2844-6527 Modality:CT ct (2 chars) ct of regions 303678006
100501 25045-6 BW2 RPID88 8838
8917-8883 Modality:CT Access:Percutaneous Context:Therapeutic Guidance:Drainage ct percutaneous therapeutic drainage (36 chars) ct guided percutaneous therapeutic drainage 277584008
6661-9857 Modality:CT AgeGroup:Pediatric ct pediatric (12 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the RPID1516
8608-7388 Modality:CT AgeGroup:Pediatric Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct pediatric angiography w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric angiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast RPID1338
6009-9981 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ct abdomen (10 chars) computed tomography of abdomen 169070004 CABDO 4002517 100212 41806-1 BW20ZZZ RPID188 8801 60001002500000000000010000000000
2051-6471 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Access:Percutaneous Device:Tube Guidance:Change Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen percutaneous tube change drainage (44 chars) ct guidance for replacement of percutaneous drainage tube in abdomen 52790-3
8790-9981 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Access:Percutaneous Guidance:Aspirate ct abdomen percutaneous aspirate (32 chars) ct guided percutaneous aspiration of abdomen 439087006
5772-5960 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN AgeGroup:Pediatric Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pediatric angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1336
9656-5407 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pediatric wo iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1810
2351-9286 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen abdominal aorta chest pelvis tspine arteriography w iv wo+w iv (73 chars) ct chest and abdomen and pelvis wo and w contrast iv and cta thoracic and abdominal aorta wo and w contrast iv 83299-8
2617-0809 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W ct abdomen abdominal aorta femoral artery lower extremity arteriography additional w iv (87 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the aorta and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4921
5219-1484 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct abdomen abdominal aorta pelvis arteriography w iv (52 chars) ct abdomen and pelvis and ct angiogram abdominal aorta w contrast iv 87854-6
5622-6898 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen abdominal aorta pelvis arteriography w iv wo+w iv (60 chars) ct abdomen and pelvis and ct angiogram abdominal aorta wo and w contrast iv 87853-8
2240-4866 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL ct abdomen adrenal (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen RPID1050
4372-2845 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen adrenal chest pelvis w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1366
0182-6767 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen adrenal pelvis (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis RPID1178
8196-8089 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen adrenal pelvis w iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1402
5690-4199 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen adrenal pelvis wo+w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1403
2342-3171 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen adrenal angiography w iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1225
2628-5418 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp ct abdomen adrenal followup (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen for the purpose of follow-up procedure RPID1269
7526-6553 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:W ct abdomen adrenal w iv (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID922
9931-7468 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO ct abdomen adrenal wo iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without iv contrast RPID386
6712-1595 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen adrenal wo+w iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID389
2449-7019 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen adrenal wo+w iv 2 or more phases (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the adrenal in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID973
7865-9878 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA ct abdomen aorta (16 chars) ct abdominal aorta 35948-9
4836-8190 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W ct abdomen aorta carotid artery chest neck pelvis angiography additional w iv (77 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID4922
7993-6186 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W ct abdomen aorta carotid artery chest neck pelvis arteriography additional w iv (79 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the carotid arteries and aorta in the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID4922
5403-0727 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST ct abdomen aorta chest (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen RPID1524
2267-0278 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen aorta chest pelvis wo iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID4941
9501-8746 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W ct abdomen aorta femoral artery lower extremity angiography additional w iv (75 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID4921
8180-5712 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W ct abdomen aorta femoral artery lower extremity arteriography additional w iv (77 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the aorta and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4921
5875-1338 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen aorta lower extremity pelvis angiography wo+w iv (59 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT RPID5995
3862-0780 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography ct abdomen aorta lower extremity pelvis arteriography (53 chars) computed tomography angiography of aorta, abdomen, pelvis and lower limb 15401000087103 103625
3327-7773 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen aorta lower extremity pelvis arteriography wo+w iv (61 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID5995
9901-5654 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Additional IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore Reason:Endoleak ct abdomen aorta pelvis additional wo+w iv 2 or more phases endoleak (68 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase additional body region procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of endoleak RPID4919
0173-4135 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Angiography ct abdomen aorta angiography (28 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Angiography Modality:CT RPID1522
1286-5597 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography ct abdomen aorta arteriography (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the abdomen RPID1522
5911-6693 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct abdomen aorta arteriography w iv (35 chars) cta abdominal aorta w contrast iv 82677-6
5995-3373 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen aorta arteriography w iv wo+w iv (43 chars) cta abdominal aorta wo and w contrast iv 82678-4
6784-4609 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct abdomen aorta highosmolar iv (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdominal aorta using high osmolar contrast B4200ZZ
6976-1648 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct abdomen aorta lowosmolar iv (30 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdominal aorta using low osmolar contrast B4201ZZ
8610-2637 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA IVContrast:W ct abdomen aorta w iv (21 chars) ct abdominal aorta w contrast iv 36143-6 B420YZZ
5936-9480 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA IVContrast:WO ct abdomen aorta wo iv (22 chars) ct abdominal aorta wo contrast 36431-5
4046-3791 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:AORTA IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen aorta wo+w iv (24 chars) ct abdominal aorta wo and w contrast iv 36271-5
1374-7553 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Cholangiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen bileduct 3d cholangiography w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1391
6398-7682 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Cholangiography ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct abdomen bileduct 3d cholangiography postprocessing w iv (58 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1391
5333-0020 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT ModalityType:Cholangiography ct abdomen bileduct cholangiography (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen RPID140
9208-5442 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BILEDUCT ModalityType:Cholangiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bileduct cholangiography wo+w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID140
5230-3132 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder chest kidney pelvis ureter wo+w iv (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1171
8037-5463 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen bladder chest pelvis w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1290
8229-2619 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Cystography IVContrast:W IVesicalContrast:W ct abdomen bladder chest pelvis cystography w iv w ivesical (59 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1354
9370-3994 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder cspine kidney pelvis ureter wo+w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without then with iv contrast RPID1283
9132-9924 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:EPIDURALSPACE Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder epiduralspace kidney lspine pelvis ureter wo+w iv (68 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:EPIDURALSPACE Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT RPID1462
4288-2485 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter angiography wo+w iv (59 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1106
7792-0987 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter w iv (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis RPID54
8836-4586 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter wo iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID962
0286-7300 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter wo+w iv (47 chars) ct, urography, abdomen-pelvis, wo/w iv contrast 4002516 RPID164
0560-7474 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter wo+w iv 2 or more phases (64 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography and multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1352
6387-4807 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter 3d wo+w iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID964
5297-3415 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (65 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID964
3178-6260 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter dual energy wo+w iv (59 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast RPID1090
4792-0644 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter lowdose wo+w iv (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and urography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1353
4275-5516 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis ureter reconstruction multiplanar wo+w iv (74 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography multi-planar reformation procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID6007
7423-9415 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen bladder kidney pelvis wo iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder and kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1885
4642-6068 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen bladder kidney ureter wo+w iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1808
8277-5107 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen bladder pelvis (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis RPID1260
7973-0185 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Reason:Cancer ct abdomen bladder pelvis w iv cancer (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm RPID1279
3064-7123 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Cystography IVContrast:W IVesicalContrast:W ct abdomen bladder pelvis cystography w iv w ivesical (53 chars) computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and cystography with contrast 17331000087105 103613
1618-9485 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Cystography IVContrast:WO IVesicalContrast:W ct abdomen bladder pelvis cystography wo iv w ivesical (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1173
6649-6790 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Cystography IVesicalContrast:W ct abdomen bladder pelvis cystography w ivesical (48 chars) computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and cystography 16391000087109 103612 RPID1040
5615-0893 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN ct abdomen brain (16 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and abdomen RPID1878
7309-2006 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen brain chest head pelvis w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1132
5497-5599 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen brain chest head pelvis wo iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1107
8472-4360 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen brain chest neck pelvis (34 chars) ct brain neck thorax abdo and pelvis CBNTA
3592-4303 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen brain head pelvis wo iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1129
0284-5680 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ct abdomen chest (16 chars) computed tomography of chest and abdomen 418891003 CCABD 100279 BW24ZZZ RPID247 60000006400000000000010000000000
0340-5348 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest coronary artery calciumscore angiography wo iv (63 chars) Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID991
8572-5321 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest coronary artery calciumscore arteriography wo iv (65 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score RPID991
6120-0650 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest coronary artery pelvis angiography w iv (56 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1049
7236-2733 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest coronary artery pelvis arteriography w iv (58 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1049
9674-4713 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest coronary artery w iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast RPID1061
0467-6518 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest coronary artery w iv embolus (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1048
1595-4286 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest coronary artery wo+w iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID998
1849-4924 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest coronary artery wo+w iv 2 or more phases (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1047
4851-0265 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest cspine lspine pelvis wo iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1358
0433-3582 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest cspine pelvis w iv (35 chars) ct chest abdomen pelvis cervical spine with contrast 104336
7191-0422 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest cyst pelvis w iv (33 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1368
1806-9938 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen chest extremity pelvis (33 chars) ct chest abdomen pelvis extremity 104358
3830-4528 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct abdomen chest extremity pelvis angiography (45 chars) computed tomography angiography of chest, abdomen, pelvis and limb 16311000087103 103607
7830-7752 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest extremity pelvis w iv (38 chars) ct chest abdomen pelvis extremity with contrast 104337
9279-3123 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography ct abdomen chest extremity angiography (38 chars) ct chest abdomen extremity angiography 104400
2040-5665 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest femur lower extremity pelvis w iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1422
3148-9911 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest foot lower extremity neck pelvis w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the foot in the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1265
3829-4424 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD ct abdomen chest head (21 chars) computed tomography of head, thorax and abdomen 444633001 CHTA 103654
2546-1493 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ct abdomen chest head neck (26 chars) computed tomography of head, neck, chest and abdomen 16451000087108
CHNTA 103663
5102-9040 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen chest head neck pelvis (33 chars) computed tomography of head, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis 440331001 CHNTAP 104135
8799-5026 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest head neck pelvis angiography w iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the head and neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1167
8861-7651 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest head neck pelvis w iv (38 chars) computed tomography of head, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 444630003 104136 RPID1206
5901-5852 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest head neck w iv (31 chars) computed tomography of head and neck and thorax and abdomen with contrast 448760006 CHNTAC 104137 RPID1473
7348-3090 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen chest head pelvis (28 chars) computed tomography of head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis 445583005 CHTAP 103594
6296-8955 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest head pelvis spine w iv (39 chars) computed tomography of head, spine, chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 15031000087104 103666
6131-4482 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest head pelvis w iv (33 chars) computed tomography of head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 444674001 CHTAPC 103473 RPID1471
9550-2810 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest head pelvis wo iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1470
7387-5470 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest head pelvis wo+w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID5748
5347-5891 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest head w iv (26 chars) computed tomography of head, thorax and abdomen with contrast 444758004 CHTHAC 103655
0131-6865 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest head wo iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest and abdomen without iv contrast RPID1469
6331-9511 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest heart pelvis angiography w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the abdomen and chest and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1819
2933-3348 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest heart pelvis w iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1370
0426-5293 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest heart angiography w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast RPID1041
0703-8690 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Donor:Organ ct abdomen chest kidney pelvis angiography wo+w iv donor organ (62 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor RPID1424
7665-9031 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest kidney pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1267
6763-3923 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest kidney wo+w iv 2 or more phases (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1303
0709-8157 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest knee lower extremity pelvis w iv (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1356
6344-9992 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest leg lower extremity pelvis w iv embolus (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1247
5608-7249 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Reason:Cancer ct abdomen chest leg lower extremity pelvis wo iv cancer (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm RPID1284
2944-8793 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest liver pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1264
8605-9724 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest liver followup wo+w iv 2 or more phases (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure RPID1215
9338-2307 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest liver wo+w iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and chest without then with iv contrast RPID1863
0587-0470 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest liver wo+w iv 2 or more phases (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1231
6838-7954 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest lower extremity lower leg pelvis w iv embolus (62 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus RPID1247
4379-9138 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Reason:Cancer ct abdomen chest lower extremity lower leg pelvis wo iv cancer (62 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT Reason:Cancer RPID1284
9724-6757 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest lower extremity pelvis pulmonary artery w iv embolus (69 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1433
4563-2403 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1367
2141-0323 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest lower extremity pelvis w iv (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1423
3646-0979 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest lower extremity angiography w iv (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID990
0079-5665 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography ct abdomen chest lower extremity both pelvis both angiography (61 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity RPID447
3190-6425 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen chest lspine pelvis (30 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine 11831000087107 103627
5239-2988 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE ct abdomen chest lspine pelvis tspine (37 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen, pelvis, lumbar spine and thoracic spine 12451000087107 103629
8993-4478 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest lspine pelvis tspine w iv (42 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen, pelvis, thoracic spine and lumbar spine with contrast 12001000087102 103630
7222-6951 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest lspine pelvis tspine wo iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1360
8878-6029 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest lspine pelvis w iv (35 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine with contrast 12161000087102 103628
0630-5079 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest lspine pelvis wo iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1359
0313-0031 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest maxillofacial w iv (35 chars) ct, maxface-chest-abdomen, w iv contrast 4002801
3650-0555 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest maxillofacial wo iv (36 chars) ct, maxface-chest-abdomen, wo iv contrast 4002803
4430-5203 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest maxillofacial wo+w iv (38 chars) ct, maxface-chest-abdomen, wo/w iv contrast 4002802
6411-9756 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK ct abdomen chest neck (21 chars) computed tomography of neck, thorax and abdomen 430439002 CNCHA 100470
3039-8800 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen chest neck pelvis (28 chars) computerized tomography of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis 418332004 CNCAP 100467 CNSandVisceralHeadandNeck_53_4
4587-0687 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest neck pelvis pediatric w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1217
9219-0846 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest neck pelvis angiography w iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1011
2785-1768 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest neck pelvis w iv (33 chars) computed tomography of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 434438003 CNCAPC 100466 RPID931
4743-8698 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest neck pelvis wo iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1504
1911-0861 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest neck pelvis wo+w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1258
9904-6023 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest neck pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1233
6124-7846 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 ct abdomen chest neck pelvis dual energy (40 chars) dual energy ct of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis 955921000000101
9285-8132 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest neck w iv (26 chars) computed tomography of neck, thorax and abdomen with contrast 433270008 CNCAC 100469 RPID1211
6071-3240 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest neck wo iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen without iv contrast RPID1506
7117-8887 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest neck wo+w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1503
4833-9213 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest pancreas pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1266
0146-7639 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest pancreas wo+w iv 2 or more phases (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1295
4040-8072 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen chest pelvis (23 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen and pelvis 418023006 CCHAP 100276 87869-4 BW25ZZZ RPID248 VisceralAbdomenandPelvis_39_4
3216-0256 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS AgeGroup:Pediatric ct abdomen chest pelvis pediatric (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis RPID1924
2696-5045 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis pulmonary artery w iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID879
9993-5761 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest pelvis pulmonary artery w iv embolus (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID427
1092-8308 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest pelvis pulmonary artery wo+w iv embolus (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1329
7891-3311 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis small intestine w iv w po (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1349
1732-9116 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE ct abdomen chest pelvis tspine (30 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen, pelvis and thoracic spine 14851000087101 103631
1165-0177 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis tspine w iv (35 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen, pelvis and thoracic spine with contrast 15291000087106 103632
0859-8741 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO Reason:Trauma ct abdomen chest pelvis tspine wo iv trauma (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma RPID1313
0314-7583 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography (35 chars) ct chest abdomen pelvis angiography 103300 RPID183
5522-9438 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography w iv (40 chars) ct angiography of chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 10441000087108 4002747 RPID1909
6690-9594 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography wo iv (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1373
8629-5314 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography wo+w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID986
1890-9215 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Trauma ct abdomen chest pelvis angiography wo+w iv trauma (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma RPID1333
3309-1407 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography ct abdomen chest pelvis venography (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis RPID184
9211-9193 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct abdomen chest pelvis highosmolar iv (38 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of chest, abdomen and pelvis using high osmolar contrast BW250ZZ
2901-3294 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct abdomen chest pelvis lowosmolar iv (37 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of chest, abdomen and pelvis using low osmolar contrast BW251ZZ
5832-6961 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis w iv (28 chars) computed tomography of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 433761009 CCHAPC 4002521 100275 72254-6 BW25YZZ RPID249
3146-0063 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis w iv w po (33 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W RPID1349
3264-3003 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest pelvis w iv embolus (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1845
6855-2398 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Reason:Trauma ct abdomen chest pelvis w iv trauma (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma RPID405
3021-3055 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest pelvis wo iv (29 chars) ct, chest-abdomen-pelvis, wo iv contrast 4002742 72253-8 RPID357
7940-3432 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct abdomen chest pelvis wo+highosmolar iv (41 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of chest, abdomen and pelvis using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BW2500Z
2671-2835 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct abdomen chest pelvis wo+lowosmolar iv (40 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of chest, abdomen and pelvis using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BW2510Z
5516-1112 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest pelvis wo+w iv (31 chars) ct, chest-abdomen-pelvis, wo/w iv contrast 4002774 72252-0 BW25Y0Z RPID250
9918-5905 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1181
3439-3358 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest pelvis 3d wo iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID5998
1787-4486 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest pelvis 3d postprocessing wo iv (47 chars) ct chest and abdomen and pelvis 3d post processing wo contrast 79098-0 RPID5998
6131-2803 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 ct abdomen chest pelvis dual energy (35 chars) dual energy ct of thorax, abdomen and pelvis 955901000000105
2391-9129 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis dual energy angiography w iv (52 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1099
5961-6625 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest pelvis dual energy angiography wo+w iv (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast RPID1101
0536-8953 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis dual energy w iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1083
4550-6222 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:LowDose AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis lowdose pediatric w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1297
0673-6978 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis lowdose w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1294
6302-7431 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest pelvis postprocessing wo iv (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID5998
7358-5082 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction retrospective w iv (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and chest and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1888
0514-0467 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W Reason:Trauma ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction retrospective w iv trauma (64 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of trauma RPID1212
8874-0976 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo iv (58 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1447
1734-1014 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo+w iv (60 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1446
7892-9453 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Slice:Thin Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest pelvis slice thin angiography wo+w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and pelvis with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast RPID1335
9133-0943 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Object:Cyst IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis cyst w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the chest and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1368
3813-5085 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS POContrast:W ct abdomen chest pelvis w po (28 chars) ct of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast only 1051301000000101 CTABPC
8313-4968 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery venography w iv embolus (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1515
8481-3159 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery w iv embolus (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID425
5803-1528 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery wo iv embolus (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1450
0129-0703 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv 2 or more phases embolus (66 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1311
1659-9403 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv embolus (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1378
1904-0553 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE ct abdomen chest tspine (23 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen and thoracic spine 11881000087106 103633
9097-9281 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest tspine w iv (28 chars) computed tomography of chest, abdomen and thoracic spine with contrast 11891000087108 103634
0572-3728 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography ct abdomen chest angiography (28 chars) ct angiography of thorax and abdomen 912341000000108 CATHA 103299 RPID182
8162-6526 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest angiography w iv (33 chars) ct, angiography, chest-abdomen, w iv contrast 4002530 RPID1890
2816-3651 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Workstation:Independent:W ct abdomen chest angiography w iv w independent workstation (59 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography with independent workstation procedure focused on the abdomen and chest with iv contrast RPID1848
3127-6216 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest angiography wo iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast RPID1063
3254-2346 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest angiography wo+w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID989
3597-7558 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography ct abdomen chest venography (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen RPID185
8947-7188 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct abdomen chest highosmolar iv (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of chest and abdomen using high osmolar contrast BW240ZZ
3262-8754 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct abdomen chest lowosmolar iv (30 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of chest and abdomen using low osmolar contrast BW241ZZ
7195-0871 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest w iv (21 chars) computed tomography of thorax and abdomen with contrast 429864007 CCABDC 4003038 100278 42275-8 BW24YZZ RPID251
9377-2754 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest wo iv (22 chars) ct, chest-abdomen, wo iv contrast 4003036 42276-6 RPID356
0783-1607 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest wo iv 2 or more phases (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast RPID1439
3600-3385 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct abdomen chest wo+highosmolar iv (34 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of chest and abdomen using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BW2400Z
9199-0812 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct abdomen chest wo+lowosmolar iv (33 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of chest and abdomen using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BW2410Z
1775-5282 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest wo+w iv (24 chars) ct, chest-abdomen, wo/w iv contrast 4003037 42277-4 BW24Y0Z RPID252
1484-3447 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen chest wo+w iv 2 or more phases (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1296
6014-7933 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest 3d angiography wo+w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1002
3256-5566 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest 3d wo iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast RPID5999
2701-7813 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1002
7415-7611 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest 3d postprocessing w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast RPID1413
5943-6680 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest 3d postprocessing wo iv (40 chars) ct chest and abdomen 3d post processing wo contrast 79097-2 RPID5999
1087-7360 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (68 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast RPID1413
4125-2104 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct abdomen chest 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with iv contrast RPID1413
6757-0782 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest postprocessing wo iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast RPID5999
4542-1514 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest resolution high angiography wo+w iv (52 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1322
4450-5075 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct abdomen chest resolution high wo iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest and abdomen without iv contrast RPID1293
0486-5995 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Slice:Thin Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen chest slice thin angiography wo+w iv (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast RPID1376
8286-8953 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen colon pelvis (23 chars) ct, colonography, abdomen-pelvis 4002258 RPID256
8431-2395 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening ct abdomen colon pelvis screening (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of screening RPID86
2016-3083 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening IVContrast:WO ct abdomen colon pelvis screening wo iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of screening RPID148
7981-9393 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen colon pelvis w iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID89
2331-6777 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen colon pelvis wo iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID87
5526-9213 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen colon pelvis wo+w iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1451
3571-6726 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON ModalityType:3D ct abdomen colon 3d (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen RPID260
2187-5053 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:COLON ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ct abdomen colon 3d postprocessing (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen RPID260
4044-9283 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen cspine liver wo+w iv 2 or more phases (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and cervical spine without then with iv contrast RPID1232
8626-4654 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen cspine pelvis w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1282
7931-1347 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen cspine pelvis wo iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1280
7885-3997 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen cspine pelvis wo+w iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and cervical spine without then with iv contrast RPID1281
6001-2677 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO ct abdomen cspine wo iv (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1390
