)
Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus tract
rf tract fistulaorsinus w itract (5318-0066)
RPID6673 abd gi tract fdng tube advnc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen gastrointestinal tract feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd gi tract fdng tube advnc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen gastrointestinal tract feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd gi tract fdng tube advnc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen gastrointestinal tract feeding tube advancement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube advnc fdng
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube:Feeding advancement
RPID6674 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl feeding tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen upper gi tract tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd upp gi trct tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl feeding tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl feeding tube check (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen upper gi tract tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd upp gi trct tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl feeding tube check (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen upper gi tract tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd upp gi trct tube injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (8062-3276)
Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (2553-1065)
Context:Check Device:Tube:Feeding Modality:RF (6075-8416)
rf abdomen duodenum esophagus stomach tube inject (8062-3276)
rf abdomen upper colon duodenum esophagus rectum small intestine stomach tube inject (2553-1065)
rf check tube feeding (6075-8416)
RPID6675 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl fleeding tube placement long (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd gi tract long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl fleeding tube placement long (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl fleeding tube placement long (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd gi tract long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl fleeding tube placement long (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gastrointestinal tract long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd gi tract long tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF long
Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF fleeding long
RPID6676 abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
RPID6677 abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen double contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd dbl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium
RPID6678 abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl upper gi single contrast with small bowel follow through water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Other WithinTemporalAspect:FOLLOWTHROUGH gastrointestinal soluble upper water
RPID6679 abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other ba
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other barium
RPID668 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (6366-2376) mr forearm right upper extremity right (6366-2376)
RPID6680 abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast upper gi tract water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other POContrast:W soluble water
RPID6681 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl tube change (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf guide tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl tube change (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl tube change (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf guide tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl tube change (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf guide tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF (3244-4437) rf tube change (3244-4437)
RPID6682 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl hip arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity hip intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf le hip intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl hip arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl hip arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity hip intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf le hip intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl hip arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity hip intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf le hip intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (3642-3643)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:RF intraarticular
rf hip arthrography w iarticular (3642-3643)
RPID6683 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tube in the pelvis intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl hysterosalpingogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis uterus fallopian tube intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis utrs fallopian tube intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl hysterosalpingogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tube in the pelvis intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl hysterosalpingogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis uterus fallopian tube intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis utrs fallopian tube intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tube in the pelvis intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl hysterosalpingogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis uterus fallopian tube intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis utrs fallopian tube intrauterine contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:W Modality:RF (1442-7740)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IVContrast:W Modality:RF intrauterine
rf fallopian tube uterus w iuterine (1442-7740)
RPID6684 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shunt contrast for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl injection non-vascular shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy injection shunt contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf inj shunt contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl injection non-vascular shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shunt contrast for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl injection non-vascular shunt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy injection shunt contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf inj shunt contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shunt contrast for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl injection non-vascular shunt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy injection shunt contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf inj shunt contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:NonVascular Guidance:Inject Modality:RF shunt
Guidance:Inject IVContrast:W Modality:RF shunt
RPID6685 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and tomography imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl intravenous urogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen tomography urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd tmgrphy urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl intravenous urogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and tomography imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl intravenous urogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen tomography urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd tmgrphy urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and tomography imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl intravenous urogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen tomography urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd tmgrphy urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W Modality:RF (7155-4612)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Tomography intravenous
rf bladder kidney ureter w iv (7155-4612)
RPID6686 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl intravenous urogram limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen limited urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd ltd urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl intravenous urogram limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl intravenous urogram limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen limited urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd ltd urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl intravenous urogram limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen limited urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd ltd urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:RF (2020-8030)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Extent:Limited IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF intravenous
rf bladder kidney ureter limited w iv (2020-8030)
RPID6687 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the extremity for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy extremity joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf ext jt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the extremity for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy extremity joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ext jt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the extremity for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy extremity joint aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ext jt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:JOINT Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (9837-3301)
Anatomy:JOINT Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (6945-7500)
Anatomy:JOINT Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF ext
rf extremity joint aspirate (9837-3301)
rf joint aspirate (6945-7500)
RPID6688 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of manometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd kidney manometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:RF manometry
Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:RF manometry
RPID6689 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl knee arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity knee intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf le knee intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl knee arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl knee arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity knee intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf le knee intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl knee arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lower extremity knee intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf le knee intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (8943-1917)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:RF intraarticular
rf knee arthrography w iarticular (8943-1917)
RPID669 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6048-6420) mr forearm left upper extremity left w iv (6048-6420)
RPID6690 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of lumbar puncture and diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl guidance for lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance lumbar puncture diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf guide lp diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl guidance for lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of lumbar puncture and diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl guidance for lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance lumbar puncture diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf guide lp diag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of lumbar puncture and diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl guidance for lumbar puncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance lumbar puncture diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf guide lp diag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Context:Diagnostic Guidance:Puncture Modality:RF (4235-8384)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Puncture Modality:RF (3784-4092)
Context:Diagnostic Guidance Modality:RF lp
rf lspine diagnostic puncture (4235-8384)
rf lspine puncture (3784-4092)
RPID6691 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl l-spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine intervertebral disc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf l spine intervert dsc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl l-spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl l-spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine intervertebral disc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf l spine intervert dsc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl l-spine discogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine intervertebral disc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf l spine intervert dsc intradiscal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IDiscContrast:W Modality:RF Object:IntervertebralDisc (5017-8101) rf lspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (5017-8101)
RPID6692 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl lumbar spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf l spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl lumbar spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl lumbar spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf l spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl lumbar spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy lumbar spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf l spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF (8432-6431)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (6358-5598)
rf lspine myelography (6358-5598)
rf lspine w ithecal (8432-6431)
RPID6693 intra-op lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
intra-operative less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
intra-op lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
intra-operative less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
intra-op lss th 1 hr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
intra-operative less than 1 hour (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Context:Intraoperative ProcedureDuration:LessThanOneHour
RPID6694 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small bowel loop diversion in the abdomen intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl loopogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen small bowel loop diversion intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd small bowel loop diversion intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl loopogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small bowel loop diversion in the abdomen intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl loopogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen small bowel loop diversion intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd small bowel loop diversion intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the small bowel loop diversion in the abdomen intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl loopogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen small bowel loop diversion intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd small bowel loop diversion intraloop contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:W diversion intraloop loop
Modality:RF loopogram
RPID6695 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl posterior fossa myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf head post fossa intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl posterior fossa myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl posterior fossa myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf head post fossa intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl posterior fossa myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf head post fossa intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF (1708-4472)
Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (7724-7111)
rf head posterior fossa w ithecal (1708-4472)
rf posterior fossa myelography (7724-7111)
RPID6696 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl posterior fossa myelogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa bilateral intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf head post fossa bilat intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl posterior fossa myelogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl posterior fossa myelogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa bilateral intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf head post fossa bilat intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl posterior fossa myelogram bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa bilateral intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf head post fossa bilat intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Both Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA:Both IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF (5268-0784)
Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA:Both Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (8358-4981)
rf head both posterior fossa both w ithecal (5268-0784)
rf posterior fossa both myelography (8358-4981)
RPID6697 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl posterior fossa myelogram unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa unilateral intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf head post fossa unilat intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl posterior fossa myelogram unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl posterior fossa myelogram unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa unilateral intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf head post fossa unilat intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the unilateral posterior cranial fossa in the head intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl posterior fossa myelogram unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head posterior cranial fossa unilateral intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf head post fossa unilat intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA:Unilateral IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF (3298-8036)
Anatomy:POSTERIORFOSSA:Unilateral Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (0871-8900)
rf head posterior fossa unilateral w ithecal (3298-8036)
rf posterior fossa unilateral myelography (0871-8900)
RPID6698 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary pouch in the pelvis intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pouchogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis urinary pouch intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis urinary pouch intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pouchogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary pouch in the pelvis intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl pouchogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis urinary pouch intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis urinary pouch intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the urinary pouch in the pelvis intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl pouchogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis urinary pouch intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis urinary pouch intra pouch contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:RF intrapouch pouch urinary
Modality:RF pouchogram
RPID6699 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable antegrade imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram antegrade (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen antegrade urinary tract collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd antgrde urinary trct collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram antegrade (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable antegrade imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram antegrade (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen antegrade urinary tract collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd antgrde urinary trct collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable antegrade imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram antegrade (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen antegrade urinary tract collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd antgrde urinary trct collecting system contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (0321-4605)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF collecting system
rf bladder kidney ureter antegrade w iduct (0321-4605)
RPID67 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (1884-1933) ct chest angiography (1884-1933)
RPID670 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1867-9498) mr forearm right upper extremity right w iv (1867-9498)
RPID6700 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable antegrade imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram antegrade nephrostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen antegrade urinary tract nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd antgrde urinary trct nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram antegrade nephrostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable antegrade imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram antegrade nephrostomy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen antegrade urinary tract nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd antgrde urinary trct nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable antegrade imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram antegrade nephrostomy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen antegrade urinary tract nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd antgrde urinary trct nephrostomy contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF nephrostomy
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF nephrostomy
RPID6701 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen retrograde urinary tract ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd rtrogrd urinary trct ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen retrograde urinary tract ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd rtrogrd urinary trct ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen retrograde urinary tract ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd rtrogrd urinary trct ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (5381-3557)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Device:Stent Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ureteral
rf bladder kidney ureter retrograde w iduct (5381-3557)
RPID6702 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the bilateral urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram retrograde bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen retrograde urinary tract bilateral ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd rtrogrd urinary trct bilat ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram retrograde bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the bilateral urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram retrograde bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen retrograde urinary tract bilateral ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd rtrogrd urinary trct bilat ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the bilateral urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram retrograde bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen retrograde urinary tract bilateral ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd rtrogrd urinary trct bilat ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER:Both Anatomy:KIDNEY:Both Anatomy:URETER:Both Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (6011-8553)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER:Both Anatomy:KIDNEY:Both Anatomy:URETER:Both Device:Stent Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ureteral
rf bladder both kidney both ureter both retrograde w iduct (6011-8553)
RPID6703 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative retrograde procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram retrograde intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative retrograde urinary tract ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd intra-op rtrogrd urinary trct ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl pyelogram retrograde intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative retrograde procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram retrograde intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative retrograde urinary tract ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd intra-op rtrogrd urinary trct ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable intra-operative retrograde procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl pyelogram retrograde intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen intra-operative retrograde urinary tract ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd intra-op rtrogrd urinary trct ureteral stent contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Context:Intraoperative Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (4654-6251)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Context:Intraoperative Device:Stent Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF ureteral
rf bladder kidney ureter intraoperative retrograde w iduct (4654-6251)
RPID6704 abd dbl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen double contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd dbl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd dbl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen double contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other (4534-8774) rf abdomen small intestine air+other po (4534-8774)
RPID6705 abd sngl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen single contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd sngl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd sngl cntrst sm int (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen single contrast small intestine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Other (4786-8863) rf abdomen small intestine other po (4786-8863)
RPID6706 head saliv calc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head saliv calc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head for the purpose of calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
fl salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head saliv calc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head salivary gland calculus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RF Object:Calculus (0847-0097)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Modality:RF Object:Calculus (6157-2224)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Object:Calculus
Anatomy:HEAD Object:Calculus saliv
rf head salivary gland calculus (0847-0097)
rf salivary gland calculus (6157-2224)
RPID6707 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl salivary gland sialogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy head salivary gland salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf head saliv salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl salivary gland sialogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl salivary gland sialogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head salivary gland salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf head saliv salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland in the head salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl salivary gland sialogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head salivary gland salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf head saliv salivary duct contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (7026-2697)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IVContrast:W Modality:RF duct salivary
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:RF duct saliv salivary
rf salivary gland w iduct (7026-2697)
RPID6708 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl shoulder arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity shoulder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf ue shlder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl shoulder arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl shoulder arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity shoulder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ue shlder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl shoulder arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity shoulder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ue shlder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (5123-8124)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:RF intraarticular
rf shoulder arthrography w iarticular (5123-8124)
RPID6709 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl shoulder arthrogram limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity limited shoulder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf ue ltd shlder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl shoulder arthrogram limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl shoulder arthrogram limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity limited shoulder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ue ltd shlder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl shoulder arthrogram limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity limited shoulder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ue ltd shlder intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Arthrography:Yes Extent:Limited IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (6669-0009)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:RF intraarticular
rf shoulder arthrography limited w iarticular (6669-0009)
RPID671 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8815-7034) mr forearm left upper extremity left wo+w iv (8815-7034)
RPID6710 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF (7413-1049)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (4048-6984)
rf spine myelography (4048-6984)
rf spine w ithecal (7413-1049)
RPID6711 chest diaphragm sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst dphrgm snff tst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chest diaphragm sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst dphrgm snff tst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest diaphragm sniff test (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst dphrgm snff tst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:DIAPHRAGM FunctionalCondition:Inspiration:Rapid
Anatomy:CHEST dphrgm snff tst
RPID6712 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the seminal vesicle in the pelvis seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl seminal vesiculogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis seminal vesicle seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis seminal vesicle seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl seminal vesiculogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the seminal vesicle in the pelvis seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl seminal vesiculogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis seminal vesicle seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis seminal vesicle seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the seminal vesicle in the pelvis seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl seminal vesiculogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis seminal vesicle seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis seminal vesicle seminal vesicle contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SEMINALVESICLE IVContrast:W Modality:RF (0238-1932)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SEMINALVESICLE IVContrast:W Modality:RF seminal vesicle
Modality:RF seminal vesiculogram
rf pelvis seminalvesicle w iv (0238-1932)
RPID6713 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and speech pathology double contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow with video and speech (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy chest speech pathology double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf chst sp path dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl esophagus barium swallow with video and speech (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and speech pathology double contrast imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallow with video and speech (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest speech pathology double contrast pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst sp path dbl cntrst phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable speech pathology procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallowing function with video and speech (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest speech pathology pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst sp path phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium pathology speech
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF barium pathology speech
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba path phrnx sp
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF ba path phrnx sp
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Function Modality:RF barium speech swallowing video
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF Motility:Yes POContrast:Barium speech video
RPID6714 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl temporomandibular joint arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy head temporomandibular joint intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf head tmj intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl temporomandibular joint arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl temporomandibular joint arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head temporomandibular joint intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf head tmj intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporomandibular joint in the head intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl temporomandibular joint arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy head temporomandibular joint intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf head tmj intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (0932-1946)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT IVContrast:W Modality:RF intraarticular
rf temporomandibular joint arthrography w iarticular (0932-1946)
RPID6715 tmgrphy ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tmgrphy ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
tomography limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Extent:Limited ModalityType:Tomography
RPID6716 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl thoracic spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy thoracic spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf t spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl thoracic spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl thoracic spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy thoracic spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf t spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl thoracic spine myelogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy thoracic spine intrathecal contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf t spine intrathecal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF (2198-7352)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (0075-7542)
rf tspine myelography (0075-7542)
rf tspine w ithecal (2198-7352)
RPID6717 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the urethra in the pelvis urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl urethrogram retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis retrograde urethra urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis rtrogrd urethra urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl urethrogram retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the urethra in the pelvis urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl urethrogram retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis retrograde urethra urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis rtrogrd urethra urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the urethra in the pelvis urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl urethrogram retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis retrograde urethra urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis rtrogrd urethra urethral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA Direction:Retrograde IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF urethral
Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF urethrogram
RPID6718 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable voiding procedure focused on the bladder and urethra in the pelvis bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl voiding cystourethrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis voiding bladder urethra bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis vdng bladder urethra bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl voiding cystourethrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable voiding procedure focused on the bladder and urethra in the pelvis bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl voiding cystourethrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis voiding bladder urethra bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis vdng bladder urethra bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable voiding procedure focused on the bladder and urethra in the pelvis bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl voiding cystourethrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis voiding bladder urethra bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis vdng bladder urethra bladder contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA FunctionalCondition:Voiding IVContrast:W Modality:RF (5355-2540)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:URETHRA FunctionalCondition:Voiding IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (6909-9300)
rf bladder pelvis urethra voiding w iv (5355-2540)
rf bladder urethra cystography voiding w ivesical (6909-9300)
RPID6719 abd whit tst urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen whitaker test urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abd whit tst urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen whitaker test urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd whit tst urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen whitaker test urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Access:Percutaneous Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Direction:Antegrade IRenalPelvisContrast:W Measurement:Pressure Modality:RF (8571-7745) rf abdomen bladder kidney ureter percutaneous antegrade w irenalpelvis pressure (8571-7745)
RPID672 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right forearm in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5263-4884) mr forearm right upper extremity right wo+w iv (5263-4884)
RPID6720 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl wrist arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity wrist intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf ue wrist intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl wrist arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl wrist arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity wrist intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf ue wrist intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl wrist arthrogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy upper extremity wrist intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf ue wrist intraarticular contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:RF (8899-9533)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:RF intraarticular
rf wrist arthrography w iarticular (8899-9533)
RPID6721 abd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
RPID6722 abd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abdomen vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (9931-2116)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL ModalityType:Doppler
us abdominal vessel doppler (9931-2116)
RPID6723 abd ltd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen limited vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Extent:Limited ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abd ltd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen limited vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd ltd vssls dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen limited vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (1824-9325)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Extent:Limited ModalityType:Doppler
us abdomen vessel doppler limited (1824-9325)
RPID6724 abd ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited
RPID6725 abd ltd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd ltd liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen limited liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Extent:Limited
RPID6726 abd ltd panc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd ltd panc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen limited pancreas (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Extent:Limited
RPID6727 abd ltd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abd ltd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd ltd spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen limited spleen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN Extent:Limited
RPID6728 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen wall in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound abdomen abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abd abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ABDOMENWALL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen wall in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abd abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen wall in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound abdomen abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abd abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us abdomen wall (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ABDOMENWALL Modality:US (7490-0346)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:US abdomen wall
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:US wall
us abdomen abdomen wall (7490-0346)
RPID6729 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta and iliac vessels with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound aorta iliac vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us aorta iliac vessels dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us aorta iliac vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:ILIACVESSEL Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us aorta iliac vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta and iliac vessels with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound aorta iliac vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us aorta iliac vessels dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us aorta iliac vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta and iliac vessels with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound aorta iliac vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us aorta iliac vessels dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us aorta iliac vessels doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:ILIACVESSEL Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2188-9018) us aorta iliac vessel doppler (2188-9018)
RPID673 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (5421-7898) mr foot left lower extremity left (5421-7898)
RPID6730 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the aorta and iliac vessels with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound limited aorta iliac vessels follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us aorta iliac vessels doppler limted/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ltd aorta iliac vessels foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:ILIACVESSEL BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us aorta iliac vessels doppler limted/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the aorta and iliac vessels with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited aorta iliac vessels follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us aorta iliac vessels doppler limted/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ltd aorta iliac vessels foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the aorta and iliac vessels with a technique of doppler for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited aorta iliac vessels follow-up procedure doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us aorta iliac vessels doppler limted/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ltd aorta iliac vessels foll up dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:ILIACVESSEL BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2179-2963) us aorta iliac vessel doppler followup limited (2179-2963)
RPID6731 Anatomy:BREAST (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
RPID6732 breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6733 breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guidance additional area same body region cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst (9683-8335)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst additional ar bd rg sm
rf breast left cyst additional aspirate (9683-8335)
RPID6734 breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guidance additional area same body region cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide add ar sm bd rg cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst (9046-1530)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Aspirate
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst additional ar bd rg sm
rf breast right cyst additional aspirate (9046-1530)
RPID6735 breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guidance cyst left aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide cyst lt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst (3064-5636)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Anatomy:CYST:Left Guidance:Aspirate
rf breast left cyst aspirate (3064-5636)
RPID6736 breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guidance cyst right aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide cyst rt asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF Object:Cyst (1685-6379)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Anatomy:CYST:Right Guidance:Aspirate
rf breast right cyst aspirate (1685-6379)
RPID6737 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (3438-9163)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (5205-5519)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US core
rf breast left biopsy (3438-9163)
us breast left biopsy (5205-5519)
RPID6738 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (6128-1274)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (1091-3144)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US core
rf breast right biopsy (6128-1274)
us breast right biopsy (1091-3144)
RPID6739 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy vacuum with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast biopsy vacuum with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy vacuum with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy vacuum with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:US (0552-7653)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US as vac
us breast left biopsy vacuumassisted (0552-7653)
RPID674 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (1429-6530) mr foot right lower extremity right (1429-6530)
RPID6740 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy vacuum with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast biopsy vacuum with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy vacuum with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy vacuum with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:US (4945-1989)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US as vac
us breast right biopsy vacuumassisted (4945-1989)
RPID6741 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of needle core for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance left biopsy needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy needle core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide lt bx needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle:Core Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast biopsy needle core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of needle core for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left biopsy needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy needle core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt bx needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast with a technique of needle core for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left biopsy needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy needle core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt bx needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle:Core Modality:US (7075-8618)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US core needle
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:US core
us breast left biopsy biopsy needle core (7075-8618)
RPID6742 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of needle core for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance right biopsy needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy needle core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide rt bx needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle:Core Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast biopsy needle core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of needle core for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right biopsy needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy needle core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt bx needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast with a technique of needle core for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right biopsy needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy needle core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt bx needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle:Core Modality:US (0613-1015)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US core needle
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:US core
us breast right biopsy biopsy needle core (0613-1015)
RPID6743 breast left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6744 breast right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6745 Anatomy:CHEST (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
RPID6746 chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst axilla (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:AXILLA Anatomy:CHEST (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest axilla (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst axilla (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:AXILLA Anatomy:CHEST
RPID6747 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the carpal tunnel in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound upper extremity carpal tunnel injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us carpal tunnel injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ue crp tun inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CARPALTUNNEL Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us carpal tunnel injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the carpal tunnel in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity carpal tunnel injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us carpal tunnel injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ue crp tun inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the carpal tunnel in the upper extremity for the purpose of injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound upper extremity carpal tunnel injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us carpal tunnel injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ue crp tun inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CARPALTUNNEL Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:US (9547-4282)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:US View:Tunnel carpal
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:US crp tun
Guidance:Inject Modality:US View:Tunnel carpal
us carpaltunnel upper extremity inject (9547-4282)
RPID6748 ue elbow inj (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue elbow inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity elbow injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (2258-1146)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Guidance:Inject
rf elbow upper extremity inject (2258-1146)
RPID675 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3876-9759) mr foot left lower extremity left w iv (3876-9759)
RPID6750 abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abd gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
abdomen gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6751 head dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0191-5919)
Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Doppler
us head doppler (0191-5919)
RPID6752 head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2025-9175)
Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited ModalityType:Doppler
us head doppler limited (2025-9175)
RPID6753 infant head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
infnt head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
infant head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infant head limited doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
infnt head ltd dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (5331-2462)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited ModalityType:Doppler
us head doppler infant limited (5331-2462)
RPID6754 head neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
head neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head neck sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
head neck soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Object:Tissue:Soft
RPID6755 pediatric head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
peds head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pediatric head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pediatric head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HEAD
RPID6756 pediatric lower extremity limited with physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
peds le ltd w phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Limited ModalityType:Physician:Manipulation:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pediatric lower extremity limited with physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
peds le ltd w phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pediatric lower extremity limited with physician manipulation hip bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
peds le ltd w phy man hip bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:HIP:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Extent:Limited ModalityType:Physician:Manipulation:W
RPID6757 chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART
RPID6758 chest heart doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst heart dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest heart doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst heart dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest heart doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst heart dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
us heart doppler ed (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (4261-6624)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:Doppler
Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler ed
us chest heart doppler (4261-6624)
RPID6759 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis kidney transplant doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us kidney transplant doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis kidney transplant dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS:Transplant Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us kidney transplant doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of transplant (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis kidney transplant doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us kidney transplant doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis kidney transplant dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the pelvis with a technique of doppler for the purpose of transplant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis kidney transplant doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us kidney transplant doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis kidney transplant dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS:Transplant Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0793-7648)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (8072-8635)
Anatomy:KIDNEY:Transplant Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (3241-8693)
us kidney pelvis transplant doppler (0793-7648)
us kidney transplant doppler (3241-8693)
us kidney transplant pelvis doppler (8072-8635)
RPID676 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4790-6181) mr foot right lower extremity right w iv (4790-6181)
RPID6760 le sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Object:Tissue:Soft
RPID6761 le ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited
RPID6762 guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert
Guidance:Insert Modality:RF needle
RPID6763 neck parotid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
neck parotid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PAROTIDGLAND (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
neck parotid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck parotid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck parotid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6764 neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARATHYROID (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck para thyr gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck parathyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6765 guidance intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
guide intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
guidance intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guide intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guidance intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guide intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance Modality:RF (8634-6035)
Context:Intraoperative Guidance
rf intraoperative guidance (8634-6035)
RPID6766 pelvis limited less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis ltd lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis limited less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ltd lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis limited less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ltd lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited
RPID6767 pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis grt th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric
RPID6768 pelvis greater than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis grt th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis greater than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis grt th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis greater than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis grt th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional
RPID6769 pelvis gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible
RPID677 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8802-6049) mr foot left lower extremity left wo+w iv (8802-6049)
RPID6770 pelvis add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis add gest prgncy fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis additional gestation pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible
RPID6771 pelvis less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis less than 14 weeks additional gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis lss th 14 wks add gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional
RPID6772 pelvis gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric
RPID6773 pelvis add gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis additional gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis add gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis additional gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis add gest prgncy foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis additional gestation pregnancy follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional
RPID6774 pelvis limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis limited gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ltd gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Limited
RPID6775 pelvis gest mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis gest mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gest mca prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation middle cerebral artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (2641-9223)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:MIDDLECEREBRALARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric ModalityType:Doppler
us gravid uterus middle cerebral artery doppler obstetric (2641-9223)
RPID6776 pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis grt th 14 wks gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis grt th 14 wks gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis greater than 14 weeks gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis grt th 14 wks gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:SecondOrThirdTrimester Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2
RPID6777 pelvis gest twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis gestation twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis gest twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gest twn preg fet abn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation twin pregnancy fetal abnormality (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 Reason:PossibleFetalAbnormality
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric FetusCount:2 ModalityType:Anatomy:Fetus Reason:Abnormality:Fetus:Possible
RPID6778 pelvis add gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis additional gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional FetusCount:2 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis add gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis additional gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis add gest twn preg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis additional gestation twin pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional FetusCount:2
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Extent:Additional FetusCount:2
RPID6779 pelvis less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis less than 14 weeks gestation pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis lss th 14 wks gest prgncy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS ClinicalTemporalAspect:FirstTrimester Context:Obstetric
RPID678 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9032-6766) mr foot right lower extremity right wo+w iv (9032-6766)
RPID6780 pelvis gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gest prgncy trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation pregnancy trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric
RPID6781 pelvis gest um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis gestation umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis gest um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gest um art prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation umbilical artery pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (5067-7374)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UMBILICALARTERY Context:Obstetric ModalityType:Doppler
us gravid uterus umbilical artery doppler obstetric (5067-7374)
RPID6782 pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
RPID6783 pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis bladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS
RPID6784 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the groin and pseudoaneurysm in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Object:Pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis groin pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the groin and pseudoaneurysm in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis groin pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis groin psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis groin pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the groin and pseudoaneurysm in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis groin pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis groin psaneur (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis groin pseudoaneurysm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INGUINOFEMORALREGION Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US Object:Pseudoaneurysm (1414-2685) us inguinofemoral region pelvis pseudoaneurysm (1414-2685)
RPID6785 pelvis hysterosonography uterus doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis hystsngrphy utrs dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:Saline ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis hysterosonography uterus doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis hystsngrphy utrs dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis hysterosonography uterus doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis hystsngrphy utrs dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:Saline Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0295-4178)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:Saline ModalityType:Doppler
us pelvis uterus doppler saline iuterine (0295-4178)
RPID6786 pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited
RPID6787 pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis ovary trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Reason:Torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ovary trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ovary torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ovary trsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:OVARY Anatomy:PELVIS Reason:Torsion
RPID6788 pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis appx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:APPENDIX Anatomy:PELVIS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis appendix (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis appx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6789 pelvis trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:PELVIS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis trans-vaginal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis trnsvag (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Access:Transvaginal Anatomy:PELVIS
RPID679 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR (7564-9899) mr brain head (7564-9899)
RPID6790 an ultrasound radiology orderable baseline imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis baseline in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis baseline in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis in vitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:Baseline Modality:US Reason:IVF (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis in vitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable baseline imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis baseline in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis baseline in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis in vitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable baseline imaging procedure focused on the pelvis for the purpose of in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis baseline in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis baseline in vitro fertilization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis in vitro fertilization baseline (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS BetweenTemporalAspect:Baseline Modality:US Reason:IVF (8791-7623) us pelvis baseline ivf (8791-7623)
RPID6791 pelvis limited penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis ltd penis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Extent:Limited ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis limited penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ltd penis dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis limited penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis ltd penis dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (4499-2014)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PENIS Extent:Limited ModalityType:Doppler
us pelvis penis doppler limited (4499-2014)
RPID6792 pelvis prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis prost trnsrectl (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis prostate trans-rectal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE trnsrectl
RPID6793 an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US Reason:Measurement:Volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us prostate transrectal volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis volume quantification prostate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis vol quant prost (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us prostate transrectal volume (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable volume quantification imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis volume quantification prostate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis vol quant prost (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us prostate transrectal volume (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US Reason:Measurement:Volume (8084-4041)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US volume
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US quant vol
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:US quantification volume
us pelvis prostate measurement volume (8084-4041)
RPID6794 retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6795 retro aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
retro aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
retroperitoneum aorta (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:AORTA Direction:Retrograde
RPID6796 guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
us retroperitoneum guidance biopsy mass (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (6881-8197)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US Object:Mass (0345-3320)
Direction:Retrograde Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (4355-1644)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy
rf retrograde biopsy (4355-1644)
rf retroperitoneum biopsy (6881-8197)
us retroperitoneum mass biopsy (0345-3320)
RPID6797 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum and kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound retroperitoneum kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us retro kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us retroperitoneum kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:KIDNEYVESSEL Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us retroperitoneum kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum and kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound retroperitoneum kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us retro kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum and kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound retroperitoneum kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us retro kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us retroperitoneum kidney vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KIDNEYVESSEL Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (6696-5080)
Anatomy:RENALVESSEL Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:US (6799-4374)
Anatomy:RENALVESSEL Direction:Retrograde Modality:US (9275-2564)
us kidney vessel retroperitoneum (6696-5080)
us renal vessel retrograde (9275-2564)
us renal vessel retroperitoneum (6799-4374)
RPID6798 limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ltd retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
limited retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Extent:Limited
Direction:Retrograde Extent:Limited
RPID6799 pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis scrotum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SCROTUM
RPID68 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (6703-6717) ct pelvis angiography (6703-6717)
RPID680 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (9692-4593) mr hand left upper extremity left (9692-4593)