6432-9856 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen cyst pelvis w iv (27 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:CYST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1395
7300-7477 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct abdomen elbow pelvis upper extremity w iv (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the abdomen and pelvis and upper extremity with iv contrast RPID1398
8361-5710 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct abdomen extremity lspine pelvis angiography (46 chars) computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis, lumbar spine and extremity 14921000087101 103618
9739-0602 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen extremity pelvis (27 chars) computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and limb 16401000087107 103614
4641-7374 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct abdomen extremity pelvis angiography (39 chars) computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis and limb 16061000087104 103608
0945-0082 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen extremity pelvis w iv (32 chars) computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and limb with contrast 17341000087104 103615
8272-4885 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FACIALBONE ct abdomen facial bone (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the abdomen RPID1896
9437-0490 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen femur lower extremity pelvis wo iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1387
8531-0250 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen head neck pelvis (27 chars) computed tomography of head, neck, abdomen and pelvis 16441000087105
CHNAP 103661
7294-7566 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen head neck pelvis w iv (32 chars) computed tomography of head, neck, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 14951000087108
CHNAPC 103662
6089-7425 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen head pelvis (22 chars) computed tomography of head, abdomen and pelvis 444618009 CHAP 103593
8375-9602 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W ct abdomen head pelvis spine w iv (33 chars) computed tomography of head, spine, abdomen, pelvis with contrast 14941000087105 103665
3792-1814 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct abdomen head pelvis venography w iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1038
1384-2579 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen head pelvis w iv (27 chars) computed tomography of head, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 444628000 CHAPC 103477 RPID1035
3054-1003 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen head pelvis wo iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1032
5398-7856 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY ct abdomen kidney (17 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen RPID890
0764-6369 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography Reason:Donor:Organ ct abdomen kidney pelvis angiography donor organ (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of donor RPID319
0210-9021 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen kidney pelvis wo iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID891
8814-4589 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Reason:Cancer ct abdomen kidney pelvis wo iv cancer (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm RPID1399
6583-2130 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen kidney pelvis wo+w iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1839
9339-1455 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen kidney pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID955
3739-5546 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney pelvis 3d w iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1396
8100-5055 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney pelvis 3d postprocessing w iv (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1396
8206-1033 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Object:Calculus ct abdomen kidney pelvis calculus (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of calculus RPID390
7127-9032 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Object:Calculus IVContrast:WO ct abdomen kidney pelvis calculus wo iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus RPID1521
5492-4256 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Object:Calculus ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:WO ct abdomen kidney pelvis calculus dual energy wo iv (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus RPID1075
2836-6825 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Object:Calculus ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO ct abdomen kidney pelvis calculus lowdose wo iv (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of calculus RPID1067
9368-8757 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney upper extremity w iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and upper extremity with iv contrast RPID893
8291-8371 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography ct abdomen kidney angiography (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen RPID444
6916-4861 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney angiography w iv (34 chars) ct angiogram renal and abdominal CAREA
8082-0117 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen kidney angiography wo+w iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1015
1290-7538 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Extent:Limited IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney limited w iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1254
4599-1829 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen kidney limited wo+w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1277
1129-7589 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate ct abdomen kidney ablate (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of ablation RPID200
3431-1545 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy ct abdomen kidney ablate cryotherapy (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation RPID199
2694-8689 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation ct abdomen kidney ablate electroporation (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife RPID227
9041-5818 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy ct abdomen kidney biopsy (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy RPID135
2057-8599 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct abdomen kidney biopsy biopsy needle (38 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT RPID1923
4847-6899 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct abdomen kidney biopsy needle (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle RPID1923
4022-6670 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen kidney drainage (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage RPID126
2717-7679 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney w iv (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID892
5972-7317 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W Reason:Cancer ct abdomen kidney w iv cancer (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm RPID1111
9494-1967 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO ct abdomen kidney wo iv (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast RPID894
6569-9059 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO Reason:Cancer ct abdomen kidney wo iv cancer (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm RPID896
6570-4240 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen kidney wo+w iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID387
5208-1100 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen kidney wo+w iv 2 or more phases (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID954
9365-4276 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore Reason:Cancer ct abdomen kidney wo+w iv 2 or more phases cancer (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm RPID1350
6475-4219 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY ModalityType:Energies:2 ct abdomen kidney dual energy (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct RPID1079
9239-3407 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY ModalityType:Energies:2 Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney dual energy angiography w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1084
4961-5169 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney dual energy w iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1076
2392-7927 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen kidney dual energy wo+w iv 2 or more phases (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast RPID1077
9525-6546 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct abdomen kidney resolution high wo iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1330
1524-8868 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY Object:Cyst Guidance:Aspirate ct abdomen kidney cyst aspirate (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the renal cyst in the abdomen for the purpose of aspiration RPID114
3850-8490 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY POContrast:W ct abdomen kidney w po (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen oral contrast RPID1834
8272-5271 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KIDNEY:Both IVContrast:W ct abdomen kidney both w iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral kidney in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1535
8709-4746 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen knee lower extremity pelvis w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1397
5317-9178 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:KNEE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen knee lower extremity pelvis wo iv (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the knee in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1394
0123-7413 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen leg lower extremity pelvis wo iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1244
8198-6692 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct abdomen leg lower extremity w iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1337
7088-8043 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER ct abdomen liver (16 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen RPID961
4401-7143 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER AgeGroup:Pediatric ct abdomen liver pediatric (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen RPID1162
1905-8094 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen liver pancreas wo+w iv 2 or more phases (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver and pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1857
0589-1803 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen liver pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID956
7294-9802 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography ct abdomen liver angiography (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen RPID445
9176-0277 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen liver angiography w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1866
7245-4719 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen liver angiography wo+w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1883
4634-4730 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen liver angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID985
6469-3645 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Donor:Organ ct abdomen liver angiography wo+w iv donor organ (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor RPID1141
0211-4970 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen liver postoperative wo+w iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op RPID423
7019-3559 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Postoperative IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen liver postoperative wo+w iv 2 or more phases (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of post op RPID401
6109-2897 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Context:Preoperative ct abdomen liver preoperative (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of pre op RPID1235
6119-4932 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Device:Fiducial Guidance ct abdomen liver fiducial guidance (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial RPID209
0935-9633 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate ct abdomen liver ablate (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of ablation RPID192
4120-7207 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy ct abdomen liver ablate cryotherapy (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of cryoablation RPID193
5811-8514 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation ct abdomen liver ablate electroporation (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife RPID223
5040-8872 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy ct abdomen liver biopsy (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy RPID119
1875-9622 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct abdomen liver biopsy biopsy needle (37 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT RPID1921
8520-0107 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct abdomen liver biopsy needle (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle RPID1921
6180-2242 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen liver drainage (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage RPID131
2484-5543 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W ct abdomen liver w iv (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1183
5768-8921 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Phases:2OrMore Reason:Hemangioma ct abdomen liver w iv 2 or more phases hemangioma (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of hemangioma RPID4920
6045-5921 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W Reason:Cancer ct abdomen liver w iv cancer (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm RPID1243
7087-3009 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO ct abdomen liver wo iv (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1493
7340-0625 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen liver wo+w iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1494
8388-0088 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen liver wo+w iv 2 or more phases (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID406
1147-0031 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Donor:Organ ct abdomen liver wo+w iv donor organ (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of donor RPID1339
3154-4525 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER ModalityType:Energies:2 ct abdomen liver dual energy (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct RPID1100
4764-8878 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen liver dual energy wo+w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast RPID1882
2498-0881 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LIVER ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen liver dual energy wo+w iv 2 or more phases (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the liver in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast RPID1091
7071-9716 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lower extremity lower leg pelvis wo iv (49 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID1244
6278-6824 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity lower leg w iv (41 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1337
7086-3510 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity lspine pelvis tspine angiography w iv (64 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and thoracic spine and pelvis and lower extremity and lumbar spine with iv contrast RPID1454
9378-3304 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis angiography (45 chars) computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis and lower limb 15391000087101 103616 RPID69
4945-4092 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1818
3824-0689 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis angiography wo+w iv (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID1
9749-6014 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis venography (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity RPID170
7431-6078 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis wo iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1392
6967-7659 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d w iv (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1393
8185-5645 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d postprocessing w iv (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1393
6907-1980 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (85 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1410
3385-4141 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity pelvis 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (70 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1410
6865-6111 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity angiography w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1222
1798-7123 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen lower extremity angiography wo+w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID1404
3840-6455 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity w iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1844
1056-7562 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lower extremity wo iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1194
5341-8283 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:Localizer IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lower extremity localizer wo iv (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1351
5358-2624 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Angio:Angiography ct abdomen lower extremity both pelvis both angiography (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity RPID442
4862-6567 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity both pelvis both w iv (48 chars) ct abdomen and pelvis and lower extremity - bilateral w contrast iv 88319-9
3300-3748 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography ct abdomen lower extremity both angiography (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and lower extremity RPID1859
6709-9071 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LSPINE ct abdomen lspine (17 chars) computed tomography of abdomen and lumbar spine 12501000087105 103611
4873-1001 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen lspine pelvis (24 chars) computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine 3201000087103
9781-4555 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography ct abdomen lspine pelvis tspine angiography (43 chars) computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis, thoracic spine and lumbar spine 14931000087104 103622
1933-0057 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct abdomen lspine pelvis angiography (36 chars) computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine 14871000087107 103617
1063-0101 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen lspine pelvis w iv (29 chars) computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine with contrast 3211000087101
0049-7878 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lspine pelvis wo iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1345
5616-2023 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen lumbosacral junction pelvis (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine in the abdomen and pelvis RPID1914
0580-2759 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen lung pelvis angiography w iv (39 chars) ct angiogram pulmonary abdomen pelvis a CAPAP
1694-1718 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen neck pelvis (22 chars) computed tomography of neck, abdomen and pelvis 16471000087102 103678
2378-5011 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen neck pelvis w iv (27 chars) computed tomography of neck, abdomen and pelvis with contrast 15181000087101 103679 RPID1510
7315-9812 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen neck pelvis wo+w iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1512
9175-3413 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct abdomen neck w iv (20 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and abdomen with iv contrast RPID1379
8248-7976 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO ct abdomen nerve needle anesthetize insert wo iv (48 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID5757
0826-9675 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize IVContrast:WO ct abdomen nerve anesthetize wo iv (34 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID5747
9200-9168 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS ct abdomen pancreas (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen RPID233
6509-1713 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pancreas pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID957
4172-3616 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen pancreas angiography w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID996
8335-8389 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen pancreas angiography wo+w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1013
2653-4479 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Device:Fiducial Guidance ct abdomen pancreas fiducial guidance (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial RPID211
3041-4219 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation ct abdomen pancreas ablate electroporation (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of nanoknife RPID225
3848-0228 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy ct abdomen pancreas biopsy (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy RPID121
6809-2133 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct abdomen pancreas biopsy biopsy needle (40 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT RPID1922
8934-6996 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct abdomen pancreas biopsy needle (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy and needle RPID1922
4405-9190 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen pancreas drainage (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage RPID130
4687-8073 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:W ct abdomen pancreas w iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with iv contrast RPID947
3391-2129 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pancreas wo iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1514
2378-9220 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen pancreas wo+w iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID959
8110-2059 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pancreas wo+w iv 2 or more phases (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID407
3712-2608 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PANCREAS ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pancreas dual energy wo+w iv 2 or more phases (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pancreas in the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct without then with iv contrast RPID1073
6497-2511 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS ct abdomen paranasal sinus (26 chars) ct of sinus of abdomen 711309003
3110-5321 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen paranasal sinus pelvis (33 chars) ct of sinus of abdomen and pelvis 711425007
8477-4577 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen paranasal sinus pelvis w iv (38 chars) ct of sinus of abdomen and pelvis with contrast 712874000
5781-2496 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W ct abdomen paranasal sinus w iv (31 chars) ct of sinus of abdomen with contrast 711310008
1399-8290 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVICVESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvic vessel angiography w iv (41 chars) cta abdominal and pelvic vessels w contrast iv 69908-2
1539-7095 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ct abdomen pelvis (17 chars) computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis 419394006 CABPE 4001332 100201 44115-4 BW21ZZZ RPID196
8798-2678 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS AgeGroup:Pediatric ct abdomen pelvis pediatric (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis RPID1925
1306-7300 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis pediatric wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1905
6586-2074 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS AgeGroup:Pediatric POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis pediatric w po (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the pelvis and abdomen oral contrast RPID1823
3463-9192 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PORTALVEIN Angio:Portography ct abdomen pelvis portal vein portography (41 chars) ct portal venography of abdomen and pelvis 912371000000102 CPVAP
7831-2865 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis rectum w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the rectum in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID238
4731-8497 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine angiography w iv w po (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1327
0447-3399 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine w iv w po (43 chars) ct, enterography, abdomen-pelvis, w iv contrast 4002560 RPID152
8239-1565 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W SBContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine w iv w sb (43 chars) ct, enteroclysis, abdomen-pelvis, w iv contrast 4002561
5580-7531 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine wo iv w po (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1060
3666-8101 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO+W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine wo+w iv w po (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1459
1433-8077 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:WO+W POContrast:W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pelvis small intestine wo+w iv w po 2 or more phases (63 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography and multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1052
6467-4598 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine dual energy w iv w po (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1088
8478-0853 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine lowdose w iv w po (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1065
2087-9546 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine lowdose wo iv w po (52 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1066
1302-0329 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis small intestine w po (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis RPID204
3293-6567 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE ct abdomen pelvis spine (23 chars) computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and spine 11941000087107 103620
3138-2201 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis spine w iv (28 chars) computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and spine with contrast 12561000087109 103621
7704-4149 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:THYROID IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis thyroid wo iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thyroid gland in the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1223
2841-1580 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography ct abdomen pelvis tspine angiography (36 chars) computed tomography angiography of thoracic spine, abdomen and pelvis 15061000087106 103623
0916-6417 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:VESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis vessel angiography w iv (41 chars) abdominal vessels and pelvis vessels ct angiogram w contrast iv 69908-2
5519-4110 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct abdomen pelvis angiography (29 chars) ct abdomen pelvis angiography 103298 RPID168
0250-8453 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis angiography w iv (34 chars) ct, angiography, abdomen-pelvis, w iv contrast 4002746 RPID1809
0152-4904 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis angiography w iv w po (39 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT POContrast:W RPID1327
4511-7145 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis angiography wo iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1239
9909-0713 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen pelvis angiography wo+w iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID143
8678-9245 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography ct abdomen pelvis venography (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis RPID169
7129-2838 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis venography wo iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1388
1403-7960 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside ct abdomen pelvis consult interpret study outside (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis RPID112
7198-0951 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Research IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pelvis research wo+w iv 2 or more phases (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase research procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1457
8119-3323 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening ct abdomen pelvis screening (27 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening Modality:CT RPID86
9585-5192 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis screening wo iv (33 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Screening IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID148
7128-5883 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Vascular IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen pelvis vascular wo+w iv (34 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Context:Vascular IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT RPID1879
8148-8261 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Additional IVContrast:W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pelvis additional w iv 2 or more phases (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase additional body region procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID4918
7645-5218 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis limited wo iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1498
2424-5432 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct abdomen pelvis highosmolar iv (32 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdomen and pelvis using high osmolar contrast BW210ZZ
7730-3208 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct abdomen pelvis lowosmolar iv (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdomen and pelvis using low osmolar contrast BW211ZZ
2183-0861 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis w iv (22 chars) computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis with contrast 432370003 CABPEC 4002260 100200 36813-4 BW21YZZ RPID145
0025-3332 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis w iv w po (27 chars) abdomen and pelvis ct w contrast po and w contrast iv 72250-4 RPID152
3185-9159 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W PRContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis w iv w pr (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis rectal contrast with iv contrast RPID4936
1308-4275 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pelvis w iv 2 or more phases (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1867
5127-4141 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Phases:3 ct abdomen pelvis w iv 3 phases (31 chars) ct triple phase study of abdomen and pelvis with contrast 912331000000104
5391-3784 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis wo iv (23 chars) ct, abdomen-pelvis, wo iv contrast 4002262 36952-0 RPID144
0981-3377 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis wo iv w po (28 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT POContrast:W RPID1060
6037-5702 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct abdomen pelvis wo+highosmolar iv (35 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdomen and pelvis using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BW2100Z
3517-7563 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct abdomen pelvis wo+lowosmolar iv (34 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdomen and pelvis using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BW2110Z
8364-5868 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv (25 chars) ct, abdomen-pelvis, wo/w iv contrast 4002261 42274-1 BW21Y0Z RPID1451
7567-2687 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv w po (30 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT POContrast:W RPID1459
7068-6877 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W POContrast:W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv w po 2 or more phases (47 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT POContrast:W Phases:2OrMore RPID1052
1193-1887 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID949
3036-9285 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis 3d angiography w iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID987
3082-3969 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis 3d wo iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID5997
4226-6235 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (52 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID987
9683-8446 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis 3d postprocessing w iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1409
4100-0858 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis 3d postprocessing wo iv (41 chars) ct abdomen and pelvis 3d post processing wo contrast 79065-9 RPID5997
4862-6551 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (69 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1409
1380-1357 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1409
9846-0860 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 ct abdomen pelvis dual energy (29 chars) dual energy ct of abdomen and pelvis 955891000000109
8386-1085 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis dual energy angiography w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1098
9332-9021 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis dual energy w iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1097
5239-8291 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis dual energy w iv w po (39 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Energies:2 POContrast:W RPID1088
8778-1423 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis lowdose w iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1020
6230-3084 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis lowdose w iv w po (35 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose POContrast:W RPID1065
6455-3368 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis lowdose wo iv w po (36 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose POContrast:W RPID1066
1638-7264 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis postprocessing wo iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID5997
5133-5963 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo iv (52 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1401
2171-0213 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen pelvis reconstruction retrospective wo+w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1400
5068-9385 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Resolution:High Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct abdomen pelvis resolution high angiography wo iv (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1416
2560-7031 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Object:Cyst IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis cyst w iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cyst in the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID1395
7292-4256 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus ITractContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis tract fistulaorsinus w itract (47 chars) computed tomography sinography of abdomen and pelvis 12481000087104 103515
7993-5230 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus ITractContrast:W IVContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis tract fistulaorsinus w itract w iv (52 chars) computed tomography sinography of abdomen and pelvis with contrast 12431000087103 103514
4464-0129 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS POContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis w po (22 chars) ct of abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast only 1051311000000104 CAPLVC RPID204
1872-5843 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS PRContrast:W ct abdomen pelvis w pr (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis rectal contrast RPID4935
8047-3328 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PELVIS Reason:Donor:Organ ct abdomen pelvis donor organ (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of donor RPID221
3015-2311 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen peritoneum drainage (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the peritoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage RPID125
3250-2328 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALCYST Guidance:Aspirate ct abdomen renalcyst aspirate (29 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RENALCYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT RPID114
0246-3849 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM ct abdomen retroperitoneum (26 chars) abdomen retroperitoneum ct 24566-2 RPID895
8388-3848 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine ct abdomen retroperitoneum aspirate needle fine (47 chars) ct guidance for fine needle aspiration of abdomen retroperitoneum 44107-1
6785-6304 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Biopsy ct abdomen retroperitoneum biopsy (33 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of abdomen retroperitoneum 44117-0 RPID94
9290-4161 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen retroperitoneum drainage (35 chars) ct guidance for drainage of abdomen retroperitoneum 42287-3 RPID127
9052-1702 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM IVContrast:W ct abdomen retroperitoneum w iv (31 chars) abdomen retroperitoneum ct w contrast 24567-0
1390-7790 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM IVContrast:WO ct abdomen retroperitoneum wo iv (32 chars) abdomen retroperitoneum ct wo contrast 42291-5
4771-6860 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:RETROPERITONEUM IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen retroperitoneum wo+w iv (34 chars) abdomen retroperitoneum ct w and wo contrast iv 48743-9
1799-9811 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE IVContrast:W POContrast:W ct abdomen small intestine w iv w po (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID152
1297-0690 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SMALLINTESTINE POContrast:W ct abdomen small intestine w po (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable enterography procedure focused on the abdomen RPID152
2372-9694 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO Reason:Trauma ct abdomen spine wo iv trauma (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and spine without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma RPID1010
9378-2062 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SPLEEN ct abdomen spleen (17 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the spleen in the abdomen RPID1428
3053-2175 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:SUBDIAPHRAGM Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen subdiaphragm drainage (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the subdiaphragm in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage RPID128
5120-2471 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen vessel angiography w iv (34 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cta (? angiography) imaging abdomen blood vessel 64B01007390000000000010000000000
6465-1581 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Anatomy:VESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Position:Supine ct abdomen vessel angiography w iv supine (41 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cta (? angiography) imaging abdomen blood-vessel supine position 64B01007390200000000010000000000
4563-6073 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography ct abdomen angiography (22 chars) ct abdomen angiography 100218 RPID74
9445-3114 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen angiography w iv (27 chars) ct angiogram abdomen CAABDO 4002453 RPID354
4621-2063 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct abdomen angiography wo iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1821
6766-5456 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen angiography wo+w iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID2
7713-3898 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID1230
3518-3038 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Angio:Venography ct abdomen venography (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the abdomen RPID171
2341-1468 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Context:Screening IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen screening wo+w iv 2 or more phases (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast for the purpose of screening RPID1210
2772-4024 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Drain Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Insert ct abdomen drain drainage insert (32 chars) ct guidance for aspiration and placement of drainage tube of abdomen 36926-4
7447-4377 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Device:Fiducial Guidance ct abdomen fiducial guidance (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen for the purpose of fiducial RPID208
7001-2433 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Direction:Retrograde ct abdomen retrograde (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen RPID895
5807-8813 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Direction:Retrograde Guidance:Biopsy ct abdomen retrograde biopsy (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of biopsy RPID94
8240-6067 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Direction:Retrograde Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen retrograde drainage (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the retroperitoneum in the abdomen for the purpose of drainage RPID127
0336-0168 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited ct abdomen limited (18 chars) abdomen ct limited 36086-7 RPID190
1432-3325 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited IVContrast:W ct abdomen limited w iv (23 chars) abdomen ct limited w contrast iv 36095-8
3622-8048 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO ct abdomen limited wo iv (24 chars) abdomen ct limited wo contrast 36103-0
4226-1085 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen limited wo+w iv (26 chars) abdomen ct limited w and wo contrast iv 36102-2 RPID195
4684-1187 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance ct abdomen guidance (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the abdomen RPID1912
9302-7776 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Aspirate ct abdomen aspirate (19 chars) computed tomography and aspiration of abdomen 2578450013
CABDON 103421
2234-6735 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine ct abdomen aspirate needle fine (31 chars) ct guidance for fine needle aspiration of abdomen 30602-7
5594-9042 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy ct abdomen biopsy (17 chars) computed tomography and biopsy of abdomen 419940006 CABDOB 100202 30601-9
5562-9889 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct abdomen biopsy biopsy needle (31 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Modality:CT RPID1920
3436-7232 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy IVContrast:WO ct abdomen biopsy wo iv (23 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of abdomen-- wo contrast 69083-4 RPID1830
6114-5490 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct abdomen biopsy needle (24 chars) ct guidance for needle biopsy of abdomen 42288-1 RPID1920
1690-7535 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Position:Supine ct abdomen biopsy needle supine (31 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation needle biopsy abdomen supine position 60006002500200000000010000000000
4372-2570 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen drainage (19 chars) computed tomography and drainage of abdomen 418199004 CABDOD 100203 35913-3 RPID3472
6162-1572 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct abdomen highosmolar iv (25 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdomen using high osmolar contrast BW200ZZ
2446-7068 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct abdomen lowosmolar iv (24 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdomen using low osmolar contrast BW201ZZ
8377-0005 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:ReducedVolume ct abdomen reducedvolume iv (27 chars) abdomen ct w reduced contrast volume iv 46330-7
9253-6644 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W ct abdomen w iv (15 chars) computerized tomography of abdomen with contrast 32962002 CABDOC 4002263 100208 30599-5
BW20YZZ RPID5 74160
5798-9430 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen w iv 2 or more phases (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast RPID4917
3833-8990 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct abdomen w iv embolus (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1288
3779-2477 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:W Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct abdomen w iv planning radiotherapy (37 chars) ct of abdomen for radiotherapy planning with contrast 715293004
4234-6571 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO ct abdomen wo iv (16 chars) ct, abdomen, wo iv contrast 4002264 36424-0 RPID3 74150
0335-1978 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen wo iv 2 or more phases (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1314
4060-2203 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct abdomen wo+highosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdomen using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BW2000Z
3579-8695 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct abdomen wo+lowosmolar iv (27 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdomen using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BW2010Z
8086-8411 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+ReducedVolume ct abdomen wo+reducedvolume iv (30 chars) abdomen ct w and wo reduced contrast volume iv 46318-2
6776-7913 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen wo+w iv (18 chars) ct, abdomen, wo/w iv contrast 4002518 36267-3 BW20Y0Z RPID4 74170
5037-7707 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct abdomen wo+w iv 2 or more phases (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID953
0086-0765 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen 3d angiography wo+w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID988
0775-6873 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W ct abdomen 3d w iv (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1432
3192-6796 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct abdomen 3d wo iv (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID5996
4872-1744 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct abdomen 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID4947
9175-1738 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Cholangiography ModalityType:PostProcessing IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:W ct abdomen 3d cholangiography postprocessing w iduct w iv (57 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Cholangiography ModalityType:PostProcessing RPID1391
3479-1861 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ct abdomen 3d postprocessing (28 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing RPID260
2715-6329 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the abdomen without then with iv contrast RPID988
5401-3226 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct abdomen 3d postprocessing w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen with iv contrast RPID1432
1076-7689 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct abdomen 3d postprocessing wo iv (34 chars) ct abdomen 3d post processing wo contrast 79066-7 RPID5996
5118-4864 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct abdomen 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID4947
8111-2285 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:Cholangiography IDuctContrast:W ct abdomen cholangiography w iduct (34 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography RPID279
6639-9775 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:Cholangiography IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen cholangiography w iduct wo+w iv (42 chars) Anatomy:ABDOMEN IDuctContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Cholangiography RPID140
6883-8105 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:ConeBeam ct abdomen conebeam (19 chars) cone beam ct of abdomen 718013006 KABDO
5892-9800 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:ConeBeam Device:Drain Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Insert ct abdomen conebeam drain drainage insert (41 chars) cone beam ct guided insertion of drain into abdomen 717691006 KABDOI
2515-3854 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:ConeBeam Guidance:Aspirate ct abdomen conebeam aspirate (28 chars) cone beam ct guided aspiration of abdomen 717344005 KABDON
8332-3200 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:ConeBeam Guidance:Biopsy ct abdomen conebeam biopsy (26 chars) cone beam ct guided biopsy of abdomen 717995000 KABDOB
1126-2160 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:Energies:2 ct abdomen dual energy (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen with a technique of dual energy ct RPID1094
0605-8565 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:LowDose ct abdomen lowdose (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen RPID1249
7391-6201 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:LowDose AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lowdose pediatric wo iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1817
7068-1919 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lowdose wo iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1147
6284-5875 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:Perfusion ct abdomen perfusion (20 chars) ct perfusion study of abdomen 448676009 CABDP
5049-4491 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct abdomen postprocessing wo iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID5996
1567-9740 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective AgeGroup:Pediatric ct abdomen reconstruction retrospective pediatric (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric reconstruction procedure focused on the abdomen RPID1276
6467-0968 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct abdomen resolution high wo iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast RPID1389
2446-0008 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Object:Abscess Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen abscess drainage (27 chars) ct guidance for abscess drainage of abdomen 35884-6
9858-7584 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Object:Cyst Guidance:Aspirate ct abdomen cyst aspirate (24 chars) ct guidance for aspiration of cyst of abdomen 37210-2
2291-0595 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Object:Nerve Guidance:Anesthetize ct abdomen nerve anesthetize (28 chars) ct guidance for nerve block of abdomen 35930-7
6718-7531 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Object:Nerve Guidance:Anesthetize IVContrast:WO ct abdomen nerve anesthetize wo iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen without iv contrast for the purpose of nerve block RPID5747
1951-1324 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus ITractContrast:W ct abdomen tract fistulaorsinus w itract (40 chars) computed tomography sinography of abdomen 12401000087106
CSABD 103510
7380-8615 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Object:Tract:FistulaOrSinus ITractContrast:W IVContrast:W ct abdomen tract fistulaorsinus w itract w iv (45 chars) computed tomography sinography of abdomen with contrast 12071000087107 103511
9508-4113 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN POContrast:W ct abdomen w po (15 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen oral contrast RPID353
9516-8744 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Position:Supine ct abdomen supine (17 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation abdomen supine position 60000002500200000000010000000000
7608-1172 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMEN Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct abdomen planning radiotherapy (32 chars) ct of abdomen for radiotherapy planning 715249004 CRTADR
3380-0519 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Angio:Arteriography Extent:Additional IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower aorta extremity femoral artery arteriography additional w iv (77 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography additional body region procedure focused on the aorta and femoral arteries in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4921
9439-1147 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower chest extremity angiography w iv (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID990
4946-9559 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:LEG IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity leg w iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1337
2199-7993 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity lower leg w iv (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the lower leg in the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1337
4708-9142 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity angiography w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1222
1052-8793 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen lower extremity angiography wo+w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID1404
5239-4422 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct abdomen lower extremity w iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1844
7283-5536 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lower extremity wo iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1194
7350-5804 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY ModalityType:Localizer IVContrast:WO ct abdomen lower extremity localizer wo iv (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable scanogram procedure focused on the abdomen and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1351
5325-3844 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENLOWER Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both Angio:Angiography ct abdomen lower extremity both angiography (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the bilateral in the abdomen and lower extremity RPID1859
0865-9791 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER ct abdomen upper (16 chars) ct of upper abdomen 420102002 VisceralAbdomenandPelvis_2_4
0482-6778 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Anatomy:CHEST ct abdomen upper chest (22 chars) computed tomography (ct) chest and upper abdomen VisceralThorax_2_4
8266-5209 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W ct abdomen upper chest w iv (27 chars) ct, chest, w iv contrast, incl upper abdomen 4002867
8476-6147 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO ct abdomen upper chest wo iv (28 chars) ct, chest, wo iv contrast, incl upper abdomen 4002868
5451-6835 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W ct abdomen upper chest wo+w iv (30 chars) ct, chest, wo/w iv contrast, incl upper abdomen 4002869
2456-1385 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:KIDNEY IVContrast:W ct abdomen upper extremity kidney w iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the kidney in the abdomen and upper extremity with iv contrast RPID893
2687-4760 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Guidance:Aspirate ct abdomen upper aspirate (25 chars) ct and aspiration of upper abdomen 418046008
7140-9904 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Guidance:Biopsy ct abdomen upper biopsy (23 chars) ct and biopsy of upper abdomen 420199004
1118-7254 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENUPPER Guidance:Drainage ct abdomen upper drainage (25 chars) ct and drainage of upper abdomen 419812000
7250-6518 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENWALL ct abdomen wall (15 chars) ct of abdominal wall 712816007
6003-6236 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENWALLVESSEL Angio:Angiography ct abdomen wall vessel angiography (34 chars) ct angiography of abdominal wall vessels 700505008
0906-9414 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMENWALLVESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdomen wall vessel angiography w iv (39 chars) ct angiogram abdominal wall vessels CAABVO
1525-2398 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA ct abdominal aorta (18 chars) ct of abdominal aorta 241553009 CABAO 35948-9 B420ZZZ 60000004700000000000010000000000
2099-7975 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:CHEST ct abdominal aorta chest (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the aorta in the chest and abdomen RPID1524
3112-1447 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta femoral artery both arteriography w iv (57 chars) aorta and femoral artery - bilateral ct angiogram w contrast iv 72255-3
4955-9736 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal aorta femoral artery both arteriography w iv wo+w iv (65 chars) aorta and femoral artery - bilateral ct angiogram w and wo contrast iv 30806-4
1470-3970 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Anatomy:TSPINE:Both Anatomy:VESSEL:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta lower extremity artery both tspine both vessel both arteriography w iv (89 chars) cta thoracic and abdominal aorta and bilateral runoff vessels w contrast iv 78038-7
6119-3790 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Anatomy:TSPINE:Both Anatomy:VESSEL:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal aorta lower extremity artery both tspine both vessel both arteriography w iv wo+w iv (97 chars) cta thoracic and abdominal aorta and bilateral runoff vessels wo and w contrast iv 78032-0
7752-4534 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Anatomy:VESSEL:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta lower extremity artery both vessel both arteriography w iv (77 chars) cta abdominal aorta and bilateral runoff vessels w contrast iv 78037-9
8243-2138 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYARTERY:Both Anatomy:VESSEL:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal aorta lower extremity artery both vessel both arteriography w iv wo+w iv (85 chars) cta abdominal aorta and bilateral runoff vessels wo and w contrast iv 78031-2
5583-3766 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:TSPINE ct abdominal aorta tspine (25 chars) ct thoracic and abdominal aorta 35945-5
4630-0382 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta tspine arteriography w iv (44 chars) cta thoracic and abdominal aorta w contrast iv 36141-0
8528-1006 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal aorta tspine arteriography w iv wo+w iv (52 chars) cta thoracic and abdominal aorta wo and w contrast iv 87857-9
3596-0527 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta tspine w iv (30 chars) ct thoracic and abdominal aorta w contrast iv 36142-8
8925-0106 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct abdominal aorta tspine wo iv (31 chars) ct thoracic and abdominal aorta wo contrast 36430-7
9831-8569 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal aorta tspine wo+w iv (33 chars) ct thoracic and abdominal aorta wo and w contrast iv 87861-1
3168-9654 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:TSPINE:Both Anatomy:VESSEL:Both Angio:Arteriography Device:Stent:StentGraft IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta tspine both vessel both arteriography stent stentgraft w iv (78 chars) cta thoracic and abdominal aorta and bilateral vessels for endograft 77451-3
7037-6838 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Anatomy:VESSEL:Both Angio:Arteriography Device:Stent:StentGraft IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta vessel both arteriography stent stentgraft w iv (66 chars) cta abdominal aorta and bilateral vessels for endograft 77311-9
6969-1654 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Angio:Arteriography ct abdominal aorta arteriography (32 chars) ct abdominal aorta angiography 100219 VisceralAbdomenandPelvis_15_9
6606-5943 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta arteriography w iv (37 chars) cta abdominal aorta w contrast iv 82677-6
0444-7624 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal aorta arteriography w iv wo+w iv (45 chars) cta abdominal aorta wo and w contrast iv 82678-4
6080-2036 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct abdominal aorta highosmolar iv (33 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdominal aorta using high osmolar contrast B4200ZZ
6248-7874 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct abdominal aorta lowosmolar iv (32 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of abdominal aorta using low osmolar contrast B4201ZZ
5036-4286 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA IVContrast:W ct abdominal aorta w iv (23 chars) computed tomography of abdominal aorta with contrast 444968003 CABAOC 36143-6 B420YZZ
1219-3774 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA IVContrast:WO ct abdominal aorta wo iv (24 chars) aorta abdominal ct wo contrast 36431-5
2962-7331 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALAORTA IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal aorta wo+w iv (26 chars) aorta abdominal ct w and wo contrast iv 36271-5
1031-7241 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVICARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct abdominal artery chest pelvic artery arteriography (53 chars) computed tomography angiography of chest, abdominal and pelvic arteries 9481000087109
9470-5259 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALARTERY Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Arteriography ct abdominal artery chest arteriography (39 chars) computed tomography angiography of chest and abdominal arteries 9501000087103
9269-1210 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALARTERY Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PELVICARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct abdominal artery lung pelvic artery arteriography (52 chars) ct angiography of pulmonary and abdominal and pelvic arteries 448766000
8247-9571 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALARTERY Anatomy:PELVICARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct abdominal artery pelvic artery arteriography (47 chars) computed tomography angiography of abdominal and pelvic arteries 9521000087109
7289-6004 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALARTERY Anatomy:RENALARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct abdominal artery renal artery arteriography (46 chars) ct angiography of renal artery and abdominal artery 339901000000104
0641-0240 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct abdominal artery arteriography (33 chars) computed tomography angiography of abdominal artery 448443000
0456-6020 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALLYMPHNODE Position:Supine ct abdominal lymph node supine (30 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation lymph-node-of-abdomen supine position 60000007740200000000010000000000
8761-2188 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVEIN Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:VEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct abdominal vein pelvis vein venography w iv (45 chars) cta abdominal veins and pelvis veins w contrast iv 87838-9
6439-9224 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVEIN:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVEIN:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both Anatomy:VEIN:Both Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct abdominal vein both lower extremity vein both pelvis both vein both venography w iv (86 chars) cta abdominal veins and pelvis veins and lower extremity veins - bilateral w contrast iv 87280-4
0379-5286 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdominal vessel chest angiography w iv (42 chars) cta chest and abdominal vessels w contrast iv 86982-6
6425-2014 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal vessel chest angiography w iv wo+w iv (50 chars) cta chest and abdominal vessels wo and w contrast iv 86971-9
4527-8194 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Anatomy:PELVICVESSEL Anatomy:PULMONARYVESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdominal vessel pelvic vessel pulmonary vessel angiography w iv (67 chars) cta chest vessels and abdominal vessels and pelvis vessels w contrast iv 86983-4
7779-8571 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Anatomy:PELVICVESSEL Anatomy:PULMONARYVESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal vessel pelvic vessel pulmonary vessel angiography w iv wo+w iv (75 chars) cta chest vessels and abdominal vessels and pelvis vessels wo and w contrast iv 83298-0
4621-6416 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Anatomy:PELVICVESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdominal vessel pelvic vessel angiography w iv (50 chars) abdominal vessels and pelvis vessels ct angiogram w contrast iv 69908-2
6538-8316 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Anatomy:PELVICVESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal vessel pelvic vessel angiography w iv wo+w iv (58 chars) cta abdominal vessels and pelvis vessels wo and w contrast iv 82679-2
2935-0141 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct abdominal vessel angiography w iv (36 chars) abdominal vessels ct angiogram w contrast iv 36828-2
3633-8322 Modality:CT Anatomy:ABDOMINALVESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct abdominal vessel angiography w iv wo+w iv (44 chars) abdominal vessels ct angiogram w and wo contrast iv 30805-6
7474-4466 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT ct acromioclavicular joint (26 chars) computed tomography of acromioclavicular joint 417973009 103524
0465-4154 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct acromioclavicular joint upper extremity 3d wo iv (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast RPID4950
9780-9707 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct acromioclavicular joint upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv (66 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the acromioclavicular joint in the upper extremity without iv contrast RPID4950
5969-7479 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both ct acromioclavicular joint both (31 chars) computed tomography of bilateral acromioclavicular joints 11661000087104 CACJB 103525 BP23ZZZ
2325-0892 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct acromioclavicular joint both highosmolar iv (46 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral acromioclavicular joints using high osmolar contrast BP230ZZ
0610-5347 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct acromioclavicular joint both lowosmolar iv (45 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral acromioclavicular joints using low osmolar contrast BP231ZZ
0073-9660 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Both IVContrast:W ct acromioclavicular joint both w iv (36 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral acromioclavicular joints using other contrast BP23YZZ
8338-4493 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Left ct acromioclavicular joint left (31 chars) computed tomography of left acromioclavicular joint 11441000087103 CACJL 103526
9206-5908 Modality:CT Anatomy:ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINT:Right ct acromioclavicular joint right (32 chars) computed tomography of right acromioclavicular joint 11341000087106 CACJR 103527
8938-8012 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL ct adrenal (10 chars) computed tomography of adrenals 241550007 100216 36930-6
0497-2807 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL Anatomy:KIDNEY Position:Supine ct adrenal kidney supine (24 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation a kidney and adrenal-gland supine position 60000006460200000000010000000000
0270-4738 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL Guidance:Aspirate:Needle:Fine ct adrenal aspirate needle fine (31 chars) ct guidance for fine needle aspiration of adrenal gland 44108-9
6952-8427 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL Guidance:Biopsy ct adrenal biopsy (17 chars) biopsy of adrenal gland using computed tomography guidance 15201000087102
103624 36767-2
8410-6103 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct adrenal biopsy needle (24 chars) ct guidance for needle biopsy of adrenal gland 46367-9
9732-5880 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:W ct adrenal w iv (15 chars) computed tomography of adrenal gland with contrast 430430003 100215 36943-9
2306-7047 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO ct adrenal wo iv (16 chars) adrenal gland ct wo contrast 36953-8
6175-2049 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL IVContrast:WO+W ct adrenal wo+w iv (18 chars) adrenal gland ct w and wo contrast iv 36950-4
8731-0001 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL:Both ct adrenal both (15 chars) ct adrenal both CADRB BG22ZZZ
4935-7962 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL:Both IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct adrenal both highosmolar iv (30 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral adrenal glands using high osmolar contrast BG220ZZ
6223-0820 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL:Both IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct adrenal both lowosmolar iv (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral adrenal glands using low osmolar contrast BG221ZZ
6471-8844 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL:Both IVContrast:W ct adrenal both w iv (20 chars) ct adrenal with contrast both CADRBC BG22YZZ
8196-9568 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL:Both IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct adrenal both wo+highosmolar iv (33 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral adrenal glands using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BG2200Z
1713-3029 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL:Both IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct adrenal both wo+lowosmolar iv (32 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral adrenal glands using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BG2210Z
8630-4167 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENAL:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct adrenal both wo+w iv (23 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral adrenal glands using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BG22Y0Z
8092-6939 Modality:CT Anatomy:ADRENALVEIN Anatomy:KIDNEY Angio:Venography ct adrenal vein kidney venography (33 chars) ct angio renal and adrenal veins VisceralAbdomenandPelvis_23_9
2289-5768 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST ct airway chest (15 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest RPID1289
4856-1340 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct airway chest neck w iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the neck and chest with iv contrast RPID1216
4916-0113 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO ct airway chest wo iv (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the airway in the chest without iv contrast RPID146
7152-8898 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ct airway chest 3d (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the airway in the chest RPID1245
2368-1646 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ct airway chest 3d postprocessing (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the airway in the chest RPID1245
7198-2107 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:FACE AgeGroup:Pediatric ct airway face pediatric (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the airway in the face RPID1822
6035-6899 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:HighOsmolar ct airway trachea highosmolar itracheal (39 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using high osmolar contrast BB2F0ZZ
6596-3581 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:LowOsmolar ct airway trachea lowosmolar itracheal (38 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using low osmolar contrast BB2F1ZZ
5566-8377 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:W ct airway trachea w itracheal (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using other contrast BB2FYZZ
2142-3168 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct airway trachea wo+highosmolar itracheal (42 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2F00Z
6953-5499 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct airway trachea wo+lowosmolar itracheal (41 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2F10Z
1202-7812 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:WO+W ct airway trachea wo+w itracheal (32 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2FY0Z
9669-8792 Modality:CT Anatomy:AIRWAY IVContrast:WO ct airway wo iv (15 chars) ct airway wo contrast 79067-5
8235-4137 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE ct ankle (8 chars) computed tomography of ankle 241575006 100238 35940-6 60000004130000000000010000000000
6092-7261 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:WO ct ankle chest lower extremity research wo iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the chest and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1300
7691-1075 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:HINDFOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle hindfoot lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (59 chars) ct, arthrography, lower extremity, ankle, incl hindfoot 4002912
0919-2495 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:HINDFOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct ankle hindfoot lower extremity w iv (38 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, w iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4002913
8829-2498 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:HINDFOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct ankle hindfoot lower extremity wo iv (39 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, wo iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4002915
6925-5614 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:HINDFOOT Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle hindfoot lower extremity wo+w iv (41 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, wo/w iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4002914
0936-4451 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ct ankle lower extremity (24 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, unspec iv contrast 4002188 RPID1523
1338-0897 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct ankle lower extremity pediatric wo iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1199
8926-2957 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO ct ankle lower extremity lspine wo iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1482
6918-1139 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle lower extremity arthrography w iarticular (50 chars) ct, arthrography, lower extremity, ankle 4002256 RPID935
3878-5365 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct ankle lower extremity w iv (29 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, w iv contrast 4002768 RPID899
2074-5250 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct ankle lower extremity wo iv (30 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, wo iv contrast 4002563 RPID374
7816-1697 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle lower extremity wo+w iv (32 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, wo/w iv contrast 4002769 RPID900
5162-4891 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W Sites:2OrMore ct ankle lower extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4973
9320-3360 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct ankle lower extremity 3d wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1415
6241-4511 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct ankle lower extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID4972
7144-3544 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W Sites:2OrMore ct ankle lower extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (63 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4973
1550-7444 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct ankle lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1415
6612-6991 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct ankle lower extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (64 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the ankle in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID4972
9111-7321 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle arthrography w iarticular (34 chars) ct arthrography of ankle with contrast 241588009
7589-9730 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE Guidance:Inject ct ankle inject (15 chars) ct guided injection of ankle joint 430450004
8997-0154 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE IVContrast:W ct ankle w iv (13 chars) computed tomography of ankle with contrast 4151000087107
100237 36135-2
0098-8216 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE IVContrast:WO ct ankle wo iv (14 chars) ankle ct wo contrast 36425-7
8817-1298 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle wo+w iv (16 chars) ankle ct w and wo contrast iv 36268-1
8032-9385 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both ct ankle both (13 chars) computerized tomography of both ankles 427061007 CANKB 100229 35941-4
7331-3827 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle both hindfoot both lower extremity both arthrography w iarticular (74 chars) ct, arthrography, lower extremity, ankle, incl hindfoot, bilateral 4001887
3077-1729 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W ct ankle both hindfoot both lower extremity both w iv (53 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, bilateral, w iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001888
6118-3487 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO ct ankle both hindfoot both lower extremity both wo iv (54 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, bilateral, wo iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001894
4986-3773 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle both hindfoot both lower extremity both wo+w iv (56 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, bilateral, wo/w iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001893
2111-2117 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both ct ankle both lower extremity both (34 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, bilateral, unspec iv contrast 4001353
7229-0882 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle both lower extremity both arthrography w iarticular (60 chars) ct, arthrography, lower extremity, ankle, bilateral 4001443
1560-1201 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W ct ankle both lower extremity both w iv (39 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, bilateral, w iv contrast 4001791
3208-2102 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO ct ankle both lower extremity both wo iv (40 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, bilateral, wo iv contrast 4001630
5669-3989 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle both lower extremity both wo+w iv (42 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, bilateral, wo/w iv contrast 4001792
5448-5503 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle both arthrography w iarticular (39 chars) ct arthrogram ankle both CJANB
3675-7534 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both Guidance:Inject ct ankle both inject (20 chars) ct guided injection ankle both CANKBJ
7183-6615 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both IVContrast:W ct ankle both w iv (18 chars) computed tomography of bilateral ankles with contrast 5541000087103 100228
9736-8401 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Both IVContrast:WO ct ankle both wo iv (19 chars) ankle - bilateral ct wo contrast 69087-5
2771-1450 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left ct ankle left (13 chars) computerized tomography of left ankle 426817008 CANKL 100232 35942-2 BQ2HZZZ
4999-3911 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle left hindfoot left lower extremity left arthrography w iarticular (74 chars) ct, arthrography, lower extremity, ankle, incl hindfoot, left 4001886
8845-4623 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W ct ankle left hindfoot left lower extremity left w iv (53 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, left, w iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001889
9813-6323 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO ct ankle left hindfoot left lower extremity left wo iv (54 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, left, wo iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001895
4023-0297 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle left hindfoot left lower extremity left wo+w iv (56 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, left, wo/w iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001892