RPID6800 pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Reason:Torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis testicles torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis tstcls trsn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
us scrotum torsion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:SCROTUM Modality:US Reason:Torsion (6591-1367)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TESTES Reason:Torsion
us scrotum torsion (6591-1367)
RPID6801 pediatric spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
peds spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:SPINE (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pediatric spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pediatric spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
peds spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:SPINE
RPID6802 neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
neck thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID
RPID6803 ue sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Object:Tissue:Soft (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue sft tiss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity soft tissue (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Object:Tissue:Soft
RPID6804 ue arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6805 ue ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ue ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
ue ltd veins unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity limited veins unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Unilateral Anatomy:VEIN:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited
RPID6806 intra-op (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Context:Intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
intra-operative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6807 tendon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
tndn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TENDON (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
RPID6808 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:US (8361-2314)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:US Object:Specimen (4628-7694)
us breast left localize needle (8361-2314)
us breast left specimen localize needle (4628-7694)
RPID6809 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:US (5491-5604)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:US Object:Specimen (8661-8386)
us breast right localize needle (5491-5604)
us breast right specimen localize needle (8661-8386)
RPID681 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (2089-7866) mr hand right upper extremity right (2089-7866)
RPID6810 an ultrasound radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the bilateral carotid artery with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound complete carotid artery bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us carotid doppler bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us cmplt carotid artery bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us carotid doppler bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the bilateral carotid artery with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound complete carotid artery bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us carotid doppler bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us cmplt carotid artery bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable complete procedure focused on the bilateral carotid artery with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound complete carotid artery bilateral doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us carotid doppler bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us cmplt carotid artery bilat dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY:Both Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (3238-1996) us carotid artery both doppler (3238-1996)
RPID6811 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the carotid artery with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound limited carotid artery doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us carotid doppler limited/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ltd carotid artery dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us carotid doppler limited/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the carotid artery with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited carotid artery doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us carotid doppler limited/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ltd carotid artery dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the carotid artery with a technique of doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound limited carotid artery doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us carotid doppler limited/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ltd carotid artery dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (7253-3947)
Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Extent:Limited Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (3810-5581)
us carotid artery doppler followup limited (7253-3947)
us carotid artery doppler limited (3810-5581)
RPID6812 chest heart flow velocity doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
chst heart flow velo dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:Doppler ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
chest heart flow velocity doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst heart flow velo dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chest heart flow velocity doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
chst heart flow velo dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (5866-2692)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:Doppler ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity
us chest heart doppler flow measurement velocity (5866-2692)
RPID6813 le arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6814 le ltd arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity limited arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us lower extremity vessels arteries limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
le ltd arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity limited arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
us lower extremity vessels arteries limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
le ltd arts unilat foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity limited arteries unilateral follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
us lower extremity vessels arteries limited/unilateral/follow up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVESSEL:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:US (6586-3480)
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited
Anatomy:ARTERY:Unilateral Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Unilateral BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited
us artery lower extremity vessel unilateral followup limited (6586-3480)
RPID6815 le veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
lower extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
lower extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
lower extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
RPID6816 breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Insert Modality:RF needle
RPID6817 pelvis gest prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
pelvis gestation pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric ModalityType:Doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
pelvis gest prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gest prgncy dop (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
pelvis gestation pregnancy doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (1381-6580)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obstetric ModalityType:Doppler
us gravid uterus doppler obstetric (1381-6580)
RPID6818 penis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PENIS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
RPID6819 ue veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
upper extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
upper extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the veins in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
upper extremity veins (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDERRONEOUSMISSINGMODALITY)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:VEIN Modality:US (3195-4696)
us upper extremity vein (3195-4696)
RPID682 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5442-2158) mr hand left upper extremity left w iv (5442-2158)
RPID6820 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl feeding tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf guide tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl feeding tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl feeding tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf guide tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl feeding tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy guidance tube insertion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf guide tube plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (9596-9879)
Device:Tube:Feeding Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (3287-3804)
rf tube feeding insert (3287-3804)
rf tube insert (9596-9879)
RPID6821 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis with a technique of post void (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound pelvis bladder post void (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis bladder post void (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pelvis bladder post-void residual (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:PostVoiding (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us pelvis bladder post-void residual (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis with a technique of post void (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis bladder post void (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis bladder post void (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pelvis bladder post-void residual (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis with a technique of post void (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound pelvis bladder post void (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis bladder post void (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pelvis bladder post-void residual (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US ModalityType:PostVoiding (2985-4158)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US WithinTemporalAspect:AFTER residual void
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:US WithinTemporalAspect:AFTER void
us bladder pelvis postvoiding (2985-4158)
RPID6822 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound extremity musculoskeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ext msk (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us extremity musculoskeletal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us extremity musculoskeletal (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity musculoskeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext msk (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us extremity musculoskeletal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity musculoskeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext msk (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us extremity musculoskeletal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Modality:US (1517-7133)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:US musculoskeletal
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Modality:US musculoskeletal system
Modality:US ext msk
us extremity musculoskeletalsystem (1517-7133)
RPID6823 an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound extremity limited musculoskeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us ext ltd msk (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us extremity musculoskeletal limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Extent:Limited Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us extremity musculoskeletal limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity limited musculoskeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us ext ltd msk (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us extremity musculoskeletal limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the musculoskeletal system in the extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound extremity limited musculoskeletal system (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us ext ltd msk (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us extremity musculoskeletal limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:MUSCULOSKELETALSYSTEM Extent:Limited Modality:US (7906-8288)
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Extent:Limited Modality:US musculoskeletal
Anatomy:EXTREMITY Extent:Limited Modality:US musculoskeletal system
Extent:Limited Modality:US ext msk
us extremity musculoskeletalsystem limited (7906-8288)
RPID6824 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of aspiration and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance left aspiration fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy fine needle with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide lt asp fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast biopsy fine needle with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of aspiration and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left aspiration fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy fine needle with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt asp fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of aspiration and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left aspiration fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy fine needle with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt asp fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (7090-4298)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (7901-4643)
us breast left aspirate aspirate needle fine (7090-4298)
us breast left aspirate needle fine (7901-4643)
RPID6825 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of aspiration and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance right aspiration fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy fine needle with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide rt asp fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us breast biopsy fine needle with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of aspiration and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right aspiration fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy fine needle with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt asp fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of aspiration and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right aspiration fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy fine needle with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt asp fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (2786-8247)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:US (1056-4022)
us breast right aspirate aspirate needle fine (2786-8247)
us breast right aspirate needle fine (1056-4022)
RPID6826 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound penile vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us pen vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:PENILEVESSEL Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
us penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound penile vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us pen vessels (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the penile vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound penile vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us pen vessels (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us penis doppler (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PENILEVESSEL Modality:US (8311-5189)
Anatomy:PENIS Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US (2912-8568)
Anatomy:PENIS Modality:US ModalityType:Doppler (0834-1345)
Anatomy:VESSEL Modality:US pen
us penile vessel (8311-5189)
us penis doppler (0834-1345)
us penis vessel (2912-8568)
RPID6827 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable t-tube cholangiography through existing catheter procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd t-tube chlngrphy through existing cathete gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen t-tube cholangiography through existing catheter gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cholangiogram through existing catheter with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa cholangiogram through existing catheter with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable t-tube cholangiography through existing catheter procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd t-tube chlngrphy through existing cathete gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen t-tube cholangiography through existing catheter gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa cholangiogram through existing catheter with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable t-tube cholangiography through existing catheter procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd t-tube chlngrphy through existing cathete gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen t-tube cholangiography through existing catheter gallbladder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa cholangiogram through existing catheter with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:TTube Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Angio:Angiography Device:Catheter Modality:XA ModalityType:Cholangiography TTubeContrast:W existing through
Access:TTube Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Device:Catheter Modality:RF ModalityType:Cholangiography TTubeContrast:W existing through
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Angio:Angiography Modality:XA cathete chlngrphy existing through ttube
Anatomy:BILEDUCT Angio:Angiography Device:Catheter Guidance Modality:XA ModalityType:Cholangiography existing through
RPID6828 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography through existing catheter procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa dialysis fistulagram existing catheter/needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistogrphy through existing cathete (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa fistulography through existing catheter (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa dialysis fistulagram existing catheter/needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography through existing catheter procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa dialysis fistulagram existing catheter/needle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy through existing cathete (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa fistulography through existing catheter (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable fistulography through existing catheter procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa dialysis fistulagram existing catheter/needle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistogrphy through existing cathete (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa fistulography through existing catheter (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography Device:Catheter ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus existing through
Angio:Angiography Device:Catheter Modality:XA dialysis existing fistulagram needle
Angio:Angiography ITractContrast:W Modality:XA Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus cathete existing through
Device:Catheter ITractContrast:W Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus existing through
RPID6829 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable nephrostography through existing catheter procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd pelvis nphrgrphy through existing cathete urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen pelvis nephrostography through existing catheter urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa nephrostogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa nephrostogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable nephrostography through existing catheter procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd pelvis nphrgrphy through existing cathete urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen pelvis nephrostography through existing catheter urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa nephrostogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable nephrostography through existing catheter procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
xa abd pelvis nphrgrphy through existing cathete urinary trct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
xa abdomen pelvis nephrostography through existing catheter urinary tract (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
xa nephrostogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography Device:Catheter Modality:XA existing nephrostography through
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography Modality:XA cathete existing nphrgrphy through
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Device:Catheter Modality:RF existing nephrostography through
Angio:Angiography Modality:XA nephrostogram
RPID683 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9106-9506) mr hand right upper extremity right w iv (9106-9506)
RPID6830 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral aorta and arteries in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd pelvis le arteriography aorta arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen aorta bilateral lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen pelvis lower extremity arteriography aorta arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen aorta bilateral lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral aorta and arteries in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd pelvis le arteriography aorta arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen aorta bilateral lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen pelvis lower extremity arteriography aorta arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable arteriography procedure focused on the bilateral aorta and arteries in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd pelvis le arteriography aorta arts bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen aorta bilateral lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen pelvis lower extremity arteriography aorta arteries bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (8229-8403)
Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Arteriography Modality:XA (3482-4664)
xa abdomen aorta artery both lower extremity both pelvis both arteriography (8229-8403)
xa abdominal aorta lower extremity both arteriography (3482-4664)
RPID6831 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable urethrography procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abd pelvis urthrgrphy urtr (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa abdomen pelvis urethrography ureter (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ureterogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa ureterogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable urethrography procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abd pelvis urthrgrphy urtr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa abdomen pelvis urethrography ureter (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa ureterogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ureter in the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abd pelvis urtr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa abdomen pelvis ureter (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa ureterogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography Modality:XA (5940-4968)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF (7737-1564)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography Modality:XA urethrography
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography Modality:XA urthrgrphy
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Modality:RF urethrography
Angio:Angiography Modality:XA ureterogram
rf abdomen pelvis ureter (7737-1564)
xa abdomen pelvis ureter angiography (5940-4968)
RPID6832 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral jugular vein in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa internal jugular vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck veno jugular vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck venography jugular vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa internal jugular vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral jugular vein in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa internal jugular vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck veno jugular vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck venography jugular vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the bilateral jugular vein in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa internal jugular vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck veno jugular vein bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck venography jugular vein bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INTERNALJUGULARVEIN:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (4256-3283)
Anatomy:JUGULARVEIN:Both Anatomy:NECK:Both Angio:Venography Modality:XA (9080-6362)
xa internal jugular vein both venography (4256-3283)
xa jugular vein both neck both venography (9080-6362)
RPID6833 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral jugular vein in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa internal jugular vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck veno jugular vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa neck venography jugular vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa internal jugular vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral jugular vein in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa internal jugular vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck veno jugular vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa neck venography jugular vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the unilateral jugular vein in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa internal jugular vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck veno jugular vein unilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa neck venography jugular vein unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:INTERNALJUGULARVEIN:Unilateral Angio:Venography Modality:XA (1896-9240)
Anatomy:JUGULARVEIN:Unilateral Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography Modality:XA (7519-9975)
xa internal jugular vein unilateral venography (1896-9240)
xa jugular vein unilateral neck venography (7519-9975)
RPID6834 ot guidance trans-hepatic transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide trans-hepatic transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance trans-hepatic procedure focused on the for the purpose of transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transhepatic tube revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transhepatic tube revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance trans-hepatic procedure focused on the for the purpose of transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance trans-hepatic transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide trans-hepatic transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transhepatic tube revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance trans-hepatic procedure focused on the for the purpose of transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance trans-hepatic transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide trans-hepatic transhepatic tube revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transhepatic tube revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transhepatic Device:Tube Guidance:Revise Modality:RF (9333-8052)
Access:Transhepatic Device:Tube Guidance:Revise Modality:RF transhepatic
rf transhepatic tube revise (9333-8052)
RPID6835 ot guidance transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide tips placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tips excluding embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tips excluding embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide tips placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tips excluding embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide tips placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tips excluding embolization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Shunt:Portosystemic:Intrahepatic:Transjugular Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (2313-7158)
Device:Shunt:Portosystemic:Intrahepatic:Transjugular Guidance:Embolization Guidance:Insert Modality:XA excluding
rf shunt portosystemic intrahepatic transjugular insert (2313-7158)
RPID6836 ot guidance transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide tips revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tips revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tips revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide tips revision (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tips revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide tips revision (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tips revision with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Shunt:Portosystemic:Intrahepatic:Transjugular Guidance:Insert Guidance:Revise Modality:RF (1649-5293) rf shunt portosystemic intrahepatic transjugular insert revise (1649-5293)
RPID6837 ot neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot neck guide thy glnd bx fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thyroid biopsy fine needle with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp thyroid biopsy fine needle with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp neck guide thy glnd bx fna (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp thyroid biopsy fine needle with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck for the purpose of biopsy and fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure neck guidance thyroid gland biopsy fine needle aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp neck guide thy glnd bx fna (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp thyroid biopsy fine needle with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Aspirate Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:RF (4000-2132)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Guidance:Biopsy Modality:RF (0295-1429)
Anatomy:THYROID Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine Modality:RF (9386-9560)
rf neck thyroid aspirate aspirate needle fine (4000-2132)
rf neck thyroid aspirate needle fine biopsy (0295-1429)
rf thyroid aspirate needle fine (9386-9560)
RPID6838 ot abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp nephrostomy exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp nephrostomy exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp nephrostomy exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen pelvis guidance urinary tract nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd pelvis guide urinary trct nephrostomy tube exchange (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp nephrostomy exchange with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF nephrostomy
Guidance:Change Modality:RF nephrostomy
RPID6839 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast biopsy w vacuum assist with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast biopsy w vacuum assist with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast biopsy w vacuum assist with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance left vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide lt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MR (4837-2213)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR as vac
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR assist vacuum w
mr breast left biopsy vacuumassisted (4837-2213)
RPID684 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2433-8596) mr hand left upper extremity left wo+w iv (2433-8596)
RPID6840 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast biopsy w vacuum assist with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast biopsy w vacuum assist with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast biopsy w vacuum assist with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance right vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide rt vac as bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted Modality:MR (4625-9151)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR as vac
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR assist vacuum w
mr breast right biopsy vacuumassisted (4625-9151)
RPID6841 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guidance additional area left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guide additional area lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast needle loc additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance additional area left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide additional area lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast needle loc additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance additional area left needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide additional area lt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast needle loc additional area with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (0071-2925) mr breast left additional localize needle (0071-2925)
RPID6842 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guidance additional area right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast guide additional area rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast needle loc additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance additional area right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide additional area rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast needle loc additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance additional area procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance additional area right needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide additional area rt ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast needle loc additional area with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Extent:Additional Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:MR (9429-3697) mr breast right additional localize needle (9429-3697)
RPID6843 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri and motor and language procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head fmri motor language brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head functional motor language (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head functional mri motor language brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function FunctionalCondition:Language FunctionalCondition:Motor IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri and motor and language procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head fmri motor language brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional motor language (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri motor language brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri and motor and language procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head fmri motor language brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional motor language (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri motor language brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function FunctionalCondition:Language FunctionalCondition:Motor IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6424-4523)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function IVContrast:WO Modality:MR language motor
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR fmri language motor
Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR language motor
mr brain head function language motor wo iv (6424-4523)