0467-4948 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left ct ankle left lower extremity left (34 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, left, unspec iv contrast 4001352
6680-4226 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle left lower extremity left arthrography w iarticular (60 chars) ct, arthrography, lower extremity, ankle, left 4001444
5126-5127 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W ct ankle left lower extremity left w iv (39 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, left, w iv contrast 4001790
1039-9255 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO ct ankle left lower extremity left wo iv (40 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, left, wo iv contrast 4001631
5070-0642 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle left lower extremity left wo+w iv (42 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, left, wo/w iv contrast 4001793
5578-8495 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle left arthrography w iarticular (39 chars) ct arthrogram ankle lt CJANL 69102-2
6428-2027 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left Guidance:Inject ct ankle left inject (20 chars) ct guided injection ankle left CANKLJ
4396-5992 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct ankle left highosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left ankle using high osmolar contrast BQ2H0ZZ
0569-8637 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct ankle left lowosmolar iv (27 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left ankle using low osmolar contrast BQ2H1ZZ
6718-8846 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left IVContrast:W ct ankle left w iv (18 chars) computed tomography of left ankle with contrast 5551000087100 100231 36137-8 BQ2HYZZ
8521-3280 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left IVContrast:WO ct ankle left wo iv (19 chars) ankle - left ct wo contrast 36426-5
7617-4861 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle left wo+w iv (21 chars) ankle - left ct w and wo contrast iv 36269-9
0761-3480 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right ct ankle right (14 chars) computerized tomography of right ankle 426707009 CANKR 100235 35944-8 BQ2GZZZ
0136-0002 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle right hindfoot right lower extremity right arthrography w iarticular (77 chars) ct, arthrography, lower extremity, ankle, incl hindfoot, right 4001885
9943-2637 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W ct ankle right hindfoot right lower extremity right w iv (56 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, right, w iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001890
2518-1106 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO ct ankle right hindfoot right lower extremity right wo iv (57 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, right, wo iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001896
7420-2557 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:HINDFOOT:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle right hindfoot right lower extremity right wo+w iv (59 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, right, wo/w iv contrast, incl hindfoot 4001891
9976-9883 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right ct ankle right lower extremity right (36 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, right, unspec iv contrast 4001351
4014-9201 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle right lower extremity right arthrography w iarticular (62 chars) ct, arthrography, lower extremity, ankle, right 4001445
0597-2359 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W ct ankle right lower extremity right w iv (41 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, right, w iv contrast 4001789
3540-8946 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO ct ankle right lower extremity right wo iv (42 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, right, wo iv contrast 4001632
0689-5077 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle right lower extremity right wo+w iv (44 chars) ct, lower extremity, ankle, right, wo/w iv contrast 4001794
8283-7542 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct ankle right arthrography w iarticular (40 chars) ct arthrogram ankle rt CJANR 69109-7
9359-6872 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right Guidance:Inject ct ankle right inject (21 chars) ct guided injection ankle right CANKRJ
6561-5421 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct ankle right highosmolar iv (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right ankle using high osmolar contrast BQ2G0ZZ
1967-7516 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct ankle right lowosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right ankle using low osmolar contrast BQ2G1ZZ
7736-3043 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right IVContrast:W ct ankle right w iv (19 chars) computed tomography of right ankle with contrast 4731000087104 100234 36139-4 BQ2GYZZ
1239-9089 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right IVContrast:WO ct ankle right wo iv (20 chars) ankle - right ct wo contrast 36428-1
0064-0052 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANKLE:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct ankle right wo+w iv (22 chars) ankle - right ct w and wo contrast iv 36270-7
5730-1783 Modality:CT Anatomy:ANUS Guidance:Drainage ct anus drainage (16 chars) ct guidance for drainage of anus 35914-1
3982-0793 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA ct aorta (8 chars) computed tomography of aorta 305053005
103600 35945-5
4916-7481 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct aorta lower extremity angiography w iv (41 chars) Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1903
4033-9061 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct aorta lower extremity arteriography w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the aorta in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1903
6081-3470 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITYVESSEL Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct aorta lower extremity vessel arteriography w iv (50 chars) aorta and lower extremity vessels ct angiogram w contrast iv 43503-2
0133-4251 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography ct aorta arteriography (22 chars) ct aorta angiography 103446
1423-2053 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography Device:Stent IVContrast:W ct aorta arteriography stent w iv (33 chars) aortic stent ct angiogram w contrast iv 37499-1
1760-2376 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct aorta arteriography w iv (27 chars) ct angiogram aorta CAAAG 36141-0
5009-0248 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Coverage:Whole ct aorta whole (14 chars) ct of whole aorta 356221000000109 CAOWH
9452-5738 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Coverage:Whole IVContrast:W ct aorta whole w iv (19 chars) ct aorta whole with contrast CAOWHC
9857-5090 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Device:Stent:StentGraft ct aorta stent stentgraft (25 chars) aorta.endograft ct 37216-9
4618-3199 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA IVContrast:W ct aorta w iv (13 chars) ct of entire aorta with contrast 444969006 36142-8
4794-9971 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA IVContrast:WO ct aorta wo iv (14 chars) aorta ct wo contrast 36430-7
9402-0336 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA IVContrast:WO+W ct aorta wo+w iv (16 chars) aorta ct w and wo contrast 69086-7
0099-7800 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTA Object:Aneurysm ct aorta aneurysm (17 chars) ct of aortic aneurysm 303666007
1747-0593 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTICARCH Anatomy:ARTERY:Both Anatomy:CAROTID:Both Angio:Arteriography ct aortic arch artery both carotid both arteriography (53 chars) computed tomography angiography of aortic arch and carotid arteries 420017001
9941-6299 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTICARCH Anatomy:CAROTID:Both Angio:Angiography ct aortic arch carotid both angiography (39 chars) ct angio aortic arch and carotid both CACDB
7156-9943 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTICARCH Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct aortic arch carotid artery arteriography (43 chars) ct aortic arch carotid angiography 100220
2309-2327 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTICARCH Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct aortic arch chest angiography w iv (37 chars) ct, angiography, chest, aortic arch, w iv contrast 4002211
9759-2804 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTICARCH Anatomy:GREATVESSEL ct aortic arch great vessel (27 chars) ct of aortic arch and great vessels 303665006
8154-2778 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTICARCH Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct aortic arch angiography w iv (31 chars) aortic arch ct angiogram w contrast iv 36144-4
7493-0894 Modality:CT Anatomy:AORTICVALVE Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct aortic valve angiography w iv (32 chars) cta aortic valve w contrast iv 87837-1
3915-6469 Modality:CT Anatomy:APPENDICULARSKELETON ModalityType:Density:Bone Extent:Limited Sites:1OrMore ct appendicular skeleton density bone limited 1 or more sites (61 chars) computed tomography, bone mineral density study, one or more sites; appendicular skeleton (peripheral) (eg, radius, wrist, heel) 76071
7396-0152 Modality:CT Anatomy:APPENDIX ct appendix (11 chars) appendix ct 35952-1 RPID1919
3500-0809 Modality:CT Anatomy:APPENDIX Anatomy:PELVIS Guidance:Drainage ct appendix pelvis drainage (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the appendix in the pelvis for the purpose of drainage RPID115
0643-1291 Modality:CT Anatomy:APPENDIX Guidance:Drainage ct appendix drainage (20 chars) ct guidance for drainage of appendix 35915-8
0515-2525 Modality:CT Anatomy:APPENDIX IVContrast:W ct appendix w iv (16 chars) appendix ct w contrast iv 36145-1
2371-7318 Modality:CT Anatomy:APPENDIX IVContrast:WO ct appendix wo iv (17 chars) appendix ct wo contrast 36434-9
8351-6226 Modality:CT Anatomy:APPENDIX Object:Abscess Access:Percutaneous Guidance:Drainage ct appendix abscess percutaneous drainage (41 chars) ct guided percutaneous drainage of abscess of appendix 443037006
1008-8330 Modality:CT Anatomy:APPENDIX Object:Abscess Guidance:Drainage ct appendix abscess drainage (28 chars) ct guidance for abscess drainage of appendix 42280-8
2594-7035 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct arm upper extremity w iv (27 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, w iv contrast 4002942
3004-3943 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct arm upper extremity wo iv (28 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, wo iv contrast 4002944
8101-9017 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W ct arm upper extremity wo+w iv (30 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, wo/w iv contrast 4002943
5142-3788 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W ct arm both upper extremity both w iv (37 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, bilateral, w iv contrast 4001918
1946-9424 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO ct arm both upper extremity both wo iv (38 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, bilateral, wo iv contrast 4001924
5582-7149 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct arm both upper extremity both wo+w iv (40 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, bilateral, wo/w iv contrast 4001923
1787-5865 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W ct arm left upper extremity left w iv (37 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, left, w iv contrast 4001919
4828-8187 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO ct arm left upper extremity left wo iv (38 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, left, wo iv contrast 4001925
4824-1487 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct arm left upper extremity left wo+w iv (40 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, left, wo/w iv contrast 4001922
2909-5907 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W ct arm right upper extremity right w iv (39 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, right, w iv contrast 4001920
7807-4852 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO ct arm right upper extremity right wo iv (40 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, right, wo iv contrast 4001926
6206-7061 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARM:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct arm right upper extremity right wo+w iv (42 chars) ct, upper extremity, arm, right, wo/w iv contrast 4001921
6462-9473 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Position:Supine ct artery lower extremity arteriography w iv supine (51 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cta (? angiography) artery supine position of the imaging lower limb 64B01004920200000000010000000000
7882-4980 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ct artery upper extremity (25 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation artery of the imaging upper limbs 60001004910000000000010000000000
3390-1332 Modality:CT Anatomy:ARTERY Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Position:Supine ct artery upper extremity arteriography w iv supine (51 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cta (? angiography) artery supine position of the imaging upper limbs 64B01004910200000000010000000000
3574-0515 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXIALSKELETONEXCEPTSKULLFACIALBONE Extent:Limited ct axial skeleton except skull facial bone limited (50 chars) imaging, axial skeleton, except skull and facial bones, computerized tomography (ct scan) BR2
5026-2888 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA ct axilla (9 chars) computed tomography of axilla 241544002 104418
6047-8973 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA IVContrast:W ct axilla w iv (14 chars) computed tomography of axilla with contrast 12031000087105
8462-6142 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA IVContrast:W Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct axilla w iv planning radiotherapy (36 chars) ct of axilla with contrast for radiotherapy planning 715250004
3028-1218 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct axilla planning radiotherapy (31 chars) ct of axilla for radiotherapy planning 715246006
2938-9420 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA:Both ct axilla both (14 chars) ct axilla both CAXIB
0719-6295 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA:Both Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct axilla both planning radiotherapy (36 chars) ct radiotherapy planning scan axilla b CRTABR
1315-8076 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA:Left ct axilla left (14 chars) ct axilla left CAXIL
2136-1929 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA:Left Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct axilla left planning radiotherapy (36 chars) ct radiotherapy planning scan axilla lt CRTALR
7803-6303 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA:Right ct axilla right (15 chars) ct axilla right CAXIR
4492-3929 Modality:CT Anatomy:AXILLA:Right Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct axilla right planning radiotherapy (37 chars) ct radiotherapy planning scan axilla rt CRTARR
4171-8157 Modality:CT Anatomy:BACK ct back (7 chars) ct of back region 303695003
7508-3006 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT ct bileduct (11 chars) ct of biliary tract 418863006
1201-5501 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER ct bileduct gallbladder liver (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of hepatobiliary system, all BF2CZZZ
2101-8798 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER Anatomy:PANCREAS ct bileduct gallbladder liver pancreas (38 chars) imaging, hepatobiliary system and pancreas, computerized tomography (ct scan) BF2
0043-7028 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER IDuctContrast:HighOsmolar ct bileduct gallbladder liver highosmolar iduct (47 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of hepatobiliary system, all using high osmolar contrast BF2C0ZZ
0862-3310 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER IDuctContrast:LowOsmolar ct bileduct gallbladder liver lowosmolar iduct (46 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of hepatobiliary system, all using low osmolar contrast BF2C1ZZ
5140-2627 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER IDuctContrast:W ct bileduct gallbladder liver w iduct (37 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of hepatobiliary system, all using other contrast BF2CYZZ
7306-5810 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER IDuctContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct bileduct gallbladder liver wo+highosmolar iduct (50 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of hepatobiliary system, all using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BF2C00Z
9836-2313 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER IDuctContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct bileduct gallbladder liver wo+lowosmolar iduct (49 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of hepatobiliary system, all using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BF2C10Z
2580-2881 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Anatomy:LIVER IDuctContrast:WO+W ct bileduct gallbladder liver wo+w iduct (40 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of hepatobiliary system, all using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BF2CY0Z
7728-2359 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT Anatomy:GALLBLADDER Guidance:Drainage ct bileduct gallbladder drainage (32 chars) ct guidance for drainage of biliary ducts and gallbladder 36770-6
2238-7484 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT IVContrast:WO+W ct bileduct wo+w iv (19 chars) ct biliary ducts wo and w contrast iv 79085-7
7516-6912 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT ModalityType:Cholangiography ct bileduct cholangiography (27 chars) ct cholangiogram 419995000 CBILI
2906-9230 Modality:CT Anatomy:BILEDUCT ModalityType:Cholangiography IVContrast:W ct bileduct cholangiography w iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cholangiography procedure focused on the with iv contrast RPID1449 VisceralAbdomenandPelvis_4_4
4375-0396 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER ct bladder (10 chars) ct bladder 241555002 BT20ZZZ
4305-4266 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W ct bladder kidney pelvis ureter w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography procedure focused on the pelvis RPID383
2820-7137 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER ct bladder kidney ureter (24 chars) ct of urinary tract 419084009 CURIT BT2
6108-4076 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W ct bladder kidney ureter w iv (29 chars) computed tomography of urinary tract with contrast 440494008 CURITC 100561
4754-2274 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:W Phases:2OrMore ct bladder kidney ureter w iv 2 or more phases (46 chars) computed tomography (ct) renal tract multiphase ('ct-ivp') VisceralAbdomenandPelvis_13_4
5079-7421 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER IVContrast:WO+W ct bladder kidney ureter wo+w iv (32 chars) ct kidney and ureter and urinary bladder wo and w contrast iv 87866-0
0098-4434 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO+W ct bladder kidney ureter 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (50 chars) ct kidney and ureter and urinary bladder 3d post processing wo and w contrast iv 79074-1
1071-9610 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:KIDNEY Anatomy:URETER ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct bladder kidney ureter postprocessing w iv (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable urography multi-planar reformation procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID6007
1745-1165 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Cystography IVContrast:W IVesicalContrast:W ct bladder pelvis cystography w iv w ivesical (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis with iv contrast RPID1456
4581-0742 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Cystography IVContrast:WO IVesicalContrast:W ct bladder pelvis cystography wo iv w ivesical (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the bladder in the pelvis without iv contrast RPID64
6593-1732 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Cystography IVContrast:WO+W IVesicalContrast:W ct bladder pelvis cystography wo+w iv w ivesical (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cystography procedure focused on the pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID380
7528-0249 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Anatomy:PELVIS ModalityType:Cystography IVesicalContrast:W ct bladder pelvis cystography w ivesical (40 chars) ct, cystography, pelvis, unspec iv contrast 4002658 RPID1039
5663-6799 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct bladder highosmolar iv (25 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bladder using high osmolar contrast BT200ZZ
3213-9354 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct bladder lowosmolar iv (24 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bladder using low osmolar contrast BT201ZZ
6144-5699 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER IVContrast:W ct bladder w iv (15 chars) bladder ct w contrast iv 69095-8 BT20YZZ
2805-7349 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER IVContrast:W Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct bladder w iv planning radiotherapy (37 chars) ct of urinary bladder with contrast for radiotherapy planning 715461005
3085-4309 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct bladder wo+highosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bladder using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BT2000Z
2799-4510 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct bladder wo+lowosmolar iv (27 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bladder using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BT2010Z
4513-9650 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER IVContrast:WO+W ct bladder wo+w iv (18 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bladder using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BT20Y0Z
3265-0949 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER ModalityType:Cystography IVesicalContrast:W ct bladder cystography w ivesical (33 chars) computed tomography cystography 711227002
CCYSTY 103301
1583-8871 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Position:Supine ct bladder supine (17 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation urinary bladder supine position 60000003380200000000010000000000
3748-9761 Modality:CT Anatomy:BLADDER Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct bladder planning radiotherapy (32 chars) ct of urinary bladder for radiotherapy planning 429923003 CRTBDR
7381-9542 Modality:CT Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole ct body whole (13 chars) ct whole body CBODW 46305-9
3582-0570 Modality:CT Anatomy:BODY Coverage:Whole IVContrast:W ct body whole w iv (18 chars) ct of whole body with contrast 1033611000000109 CBODWC 46306-7
2561-2819 Modality:CT Anatomy:BODY Object:Tumor Coverage:Whole ct body tumor whole (19 chars) ct for tumor whole body 43446-4
3681-8154 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONE ct bone (7 chars) Anatomy:BONE Modality:CT RPID1241
3596-8606 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate ct bone cyst aspirate (21 chars) Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT RPID116
1924-0734 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO ct bone head orbit wo iv (24 chars) Anatomy:BONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID1513
0872-8643 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Ablate ct bone ablate (14 chars) Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Ablate Modality:CT RPID189
5928-3361 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Ablate:RF ct bone ablate rf (17 chars) Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Ablate:RF Modality:CT RPID93
0542-4637 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Biopsy ct bone biopsy (14 chars) Anatomy:BONE Guidance:Biopsy Modality:CT RPID117
0222-3086 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONE ModalityType:Density:Bone ct bone density bone (20 chars) Anatomy:BONE Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone RPID85
9106-0648 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONE ModalityType:Density:Bone IVContrast:WO ct bone density bone wo iv (26 chars) Anatomy:BONE IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Density:Bone RPID359
5001-4584 Modality:CT Anatomy:BONEMARROW Guidance:Biopsy ct bone marrow biopsy (21 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of bone marrow 37211-0
5748-8872 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS ct brachial plexus (18 chars) ct of brachial plexus 241545001 CBPLX 36054-5
3177-1515 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRACHIALPLEXUS IVContrast:W ct brachial plexus w iv (23 chars) ct of brachial plexus with contrast 431851001 CBPLXC
3860-0365 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN ct brain (8 chars) computerized axial tomography of brain 34227000 B020ZZZ 60000006010000000000010000000000
3148-7518 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST ct brain chest (14 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and brain RPID1881
0635-0466 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct brain chest head neck w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and chest with iv contrast RPID1477
2492-4408 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct brain chest head angiography w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest with iv contrast RPID1340
8980-5492 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct brain chest head wo iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and chest without iv contrast RPID1136
9896-8645 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct brain circle of willis head angiography w iv (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the circle of willis and brain in the head with iv contrast RPID5746
0690-8224 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:W ct brain cistern cisternography cerebral w ithecal (50 chars) ct cerebral cisterns w contrast it 24734-6
9200-6323 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE ct brain cspine face (20 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and brain and face RPID1876
1608-2217 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain cspine head neck angiography wo+w iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and cervical spine without then with iv contrast RPID1135
6907-7297 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct brain cspine head neck w iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1138
2579-0020 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct brain cspine head tspine wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and thoracic spine and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1475
9365-1374 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct brain cspine head angiography w iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1007
7666-5479 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct brain cspine head wo iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1137
0965-4943 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE ct brain cspine lspine (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and lumbar spine and cervical spine RPID1868
7523-2378 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO ct brain cspine wo iv (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1907
2141-1376 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACE AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:W ct brain face pediatric w iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain and face with iv contrast RPID1897
9622-5432 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACE AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain face pediatric wo iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain and face without iv contrast RPID1913
2003-8262 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO ct brain facial bone wo iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the brain without iv contrast RPID1898
1005-5304 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ct brain head (13 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head RPID372
9583-1049 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain head pediatric wo iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the head and brain without iv contrast RPID1825
5919-3081 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:HEADVESSEL Anatomy:NECKVESSEL ModalityType:Perfusion Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO ct brain head head vessel neck vessel perfusion angiography w iv wo iv (70 chars) ct head wo contrast and ct brain for perfusion w contrast iv and ct angiogram head and neck vessels w contrast iv 88315-7
9278-5609 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:HEADVESSEL ModalityType:Perfusion Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO ct brain head head vessel perfusion angiography w iv wo iv (58 chars) ct head wo contrast and ct brain for perfusion w contrast iv and ct angiogram head vessels w contrast iv 88326-4
7366-9957 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:LSPINE AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain head lspine pediatric wo iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1166
6200-8079 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct brain head neck angiography venography w iv (46 chars) Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1131
4962-4474 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head neck angiography wo+w iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast RPID1006
0698-8775 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct brain head neck arteriography venography w iv (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with iv contrast RPID1131
7096-1825 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct brain head neck venography w iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with iv contrast RPID1131
2088-3828 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO ct brain head neck wo iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without iv contrast RPID1128
4428-7811 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:3D Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head neck 3d angiography wo+w iv (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast RPID1008
4575-9155 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head neck 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck without then with iv contrast RPID1008
0319-3048 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:Energies:2 Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct brain head neck dual energy angiography w iv (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head and neck with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1095
3106-2745 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct brain head pelvis wo iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1130
2104-1154 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain head spine pediatric wo iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine without iv contrast RPID1168
7872-8668 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO ct brain head spine wo iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and spine without iv contrast RPID1161
8306-4179 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:WO ct brain head upper extremity research wo iv (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and upper extremity without iv contrast RPID1344
7655-7879 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct brain head upper extremity wo iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head and upper extremity without iv contrast RPID1321
4005-5593 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography ct brain head angiography (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head RPID326
7627-0534 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct brain head angiography venography w iv (41 chars) Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1149
1550-4861 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct brain head angiography wo iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1204
9507-0352 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Reason:Bleeding ct brain head angiography bleeding (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of hemorrhage RPID268
8393-9150 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Angiography Reason:Stroke ct brain head angiography stroke (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head for the purpose of stroke RPID325
4151-5093 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Arteriography Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct brain head arteriography venography w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast RPID1149
1708-4734 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct brain head venography w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast RPID1149
9030-0454 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO ct brain head venography wo iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1134
0056-2019 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head venography wo+w iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID966
0051-5756 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:Screening IVContrast:WO ct brain head screening wo iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of screening RPID1139
7548-7834 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W ct brain head surgicalequipment w iv (36 chars) Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID269
4029-9378 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO ct brain head surgicalequipment wo iv (37 chars) Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID270
5018-6965 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO ct brain head limited wo iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID932
3575-9732 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO ct brain head stereotactic wo iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID938
2053-1204 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head stereotactic wo+w iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable stereotaxis procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID5745
3067-7655 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W ct brain head w iv (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast RPID265 70460
6256-1829 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct brain head wo iv (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID266 70450
4962-8136 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head wo+w iv (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID267 70470
2964-7301 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain head 3d pediatric wo iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1164
3734-9977 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head 3d angiography wo+w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1009
8095-9468 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head 3d venography wo+w iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1028
1029-7263 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct brain head 3d wo iv (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1152
7165-8404 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain head 3d postprocessing pediatric wo iv (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1164
3369-1916 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1009
4079-5423 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head 3d postprocessing venography wo+w iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and venography procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1028
8744-0059 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head 3d postprocessing followup wo+w iv (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure RPID1407
1179-6742 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct brain head 3d postprocessing w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast RPID1411
2285-1097 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct brain head 3d postprocessing wo iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1152
8841-6328 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective followup wo+w iv (77 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure RPID1407
4594-3364 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct brain head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (65 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast RPID1411
2247-6604 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO ct brain head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective wo iv (66 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1476
7681-2163 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head 3d reconstruction retrospective followup wo+w iv (62 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast for the purpose of follow-up procedure RPID1407
8151-6254 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct brain head 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast RPID1411
5941-0733 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO ct brain head 3d reconstruction retrospective wo iv (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1476
0666-4144 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Energies:2 Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct brain head dual energy angiography w iv (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1069
9278-3663 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Energies:2 Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct brain head dual energy venography w iv (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast RPID1252
2072-9281 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:WO ct brain head dual energy wo iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain in the head with a technique of dual energy ct without iv contrast RPID1096
5665-0405 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:LowDose AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain head lowdose pediatric wo iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1159
0005-1817 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:LowDose Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct brain head lowdose angiography w iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and angiography procedure focused on the brain in the head with iv contrast RPID1154
6277-4585 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO ct brain head lowdose wo iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without iv contrast RPID1151
7028-6046 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head lowdose wo+w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1157
3291-6681 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Perfusion IVContrast:WO+W ct brain head lowdose perfusion wo+w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1153
2586-9676 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Perfusion ct brain head perfusion (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the brain in the head RPID1133
6267-7997 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Perfusion IVContrast:WO+W PharmacologicalIntervention:Acetazolamide ct brain head perfusion wo+w iv acetazolamide (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion diamox procedure focused on the brain in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1419
7234-8680 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Slice:Thin Context:SurgicalEquipment Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO ct brain head slice thin surgicalequipment stereotactic wo iv (61 chars) Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:HEAD Context:SurgicalEquipment Guidance:Stereotactic IVContrast:WO Modality:CT ModalityType:Slice:Thin RPID1836
4692-1679 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:VEIN Angio:Venography ct brain vein venography (24 chars) ct venography of intracranial vein 432842007
9912-6953 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:VESSEL ct brain vessel (15 chars) computed tomography of cerebral vessels 426099006
0286-7033 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Anatomy:VESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct brain vessel angiography w iv (32 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cta (? angiography) imaging cerebral blood vessel 64B01004410000000000010000000000
9365-7791 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography ct brain angiography (20 chars) ct cerebral angiography 100223 RPID1846
8336-2128 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct brain angiography w iv (25 chars) ct angiogram intracranial CAICN