RPID6844 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brain stroke without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head brn stroke wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head wo iv contrast stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR Reason:Stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain stroke without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn stroke wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head wo iv contrast stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain stroke without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn stroke wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head wo iv contrast stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR Reason:Stroke (4234-1218)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO Modality:MR Reason:Stroke (6432-4440)
mr brain head wo iv stroke (4234-1218)
mr head wo iv stroke (6432-4440)
RPID6845 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable solid and liquid procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abd sld lqd stomach fn (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm abdomen solid liquid stomach function (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm gastric emptying solid and liquid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Liquid PORadiopharmaceutical:Solid (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable solid and liquid procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abd sld lqd stomach fn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm abdomen solid liquid stomach function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm gastric emptying solid and liquid (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable solid and liquid procedure focused on the stomach in the abdomen for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abd sld lqd stomach fn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm abdomen solid liquid stomach function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm gastric emptying solid and liquid (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function Modality:NM PORadiopharmaceutical:Liquid PORadiopharmaceutical:Solid (6507-9080)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:STOMACH Function:Emptying Modality:NMliquid solid
Modality:NM emptying gastric liquid solid
nm abdomen stomach function liquid po solid po (6507-9080)
RPID6846 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart blood pool first pass multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Phases:2OrMore WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool first pass multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable blood pool imaging and first pass and multiple acquisitions procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest blood pool imaging first pass multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst bld pl img frst pss multiple acquisitions heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart blood pool first pass multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM Phases:2OrMore WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (1327-2990)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ObjectCount:2OrMore WithinTemporalAspect:BLOODPOOL WithinTemporalAspect:FIRSTPASS (7300-0319)
nm chest heart 2 or more phases bloodpool firstpass (1327-2990)
nm heart 2 or more bloodpool firstpass (7300-0319)
RPID6847 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions and pharmacologic stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions pharmacologic stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions pharmacologic stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm heart pharmacologic stress spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress:Pharmacologic Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions and pharmacologic stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions pharmacologic stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions pharmacologic stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart pharmacologic stress spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions and pharmacologic stress procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions pharmacologic stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions pharmacologic stress heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart pharmacologic stress spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress:Pharmacologic Phases:2OrMore (7750-3952)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress Phases:2OrMore pharmacologic
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress ObjectCount:2OrMore pharmacologic
nm chest heart perfusion spect stress pharmacologic 2 or more phases (7750-3952)
RPID6848 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions and exercise procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions exercise heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions exercise heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress:Exercise Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions and exercise procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions exercise heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions exercise heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm heart exercise spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable perfusion and multiple acquisitions and exercise procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chest perfusion multiple acquisitions exercise heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm chst perfus multiple acquisitions exercise heart spect (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm heart exercise spect multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress:Exercise Phases:2OrMore (8085-4003)
Anatomy:HEART Modality:NM ModalityType:SPECT ModalityType:Stress:Exercise ObjectCount:2OrMore (3667-0839)
nm chest heart perfusion spect stress exercise 2 or more phases (8085-4003)
nm heart spect stress exercise 2 or more (3667-0839)
RPID6849 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging acquisition and uptake procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid imaging and uptake (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging acquisition and uptake procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid imaging and uptake (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging acquisition and uptake procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid imaging and uptake (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake (1098-6541)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake (7591-8801)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake acquisition
nm neck thyroid uptake (1098-6541)
nm thyroid uptake (7591-8801)
RPID685 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7853-3704) mr hand right upper extremity right wo+w iv (7853-3704)
RPID6850 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging acquisition and uptake and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
nm thyroid imaging and uptake multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging acquisition and uptake and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
nm thyroid imaging and uptake multiple (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging acquisition and uptake and multiple determination procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake mltpl dtrmnt thy glnd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm neck imaging acquisition uptake multiple determination thyroid gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
nm thyroid imaging and uptake multiple (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake Phases:2OrMore (1399-7305)
Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake ObjectCount:2OrMore (2709-8325)
Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:THYROID Modality:NM ModalityType:Uptake Phases:2OrMore acquisition
nm neck thyroid uptake 2 or more phases (1399-7305)
nm thyroid uptake 2 or more (2709-8325)
RPID6851 ot abd guide kidney asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance kidney aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp kidney aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp kidney aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance kidney aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide kidney asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp kidney aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (3925-7450)
Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (9848-9344)
rf abdomen kidney aspirate (3925-7450)
rf kidney aspirate (9848-9344)
RPID6852 ot guidance drainage abscess (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide drain abscss (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage and abscess (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abscess drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage and abscess (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance drainage abscess (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abscess drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide drain abscss (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage and abscess (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance drainage abscess (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abscess drainage with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide drain abscss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:RF Object:Abscess (9134-2850) rf abscess drainage (9134-2850)
RPID6853 ot guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp aspiration with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:RF (8224-8628) rf aspirate (8224-8628)
RPID6854 ot guidance localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and localization procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp localization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and localization procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance localization (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide localiz (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp localization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance and localization procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide localiz (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp localization with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Localize Modality:RF (3261-8423) rf localize (3261-8423)
RPID6855 ot guidance fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp abscess fistulogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abscess fistulogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide fistula (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abscess fistulogram with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide fistula (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance ITractContrast:W Modality:RG Object:Abscess Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (5130-8139)
Guidance Modality:RF Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus (4135-7166)
rf tract fistulaorsinus guidance (4135-7166)
rg abscess tract fistulaorsinus guidance w itract (5130-8139)
RPID6856 ot guidance sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot guide sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abscess sclerosis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp guide sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure guidance sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abscess sclerosis with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp guide sclerosis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance Modality:RF Object:Abscess sclerosis
Guidance Modality:RF sclerosis
RPID6857 ot chest guidance tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp chest tube replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chest tube replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chest tube replacement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tube replacement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Device:Tube Guidance:Change Modality:RF (4084-7991) rf chest tube change (4084-7991)
RPID6858 ot abd guide upp gi trct j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance upper gi tract j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp j tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp j tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the upper gi tract in the abdomen for the purpose of j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance upper gi tract j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide upp gi trct j-tube placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp j tube placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:STOMACH Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF j
Device:Tube Guidance:Insert Modality:RF j
RPID6859 ot chest guidance tunneled pleura catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot chst guide tunneled pleura catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp tunneled pleural catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tunneled pleura catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tunneled pleura catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp tunneled pleural catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance tunneled procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure chest guidance tunneled pleura catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp chst guide tunneled pleura catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp tunneled pleural catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Device:Catheter DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Remove Modality:RF (3603-9635)
Device:Catheter DeviceType:Tunneled Guidance:Remove Modality:RF pleural
rf chest pleura catheter tunneled remove (3603-9635)
RPID686 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (4797-9002) mr hip left lower extremity left (4797-9002)
RPID6860 ot abd guide veno hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance venography hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and venography and hemodynamic evaluation transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance venography and pressures (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance and venography and hemodynamic evaluation transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance venography hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide veno hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance venography and pressures (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance and venography and hemodynamic evaluation transjugular procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance venography hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide veno hemodynamic evaluation transjugular liver bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp transjugular liver biopsy with imaging guidance venography and pressures (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transjugular Analysis:Hemodynamic Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Venography Guidance:Biopsy Modality:XA (7471-0643)
Access:Transjugular Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Venography Guidance:Biopsy Modality:XA Reason:Measurement:Pressure (8342-9801)
xa abdomen liver transjugular hemodynamic venography biopsy (7471-0643)
xa liver transjugular venography biopsy measurement pressure (8342-9801)
RPID6861 ot abd guide additional vessel visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ot abdomen guidance additional vessel visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rp visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance additional vessel visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp abd guide additional vessel visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rp visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radiology orderable guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the visceral arteries in the abdomen for the purpose of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radiology procedure abdomen guidance additional vessel visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp abd guide additional vessel visceral arteries percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rp visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VISCERALARTERY Extent:Additional Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA (9916-5712)
Access:Percutaneous Access:Transluminal Anatomy:VISCERALARTERY Extent:Additional Guidance:Angioplasty Modality:XA each
xa abdomen visceral artery percutaneous transluminal additional angioplasty (9916-5712)
RPID6862 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast and high-risk imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast high-risk large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd dbl cntrst hi-risk lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast and high-risk imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl barium enema double contrast screening high risk (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast high-risk large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst hi-risk lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast and high-risk imaging procedure focused on the large intestine in the abdomen barium for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl barium enema double contrast screening high risk (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen double contrast high-risk large intestine screening barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd dbl cntrst hi-risk lrg intest screen ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF ba hi intestine large risk
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:Air+Other Modality:RF barium high intestine large risk
Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM Context:Screening Modality:RF PRContrast:Air+Barium high risk
RPID6863 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl cholecystogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gallbladder cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd gallbladder chlgrph cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl cholecystogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gallbladder cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd gallbladder chlgrph cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gallbladder in the abdomen cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl cholecystogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen gallbladder cholegraphic contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd gallbladder chlgrph cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Modality:RF (5675-9037)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVContrast:W Modality:RF chlgrph
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:GALLBLADDER IVContrast:W Modality:RF cholegraphic
rf gallbladder (5675-9037)
RPID6864 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast and videography imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy chest double contrast videography pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf chst dbl cntrst vidgrphy phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast and videography imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallow with video (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest double contrast videography pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf chst dbl cntrst vidgrphy phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable double contrast and videography imaging procedure focused on the pharynx and esophagus in the chest barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl esophagus barium swallowing function with video (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy chest double contrast videography pharynx esophagus barium (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf chst dbl cntrst vidgrphy phrnx esoph ba (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:PHARYNX Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other barium videography
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF POContrast:Air+Other ba phrnx vidgrphy
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Function Modality:RF barium swallowing video
Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Modality:RF Motility:Yes POContrast:Barium video
RPID6865 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl upper gi single contrast with small bowel follow through water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable single contrast imaging procedure focused on the upper gi tract and small intestine in the abdomen water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl upper gi single contrast with small bowel follow through water soluble (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen single contrast upper gi tract small intestine water soluble contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd sngl cntrst upp gi trct sm int wtr sol cntrst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:RF POContrast:Other POContrast:W soluble water
Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Modality:RF POContrast:Other WithinTemporalAspect:FOLLOWTHROUGH gastrointestinal soluble upper water
RPID6866 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tube in the pelvis intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl hysterosalpingogram with selective salpingogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis uterus fallopian tube intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf pelvis utrs fallopian tube intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tube in the pelvis intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl hysterosalpingogram with selective salpingogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis uterus fallopian tube intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf pelvis utrs fallopian tube intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the uterus and fallopian tube in the pelvis intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl hysterosalpingogram with selective salpingogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis uterus fallopian tube intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf pelvis utrs fallopian tube intrauterine contrast intrafallopian contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UTERUS IVContrast:W Modality:RF intrafallopian intrauterine
Anatomy:FALLOPIANTUBE Anatomy:UTERUS IUterineContrast:W Modality:RF salpingogram selective
RPID6867 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited and intra-operative imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
fl intravenous urogram limited intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen limited intra-operative urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
rf abd ltd intra-op urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited and intra-operative imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
fl intravenous urogram limited intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen limited intra-operative urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
rf abd ltd intra-op urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable and limited and intra-operative imaging procedure focused on the urinary tract in the abdomen intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
fl intravenous urogram limited intraoperative (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
radio-fluoroscopy abdomen limited intra-operative urinary tract intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
rf abd ltd intra-op urinary trct intravenous contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Context:Intraoperative Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:RF (0906-9388)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER Context:Intraoperative Extent:Limited IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF intravenous
rf bladder kidney ureter intraoperative limited w iv (0906-9388)
RPID6868 ultrasound breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (5205-5519) us breast left biopsy (5205-5519)
RPID6869 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance left needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide lt needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:Needle:Core Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance left needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy core with guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide lt needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy:Needle:Core Modality:US (0618-7179)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance Modality:US core needle
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US core
us breast left biopsy needle core (0618-7179)
RPID687 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (5947-8768) mr hip right lower extremity right (5947-8768)
RPID6870 ultrasound breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast biopsy with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US (1091-3144) us breast right biopsy (1091-3144)
RPID6871 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound breast guidance right needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us breast guide rt needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:Needle:Core Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt needle core (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound breast guidance right needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast biopsy core with guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us breast guide rt needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy:Needle:Core Modality:US (9329-7693)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance Modality:US core needle
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US core
us breast right biopsy needle core (9329-7693)
RPID6872 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ultrasound guidance vessels obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us guide vssls obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance:Access:Vascular Modality:US (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance vessels obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guidance for vascular access (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us guide vssls obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the vessels for the purpose of obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ultrasound guidance vessels obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guidance for vascular access (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us guide vssls obtain access (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VESSEL Guidance:Access:Vascular Modality:US (3591-4689)
Guidance Modality:US access vascular
us vessel access vascular (3591-4689)
RPID6873 a us&rf radiology orderable intravascular and guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us&rf intravascular guidance additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us&rf intravascular guide additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us/fl intravascular ultrasound with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a us&rf radiology orderable intravascular and guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us&rf intravascular guidance additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us&rf intravascular guide additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us/fl intravascular ultrasound with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a us&rf radiology orderable intravascular and guidance additional vessel procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us&rf intravascular guidance additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us&rf intravascular guide additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us/fl intravascular ultrasound with imaging guidance each additional vessel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Intravascular Extent:Additional Guidance Modality:RF Modality:US each
Access:Intravascular Extent:Additional Guidance Modality:RF usrf
RPID6874 a us&rf radiology orderable intravascular and guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us&rf intravascular guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
us&rf intravascular guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a us&rf radiology orderable intravascular and guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us&rf intravascular guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us&rf intravascular guide (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
us/fl intravascular ultrasound with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a us&rf radiology orderable intravascular and guidance procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us&rf intravascular guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us&rf intravascular guide (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
us/fl intravascular ultrasound with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Intravascular Guidance Modality:RF Modality:US (0199-0541)
Access:Intravascular Guidance Modality:RF usrf
rf us intravascular guidance (0199-0541)
RPID6875 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland for the purpose of dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sialography salivary gland dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xa sialogrphy saliv dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland for the purpose of dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa sialogram with duct dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa sialography salivary gland dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xa sialogrphy saliv dilation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland for the purpose of dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sialogram with duct dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sialography salivary gland dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xa sialogrphy saliv dilation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Angio:Angiography Guidance:Dilate IDuctContrast:W Modality:XA (9053-1298)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND Guidance:Dilate IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (9929-2038)
Angio:Angiography Guidance:Dilate IDuctContrast:W Modality:XA duct
Angio:Angiography Guidance:Dilate Modality:XA saliv sialogrphy
rf salivary gland dilate w iduct (9929-2038)
xa salivary gland angiography dilate w iduct (9053-1298)
RPID6876 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr face facial bones lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr facial lateral view (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray face facl bns lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG View:EitherLat (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face facial bones lateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr facial lateral view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face facl bns lat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face and lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face facial bones lateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr facial lateral view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face facl bns lat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RF View:EitherLat (9037-2437)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG View:EitherLat (8988-1202)
Modality:RG View:EitherLat facial
rf face facial bone eitherlat (9037-2437)
rg face facial bone eitherlat (8988-1202)
RPID6877 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face and waters (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr face facial bones waters (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray face facl bns wtrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG View:Waters (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face and waters (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr face facial bones waters (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr facial waters view (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray face facl bns wtrs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face and waters (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr face facial bones waters (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr facial waters view (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray face facl bns wtrs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RF View:Waters (0057-8310)
Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Modality:RG View:Waters (7603-5867)
Modality:RG View:Waters facial
rf face facial bone waters (0057-8310)
rg face facial bone waters (7603-5867)
RPID6878 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the jaws in the head and panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr head jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray head jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:JAW Modality:RG View:Panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the jaws in the head and panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr head jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray head jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the jaws in the head and panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr head jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray head jaws panoramic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:JAW Modality:RG View:Panoramic (3849-2339)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Anatomy:MAXILLA Modality:RF ModalityType:Panoramic jaw
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MANDIBLE Anatomy:MAXILLA Modality:RG ModalityType:Panoramic jaw
Anatomy:MANDIBLE Anatomy:MAXILLA Modality:RG ModalityType:Panoramic jaw
rg head jaw panoramic (3849-2339)
RPID6879 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine and bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xr lumbar spine 2 - 3 views bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray l spine 2-3vws bndg (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine and bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2 - 3 views bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2-3 views including bending (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray l spine 2-3vws bndg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable 2 - 3 views procedure focused on the lumbar spine and bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2 - 3 views bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr lumbar spine 2-3 views including bending (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray l spine 2-3vws bndg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RF ViewCount:2,3 (4854-1102)
Anatomy:LSPINE ForceApplied:Bending Modality:RG ViewCount:2,3 (3277-7221)
rf lspine bending 2,3 views (4854-1102)
rg lspine bending 2,3 views (3277-7221)
RPID688 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9330-0069) mr hip left lower extremity left w iv (9330-0069)
RPID6880 xr sialography salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
xray sialogrphy saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IDuctContrast:W Modality:RG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a fluoroscopy radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sialogram (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xr sialography salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
xray sialogrphy saliv (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a radiography radiology orderable sialography procedure focused on the salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sialogram (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr sialography salivary gland (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray sialogrphy saliv (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IDuctContrast:W Modality:RF (7026-2697)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IDuctContrast:W Modality:RG (0829-3016)
IDuctContrast:W Modality:RG (3565-1217)
Modality:RG saliv sialogrphy
rf salivary gland w iduct (7026-2697)
rg salivary gland w iduct (0829-3016)
rg w iduct (3565-1217)
RPID6881 mammo breast clip with stereotactic guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance and stereotactic procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance stereotactic left clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide stertxs lt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast clip with stereotactic guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance and stereotactic procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance stereotactic left clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide stertxs lt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast clip with stereotactic guidance left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance and stereotactic procedure focused on the left in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance stereotactic left clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide stertxs lt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (6416-2761)
Anatomy:BREAST:Left Device:Clip Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (8979-9065)