3376-4474 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct brain angiography wo+w iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the brain without then with iv contrast RPID1873
5834-3815 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct brain venography w iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the brain with iv contrast RPID1884
1040-9071 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Guidance:Biopsy ct brain biopsy (15 chars) ct guided biopsy of brain 432666003 CSKUHB
4658-7162 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct brain highosmolar iv (23 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of brain using high osmolar contrast B0200ZZ
5443-5653 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct brain lowosmolar iv (22 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of brain using low osmolar contrast B0201ZZ
0043-4339 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:W ct brain w iv (13 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of brain using other contrast B020YZZ RPID1838
5176-5489 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:W Reason:Measurement:Volume ct brain w iv measurement volume (32 chars) computed tomography with contrast for measurement of brain volume 444037004
3904-5936 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO ct brain wo iv (14 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast RPID1850
9342-5309 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct brain wo+highosmolar iv (26 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of brain using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B02000Z
5226-7200 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct brain wo+lowosmolar iv (25 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of brain using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B02010Z
8041-6454 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN IVContrast:WO+W ct brain wo+w iv (16 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of brain using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B020Y0Z RPID1852
1514-3115 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN ModalityType:3D AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain 3d pediatric wo iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast RPID1889
6117-8285 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct brain 3d postprocessing pediatric wo iv (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the brain without iv contrast RPID1889
7720-5836 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Slice:Thin Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Workstation:Independent:W ct brain 3d postprocessing slice thin angiography wo+w iv w independent workstation (83 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast RPID1864
7176-2232 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Slice:Thin Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Workstation:Independent:W ct brain 3d slice thin angiography wo+w iv w independent workstation (68 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing with independent workstation procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without then with iv contrast RPID1864
7743-8214 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN ModalityType:ConeBeam ModalityType:Perfusion ct brain conebeam perfusion (27 chars) cone beam ct of brain perfusion 718012001 KPBRA
5390-2585 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN ModalityType:Perfusion ct brain perfusion (18 chars) ct of brain perfusion 433111008 CSKPE CNSandVisceralHeadandNeck_13_4
1467-1489 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN ModalityType:Slice:Thin Context:Preoperative IVContrast:WO ct brain slice thin preoperative wo iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the brain with a technique of thin section without iv contrast for the purpose of pre op RPID1835
1557-3920 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Object:Lesion Guidance:Biopsy:Excisional Guidance:Stereotactic ct brain lesion biopsy excisional stereotactic (46 chars) stereotactic excisional biopsy of intracranial lesion with computerized axial tomography 44260000
7037-6552 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRAIN Reason:Measurement:Volume ct brain measurement volume (27 chars) ct for measurement of brain volume 443601000
3789-0507 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST ct breast (9 chars) ct of breast 241539009
1939-6990 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Aspirate ct breast aspirate (18 chars) ct guidance for aspiration of breast 35886-1
2817-9448 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy ct breast biopsy (16 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of breast 35893-7
5899-0366 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct breast biopsy needle (23 chars) ct guidance for needle biopsy of breast 46368-7
2670-7152 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle ct breast localize needle (25 chars) ct guidance for needle localization of breast 44110-5
4331-1662 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST Guidance:Localize:Needle IVContrast:WO+W ct breast localize needle wo+w iv (33 chars) ct guidance for needle localization of breast-- w and wo contrast iv 44118-8
5019-6958 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST IVContrast:W Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct breast w iv planning radiotherapy (36 chars) ct of breast with contrast for radiotherapy planning 715292009
5914-2492 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST Object:Tumor ct breast tumor (15 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the breast for the purpose of tumor RPID1910
6395-8131 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct breast planning radiotherapy (31 chars) ct of breast for radiotherapy planning 429866009 CRTMAR
8465-4818 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST:Both IVContrast:WO ct breast both wo iv (20 chars) breast - bilateral ct wo contrast 44119-6
1020-1028 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST:Left Guidance:Localize ct breast left localize (23 chars) ct guidance for localization of breast - left 35928-1
8428-0670 Modality:CT Anatomy:BREAST:Right Guidance:Localize ct breast right localize (24 chars) ct guidance for localization of breast - right 35929-9
2825-1942 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHIALARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct bronchial artery arteriography (33 chars) ct angiography of bronchial artery 1053331000000106 VisceralThorax_18_9
6965-1182 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHIALARTERY:Both Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct bronchial artery both arteriography w iv (43 chars) ct angiogram bronchial artery both CANBB
7121-0658 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHIALARTERY:Left Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct bronchial artery left arteriography w iv (43 chars) ct angiogram bronchial artery left CANBL
4125-4797 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHIALARTERY:Right Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct bronchial artery right arteriography w iv (44 chars) ct angiogram bronchial artery right CANBR
6404-4805 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS ct bronchus (11 chars) Anatomy:BRONCHUS Modality:CT RPID968
9669-0381 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Analysis:VirtualEndoscopy ct bronchus virtualendoscopy (28 chars) virtual ct bronchoscopy 418419008 CVBRY 104132
3647-5176 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST ct bronchus chest (17 chars) Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST Modality:CT RPID397
3693-4421 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST IBronchialContrast:W ct bronchus chest w ibronchial (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the chest RPID398
1247-1343 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST IBronchialContrast:W IVContrast:WO ct bronchus chest w ibronchial wo iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1858
5931-2937 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO ct bronchus chest wo iv (23 chars) Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID1858
6151-6816 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:TRACHEA ct bronchus trachea (19 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways BB2FZZZ
2742-2180 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:HighOsmolar ct bronchus trachea highosmolar itracheal (41 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using high osmolar contrast BB2F0ZZ
2049-3554 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:LowOsmolar ct bronchus trachea lowosmolar itracheal (40 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using low osmolar contrast BB2F1ZZ
8879-2534 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:W ct bronchus trachea w itracheal (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using other contrast BB2FYZZ
4987-1304 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct bronchus trachea wo+highosmolar itracheal (44 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2F00Z
1969-5951 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct bronchus trachea wo+lowosmolar itracheal (43 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2F10Z
2202-7057 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS Anatomy:TRACHEA ITrachealContrast:WO+W ct bronchus trachea wo+w itracheal (34 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of trachea/airways using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2FY0Z
0157-0594 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS IBronchialContrast:W ct bronchus w ibronchial (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the RPID968 VisceralThorax_16_4
7406-5317 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS IBronchialContrast:W IVContrast:WO ct bronchus w ibronchial wo iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the without iv contrast RPID1383
0208-8369 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS IVContrast:WO ct bronchus wo iv (17 chars) Anatomy:BRONCHUS IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID1383
7861-2051 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:CHEST IBronchialContrast:W ct bronchus both chest w ibronchial (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable bronchography procedure focused on the bilateral in the chest RPID397
8527-4908 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:TRACHEA:Both ct bronchus both trachea both (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral tracheobronchial trees BB29ZZZ
1343-0049 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:TRACHEA:Both IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct bronchus both trachea both highosmolar iv (44 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral tracheobronchial trees using high osmolar contrast BB290ZZ
1566-9011 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:TRACHEA:Both IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct bronchus both trachea both lowosmolar iv (43 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral tracheobronchial trees using low osmolar contrast BB291ZZ
7598-1630 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:TRACHEA:Both IVContrast:W ct bronchus both trachea both w iv (34 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral tracheobronchial trees using other contrast BB29YZZ
7823-3697 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:TRACHEA:Both IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct bronchus both trachea both wo+highosmolar iv (47 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral tracheobronchial trees using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2900Z
1539-0944 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:TRACHEA:Both IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct bronchus both trachea both wo+lowosmolar iv (46 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral tracheobronchial trees using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2910Z
6231-6241 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Both Anatomy:TRACHEA:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct bronchus both trachea both wo+w iv (37 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral tracheobronchial trees using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB29Y0Z
5712-5713 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Left Anatomy:TRACHEA:Left ct bronchus left trachea left (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left tracheobronchial tree BB28ZZZ
8937-9954 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Left Anatomy:TRACHEA:Left IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct bronchus left trachea left highosmolar iv (44 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left tracheobronchial tree using high osmolar contrast BB280ZZ
7843-8525 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Left Anatomy:TRACHEA:Left IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct bronchus left trachea left lowosmolar iv (43 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left tracheobronchial tree using low osmolar contrast BB281ZZ
8071-3425 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Left Anatomy:TRACHEA:Left IVContrast:W ct bronchus left trachea left w iv (34 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left tracheobronchial tree using other contrast BB28YZZ
1227-7804 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Left Anatomy:TRACHEA:Left IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct bronchus left trachea left wo+highosmolar iv (47 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left tracheobronchial tree using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2800Z
2755-6543 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Left Anatomy:TRACHEA:Left IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct bronchus left trachea left wo+lowosmolar iv (46 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left tracheobronchial tree using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2810Z
7161-5712 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Left Anatomy:TRACHEA:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct bronchus left trachea left wo+w iv (37 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left tracheobronchial tree using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB28Y0Z
9484-1664 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right ct bronchus right trachea right (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right tracheobronchial tree BB27ZZZ
2201-3962 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct bronchus right trachea right highosmolar iv (46 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right tracheobronchial tree using high osmolar contrast BB270ZZ
6309-1618 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct bronchus right trachea right lowosmolar iv (45 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right tracheobronchial tree using low osmolar contrast BB271ZZ
6717-1987 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right IVContrast:W ct bronchus right trachea right w iv (36 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right tracheobronchial tree using other contrast BB27YZZ
2584-9135 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct bronchus right trachea right wo+highosmolar iv (49 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right tracheobronchial tree using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2700Z
3193-1515 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct bronchus right trachea right wo+lowosmolar iv (48 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right tracheobronchial tree using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB2710Z
6914-8616 Modality:CT Anatomy:BRONCHUS:Right Anatomy:TRACHEA:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct bronchus right trachea right wo+w iv (39 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right tracheobronchial tree using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BB27Y0Z
6910-9573 Modality:CT Anatomy:Both ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective Context:Postoperative ct both reconstruction retrospective postoperative (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the bilateral for the purpose of post op RPID104
8088-9709 Modality:CT Anatomy:Both ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective Context:Preoperative ct both reconstruction retrospective preoperative (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the bilateral for the purpose of pre op RPID103
4710-9189 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS ct calcaneus (12 chars) ct calcaneus 103030 36010-7
4130-3528 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ct calcaneus lower extremity (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the calcaneus in the lower extremity RPID1532
9992-9757 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS IVContrast:W ct calcaneus w iv (17 chars) ct calcaneus with contrast 103031 36198-0
2946-3791 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS IVContrast:WO ct calcaneus wo iv (18 chars) calcaneus ct wo contrast 36483-6
7332-0233 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS IVContrast:WO+W ct calcaneus wo+w iv (20 chars) calcaneus ct w and wo contrast iv 36358-0
4522-0084 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Both ct calcaneus both (17 chars) computed tomography of bilateral calcanea 4741000087105 CCALB 100254
4341-0156 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Both IVContrast:W ct calcaneus both w iv (22 chars) computed tomography of bilateral calcanea with contrast 4751000087108 100253
6762-9452 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left ct calcaneus left (17 chars) ct calcaneus lt CCALL 100257 BQ2KZZZ
0120-6568 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct calcaneus left highosmolar iv (32 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left calcaneus using high osmolar contrast BQ2K0ZZ
9794-3985 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct calcaneus left lowosmolar iv (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left calcaneus using low osmolar contrast BQ2K1ZZ
8036-3770 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left IVContrast:W ct calcaneus left w iv (22 chars) ct calcaneus left with contrast 100256 36153-5 BQ2KYZZ
6925-6760 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left IVContrast:WO ct calcaneus left wo iv (23 chars) calcaneus - left ct wo contrast 36440-6
9211-5120 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct calcaneus left wo+w iv (25 chars) calcaneus - left ct w and wo contrast iv 36280-6
9738-2639 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right ct calcaneus right (18 chars) ct calcaneus rt CCALR 100260 BQ2JZZZ
4448-6122 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct calcaneus right highosmolar iv (33 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right calcaneus using high osmolar contrast BQ2J0ZZ
5616-5856 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct calcaneus right lowosmolar iv (32 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right calcaneus using low osmolar contrast BQ2J1ZZ
3268-0679 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right IVContrast:W ct calcaneus right w iv (23 chars) ct calcaneus right with contrast 100259 36154-3 BQ2JYZZ
8122-8623 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right IVContrast:WO ct calcaneus right wo iv (24 chars) calcaneus - right ct wo contrast 36441-4
6533-9131 Modality:CT Anatomy:CALCANEUS:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct calcaneus right wo+w iv (26 chars) calcaneus - right ct w and wo contrast iv 36281-4
4525-0556 Modality:CT Anatomy:CARDIOVASCULAR ct cardiovascular (17 chars) ct of cardiovascular system 303680000
2838-3402 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck wo iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the circle of willis and carotid arteries in the head and neck without iv contrast RPID5751
9484-0797 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:3D Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d arteriography w iv (66 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast RPID4987
6899-5237 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Perfusion Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d perfusion arteriography wo+w iv (79 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and perfusion and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck without then with iv contrast RPID4988
6807-5144 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d perfusion postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (92 chars) Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:PostProcessing RPID4988
8899-6851 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Perfusion ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d perfusion postprocessing arteriography wo+w iv (94 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and perfusion and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck without then with iv contrast RPID4988
0783-5733 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (79 chars) Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing RPID4987
6297-7192 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct carotid artery circle of willis head neck 3d postprocessing arteriography w iv (81 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the carotid arteries and circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast RPID4987
9633-8471 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct carotid artery circle of willis arteriography w iv (53 chars) cta circle of willis and carotid arteries w contrast iv 87856-1
8526-1858 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct carotid artery circle of willis arteriography w iv wo+w iv (61 chars) cta circle of willis and carotid arteries wo and w contrast iv 87855-3
0246-6917 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct carotid artery arteriography (31 chars) computed tomography angiography of carotid artery 417986000 100222 CNSandVisceralHeadandNeck_10_9
3237-0638 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Angio:Arteriography Guidance ct carotid artery arteriography guidance (40 chars) ct guided angiography of carotid artery 417986000
0205-4904 Modality:CT Anatomy:CAROTIDARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct carotid artery arteriography w iv (36 chars) carotid artery ct angiogram w contrast iv 36146-9
1603-4158 Modality:CT Anatomy:CELIACARTERY ct celiac artery (16 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of celiac artery B421ZZZ
2985-6586 Modality:CT Anatomy:CELIACARTERY IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct celiac artery highosmolar iv (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of celiac artery using high osmolar contrast B4210ZZ
0164-4030 Modality:CT Anatomy:CELIACARTERY IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct celiac artery lowosmolar iv (30 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of celiac artery using low osmolar contrast B4211ZZ
9532-8884 Modality:CT Anatomy:CELIACARTERY IVContrast:W ct celiac artery w iv (21 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of celiac artery using other contrast B421YZZ
2910-8134 Modality:CT Anatomy:CELIACPLEXUS Guidance:Ablate ct celiac plexus ablate (23 chars) ct guidance for ablation of tissue of celiac plexus 46365-3
3158-1617 Modality:CT Anatomy:CELIACPLEXUS Guidance:Anesthetize ct celiac plexus anesthetize (28 chars) ct guidance for anesthetic block injection of celiac plexus 24623-1
0092-4844 Modality:CT Anatomy:CELIACPLEXUS Object:Nerve Guidance:Anesthetize ct celiac plexus nerve anesthetize (34 chars) ct guidance for nerve block of celiac plexus 24623-1
3294-1504 Modality:CT Anatomy:CELIACPLEXUS Object:Tissue Guidance:Ablate ct celiac plexus tissue ablate (30 chars) ct guidance for ablation of tissue of celiac plexus 46365-3
3560-2929 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct cerebral artery arteriography (32 chars) computed tomography angiography of cerebral artery 418659001
5744-8170 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALVEIN Angio:Venography ct cerebral vein venography (27 chars) computed tomography venography of cerebral vein 432841000 CVECE
7479-7086 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALVENTRICLE ModalityType:Ventriculography:Cerebral ct cerebralventricle ventriculography cerebral (46 chars) ct cerebral ventriculography 974791000000100 CCERV B028ZZZ
7788-9495 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALVENTRICLE ModalityType:Ventriculography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:HighOsmolar ct cerebralventricle ventriculography cerebral highosmolar ithecal (66 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cerebral ventricle(s) using high osmolar contrast B0280ZZ
9732-5730 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALVENTRICLE ModalityType:Ventriculography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:LowOsmolar ct cerebralventricle ventriculography cerebral lowosmolar ithecal (65 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cerebral ventricle(s) using low osmolar contrast B0281ZZ
4961-9377 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALVENTRICLE ModalityType:Ventriculography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:W ct cerebralventricle ventriculography cerebral w ithecal (56 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cerebral ventricle(s) using other contrast B028YZZ
1866-1508 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALVENTRICLE ModalityType:Ventriculography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct cerebralventricle ventriculography cerebral wo+highosmolar ithecal (69 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cerebral ventricle(s) using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B02800Z
3457-1426 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALVENTRICLE ModalityType:Ventriculography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct cerebralventricle ventriculography cerebral wo+lowosmolar ithecal (68 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cerebral ventricle(s) using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B02810Z
9253-4558 Modality:CT Anatomy:CEREBRALVENTRICLE ModalityType:Ventriculography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:WO+W ct cerebralventricle ventriculography cerebral wo+w ithecal (59 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cerebral ventricle(s) using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B028Y0Z
7646-2488 Modality:CT Anatomy:CERVICOTHORACICJUNCTION ct cervico thoracic junction (28 chars) ct of cervicothoracic spine 419256009
7555-5194 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ct chest (8 chars) computed tomography of chest 169069000 CCHES 4002522 100288 24627-2 RPID246 8741 60000002000000000000010000000000
2457-6640 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST AgeGroup:Pediatric ct chest pediatric (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest RPID1926
5030-7116 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:W ct chest pediatric w iv (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1904
8655-3818 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct chest pediatric wo iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1886
4133-9681 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ct chest coronary artery (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest RPID1240
4759-2006 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore ct chest coronary artery calciumscore (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest for the purpose of calcium score RPID15
1662-9063 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct chest coronary artery calciumscore angiography wo iv (55 chars) Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID983
4992-6517 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest coronary artery calciumscore angiography wo+w iv (57 chars) Analysis:CalciumScore Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT RPID1042
2651-9865 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO ct chest coronary artery calciumscore arteriography wo iv (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score RPID983
9534-3824 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest coronary artery calciumscore arteriography wo+w iv (59 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score RPID1042
9711-4170 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore IVContrast:WO ct chest coronary artery calciumscore wo iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score RPID101
0286-4192 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Analysis:CalciumScore IVContrast:WO+W ct chest coronary artery calciumscore wo+w iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score RPID1371
9623-6085 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery heart angiography w iv (47 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID6003
0000-9875 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery heart arteriography w iv (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart and coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast RPID6003
6679-3441 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Context:Research IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery neck angiography research w iv (55 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography Context:Research IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1054
0898-0015 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK Angio:Arteriography Context:Research IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery neck arteriography research w iv (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography research procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the neck and chest with iv contrast RPID1054
0587-1655 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery angiography w iv (41 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID167
7935-5421 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest coronary artery angiography wo+w iv (44 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT RPID999
6826-0670 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery arteriography w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast RPID167
4831-7155 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest coronary artery arteriography wo+w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast RPID999
8729-0543 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast RPID420
7034-9146 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest coronary artery w iv embolus (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1044
3475-2155 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ModalityType:3D Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery 3d arteriography w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast RPID1019
9938-9464 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (59 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing RPID1019
0077-1521 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery 3d postprocessing arteriography w iv (61 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast RPID1019
5752-9845 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ModalityType:LowDose Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery lowdose angiography w iv (49 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT ModalityType:LowDose RPID1055
7625-9141 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ModalityType:LowDose Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct chest coronary artery lowdose arteriography w iv (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and angiography procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest with iv contrast RPID1055
0339-0502 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ModalityType:Resolution:High Analysis:CalciumScore IVContrast:WO ct chest coronary artery resolution high calciumscore wo iv (59 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score RPID1046
3635-0449 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar Reason:Trauma ct chest cspine face head neck reconstruction multiplanar trauma (64 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and cervical spine and face and chest for the purpose of trauma RPID1813
9572-7699 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest cspine facial bone head neck angiography w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck and chest and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1119
0047-8280 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct chest cspine facial bone head wo iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and chest and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1118
7746-5482 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W ct chest cspine heart w iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1056
7169-1787 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO ct chest cspine lspine rib wo iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1365
1655-6392 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct chest cspine lspine tspine wo iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1024
6832-4763 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct chest cspine neck w iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1382
3174-3508 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:RIB Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct chest cspine rib tspine wo iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest and thoracic spine and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1364
9652-2475 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:SUPERIORTHORACICAPERTURE IVContrast:W ct chest cspine superior thoracic aperture w iv (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the cervical spine and chest with iv contrast RPID4939
8692-1154 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:SUPERIORTHORACICAPERTURE IVContrast:WO ct chest cspine superior thoracic aperture wo iv (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the thoracic outlet in the cervical spine and chest without iv contrast RPID4938
0200-5671 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:W ct chest cspine thoracic outlet w iv (36 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID4939
2128-6206 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:WO ct chest cspine thoracic outlet wo iv (37 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:THORACICOUTLET IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID4938
9763-8748 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Reason:Nodule ct chest cspine limited wo iv nodule (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest and cervical spine without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule RPID1304
2041-8252 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO ct chest cspine wo iv (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1375
5004-5239 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct chest extremity pelvis angiography (37 chars) computed tomography angiography of chest, pelvis and limb 16321000087106 103636
7746-2825 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography ct chest extremity angiography (30 chars) computed tomography angiography of chest and limb 15411000087101 103635
6233-5755 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct chest facial bone head neck w iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck and chest with iv contrast RPID1463
8673-5674 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct chest facial bone head wo iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and chest without iv contrast RPID1117
8828-5383 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD ct chest head (13 chars) computed tomography of head and thorax 444708006 CHTH 103653 RPID3463
9806-3395 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography ct chest head neck angiography (30 chars) computed tomography angiography of head, neck and thorax 12271000087102
0011-5768 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct chest head neck w iv (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and neck and chest with iv contrast RPID1474
4196-2025 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W ct chest head w iv (18 chars) computed tomography of head and thorax with contrast 444709003 CHTHC 103656 RPID1036
4271-2845 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct chest head wo iv (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and chest without iv contrast RPID1033
3200-4040 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ct chest heart (14 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest RPID1043
7573-6191 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART AgeGroup:Pediatric ct chest heart pediatric (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest RPID1062
0284-8567 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Analysis:CalciumScore ct chest heart calciumscore (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of calcium score RPID419
3757-5851 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Analysis:CalciumScore IVContrast:WO ct chest heart calciumscore wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of calcium score RPID1480
3680-8749 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:PERICARDIUM Guidance:Aspirate ct chest heart pericardium aspirate (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pericardiocentesis RPID1045
1187-2124 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:WO ct chest heart spine wo iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest and spine without iv contrast RPID1059
3245-1598 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest heart angiography w iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast RPID1324
1306-6541 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Reason:Disease:Congenital ct chest heart angiography w iv disease congenital (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease RPID1405
3853-5755 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest heart angiography wo+w iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of structure and morphology RPID102
2021-7715 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Disease:Congenital ct chest heart angiography wo+w iv disease congenital (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease RPID100
9431-1654 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Context:Preoperative ct chest heart preoperative (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of pre op RPID1051
8984-9490 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Context:Screening ct chest heart screening (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of screening RPID1064
7319-8082 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W ct chest heart w iv (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast RPID301
0004-1505 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Reason:Disease:Congenital ct chest heart w iv disease congenital (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of congenital disease and morphology RPID422
7468-4678 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest heart w iv embolus (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1347
7056-0782 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO ct chest heart wo iv (20 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without iv contrast RPID979
9200-3009 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART IVContrast:WO+W ct chest heart wo+w iv (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast RPID1481
3189-2717 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:3D ct chest heart 3d (17 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest RPID259
6797-5953 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W ct chest heart 3d w iv (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast RPID978
6377-9980 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ct chest heart 3d postprocessing (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest RPID259
6954-2835 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct chest heart 3d postprocessing w iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the heart in the chest with iv contrast RPID978
8501-6276 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:Helical ct chest heart helical (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of helical scan mode RPID1057
1352-6024 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:Perfusion IVContrast:WO+W ct chest heart perfusion wo+w iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable perfusion procedure focused on the heart in the chest without then with iv contrast RPID1053
4248-8146 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:ScanMode:Helical ct chest heart scanmode helical (31 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Modality:CT ModalityType:ScanMode:Helical RPID1057
3393-9838 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:ScanMode:Sequential ct chest heart scanmode sequential (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest with a technique of sequential scan mode RPID1058
8367-2970 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:HEART Reason:Disease:Congenital ct chest heart disease congenital (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the heart in the chest for the purpose of congenital disease RPID1478
5491-9047 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM ct chest leftatrium (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left atrium in the chest RPID177
9974-1521 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEFTATRIUM Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest leftatrium angiography w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the left atrium in the chest with iv contrast RPID1342
6316-3264 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct chest leg lower extremity pelvis w iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1437
0630-8105 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest leg lower extremity pelvis w iv embolus (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1436
8334-4432 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest leg lower extremity w iv embolus (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the leg in the chest and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1246
5698-3117 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LIVER IVContrast:W ct chest liver w iv (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the liver in the chest with iv contrast RPID438
2241-1473 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct chest lower extremity lower leg pelvis w iv (46 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1437
1816-8425 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest lower extremity lower leg pelvis w iv embolus (54 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus RPID1436
0829-0526 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest lower extremity lower leg w iv embolus (47 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LOWERLEG IVContrast:W Modality:CT Reason:Embolus RPID1246
1232-3361 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest lower extremity pelvis pulmonary artery w iv embolus (61 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID234
7678-1260 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct chest lower extremity pelvis angiography (43 chars) computed tomography angiography of thorax, pelvis and lower limb 12491000087102 103528
9708-4787 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest lower extremity pelvis angiography w iv (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID992
9858-6732 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct chest lower extremity pelvis w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity with iv contrast RPID1374
3718-0751 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W ct chest lower extremity pelvis wo+w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis and lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID1435
3425-9325 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct chest lower extremity venography w iv (40 chars) ct, venography, chest-lower extremity, w iv contrast 4002276
3667-6629 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct chest lower extremity lowdose resolution high wo iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1292
1885-6843 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PELVIS:Both ct chest lower extremity both pelvis both (41 chars) ct chest pelvis lower extremity bilateral 104345
6734-0915 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY:Both IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest lower extremity both pulmonary artery both w iv embolus (64 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral pulmonary arteries in the chest and lower extremity with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID426
9403-5584 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:MEDIASTINUM IVContrast:WO ct chest lspine mediastinum wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the mediastinum in the chest and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1190
3242-6392 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Object:Tissue:Parenchymal ModalityType:Resolution:High Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest lung pulmonary artery tissue parenchymal resolution high angiography wo+w iv (85 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT ModalityType:Resolution:High Object:Tissue:Parenchymal RPID1862
2441-9254 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Object:Tissue:Parenchymal ModalityType:Resolution:High Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest lung pulmonary artery tissue parenchymal resolution high arteriography wo+w iv (87 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries and lung parenchyma in the chest without then with iv contrast RPID1862
4303-1726 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Device:Fiducial Guidance ct chest lung fiducial guidance (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of fiducial RPID210
7210-4010 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate ct chest lung ablate (20 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of ablation RPID194
2231-3615 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Cryotherapy ct chest lung ablate cryotherapy (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of cryoablation RPID191
4064-9084 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Ablate:Electroporation ct chest lung ablate electroporation (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of nanoknife RPID224
4650-1129 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Biopsy ct chest lung biopsy (20 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy RPID118
8058-2428 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Guidance:Drainage ct chest lung drainage (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lung in the chest for the purpose of drainage RPID129
0619-2032 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Density:Bone ModalityType:PostProcessing ct chest lung 3d density bone postprocessing (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable densitometry and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the lung in the chest RPID432
5112-5257 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct chest lung resolution high wo iv (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung in the chest without iv contrast RPID6001
0740-5057 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Object:Tissue:Parenchymal ct chest lung tissue parenchymal (32 chars) chest ct of lung parenchyma 37439-7
6942-8734 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Object:Tissue:Parenchymal IVContrast:W ct chest lung tissue parenchymal w iv (37 chars) chest ct of lung parenchyma w contrast iv 37440-5
6810-3904 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Object:Tissue:Parenchymal IVContrast:WO ct chest lung tissue parenchymal wo iv (38 chars) chest ct of lung parenchyma wo contrast 37441-3 RPID6001
0221-1285 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Object:Tissue:Parenchymal ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:W ct chest lung tissue parenchymal resolution high w iv (53 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest with iv contrast RPID4932
1210-6917 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Object:Tissue:Parenchymal ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct chest lung tissue parenchymal resolution high wo iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest without iv contrast RPID151
7417-6433 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG Object:Tissue:Parenchymal ModalityType:Slice:Thin ct chest lung tissue parenchymal slice thin (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable thin section imaging procedure focused on the lung parenchyma in the chest RPID280
8427-7830 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG:Left Guidance:Biopsy ct chest lung left biopsy (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the left lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy RPID201
7606-3590 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:LUNG:Right Guidance:Biopsy ct chest lung right biopsy (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the right lung in the chest for the purpose of biopsy RPID202
1825-9650 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK ct chest neck (13 chars) computed tomography of neck and thorax 430448007 CNECH 100282 RPID1894 CNSandVisceralHeadandNeck_52_4
7678-7860 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:W ct chest neck pediatric w iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast RPID1218
9563-6616 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W ct chest neck paranasal sinus w iv (34 chars) computed tomography of sinuses, neck and chest with contrast 17701000087103 103713
0375-3004 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography ct chest neck angiography (25 chars) computed tomography angiography of neck and thorax 12141000087103 103537
5826-0191 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest neck angiography w iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast RPID997
7172-2055 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest neck angiography wo+w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and chest without then with iv contrast RPID1406
3831-1141 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK Extent:Limited IVContrast:W ct chest neck limited w iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the neck and chest with iv contrast RPID1214
8302-4181 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct chest neck w iv (18 chars) computed tomography of neck and thorax with contrast 429927002 CNECHC 100281 86986-7 RPID936
8799-3773 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO ct chest neck wo iv (19 chars) ct neck and chest wo contrast 87877-7 RPID937
5662-8990 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W ct chest neck wo+w iv (21 chars) ct neck and chest wo and w contrast iv 86958-6 RPID1259
7835-2627 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS ct chest paranasal sinus (24 chars) computed tomography of sinuses and thorax 10501000087109 103482
8822-3106 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS ct chest pelvis (15 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and pelvis RPID1380
3283-2755 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest pelvis pulmonary artery w iv embolus (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest and pelvis with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1438
8240-6993 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS Anatomy:STERNUM Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct chest pelvis sternum tspine wo iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternum in the chest and thoracic spine and pelvis without iv contrast RPID1275
3519-2687 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct chest pelvis w iv (20 chars) computed tomography of chest and pelvis with contrast 12281000087100 103637 RPID1184
3345-8703 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct chest pelvis wo+w iv 2 or more phases (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest and pelvis without then with iv contrast RPID1357
4335-1041 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PERITONEUM Guidance:Aspirate ct chest peritoneum aspirate (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of paracentesis RPID134
9525-9313 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Aspirate ct chest pleura aspirate (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the pleura in the chest for the purpose of thoracentesis RPID136
4273-2221 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Biopsy ct chest pleura biopsy (22 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of chest pleura 37492-6 RPID120
0717-4081 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PLEURA Guidance:Biopsy:Needle ct chest pleura biopsy needle (29 chars) ct guidance for needle biopsy of chest pleura 69099-0
0656-6005 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest pulmonary artery angiography w iv (42 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID361
2593-4771 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct chest pulmonary artery arteriography w iv (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast RPID361
5136-1168 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus:Pulmonary ct chest pulmonary artery arteriography w iv embolus pulmonary (62 chars) ct chest w contrast iv and ct angiogram pulmonary arteries for pulmonary embolus w contrast iv 88322-3
1923-6817 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest pulmonary artery w iv embolus (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID147
4826-4189 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO Reason:Embolus ct chest pulmonary artery wo iv embolus (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1109
8618-6277 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W ct chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast RPID1418
6514-9037 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore Reason:Embolus ct chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv 2 or more phases embolus (58 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1341
4978-0429 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Embolus ct chest pulmonary artery wo+w iv embolus (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID994
9268-6540 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY ModalityType:Energies:2 IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest pulmonary artery dual energy w iv embolus (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with a technique of dual energy ct with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1070
9722-2592 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest pulmonary artery lowdose w iv embolus (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1310
2990-5681 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct chest pulmonary artery resolution high wo iv (47 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast RPID1384
1446-8932 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO Reason:Embolus ct chest pulmonary artery resolution high wo iv embolus (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID993
1633-4873 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Reason:Embolus ct chest pulmonary artery embolus (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest for the purpose of embolism RPID336
9451-6687 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest pulmonary vein angiography wo+w iv (43 chars) Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Modality:CT RPID165
1952-7679 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct chest pulmonary vein venography w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins in the chest with iv contrast RPID1302
5400-5680 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Venography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest pulmonary vein venography wo+w iv (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the pulmonary veins in the chest without then with iv contrast RPID165
9378-4214 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB ct chest rib (12 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest RPID337
6626-6233 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:W ct chest rib w iv (17 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest with iv contrast RPID433
8277-6889 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO ct chest rib wo iv (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest without iv contrast RPID897
4130-5270 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:RIB IVContrast:WO+W ct chest rib wo+w iv (20 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ribs in the chest without then with iv contrast RPID434
8139-3861 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SPINE ct chest spine (14 chars) computed tomography of chest and spine 12091000087106 103638 RPID3465
8531-9830 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SPINE IVContrast:W ct chest spine w iv (19 chars) computed tomography of chest and spine with contrast 12291000087103 103639
2860-7007 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:SPINE Object:IntervertebralDisc IDiscContrast:W IVContrast:W ct chest spine intervertebraldisc w idisc w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable discogram procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1112
5949-0142 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT ct chest sternoclavicular joint (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest RPID1312
6705-9042 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNOCLAVICULARJOINT IVContrast:W ct chest sternoclavicular joint w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the sternoclavicular joint in the chest with iv contrast RPID4933
0475-2636 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:W ct chest sternum w iv (21 chars) ct, chest, sternum, w iv contrast 4002808 RPID4934
7555-8924 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:WO ct chest sternum wo iv (22 chars) ct, chest, sternum, wo iv contrast 4002659 RPID404
7237-0413 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM IVContrast:WO+W ct chest sternum wo+w iv (24 chars) ct, chest, sternum, wo/w iv contrast 4002809
7444-2964 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W ct chest sternum 3d w iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the sternum in the chest with iv contrast RPID4949
5942-5376 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:STERNUM ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct chest sternum 3d postprocessing w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the sternum in the chest with iv contrast RPID4949
9233-0109 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE ct chest tspine (15 chars) computed tomography of chest and thoracic spine 12381000087106 103640
1683-8269 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE Angio:Angiography ct chest tspine angiography (27 chars) computed tomography angiography of chest and thoracic spine 14911000087109 103641
4032-0759 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W ct chest tspine w iv (20 chars) computed tomography of chest and thoracic spine with contrast 11851000087103 103642
6448-6439 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct chest tspine wo iv (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine without iv contrast RPID1448
0511-5310 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:TSPINE ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO ct chest tspine reconstruction retrospective wo iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the chest and thoracic spine without iv contrast RPID1248
9947-8890 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest upper extremity angiography w iv (41 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest and upper extremity with iv contrast RPID995
9965-0457 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct chest upper extremity venography w iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest and upper extremity with iv contrast RPID1027
0617-7123 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:VESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest vessel angiography w iv (32 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cta (? angiography) imaging chest blood vessel 64B01007320000000000010000000000
6848-1588 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Anatomy:VESSEL Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Position:Supine ct chest vessel angiography w iv supine (39 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cta (? angiography) imaging chest blood-vessel supine position 64B01007320200000000010000000000
1884-1933 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography ct chest angiography (20 chars) computed tomography angiography of thorax 426730003 101699 RPID67
4256-5008 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest angiography w iv (25 chars) ct, angiography, chest, w iv contrast 4002275 RPID360
7072-8111 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest angiography w iv embolus (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1847
3976-9211 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct chest angiography wo iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1443
7743-9941 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest angiography wo+w iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast RPID6
2189-0109 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct chest angiography wo+w iv 2 or more phases (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast RPID984
5735-3684 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Angiography Reason:Embolus ct chest angiography embolus (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of embolism RPID1853
0091-9012 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Arteriography ct chest arteriography (22 chars) ct arteriogram of thorax 425501003
0956-4225 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography ct chest venography (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable venography procedure focused on the chest RPID453
5696-1982 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Angio:Venography IVContrast:W ct chest venography w iv (24 chars) ct, venography, chest, w iv contrast 4002815 RPID1861
8714-7650 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST BetweenTemporalAspect:FollowUp ct chest followup (17 chars) ct, follow up, chest, unspec iv contrast 4002704
0782-3212 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Context:Consult:Interpret:Study:Outside ct chest consult interpret study outside (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable outside film read imaging procedure focused on the chest RPID113
0307-5744 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Context:Postoperative IVContrast:W ct chest postoperative w iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of post op RPID400
7453-7435 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening ct chest screening (18 chars) ct chest for screening 87279-6 RPID6891
8512-5512 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening IVContrast:W ct chest screening w iv (23 chars) ct chest for screening w contrast iv 79068-3 RPID6000
0283-7690 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Context:Screening IVContrast:WO ct chest screening wo iv (24 chars) ct chest for screening wo contrast 79086-5 RPID6002
1287-7899 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Device:Fiducial Device:Marker Guidance:Insert ct chest fiducial marker insert (31 chars) ct guided insertion of fiducial marker into chest 844031000000106
2020-7376 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Device:Fiducial Guidance:Insert ct chest fiducial insert (24 chars) ct guided fiducial insertion thorax CFITHI
0154-2440 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Device:Tube Guidance:Insert ct chest tube insert (20 chars) ct guidance for placement of tube in chest 35938-0
4026-7955 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited ct chest limited (16 chars) chest ct limited 36089-1 RPID253
0092-0039 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:W ct chest limited w iv (21 chars) chest ct limited w contrast iv 69096-6
0236-6483 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO ct chest limited wo iv (22 chars) chest ct limited wo contrast 47366-0 RPID1442
6004-1365 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Reason:Nodule ct chest limited wo iv nodule (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule RPID1191
5718-5192 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO+W Reason:Nodule ct chest limited wo+w iv nodule (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast for the purpose of nodule RPID1309
0644-7970 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Aspirate ct chest aspirate (17 chars) computed tomography and aspiration of chest 417911000 CCHETN 103423
6661-9916 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy ct chest biopsy (15 chars) biopsy of thorax using computed tomography guidance 418787001
CCHESB 100241 35895-2 RPID3471
6364-0041 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy IVContrast:W ct chest biopsy w iv (20 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of chest-- w contrast iv 35909-1
2343-4984 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy IVContrast:WO ct chest biopsy wo iv (21 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of chest-- wo contrast 35911-7
2586-8504 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy IVContrast:WO+W ct chest biopsy wo+w iv (23 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of chest-- w and wo contrast iv 35910-9
9986-6750 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Biopsy:Needle Position:Supine ct chest biopsy needle supine (29 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation needle biopsy chest supine position 60006002000200000000010000000000
9822-1433 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Drainage ct chest drainage (17 chars) computed tomography and drainage of chest 418487002
CCHESD 103288 35916-6 RPID123
3673-1475 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Drainage IVContrast:W ct chest drainage w iv (22 chars) ct guidance for drainage of chest-- w contrast iv 35923-2
5612-4553 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Drainage IVContrast:WO ct chest drainage wo iv (23 chars) ct guidance for drainage of chest-- wo contrast 35924-0
7314-9976 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Guidance:Localize ct chest localize (17 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable localization procedure focused on the chest RPID1496
2464-2953 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct chest highosmolar iv (23 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of thorax using high osmolar contrast BP2W0ZZ
8223-5224 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct chest lowosmolar iv (22 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of thorax using low osmolar contrast BP2W1ZZ
7912-5552 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:ReducedVolume ct chest reducedvolume iv (25 chars) chest ct w reduced contrast volume iv 46327-3
7226-5515 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W ct chest w iv (13 chars) computerized axial tomography of thorax with contrast 75385009 CCHESC 4002265 100287 24628-0 BP2WYZZ RPID18 71260
5526-4466 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus ct chest w iv embolus (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1307
4848-0424 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Reason:Embolus:Pulmonary ct chest w iv embolus pulmonary (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the pulmonary arteries in the chest with iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID147
9085-4998 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:W Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct chest w iv planning radiotherapy (35 chars) ct of thorax with contrast for radiotherapy planning 715494008 CRTCIR
5447-9622 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO ct chest wo iv (14 chars) ct, chest, wo iv contrast 4002523 29252-4 RPID16 71250
9060-5420 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO Phases:2OrMore ct chest wo iv 2 or more phases (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1444
7951-2450 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+ReducedVolume ct chest wo+reducedvolume iv (28 chars) chest ct w and wo reduced contrast volume iv 46317-4
0342-3545 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W ct chest wo+w iv (16 chars) ct, chest, wo/w iv contrast 4002775 30598-7 RPID17 71270
1508-2233 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST IVContrast:WO+W Phases:2OrMore ct chest wo+w iv 2 or more phases (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multiphase procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast RPID1355
3373-4326 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ct chest 3d (11 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest RPID1440
4114-4165 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest 3d angiography w iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1000
1975-0427 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest 3d angiography wo+w iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast RPID1001
2902-5649 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W ct chest 3d w iv (16 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1441
6293-8310 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct chest 3d wo iv (17 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1445
2819-4358 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct chest 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID4948
2581-8669 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ct chest 3d postprocessing (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest RPID1440
0390-4303 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct chest 3d postprocessing angiography w iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1000
2719-9600 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO+W ct chest 3d postprocessing angiography wo+w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and angiography procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast RPID1001
3368-1185 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct chest 3d postprocessing w iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1414
6627-4127 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct chest 3d postprocessing wo iv (32 chars) ct chest 3d post processing wo contrast 79096-4 RPID1445
3059-9104 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct chest 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID4948
1946-1405 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct chest 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (60 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1414
6711-4147 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct chest 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1414
5149-7913 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:ConeBeam ct chest conebeam (17 chars) cone beam ct of chest 718014000 KCHES
4315-2174 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:ConeBeam Device:Drain Guidance:Drainage Guidance:Insert ct chest conebeam drain drainage insert (39 chars) cone beam ct guided insertion of drain into chest 717690007 KTHOXI
4499-3868 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:ConeBeam Guidance:Aspirate ct chest conebeam aspirate (26 chars) cone beam ct guided aspiration of chest 717343004 KTHRXN
5307-1394 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:ConeBeam Guidance:Biopsy ct chest conebeam biopsy (24 chars) cone beam ct guided biopsy of chest 717994001 KTHRXB
2985-3390 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Energies:2 ct chest dual energy (20 chars) dual energy ct of thorax 955911000000107 RPID1074
8621-7151 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Energies:2 Extent:Limited Reason:Nodule ct chest dual energy limited nodule (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable limited procedure focused on the chest with a technique of dual energy ct for the purpose of nodule RPID1089
8662-7478 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Gated ct chest gated (14 chars) gated ct thorax CTHXG
5604-3411 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose ct chest lowdose (16 chars) low dose computed tomography of thorax 713548006 CLDTH RPID960
2344-3481 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose AgeGroup:Pediatric ct chest lowdose pediatric (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the chest RPID1298
8914-8184 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose Context:Screening ct chest lowdose screening (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of screening RPID1377
9067-7275 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO Reason:Nodule ct chest lowdose limited wo iv nodule (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and limited procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule RPID1291
8943-3856 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose Extent:Limited Reason:Nodule ct chest lowdose limited nodule (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and limited procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of nodule RPID1192
9421-4103 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:W ct chest lowdose w iv (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest with iv contrast RPID1301
1917-6450 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO ct chest lowdose wo iv (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID403
3307-0906 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO Reason:Cancer ct chest lowdose wo iv cancer (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of malignant neoplasm RPID150
4943-6299 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO Reason:Nodule ct chest lowdose wo iv nodule (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of nodule RPID149
9492-4821 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct chest lowdose resolution high pediatric wo iv (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1299
7551-1607 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:LowDose ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct chest lowdose resolution high wo iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose and high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1305
9642-9948 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Perfusion ct chest perfusion (18 chars) ct perfusion study of thorax 448345006 CCHEP
9784-9292 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct chest postprocessing wo iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1445
8556-5519 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High ct chest resolution high (24 chars) ct of chest with high resolution 315941000000105 CHRC RPID216
8978-4507 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High Angio:Angiography IVContrast:WO ct chest resolution high angiography wo iv (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution and angiography procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID1251
5269-5603 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High Context:Research ct chest resolution high research (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest for the purpose of research RPID1840
3860-1954 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:W ct chest resolution high w iv (29 chars) ct chest high resolution with contrast CHRCHC
0296-8880 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO ct chest resolution high wo iv (30 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast RPID362
1085-1977 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO Reason:Embolus ct chest resolution high wo iv embolus (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without iv contrast for the purpose of embolism RPID1308
5711-9501 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Resolution:High IVContrast:WO+W ct chest resolution high wo+w iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable high resolution procedure focused on the chest without then with iv contrast RPID1306
7135-5468 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST ModalityType:Slice:Thin ct chest slice thin (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the chest with a technique of thin section RPID1843
1936-4661 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Object:Abscess Guidance:Drainage ct chest abscess drainage (25 chars) ct guidance for abscess drainage of chest 42281-6
5981-5922 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Position:Supine ct chest supine (15 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation chest supine position 60000002000200000000010000000000
2957-3791 Modality:CT Anatomy:CHEST Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct chest planning radiotherapy (30 chars) ct of thorax for radiotherapy planning 429851006 CRTCHR
0212-2980 Modality:CT Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct circle of willis head neck angiography w iv (46 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head and neck with iv contrast RPID1213
5512-4600 Modality:CT Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Sites:2OrMore ct circle of willis head 3d angiography w iv 2 or more sites (60 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head with iv contrast RPID4946
4633-8591 Modality:CT Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W Sites:2OrMore ct circle of willis head 3d postprocessing angiography w iv 2 or more sites (75 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography and 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the circle of willis in the head with iv contrast RPID4946
3194-8941 Modality:CT Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Angio:Angiography ct circle of willis angiography (31 chars) ct angio circle of willis CNSandVisceralHeadandNeck_7_9
3257-4114 Modality:CT Anatomy:CIRCLEOFWILLIS Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct circle of willis angiography w iv wo+w iv (44 chars) circle of willis ct angiogram w and wo contrast iv 75671-8
5435-9691 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral ct cistern head paranasal sinus cisternography cerebral (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the head RPID281
5796-0792 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral IVContrast:WO ct cistern head cisternography cerebral wo iv (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable cisternography procedure focused on the head without iv contrast RPID1381
7770-8569 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral ct cistern cisternography cerebral (34 chars) ct cisternography 241524008 CCISTT B027ZZZ
0211-5740 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:HighOsmolar ct cistern cisternography cerebral highosmolar ithecal (54 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cisterna using high osmolar contrast B0270ZZ
2772-8940 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:LowOsmolar ct cistern cisternography cerebral lowosmolar ithecal (53 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cisterna using low osmolar contrast B0271ZZ
3520-9431 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:W ct cistern cisternography cerebral w ithecal (44 chars) head cistern ct w contrast it 24734-6 B027YZZ
4821-0333 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct cistern cisternography cerebral wo+highosmolar ithecal (57 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cisterna using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B02700Z
5304-3967 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct cistern cisternography cerebral wo+lowosmolar ithecal (56 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cisterna using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B02710Z
1800-8731 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral IThecalContrast:WO+W ct cistern cisternography cerebral wo+w ithecal (47 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cisterna using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B027Y0Z
1370-1435 Modality:CT Anatomy:CISTERN ModalityType:Cisternography:Cerebral Position:Supine ct cistern cisternography cerebral supine (41 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cistern supine position 60000001050200000000010000000000
1313-7951 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE ct clavicle (11 chars) computed tomography of clavicle 432552002 103110 35960-4
2811-1395 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct clavicle upper extremity wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the clavicle in the upper extremity without iv contrast RPID901
4330-1829 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE IVContrast:W ct clavicle w iv (16 chars) computed tomography of clavicle with contrast 4211000087103
103111 82685-9
4080-6300 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE IVContrast:WO ct clavicle wo iv (17 chars) ct clavicle wo contrast 82687-5
5618-5151 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE IVContrast:WO+W ct clavicle wo+w iv (19 chars) ct clavicle wo and w contrast iv 82684-2
7474-0656 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Both ct clavicle both (16 chars) computed tomography of bilateral clavicles 4781000087100 CCLAB 100298
1310-6830 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Both IVContrast:W ct clavicle both w iv (21 chars) computed tomography of bilateral clavicles with contrast 4791000087103 100297
9193-8132 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left ct clavicle left (16 chars) computed tomography of left clavicle 4191000087102 CCLAL 100292 87871-0 BP25ZZZ
1004-8409 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct clavicle left highosmolar iv (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left clavicle using high osmolar contrast BP250ZZ
7379-7014 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct clavicle left lowosmolar iv (30 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left clavicle using low osmolar contrast BP251ZZ
7138-4984 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left IVContrast:W ct clavicle left w iv (21 chars) computed tomography of left clavicle with contrast 4801000087104 100291 82716-2 BP25YZZ
4059-9000 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Left IVContrast:WO ct clavicle left wo iv (22 chars) ct clavicle - left wo contrast 82682-6