mg breast left clip insert stereotactic (6416-2761)
mg breast left clip stereotactic (8979-9065)
RPID6882 mammo breast clip with stereotactic guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography radiology orderable guidance and stereotactic procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mammography breast guidance stereotactic right clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mg breast guide stertxs rt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mammo breast clip with stereotactic guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance and stereotactic procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance stereotactic right clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mg breast guide stertxs rt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mammo breast clip with stereotactic guidance right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography radiology orderable guidance and stereotactic procedure focused on the right in the breast for the purpose of clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mammography breast guidance stereotactic right clip placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mg breast guide stertxs rt clip place (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Device:Clip Guidance:Insert Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (1085-8652)
Anatomy:BREAST:Right Device:Clip Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MG (1966-3266)
mg breast right clip insert stereotactic (1085-8652)
mg breast right clip stereotactic (1966-3266)
RPID6883 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr abd pelvis entero w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr abdomen pelvis enterography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr abdomen/pelvis enterography w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR POContrast:W (5729-5142)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR entero
mr abdomen pelvis small intestine w iv w po (5729-5142)
RPID6884 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr le ankle bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr lower extremity ankle bilateral w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr lower extremity ankle bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2712-5192) mr ankle both lower extremity both w iv (2712-5192)
RPID6885 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr head neck angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr head neck angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr head neck angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8866-9460) mr head neck angiography wo+w iv (8866-9460)
RPID6886 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr le bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr lower extremity bilateral w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr lower extremity bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7426-5812) mr lower extremity both w iv (7426-5812)
RPID6887 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr ue shlder bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr upper extremity shoulder bilateral w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr upper extremity shoulder bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7042-7810) mr shoulder both upper extremity both w iv (7042-7810)
RPID6888 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr ue bilat w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr upper extremity bilateral w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr upper extremity bilateral with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W Modality:MR (8692-5064) mr upper extremity both w iv (8692-5064)
RPID6889 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr brain venography wo and w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr head veno brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
mr head venography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5777-5873)
Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4227-7247)
mr brain head venography wo+w iv (5777-5873)
mr brain venography wo+w iv (4227-7247)
RPID689 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1583-7876) mr hip right lower extremity right w iv (1583-7876)
RPID6890 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct le hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct lower extremity hip w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct lower extremity hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4267-9583) ct hip lower extremity w iv (4267-9583)
RPID6891 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct chest screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct chst screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening Modality:CT (7453-7435) ct chest screening (7453-7435)
RPID6892 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage and abscess (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct abscess drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct guidance drainage abscess (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct guide drain abscss (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT Object:Abscess (7350-0847) ct abscess drainage (7350-0847)
RPID6893 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct ue arthro w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct upper extremity arthrography w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ct upper extremity arthrography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (5472-2850) ct upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (5472-2850)
RPID6894 a radiography radiology orderable infant 2 or more views procedure focused on the bilateral in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xr infant lower extremity 2 or more views bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xr lower extremity 2+ views bilateral infant (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xray infnt le 2 or more vws bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
AgeGroup:Infant Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Modality:RG ViewCount:2OrMore (1078-8389) rg lower extremity both infant 2 or more views (1078-8389)
RPID6895 a radiography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xr specimen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xray spcmn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Modality:RG Object:Specimen (0043-0591) rg specimen (0043-0591)
RPID6896 an ultrasound radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis with a technique of 4 dimensional ultrasound for the purpose of pregnancy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ultrasound pelvis gestation pregnancy 4 dimensional ultrasound (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us pelvis gest prgncy 4d (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us pregnancy 4d (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
4d Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ObjectCount:4 dimensional
RPID6897 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ultrasound breast guidance needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us breast biopsy core with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us breast guide needle core (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance Modality:US core needle
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:US core
RPID6898 an ultrasound radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ultrasound breast guidance needle localization (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us breast guide ndl loc (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us breast needle loc with specimen with guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:US (6139-6258)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle Modality:US Object:Specimen (3959-6071)
us breast localize needle (6139-6258)
us breast specimen localize needle (3959-6071)
RPID6899 an ultrasound radiology orderable with fetal non-stress test imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal biophysical profile (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ultrasound pelvis with fetal non-stress test gestation pregnancy fetal biophysical profile (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us pelvis with fetal non-stress te gest prgncy fetal biophysical profil (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us pregnancy biophysical profile with non-stress test (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:BiophysicalProfile ModalityType:NonStress (4545-6804)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:NonStress biophysical profil te
us gravid uterus biophysicalprofile nonstress obstetric (4545-6804)
RPID69 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis le angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis le angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis lower extremity angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (9378-3304) ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis angiography (9378-3304)
RPID690 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2387-3109) mr hip left lower extremity left wo+w iv (2387-3109)
RPID6900 an ultrasound radiology orderable without fetal non-stress test imaging procedure focused on the gestation in the pelvis for the purpose of pregnancy and fetal biophysical profile (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ultrasound pelvis without fetal non-stress test gestation pregnancy fetal biophysical profile (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us pelvis without fetal non-stress gest prgncy fetal biophysical profil (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us pregnancy biophysical profile without non-stress test (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:BiophysicalProfile ModalityType:WithoutNonStress (9748-2805)
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:BiophysicalProfile ModalityType:NonStress without
Anatomy:GRAVIDUTERUS Context:Obstetric Modality:US ModalityType:NonStress biophysical profil without
us gravid uterus biophysicalprofile withoutnonstress obstetric (9748-2805)
RPID6901 an ultrasound radiology orderable unlisted procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
ultrasound unlisted (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
us unlisted (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Modality:US unlisted
RPID6902 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the gastrointestinal tract in the abdomen for the purpose of ileal diverticulum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
nm abd gi tract ileal diverticulum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
nm abdomen gastrointestinal tract ileal diverticulum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
nm abdomen gi meckel (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:DUODENUM Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Anatomy:RECTUM Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Anatomy:STOMACH Modality:NM diverticulum ileal
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:NM gastrointestinal meckel
RPID6903 a radio-fluoroscopy radiology orderable retrograde imaging procedure focused on the bladder and urethra in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
radio-fluoroscopy pelvis retrograde bladder urethra (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rf cystourethrography retrograde (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rf pelvis rtrogrd bladder urethra (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETHRA Direction:Retrograde Modality:RF (0170-3141)
Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:URETHRA Direction:Retrograde IVesicalContrast:W Modality:RF ModalityType:Cystography (7586-7986)
rf bladder pelvis urethra retrograde (0170-3141)
rf bladder urethra cystography retrograde w ivesical (7586-7986)
RPID6904 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter and injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xa central venous catheter inj (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xa central venous catheter injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Angio:Angiography Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance:Inject Modality:XA (4567-7163)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance:Inject Modality:RF (8488-1408)
rf catheter centralvenous inject (8488-1408)
xa angiography catheter centralvenous inject (4567-7163)
RPID6905 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xa central venous catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xa guidance central venous catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xa guide central venous catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Angio:Angiography Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance:Insert Modality:XA (8559-5986)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (6528-2936)
rf catheter centralvenous insert (6528-2936)
xa angiography catheter centralvenous insert (8559-5986)
RPID6906 a fluoroscopy radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of central venous catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xa central venous catheter removal with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xa guidance central venous catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
xa guide central venous catheter removal (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Angio:Angiography Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance:Remove Modality:XA (6093-8495)
Device:Catheter:CentralVenous Guidance:Remove Modality:RF (3583-5705)
rf catheter centralvenous remove (3583-5705)
xa angiography catheter centralvenous remove (6093-8495)
RPID6907 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage and catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
radiology procedure guidance drainage catheter placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp drainage and catheter placement with imaging guidance (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp guide drain cth plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Device:Catheter Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Insert Modality:NM (3864-8127)
Device:Catheter Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (1099-1187)
Device:Drain Guidance:Insert Modality:RF (4264-7810)
nm catheter drainage insert (3864-8127)
rf catheter drainage insert (1099-1187)
rf drain insert (4264-7810)
RPID6908 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of request consult (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
radiology procedure request consult (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp request consult (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Context:Consult Guidance Modality:RF request
Context:Consult Modality:NM request
RPID6909 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable unlisted procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
radiology procedure unlisted (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp unlisted (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Guidance Modality:RF unlisted
Modality:NM unlisted
RPID691 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right hip in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7064-4201) mr hip right lower extremity right wo+w iv (7064-4201)
RPID6910 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the lumbar spine intrathecal contrast via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
radiology procedure lumbar spine guidance myelography intrathecal contrast via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp l spine guide myelog lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp lumbar spine myelogram via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Inject IThecalContrast:W Modality:NM Myelography:Yes (7361-2134)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Inject IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (1680-8010)
Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Inject Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (6097-1111)
nm lspine inject w ithecal myelography (7361-2134)
rf lspine inject myelography (6097-1111)
rf lspine inject w ithecal myelography (1680-8010)
RPID6911 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine intrathecal contrast via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
radiology procedure thoracic spine guidance myelography intrathecal contrast via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp t spine guide myelog lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp thoracic spine myelogram via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Inject IThecalContrast:W Modality:NM Myelography:Yes (5396-5592)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Inject IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (6709-1952)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Inject Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (1918-3636)
nm lspine tspine inject w ithecal myelography (5396-5592)
rf lspine tspine inject myelography (1918-3636)
rf lspine tspine inject w ithecal myelography (6709-1952)
RPID6912 a nuclear medicine radiology orderable guidance and myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine intrathecal contrast via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
radiology procedure cervical spine guidance myelography intrathecal contrast via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp c spine guide myelog lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
rp cervical spine myelogram via lumbar injection (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716TRIAL)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Inject IThecalContrast:W Modality:NM Myelography:Yes (2803-1157)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Inject IThecalContrast:W Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (1840-9093)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Inject Modality:RF Myelography:Yes (4687-1272)
nm cspine lspine inject w ithecal myelography (2803-1157)
rf cspine lspine inject myelography (4687-1272)
rf cspine lspine inject w ithecal myelography (1840-9093)
RPID6913 a radiography radiology orderable 4 or more views procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xr upper extremity 4 or more views elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
xray ue 4 or more vws elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:RG ViewCount:4OrMore (1858-1232) rg elbow upper extremity 4 or more views (1858-1232)
RPID692 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR Reason:Stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head for the purpose of stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR Reason:Stroke (4760-7502) mr head stroke (4760-7502)
RPID693 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of morphology and function (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart morphology function (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart morph fn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of morphology and function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart morphology function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart morph fn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of morphology and function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart morphology function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart morph fn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:MR (6495-1815) mr chest heart function (6495-1815)
RPID694 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of function and stress (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart function stress without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart fn stress wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of function and stress (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart function stress without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart fn stress wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of function and stress (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart function stress without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart fn stress wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Stress (7420-4998) mr chest heart stress function wo+w iv (7420-4998)
RPID695 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart cong dx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:MR Reason:Disease:Congenital (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart cong dx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart congenital disease (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart cong dx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:MR Reason:Disease:Congenital (3048-0272) mr chest heart disease congenital (3048-0272)
RPID696 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology and function (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart morphology function without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart morph fn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology and function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart morphology function without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart morph fn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of morphology and function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart morphology function without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart morph fn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9145-4664) mr chest heart function wo+w iv (9145-4664)
RPID697 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (5542-4316) mr humerus left upper extremity left (5542-4316)
RPID698 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (7777-8577) mr humerus right upper extremity right (7777-8577)
RPID699 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6988-9895) mr humerus left upper extremity left w iv (6988-9895)
RPID7 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct head angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2055-3096) ct head angiography wo+w iv (2055-3096)
RPID70 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (1081-4226) ct upper extremity left angiography (1081-4226)
RPID700 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4078-9286) mr humerus right upper extremity right w iv (4078-9286)
RPID701 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8457-0472) mr humerus left upper extremity left wo+w iv (8457-0472)
RPID702 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right humerus in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6977-3291) mr humerus right upper extremity right wo+w iv (6977-3291)
RPID703 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of velocity and flow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart velo flow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:MR ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of velocity and flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart velo flow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of velocity and flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart velocity flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart velo flow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:MR ModalityType:Flow Reason:Measurement:Velocity (9206-2573) mr chest heart flow measurement velocity (9206-2573)
RPID704 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:MR (4191-0089) mr (4191-0089)
RPID705 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of iron evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd liver panc irn eval (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen liver pancreas iron evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:MR ModalityType:Load:Iron (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of iron evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd liver panc irn eval (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver pancreas iron evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of iron evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd liver panc irn eval (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen liver pancreas iron evaluation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:MR ModalityType:Load:Iron (8896-4988)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:MR eval irn
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS Modality:MR evaluation iron
mr abdomen liver pancreas load iron (8896-4988)
RPID706 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:MR (9858-8141) mr chest heart (9858-8141)
RPID707 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest heart function (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst heart fn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest heart function (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst heart fn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest heart function (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst heart fn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Function Modality:MR (6495-1815) mr chest heart function (6495-1815)
RPID708 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (2684-0918) mr knee left lower extremity left (2684-0918)
RPID709 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (9696-0108) mr knee right lower extremity right (9696-0108)
RPID71 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (9942-2168) ct upper extremity right angiography (9942-2168)
RPID710 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left Modality:MR (0679-1114) mr lower extremity joint left (0679-1114)
RPID711 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right Modality:MR (8264-5819) mr lower extremity joint right (8264-5819)
RPID712 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5572-3493) mr lower extremity joint left w iv (5572-3493)
RPID713 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9339-6873) mr lower extremity joint right w iv (9339-6873)
RPID714 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1592-9498) mr lower extremity joint left wo+w iv (1592-9498)
RPID715 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5044-5323) mr lower extremity joint right wo+w iv (5044-5323)
RPID716 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left Modality:MR (0127-0471) mr upper extremity joint left (0127-0471)
RPID717 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right Modality:MR (5284-8059) mr upper extremity joint right (5284-8059)
RPID718 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6370-1705) mr upper extremity joint left w iv (6370-1705)
RPID719 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5889-8133) mr upper extremity joint right w iv (5889-8133)
RPID72 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (1534-3677) ct lower extremity left angiography (1534-3677)
RPID720 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5582-8028) mr upper extremity joint left wo+w iv (5582-8028)
RPID721 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITYJOINT:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3856-6163) mr upper extremity joint right wo+w iv (3856-6163)
RPID722 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the nasopharynx in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head nasophar (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head nasopharynx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NASOPHARYNX Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the nasopharynx in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head nasophar (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head nasopharynx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the nasopharynx in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head nasophar (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head nasopharynx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NASOPHARYNX Modality:MR (3568-4106) mr head nasopharynx (3568-4106)
RPID723 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of moyamoya disease and stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brain moyamoya disease stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brn moyamoya stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR Reason:Disease:Moyamoya Reason:Stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of moyamoya disease and stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain moyamoya disease stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn moyamoya stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of moyamoya disease and stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain moyamoya disease stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn moyamoya stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR Reason:Disease:Moyamoya Reason:Stroke (9003-3076)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR Reason:Stroke moyamoya
mr brain head disease moyamoya stroke (9003-3076)
RPID724 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of moyamoya disease and stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brain moyamoya disease stroke without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head brn moyamoya stroke wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:Disease:Moyamoya Reason:Stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of moyamoya disease and stroke (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brain moyamoya disease stroke without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head brn moyamoya stroke wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of moyamoya disease and stroke (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brain moyamoya disease stroke without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head brn moyamoya stroke wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:Disease:Moyamoya Reason:Stroke (6742-7143)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR Reason:Stroke moyamoya
mr brain head wo+w iv disease moyamoya stroke (6742-7143)
RPID725 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr neck (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr neck (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr neck (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:NECK Modality:MR (4935-2492) mr neck (4935-2492)
RPID726 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the orbits in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head orbits (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT Modality:MR (4080-3664) mr head orbit (4080-3664)
RPID727 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr face (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FACE Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr face (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr face (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FACE Modality:MR (5555-6643) mr face (5555-6643)
RPID728 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (6227-9261) mr pelvis (6227-9261)
RPID729 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr recon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:MR ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr recon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr recon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:MR ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (8119-7913) mr reconstruction retrospective (8119-7913)
RPID73 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the right in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (9630-5790) ct lower extremity right angiography (9630-5790)
RPID730 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable reconstruction additional body region procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr recon add bod reg (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr reconstruction additional body region (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Additional Modality:MR ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable reconstruction additional body region procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr recon add bod reg (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr reconstruction additional body region (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable reconstruction additional body region procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr recon add bod reg (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr reconstruction additional body region (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Additional Modality:MR ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (6160-8409) mr reconstruction retrospective additional (6160-8409)
RPID731 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest ribs left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst ribs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left Modality:MR (0034-4569) mr chest rib left (0034-4569)
RPID732 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest ribs right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst ribs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right Modality:MR (2299-0391) mr chest rib right (2299-0391)
RPID733 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest ribs left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst ribs lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1357-4450) mr chest rib left w iv (1357-4450)
RPID734 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest ribs right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst ribs rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1514-7334) mr chest rib right w iv (1514-7334)
RPID735 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest ribs left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst ribs lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6762-4281) mr chest rib left wo+w iv (6762-4281)
RPID736 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest ribs right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst ribs rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest ribs right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst ribs rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4637-9278) mr chest rib right wo+w iv (4637-9278)
RPID737 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr out film (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr out film (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr out film (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr outside film read (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside Modality:MR (6560-3569) mr consult interpret study outside (6560-3569)
RPID738 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr c spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr c spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr cervical spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Modality:MR (3323-2264) mr cspine (3323-2264)
RPID739 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue scap lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity scapula left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue scap lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue scap lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (1100-7001) mr scapula left upper extremity left (1100-7001)
RPID74 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography Modality:CT (4563-6073) ct abdomen angiography (4563-6073)
RPID740 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue scap rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity scapula right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue scap rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue scap rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (0625-8746) mr scapula right upper extremity right (0625-8746)
RPID741 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue scap lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity scapula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue scap lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue scap lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4001-7597) mr scapula left upper extremity left w iv (4001-7597)
RPID742 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue scap rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity scapula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue scap rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue scap rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2426-2073) mr scapula right upper extremity right w iv (2426-2073)
RPID743 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue scap lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity scapula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue scap lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left scapula in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue scap lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6832-4293) mr scapula left upper extremity left wo+w iv (6832-4293)
RPID744 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue scap rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity scapula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue scap rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right scapula in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue scap rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity scapula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SCAPULA:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4477-1658) mr scapula right upper extremity right wo+w iv (4477-1658)