7749-7545 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right ct clavicle right (17 chars) computed tomography of right clavicle 4201000087100 CCLAR 100295 87872-8 BP24ZZZ
2022-7157 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct clavicle right highosmolar iv (32 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right clavicle using high osmolar contrast BP240ZZ
7732-9671 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct clavicle right lowosmolar iv (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right clavicle using low osmolar contrast BP241ZZ
1081-7440 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right IVContrast:W ct clavicle right w iv (22 chars) computed tomography of right clavicle with contrast 4811000087102 100294 82686-7 BP24YZZ
4534-8987 Modality:CT Anatomy:CLAVICLE:Right IVContrast:WO ct clavicle right wo iv (23 chars) ct clavicle - right wo contrast 82683-4
9467-7184 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX ct coccyx (9 chars) ct of coccyx 430451000 CCOCX
8688-8191 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:SACRUM Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W ct coccyx cspine lspine sacrum tspine wo+w iv (45 chars) ct spine cervical and thoracic and lumbar and sacrum and coccyx wo and w contrast iv 87870-2
5020-5927 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM ct coccyx sacrum (16 chars) computed tomography of sacrum and coccyx 10351000087102 103485 69116-2 BR2FZZZ
6125-6829 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct coccyx sacrum highosmolar iv (31 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of sacrum and coccyx using high osmolar contrast BR2F0ZZ
9715-4333 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct coccyx sacrum lowosmolar iv (30 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of sacrum and coccyx using low osmolar contrast BR2F1ZZ
9955-3450 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:W ct coccyx sacrum w iv (21 chars) computed tomography of sacrum and coccyx with contrast 10331000087106
103486 82704-8 BR2FYZZ
2520-1279 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO ct coccyx sacrum wo iv (22 chars) ct sacrum and coccyx wo contrast 86970-1
4686-5311 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX Anatomy:SACRUM IVContrast:WO+W ct coccyx sacrum wo+w iv (24 chars) ct sacrum and coccyx wo and w contrast iv 82703-0
3387-5785 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX IVContrast:W ct coccyx w iv (14 chars) ct coccyx with contrast 10341000087100
1101-6947 Modality:CT Anatomy:COCCYX Position:Supine ct coccyx supine (16 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation coccyx supine position 60000003580200000000010000000000
4558-4995 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON ct colon (8 chars) computed tomography of colon 425666002 CCOLO 44120-4 BD24ZZZ
2286-8728 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Analysis:VirtualEndoscopy ct colon virtualendoscopy (25 chars) virtual computed tomography colonoscopy 418714002 CVCOY 100299
7231-6891 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:PELVIS ct colon pelvis (15 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the pelvis RPID1837
6171-3277 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:W ct colon rectum w iv (20 chars) colon and rectum ct w contrast iv 79070-9
7841-0389 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM IVContrast:W PRContrast:W ct colon rectum w iv w pr (25 chars) ct with contrast enema 431944009
6159-7404 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Anatomy:RECTUM PRContrast:W ct colon rectum w pr (20 chars) ct contrast enema CENEM
3993-9354 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Context:Diagnostic IVContrast:W ct colon diagnostic w iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis with iv contrast RPID89
3671-2995 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Context:Diagnostic IVContrast:WO ct colon diagnostic wo iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast RPID87
4582-3707 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Context:Screening ct colon screening (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis for the purpose of screening RPID86
6855-8525 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON Context:Screening IVContrast:WO ct colon screening wo iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography procedure focused on the abdomen and pelvis without iv contrast for the purpose of screening RPID148
4037-1804 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON IVContrast:W ct colon w iv (13 chars) ct colon with contrast CCOLOC
2195-7838 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON ModalityType:3D ct colon 3d (11 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the RPID1917
5123-4941 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON ModalityType:3D Context:Screening ct colon 3d screening (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the for the purpose of screening RPID1918
5971-2885 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ct colon 3d postprocessing (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the RPID1917
8117-2516 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Context:Screening ct colon 3d postprocessing screening (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable colonography and 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the for the purpose of screening RPID1918
7574-3716 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON ModalityType:LowDose ct colon lowdose (16 chars) low dose ct colonography 1051291000000100 CVCLD
6551-3229 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON PRContrast:HighOsmolar ct colon highosmolar pr (23 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of colon using high osmolar contrast BD240ZZ
2387-8952 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON PRContrast:LowOsmolar ct colon lowosmolar pr (22 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of colon using low osmolar contrast BD241ZZ
1295-1520 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON PRContrast:W ct colon w pr (13 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of colon using other contrast BD24YZZ
0271-8191 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON PRContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct colon wo+highosmolar pr (26 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of colon using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BD2400Z
2932-8922 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON PRContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct colon wo+lowosmolar pr (25 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of colon using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BD2410Z
9194-7775 Modality:CT Anatomy:COLON PRContrast:WO+W ct colon wo+w pr (16 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of colon using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced BD24Y0Z
6446-7432 Modality:CT Anatomy:COMMONCAROTIDARTERY:Both ct common carotid artery both (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral common carotid arteries B325ZZZ
1764-5434 Modality:CT Anatomy:COMMONCAROTIDARTERY:Both IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct common carotid artery both highosmolar iv (44 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral common carotid arteries using high osmolar contrast B3250ZZ
6929-4760 Modality:CT Anatomy:COMMONCAROTIDARTERY:Both IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct common carotid artery both lowosmolar iv (43 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral common carotid arteries using low osmolar contrast B3251ZZ
3360-2147 Modality:CT Anatomy:COMMONCAROTIDARTERY:Both IVContrast:W ct common carotid artery both w iv (34 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral common carotid arteries using other contrast B325YZZ
3087-7585 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Analysis:CalciumScore ct coronary artery heart calciumscore (37 chars) ct cardiac cor artery calcium scoring CCASC
0783-3107 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Analysis:CalciumScore Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO ct coronary artery heart calciumscore arteriography w iv wo iv (62 chars) ct for calcium scoring wo contrast and cta w contrast iv heart and coronary arteries 83289-9
6504-9035 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Analysis:CalciumScore IVContrast:WO ct coronary artery heart calciumscore wo iv (43 chars) ct, calcium score, heart, coronary arteries, wo iv contrast 4002274 79087-3
0041-7846 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Arteriography ct coronary artery heart arteriography (38 chars) ct cardiac angiogram coronary CACRY
3214-1714 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct coronary artery heart arteriography w iv (43 chars) ct, angiography, heart, coronary arteries, w iv contrast 4002515 79073-3 RPID6003
8194-2630 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W IVContrast:WO+W ct coronary artery heart arteriography w iv wo+w iv (51 chars) cta heart and coronary arteries wo and w contrast iv 86980-0
2083-5422 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:HEART ModalityType:LowDose Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct coronary artery heart lowdose arteriography w iv (51 chars) ct, angiography, heart, coronary arteries, w iv contrast, low dose 4002716
9576-7483 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct coronary artery neck w iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the coronary arteries in the neck with iv contrast RPID1875
1646-3649 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Anatomy:THORACICAORTA Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct coronary artery pulmonary artery thoracic aorta arteriography w iv (69 chars) cta coronary arteries and pulmonary arteries and thoracic aorta w contrast iv 87842-1
3730-2953 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PULMONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct coronary artery pulmonary artery arteriography w iv (54 chars) cta coronary arteries and pulmonary arteries w contrast iv 87840-5
4180-3006 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:PULMONARYVEIN Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct coronary artery pulmonary vein arteriography w iv (52 chars) cta coronary arteries and pulmonary veins w contrast iv 88318-1
8163-1921 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:THORACICAORTA Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct coronary artery thoracic aorta arteriography w iv (52 chars) cta coronary arteries and thoracic aorta w contrast iv 87841-3
4562-2167 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft Angio:Arteriography ct coronary artery vessel graft arteriography (45 chars) ct angio coronary artery graft CCORGC
4637-0429 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft IVContrast:HighOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery vessel graft highosmolar iv 2 or more (56 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using high osmolar contrast B2230ZZ
9290-6983 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft IVContrast:LowOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery vessel graft lowosmolar iv 2 or more (55 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using low osmolar contrast B2231ZZ
9997-2000 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft IVContrast:W ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery vessel graft w iv 2 or more (46 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using other contrast B223YZZ
8198-7120 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery vessel graft wo+highosmolar iv 2 or more (59 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B22300Z
3882-8726 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery vessel graft wo+lowosmolar iv 2 or more (58 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B22310Z
0402-1631 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft IVContrast:WO+W ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery vessel graft wo+w iv 2 or more (49 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B223Y0Z
6154-4743 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft ModalityType:PostProcessing:PerformedByRadiologist Angio:Arteriography ct coronary artery vessel graft postprocessing performedbyradiologist arteriography (83 chars) ct angio coronary angiography native arteries and grafts (radiologist does post processing) VisceralThorax_12_9
9475-9862 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Anatomy:VESSEL:Graft ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery vessel graft 2 or more (41 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts B223ZZZ
6402-3879 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct coronary artery arteriography (32 chars) computed tomography angiography of coronary arteries 419545005
8032-6493 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:HighOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery highosmolar iv 2 or more (43 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary arteries using high osmolar contrast B2210ZZ
2631-2620 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:LowOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery lowosmolar iv 2 or more (42 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary arteries using low osmolar contrast B2211ZZ
1679-0642 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:W ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery w iv 2 or more (33 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary arteries using other contrast B221YZZ
5223-9723 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery wo+highosmolar iv 2 or more (46 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary arteries using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B22100Z
7238-4780 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery wo+lowosmolar iv 2 or more (45 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary arteries using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B22110Z
5227-1482 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY IVContrast:WO+W ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery wo+w iv 2 or more (36 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary arteries using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B221Y0Z
1799-5552 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:W ct coronary artery 3d postprocessing arteriography w iv (55 chars) coronary arteries ct angiogram and 3d reconstruction w contrast iv 58745-1
2889-6650 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ModalityType:PostProcessing:PerformedByRadiologist Angio:Arteriography ct coronary artery postprocessing performedbyradiologist arteriography (70 chars) ct angio coronary angiography (radiologist does post processing) VisceralThorax_10_9
1395-0399 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery 2 or more (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary arteries B221ZZZ
9917-3107 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY:Graft:Bypass Angio:Arteriography ct coronary artery graft bypass arteriography (45 chars) ct angiography of coronary artery bypass graft 450506009
0083-2266 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY:Graft:Bypass Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:HighOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery graft bypass arteriography highosmolar iv 2 or more (70 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using high osmolar contrast B2230ZZ
8489-9527 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY:Graft:Bypass Angio:Arteriography IVContrast:LowOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery graft bypass arteriography lowosmolar iv 2 or more (69 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using low osmolar contrast B2231ZZ
5996-3500 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY:Graft:Bypass Angio:Arteriography O+HighOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery graft bypass arteriography o+highosmolar 2 or more (69 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B22300Z
2788-0285 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY:Graft:Bypass Angio:Arteriography O+LowOsmolar ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery graft bypass arteriography o+lowosmolar 2 or more (68 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B22310Z
8035-6133 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY:Graft:Bypass Angio:Arteriography O+W ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery graft bypass arteriography o+w 2 or more (59 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B223Y0Z
8613-8201 Modality:CT Anatomy:CORONARYARTERY:Graft:Bypass Angio:Arteriography ObjectCount:2OrMore ct coronary artery graft bypass arteriography 2 or more (55 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of multiple coronary artery bypass grafts using other contrast B223YZZ
0880-8134 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ct cspine (9 chars) computed tomography of cervical spine 241578008 CCSPN 4001430 100273 24932-6 BR20ZZZ RPID239 60000003510000000000010000000000
5464-9532 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct cspine pediatric wo iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1892
7601-1992 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:EPIDURALSPACE IVContrast:W ct cspine epiduralspace w iv (28 chars) Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:EPIDURALSPACE IVContrast:W Modality:CT RPID1461
6204-2692 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:HEAD ct cspine face head (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and face and cervical spine RPID214
4950-3162 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct cspine facet joint arthrography w iarticular (47 chars) ct arthrography of cervical facet joint with contrast 839771000000106 CJCFAC
8589-6060 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional ct cspine facet joint anesthetize additional levels (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block RPID277
7552-0638 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 ct cspine facet joint anesthetize spinal 1 levels (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block RPID273
4327-5868 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore ct cspine facet joint anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of facet block RPID275
6762-5527 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Inject ct cspine facet joint inject (28 chars) ct guided injection of cervical zygapophyseal joint 432901008 CCSFJJ
6968-7601 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE ct cspine facial bone (21 chars) computed tomography of facial bones and cervical spine 15131000087100 103647
7409-9857 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ct cspine facial bone head (26 chars) computed tomography of head, facial bones and cervical spine 15101000087108 103657
5106-0830 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W ct cspine facial bone head w iv (31 chars) computed tomography of head, facial bones and cervical spine with contrast 15141000087106 103658
6992-0488 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct cspine femur lower extremity wo iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1465
6711-6300 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD ct cspine head (14 chars) computed tomography of head and cervical spine 10361000087104 103483 RPID217
6295-7578 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:IAC IVContrast:WO ct cspine head iac wo iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the internal auditory canal in the head and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1165
5258-1606 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL ct cspine head maxillofacial (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine RPID414
3890-6387 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W ct cspine head maxillofacial w iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID413
4562-3999 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO ct cspine head maxillofacial wo iv (34 chars) ct head and maxillofacial region and cervical spine wo contrast 86991-7
3265-9924 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W ct cspine head maxillofacial wo+w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast RPID415
7838-8964 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:TSPINE ct cspine head tspine (21 chars) computed tomography of head, cervical spine and thoracic spine 16431000087104
5442-9505 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W ct cspine head w iv (19 chars) computed tomography of head and cervical spine with contrast 15111000087105
103651 RPID411
0307-7490 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct cspine head wo iv (20 chars) ct head and cervical spine wo contrast 82690-9 RPID1124
8315-8417 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W ct cspine head wo+w iv (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the head and cervical spine without then with iv contrast RPID412
2429-9722 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE ct cspine lspine (16 chars) computed tomography of cervical and lumbar spine 3221000087109
9281-6548 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOE IThecalContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Myelography:Yes ct cspine lspine toe wo ithecal spinal 2 or more levels myelography (67 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the toes and cervical spine and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1826
8321-8080 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Myelography:Yes ct cspine lspine toes wo iv spinal 2 or more levels myelography (63 chars) Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT Myelography:Yes RPID1826
2969-5463 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W ct cspine lspine tspine w iv (28 chars) ct cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine w contrast iv 86984-2 RPID980
2257-1414 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct cspine lspine tspine wo iv (29 chars) ct cervical and thoracic and lumbar spine wo contrast 86987-5 RPID981
4651-9096 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO+W ct cspine lspine tspine 3d wo+w iv (34 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast RPID1025
2616-3214 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO+W ct cspine lspine tspine 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine without then with iv contrast RPID1025
1757-4546 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Myelography:Yes ct cspine lspine tspine myelography (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine and lumbar spine RPID1023
1661-6586 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:W ct cspine lspine w iv (21 chars) computed tomography of cervical and lumbar spine with contrast 3231000087106
100266 83293-1 RPID282
0431-6905 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO ct cspine lspine wo iv (22 chars) ct spine cervical and spine lumbar wo contrast 83305-3 RPID1268
4501-1583 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO+W ct cspine lspine wo+w iv (24 chars) ct spine cervical and spine lumbar wo and w contrast iv 83297-2
3900-9993 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LSPINE Myelography:Yes ct cspine lspine myelography (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine and lumbar spine RPID1361
7182-8195 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:LUMBOSACRALJUNCTION Anatomy:TSPINE Myelography:Yes ct cspine lumbosacral junction tspine myelography (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the lumbosacral spine and thoracic spine and cervical spine RPID1362
2522-4051 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK ct cspine neck (14 chars) computed tomography of neck and cervical spine 12121000087107 103681
5037-5024 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct cspine neck angiography w iv (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1116
7954-4579 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct cspine neck w iv (19 chars) computed tomography of neck and cervical spine with contrast 12261000087106 103682 RPID1427
6791-0435 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO ct cspine neck wo iv (20 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1431
2308-9014 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W ct cspine neck wo+w iv (22 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the neck and cervical spine without then with iv contrast RPID1426
6871-8529 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO ct cspine nerve needle anesthetize insert wo iv (47 chars) Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Device:Needle Guidance:Anesthetize Guidance:Insert IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID5755
2500-0755 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional ct cspine nerve anesthetize additional levels (45 chars) Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional Modality:CT RPID287
8466-3891 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 ct cspine nerve anesthetize spinal 1 levels (43 chars) Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 Modality:CT RPID283
0603-6373 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore ct cspine nerve anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (51 chars) Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:NERVE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore Modality:CT RPID285
3732-6502 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:SHOULDER Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct cspine shoulder upper extremity wo iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the shoulder in the upper extremity and cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1430
4884-6976 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TOE AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct cspine toe pediatric wo iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the cervical spine and toes without iv contrast RPID1805
6381-6716 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TOES AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct cspine toes pediatric wo iv (30 chars) AgeGroup:Pediatric Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TOES IVContrast:WO Modality:CT RPID1805
6435-7951 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE ct cspine tspine (16 chars) computed tomography of cervical and thoracic spine 5901000087108
6436-8721 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Ablate:RF ct cspine tspine ablate rf (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine and thoracic spine for the purpose of radiofrequency ablation RPID316
0412-2382 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IThecalContrast:W ct cspine tspine w ithecal (26 chars) ct cervical and thoracic spine w contrast it 87922-1
0935-2028 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IThecalContrast:W Myelography:Yes ct cspine tspine w ithecal myelography (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the thoracic spine and cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1429
6863-6991 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W ct cspine tspine w iv (21 chars) computed tomography of cervical and thoracic spine with contrast 5891000087107
100269 86985-9 RPID292
5508-8312 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Myelography:Yes ct cspine tspine w iv myelography (33 chars) Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes RPID1429
4276-3401 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO ct cspine tspine wo iv (22 chars) ct cervical and thoracic spine wo contrast 83304-6 RPID294
6353-2642 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE IVContrast:WO+W ct cspine tspine wo+w iv (24 chars) ct cervical and thoracic spine wo and w contrast iv 86959-4 RPID293
9139-1531 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Anatomy:TSPINE Myelography:Yes ct cspine tspine myelography (28 chars) ct, myelography, spine, cervical-thoracic 4002621 RPID1363
7538-7375 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Angio:Angiography ct cspine angiography (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable angiography procedure focused on the cervical spine RPID446
2653-1806 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:W ct cspine limited w iv (22 chars) spine cervical ct limited w contrast iv 36099-0
9170-0035 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO ct cspine limited wo iv (23 chars) spine cervical ct limited wo contrast 36109-7
4043-5545 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance IVContrast:WO ct cspine guidance wo iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1891
5376-1896 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Biopsy ct cspine biopsy (16 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of spine cervical 35904-2
0804-8898 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Inject:Epidural ct cspine inject epidural (25 chars) ct guided cervical epidural injection 430444009 CECERJ
1275-5827 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Kyphoplasty ct cspine kyphoplasty (21 chars) ct kyphoplasty cervical CKVTCP
5329-9904 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Kyphoplasty Reason:Fracture ct cspine kyphoplasty fracture (30 chars) ct guided kyphoplasty of fracture of cervical spine 431668004
4502-6611 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Localize:Needle ct cspine localize needle (25 chars) ct guidance for needle localization of spine cervical 42021-6
4303-2138 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Stereotactic ct cspine stereotactic (22 chars) spine cervical ct stereotactic 70929-5
4386-3208 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Guidance:Vertebroplasty ct cspine vertebroplasty (24 chars) ct guided vertebroplasty of cervical spine 432637001 CVVTCP
7017-8088 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE IThecalContrast:W ct cspine w ithecal (19 chars) spine cervical ct w contrast it 24934-2 RPID1901
2508-3928 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE IThecalContrast:W Myelography:Yes ct cspine w ithecal myelography (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable myelography procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast RPID399
5629-6836 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct cspine highosmolar iv (24 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cervical spine using high osmolar contrast BR200ZZ
1487-7186 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct cspine lowosmolar iv (23 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of cervical spine using low osmolar contrast BR201ZZ
8241-2932 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W ct cspine w iv (14 chars) computerized axial tomography of cervical spine with contrast 762008 CCSPNC 4002738 100272 24933-4 BR20YZZ RPID20 72126
8239-0843 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Myelography:Yes ct cspine w iv myelography (26 chars) Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:W Modality:CT Myelography:Yes RPID399
3898-9535 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO ct cspine wo iv (15 chars) ct, spine, cervical, wo iv contrast 4002520 30592-0 RPID21 72125
9810-4962 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE IVContrast:WO+W ct cspine wo+w iv (17 chars) ct, spine, cervical, wo/w iv contrast 4002772 36401-8 RPID19 72127
4584-5377 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W ct cspine 3d w iv (17 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1420
2948-0902 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct cspine 3d wo iv (18 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1421
5502-2754 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct cspine 3d postprocessing w iv (32 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast RPID1420
9913-3543 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct cspine 3d postprocessing wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1421
5982-1812 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO ct cspine lowdose wo iv (23 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast RPID1270
7143-1230 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective Context:Neuro IVContrast:W ct cspine reconstruction retrospective neuro w iv (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine with iv contrast RPID138
2352-6860 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective Context:Neuro IVContrast:WO ct cspine reconstruction retrospective neuro wo iv (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable reconstruction procedure focused on the cervical spine without iv contrast RPID139
0385-4600 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct cspine reconstruction retrospective w iv (43 chars) ct cervical spine by reconstruction w contrast iv 79078-2 RPID138
8796-2786 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO ct cspine reconstruction retrospective wo iv (44 chars) ct cervical spine by reconstruction wo contrast 79079-0 RPID139
3572-6724 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Myelography:Yes ct cspine myelography (21 chars) computed tomography myelogram of cervical region 241590005 CCSPNT 4002503 104133 RPID296
7212-1158 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Object:IntervertebralDisc Guidance:Inject IDiscContrast:W ct cspine intervertebraldisc inject w idisc (43 chars) ct guidance for injection of cervical spine intervertebral disc 37493-4
5831-7861 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Object:IntervertebralDisc IDiscContrast:W ct cspine intervertebraldisc w idisc (36 chars) ct discogram of cervical region 241594001 CCSPDC RPID272 69000003510000000000010000000000
2868-0285 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Object:Nerve Guidance:Anesthetize ct cspine nerve anesthetize (27 chars) ct guidance for nerve block of spine cervical 70921-2
5327-7517 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Object:Nerve Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional ct cspine nerve anesthetize additional levels (45 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block RPID287
0604-0493 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Object:Nerve Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 ct cspine nerve anesthetize spinal 1 levels (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block RPID283
8542-2731 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Object:Nerve Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore ct cspine nerve anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the cervical spine for the purpose of nerve block RPID285
4723-4361 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Object:NerveRoot Guidance:Inject ct cspine nerveroot inject (26 chars) ct guided injection of cervical spinal nerve root 430445005 CCNRTJ
1673-6974 Modality:CT Anatomy:CSPINE Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct cspine planning radiotherapy (31 chars) ct of cervical spine for radiotherapy planning 715689004
3527-2979 Modality:CT Anatomy:CUBITALFOSSA Anatomy:UPPERARM Angio:Angiography ct cubital fossa upper arm angiography (38 chars) ct angio upper arm and cubital fossa Musculoskeletal_9_9
9232-8273 Modality:CT Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate ct cyst aspirate (16 chars) Anatomy:CYST Guidance:Aspirate Modality:CT RPID212
9026-7793 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR ct ear (6 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of ear B920ZZZ
2599-0444 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W ct ear head w iv (16 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head with iv contrast RPID154
3954-2711 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct ear head wo iv (17 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head without iv contrast RPID155
8385-7068 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W ct ear head wo+w iv (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the ear in the head without then with iv contrast RPID153
6285-8494 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR Anatomy:MOUTH Anatomy:NOSE Anatomy:THROAT ct ear mouth nose throat (24 chars) imaging, ear, nose, mouth and throat, computerized tomography (ct scan) B92
6892-7918 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct ear highosmolar iv (21 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of ear using high osmolar contrast B9200ZZ
5093-6742 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct ear lowosmolar iv (20 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of ear using low osmolar contrast B9201ZZ
5142-5996 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR IVContrast:W ct ear w iv (11 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of ear using other contrast B920YZZ
4327-5834 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct ear wo+highosmolar iv (24 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of ear using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B92000Z
3472-2011 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct ear wo+lowosmolar iv (23 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of ear using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B92010Z
0923-0800 Modality:CT Anatomy:EAR IVContrast:WO+W ct ear wo+w iv (14 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of ear using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B920Y0Z
4454-8435 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW ct elbow (8 chars) computed tomography of elbow 241566009
100314 35962-0 Musculoskeletal_8_4
3737-9121 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ct elbow upper extremity (24 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, unspec iv contrast 4002863 RPID1526
1685-1453 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct elbow upper extremity pediatric wo iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric imaging procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast RPID1320
5429-7706 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct elbow upper extremity arthrography w iarticular (50 chars) ct, arthrography, upper extremity, elbow 4002539 RPID1460
9042-9481 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct elbow upper extremity w iv (29 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, w iv contrast 4002778 RPID923
0058-3045 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct elbow upper extremity wo iv (30 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, wo iv contrast 4002525 RPID885
1106-6467 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W ct elbow upper extremity wo+w iv (32 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, wo/w iv contrast 4002524 RPID1110
3280-4932 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W Sites:2OrMore ct elbow upper extremity 3d w iv 2 or more sites (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast RPID4952
9655-5487 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct elbow upper extremity 3d wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast RPID1458
5486-3709 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct elbow upper extremity 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast RPID4951
2345-5656 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W Sites:2OrMore ct elbow upper extremity 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (63 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity with iv contrast RPID4952
7920-5733 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct elbow upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv (48 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast RPID1458
0485-3158 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct elbow upper extremity 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (64 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the elbow in the upper extremity without iv contrast RPID4951
5451-0813 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct elbow arthrography w iarticular (34 chars) ct arthrography of elbow with contrast 241584006
8761-4000 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW Guidance:Inject ct elbow inject (15 chars) ct guided injection of elbow joint 429922008
1775-7390 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW IVContrast:W ct elbow w iv (13 chars) computed tomography of elbow with contrast 4231000087108
103208 36157-6
4080-4264 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW IVContrast:WO ct elbow wo iv (14 chars) elbow ct wo contrast 36443-0
1095-4301 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW IVContrast:WO+W ct elbow wo+w iv (16 chars) elbow ct w and wo contrast iv 36285-5
5546-4124 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both ct elbow both (13 chars) computed tomography of bilateral elbows 4221000087106 CELBB 100305 35965-3
7159-6828 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both ct elbow both upper extremity both (34 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, bilateral, unspec iv contrast 4001870
4231-4129 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct elbow both upper extremity both arthrography w iarticular (60 chars) ct, arthrography, upper extremity, elbow, bilateral 4001581
9109-0592 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W ct elbow both upper extremity both w iv (39 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, bilateral, w iv contrast 4001797