RPID745 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue sc jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (7845-3452) mr sternoclavicular joint left upper extremity left (7845-3452)
RPID746 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue sc jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (4764-5379) mr sternoclavicular joint right upper extremity right (4764-5379)
RPID747 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue sc jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7055-3858) mr sternoclavicular joint left upper extremity left w iv (7055-3858)
RPID748 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue sc jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7610-8960) mr sternoclavicular joint right upper extremity right w iv (7610-8960)
RPID749 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue sc jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7600-0208) mr sternoclavicular joint left upper extremity left wo+w iv (7600-0208)
RPID75 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT (6204-3329) ct ablate (6204-3329)
RPID750 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue sc jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right sternoclavicular joint in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue sc jt rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity sternoclavicular joint right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5647-2602) mr sternoclavicular joint right upper extremity right wo+w iv (5647-2602)
RPID751 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:MR (8265-1456) mr spine (8265-1456)
RPID752 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1962-5940) mr spine w iv (1962-5940)
RPID753 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0674-7762) mr spine wo+w iv (0674-7762)
RPID754 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (8590-0350) mr shoulder left upper extremity left (8590-0350)
RPID755 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (7329-1098) mr shoulder right upper extremity right (7329-1098)
RPID756 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6541-4248) mr shoulder left upper extremity left w iv (6541-4248)
RPID757 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (7181-5428) mr shoulder right upper extremity right w iv (7181-5428)
RPID758 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6104-3577) mr shoulder left upper extremity left wo+w iv (6104-3577)
RPID759 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1468-0616) mr shoulder right upper extremity right wo+w iv (1468-0616)
RPID76 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guidance vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine guide vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine guide vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the spine for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guidance vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine guide vplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty Modality:CT (0033-0910) ct spine vertebroplasty (0033-0910)
RPID760 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr l spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr l spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr l spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Modality:MR (9917-8997) mr lspine (9917-8997)
RPID761 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr t spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr t spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thoracic spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:MR (9357-1304) mr tspine (9357-1304)
RPID762 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr stereotaxis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr stereotactic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr stereotactic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MR (1908-9026) mr stereotactic (1908-9026)
RPID763 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr stereotaxis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr stertxs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr stereotactic with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr stertxs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr stereotactic with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr stertxs w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6020-0064) mr stereotactic w iv (6020-0064)
RPID764 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotaxis on call procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr stereotaxis on call (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr stertxs oncall (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MR ModalityType:OnCall (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic on call procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr stereotactic on call (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr stertxs oncall (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic on call procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr stereotactic on call (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr stertxs oncall (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MR ModalityType:OnCall (7765-7486)
Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MR call on
Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:MR oncall
mr oncall stereotactic (7765-7486)
RPID765 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotaxis on call procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr stereotaxis on call with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr stertxs oncall w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:OnCall (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic on call procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr stereotactic on call with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr stertxs oncall w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable stereotactic on call procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr stereotactic on call with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr stertxs oncall w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:W Modality:MR ModalityType:OnCall (7187-5336)
Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:W Modality:MR call on
Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:W Modality:MR oncall
mr oncall stereotactic w iv (7187-5336)
RPID766 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:MR (9393-4657) mr chest (9393-4657)
RPID767 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (5689-5969) mr abdomen chest pelvis (5689-5969)
RPID768 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4087-0636) mr abdomen chest pelvis w iv (4087-0636)
RPID769 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest abdomen pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst abd pelvis wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (1438-9962) mr abdomen chest pelvis wo+w iv (1438-9962)
RPID77 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct stereotaxis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct stereotactic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct stereotactic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct stertxs (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Stereotactic Modality:CT (6686-4217) ct stereotactic (6686-4217)
RPID770 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST Modality:MR (6082-9336) mr brachial plexus chest (6082-9336)
RPID771 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1279-6272) mr brachial plexus chest w iv (1279-6272)
RPID772 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr brachial plexus w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chest brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr chst brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr brachial plexus w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr brachial plexus w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brachial plexus in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr brachial plexus w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest brachial plexus without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst brach plex wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0426-4665)
Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4976-5021)
mr brachial plexus chest wo+w iv (0426-4665)
mr brachial plexus wo+w iv (4976-5021)
RPID773 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue thmb lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity thumb left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Modality:MR (7159-3280) mr thumb left upper extremity left (7159-3280)
RPID774 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue thmb rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity thumb right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Modality:MR (6126-9695) mr thumb right upper extremity right (6126-9695)
RPID775 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue thmb lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity thumb left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (3414-3945) mr thumb left upper extremity left w iv (3414-3945)
RPID776 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue thmb rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity thumb right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9598-5698) mr thumb right upper extremity right w iv (9598-5698)
RPID777 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue thmb lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity thumb left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left thumb in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4396-2198) mr thumb left upper extremity left wo+w iv (4396-2198)
RPID778 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue thmb rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity thumb right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right thumb in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue thmb rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity thumb right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:THUMB:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0475-3718) mr thumb right upper extremity right wo+w iv (0475-3718)
RPID779 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left Modality:MR (7861-7898) mr fibula left lower extremity left tibia left (7861-7898)
RPID78 a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine densito (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct spine densito (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct spine densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct spine wo iv contrast density (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct spine wo iv contrast density (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine densito (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine wo iv contrast density (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine densito (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine wo iv contrast density (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (5054-1654)
Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT density
Anatomy:SPINE Modality:CT densito
ct spine density bone (5054-1654)
RPID780 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right Modality:MR (9396-8051) mr fibula right lower extremity right tibia right (9396-8051)
RPID781 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1256-2019) mr fibula left lower extremity left tibia left w iv (1256-2019)
RPID782 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1348-4987) mr fibula right lower extremity right tibia right w iv (1348-4987)
RPID783 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0610-0790) mr fibula left lower extremity left tibia left wo+w iv (0610-0790)
RPID784 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le tibia fibula rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le tibia fibula rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity tibia fibula right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FIBULA:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TIBIA:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5199-7319) mr fibula right lower extremity right tibia right wo+w iv (5199-7319)
RPID785 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head temporomandibular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tmj bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Both Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Both Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tmj bilat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tmj bilat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Both Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Both Modality:MR (1625-5856) mr head both temporomandibular joint both (1625-5856)
RPID786 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head temporomandibular joint left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tmj lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Left Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tmj lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tmj lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Left Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Left Modality:MR (4115-8608) mr head left temporomandibular joint left (4115-8608)
RPID787 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head temporomandibular joint right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head tmj rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD:Right Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head tmj rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right temporomandibular joint in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head temporomandibular joint right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head tmj rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD:Right Anatomy:TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINT:Right Modality:MR (3873-6759) mr head right temporomandibular joint right (3873-6759)
RPID788 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity toes left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le toes lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left Modality:MR (3965-0214)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left Modality:MR (6591-6545)
mr lower extremity left toe left (3965-0214)
mr lower extremity left toes left (6591-6545)
RPID789 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity toes right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le toes rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right Modality:MR (9201-2006)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right Modality:MR (2164-7240)
mr lower extremity right toe right (9201-2006)
mr lower extremity right toes right (2164-7240)
RPID79 a computed tomography radiology orderable dental scan procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head dental scan (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head dentascan (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable dental scan procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head dental scan (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head dentascan (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct teeth (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEETH Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct teeth (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable dental scan procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head dental scan (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head dentascan (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct teeth (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable dental scan procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head dental scan (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head dentascan (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct teeth (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TEETH Modality:CT (8980-9697)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT Modality:NM dental
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:CT dentascan
Modality:CT teeth
ct head teeth (8980-9697)
RPID790 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le toes lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity toes left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le toes lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le toes lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5355-6947)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6886-9859)
mr lower extremity left toe left w iv (5355-6947)
mr lower extremity left toes left w iv (6886-9859)
RPID791 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le toes rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity toes right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le toes rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le toes rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0650-7312)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2762-3512)
mr lower extremity right toe right w iv (0650-7312)
mr lower extremity right toes right w iv (2762-3512)
RPID792 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le toes lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity toes left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le toes lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le toes lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOE:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4396-4031)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TOES:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0374-4742)
mr lower extremity left toe left wo+w iv (4396-4031)
mr lower extremity left toes left wo+w iv (0374-4742)
RPID793 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le toes rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity toes right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le toes rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right toes in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le toes rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity toes right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOE:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2986-2219)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:TOES:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7611-8368)
mr lower extremity right toe right wo+w iv (2986-2219)
mr lower extremity right toes right wo+w iv (7611-8368)
RPID794 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist lt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist left (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left Modality:MR (0213-3747) mr upper extremity left wrist left (0213-3747)
RPID795 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist rt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist right (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right Modality:MR (8186-0704) mr upper extremity right wrist right (8186-0704)
RPID796 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist lt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist left with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left IVContrast:W Modality:MR (2054-1605) mr upper extremity left wrist left w iv (2054-1605)
RPID797 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist rt w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist right with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right IVContrast:W Modality:MR (4349-0642) mr upper extremity right wrist right w iv (4349-0642)
RPID798 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:WRIST:Left IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (2553-1962) mr upper extremity left wrist left wo+w iv (2553-1962)
RPID799 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue wrist rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity wrist right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the right wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue wrist rt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity wrist right without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Anatomy:WRIST:Right IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (6049-5472) mr upper extremity right wrist right wo+w iv (6049-5472)
RPID8 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography heart without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio heart wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3853-5755) ct chest heart angiography wo+w iv (3853-5755)
RPID80 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:CT (7992-0824)
Guidance:Insert Modality:CT needle
ct needle insert (7992-0824)
RPID800 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy Modality:MR (1773-4094) mr breast biopsy (1773-4094)
RPID801 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guidance needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast guide needle plcmnt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST Device:Needle Guidance:Insert Modality:MR (1565-9905)
Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Insert Modality:MR needle
mr breast needle insert (1565-9905)
RPID802 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral in the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast bilat wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast bilateral without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast wo iv contrast bilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST:Both IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7790-3758) mr breast both wo iv (7790-3758)
RPID803 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr breast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast wo iv contrast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr breast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr breast wo iv contrast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast wo iv contrast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr breast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast wo iv contrast unilateral (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr breast wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (4920-8237)
Anatomy:BREAST:Unilateral IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5698-7429)
mr breast unilateral wo iv (5698-7429)
mr breast wo iv (4920-8237)
RPID804 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest vacuum assisted biopsy with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst vac as bx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest vacuum assisted biopsy with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst vac as bx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of vacuum assisted biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest vacuum assisted biopsy with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst vac as bx w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy:VacuumAssisted IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1078-9807)
Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy IVContrast:W Modality:MR as vac
mr chest biopsy vacuumassisted w iv (1078-9807)
RPID805 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr c spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr cervical spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr cervical spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr cervical spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr c spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr cervical spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr cervical spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the cervical spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr c spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr cervical spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr cervical spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Neuro IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0232-4261)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5450-4656)
mr cspine neuro wo+w iv (0232-4261)
mr cspine wo+w iv (5450-4656)
RPID806 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr l spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbar spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr l spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr l spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr lumbar spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr l spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr lumbar spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr lumbar spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Context:Neuro IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5176-8635)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (0856-4713)
mr lspine neuro wo+w iv (5176-8635)
mr lspine wo+w iv (0856-4713)
RPID807 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr 3d image w wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr 3d imaging processing with independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:MR ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Workstation:Independent:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr 3d image w wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr 3d imaging processing with independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr 3d image w wkstat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr 3d imaging processing with independent workstation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:MR ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Workstation:Independent:W (7607-8835)
Modality:MR ModalityType:3D Workstation:Independent:W (6785-6596)
mr 3d postprocessing w independent workstation (7607-8835)
mr 3d w independent workstation (6785-6596)
RPID808 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le calf wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity calf without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr calf w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le calf wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity calf without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CALF Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr calf w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr calf w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le calf wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity calf without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calf in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr calf w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le calf wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity calf without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CALF Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5845-1450)
Anatomy:CALF IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7465-0861)
mr calf lower extremity wo+w iv (5845-1450)
mr calf wo+w iv (7465-0861)
RPID809 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr c spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr cervical spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr c spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr cervical spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr cervical spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr cervical spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr c spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr cervical spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr cervical spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the cervical spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr c spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr cervical spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr cervical spine wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Context:Neuro IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7845-2473)
Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (1856-0808)
mr cspine neuro wo iv (7845-2473)
mr cspine wo iv (1856-0808)
RPID81 a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct multi plan ref (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct multi-planar reformation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct multi plan ref (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct multi-planar reformation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct multi plan ref (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct multi-planar reformation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar (9339-4918) ct reconstruction multiplanar (9339-4918)
RPID810 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity elbow (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (4576-1240) mr elbow upper extremity (4576-1240)
RPID811 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue forearm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity forearm with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (5181-8637) mr forearm upper extremity w iv (5181-8637)
RPID812 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head fmri brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head functional mri brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head fmri brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head fmri brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR (1423-7119)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR fmri
mr brain head function (1423-7119)
RPID813 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr finger w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue fngr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity finger with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr finger w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr finger w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr finger w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (6978-4592)
Anatomy:FINGER IVContrast:W Modality:MR (1073-9169)
mr finger upper extremity w iv (6978-4592)
mr finger w iv (1073-9169)
RPID814 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue fngr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity finger without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr finger w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue fngr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity finger without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr finger w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr finger w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the finger in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr finger w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue fngr wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity finger without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FINGER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (5512-5921)
Anatomy:FINGER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9925-7013)
mr finger upper extremity wo+w iv (5512-5921)
mr finger wo+w iv (9925-7013)
RPID815 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le foot wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity foot without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr foot w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le foot wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity foot without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr foot w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr foot w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le foot wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr foot w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le foot wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity foot without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8111-7436)
Anatomy:FOOT IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9640-9571)
mr foot lower extremity wo+w iv (8111-7436)
mr foot wo+w iv (9640-9571)
RPID816 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr hand w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr hand w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr hand w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr hand w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9976-0280)
Anatomy:HAND IVContrast:W Modality:MR (9069-8004)
mr hand upper extremity w iv (9976-0280)
mr hand w iv (9069-8004)
RPID817 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue hand wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity hand without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr hand w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr ue hand wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr upper extremity hand without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr hand w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr hand w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue hand wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr hand w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue hand wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity hand without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (3819-3549)
Anatomy:HAND IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (7930-0406)
mr hand upper extremity wo+w iv (3819-3549)
mr hand wo+w iv (7930-0406)
RPID818 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri not requiring a physician procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head fmri nophysician brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head functional mri not requiring a physician brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR ModalityType:Physician:NotRequired (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri not requiring a physician procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head fmri nophysician brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri not requiring a physician brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri not requiring a physician procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head fmri nophysician brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri not requiring a physician brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR ModalityType:Physician:NotRequired (7446-9925)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR fmri nophysician
mr brain head physician notrequired function (7446-9925)
RPID819 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri requiring a physician procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head fmri withphysician brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head functional mri requiring a physician brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR ModalityType:Physician:Required (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri requiring a physician procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head fmri withphysician brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri requiring a physician brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable functional mri requiring a physician procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head fmri withphysician brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head functional mri requiring a physician brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Function Modality:MR ModalityType:Physician:Required (0671-5170)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR fmri withphysician
mr brain head physician required function (0671-5170)
RPID82 a computed tomography radiology orderable pelvimetry procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obsteric Modality:CT Reason:Measurement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pelvimetry procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable pelvimetry procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis pelvimetry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis plvmtry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Obsteric Modality:CT Reason:Measurement (2531-3607)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT plvmtry
ct pelvis obsteric measurement (2531-3607)
RPID820 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (8209-9246) mr hip lower extremity (8209-9246)
RPID821 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity knee (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity knee (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (8579-8098) mr knee lower extremity (8579-8098)
RPID822 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (1724-3760) mr lower extremity (1724-3760)
RPID823 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYJOINT Modality:MR (3769-5086) mr lower extremity joint (3769-5086)