1683-9989 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO ct elbow both upper extremity both wo iv (40 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, bilateral, wo iv contrast 4001563
6397-2502 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct elbow both upper extremity both wo+w iv (42 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, bilateral, wo/w iv contrast 4001558
3374-1617 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct elbow both arthrography w iarticular (39 chars) ct arthrogram elbow both CJELB
8751-6579 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both Guidance:Inject ct elbow both inject (20 chars) ct guided injection elbow both CELBBJ
5975-7975 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both IVContrast:W ct elbow both w iv (18 chars) computed tomography of bilateral elbows with contrast 4821000087105 100304
9820-9549 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Both IVContrast:WO ct elbow both wo iv (19 chars) elbow - bilateral ct wo contrast 36444-8
9659-6905 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left ct elbow left (13 chars) computerized axial tomography of elbow, left 413901008 CELBL 100308 35966-1 BP2HZZZ
3295-5816 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left ct elbow left upper extremity left (34 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, left, unspec iv contrast 4001871
2637-6220 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct elbow left upper extremity left arthrography w iarticular (60 chars) ct, arthrography, upper extremity, elbow, left 4001580 RPID391
4170-1276 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W ct elbow left upper extremity left w iv (39 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, left, w iv contrast 4001796
4870-9218 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO ct elbow left upper extremity left wo iv (40 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, left, wo iv contrast 4001562
5284-4897 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct elbow left upper extremity left wo+w iv (42 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, left, wo/w iv contrast 4001559
6999-6346 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct elbow left arthrography w iarticular (39 chars) ct arthrogram elbow lt CJELL 69103-0
5465-6299 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Guidance:Inject ct elbow left inject (20 chars) ct guided injection elbow left CELBLJ
8567-1570 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct elbow left highosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left elbow using high osmolar contrast BP2H0ZZ
7566-0499 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct elbow left lowosmolar iv (27 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left elbow using low osmolar contrast BP2H1ZZ
7776-7525 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left IVContrast:W ct elbow left w iv (18 chars) computed tomography of left elbow with contrast 4831000087107 100307 36159-2 BP2HYZZ
8833-0384 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left IVContrast:WO ct elbow left wo iv (19 chars) elbow - left ct wo contrast 36445-5
3994-5844 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct elbow left wo+w iv (21 chars) elbow - left ct w and wo contrast iv 36286-3
6856-1211 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Left Position:Supine ct elbow left supine (20 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation left-elbow joint supine position 6000000386L200000000010000000000
4911-5290 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right ct elbow right (14 chars) computerized axial tomography of elbow, right 413902001 CELBR 100311 35968-7 BP2GZZZ
7405-8222 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right ct elbow right upper extremity right (36 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, right, unspec iv contrast 4001872
0711-5834 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct elbow right upper extremity right arthrography w iarticular (62 chars) ct, arthrography, upper extremity, elbow, right 4001579 RPID392
1330-6942 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W ct elbow right upper extremity right w iv (41 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, right, w iv contrast 4001795
7853-6908 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO ct elbow right upper extremity right wo iv (42 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, right, wo iv contrast 4001561
5938-4117 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Anatomy:UPPEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct elbow right upper extremity right wo+w iv (44 chars) ct, upper extremity, elbow, right, wo/w iv contrast 4001560
6126-9522 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct elbow right arthrography w iarticular (40 chars) ct arthrogram elbow rt CJELR 69110-5
6084-3345 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Guidance:Inject ct elbow right inject (21 chars) ct guided injection elbow right CELBRJ
5321-8867 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct elbow right highosmolar iv (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right elbow using high osmolar contrast BP2G0ZZ
1079-6730 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct elbow right lowosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right elbow using low osmolar contrast BP2G1ZZ
6642-0960 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right IVContrast:W ct elbow right w iv (19 chars) computed tomography of right elbow with contrast 4841000087101 100310 36161-8 BP2GYZZ
9313-8952 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right IVContrast:WO ct elbow right wo iv (20 chars) elbow - right ct wo contrast 36447-1
6961-5503 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct elbow right wo+w iv (22 chars) elbow - right ct w and wo contrast iv 36287-1
6304-3299 Modality:CT Anatomy:ELBOW:Right Position:Supine ct elbow right supine (21 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation right-elbow joint supine position 6000000386R200000000010000000000
3136-2294 Modality:CT Anatomy:ENDOCRINE ct endocrine (12 chars) imaging, endocrine system, computerized tomography (ct scan) BG2
1081-2153 Modality:CT Anatomy:EPIDIDYMIS Guidance:Biopsy ct epididymis biopsy (20 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of epididymis 37212-8
2696-4255 Modality:CT Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS ct esophagus (12 chars) computed tomography of esophagus 16421000087101
103645 35969-5
1618-8699 Modality:CT Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVContrast:W ct esophagus w iv (17 chars) ct of esophagus with contrast 440330000 COESOC
7436-7886 Modality:CT Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS IVContrast:W Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct esophagus w iv planning radiotherapy (39 chars) ct of esophagus with contrast for radiotherapy planning 715691007
7556-6095 Modality:CT Anatomy:ESOPHAGUS Reason:Planning:Radiotherapy ct esophagus planning radiotherapy (34 chars) ct radiotherapy planning scan oesophagus CRTOER
7639-2240 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY ct extremity (12 chars) computed tomography of limb regions 303681001 103287 24690-0
4949-7964 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS ct extremity pelvis (19 chars) computed tomography of pelvis and limb 16491000087103 103685
3388-6623 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS Angio:Angiography ct extremity pelvis angiography (31 chars) computed tomography angiography of pelvis and limb 16071000087108 103686
4351-5582 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:W ct extremity pelvis w iv (24 chars) computed tomography of pelvis and limb with contrast 17351000087101 103687
2863-8609 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography ct extremity angiography (24 chars) ct extremity angiography 103302
9792-5901 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY Angio:Angiography IVContrast:W ct extremity angiography w iv (29 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation cta (? angiography) imaging limbs 64B01003700000000000010000000000
2635-9461 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY Extent:Limited ct extremity limited (20 chars) extremity ct limited 36090-9
9154-3169 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY Guidance:Biopsy ct extremity biopsy (19 chars) biopsy of limb using computed tomography guidance 12841000087106
103646 RPID4923
4711-9744 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct extremity w iv (17 chars) computed tomography of limbs with contrast 12541000087108
103305 24691-8 RPID4925
9258-4385 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct extremity wo iv (18 chars) extremity ct wo contrast 42278-2 RPID4924
1739-6350 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W ct extremity wo+w iv (20 chars) extremity ct w and wo contrast iv 42268-3 RPID4926
3050-8415 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both ct extremity both (17 chars) extremity - bilateral ct 26224-6
8533-3979 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W ct extremity both w iv (22 chars) extremity - bilateral ct w contrast iv 26184-2
4013-5642 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Left ct extremity left (17 chars) extremity - left ct 26226-1
7640-6461 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W ct extremity left w iv (22 chars) extremity - left ct w contrast iv 26185-9
5804-4633 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO ct extremity left wo iv (23 chars) extremity - left ct wo contrast 69104-8
1897-7360 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Left Position:Supine ct extremity left supine (24 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation left limbs supine position 6000000370L200000000010000000000
2418-3321 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Right ct extremity right (18 chars) extremity - right ct 26231-1
8908-8164 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W ct extremity right w iv (23 chars) extremity - right ct w contrast iv 26186-7
2959-0040 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO ct extremity right wo iv (24 chars) extremity - right ct wo contrast 69111-3
4854-5605 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITY:Right Position:Supine ct extremity right supine (25 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation right limbs supine position 6000000370R200000000010000000000
2837-1525 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITYARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct extremity artery arteriography (33 chars) computed tomography angiography of limbs artery 11481000087108
5307-0319 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITYJOINT Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct extremity joint arthrography w iarticular (44 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable arthrography procedure focused on the joint in the lower extremity and upper extremity RPID4942
1138-4094 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITYVESSEL ct extremity vessel (19 chars) ct of peripheral vessels 419077001
1974-3564 Modality:CT Anatomy:EXTREMITYVESSEL Angio:Angiography ct extremity vessel angiography (31 chars) ct angiography of vascular structure of limb 713015001
7925-2645 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE ct eye (6 chars) imaging, eye, computerized tomography (ct scan) B82
9858-6882 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Both ct eye both (11 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral eyes B827ZZZ
4792-6743 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Both IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct eye both highosmolar iv (26 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral eyes using high osmolar contrast B8270ZZ
6900-0004 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Both IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct eye both lowosmolar iv (25 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral eyes using low osmolar contrast B8271ZZ
7099-4726 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Both IVContrast:W ct eye both w iv (16 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral eyes using other contrast B827YZZ
8908-5064 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Both IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct eye both wo+highosmolar iv (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral eyes using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B82700Z
1180-6113 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Both IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct eye both wo+lowosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral eyes using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B82710Z
2668-0783 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct eye both wo+w iv (19 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of bilateral eyes using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B827Y0Z
3958-7224 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Left ct eye left (11 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left eye B826ZZZ
1738-9778 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Left IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct eye left highosmolar iv (26 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left eye using high osmolar contrast B8260ZZ
3470-0435 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Left IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct eye left lowosmolar iv (25 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left eye using low osmolar contrast B8261ZZ
8596-6374 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Left IVContrast:W ct eye left w iv (16 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left eye using other contrast B826YZZ
5687-7277 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Left IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct eye left wo+highosmolar iv (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left eye using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B82600Z
7585-4974 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Left IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct eye left wo+lowosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left eye using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B82610Z
8467-1195 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct eye left wo+w iv (19 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left eye using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B826Y0Z
9155-1840 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Right ct eye right (12 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right eye B825ZZZ
2547-1135 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Right IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct eye right highosmolar iv (27 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right eye using high osmolar contrast B8250ZZ
0769-0216 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Right IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct eye right lowosmolar iv (26 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right eye using low osmolar contrast B8251ZZ
4769-7413 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Right IVContrast:W ct eye right w iv (17 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right eye using other contrast B825YZZ
4023-2668 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Right IVContrast:WO+HighOsmolar ct eye right wo+highosmolar iv (30 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right eye using high osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B82500Z
2580-4397 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Right IVContrast:WO+LowOsmolar ct eye right wo+lowosmolar iv (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right eye using low osmolar contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B82510Z
5044-6037 Modality:CT Anatomy:EYE:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct eye right wo+w iv (20 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right eye using other contrast, unenhanced and enhanced B825Y0Z
1668-1810 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE ct face (7 chars) ct of face 169067003 CFACI 24696-7 RPID363 CNSandVisceralHeadandNeck_19_4
2272-3828 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE ct face facial bone (19 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face RPID367
3427-6611 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:W ct face facial bone w iv (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face with iv contrast RPID1869
8786-1541 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO ct face facial bone wo iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face without iv contrast RPID1816
6702-1081 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO+W ct face facial bone wo+w iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the face without then with iv contrast RPID2025
8188-4931 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL ct face maxillofacial (21 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face RPID368
7554-3624 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:W ct face maxillofacial w iv (26 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face with iv contrast RPID369
8757-7703 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO ct face maxillofacial wo iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face without iv contrast RPID365
5935-0589 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:MAXILLOFACIAL IVContrast:WO+W ct face maxillofacial wo+w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the maxillofacial in the face without then with iv contrast RPID366
7966-8315 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO ct face neck wo iv (18 chars) ct face and neck wo contrast 82133-0
1505-8106 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:WO+W ct face neck wo+w iv (20 chars) ct face and neck wo and w contrast iv 82132-2
2142-3201 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W ct face orbit w iv (18 chars) orbit and face ct w contrast iv 46320-8
3523-2929 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO ct face orbit wo iv (19 chars) ct orbit and face wo contrast 86988-3 RPID370
7066-4948 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO ct face paranasal sinus wo iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the paranasal sinuses in the face without iv contrast RPID371
3700-4859 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Angio:Angiography ct face angiography (19 chars) ct angio face CNSandVisceralHeadandNeck_19_9
5445-0191 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:W ct face w iv (12 chars) computed tomography of face with contrast 431714002 CFACIC 24697-5 RPID364
0072-0771 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE IVContrast:WO ct face wo iv (13 chars) ct facial bones wo contrast 72249-6 RPID1874
9249-2690 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACE Position:Supine ct face supine (14 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation face supine position 60000006160200000000010000000000
7125-1948 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:LSPINE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct facet joint lspine arthrography w iarticular (47 chars) ct arthrography of lumbar facet joint with contrast 839801000000109 CJLFAC
3943-0654 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize ct facet joint lspine anesthetize (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance procedure focused on the lumbar spine for the purpose of facet block RPID306
7064-1945 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:LSPINE Guidance:Inject ct facet joint lspine inject (28 chars) ct guided injection of lumbar zygapophyseal joint 429860003 CLSFJJ
1645-4448 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:SPINE Guidance:Inject ct facet joint spine inject (27 chars) ct guidance for injection of spine facet joint 30579-7
1160-1164 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Arthrography:Yes IArticularContrast:W ct facet joint tspine arthrography w iarticular (47 chars) ct arthrography of thoracic facet joint with contrast 839821000000100 CJTFAC
5699-2869 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Additional ct facet joint tspine anesthetize additional levels (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance additional spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block RPID278
3974-7510 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:1 ct facet joint tspine anesthetize spinal 1 levels (49 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance single spinal level procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block RPID274
6796-0941 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Anesthetize Levels:Spinal:2OrMore ct facet joint tspine anesthetize spinal 2 or more levels (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable guidance multiple spinal levels procedure focused on the thoracic spine for the purpose of facet block RPID276
7043-8248 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Anatomy:TSPINE Guidance:Inject ct facet joint tspine inject (28 chars) ct guided injection of thoracic zygapophyseal joint 430454008 CTSFJJ
9139-9630 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACETJOINT Guidance:Inject ct facet joint inject (21 chars) injection of facet joint using computed tomography guidance 12321000087105
7709-9692 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE ct facial bone (14 chars) computed tomography of facial bones 419673001 CFACE 100323 24696-7 BN25ZZZ CNSandVisceralHeadandNeck_44_4
6403-9703 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ct facial bone head (19 chars) computed tomography of head and facial bones 3261000087104
100375 RPID205
5261-4707 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK Anatomy:SPINE ct facial bone head neck spine (30 chars) computed tomography of head, facial bones, neck and spine 14981000087100 103659
5851-0957 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct facial bone head neck w iv (29 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head and neck with iv contrast RPID1113
2633-1161 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD Anatomy:SPINE ct facial bone head spine (25 chars) computed tomography of head, facial bones and spine 12391000087108 103660
9403-9528 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:W ct facial bone head w iv (24 chars) computed tomography of head and facial bones with contrast 3881000087109
100374 RPID207
4396-5888 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO ct facial bone head wo iv (25 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast RPID1156
5316-7757 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD IVContrast:WO+W ct facial bone head wo+w iv (27 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1114
0370-1445 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct facial bone head 3d wo iv (28 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast RPID1163
0148-9619 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO Reason:Trauma ct facial bone head 3d wo iv trauma (35 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma RPID1464
2710-1023 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing w iv (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast RPID1452
0133-1301 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing wo iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast RPID1163
4945-8278 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO Reason:Trauma ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing wo iv trauma (50 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast for the purpose of trauma RPID1464
4125-7856 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective w iv (71 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast RPID1452
6502-1917 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO ct facial bone head 3d postprocessing reconstruction retrospective wo iv (72 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast RPID1453
6733-8656 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:W ct facial bone head 3d reconstruction retrospective w iv (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head with iv contrast RPID1452
7072-3380 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:3D ModalityType:Reconstruction:Retrospective IVContrast:WO ct facial bone head 3d reconstruction retrospective wo iv (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing and reconstruction procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast RPID1453
2550-4495 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:LowDose AgeGroup:Pediatric IVContrast:WO ct facial bone head lowdose pediatric wo iv (43 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable pediatric low dose procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast RPID1160
8518-4695 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:LowDose IVContrast:WO ct facial bone head lowdose wo iv (33 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable low dose procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without iv contrast RPID1155
9676-2986 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:HEAD ModalityType:Reconstruction:Multiplanar IVContrast:WO+W ct facial bone head reconstruction multiplanar wo+w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable multi-planar reformation imaging procedure focused on the facial bones in the head without then with iv contrast RPID1170
9509-1937 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA ct facial bone maxilla (22 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct 41808-7
1582-3929 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA Extent:Limited ct facial bone maxilla limited (30 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct limited 36937-1
6045-1667 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA Extent:Limited IVContrast:WO ct facial bone maxilla limited wo iv (36 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct limited wo contrast 36938-9
6564-1190 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA Guidance:Biopsy ct facial bone maxilla biopsy (29 chars) ct guidance for biopsy of facial bones and maxilla 36927-2
9564-2416 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA IVContrast:ReducedVolume ct facial bone maxilla reducedvolume iv (39 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct w reduced contrast volume iv 46326-5
9112-7328 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA IVContrast:W ct facial bone maxilla w iv (27 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct w contrast iv 30801-5
7313-3966 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA IVContrast:WO ct facial bone maxilla wo iv (28 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct wo contrast 30802-3
9580-9932 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA IVContrast:WO+ReducedVolume ct facial bone maxilla wo+reducedvolume iv (42 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct w and wo reduced contrast volume iv 46315-8
9380-1501 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA IVContrast:WO+W ct facial bone maxilla wo+w iv (30 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct w and wo contrast iv 30803-1
0268-0108 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:MAXILLA ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing ct facial bone maxilla 3d postprocessing (40 chars) facial bones and maxilla ct and 3d reconstruction 36957-9
3627-5789 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:NECK ct facial bone neck (19 chars) computed tomography of facial bones and neck 3241000087100
4042-6100 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:NECK IVContrast:W ct facial bone neck w iv (24 chars) computed tomography of facial bones and neck with contrast 3251000087102
9621-6190 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:W ct facial bone orbit w iv (25 chars) orbit and face ct w contrast iv 46320-8
7907-3036 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:ORBIT IVContrast:WO ct facial bone orbit wo iv (26 chars) ct orbit and face wo contrast 86988-3
5957-5602 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS ct facial bone paranasal sinus (30 chars) facial bones and sinuses ct 24696-7
3466-8535 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:W ct facial bone paranasal sinus w iv (35 chars) facial bones and sinuses ct w contrast iv 24697-5
8680-3201 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:PARANASALSINUS IVContrast:WO ct facial bone paranasal sinus wo iv (36 chars) facial bones and sinuses ct wo contrast 72249-6
8356-8440 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Anatomy:SKULL ct facial bone skull (20 chars) imaging, skull and facial bones, computerized tomography (ct scan) BN2
7785-6424 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct facial bone highosmolar iv (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of facial bones using high osmolar contrast BN250ZZ
1517-9424 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct facial bone lowosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of facial bones using low osmolar contrast BN251ZZ
8441-1904 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:W ct facial bone w iv (19 chars) ct of facial bones with contrast 3861000087103
CFABOC 100322 24697-5 BN25YZZ
9556-6954 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE IVContrast:WO ct facial bone wo iv (20 chars) ct facial bones wo contrast 72249-6
4465-7125 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE ModalityType:ConeBeam ct facial bone conebeam (23 chars) cone beam ct of facial bone 718286004 KCBFA
0547-7505 Modality:CT Anatomy:FACIALBONE Position:Supine ct facial bone supine (21 chars) x-ray computed tomography observation facial-bone supine position 60000001500200000000010000000000
0192-9697 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMORALARTERY Angio:Arteriography ct femoral artery arteriography (31 chars) computed tomography angiography of femoral artery 15001000087107
8909-0897 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR ct femur (8 chars) computed tomography of femur 4241000087102
100335 35984-4
4779-4261 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY ct femur lower extremity (24 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity RPID1528
6206-1831 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:LSPINE IVContrast:WO ct femur lower extremity lspine wo iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity and lumbar spine without iv contrast RPID1483
6871-1735 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:PELVIS IVContrast:WO ct femur lower extremity pelvis wo iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the femur in the pelvis and lower extremity without iv contrast RPID1517
7215-7620 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Context:Research IVContrast:W ct femur lower extremity research w iv (38 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable research imaging procedure focused on the femur in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID903
1565-2702 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:W ct femur lower extremity w iv (29 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, w iv contrast 4002779 RPID902
0480-6636 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO ct femur lower extremity wo iv (30 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, wo iv contrast 4002566 RPID873
2471-6050 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY IVContrast:WO+W ct femur lower extremity wo+w iv (32 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, wo/w iv contrast 4002780 RPID904
6517-9523 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR IVContrast:W ct femur w iv (13 chars) computed tomography of femur with contrast 4251000087104
103112 36172-5
1353-7576 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR IVContrast:WO ct femur wo iv (14 chars) femur ct wo contrast 36460-4
9165-0026 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR IVContrast:WO+W ct femur wo+w iv (16 chars) femur ct w and wo contrast iv 36338-2
4059-5624 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Both ct femur both (13 chars) computed tomography of bilateral femurs 4851000087103 100326
6651-0879 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:W ct femur both lower extremity both w iv (39 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, bilateral, w iv contrast 4001798
8577-6489 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO ct femur both lower extremity both wo iv (40 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, bilateral, wo iv contrast 4001636
9595-4379 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct femur both lower extremity both wo+w iv (42 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, bilateral, wo/w iv contrast 4001803
5550-9821 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Both IVContrast:W ct femur both w iv (18 chars) computed tomography of bilateral femurs with contrast 4861000087100 100325
3707-9952 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left ct femur left (13 chars) computed tomography of left femur 4871000087109 100329 35987-7 BQ24ZZZ
2273-4097 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:W ct femur left lower extremity left w iv (39 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, left, w iv contrast 4001799
3810-2108 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO ct femur left lower extremity left wo iv (40 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, left, wo iv contrast 4001637
3867-8788 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct femur left lower extremity left wo+w iv (42 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, left, wo/w iv contrast 4001802
7814-9615 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct femur left highosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left femur using high osmolar contrast BQ240ZZ
7804-0460 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct femur left lowosmolar iv (27 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of left femur using low osmolar contrast BQ241ZZ
5981-9356 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left IVContrast:W ct femur left w iv (18 chars) computed tomography of left femur with contrast 4881000087106 100328 36174-1 BQ24YZZ
9524-0732 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left IVContrast:WO ct femur left wo iv (19 chars) femur - left ct wo contrast 36462-0
7916-9230 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Left IVContrast:WO+W ct femur left wo+w iv (21 chars) femur - left ct w and wo contrast iv 36339-0
3999-6737 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right ct femur right (14 chars) computed tomography of right femur 4891000087108 100332 35989-3 BQ23ZZZ
7598-6721 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:W ct femur right lower extremity right w iv (41 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, right, w iv contrast 4001800
0227-8082 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO ct femur right lower extremity right wo iv (42 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, right, wo iv contrast 4001638
5368-7790 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct femur right lower extremity right wo+w iv (44 chars) ct, lower extremity, femur, right, wo/w iv contrast 4001801
8146-4357 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right IVContrast:HighOsmolar ct femur right highosmolar iv (29 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right femur using high osmolar contrast BQ230ZZ
7764-9659 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right IVContrast:LowOsmolar ct femur right lowosmolar iv (28 chars) computerized tomography (ct scan) of right femur using low osmolar contrast BQ231ZZ
7060-8536 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right IVContrast:W ct femur right w iv (19 chars) computed tomography of right femur with contrast 4901000087109 100331 36176-6 BQ23YZZ
9915-9950 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right IVContrast:WO ct femur right wo iv (20 chars) femur - right ct wo contrast 36464-6
2220-6137 Modality:CT Anatomy:FEMUR:Right IVContrast:WO+W ct femur right wo+w iv (22 chars) femur - right ct w and wo contrast iv 36340-8
0692-9717 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LEG Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ct fibula leg lower extremity tibia (35 chars) ct, lower extremity, leg tib/fib, unspec iv contrast 4002192
1316-1065 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ct fibula lower extremity tibia (31 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity RPID1563
6231-5569 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W ct fibula lower extremity tibia w iv (36 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID3470
6881-0563 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO ct fibula lower extremity tibia wo iv (37 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID3468
4621-9971 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:WO+W ct fibula lower extremity tibia wo+w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID3469
6973-9778 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d w iv (39 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4979
3804-4381 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D IVContrast:W Sites:2OrMore ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d w iv 2 or more sites (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4981
8248-3460 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d wo iv (40 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID4977
8527-2333 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d wo iv 2 or more sites (56 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID4980
6157-1432 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D IVContrast:WO+W ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d wo+w iv (42 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID4978
7619-5206 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4979
2505-6152 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:W Sites:2OrMore ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing w iv 2 or more sites (70 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID4981
9229-6313 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing wo iv (55 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID4977
7931-4336 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO Sites:2OrMore ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing wo iv 2 or more sites (71 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing multiple areas same body region procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID4980
8852-6750 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY Anatomy:TIBIA ModalityType:3D ModalityType:PostProcessing IVContrast:WO+W ct fibula lower extremity tibia 3d postprocessing wo+w iv (57 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable 3d imaging processing procedure focused on the tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID4978
5258-4746 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:TIBIA ct fibula tibia (15 chars) computed tomography of tibia and fibula 5961000087107
6345-3925 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA Anatomy:TIBIA IVContrast:W ct fibula tibia w iv (20 chars) computed tomography of tibia and fibula with contrast 5951000087109
6658-3020 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LEG:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both ct fibula both leg both lower extremity both tibia both (55 chars) ct, lower extremity, leg tib/fib, bilateral, unspec iv contrast 4001365
5057-9590 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:W ct fibula both lower extremity both tibia both w iv (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID2050
4790-9126 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO ct fibula both lower extremity both tibia both wo iv (52 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast RPID2048
3484-3073 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:WO+W ct fibula both lower extremity both tibia both wo+w iv (54 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the bilateral tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without then with iv contrast RPID2049
0870-1940 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both ct fibula both tibia both (25 chars) computed tomography of bilateral tibia and bilateral fibula 6611000087109 100548
2301-5271 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Both Anatomy:TIBIA:Both IVContrast:W ct fibula both tibia both w iv (30 chars) computed tomography of bilateral tibia and bilateral fibula with contrast 6601000087107 100547
0569-5809 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LEG:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left ct fibula left leg left lower extremity left tibia left (55 chars) ct, lower extremity, leg tib/fib, left, unspec iv contrast 4001364
7015-3213 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:W ct fibula left lower extremity left tibia left w iv (51 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity with iv contrast RPID2044
7287-4411 Modality:CT Anatomy:FIBULA:Left Anatomy:LOWEREXTREMITY:Left Anatomy:TIBIA:Left IVContrast:WO ct fibula left lower extremity left tibia left wo iv (52 chars) a computed tomography radiology orderable imaging procedure focused on the left tibia and fibula in the lower extremity without iv contrast