RPID824 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr l spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lumbar spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr l spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lumbar spine wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr lumbar spine wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr l spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr lumbar spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr lumbar spine wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr l spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr lumbar spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr lumbar spine wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Context:Neuro IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (2252-4854)
Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (7141-4665)
mr lspine neuro wo iv (2252-4854)
mr lspine wo iv (7141-4665)
RPID825 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rec coil (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr pelvis rectal coil (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rec coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pelvis with a technique of rectal coil (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rec coil (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr pelvis rectal coil (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Access:Transrectal Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (1779-6232)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR coil rec
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR coil rectal
mr pelvis transrectal (1779-6232)
RPID826 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Modality:MR (4291-4121) mr shoulder upper extremity (4291-4121)
RPID827 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr le thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr lower extremity thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr le thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr lower extremity thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thigh w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr thigh w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr le thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr thigh w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr le thigh wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr lower extremity thigh without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr thigh w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (9092-6874)
Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (4132-9528)
mr lower extremity thigh wo+w iv (9092-6874)
mr thigh wo+w iv (4132-9528)
RPID828 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr t spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr thoracic spine wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr t spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr thoracic spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr thoracic spine wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr t spine neuro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr thoracic spine neuro without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr thoracic spine wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Context:Neuro IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (5818-9011)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (9121-0902)
mr tspine neuro wo iv (5818-9011)
mr tspine wo iv (9121-0902)
RPID829 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ue humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr upper extremity humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ue humerus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr upper extremity humerus with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:MR (0391-5455) mr humerus upper extremity w iv (0391-5455)
RPID83 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head iac wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head internal auditory canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head iac wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head internal auditory canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head iac wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head internal auditory canal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3942-0493) ct head iac wo+w iv (3942-0493)
RPID830 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable ultrasound assisted venipuncture imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr ultrasound assisted venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr us_as_veni (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Venipuncture Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable ultrasound assisted venipuncture imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr ultrasound assisted venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr us_as_veni (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable ultrasound assisted venipuncture imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr ultrasound assisted venipuncture (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr us_as_veni (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:VEIN Guidance:Access:Vascular Modality:MR Modality:US (5844-6671)
Guidance:Venipuncture Modality:MR (3712-1160)
Modality:MR usasveni
mr us vein access vascular (5844-6671)
mr venipuncture (3712-1160)
RPID831 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr t spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr thoracic spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr t spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr t spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr thoracic spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neuro in the thoracic spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr t spine neuro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr thoracic spine neuro without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
mr thoracic spine w and wo iv contrast neuro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDDISCOURAGEDDUPLICATE)
Anatomy:TSPINE Context:Neuro IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8079-1381)
Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR (8105-6815)
mr tspine neuro wo+w iv (8079-1381)
mr tspine wo+w iv (8105-6815)
RPID832 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chest angiography heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr chst angio heart (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr chst angio heart (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chest angiography heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr chst angio heart (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography Modality:MR (1707-0841) mr chest heart angiography (1707-0841)
RPID833 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spine angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spine angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spine angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr spine angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr spine angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angio wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angio wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spine angiography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:MR (6453-2955) mr spine angiography wo iv (6453-2955)
RPID834 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectro brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectroscopy brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectro brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectro brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (3543-7820) mr brain head spectroscopy wo+w iv (3543-7820)
RPID835 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr head (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
mr source images (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
mr source images (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr source images (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr source images (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR (8903-6099)
Modality:MR images source
mr head (8903-6099)
RPID836 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectro brn (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr head spectroscopy brain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectro brn (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy brain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy procedure focused on the brain in the head (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectro brn (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr head spectroscopy brain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (2183-0169) mr brain head spectroscopy (2183-0169)
RPID837 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abd pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr abdomen pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:MR (1528-8359) mr abdomen pelvis (1528-8359)
RPID838 a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy research procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spectro research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
mr spectroscopy research (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Context:Research Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy research procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spectro research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
mr spectroscopy research (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a magnetic resonance radiology orderable spectroscopy research procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spectro research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
mr spectroscopy research (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Context:Research Modality:MR ModalityType:Spectroscopy (6704-4605) mr spectroscopy research (6704-4605)
RPID84 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct sella turcica w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct sella turcica w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sella turcica w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sella turcica in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sella turcica without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sella wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sella turcica w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7246-9715)
Anatomy:SELLARREGION IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8816-7914)
ct head sellar region wo+w iv (7246-9715)
ct sellar region wo+w iv (8816-7914)
RPID85 a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone densito (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone densito (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry procedure focused on the bone (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone densito (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone densitometry (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (0222-3086)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (9609-7557)
Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone (0172-7074)
Anatomy:SKELETON Modality:CT densito
ct bone density bone (0222-3086)
ct density bone (0172-7074)
ct skeleton density bone (9609-7557)
RPID86 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy screen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography screening (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct colonography screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct colonography screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy screen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct colonography screening (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy screen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct colonography screening (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening Modality:CT (8431-2395)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening Modality:CT (8119-3323)
Anatomy:COLON Context:Screening Modality:CT (4582-3707)
ct abdomen colon pelvis screening (8431-2395)
ct abdomen pelvis screening (8119-3323)
ct colon screening (4582-3707)
RPID87 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct colonography wo iv contrast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct colonography wo iv contrast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct colonography wo iv contrast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct colonography wo iv contrast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2331-6777)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5391-3784)
Anatomy:COLON Context:Diagnostic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3671-2995)
ct abdomen colon pelvis wo iv (2331-6777)
ct abdomen pelvis wo iv (5391-3784)
ct colon diagnostic wo iv (3671-2995)
RPID873 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le femur wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity femur without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0480-6636) ct femur lower extremity wo iv (0480-6636)
RPID874 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le hip wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2542-7037) ct hip lower extremity pelvis wo iv (2542-7037)
RPID875 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (2839-1096) ct pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (2839-1096)
RPID876 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (7901-1175) ct myelography (7901-1175)
RPID877 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis prost (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis prostate (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis prost (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis prostate (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis prost (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis prostate (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Modality:CT (1880-1964) ct pelvis prostate (1880-1964)
RPID878 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4490-3738) ct pelvis prostate wo iv (4490-3738)
RPID879 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis pulmonary arteries with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis pulm arts w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2696-5045) ct abdomen chest pelvis pulmonary artery w iv (2696-5045)
RPID88 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance for needle placement (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT (2844-6527)
Guidance:Insert Modality:CT needle
ct (2844-6527)
RPID880 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct veno pulm vns w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct venography pulmonary veins with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0397-4857) ct pulmonary vein venography w iv (0397-4857)
RPID881 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le knee wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0564-0874) ct knee lower extremity wo iv (0564-0874)
RPID882 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9215-5599) ct pelvis limited wo iv (9215-5599)
RPID883 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis limited prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis ltd prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis limited prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis ltd prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the prostate in the pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis limited prostate without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis ltd prost wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PROSTATE Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4324-7104) ct pelvis prostate limited wo iv (4324-7104)
RPID884 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le foot wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity foot without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le foot wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le foot wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0579-9313) ct foot lower extremity wo+w iv (0579-9313)
RPID885 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue elbow wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity elbow without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0058-3045) ct elbow upper extremity wo iv (0058-3045)
RPID886 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the forearm in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue forearm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity forearm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOREARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0441-4849) ct forearm upper extremity wo iv (0441-4849)
RPID887 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the humerus in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue humerus wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity humerus without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HUMERUS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0371-2478) ct humerus upper extremity wo iv (0371-2478)
RPID888 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lower extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity w iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2760-2192) ct lower extremity w iv (2760-2192)
RPID889 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8711-5365) ct shoulder upper extremity wo iv (8711-5365)
RPID89 a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct colonography w iv contrast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct colonography w iv contrast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct colonography w iv contrast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis colongrphy w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis colonography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct colonography w iv contrast diagnostic (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7981-9393)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2183-0861)
Anatomy:COLON Context:Diagnostic IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3993-9354)
ct abdomen colon pelvis w iv (7981-9393)
ct abdomen pelvis w iv (2183-0861)
ct colon diagnostic w iv (3993-9354)
RPID890 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Modality:CT (5398-7856) ct abdomen kidney (5398-7856)
RPID891 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0210-9021) ct abdomen kidney pelvis wo iv (0210-9021)
RPID892 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2717-7679) ct abdomen kidney w iv (2717-7679)
RPID893 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd ue kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen upper extremity kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd ue kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen upper extremity kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd ue kidney w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen upper extremity kidney with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9368-8757)
Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2456-1385)
ct abdomen kidney upper extremity w iv (9368-8757)
ct abdomen upper extremity kidney w iv (2456-1385)
RPID894 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (9494-1967) ct abdomen kidney wo iv (9494-1967)
RPID895 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd retro (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd retro (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd retro (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen retroperitoneum (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Modality:CT (0246-3849)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Direction:Retrograde Modality:CT (7001-2433)
ct abdomen retrograde (7001-2433)
ct abdomen retroperitoneum (0246-3849)
RPID896 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd kidney cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen kidney malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd kidney cancer wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen kidney malignant neoplasm without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer (6569-9059) ct abdomen kidney wo iv cancer (6569-9059)
RPID897 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest ribs without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ribs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8277-6889) ct chest rib wo iv (8277-6889)
RPID898 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le knee w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity knee with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6046-0381) ct knee lower extremity w iv (6046-0381)
RPID899 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ankle w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity ankle with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3878-5365) ct ankle lower extremity w iv (3878-5365)
RPID9 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio lt wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography left without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3743-0345) ct lower extremity left angiography wo+w iv (3743-0345)
RPID90 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct limited follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ltd foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct limited follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct limited follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct ltd foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct limited follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct limited follow up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct limited follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ltd foll up (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the for the purpose of follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct limited follow up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct limited follow-up procedure (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ltd foll up (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp Extent:Limited Modality:CT (9945-6073) ct followup limited (9945-6073)
RPID900 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le ankle wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity ankle without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le ankle wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity ankle without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le ankle wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity ankle without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7816-1697) ct ankle lower extremity wo+w iv (7816-1697)
RPID901 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue clavicle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity clavicle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue clavicle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity clavicle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue clavicle wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity clavicle without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2811-1395) ct clavicle upper extremity wo iv (2811-1395)
RPID902 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (1565-2702) ct femur lower extremity w iv (1565-2702)
RPID903 a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le research femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity research femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le research femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity research femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le research femur w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity research femur with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7215-7620) ct femur lower extremity research w iv (7215-7620)
RPID904 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le femur wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity femur without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le femur wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity femur without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le femur wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity femur without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2471-6050) ct femur lower extremity wo+w iv (2471-6050)
RPID905 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le foot w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity foot with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3336-8314) ct foot lower extremity w iv (3336-8314)
RPID906 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hand in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue hand wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity hand without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HAND Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6268-3395) ct hand upper extremity wo iv (6268-3395)
RPID907 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le arthro hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity arthrography hip (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (3081-4869) ct hip lower extremity pelvis arthrography w iarticular (3081-4869)
RPID908 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis le hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the hip in the pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis le hip w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis lower extremity hip with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HIP Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5116-3444) ct hip lower extremity pelvis w iv (5116-3444)
RPID909 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3226-9754) ct shoulder upper extremity w iv (3226-9754)
RPID91 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head iac wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head internal auditory canal without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2531-9046) ct head iac wo iv (2531-9046)
RPID910 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le thigh wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity thigh without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4998-5832) ct lower extremity thigh wo iv (4998-5832)
RPID911 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le thigh w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity thigh with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le thigh w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity thigh with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thigh in the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le thigh w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity thigh with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:THIGH IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6190-4791) ct lower extremity thigh w iv (6190-4791)
RPID912 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lower extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6948-2309) ct lower extremity wo iv (6948-2309)
RPID913 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lower extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7822-4150) ct lower extremity wo+w iv (7822-4150)
RPID914 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis recon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct pelvis reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis recon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct pelvis reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the pelvis (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis recon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct pelvis reconstruction (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (0748-8879) ct pelvis reconstruction retrospective (0748-8879)
RPID915 a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine l spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine recon wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine reconstruction without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective (1498-9781) ct lspine tspine reconstruction retrospective wo iv (1498-9781)
RPID916 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2563-6716) ct w iv (2563-6716)
RPID917 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0513-9338) ct sacrum wo iv (0513-9338)
RPID918 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sc jt (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sternoclavicular joint (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT Modality:CT (5793-3594) ct sternoclavicular joint (5793-3594)
RPID919 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sc jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sc jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sc jt wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sternoclavicular joint without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5303-2508) ct sternoclavicular joint wo iv (5303-2508)
RPID92 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head iac w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head internal auditory canal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5013-8099) ct head iac w iv (5013-8099)
RPID920 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct limited with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ltd w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8211-2316) ct limited w iv (8211-2316)
RPID921 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct limited without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ltd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0513-7962) ct limited wo iv (0513-7962)
RPID922 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd adrnl w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen adrenal with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:W Modality:CT (7526-6553) ct abdomen adrenal w iv (7526-6553)
RPID923 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue elbow w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity elbow with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9042-9481) ct elbow upper extremity w iv (9042-9481)
RPID924 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (6109-5086) ct wo iv (6109-5086)
RPID925 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2320-6203) ct wo+w iv (2320-6203)
RPID926 a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le scngrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity scanogram without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct le scngrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity scanogram without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct lower extremity wo iv contrast leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct lower extremity wo iv contrast leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity wo iv contrast leg length (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le scngrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity scanogram without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity wo iv contrast leg length (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Measurement:Length (1750-9945)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Localizer (3178-7488)
ct leg lower extremity wo iv measurement length (1750-9945)
ct lower extremity localizer wo iv (3178-7488)
RPID927 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro shlder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography shoulder (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (2166-9368) ct shoulder upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (2166-9368)
RPID928 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8180-0165) ct shoulder upper extremity wo+w iv (8180-0165)
RPID929 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (9117-7958) ct drainage (9117-7958)
RPID93 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bone guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bone guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the bone for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone guidance radiofrequency ablation (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bone guide rad ablat (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (5928-3361)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT (4711-9860)
Anatomy:SKELETON Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT rad
ct bone ablate rf (5928-3361)
ct skeleton ablate rf (4711-9860)
RPID930 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4641-1078) ct lower extremity angiography wo+w iv (4641-1078)
RPID931 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest abdomen pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst abd pelvis w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2785-1768) ct abdomen chest neck pelvis w iv (2785-1768)
RPID932 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head limited brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head ltd brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head limited brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head ltd brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head limited brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head ltd brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5018-6965) ct brain head limited wo iv (5018-6965)
RPID933 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (6025-6311) ct angiography w iv (6025-6311)
RPID934 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7576-1559) ct lspine thyroid wo iv (7576-1559)
RPID935 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le arthro ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity arthrography ankle (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (6918-1139) ct ankle lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (6918-1139)
RPID936 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W Modality:CT (8302-4181) ct chest neck w iv (8302-4181)
RPID937 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8799-3773) ct chest neck wo iv (8799-3773)
RPID938 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stereotaxis brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stertxs brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic brain without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs brn wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3575-9732) ct brain head stereotactic wo iv (3575-9732)
RPID939 a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stereotaxis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head stertxs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotactic procedure focused on the head without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stereotactic without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head stertxs wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0575-3525) ct head stereotactic wo iv (0575-3525)
RPID94 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd guide retro bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen guidance retroperitoneum biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (6785-6304)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Direction:Retrograde Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (5807-8813)
ct abdomen retrograde biopsy (5807-8813)
ct abdomen retroperitoneum biopsy (6785-6304)
RPID940 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue hi res shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity high resolution shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue hi res shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity high resolution shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue hi res shlder wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity high resolution shoulder without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High (6232-1484) ct shoulder upper extremity resolution high wo iv (6232-1484)
RPID941 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue le shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lower extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue le shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and lower extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue le shlder wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity shoulder without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5112-8612) ct lower extremity shoulder upper extremity wo+w iv (5112-8612)
RPID942 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct saliv wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct salivary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct saliv wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct salivary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the salivary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct saliv wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct salivary gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SALIVARYGLAND IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1487-3403)
IVContrast:WO Modality:CT saliv
ct salivary gland wo iv (1487-3403)
RPID943 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine sacr wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum in the lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:BODY_REGIONLUMBARSPINEFORSACRUMNOTCORRECT.)
ct lumbar spine sacrum without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716DEPRECATEDNON-PREFERREDSEMANTICS11/11/16:BODY_REGIONLUMBARSPINEFORSACRUMNOTCORRECT.)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3406-9835) ct lspine sacrum wo iv (3406-9835)
RPID944 a computed tomography radiology orderable discogram procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct l spine dscgrm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lumbar spine discogram with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE IDiscContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct l spine dscgrm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine discography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct l spine dscgrm w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lumbar spine discography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE IDiscContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (5867-3293) ct lspine intervertebraldisc w idisc w iv (5867-3293)
RPID945 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine l spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine myelog w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine myelography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IThecalContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (4205-2874)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (9020-1240)
ct lspine tspine w ithecal myelography (4205-2874)
ct lspine tspine w iv myelography (9020-1240)
RPID946 a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine myelog (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine myelography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Modality:CT Myelography:Yes (8268-3787) ct lspine tspine myelography (8268-3787)
RPID947 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4687-8073) ct abdomen pancreas w iv (4687-8073)
RPID948 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head neck tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head neck tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the temporal bone in the head and neck without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck temporal bone without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head neck tmp bon wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:TEMPORALBONE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0962-4527) ct head neck temporal bone wo+w iv (0962-4527)
RPID949 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (1193-1887) ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (1193-1887)
RPID95 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance biopsy (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide bx (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT (1097-3371) ct biopsy (1097-3371)
RPID950 a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct localiz w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct localization with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Localize IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct localiz w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct localization with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct localiz w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct localization with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Localize IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9336-3682) ct localize w iv (9336-3682)
RPID951 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine l spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:THYROID Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine thy glnd wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine thyroid gland without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:THYROID Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (4186-9318) ct lspine thyroid tspine wo iv (4186-9318)
RPID952 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine l spine wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine lumbar spine without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7256-8266) ct lspine tspine wo+w iv (7256-8266)
RPID953 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (5037-7707) ct abdomen wo+w iv 2 or more phases (5037-7707)
RPID954 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (5208-1100) ct abdomen kidney wo+w iv 2 or more phases (5208-1100)
RPID955 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph kidney wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase kidney without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (9339-1455) ct abdomen kidney pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (9339-1455)
RPID956 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (0589-1803) ct abdomen liver pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (0589-1803)
RPID957 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis multiph panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis multiphase pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (6509-1713) ct abdomen pancreas pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (6509-1713)
RPID958 a computed tomography radiology orderable discogram procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine dscgrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine discogram without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:TSPINE IDiscContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine dscgrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine discography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable discography procedure focused on the thoracic spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine dscgrm wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine discography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:TSPINE IDiscContrast:W IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Object:IntervertebralDisc (7719-4181) ct tspine intervertebraldisc w idisc wo iv (7719-4181)
RPID959 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd panc wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pancreas without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2378-9220) ct abdomen pancreas wo+w iv (2378-9220)
RPID96 a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head perfusion with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head perfus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head perfusion with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head w iv contrast perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct head w iv contrast perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head w iv contrast perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the head with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfus w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head perfusion with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head w iv contrast perfusion (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Perfusion (3592-0164) ct head perfusion w iv (3592-0164)
RPID960 a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest low dose (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest low dose (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst lo dose (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose (5604-3411) ct chest lowdose (5604-3411)
RPID961 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen liver (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Modality:CT (7088-8043) ct abdomen liver (7088-8043)
RPID962 a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis uro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis urography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis uro wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis urography without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8836-4586) ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter wo iv (8836-4586)
RPID963 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the upper extremity and lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue le wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity lower extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8511-0315) ct lower extremity upper extremity wo iv (8511-0315)
RPID964 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis 3d image uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image uro wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing urography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (6387-4807)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (5297-3415)
ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (5297-3415)
ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter 3d wo+w iv (6387-4807)
RPID965 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (0231-5310) ct venography w iv (0231-5310)
RPID966 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head veno brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head venography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head veno brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head venography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head veno brn wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head venography brain without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (0056-2019) ct brain head venography wo+w iv (0056-2019)
RPID967 a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct le veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct lower extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct le veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct le veno w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct lower extremity venography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3532-5832) ct lower extremity venography w iv (3532-5832)
RPID968 a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct brnchgraph (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct bronchography (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct brnchgraph (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct bronchography (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct brnchgraph (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct bronchography (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS IBronchialContrast:W Modality:CT (0157-0594)
Anatomy:BRONCHUS Modality:CT (6404-4805)
ct bronchus (6404-4805)
ct bronchus w ibronchial (0157-0594)
RPID969 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine pelvis vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct spine pelvis vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine pelvis vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct spine pelvis vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spine and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine pelvis vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct spine pelvis vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3090-4816) ct pelvis spine vertebroplasty wo iv (3090-4816)
RPID97 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance aspiration (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide asp (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT (2897-6234) ct aspirate (2897-6234)
RPID970 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sacr vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct sacrum vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:SACRUM Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sacr vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sacrum vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sacrum without iv contrast for the purpose of vertebroplasty (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sacr vplasty wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sacrum vertebroplasty without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:SACRUM Guidance:Vertebroplasty IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (3156-3102) ct sacrum vertebroplasty wo iv (3156-3102)
RPID971 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Modality:CT POContrast:W (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct orl con (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct oral contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct orl con (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Modality:CT POContrast:W (7609-5556) ct w po (7609-5556)
RPID972 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue wrist w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wrist with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5619-8349) ct upper extremity wrist w iv (5619-8349)
RPID973 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph adrnl wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase adrenal without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (2449-7019) ct abdomen adrenal wo+w iv 2 or more phases (2449-7019)
RPID974 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue wrist wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity wrist without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue wrist wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wrist without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue wrist wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity wrist without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (6786-1301) ct upper extremity wrist wo+w iv (6786-1301)
RPID975 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue 3d image wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue 3d image wrist wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity 3d imaging processing wrist without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (9212-7839)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2047-6512)
ct upper extremity wrist 3d postprocessing wo iv (2047-6512)
ct upper extremity wrist 3d wo iv (9212-7839)
RPID976 a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ue arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct upper extremity arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the wrist in the upper extremity (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ue arthro wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct upper extremity arthrography wrist (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Anatomy:WRIST Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W Modality:CT (7456-4688) ct upper extremity wrist arthrography w iarticular (7456-4688)
RPID977 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (5752-4792) ct angiography wo+w iv (5752-4792)
RPID978 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest 3d imaging processing heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst 3d image heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest 3d imaging processing heart with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst 3d image heart w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (6797-5953)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (6954-2835)
ct chest heart 3d postprocessing w iv (6954-2835)
ct chest heart 3d w iv (6797-5953)
RPID979 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chest heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct chst heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct heart wo iv contrast calcium scoring (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct heart wo iv contrast calcium scoring (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct heart wo iv contrast calcium scoring (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest heart without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst heart wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct heart wo iv contrast calcium scoring (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (5630-4655)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (7056-0782)
ct chest heart wo iv (7056-0782)
ct heart calciumscore wo iv (5630-4655)
RPID98 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head paranasal sinuses without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct head sinuses wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head paranasal sinuses without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct head sinuses wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
ct sinuses w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150413)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
ct sinuses w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150520)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct sinuses w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head paranasal sinuses without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct head sinuses wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct sinuses w and wo iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3356-7679)
Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (2274-9157)
ct head paranasal sinus wo+w iv (3356-7679)
ct paranasal sinus wo+w iv (2274-9157)
RPID980 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine c spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine l spine w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT (2969-5463) ct cspine lspine tspine w iv (2969-5463)
RPID981 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct t spine c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct t spine c spine l spine wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct thoracic spine cervical spine lumbar spine without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2257-1414) ct cspine lspine tspine wo iv (2257-1414)
RPID982 a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct limited (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Extent:Limited Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct limited (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct ltd (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct limited (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct ltd (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Extent:Limited Modality:CT (8935-7842) ct limited (8935-7842)
RPID983 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (1662-9063)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (2651-9865)
ct chest coronary artery calciumscore angiography wo iv (1662-9063)
ct chest coronary artery calciumscore arteriography wo iv (2651-9865)
RPID984 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest multiphase angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst multiph angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (2189-0109) ct chest angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (2189-0109)
RPID985 a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd multiph angio liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen multiphase angiography liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph angio liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase angiography liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd multiph angio liver wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen multiphase angiography liver without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Phases:2OrMore (4634-4730) ct abdomen liver angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (4634-4730)
RPID986 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd pelvis angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (8629-5314) ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography wo+w iv (8629-5314)
RPID987 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd pelvis 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd pelvis 3d image angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d imaging processing angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (3036-9285)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (4226-6235)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d angiography w iv (3036-9285)
ct abdomen pelvis 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (4226-6235)
RPID988 a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd 3d image angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen 3d imaging processing angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D (0086-0765)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing (2715-6329)
ct abdomen 3d angiography wo+w iv (0086-0765)
ct abdomen 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (2715-6329)
RPID989 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (3254-2346) ct abdomen chest angiography wo+w iv (3254-2346)
RPID99 a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the for the purpose of drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guidance drainage (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct guide drain (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Guidance:Drainage Modality:CT (9117-7958) ct drainage (9117-7958)
RPID990 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (3646-0979)
Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9439-1147)
ct abdomen chest lower extremity angiography w iv (3646-0979)
ct abdomen lower chest extremity angiography w iv (9439-1147)
RPID991 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen angiography coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd angio cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen angiography coronary arteries calcium score without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd angio cor arts calc score wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (0340-5348)
Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT (8572-5321)
ct abdomen chest coronary artery calciumscore angiography wo iv (0340-5348)
ct abdomen chest coronary artery calciumscore arteriography wo iv (8572-5321)
RPID992 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pelvis lower extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pelvis le angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9708-4787) ct chest lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (9708-4787)
RPID993 a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest high resolution pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst hi res pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest high resolution pulmonary arteries embolism without iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst hi res pulm arts embo wo ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Reason:Embolus (1446-8932) ct chest pulmonary artery resolution high wo iv embolus (1446-8932)
RPID994 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest pulmonary arteries embolism without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst pulm arts embo wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus (4978-0429) ct chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv embolus (4978-0429)
RPID995 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and upper extremity with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest upper extremity angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst ue angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (9947-8890) ct chest upper extremity angiography w iv (9947-8890)
RPID996 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abd angio panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct abdomen angiography pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abd angio panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abd angio panc w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct abdomen angiography pancreas with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (4172-3616) ct abdomen pancreas angiography w iv (4172-3616)
RPID997 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct neck chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct neck chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chest angiography with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct neck chst angio w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT (5826-0191) ct chest neck angiography w iv (5826-0191)
RPID998 a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst abd cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst abd cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest abdomen coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst abd cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (1595-4286) ct abdomen chest coronary artery wo+w iv (1595-4286)
RPID999 a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
ct chst angio cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20140725)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (RadLexPlaybook_20150413_SEMANTIC)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
ct chst angio cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_20150807ACTIVE)
a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chest angiography coronary arteries without then with iv contrast (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
ct chst angio cor arts wo & w ivcon (RadLexPlaybook_2_5_20180716ACTIVE)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (7935-5421)
Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT (4831-7155)
ct chest coronary artery angiography wo+w iv (7935-5421)
ct chest coronary artery arteriography wo+w iv (4831-7155)